15th DIA Conference on European Electronic Document Management Standardisation – Blessing or Curse? Event #14110 01-03 December 2014 Maritim Hotel Berlin, Germany Programme Co-Chairs Hans van Bruggen Senior Regulatory Affairs Consultant, eCTDconsultancy, the Netherlands Karen Roy Chief Business Development Officer, Phlexglobal Ltd, UK Programme Committee Andrew P. Marr Managing Director, Marr Consultancy Ltd, UK Eldin Rammell Managing Director, Rammell Consulting Ltd, UK Overview Standardisation is key to the success of adoption of new techniques and processes. If houses were not wired with copper wires providing power of a standard voltage through a predefined power outlet, Edison would not have been famous for his successful introduction of light bulbs. However, national or regional standards have been developed for power outlets and voltage but nobody is trying to get the responsible parties together to globally harmonise the voltage and power outlets. These kind of obvious standards have become a commodity and when travelling abroad, everybody uses adaptors that make the connection between regional power outlets and voltages. How come that in the age of modern technology and quick communication we are still aiming at global standards? Should we be less dogmatic about global standards? Should we focus more on adaptors? Or electronic and automated adaptors that allow transfer of information from sender to recipient and vice versa? This is not limited to industry-to-agency transfer, but is also applicable to transfers between CROs and sponsor and between various applications within a company, such as, but not limited to, SAP, eDMS, eTMF, eSubmission, RIM, LIMS, SPL, electronic health records, electronic data capture and electronic forms. Come and learn about the benefits and constraints associated with the various topic-related processes and contribute to answering the question whether standardisation is a blessing or a curse. Who Will Attend Pre-Conference Tutorials MONDAY, 1 DECEMBER 2014 09:00-17:00 Tutorial 1: ELECTRONIC TRIAL MASTER FILES (ETMF) - MOVING FROM IMPLEMENTATION TO PROJECT EXCELLENCE Tutorial 2: UNDERSTANDING THE IMPACT OF IDENTIFICATION OF MEDICINAL PRODUCTS (IDMP) ON PROCESSES, DATA PROVISION, GOVERNANCE AND IT ARCHITECTURE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Academic researchers Agency representatives (e.g. inspectors and reviewers) Clinical operations representatives CMC regulatory compliance specialists CROs, CMOs and service providers Document and records managers IT and support personnel Knowledge/IP professionals Labelling specialists Medical and technical writers Pharmacovigilance professionals Quality assurance and compliance professionals Regulatory affairs/operations representatives Standards implementation specialists and associates Validation professionals Objectives Continuing Education DIA meetings and training courses are generally approved by the Commission for Professional Development (CPD) of the Swiss Association of Pharmaceutical Professionals (SwAPP) and the Swiss Society of Pharmaceutical Medicine (SGPM) and will be honoured with credits for pharmaceutical medicine. All participants are eligible for these credits and certificates are available. • Understand the new requirements and the way they are being implemented by authorities and clinical trial sponsors, including their operational impact • Discuss and identify the key challenges and opportunities of the new provisions • Recognise how companies and research institutions are fine-tuning and optimising processes to meet the requirements for disclosure of trial data and for the management of clinical trials • Exchange views between regulators, industry, patients, academia and other stakeholders 4 WEDNESDAY | 3 DECEMBER 2014 08:00-08:30 | WELCOME COFFEE IN THE EXHIBITION AREA 08:30-10:00 TRACK 1 | SESSION 5 BRINGING THE REFERENCE MODELS TO LIFE! Session Chairperson: Steve Scribner, EDM Reference Model Core Committee member and Vice-chair of the TMF Reference Model Steering Committee The Document and Records Management (DRM) community of the DIA has been busy since 2009 in the formation and update of Reference Models (RM) for document and content management. The currently published editions for both the eDM and the Trial Master File (TMF) Reference Models are available on the DIA website – eDM Corner. To keep those models updated to reflect the transformation of business processes, many updates and extensions are being prepared to keep them relevant as well as to harmonise and include additional process threads. The current state of both models (eDM & TMF) will be discussed, how they are interrelated and where they are being extended. This session will also include an overview of the model evolution and other industry standards development. A short synopsis of the recently released TMF Metrics Model and the annual TMF industry survey will be included. Experts from the eDM RM Core Team and TMF RM Steering Committee will deliver hands-on practical advice about model adoptions; including an interactive TMF RM best practice discussion / Q&A session with attendees, which will drive TMF RM V3.0 activities. 