HOPE HAPPENINGS November 2014 Pastor Julia Seymour Inside This Issue Dear Disciples of Christ in Hope, Pastor Julia 1-2 Council Message 2 LSSA Article 3 Thanksgiving Blessing Food Drive 3 Budget Report 4 Stockings for LSSA, Advent Brunch 4 New Bible Exploration 4 Faith and Care 5 Women’s Events 5 Book Group, Sandwich Making 5 Prayers 6 November Calendar 7 Congregational Meeting 8 November Birthdays and Anniversaries 8 Worship 10:00 AM Heavenly Sunshine 5:30 PM (November 2 and 16) a youth oriented service is held on the first and third Sunday of each month Heavenly Sunshine Explorers! 5pm before Heavenly Sunshine. Bible Story and Craft. Fun for all ages! Mission Statement Our Mission is to seek.. proclaim.. and live.. the Gospel of Christ as revealed in the Word of God. “Hope, the utterly reliable anchor, fixed in God.” Hebrews 6:19 During our April congregational meeting, we heard a scenario in which a young woman who had finished her seminary training at Luther might be available to us as an intern in the coming year. That woman’s name is Melissa Johnson and she (along with her husband, Michael) has been worshiping at Hope for many months. He is currently clerking for a federal court judge in Anchorage. His work meant that her internship opportunities were restricted to this area. When they originally moved up here, there was a Lutheran church in Anchorage that had an active internship program, but things changed by the time Michael and Melissa arrived. All this is to say that our vision in April of what seemed like a remote chance has become real. Melissa will become an intern, starting in January, serving two congregations, Lutheran Church of Hope in Anchorage and Joy Lutheran in Eagle River. Her restricted status for availability to the whole church means that she will receive a stipend for her work, but not a housing allowance or insurance. This reduced package is part of how we can afford to be a teaching congregation for her. Joy, the Synod Office, and Luther Seminary are all putting forward significant financial support as well. 1 Some of you can remember a time before when this church had interns. For others, this is a new opportunity. As a congregation with an intern, we are committing to walking with Melissa and helping to guide her in her final year of training before becoming, God willing, ordained. She will be learning from us as we learn from her. In addition to welcoming her, we will be offering our part in the financial support and I will be working as her supervisor, offering time for theological reflection and discernment with Melissa each week. In the two months before she starts, please be in prayer for the role you might play in a teaching congregation. Are you called to serve on the internship committee? Is your gift thoughtful and constructive reflection on sermons or liturgical leadership? Could you offer a significant financial gift toward making the internship viable? Everyone in our congregation has something to offer in this situation and to Melissa. Yes, I mean you. I look forward to this time together and how we will grow in relationship with one another, with our community, and with Melissa. In peace, Pastor Julia Dear Friends in Christ, We have not had to pull any money from our savings in 8 months! We have a congregational meeting on Sunday, November 9th, and for the first time in a long time, we won't be looking at our finances with concern that we won't be able to pay our bills. It's time to celebrate, to give back from God has given us, and to joyful look into the future. At the meeting, we will hear a report from Pastor Julia, approve our 2015 budget (available in the narthex or by email, just ask in the office) and elect representatives to Synod Assembly. If you have never gone to Synod Assembly I highly encourage you to put your name forth for nomination. It is a great opportunity to find out what other congregations in the Alaska Synod are doing and celebrate all the wonder of doing God's work with our hands. I have had the honor of being our female representative for the past two years, and