holland heights ch urch

for He is our strength;
He makes our feet like the feet of the deer
and He makes us reach the Heights.
Hab. 3:19, Jer. 31:12
Join us January 14th as Heights Nights resumes!
We are having pulled pork sandwiches by
Nancy De Weerdt and the Golden Heighters.
The programs for kids begin at 6:45
with the adult programs beginning at 7:00
Adult Classes offered:
-Women in the Word
-Book Club
-Tim Keller’s “The Reason for God”
video series in the Worship Center
-Prayer Group
-Men’s Life (beginning January 28th)
Holland Heights Church
836 E 8th Street Holland, MI 49423
616-396-5988, office@hhcrc.org
Pine Rest Church Assistance-1-800-442-0809
Like Holland Heights Church on Facebook!
holland heights church
Gwen Sneller, Evie VanderMeer
Coffee Servers:
Paul & Linda Kalkman, Dean & Norine Kasten
Tech Crew:
Erik Salisbury, Keith Mulder, Dave Poll, Brent Wabeke
Roving Greeters:
Scott & Linda Brouwer
Children’s Worship:
Tom Dykhuis, Andee Grabinski, Jolyn Timmer, Fredricks, Jessica
Timmer, Mary Freriks (Ady’s helper)
Nursery Registration and Coordinator:
Kim Mulder, Sarah Timmer
Sleepers & Creepers:
Tammy Doornbos, Jenna Timmer, Sheldon Brouwer
Walkers & Talkers:
Erin Terpstra, Nancy Steenwyk, Grace Boss, Julius Dykhuis
Prayer Servants:
Ruth Haak, Ron Dykstra
Ushers/Hall Monitor:
Greg Fredricks, Bill Arent, Joel Schreuder, Mark Van Dyke/hall monitor
We will rejoice in the bounty of the LORD
heights helpers next week:
heights helpers today:
Dave & Laurie Sluiter
Coffee Servers:
Paul & Linda Kalkman, Jeff & Ellen Jacobs
Tech Crew:
Brian Grabinski, Dave Slater, Paul Van Lente, Brian Brinks
Roving Greeters:
Scott & Linda Brouwer
Children’s Worship:
Lauren Diepenhorst, Andee Grabinski, Jolyn Timmer, Westenbroek,
Lindsey Raak, Kathy Fylstra (Ady’s helper)
Nursery Registration and Coordinator:
Heather Little, Kim Anderson
Sleepers & Creepers:
Sharyl Mart, Jolyn Timmer
Walkers & Talkers:
Randi Munguia, Wendie Freriks, Aurora Michelson, Hunter Freriks
Prayer Servants:
Kathy Roseberry, Scott Los
Ushers/Hall Monitor:
Greg Fredricks, Bill Arent, Joel Schreuder, Jim Hulst/hall monitor
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Please pray for Carolyn Raebel. She was in the hospital with chest
pains this past week. She is feeling better now and is back home. She
has an appointment with her doctor this week.
Pastor George is leading a trip in the Holy Lands. Please pray for
safety for him and the group.
Please continue to pray for Christina Canche. She is home again, but
still not feeling well. Pray that the doctor would be able to find some
answers and that her change in medications would help.
Please continue to pray for Colleen Dekker, Beth Timmer, Don
Steeby, Mike & Kaye Walburg, Dale Vander Wall, John Kortman
and Nydia McHugh as they are in various stages of recovery or
We want to wish a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to: Carla Brandsen-January 28.
(Be sure to get your birthday cards in the box 2 weeks before hand.)
Pray for those who are unable to worship with us. This week we
remember: Ray Browneye, Evelyn Timmer and Elaine Draisma.
Welcome to Worship this Sunday morning! Pastor Mark will be
leading us in the study of God’s Word. A trained Prayer Servant will be
honored to pray with you by the church organ after the service. Join us
tonight as Pastor Mark leads our evening teaching time at 5:30 p.m.
Bible Club has resumed! The kids come from school very
hungry! If you’d be willing to help make peanut butter and jelly
sandwiches and/or supply a snack for them, please sign up on the Kiosk.
Wednesday Night Heights Nights continues this week! Come at 6:15 p.m.
for pulled pork by Golden Heighters! The Children’s Programs start at 6:45
p.m. and the Adult Programs begin at 7:00 p.m. Men’s Life will resume on
January 28th.
Do you ever wonder how to respond to questions from co-workers,
neighbors, or friends that are not believers? Check out Tim Keller’s video
series on Wednesday nights called “The Reason for God”. Christians will be
challenged to wrestle with their friends and neighbors’ hardest questions,
and engage those questions in ways that spark an honest, enriching, and
humbling dialogue. Meet in the Worship Center on Wednesdays from 7-8
Attention Book Club Members: The next book we will be reading is,
“Celebration of Discipline” by Richard Foster. If anyone needs
assistance in getting a book please contact the church office or Beth De
Jong. New members are welcome!
Heights of Hope is still actively looking for mentors to meet weekly with
youth from our community! There is a training coming up on Tuesday,
January 13 and 20, please contact Becky or Laura at
heightsofhopementoring@gmail.com if you're interested or would like
more information.
Golden Heighters: We have Wednesday night dinner duties on
January 14th. Kindly sign up if you are willing to help.
Women in the Word begins again on January 13th! We will be
watching the next video and enjoying catching up with the other women
after the break...no homework necessary!
The Annual Chili Cookoff is coming! It will be Wednesday, January 21
from 6-8 p.m.! There is a sign up on the Kiosk if you want to enter a
pot of chili in the competition!
Holland Heights is once again offering the Life Line Screening on
February 19th. Please call 1-888-653-6441 or visit
www.lifelinescreening.com/community-partners to register for this event.
IF Conference for women: Mark you calendars for February 6-7.
Additional information is on the display at the Kiosk or check us out on
Facebook at IF: Holland Heights.
The EDGE is in need of meals again for their Sunday night meetings.
There is a sign up on the Kiosk with a list of dates that they are meeting.
Lost and Found: Please check the kitchen for any forgotten items that
you might have left from your Christmas parties at church!
Phone Directory Update:
Clyde & Jeanne Kinkema: kinkemacj@gmail.com
Jeanne: 616-928-5068
Clyde: 231-730-1535
Amy Talsma: 616-403-1884
Sunday, January 11
10:00 am: Sunday Celebration: Rev. Mark Kamper
11:15 am: Children & Youth Sunday School
5:30 pm: Evening Teaching Time: Rev. Mark Kamper
6:30 pm: EDGE meets (meal provided)
Tuesday, January 13
8:15 am: Women in the Word Leaders meet
9:30 am: Women in the Word
2:15 pm: Bible Club teachers meet
3:00 pm: Bible Club starts
7:00 pm: Council Meeting
Wednesday, January 14
7:30 am: Barnabas Prayer Group
6:15 pm: Heights Nights: Pulled Pork by Golden Heighters
8:15 pm: Rehearsal for Sunday Musicians
Sunday, January 18
10:00 am: Sunday Celebration: Rev. Mark Kamper
11:15 am: Children & Youth Sunday School
Life Groups: Times TBD
looking ahead:
Worship Committee: Tuesday, January 20, 7:00 p.m.
Chili Cookoff: Wednesday, January 21, 6-8 p.m.
IF Gathering: February 6-7
Offering Schedule:
January 11: Lakeshore Little People’s Place
January 18: General Fund