Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time / A November 16, 2014 Saint Louis Catholic Community 7270 SW 120th Street • Pinecrest, FL 33156 • Church/School: 305-238-7562 • FAX: 305-238-6844 • • Holiday Bazaar and Fun Day TODAY 8 AM - 6 PM Join us in the Field. We have many many vendors at the Bazaar as well as food, entertainment, games and rides. It is a great place to start your Christmas shopping! All proceeds go to the Capital Campaign. One Church One Family PASTORAL STAFF Pastor Rev. Fr. Paul Vuturo Parochial Vicars Rev. Fr. Biju Vells Rev. Fr. Fredy Yara Vicar Emeritus (Retired) Rev. Fr. Michael Kish Administrator of the Mission of St. Augusitine of Hippo Rev. Fr. Pedro Toledo Deacons Rev. Mr. Vincent McInerney Rev. Mr. John Peremenis Rev. Mr. John Green Rev. Mr. Thomas Hanlon Rev. Mr. Alex Lam Rev. Mr. Bob Yglesias Rev. Mr. Jeff Reyes Rev. Mr. George Labelle Rev. Mr. José Villena School Principal Mr. Edward Garcia Director of Religious Education Mrs. Jeannie Modroño Director of Youth Ministry Mr. Mark Witkowski Director of Music Mr. Juan Salazar HOLY EUCHARIST (MASS) PASTORAL HISPANA Sunday:(English) 5:30 PM (Sat. Vigil) 7:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM 12:30, 5:30 PM (Español) 8:15 AM, 7:15 PM Misa en Español Los domingos - 8:15 AM, 7:15 PM Los miercoles - 7:00 PM Bautismos - En Español el último domingo del mes. Favor de llamar a la oficina con DOS meses de anticipación. RECONCILIATION (Confessions) Saturday:3:30 - 4:30 PM 7:30 - 8:30 PM Anytime by appointment Matrimonio - Favor de llamar a la Oficina con SEIS meses de anticipación. Hora Santa -Tercer jueves de cada mes en la Capilla a las 7:30 PM. MATRIMONY Please contact the parish office at least six months prior to the proposed date. BAPTISMS (Infants - 5 yrs. old) In English the 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Sunday when there is a 5th Sunday. Please call the Office TWO months in advance. PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM Saturday 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Remember the Departed Raymond Clark Emma Uraga Aida Jackson Irene Johnson GIANNA CARINA SANTAMARIA daughter of Richard & Myriam Santamaria ANTHONELLA REGINA TINOCO daughter of Clifor & Rosa Tinoco Luis Magallanes Vivian Malave Chris, Sara & Tyler Kern Wendy McLendon Nereida de Arrocha Oliver & Mary Ann Kerr Reinaldo Meléndez Aloma Ahkin Luis DeVarona Pablo Arevalo Angela Mitchell Mary Kilcoyne Alba Diaz Isabel Avila Isabella Morales Gerry Knowlan Alejandro Baldelomar Xioriliz Diaz Francisco Morejon Robert Kopp Lorraine Ditzel Nora Bendheim Leonardo Moreno Pat Krupczak Verónica Bermúdez Vincent Evans James Morris Joseph Kuethe Eddie Fung Jeannette Bernard Michael Mulsford Helen Labime Bertina Garcia Ruben Berumen Dana Munsey Josh Lane Maria Eugenia Bolaños Bill Gerrard Patricia Murphy Esperanza Lara Giana Brendeke Mary Glynn Rodney Oziemski Gene LaNeve Joyce Bryan Daisy Guerrero Jim Petee Robert Leschhorn Jerry Byrne Dorothy Haiduven Javier Piñeda Anne Lintner Robert Hall Joanne Calfo David Pritchard Evelyn López Margaret Caruso Manuel Haramboure Manolito López Shawn Rice Keith Chin Gary Havas Bryce Richardson Isabel Luperón Sandra Chung Alyse Hernández Adelaida Maldonado Remberto Rodríguez Jim Connell Salvador Hernández Adelina Muzaurieta Rolando Rodríguez Andrés Hidalgo Michael Connor Clara Romero Harrison Margulies Cici Culverhouse Norman Hinton Graciela Rosas Matthew Martin Francisca DaSilva James Houck Josephine Sánchez William Martinez Lisa de Angelis Carole Howard Jesse Santera Jane McKeon Pray for the Sick Baptisms Jimmy