200 West Sproul Road Springfield, PA 19064 November 16, 2014 Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time Have you seen the “Red Link Chain” that is hanging in the Church vestibule? The St. Kevin Youth Group have recently collected intentions and are remembering them in their prayers. Call 610-544-4455 for more information to have your intention included. Rev. John C. Moloney, Pastor Mass Schedule Rev. John J. Bradley, Weekend Assistant Deacon Leonard Diana, Retired Deacon Sr. Margaret Richard, SSJ, Minister to the Sick Mr. Jeffrey P. Braconnier, Pastoral & Youth Minister Mrs. Helen Romano, Director of Religious Education Mr. Jerry Esterson, Business Manager Mrs. Joanna Patane Scholz, Music Director Monday-Saturday - 8:30am Saturday Vigil - 4pm & 5:30pm Sunday - 8am, 9:30am,11am & 5:30pm Parish Secretaries: Mrs. Judi Condino, Sister Margaret Richard , SSJ Ms. Judy Summers, Mrs. Elaine McCarthy Contact Information Main Number ........... 610-544-8777 Religious Education .. 610-246-5460 Youth Ministry ........ 610-544-4455 Convent .................... 610-544-4535 Parish Nurse ............. 610-544-8777 CCC .......................... 610-544-5217 Office Fax ................. 610-544-7832 Eucharistic Adoration: Tues. – Fri. 9am to 5pm Reconciliation: Saturdays 3 to 3:45pm Baptisms: Contact the couples listed in the bulletin Weddings: Contact parish six months in advanced New to the Parish? You can register in person or over the phone Monday-Thursday 9am to 3pm Youth Group: Meets Sundays 6:30 to 7:30pm Find everything you will need at anytime at www.stkevin.com FROM THE PASTOR Dear Friends of Saint Kevin, Anyone who has ever visited an old cemetery has seen how there was once great care taken in writing epitaphs, short little sayings, engraved on the headstone. These epitaphs often capture the essence of the deceased’s life. Some are pithy, amusing and even whimsical, others profound and full of praise. As we come to the end of this liturgical year, the Church moves us toward reflecting on the great questions of life and death. As we heard in today’s Gospel reading, the Holy Spirit may prod us to ponder what might be said about us, after we are gone. Given the opportunity, what would those we leave behind chisel in our headstone, what might we be remembered for? Our readings today offer some good ideas in terms of what we should want as our legacy. The first reading, from the Book of Proverbs, tells of the ideal woman, gifted not just with physical attributes, but with gifts of ingenuity, hard work, generosity and love of others. She is presented as a model of what is possible when someone uses their gifts and skills well. The point of the reading lies not in the fact she is gifted, but in what she chooses to do with those gifts and skills. The Gospel takes up this theme in the parable of the three servants entrusted with their master’s talents. In this case, a talent was a coin of value. To be entrusted with five, or two, or even one talent meant that you were entrusted with something of great value. As we heard the Gospel passage proclaimed, we might have been drawn to side with the one who simply buried the talent and presented it back to his master. After all, he did show some degree of prudence and care in dealing with another’s property. As we know from the current economic climate, the cautious, and even timid, approach can often be the better path. Yet, as with many of the parables of Jesus, he ultimately turns the story upside down. In the twist of events, the one who buried ends up losing everything, including what was entrusted to him. All is taken away and given to the others, for only those who take risks in faith can be given greater responsibilities and ultimately be invited to share the Master’s joy. So what is the moral of the parable for us? If we see this as an exhortation to