Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic Church 1400 South State Road 7 North Lauderdale, Florida 33068 PRIESTS Rev. Kidney M. St. Jean, Pastor Rev. Raúl Pérez (Associate Residence) PARISH OFFICE: (954) 971-5400 FAX: (954) 972-4008 E-Mail: olqh@bellsouth.net WEBSITE: www.olqhcc.org Fifth Sunday of Easter May 3, 2015 OFFICE HOURS 9:00AM till 4:00PM Monday thru Friday Saturday 8:00AM till 1:00PM 8:00AM - 1:00PM Sunday MASSES Monday ~ Saturday 8:00AM (English) DAILY WEEKEND Saturday: Sunday: 4:30PM (Sunday Vigil) 7:30AM, 9:00AM, 11:00 AM, (English) 1:30PM (Spanish) 5:30PM (French/Creole) Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament every First Friday after the 8:00AM Mass. The Sacrament of Baptism is arranged by appointment. Please call the Office. The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) - 3:30PM - 4:15PM Saturday or by appointment. Reconciliación en español antes de la Misa en español The Sacrament of the Sick - Please call the Office as soon as anyone is seriously ill. The Sacrament of Matrimony - Please call the Office at least six months in advance of the proposed wedding date. CCD Classes: Sunday 9:00AM - 1:15PM Gift/Bookstore: Sunday(8:00am till 12:30) Monday and Tuesday (10:00AM - 1:00PM) Thrift Store: call office for openings Come to Me, all who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 Page 2 Fifth Sunday of Easter May 3, 2015 Let us love not in word or speech but in deed and truth. — 1 John 3:18 Saturday 8:00am READINGS FOR THE WEEK Acts 14:5-18; Ps 115:1-4, 15-16; Jn 14:21-26 Tuesday: Acts 14:19-28; Ps 145:10-13ab, 21; Jn 14:27-31a Wednesday: Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122:1-5; Jn 15:1-8 Thursday: Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96:1-3, 10; Jn 15:9-11 Friday: Acts 15:22-31; Ps 57:8-10, 12; Jn 15:12-17 Saturday: Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100:1b-3, 5; Jn 15:18-21 Sunday: Acts 10:25-36, 34-35, 44-48; Ps 98:1-4; 1 Jn 4:7-10 or 1 Jn 4:11-16; Jn 15:9-17 or Jn 17:11b-19 4:30pm Monday: Sunday 7:30am 9:00am 11:00am 1:30pm SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Tuesday: Thursday: Saturday 8:00am 4:30pm Sunday 7:30am 9:00am 11:00am 1:30pm 5:30pm Fifth Sunday of Easter Cinco de Ma National Day of Prayer 5:30pm May 9 Thanksgiving to St. Michael by Michaelle Legion of Mary 7th Anniversary † Birthday Blessings in Heaven for Kevin Aldair Bolanos Manzano May 10 Thanksgiving to St. Michael by Michaelle † Joyce Callahan (family) † Carmela Amato Stann (Mom and Dad) † Clara Leyla Acevedo and Miriam Rosario Perez (family) † James Fry (wife and sons) In Honor of the Blessed Mother (Aterno Family) † Arisleydi Rubio (family) † Teresita Vilchiz Hernandez (son) In Thanksgiving (Aida Villamarin) † Marguerite Hyacinthe (daughter Micheline) † Carmen Vaval (Goddaughter) Monday 8:00am Tuesday 8:00am Wednesday 8:00am Thursday 8:00am Friday 8:00am May 2 Thanksgiving to St. Michael by Michaelle † Josephine Skoczylas (Irene Boruch) † Matthew Byrne (William and Nancy Schefflen) Birthday Blessings for Rita Mae Bolan (family) May 3 † Josephone Skoczylas (OLQH Staff) † Joyce Callahan (family) In Thanksgiving and Peace for the family and the Soul of Anna, Maria and Thomas and Prayers for Lonely Souls and Baby Souls (Lam Family) † Angelo Cangello (wife and family) † Victoria Torres and Amado Govea (family) † George Leguen (Ana Valenzuela) † Albina Marmol (Maria Lazo) † Familia Castanon y La Familia Contreras (Jose Castanon e higos) † Bernardo Antonio Olaya Martin (family) † Paul Diaz (family) † Marguerite Hyacinthe (daughter Micheline) In Thanksgiving to St. Michael by Michaelle May 4 † Helen Mullen (Theresa Fairweather) Special Intentions for Janet Lopez May 5 In Thanksgiving for Jeanine Roy (Lesly Lavelanet) In Thanksgiving to St. Michael (Michaelle) May 6 † Josephine Skoczylas (Joseph and Millie Magli) In Thanksgiving to St. Michael (Michaelle) May 7 † James Fry (wife and sons) In Thanksgiving to St. Michael (Michaelle) May 