12th Annual SEAOI Midwest Bridge Symposium CALL FOR ABSTRACTS APRIL 23th, 2015 MAGGIANO’s 111 West Grand Avenue Chicago, Illinois Si n ce 2 0 0 4 , t h e SEA OI Annu al Mid w e s t B rid g e S y m p os iu m ha s be e n h e l d i n C h i ca go to p rovid e a f oru m f or b rid g e e ng ine e rs t o sh a r e a n a l ysi s, de si g n and c ons tru c tion inf orm a tion f rom r e ce n t pr o j e ct s wi t h u n i q u e and d is ting u is hing c harac te ris tic s . T ypi ca l l y, t h e 1 5 0 + a t t e nd e e s re p re s e nt e ve ry as p e c t of the br i dge i n du st r y i n cl u di ng : d e s ig n, c ons tru c tion m ana g e m e nt, m a t e r i a l su ppl i e r s, a c a d e m ia, g e ne ral c ontrac ting , ow ne r r e pr e se n t a t i v e s fr o m v a riou s D e p artm e nts of Trans p orta tion + FHWA. T E C H N I CA L P RO G R A M The Symposium is comprised of a single session with a continental breakfast + a delicious family-style lunch. It is anticipated the session will include more than a dozen presentations including a Keynote Lecture, plus a number of additional shorter presentations. Since the Symposium is limited to a single session, attendees benefit from the information shared in every presentation + presenters are ensured a large audience. Certifications for 7.5 Continuing Education hours will be made available to all attendees. CA L L FO R A B S T R AC T S Individuals wishing to provide a 25-minute and/or a 5-minute presentation are invited to submit an abstract (MS-WORD format) on any general interest subject related to the analysis, design, construction inspection, or in-place monitoring of bridge projects. The abstract should be written in English and should not exceed 500 words. Authors may submit more than one abstract. The Symposium registration fee will be waived for the presenting author. The following information must be given on the top of the abstract: • Name of Conference (12th Annual SEAOI Midwest Bridge Symposium) • Full name, e-mail, and full address of the authors • Title of the presentation • A number of key words • Affiliation • Sponsorship/Client for Project 5 MINUTE PEARLS The Committee invites submittal of short abstracts for 5-minute presentations about any bridge related topic that is worth sharing with the attendees. The suggested topic should be innovative, useful, and/or practical. Contact eoconnor@seaoi.org. S U B M I T TA L I N S T R U C T I O N S Abstracts must be submitted by e-mail, fax, regular mail or courier service to the address below no later than January 15, 2015. Elizabeth O’Connor Executive Director, SEAOI 134 N LaSalle Street Suite 1910 Chicago, IL 60602 +1.312.726.4165 x301 ( p ) +1.312.277.1991 ( f ) eoconnor@seaoi.org I M P O R TA N T DAT E S CO R P O R AT E S P O N S O R S H I P Deadline for Abstracts | January 15, 2014 Acceptance of Abstracts | January 31, 2015 Deadline for Speaker Materials | April 1, 2015 Deadline for Early Registration | April 16, 2015 Deadline for PowerPoint Presentation | April 20, 2015 Symposium Date | April 23, 2015 T E C H N I CA L P R E S E N TAT I O N S REGISTRATION INFORMATION Corresponding authors will be notified of acceptance by the organizing committee in January 2015. Additional information will be provided following acceptance. Authors of selected abstracts will be asked to provide program information and preliminary versions of their presentations by April 1. MS-PowerPoint Presentations must be submitted on CD-ROM, USB drive, or through a ftp site no later than April 20. Any updated information pertaining to registration, including on-line registration + registration forms, can be found at the following link: SEAOI reserves the right to reproduce information submitted as part of any symposium presentation. www.seaoi.org/symposia.htm EXHIBITOR OPPORTUNITIES Limited Exhibitor Opportunities are available. Exhibitors will receive recognition in the program plus an opportunity for a two-minute presentation, one admittance to the Bridge Symposium, and access to participants during breakfast, lunch and breaks during the day. For more information, please contact Elizabeth O’Connor at eoconnor@seaoi.org. Companies interested in sponsoring this event are invited to contact SEAOI Executive Director, Elizabeth O’Connor, at the SEAOI office. There are four different levels of corporate sponsorship. The following are the costs and respective benefits for each of the four levels. Platinum: $1,000 – Recognition in program, poster exhibit at event, and recognition for sponsoring lunch. An application form and instructions for corporate sponsorship can be found on the SEAOI website. Gold: $850 – Recognition in the program, poster exhibit at event, and recognition during the technical session for sponsoring one of the following: • Continental Breakfast • Morning Break • Afternoon Break Silver: $600 – Recognition in the program and poster exhibit at event Bronze: $300 – Recognition in the program 2014 BRIDGE SYMPOSIUM SPONSORS + 2015 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE P l a t i n u m – $ 1, 0 0 0 HNTB Corporation Gold – $850 Alfred Benesch & Co. Acrow Corporation Ciorba Group, Inc. HBM Engineering Group, LLC S i lv e r – $ 6 0 0 Bowman, Barrett & Associates, Inc. HDR, Inc. B ro n z e – $ 3 0 0 AAAEA AZZ Galvanizing Bulley & Andrews/Takao Nagai Christopher B. Burke Engineering EJM Engineering, Inc. ORGANIZING COMMITTEE B ro n z e – $ 3 0 0 ( c o n t . ) GRAEF KPFF Consulting Engineers Parsons Brinckerhoff Quality Restorations, Inc. Stantec Consulting Services Zroka Engineering, P.C. E x h i b i t o rs Acrow Corporation of America BridgeGuard, Inc. Fabreeka Fibrwrap Construction Services Larsa National Steel Bridge Alliance Vector Corrosion Technologies Salvatore Di Bernardo, S.E., P.E. Ciorba Group, Inc. Lawrence L. Kirchner, S.E., P.E. TranSystems Corporation Phil Frey, S.E., P.E. T.Y. Lin International Danielle Kleinhans, Ph.D., P.E. Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute John R. Hillman, S.E., P.E. Parsons Corporation Moussa Issa, Ph.D., S.E., P.E. HBM Engineering Group Elizabeth O’Connor (Executive Director) SEAOI Tony Shkurti, Ph.D., S.E., P.E. Soliman Khudeira, Ph.D., S.E., P.E. HNTB Corporation (Chairperson) City of Chicago Chris Stine, S.E., P.E. AECOM
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