work diligently and without fear for the return of Christ, then now is the time to use all that God has placed at our disposal to this end. Now is the time to use our gifts, talents, our sense of hope and our commitment to charity for the sake of the Gospel. This is the sacred task entrusted to each Christian by virtue of baptism, to invest ourselves totally in the work of the kingdom and to bring others to Christ. Today, as we are encouraged to reflect on our own inevitable death, we are to assess how well we are fulfilling this task. We are to live each day as if this were the day the Master is calling us to account. If today were that day, what would the epitaph say? Would it announce that we were a bold servant of God, using all we were given to build up his Kingdom on earth? If this is not what it would say, now is the time to make a change. Sincerely in Christ, Father John C. Moloney PLEASE REMEMBER THE CATHOLIC CHARITIES APPEAL FOR 2014. 066kevin – 111614 pg2 SAINT KEVIN HAPPENINGS 11/17 – 11/21/14 – Springfield Hospital Communion Distribution 9am 11/17/14 –Yoga Class 7pm first floor of the school bldg. 11/18/14 – Eucharistic Adoration 9am to 5pm Harlee Manor Communion Distribution 11/19/14 – Eucharistic Adoration 9am to 5pm Pioneers 1:30pm – PLC 11/20/14 – Eucharistic Adoration 9am to 5pm Crab Cake order pick-ups – PLC Kitchen 4-7pm 11/21/14 – Eucharistic Adoration 9am to 5pm Check out our website at: www.stkevin.com For additional information! STEWARDSHIP OFFERINGS Last Year’s Sunday Collection - $9,765.00 November 9, 2014 Collection - $9,267.29 221 Envelopes and 28 Loose Checks Christmas Flowers Collection - $233.00 Many thanks for your generosity and all your Support to the Parish! MASS INTENTIONS Monday, November 17, 2014 8:30AM – Intentions of St. Kevin Parishioners Tuesday, November 18, 2014 8:30AM – Jane DeLuca Wednesday, November 19, 2014 8:30AM – Living & Deceased Members of the Sanctuary Guild Thursday, November 20, 2014 8:30AM – Holy Souls in Purgatory Friday, November 21, 2014 8:30AM – Stephen Sgro – Lou & Linda Busico Saturday, November 22, 2014 8:30AM – Dan Raftery – Wife, Teresa 4:00PM – Eleanor & Frank Kallam – The Kasmer Family 5:30PM – Albert Quercetti, Sr. - Family Sunday, November 23, 2014 8:00AM – Deceased Members of the Grelis Family - Family 9:30AM – Deceased Members of the Spychalski Family – Sorochen Family 11:00AM – James Quarry – Quarry Family 5:30PM – Rita Stanley & Dorothy Eck – Phyllis Wood PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR DECEASED: Patricia A. Tracy, Dolores Moench and Jim McDonnell Joe Anderson, Connie Birtwell, Alice Baccaro, Felicia Bandos, Tammy Bell, Bernadette Bevilaqua, Joseph Bradley, Katherine & Bernie Brill, Ann Brom, Janet Bucolo, Baby Tommy Capone, Leo Carlin, Janice Cerone, Charlie Collins, Grace Condino, Rita Culbertson, Barbara Cuneo, Bonnie Dalrymple, Bob DeLuca, Jr., Joyce DiSipio, Jennifer Dorrin, James J. Earley, Leo Foley, Helen Ford, Patrick Gallagher, Robert Hahn, Mary Catherine Hendershot, Nancy Hope, Carol Janiczek, Joe Johnson, Rosemarie Julien, Dr. Russ Karten, Gerald Kelly, Jim Kelly, Tommy King, Robert Kotlinski, Barbara Krohmer, William Kurtz, Pat Lamb, Baby Patrick Larson, Steve Ledva, Michelle Lesher, Edwina Letteriello, Skip Liberatore, Betty Love, Camille Mallon, Charles McAveney, Jennifer McDaniel, Jack McDonnell, Skip McFarland, Jim McMullen, Phil Marinaccio, Rita Mastroddi, George Michaels, Joseph Milligan, Sarah Murnaghan, Shelly Nichols, Patrice Palladino, Baby Peters, Mariann Powers, Vi Quarry, John Rohana, Rev. Thomas Rooney, Baby Cooper Rowe, Catherine Sauers, Joseph Sclafani, Jr., Edward Schweizer, Deacon Bill Shearer, George Sheeran, Luanne Spencer, Joe Timlin, Eileen Tonsmiere, Tony Viola, Evelyne Wallace, Peggy Weber, Mary Weeks, Rev. James J. Whelan, Kim Wojciehowski, Ann Wolff, & Molly Zahner BAPTISM