Sarandis Douglas Sharpe John Shubeck Joseph Schneider Eleanor Simons Colin Smith Pita Ernest Steinhilber,III Isah Marie Tomas Aurora Van de Water Andrés Ulaje Pedro Verastegui Ivanna Vidal Concepción Villaborres Aisha Wade Chris Warren Elizabeth Woods Patty Young Nick Zwatney Giancarlo Zamora Please remember to contact the Parish Office when it is appropriate to remove a name from this list or they will be removed after two months. To provide the Eucharist at home for ill parish members or family, call Pedro Valentin at 305-251-7335 or the parish office at 305-238-7562. Si estas enfermo o impedido de asistir a la Misa y deseas recibir la Comunión en tu casa, puedes comunicarte con Adriana Morales, 305-969-0960. Ministry to The Sick November 21 - 23 Be healed by the Spirit, Be taught by the Spirit, Be empowered by the Spirit. Come experience the love of God through His Holy Spirit this weekend. Friday 6:30-9:30 PM, Saturday 10-4, Sunday 1-5 Cost: $40 Contact: Natalie Bauta 305-987-9800 Retiro de Emaús para Damas 14, 15 y 16 de Noviembre Las hermanas del Ministerio de Emaús de St. Louis te invitan al próximo retiro de Emaús #57 el 14, 15 y 16 de noviembre 2014. Este retiro se hace solamente una vez en la vida. Si todavía no has disfrutado de esta preciosa experiencia, no dejes pasar esta gran oportunidad de tener un encuentro personal con nuestro Señor Jesucristo. El equipo de Emaús estará en la rotonda después de cada misa para que puedan inscribirse o para obtener más información sobre el retiro. Las esperamos. ! Jesucristo Ha Resucitado! También pueden contactar a Maria Puyada al 305-801-4199 o Alejandra Cuervo 305-898-7083 Thanksgiving Celebration Our Parish Bilingual Mass Join us for a Special Celebration of the Holy Eucharist 10 AM Thanksgiving Day Reception in the Courtyard after Mass Thanksgiving Dinner Spending Thanksgiving alone? Last year we had a great group come together of people who did not have a family to share Thanksgiving lunch at 12 PM. The parish would like to sponsor a Thanksgiving Dinner for you if you are a single person, single parent with children, divorced, widowed, a couple or a small family without relatives to celebrate the holiday. For more information or to make a reservation, Please call Betty Quinn 305-281-3014 Humanities Christmas Project: Family to Family The Humanities Ministry is seeking your generosity to reach out to those in need throughout Dade County by providing food and toys for Christmas. Once again you will be able to sponsor families from; migrants from St. Ann’s Mission, Miami Behavioral Health Centers, families with children with AIDS, Corpus Christi, Our Lady of our Redeemer and more. Family-to-Family project at Christmas helps feed over 700 families and is sponsored and worked by more than 1,100 parish families. Please visit us in the rotunda to choose your Hands and volunteer to help. We will be wrapping and receiving gifts on Saturday, December 6th from 8 AM - 6 PM and delivering on Saturday, December 13th. Monseñor Martin Avalos y el Ministerio Dei Verbum U.S.A. Annual Open House Sunday, November 23, 2014 9 AM - 5 PM 2950 SW 87th Avenue Miami, FL 33165 Miami’s largest Catholic co-ed institution, hosts an For more information on tour times and our college preparatory academies please visit or call 305-223-5181 Te invita a una experiencia única de Celebración Eucarística Adoración y Alabanza Tres Iglesia - Tres Noches Noviembre 21 - Iglesia St. Louis 7270 SW 120 St., Pinecrest, FL “Hora Santa para Jóvenes” 7:30 - 9:30 pm Para más información puede llamar al 786-467-8613 To purchase by phone call Cacha