8 In Thanksgiving to St. Michael (Michaelle) † Jean Monbrea (husband Joe) Mother’s Day Spiritual Bouquet envelopes are now available in the Church. This is a beautiful way to remember “Mother” on her special day. Cards are available in the Parish Office. Mother’s Day—Sunday ~ May 10th Page 3 Audrey Miller Jesus Orta Marianne Paryani Saida Paul Michael Perello Mike Porcelli Melissa Dorcely Gina Abbruzzese Jasmine Posadas Floral Tina Acker Marjare Pritchard Doris Forastiero Leclerc Adisson Alfonso Quintero Charles Alexandra Roger Fortin Janet Reilly Joyce Forrest Anthony Amato Raymond Reppart Jean Francois Bob Baran Marino Restrepo Martha Friedman Andrew Beaton Susie Richards Mercella Beeson Bill Friel Sara Ritzler Maria Luisa Esther Betty Elsie Rivera Gaston Rita Mae Bolan Joel Rivera Tanish Goodwin Anton Borbell Jorge Luis Roa Joann Goggin Linda Bowman Florencio Gregorio Sandra Roa Frankciour Brave Jorge Roa Angel Guerrazzi Helen Brown Maria Carol Jean Jose Camacho Dana Rodriguez Deborah Campbell Philomene Jean Jonathan Ray Reginal Jean Cadene Campbell Rodriguez and Regina Jean Sheena Campbell family Alejandro Jaramillo Leo Carballosa Jose I n g n a c i o Maurice Rohan Alberto Cascante Ana Maria Rua Jaramillo Sister Elena Castillo Maria Alejandra Claudia Russel SCTJM PJ Ruster Jaramillo Patricia Cavallino Diana Sanchez Monica Joffre Hope Cheeks Gerarda Septimus Lovely Julian Deborah Ciccone Pete Sereno Wesley Julian Laisa Corredor Dawn Shaw Brianna Julian JoAnn Cuccia Alicia Singh Shania Julian Joseph Cuccia Ricky Smith Brenda Hayes Larry Cuccia Cheryl Khan Debora Yoli Smith Father Edward Derboghossian Kenny Snolinski Konopka Richard Deverson Khaled Spencer Fran Kotulak Luala Diaz Richard Sopelsa Eva Landivar Reguilus Dorcely Denise Salomone Mary Laurence Regina Dorcely Prudy Taormina Jeremy Dorrington Samma Lebins Jeannette Thereagne Mary Ann Levan Cindy Doyle Vivette Thimon Patricia Lerwick The Doty Family Yolanda Thomas Antoinette Lebins Debbie Doulens William Torres Richard Sanadjine Dubois Jason Trout McLaughlin Charles Dubois Tamara Valencia Lydia McSweeney Mona Valentin Eloy Dubois Emmanuel Alejandro Escala Pedro Valencia McSweeney Michael Fallmann Layla Viau Marilyn Marsh Dottie Fallon Maria Dolores Guy Magli Jack Fallon Jr. Ching Vidal Eviel Margecot John Fallon III Zully Mar Vidal Kyle Marinelli Kenneth Felipe Ms g r . E dmu n d Paul Marcum III and family Whyte Anette and Jorge Barbara Medeiros Daphyne Wodzinski Danny Medeiros Ferman Edda Ybarra Jonise Meme Eric Flanders Jorge Ybarra And family Evelyn Florevil ABCD Update Thank you to all of those who made their sacrificial pledge. However we are still in need of help to reach our Parish goal for 2015. If you have not already made a pledge please prayerfully consider making a pledge in support. To date $20,526 has been pledged. Our goal for 2015 is $26,648.00. Thank you for your generosity and support. With it ~ delivery of critical services can occur to those who need it most. God bless you for your help. Offertory Collection April 25th and 26th $7,316.50 Children Offertory $137.26 May 2015 SANCTUARY LAMP Thanksgiving and Blessings to the Blessed Sacrament Requested by the Polo and Tamayo Family HAITIAN PRAYER GROUP Tuesdays at 7:00PM in the Church All are invited to attend PASCHAL CANDLE 2015 Blessings for Our Lady Queen of Heaven Parish and Choirs Requested by The Three Choirs of OLQH Page 4 REMEMBER THE MILITARY IN YOUR PRAYERS Tamara Abraham Angelo Andres Emilio Barco Christopher M. Bordino Christopher B. Carden Robert A. Case Shannon Castineira Troy Castineira Luis Fernando Castro Joseph M. Cuccia Edward Carroll Mario B. Johnson Alex Klagstea My Lam Joseph Lawson Raashad Mathis Raul Matute Alberto E. Marquez Amanda Perello Ricardo A. Stewart Jr. Richerson Talleyrand Matt Tarr Nadia L. A. Traylor Nina J. Traylor David Vinton Craig Wright Anthony Zamora Jonathan Zamora Haitian Mother’s Day Cultural Party Saturday May 30th, 2015 7:00pm ~ 