PREPARATION INFORMATION Pre-Jordan Training Families. November --- Rosalee and Jon Moyer – 610-324-0256 December ----- Jack & Susan Hennessy – 610-328-3926 January ------- Mrs. Joan Keil – 610-543-0481 Please contact the family for the month that you wish to have your child baptized. They will help you with the training and all the paperwork. Thank you. PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR TROOPS ESPECIALLY: Sgt. John M. Ciaccio, Capt. David Conroy, Capt. Barry F. Crawford, Jr., LCpl Robert J Deluca, Pvt. Joseph Farrant, Maj. Christopher Guarente USAF, James Herdman, and Capt. Thomas J. Miller Please keep all who serve in Military Service in your prayers. Please contact the PLC to have the name of your loved one published. SAINT KEVIN H.O.P.E. PROGRAM - This program is in need of CVS and Giant gift cards to help our parishioners who are experiencing financial difficulties. If you are able to donate a gift card, for any amount you wish to purchase, please drop them off to the Parish Office, Monday through Thursday 9am to 3pm. Thank you! WOMEN’S CLUB CORNER Please join us for our annual Christmas Social and gift exchange on Thursday, December 4 in the cafeteria! There will be lots of festive food and beverages to help get the season off to the right start! The doors will open at 7 PM and we request that you bring a wrapped gift valued at $15-20 so you can join in the fun of the exchange which is always a hit with lots of great gifts! This event is open to all women of the parish, their family and friends (attendees must be at least 21). Hope to see you there!! Mark your calendars for all our upcoming events: Thanksgiving Day, November 27, 2014 – Coffee and Donuts after the 9am Mass in the cafeteria. Friday, January 30, 2015 – “Cheer-ful Bingo” - always a wellattended night with lots of laughs and great prizes! Thursday, February 12 – Event To Be Decided (Could be a Penny Party but we’re open to suggestions!) Sunday, March 1st – Communion Breakfast and Cornerstone Award Presentation (Mass followed by a delicious, catered breakfast as we honor those who have done so much for our Parish community.) Friday, April 24 – Quizzo Night – start organizing your teams of ten and studying up now for this very fun, popular evening! Thursday, May 14 – End of year dinner – a night out for the ladies! HELP WANTED We are looking for someone to coordinate our publicity efforts. Duties include preparation of flyers and bulletin blurbs. Minimal time involvement and no experience is necessary! We are a fun group and would love to have you join the team! If interested, please call Andrea at 610-299-8851. Any questions! Please contact Margie Caramanico at murph0502@verizon.net or Wendy McKenna at wendy.mckenna2@verizon.net 066kevin-111614 pg3 YOUTH MINISTRY WISH LIST! - The SK Youth Group Room is in need of some updates. We are looking for games for the room such as air hockey tables and other team games. Contact jbraconnier@stkevin.com or 610-544-8777 for more information MUSIC MINISTRY Join us in ministry: New choir members are always welcome. Call Lee Zmroczek at 610-544-0416. Choir rehearsal takes place in Church Wednesdays at 8 pm. Anyone who plays an instrument and would like to share your talent at Mass, and anyone who is thinking of becoming a cantor is asked to call Joanna Scholz at 610-834-9364. Please join us in music ministry. Thank you for your participation in Sunday Mass through prayer and song. KNIGHTS NEWS The Knights are collecting turkeys and turkey supermarket redemption certificates for City Team Ministries in Chester during all the masses on SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16. Please drop these off at the crab cake table. If you need someone to pick them up at your home, please call Rick at 610-585-5450. City Team Ministries deliver over 900 food boxes to the needy