it is blessing to take the time away in prayer, workshops and fellowship. If you're interested in being our representative in April 2015, please contact me, Pastor Julia, or the church office. We'll also be spending some time at the Congregational Meeting talking about our mission as Lutheran Church of Hope and looking at the many assets we have as a congregation. We will enjoy fellowship and conversation, so we can look boldly into the future of LCOH. It's an exciting time to be part of Lutheran Church of Hope. I hope to see all of you there! Megan Bladow Council President 2 Newsletter Article for November 2014 Thanksgiving Blessing We are finalizing our plans with others in the faith-based community of Anchorage for this year’s Thanksgiving Blessing food basket distribution. Last year we distributed food to 1,198 households amounting to 5,146 individuals. This year we are planning to serve 1,400 households. LSSA is the site coordinator for the distribution at Central Lutheran Church and need your help in many ways. As usual we are asking our Lutheran congregations to collect the corn, green beans, stuffing mix or cranberry sauce that your congregation has been assigned. We also need your help volunteering with set-up and distribution on Monday, November 24th. Shifts on Monday are from 9am to 12:30pm, 12:30pm to 4:30pm and 4pm to 8pm. If you can help us out at one of these times please call the LSSA office at 272-0643 ext 10 and speak with Sue or go email us at blessinglssa@gci.net. Christmas Stockings It has become a tradition to present Christmas stockings to the families with young children who visit our food pantry during the month of December. We ask that you include a story or activity book about Jesus’ birth in the stockings. If you need instructions or a template of the pattern please contact the LSSA office. Neighborhood Gift This year all the Neighborhood Gift sites will again come together at the Sullivan Arena for distribution of toys and meals on Monday, December 15th and Tuesday, December 16 th. We have divided the city by zip codes as to which day families will shop. Eagle River residents food and gifts will be distributed on Tuesday, December 16th only at Harvest Christian Fellowship. You can sign up to volunteer by going this website www.salvationarmyalaska.org/alaska/gift_2014. Together Caring for Others, Alan Budahl, Executive Director Lutheran Social Services of Alaska 1303 W. 33rd Avenue Anchorage, AK 99503 Our goals for LSSA’s annual Thanksgiving Blessing are (as of 11/04): 185 cans of green beans 166 cans of corn 14 boxes of stuffing mix 15 cans of cranberry sauce 3 Every year Hope Lutheran Church Women make Christmas stockings to be given to clients of Lutheran Social Services. This year HLCW will be making and filling 125 stocking, and they need your help! Please talk to Bonnie, Sharon, or Phyllis if you need instructions for making the stockings. We’ll have books with the Christmas story, and everyone is encouraged to bring small toys and treats to fill the stockings. Join HLCW to stuff the stockings after church on Sunday, November 30. The 35th Annual Lutheran Women’s Advent Brunch, “Angels Around Us”, will be held on Saturday, December 6 at 9:00 AM at the Egan Center. Phyllis Rude has tickets Join us for a new Bible Exploration series beginning on Sunday, November 9 before worship at 9:00 AM. Pastor Julia will be leading a study of the book of Amos. Are you on the Web? We are! Check out our website for upcoming events and activities. www.hopeak.org You should also check us out on Facebook! www.facebook.com/lcohak 4 Clare House: November 26 Quilting Group Monday, November 3 Volunteer: Beaty Graves and Barb Middendorf Meets: LCOH Library at 10:00 AM Prayer Shawl Ministry Meets: LCOH Hannah Circle Meets: LCOH Wednesday, November 12 at 10:00 AM Priscilla Circle Meets: LCOH Monday, November 10 at 7:00 PM Leah Circle Hostess: Tuesday, November 18 at 7:00 PM HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH WOMEN (HLCW) All women of Lutheran Church of Hope are members of HLCW. We are affiliated with the