Lyden Ph: 305-606-1911 Raffle will be drawn at the St. Louis Covenant Harverst Picnic Saturday, November 22 Oigamos El Llamado De Nuestra Madre jueves el 4 de diciembre a 7:30 PM La Guardiana De La Fe (With English Translations) Celebrando los 26 aniversario Nuestra Señora Guardiana de la Fe, Cuenca, Ecuador, Patricia Talbot regresa a la Florida para compartir el llamado a una verdadera conversión, devoción a nuestra Señora, con una vida completa sacramental. Nuestra Señora “Guardiana de la Fe” nos invita a formar Cenáculos en nuestros hogares y parroquias para ayudarnos en una autentica conversión personal. ¡Ven a escuchar de “Pachi” este llamado de amor de Nuestra Madre del Cielo que esta pidiendo que seamos trabajadores para ayudar a crear una nueva civilización del amor! Debemos regresar al propósito para el cual fuimos creados. ¡Vengan y traigan a sus amigos! One Church One Family The One Church One Family Capital Campaign Save the Date! St. Louis Catholic Community! You are all cordially invited to a special evening of food, dancing and fellowship at the St. Louis Christmas Star Ball. The event is scheduled to take place on Friday, December 19, 2014 at eight o’clock in the evening at The Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables. Our special guests for the evening will be Monsignor James Fetscher, Fr. David Russell, and Fr. Paul Vuturo. The Christmas Star Ball will be a fundraiser to benefit our capital campaign project. As such, we will be selling individual tickets for $150.00 or tables for $1,500, and we will be offering sponsorships levels beyond that in the event others might be interested in supporting the Capital Campaign. 100% of the proceeds will go towards the capital campaign as this event has been generously underwritten by Dr. and Mrs. Percy & Ilsen Aitken. For more information, please visit our campaign website at: or contact Angélica Santibañez, Campaign Director, at 305. 238.7562, ext. 7033 To make an online pledge commitment or campaign payment, please click here: Stay Connected With Us! Mass Intentions, Saints and Readings for the Week Intenciones de la Misa, Santos y Lecturas para la Semana Sunday/domingo Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Nov. 16th Prv 31: 10-13, 19-20, 30-31: 1 Thes 5: 1-6; Mt 25: 14-30 7:00 am + Recently Deceased/Bereavement Ministry + Lois Skitt/Dick & Maureen Murray 8:15 am + Ligia Builes/Rueda Family + Horst Krause/Loving Family 9:30 am + José Valiente/Leo & Carol Corradini Pilar Carson/Mary Kilcoyne 11:00 am St. Louis Parish Family/Parish Priests + Marie Kirby/Ester Kirby 12:30 pm + John Patton/Ray & Patrice Kayes + Otmara Quiñones/Maria Maristany 5:30 pm + Anibal Gagliodone/Shakespeare Family + José Maria Perez/Taquechel Family 7:15 pm + Luis Guillermos Vargas/Gloria Rodriguez + Sandrita Campos/Loving Family Monday/lunes St. Elizabeth of Hungary, religious Nov. 17th Rv 1:1-4 2: 1-5; Lk 18: 35-43 6:30 am + Gilberto Rosendo Gorrita/Stephen Zukoff Ailette Sajous/Sabrina Sajous 8:30 am + Alex Pattinson/Loving Mother + Nelson St. Thomas/Loving Family 8:30 am 7:00 pm + Julia Riquelme/Luis & Haydee Flores + Joseph & Mary Reiffsteck + Vicente Hernandez/Murillo Family Thursday/jueves Nov. 20th Rv 5: 1-10; Lk 19:41-44 6:30 am Stephen Sajous/Sabrina Sajous 8:30 am + Ryan Perkins/Theresa Maiorana + Julia Riquelme/Luis & Haydee Flores Friday/viernes The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Nov. 21st Rv10: 8-11; Lk 19: 45-48 6:30 am + Deceased Member of STL Knight of Columbus 8:30 am + Shaun Diaz/Loving Family + Henry Fernández/Marcella Cruz Saturday/sábado