08:30-10:00 TRACK 2 | SESSION 5 BUSINESS MODELS TO GET THE REGULATORY WORK DONE Session Chairperson: Andrew P. Marr, Managing Director, Marr Consultancy Ltd, UK The nature of regulatory work is getting more complex as time goes on. Resources are constrained and new models are being employed to get the work done in a more efficient manner. This session will look at the challenges and opportunities being addressed currently including outsourcing, dossier content management and how to address process, technology and resource management. Managing the Interfaces, Processes and Future Expectations in an Outsourcing Relationship Sophie Daniel, Senior Consultant, ProductLife Group, France Harmonisation and Standardisation of Dossier Content, Information and Processes Katy Page, Senior Director Submissions and Operations Support, Pfizer Ltd, UK Monique Rivas, Co-founder and Chairman, LUZ, Inc., Switzerland Synergies for Managing Regulatory eStrategy: Business process, technology, and resourcing Cynthia Piccirillo, Group Director, Global Dossier Management eStrategy, Bristol-Myers Squibb, USA Session Participants: Karen Roy, Chair of the TMF Reference Model Steering Committee and Co-Chair TMF Reference Model Committee Lisa Mulcahy, Co-chair of the TMF Reference Model Committee and TMF Reference Model Steering Committee member Fran Ross, TMF Reference Model Steering Committee member 10:00-10:45 | COFFEE BREAK IN THE EXHIBITION AREA 10:45-12:15 TRACK 1 & 2 | SESSION 6 END-TO-END DIGITAL CONTENT AVAILABILITY Session Chairperson: Paul Fenton, President & CEO, Montrium, Canada 14:30-15:30 TRACKS 1 & 2 | SESSION 8 ACHIEVING COMPLIANCE WITH ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS- THE REGULATOR’S PERSPECTIVE Session Chair: Gunnar Danielsson, Senior Regulatory Advisor, Pharma Consulting Group, Former GCP Inspector, MPA Sweden The world of clinical R&D is evolving rapidly with new collaborative models emerging. Regulatory expectations on eTMF availability are also becoming much clearer. The eTMF has to evolve to be able to support the new requirements and this poses a particular challenge. This session will focus on what the new requirements are and how we can ensure that we have a comprehensive, timely and easily navigable eTMF which can easily be maintained and accessed over time. Enabling the New Drug Development Paradigm through Collaboration and Interchange Paul Fenton, President & CEO, Montrium, Canada How Readily Available is your eTMF? Dorte Frejwald Christiansen, Advanced Business Consultant, Life Science Advisory, NNIT, Denmark Ownership and control of electronic clinical trial data and documents is clearly defined in the regulations, whether it is the data (electronic data capture) or the documents (electronic investigator site file). However with the move to cloud-based systems, more and more sponsors are maintaining control of the systems, and therefore the access, meaning that the Investigators can no longer show their ownership. This extends from eSource to live trial systems to electronic archiving and is not in compliance to the Regulators requirements. In this session, the views and perspectives of FDA and EMA (via the Danish Health and Medicines Agency) will be provided. Jonathan Helfgott, Associate Director for Risk Science (Acting), OSI, OC, CDER, FDA, USA (remote participation) Phillip Lange Møller, GCP Inspector, Danish Health and Medicines Authority, Denmark Digital Preservation for Pharma: Comprehensive standard or flexible approach? Pauline Sinclair, Digital Preservation Consultant, Preservica Ltd, UK 15:30 | END OF CONFERENCE 12:15-13:30 | LUNCH IN THE EXHIBITION AREA 13:30-14:30 TRACK 1 & 2 | SESSION 7 RISK-BASED APPROACHES TO ENSURE DATA INTEGRITY Session Chairperson: Peter Schiemann, Partner, Widler & Schiemann Ltd, Switzerland In this session, participants will learn about the general concept of utilising information in the clinical development environment and how this concept is being put into practice by different organisations. eDM as Foundation for Managing Clinical Trials Peter Schiemann, Partner, Widler & Schiemann Ltd, Switzerland ACRES Greg Koski, Co-Founder, Alliance for Clinical Research (ACRES), USA Unless otherwise disclosed, DIA acknowledges that the statements made by speakers are their own opinion and not necessarily that of the organisation they represent, or that of DIA. Speakers and agenda are subject to change without notice. Recording of any DIA tutorial/workshop information in any type of media is prohibited without prior written consent from DIA.
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