Alaska Synodical Women’s Organization and with the Women of the ELCA. You are invited to participate in all our activities and join us in prayer. The Bible Study used in our Circle groups is published in the magazine, Gather. Extra copies are available each month in the church narthex. November Megan Bladow Nancy Farrer John & Louise Maakestad The Faith and Care sign-up sheet is on Christian Ryll the bulletin board above the drinking Richard & Carolyn Clendaniel fountain in the narthex. Forgot if you signed up to usher or be Tom & Barb Middendorf Melanie Bladow fellowship host? You can now view the faith and care schedule online on Mary Bristol Les & Berneice Kelm our website.: www.hopeak.org Jay & Carolyn Layne December Pam & Melba Jester Sandy Apperson Ken & Betsy Eisses Tony Butto Karlene Hewitt Tom & Cheryl Lubeck Brad & Jodi Sordahl Meredith Rude Donna York Linda Gierczak Nadine Thompson Join us every Wednesday at 7:00 PM for Women of the Hebrew Scriptures at Lutheran Church of Hope. November Schedule: November 5: Michal November 12: Proverbs November 19: Gomer The Other 4H Group will be discussing Lila by Marilynne Robinson on Thursday, November 13 at 6:30 PM at Gallo’s Restaurant on Arctic. Everyone is welcome to join the discussion! On the second Sunday of every month after worship we gather to make sandwiches to take to Brother Francis Shelter. Take a look at the sign up sheet in the narthex to see how you can help and volunteer to bring some sandwich makings! Next month: December 14 5 PRAYERS FROM THE MONTH OF OCTOBER prayers of comfort and healing. Please remember to take a moment each day for continued prayers for our brothers and sisters in Christ. Myrtle Olson asks for prayers for a friend’s daughter, Loretta, who is suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s Disease). During her surgery to insert a feeding tube (due to her ALS) on October 16, Loretta had a seizure and is now in critical condition. Her family requests continued prayers for Loretta, her doctors and nurses, and all of her family. For these and others that we shared prayers for and continue to pray for from the past month: Prayers for Louise Maakestad who discovered on October 2 that she has a broken hip. She asks for prayers for guidance to the correct decision regarding surgery. We also pray for comfort and peace for her and her family. UPDATE: Louise’s hip replacement surgery on Monday, October 27 went well, and Louise is current at Alaska Regional Hospital. Short visits are welcome, but please call the hospital ahead of your visit to check visiting hours. Louise has started physical therapy and will remain at AK Regional for now. We offer prayers of thanks for a successful surgery and pray for Louise’s comfort and strength as she recovers. Berneice Kelm requests prayers for her son-in-law Larry. Larry is at the Swedish Medical Center in Seattle where he had surgery on October 8 to place a wire in his brain due to his Parkinson’s Disease. He had another surgery on October 17 to put a device in his chest that will adjust the wire in his brain, which they hope will control his tremors. We offer prayers for a successful surgery and prayers of strength and comfort for Larry and his family. Myrtle Olson’s longtime friend and former neighbor Don will be starting chemotherapy for prostate cancer. We pray for his successful treatment and for Don’s strength and comfort at this time. We also ask for prayers of strength and comfort for his wife Sue, and their family. Mighty God, we keep in our prayers every soldier, sailor, Marine, and airman in danger. Whether that danger is from without or within, we pray for their safety. Give their families strength and hope so they can endure the hardships that accompany military service. Ease their distress, in your protection, we pray. Hear our prayer, O God. In your mercy, answer us. Myrtle Olson’s friend John Bisom’s September 26 surgery went well, and John has moved to another facility where he is receiving Our Prayer Partner for November is Shepherd physical therapy. He thanks us for our continued of the