every Thanksgiving. Thanks for supporting this most special cause!! The Knights will be talking orders for their annual Thanksgiving Crab Cake Sale after all the masses on 11/15, and 11/16. Orders must be received by Sunday, 11/16. Orders must be picked up at the PLC loading dock on Thursday, 11/20 between the hours of 4:15 and 7:00 pm. Orders can also be mailed to Al Porrini, 122 Harned Rd., Springfield, PA 19064. Any questions please call Al at 610-543-4851. Please note that we ARE NOT having a Christmas Crab Cake Sale so please order your crab cakes at the Thanksgiving sale for the holiday season. Last year we rolled out our "Keep Christ in Christmas Program". To compliment this beautiful message, we will be selling "Keep Christ in Christmas" religious Christmas cards during our crab cake sale. We will have an assorted display at the crab cake table along with color brochures of the cards. Please come check out these beautiful Christmas cards! Thanks for all your support of the Knights and St. Kevin Parish! SAINT KEVIN PARISH NURSES Parish Nurses will be taking blood pressures on Sunday, December 7th after the 9:30 and 11:00 Masses. High blood pressure is a common medical condition which affects one in three adults. Because there are often no warning symptoms, it is a good idea to monitor it periodically. If left untreated it can increase your risk for heart disease such as a heart attack or stroke. It will only take a few minutes of your time to stop and have your BP checked. CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD- Volunteers are needed. This is a short prayer service which takes place during Sunday Masses (9:30 and 11 am). We read the Sunday reading in language that is understandable on a child’s level and then discuss the readings to focus on their meeting. Children return to Mass for Liturgy of the Eucharist. Please contact Maureen LeFevre (610-909-2845) or maureen426@yahoo.com, if you have any questions. Training to prepare you for this ministry will be provided. CATHOLIC COMMUNITY CHOIR www.ccchoir.net 610-544-5217 Join us for one of our many programs! CATHOLIC COMMUNITY CHOIR HAS TWO NEW PROGRAMS: All Together Now After School Program which runs Monday - Friday from 3 pm - 6 pm and Mom's Morning Out which runs M-W-F from 9 am - 12 pm. You do not need to register for all days. Contact Andrea Devenney, Academic Coordinator at 610-544-5217. SATURDAY ACTING CLASS IS BACK! Join us at Cardinal O'Hara from 10 am - 12 pm on November 29th. No pre-registration is required. BREAKFAST WITH SANTA AT CARDINAL O’HARA HIGH SCHOOL December 6, 2014 - 9am - 12pm Contact the office at 610-544-5217 to order tickets AUDITIONS FOR SHREK THE MUSICAL will take place on Monday, January 12th at 4:30pm at Cardinal O’Hara High School. For more information check the website at www.ccchoir.net or call 610-544-5217. St. Kevin Parish has enlisted Parish Giving to provide its parishioners with the opportunity to use weekly or monthly electronic funds transfers as an alternative method for giving. Parish Giving is a safe secure and easy way to donate. It is being offered to you free of charge. Some of the features offered include • Ability to make one-time contributions • Ability to make recurring contributions • Ability to select your billing date • Ability to use Credit Card or Bank Transfer • Ability to access end of year contribution reports. This is a great way to support our parish. To sign up or learns more visit www.stkevin.com ST. CHARLES BORROMEO SEMINARY APPEAL St. Charles Seminary forms dedicated priests, deacons, religious and laity to serve in our parishes and other Catholic organizations. Your support is necessary to ensure these programs can be offered to the men and women responding to God’s call to serve our Church. For those who have already contributed, thank you! For those who have not had