Religionshistoria I (RHG001) Delkurs 4: Valbart alternativ: Nya religioner och nyandlighet, 7,5 hp , HT15 Kurslitteratur Böcker Dawson, Lorne L. 2006. Comprehending Cults: The Sociology of New Religious movements. Oxford: Oxford University Press (266 sidor). Sutcliffe, Steven J. 2003. Children of the New Age: A History of Spiritual Practices. London: Routledge (267 sidor). Svanberg, Ingvar & David Westerlund (red.). 2011. Religion i Sverige. Göteborg: Dialogos, sid. 7-64, 269-343 (131 sidor). Totalt 664 sidor i böcker. E-resurser Davidsen, Markus Altena, 2012. "The Spiritual Milieu Based on J.R.R. Tolkien's Literary Mythology" i Adam Possamai (red.) Handbook of Hyper-real Religions. Leiden: Brill, sid 185-204 (19 sidor) (SUB E-RESURSER) Deveney, John Patrick. 2005. "Spiritualism" i Wouter J. Hanegraaff et al. (red.) Dictionary of Gnosis and Western Esotericism. Leiden: Brill, sid. 1074-1082 (Ebrary) (9 sidor) Gilbert, Robert A. 2005. "Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn" i Wouter J. Hanegraaff et al. (red.) Dictionary of Gnosis and Western Esotericism. Leiden: Brill, sid. 544-550 (Ebrary) (7 sidor) Hedenborg-White, Manon. 2013. "To Him the Winged Secret Flame, To Her the Stooping Starlight: The Social Construction of Gender in Contemporary Ordo Templi Orientis". The Pomegranate vol. 15, nr 1-2, sid. 102-121 (tillgänglig via SUB artikelsök) (19 sidor) Kuusela, Tommy. 2014. "In Search of a National Epic: The Use of Old Norse Myths in Tolkien's Vision of Middle-Earth". Approaching Religion vol. 4, nr. 1, sid. 25-36. (Tillgänglig fritt online (12 sidor) Leijenhorst, Cees. 2005a. "Anthroposophy" i Wouter J. Hanegraaff et al. (red.) Dictionary of Gnosis and Western Esotericism, 82-89. Brill (Ebrary) (8 sidor) Leijenhorst, Cees. 2005b. "Steiner, Rudolf" i Wouter J. Hanegraaff et al. (red.) Dictionary of Gnosis and Western Esotericism, 1084-1091. Brill (Ebrary) (8 sidor) Neubert, Frank. 2015. "ISKCON and Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada." i Knut A. Jacobsen et al (red.), Brill's Encyclopedia of Hinduism. SUB:<>(3 s.) Owen, Alex, 2012. "The Sorcerer and His Apprentice" i Henrik Bogdan & Martin P. Starr (red.), Aleister Crowley and Western Esotericism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, s. 15-42. (SUB ERESURSER) (34 sidor) Pasi, Marco. 2005. "Crowley, Aleister". I Wouter J. Hanegraaff et al. (red.) Dictionary of Gnosis and Western Esotericism. Leiden: Brill, s. 281-287 (Ebrary) (7 sidor) Pearson, Joanne E. 2005. "Neopaganism" i Wouter J. Hanegraaff et al. (red.) Dictionary of Gnosis and Western Esotericism. Leiden: Brill, sid. 828-834 (Ebrary) (7 sidor) Rochford, E. Burke. 2007. Hare Krishna Transformed. New York: New York University Press, sid. 74-96, 201-217. (38 sidor) (SUB E-RESURSER) Santucci, James A. 2005. "Theosophical Society" i Wouter J. Hanegraaff et al. (red.) Dictionary of Gnosis and Western Esotericism. Leiden: Brill, s. 1114-1123 (Ebrary) (10 sidor) Sardella, Ferdinando (2013). Modern Hindu Personalism: The History, Life and Thought of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati. Oxford : Oxford University Press, sid. 1-13, 92-129. (50 sidor) (SUB ERESURSER) Valpey, Kenneth . 2015. "Gaudiya Vaisnavism." i Knut A. Jacobsen et al (red.), Brill's Encyclopedia of Hinduism. SUB:<> (9 s.) Zeller, Benjamin E. 2006. "Scaling Heaven's Gate: Individualism and Salvation in a New Religious Movement." Nova Religio 10 (2): sid. 75-102 (28 sidor) (SUB E-RESURSER) Östling, Erik A. W. 2014. "'Those who came from the sky': Ancient astronauts and creationism in the Raëlian religion." I James R. Lewis & Jesper Aa. Petersen (red.), Controversial New Religions, 2nd edition, Oxford: Oxford University press, sid. 368-382 (15 sidor) (SUB E-RESURSER) Total 283 sidor online. Kompendium (i Mondo) Faxneld, Per. Under tryckning. "Disciples of Hell: The History of Satanism" i Johannes Wilfried Dillinger (red.), Routledge History of Witchcraft. London: Routledge. (16 sidor) - & Jesper Aa. Petersen. 2014. "Cult of Carnality: Sexuality, Eroticism and Gender in Contemporary Satanism" i Bogdan, Henrik & Lewis, James R. (red.), Sexuality and New Religious Movements, London: Palgrave Macmillan, sid. 165-181 (17 sidor) -2010. "Inledning: Västerländsk esoterism?" i Per Faxneld och Mattias Fyhr (red.), Textens förborgade tecken: Esoterism i litteraturen. Umeå: H:Ströms, sid. 7-19 (13 sidor) Östling, Erik A. W. Under tryckning. "What does God need with a Starship? UFOs and Extraterrestrials in the Contemporary Religious Landscape" i James R. Lewis & Inga Bårdsen Tøllefsen (red.), The Oxford Handbook of New Religious Movements, 2nd edition, Oxford: Oxford University press (19 sidor) Totalt 65 sidor i kompendium. Böcker, kompendium samt online, sammanlagt 1012 sidor.
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