St. Cecelia, virgin-martyr Nov. 22nd Rv 11: 4-12; Lk 20: 27-40 8:30 am Jim & Aurora Connell - Speical Intention 5:30 pm Sylvia & José Starrey - Happy Anniversary + Mabel Garnica/Tom Garnica Sunday/domingo Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Nov. 23rd Ez 34: 11-12, 15-17: 1 Cor 15: 20-26, 28: Mt Tuesday/martes The Dedication of the Basilica Sts.Peter & Paul, apostles 25: 31-46 7:00 am + Recently Deceased/Bereavement Ministry Nov. 18th Rv 3: 1-6, 14-22; Lk 19: 1-10 + Angelita Castillo/Maureen Murray 6:30 am Mercedes Pujals/Tere Spring 8:15 am Special Intention Aliette Sajous/Sabrina Sajous 9:30 am + Deceased Members of STL Knight of Columbus 8:30 am + Raymonde Elizee/Simone Elizee + Eddie Pérez/Joe & Carol Corradini + Maxine Mousset/Guyamier Family 11:00 am St. Louis Parish Family/Parish Priests + José Maria Pérez/Pablo Taquechel & Family Wednesday/miércoles 12:30 pm In Thanksgiving Nov. 19th Rv 4: 1-11; Lk 19: 11-28 5:30 pm + Marie Therese Antoine/Ghislaine Johnson 6:30 am Wendy Sajous/Sabrina Sajous + Maurice Johnson/Ghislaine Johnson Stanley Sajous/Sabrina Sajous 7:15 pm + Souls in Purgatory/Claudia Lancheros + Rafael Codinach/Lori St. Thomas MASS ALTAR SERVERS LECTORS VOCATION CHALICE* 5:30 pm Witkowskis Bauta/Hart Stephen Porter (786-837-4117) 7:00 am Myers/Ortíz Petersen/Millot Lourdes Manning (305-245-4423) 8:15 am Camelo/Arias Martínez-Varela Zoraida Torres (305-562-8961) 9:30 am DeRosimo/Martin Tuckwell/Martínez Bob & Pat Desbiens (305-251-8988) 11:00 am Montero/Vilomar Mowbray.Ball Lauren Chue-Sang (305-233-9494) 12:30 pm Muñiz/Fuentes Diaz/Rodríguez Milagros Marrou (305-234-2729) 5:30 pm Modroños Youth Miriam Columbro (786-430-0302) 7:15 pm Cárdenas/Motorla Reategui/Rodríguez Oriele Joya-Lobaton (786-488-4298) Next Week’s Schedule *These are the persons in charge of the scheduling of the Vocation Chalice for the respective Mass. Please call them. Midnight Musings / Pensamientos de Media Noche The Extraordinary Ordinary We are coming to the end of Ordinary Time in our liturgical calendar. “Ordinary Time” simply designates the weeks of the year outside of the major liturgical seasons: Advent, the Christmas Season, Lent and Eastertime. This week’s readings highlight the importance of living our ordinary human lives with the extraordinary perspective of faith. The Old Testament reading from Proverbs describes the ordinary life of a woman, a wife and a mother. She lives wisely, lovingly and well the different roles that have been entrusted to her. The reading’s point, reinforced by the Responsorial Psalm, is that God takes great delight in the fidelity we demonstrate in our day to day lives. Such an “ordinary” life the psalm describes as a great blessing from God! Real heroes of the faith are not just the famous and more extraordinary Christians; real heroes are more than apostles and miracle workers, more than popes and founders of religious orders, more than visionaries and stigmatics. The holiness of daily life demonstrates that we can all belong to Christ and live out our discipleship in our homes and workplaces, in schools and in government, in hospitals and in factories. Most of the saints in heaven are unknown to us on earth. They lived apparently ordinary lives, charged with the extraordinary grace of faith and love that comes from God. In all of our different vocations and occupations of life, St. Paul says that we can live as “children of the light and children of the day” (I Thessalonians 5:5). That light of Christ shines in all we do and say, when those words and actions reflect our commitment to Christian values. We live those