the opportunity to make a gift, please complete and return a pledge card or donate by visitinghttp://stcharlesseminaryappeal.org/ We would like to express our gratitude to Eric Banecker for speaking at St Kevin on behalf of the Seminary Appeal this past weekend. Please keep all the Seminarians in your prayers. ST. KEVIN SOCIAL CONCERNS COMMITTEE City Team Thanksgiving Food Drive Collection October 14th to November 23rd. The St Kevin Community will once again be collecting non perishable food for City Team Ministries in Chester. This year they will be providing meals for more than 1000 families. If you are interested in helping this worthy organization reach their goal, please place your food donations, in the barrels provided in the back of church. The following foods are urgently needed: canned fruits/vegetables, cranberry sauce, turkey gravy, instant potatoes, pasta, rice peanut butter and jelly, canned milk, soup, dessert mix, soup, stuffing mix, boxed macaroni and cheese, canned sweet and white potatoes, cake mix, tomato sauce and canned tuna and chicken. Thank you in advance for your generous support! 066 Kevin 111614 pg4 PLEASE REMEMBER ST. KEVIN IN YOUR WILL OR ESTATE A bequest is the easiest way to provide for the future of your parish. To make a gift from your estate, you simply sign a new will, add a codicil, or draft an amendment to your existing documents. Leave a legacy of faith in our community and hope for our future. WISE PLANNING BEQUESTS – • Secure your legacy as a philanthropist and proponent our Catholic Faith; Make a difference in your parish community. • Make a gift while retaining control of your assets during your lifetime. • Modify or change your bequest at any time, your gift may be made in your name or in the name of someone you wish to honor. • A gift from your estate is entirely free from federal estate taxes. For more information please contact: Kelly Diaz-Albertini, Esq. at The Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia – 267-592-6715. Email: Kalbertini@catholicfoundationphila.org. WHERE THERE’S A WILL THERE’S A WAY: Cash Bequest – Give a specific dollar amount from your estate. Bequest of Property – Leave specific assets, such as securities. Real estate, or tangible personal property (for example, works of art or antiques). Residuary Bequest – Your parish receives all of a percentage of the remainder of your estate after the payment of any specific bequests and expenses. Retirement Plan – Designate your parish as a beneficiary of the remainder of your IRA or qualified pension plan. Life Insurance – name your parish as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy. AID FOR FRIENDS MEALS Please consider sharing your leftovers with people in our area who are shut-ins and not able to cook for themselves. Our freezer is in need of healthy meals. The Aid for Friends Freezer and Supplies are located in the vestibule of the PLC Office. Thank you. SACRED HEART PARISH – CLIFTON HEIGHTS, PA Pierogi’s will be made November 17-21. Sacred Heart will be making pierogi at St. Joseph’s cafeteria in Collingdale. The price per dozen is $7.00. Pierogi are filled with potato, cheese and onion. To order please call Bill & Barbara Schwindt at 610-623-7229. You can schedule your pick up time and pay when you pick up. If you would like to learn the art of pierogi making and spend a morning out you are welcome to help! Christmas Craft Fair – Will be held Saturday, December 6th from 10am to 6pm in the Rectory Basement at 316 E. Broadway Ave. Food, Gifts, and fun for all! For more information please call 610623-0409. MSGR. BONNER/ARCHBISHOP PRENDERGAST “WHITE CHRISTMAS” will be presented on Nov. 21st & 22nd at 7:30pm and one matinee on Nov. 16th at 2pm. For tickets please call 610-259-0280, ext. 1312. All shows will be held in the Msgr. Bonner/Abp. Prendergast Performing Arts Center (formerly the Prendie Auditorium) The Mothers Club of Bonner/Prendie will be sponsoring a trip to see the musical “Motown” at the Academy of Music on Sunday, January 11, 2015. Performance at 1pm. Cost is $115.00 a person which includes your bus transportation. Orchestra Seat ticket and dinner at Popi’s Restaurant in South Philadelphia. For more information and to reserve you seat please contact Marie at 610-532-8190 or russo@bonnerprendie.com PRO LIFE CORNER A Pivotal Opportunity to Rally in Defense of Life By Fr. Shenan J. Boquet While it’s great news that substantial political pro-life victories were won in the mid-term elections, we must now ask ourselves, “What do these victories mean for the protection of human life and family?” 1. 2. I propose the following actions: Hold political leaders accountable for decisions that will protect and defend Life and Family. Our part doesn’t end with the success of elections. It’s true that recent regimes exercising egregious political power have encouraged and supported devastating anti-life policies. A truly authentic response is to encourage our leaders to defend life from conception to natural death. We must take an active role in corresponding with leaders in all branches of government, remind them continually of every individual’s inalienable right to life. We must unite in our demands for just decision-making based on these permanent, nonnegotiable principles. Openly “defend life” in professional and personal spheres of influence. Such a conversation might be downright disagreeable to many, but the conversation is necessary to turn the tide of hearts and minds. We all know people who seem completely numb to the violence, the moral decay that thwarts a Culture of Life: Abortion — approximately 3,000 babies aborted every day in America, Euthanasia/Assisted Suicide — the sad, selfish act that takes away the gift of life, even in the midst of suffering and uncertainty, and Murder — cities and suburbs riddled with senseless and reckless killing. The message is simple and clear: every life has value; no life is dispensable. Under this fostering premise, “Apostles of Life” will emerge as future generations who embrace and share pro-life attitudes to love, respect, and defend life and family in every society. Our mobilization efforts must be intent on morally educating our leaders, fellow citizens, and future generations to respect the most valuable resource on earth: the life of every individual. This united effort will be, undoubtedly, one of the best ways to influence culture and build healthy societies — civilizations of life and love. ”All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke All parishioners who are interested in working with the parish Respect Life Committee please contact: Bernie Brunner at brunner.b@verizon.net or 610-328-3935 and leave a message, or Pete Mullin at 610-544-1797. TRAVEL TO IRELAND Join Fr. Curry this summer to travel through Southern Ireland. July 21 – August 1, 2015. For more information contact Fr. Curry at frscurry@gmail.com Or 610-519-8693 066 kevin 111614 pg5 SAINT KEVIN MINISTRY DIRECTORY - JOIN ONE OR MORE OF OUR MANY MINISTRIES! Ministry Adult Choir Aid for Friends Altar Servers Art & Environment Bereavement Team Catholic Community Choir Contact Lee Zmroczek Maureen LeFevre Ann Costantino Jane Desmond Maureen Eichman Jeff Braconnier Email Address leon.zmroczek@gmail.com maureen426@yahoo.com acostantino11@verizon.net nane365@aol.com mpeichman@aol.com jbraconnier@ccchoir.net Phone 610-544-0416 610-544-4137 610-328-2483 610-543-3892 610-543-6950 610-544-5217 CCD/Religious Education CYO Children’s Liturgy of the Word Church Cleaners Counters Eucharistic Adoration Extraordinary Ministers & Lectors Helen Romano Joe Johnson Maureen LeFevre Rick Megaro Angela Schweizer Judi Condino Jeff Braconnier stkevinccd@mac.com