DFID - A Briefing Seminar for Potential UK SME Suppliers

DFID - A Briefing Seminar for Potential UK SME Suppliers
18th November 2014 10:00-14:30
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, G75 8EA
Department for International Development
The Department for International Development (DFID) leads the UK government’s fight against world poverty, running
long-term programmes to help stop the underlying causes of poverty and responding to humanitarian emergencies.
UK Bilateral Official Development Assistance is estimated at £6,851 million in 2013. In 2013 the main region supported
was Africa, representing 38% of UK bilateral aid. Focus sectors include health, government, education and infrastructure.
This opens up a wide range of opportunities for UK companies to supply goods and services to these programmes.
UK Aid is untied and EU Public Procurement directives mandate EU-wide competition whereby no restrictions are
allowed in favour of national self-interest. On this basis, contracts are awarded to companies offering the best solution
whilst also ensuring that they represent value for money for the UK. Although DFID cannot favour UK companies when
awarding services & goods contracts, around 90% of all centrally issued contracts go to UK-registered companies.
For more information on the Department for International Development, please visit: www.gov.uk/dfid.
Why you should attend
The UK Trade & Investment Aid-Funded Business Service
(AFBS) helps UK companies win business from projects funded
by the aid organisations. AFBS liaises closely with DFID’s
Procurement Group, and aims to help UK companies (especially
SMEs) better understand DFID’s procurement procedures and
requirements. AFBS is therefore delighted to hold this meeting
in East Kilbride with DFID’s Procurement and Commercial team.
10:00-10:30 Registration
10:30-11:30 Plenary session one
11:30-11:45 Coffee break
11:45-13:00 Plenary session two inc. Q&A
13:00-14:30 Networking lunch
14:30 Close
After the presentations there will be a question & answer session for
companies to ask their specific questions to the DFID representatives.
Book your place at: www.dfidaidfunded.eventbrite.co.uk
Contact the AFBS Team
Rupi Nandra - Project Manager; Kirk Henderson - Project Administrator
T: 0845 603 0084 E: info@afbs.org.uk
Published [September 2014]
by UK Trade & Investment Aid-Funded Business Service
© UKTI Aid-Funded Business Service
Any enquiries regarding this document/publication should
be e-mailed to us at: info@afbs.org.uk
Or you can call: +44 (0)845 603 0084