values now because we know where we are going; St. Paul explains: “the day of the Lord will come” (I Thessalonians 5:2). Time leads us to eternity; what lasts for a time brings us to what will last forever. Different people have different jobs, talents and opportunities, Jesus teaches in the gospel. Discipleship means playing the hand that is dealt us, in easy and in difficult times; we all must give an account of ourselves to God for what we did with what he gave us. We are surrounded by saints, not just ordinary folks muddling through a mundane existence. Brothers and sisters demonstrate here in time by their faith and love the values of the kingdom that will bring us to eternal life. These good, ordinary people are quite extraordinary – in their fidelity, their commitment to reflecting the light of Christ. Yours in Christ, El Extraordinario Ordinario Estamos llegando al final del Tiempo Ordinario en nuestro calendario litúrgico. “Tiempo Ordinario” simplemente designa las semanas fuera de las temporadas litúrgicas mayores: Adviento, Temporada de Navidad, Cuaresma y la Temporada de la Pascua de Resurrección. Las lecturas de estas semanas señalan la importancia de la vida en nuestra ordinaria vida humana con extraordinaria perspetiva de fe. La lecturas del Antiguo Testamento en Proverbios describe la vida ordinaria de una mujer, madre y esposa. Ella vive sabiamente, llena de amor y desarrollando los diferente papeles que le han sido encomendados. El punto de la lectura, reforzado por el Salmo Responsorial, es que Dios siente gran placer en la fidelidad que demostramos en nuestra vida día a día. Una vida tan “ordinaria” describe el Salmo, que es una gran bendición de Dios. Los verdaderos héroes de la fe no son los famosos ni los Cristianos más extraordinarios; los verdaderos héroes son más que los apóstoles y los milagreros, más que los papas y fundadores de ordenes religiosas, más que los visionarios y estigmáticos. La santidad de la vida diaria demuestra que podemos pertenecer a Cristo y vivir nuestro discípulado en nuestros hogares y lugares de trabajo, en la escuela y en el gobierno, en hospitales y factorias. La mayoría de los santos en el cielo son desconocidos para nosotros en la tierra. Aparentemente vivieron vidas ordinarias, cargadas con la extraordinaria gracia de la fe y amor que proviene de Dios. En todas las diferentes vocaciones y ocupaciones de la vida, San Pablo dice que podemos vivir como “niños de la luz y del día” (1 Tesalonicenses 5:5). La luz de Cristo resplandece en todo lo que hacemos y decimos, cuando esas palabras y esas acciones reflejan nuestro compromiso con los valores Cristianos. Ahora vivimos esos valores porque sabemos a donde vamos; San Pablo explica: “el día del Señor llegará” (1 Tesalonicenses 5:2). El tiempo nos lleva a la eternidad; lo que dura por un tiempo nos lleva a lo que durará para siempre. Diferentes personas tienen diferentes trabajos, talentos y oportunidades, nos enseña Jesús en el evangelio. Discipulado significa jugar con la porción que se nos ha dado, en los buenos y malos tiempos; todos tenemos que rendir cuentas de nosotros mismos a Dios por lo que hemos hecho con lo que El nos entregó. Estamos rodeados de santos, no sólo personas ordinarias malgastando su mundana existencia. Hermanos y hermanas que demusetran aquí en tiempo su fe y amor a los valores del reino que nos llevará a la vida eterna. Estas buenas, ordinarias personas son realmente extraordinarias - en su fidelidad, su consistencia, su dependencia, su compromiso a reflejar la luz de Cristo.
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