Joseph.W.Johnson@qvc.com maureen426@yahoo.com rick.megaro@verizon.net jcondino@stkevin.com jbraconnier@stkevin.com 610-246-5460 610-955-9696 610-544-4137 610-543-5499 610-544-4469 610-544-2447 610-544-5217 Harlee Manor Extraordinary Ministers H.O.P.E. Program Knights of Columbus Music Ministry Parish Nurse Pioneers Pre-Jordan Baptism Preparation RCIA Respect Life Committee Anne Bassett artfly356@aol.com 610-543-4547 Maureen LeFevre Tom DeLuca Joanna Scholz Maureen LeFevre Al Gentile Parish Office maureen426@yahoo.com tandj71@gmail.com jscholz@stkevin.com maureen426@yahoo.com penncitypoppop@aol.com 610-544-4137 484-802-9631 610-834-9364 610-544-4137 610-543-7977 610-544-8777 Fr. Moloney Bernie Brunner frmoloney@stkevin.com brunner.b@verizon.net 610-544-8777 610-328-3935 Sr. Margaret Richard Maureen LeFevre Sarah Hanley Dom Sciubba Andrea Hannigan Jeff Braconnier Bob Paulus smargaret@stkevin.com maureen426@yahoo.com jsdkhanley@aol.com 610-544-4535 610-544-4137 610-405-5492 610-544-1318 610-299-8851 610-544-5217 610-724-6581 Sick & Homebound Social Concerns Stewardship Committee Ushers Women’s Club Youth Ministry 7th & 8th Grade Dances ajcaton326@gmail.com jbraconnier@stkevin.com preillc@aol.com Thank you to all of our ministry leaders! SAINT KEVIN PARISH IS SPONSORING THE FOLLOWING TRIPS – FOR INFORMATION CALL LOUISE – 610-461-6260 TROPICANA CASINO JANUARY 12 - Vincent Talarico Show. He's a Singer, Dancer and Impressionist and will entertain you with the music of Frank Sinatra, Neil Diamond, Neil Sedaka and Andrea Bocelli. $62 Price Includes Show, $15 Slot Play & Buffet. Also 1 person on the bus will win an extra $100 Slot Play and 1 person will win an overnight stay for 2. MID LIFE CRISIS-2 (THE CRISIS CONTINUES) - FEBRUARY 7- At Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre. A follow-up to the hilarious hit from 2008. A Hysterical look at the aches and pains and even the joys of getting older. From the increasing visits to the doctor's office, to the moment when you realize you qualify for a senior discount. Check out these hilarious song titles. "Forty is the New Thirty", "Where'd I Put My Glasses". "Golf Widow" and "Blues and the Bucket List". Get ready for an afternoon of laughter. $87 MARDI GRAS FEBRUARY 12 AT THE BROWNSTONE - A New Orleans Style Celebration. Party with The GB's. Great Music, Fun & Great Food. Join in the exciting "Saint's Parade". Sit down Family-Style Luncheon and 2 complimentary drinks. $89 MY GAL PATSY - FEBRUARY 24 AT MOUNT AIRY CASINO. A Country Music journey back to the Magic Realm of Patsy Cline. This tribute will captivate Patsy's signature songs including her early hits like "Walkin' After Midnight" and "There He Goes" Then her final hits, the unforgettable "Sweet Dreams" and of course "Crazy". Package includes Show, $20 Slot Play and Buffet Lunch. $78 ABIE'S IRISH ROSE - MARCH 5 at Hunterdon Hills Playhouse. Young Abie falls in love & secretly marries Rosemary Murphy. He tells his family he married Rosie Murphysky. All is well until Rosemary's Irish Catholic father arrives on the scene and a hilarious tug of war erupts. Sit Down Luncheon - Select from 7 Entrees. $88 MOHEGAN SUN/FOXWOOD CASINOS - MARCH 23 THRU 25. Overnight at Mohegan Sun/Day Trip to Foxwood. Package. Mohegan Sun $10 Slot Play & 3 Buffets. Foxwood $10 Slot Play & 1 Buffet. Double $410, Single $555. 