Valley Lutheran Church in Juneau, AK. The Prayer Chain is here for you and anyone you may know in need of prayer. The Prayer Chain may also be used in times of civic or national crisis when prayers are very important. If you have a special need or concern for a family member or friend and wish others to pray for your concern, please contact Karlene Hewitt (243-1647) or the church office (279-7714 or, lcoh@alaska.net.) Let us know what you do and do not want shared. If you wish to have your name added or removed from the current list, let the church office know. 6 The Calendar for this month and future months can be found on our webpage www.hopeak.org. Please inform the office of any corrections. Sunday 26 10:00 AM Worship Service 5:00 PM Reformation Party Monday 27 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat. 28 4:30 PM Mobile Food Pantry 6:00 PM Scottish Pipe Band 7:00 PM Plus 24 Group 8:30 PM Firing Line Group 29 30 BULLETIN ITEMS DUE 6:00 PM There 5:15 PM Choir Practice Is A Solution OA 6:00 PM Chimes Choir Practice 7:00 PM Women of the Scriptures 31 1 2 3 10:00 AM Worship Service 10:00 AM Quiltin 11:30 AM Brother Francis Sand- g Group wiches 5:00 PM Heavenly Sunshine Explorers 5:30 PM Heavenly Sunshine Worship 4 4:30 PM Mobile Food Pantry 6:00 PM Scottish Pipe Band 7:00 PM Plus 24 Group 8:30 PM Firing Line Group 5 6 BULLETIN ITEMS DUE 6:00 PM There 5:15 PM Choir Practice Is A Solution OA 6:00 PM Chimes Choir Practice 7:00 PM Women of the Scriptures 7 8 9 10 9:00 AM Bible Exploration 7:00 PM Priscilla 10:00 AM Worship Service Circle 11:30 AM Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting 11 4:30 PM Mobile Food Pantry 6:00 PM Scottish Pipe Band 7:00 PM Plus 24 Group 8:30 PM Firing Line Group 12 BULLETIN ITEMS DUE 10:00 AM Hannah Circle 5:15 PM Choir Practice 6:00 PM Chimes Choir Practice 7:00 PM Women of the Scriptures 13 6:00 PM There Is A Solution OA 6:30 PM The Other 4H Group 14 15 16 Food Collection for the Barrel 9:00 AM Bible Exploration 10:00 AM Worship Service 11:30 AM Council Meeting 5:00 PM Heavenly Sunshine Explorers 5:30 PM Heavenly Sunshine Worship 17 18 4:30 PM Mobile Food Pantry 6:00 PM Scottish Pipe Band 7:00 PM Leah Circle 7:00 PM Plus 24 Group 8:30 PM Firing Line Group 19 20 BULLETIN ITEMS DUE 6:00 PM There 5:15 PM Choir Practice Is A Solution OA 6:00 PM Chimes Choir Practice 7:00 PM Women of the Scriptures 21 22 23 9:00 AM Bible Exploration 10:00 AM Worship Service 24 25 4:30 PM Mobile Food Pantry 6:00 PM Scottish Pipe Band 7:00 PM Plus 24 Group 8:30 PM Firing Line Group 26 BULLETIN ITEMS DUE Clare House 7:00 PM Turnagain Community Thanksgiving Eve Service 28 29 30 9:00 AM Bible Exploration 10:00 AM Worship Service 1 2 10:00 AM Quiltin 4:30 PM Mobile Food g Group Pantry 6:00 PM Scottish Pipe Band 7:00 PM Plus 24 Group 8:30 PM Firing Line Group 5 6 27 6:00 PM There Is A Solution OA 3 4 BULLETIN ITEMS DUE 6:00 PM There 5:15 PM Choir Practice Is A Solution OA 6:00 PM Chimes Choir Practice 7 Pastor: Julia Seymour Preschool Director: Barb Middendorf Admin. Asst.: Heather Tibor Phone: 279-7714 FAX 278-2737 lcoh@alaska.net www.hopeak.org Worship Service: 10:00 AM Heavenly Sunshine First and Third Sunday of each Month at 5:30 PM and Heavenly Sunshine Explorers before the service at 5:00 PM If you do not wish to receive this Newsletter, please inform the church office at (907) 279-7714; or lcoh@alaska.net Look for our Newsletter on our webpage at www.hopeak.org The Semi-Annual Congregation Meeting will be held on Sunday, November 9. Phyllis R. Lily Y. 2 12 Lindsay I. 13 Lesa B. 19 Jane J. 21 Raulie T. 24 Vicky R. 25 Alyson W. 26 Copies of the Proposed 2015 Budget are available in the narthex or the church office. Bring a dish to share for a potluck after worship and stay for the meeting! Don & Bonnie B. Bill & Sandy I. 10/31/1970 10/08/1983 If you or someone you know is unable to attend services and would like to have a sermon or a bulletin mailed each week, a Pastoral visit or would like to receive communion, please let the church office know. 8
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