11:30pm Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic Church Assembly Hall María Luisa Gastón will teach “The Bible and You” In the Assembly Area English May 31st 12:30-2pm “Bring your Bible” Altar Flowers May 2nd and 3rd, 2015 In Memory Of Paul Diaz Please Join Us As we Celebrate The Ordination Anniversary of Father Kidney St. Jean 23 Years Father Ken Wolnowski 50 Years $20.00 Per Person Children under 12 ~$12.00 Tickets available in Parish Office Only 75 tickets will be sold Sunday May 17, 2015 for Coffee and Cake In the Parish Hall After the 9:00am Mass All are Welcome Page 5 Mother’s Day Sunday, May 10th 9:00am Mass The Knights of Columbus Council 13334 of Our Lady Queen of Heaven meet every SECOND WEDNESDAY of the month at 7:30pm in the Parish Hall. For more information please call Ray Kunkler @954-972-8540 CONFIRMATION MASS REHEARSAL The Confirmation Mass Rehearsal will be on Friday, May 15 at 7:00 Divine Will Prayer Group meets twice a month at p . m . i n t h e 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Meetings will be May church. Godparents and parents MUST 5th and 19th attend this rehearsal. Catholic Cemeteries Archdiocese of Miami We will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation on Saturday, May 16 at 10:00 a.m. Presiding, Bishop Fernando Isern, Bishop. You are graciously invited To attend the Memorial Day Mass On May 25, 2015 At 10:00am Our Lady Queen of Heaven Cemetery 1500 South state Road 7 North Lauderdale, Fl Celebrant Auxiliary Bishop Peter Baldacchino Visit Irene in the bookstore for all your Mother’s Day ~ Communion and Confirmation needs. We have new items every week. So stop by and put your choices on layaway. Directory Pick—up If you had your photo taken for the Parish directory ~ they are now available in the Parish office. Page 6 Preparación Sacramental para Adultos ¿Ha pensado en ser católico o conoce a alguien que lo está pensando? ¿Ha sido bautizado y le gustaría recibir su Primera Comunión o Confirmación? Los invitamos a participar del Rito de la Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos conocido como el RICA. Las sesiones son el tercer domingo del mes después de la misa. Pase por la oficina para registrarse y para más información. Venga a ver, pregunte y aprenda. Estas sesiones son para adultos que “al al oír el anuncio del misterio de Cristo, y bajo la acción del Espíritu Santo en sus corazones, consciente y libremente buscan al Dios vivo y emprenden el camino de la fe y de la conversión. Con la ayuda de Dios se les provee de la ayuda espiritual para su preparación y para la recepción fructuosa de los sacramentos en el momento oportuno.” (RICA 1) EL RICA invita: a adultos no bautizados a convertirse en miembros de la Iglesia Católica; re-integrar a adultos bautizados en la fe católica que no han sido catequizados o se han alejado de la fe; integrar a la Iglesia Católica a personas bautizadas en otras comunidades cristianas; invitar a esos tres grupos de personas a vivir un itinerario espiritual que les ayude a madurar en su fe. Únete a Nosotros para celebrar el aniversario de la Ordenación de Padre Kidney St. Jean 23 Años y Padre Ken Wolnowski 50 Años Estaremos celebrando el Sacramento de Confirmación el sábado, 16 de mayo a las 10:00 a.m. con el Obispo Fernando Isern. El Directorio de Fotos de la parroquia ya llego. Si usted se tomo una foto para nuestro directorio en mayo del 2014, pase a buscar su copia. LA FLOR MÁS SANTA María es el lirio en el jardín de Dios. --Santa Brígida de Suecia María Luisa Gastón dará un curso “La Biblia y tú” en Our Lady Queen of Heaven Una vez al mes, de abril a octubre, 2015 Como parte del programa “¿Por qué ser católico?” En el Salon Parroquial Español: último domingo del mes, 2:45-4:15pm (mayo 31, junio 28, julio 26, agosto 30, sept 27, oct 25) Traiga su Biblia el domingo 17 de mayo 2015 en el Salón Parroquial después de la misa de 9 a.m. Tendremos café y cake. Todos son bienvenidos
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