066kevin 111614 pg 6 B McGARRIGLE’S AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES & Repair Free Pick Up & Delivery 24 Hour Towing ng m is Re odeli l l e Complete Car Care Center (215) 828-9014 (cell) "Our Focus is You!" Prescriptions • Compounding Durable Medical Equipment Guaranteed Low Prices Free Delivery • Bubble Packing One call does it all! 610-544-4645 Diocese Member Licensed & Insured • Kitchens • Baths • Basements • Windows/Doors • All Repairs • And Much More... 1154 Baltimore Pk., Springfield PA 19064 www.myspringfieldpharmacy.com James A. Basilio Licensed Professional Counselor License #PC006075 (610) 604-4900 23 E. Woodland Avenue, Springfield, PA 19064 Rosalie Spelman Attorney Wills • Trusts Estate Planning • Business Law Creditor's Rights www.martindale.com/Rosalie_Spelman Phone: PA Lic #PA089251 484-472-7209 Email: RosalieSpelman@RSF-Legal.com Piazza Honda Springfield Ray Mancini, General Manager Parishioners Discount for mention of ad. 110 Park Avenue 2nd Floor Swarthmore, PA 19081 Phone: (484) 431-8689 Email: basiliojim1@gmail.com NEW & USED • PARTS • BODY SHOP • SERVICE 610-789-9420 780 Baltimore Pike • Springfield, PA 19064 www.PiazzaHondaSpringfield.com 15% OFF Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning $75 OFF 20% OFF 25% OFF Tile & Grout Cleaning (200 sq ft min) Air Duct & Dryer Vent Cleaning Carpet Stretching & Repair CLEANING SOLUTION INC. ✔ Air Duct Cleaning (helps w/ allergies & sinus issues) ✔ Carpet Cleaning, Stretching & Repair Richard Mammucari, Jr. President / Diocese Member ✔ Tile & Grout Cleaning - Kitchen, Bath & Shower Re-caulking, Re-grouting, Sealing, Tile Replace & Repair ✔ Dryer Vent Cleaning (major fire hazard!) Since 1992 ✔ Power Washing for Decks, Walkways, Patio & Siding 1.866.264.8444 SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT Expert Tree Trimming and Removal at Guaranteed Best Prices!! 610-624-1379 Free Estimates • Fully Insured www.RicksTreeService.com 066 St. Kevin-Springfield, PA (i) Licensed & Insured CHURCH MEMBER DISCOUNT Serving PA, NJ & DE 610-696-0100 Follow us on: SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED Check out our reviews on: www.morganbasementwaterproofing.com John Patrick Publishing Company 1-800-333-3166 • www.jppc.net Carol’s Auto Tags 4 U, Inc. TEMP HOURS 10-3 M-F O'LEARY FUNERAL HOME LTD. Come See Our 2nd Location! Thomas J. O'Leary, Jr. - William J. O'Leary 10 E. Baltimore Avenue, Clifton Heights CLIFTON 610-623-TAGS MEDIA 610-565-5565 (FAX) 610-623-0291 carol_wills_1@msn.com 640 E. Springfield Rd•Springfield, PA 19064 (FAX) 610-565-5611 313 E. Baltimore Ave., Media 610-259-1959 www.carolsautotag4u.com Kovacs Funeral Home, Inc. Robert W. Baxter REGISTERED PLUMBING & HEATING Pre-Planned & Pre-Paid Funerals Personalized Service at Reasonable Costs P.A. #021132 Continuous Family Service Since 1901 530 W. Woodland Avenue, Springfield, PA Michael Kovacs, Supervisor 610-544-3222 All Your Plumbing & Heating Needs 543-7373 PA013279 PLUMBING & HEATING INC. 30 N. Brookside Road Springfield, PA 19064 Springfield, PA • 328-1131 328-1141 • 544-4811 610-544-0120 www.smilesinspringfield.com Delivery Service Available BARRY JAY JEWELERS For all your Jewelry Needs WE BUY GOLD TROPHIES • PLAQUES • ENGRAVING (In Springfield) 610-328-5920 PA Lic. #006806 RIGHTWAY WATERPROOFING CO. FREE JEWELRY & WATCH REPAIR INSPECTION Licensed & Insured DONE ON OUR PREMISES 160 Saxer Avenue • Springfield PA BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST 610-789-3717 610-338-0885 www.barryjayjewelers.com Bonner & Prendie Wishes To Thank You For Supporting Our Students and School Dona ons can be made to our 2014-15 Annual Appeal via our website: WWW.BONNERPRENDIE.COM For more informa on please contact the Advancement Office at 610-259-0280 ext 3275 AT THE HEART OF CHARITY IS kidsteeth Dr. Claire Field 700 S. Chester Rd. Swarthmore, PA 19081 The Leader in Senior Care The Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia is your single source for charitable giving by supporting what you care about most. 610-627-1199 www.kidsteeth.com 066 St. Kevin-Springfield, PA (b) Rt. F 215.587.5650 CatholicFoundationPhila.org Home Health Companions Transportation Housekeeping A Nonpro it Organization 610.647.9840 John Patrick Publishing Company 1-800-333-3166 • www.jppc.net
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