St Brigid’s Marrickville In the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney, Australia One Family, Alive in Christ Est 1886. Under the Pastoral Care of the Passionists since 1887 392 Marrickville Rd (PO Box 237), Marrickville NSW 2204 Tel: 02 8577 5670 Fax: 02 8577 5679 Email: Web: FaceBook: St Brigid’s Marrickville Parish Priest: Fr John Pearce CP ( Associates: Fr Peter Gardiner CP ( Sr Elena Daton CP ( Parish Secretary: Ms Terrey Trethowan (9.30am - 4pm) We stand at the Crossroads of life for many people 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time (Yr A) Thank you all for coming this afternoon and joining me here at St Patrick’s Cathedral for this farewell event. Thank you, especially, to Dr Geoff Lee and Mr Michael Digges, for their very generous speeches and to Dr Lee for making his remarks in Parliament also. Back in 2012 I was invited by the then Lord Mayor of Parramatta, John Chedid, to lead a Christmas blessing in front of the Parramatta Town Hall in Church Street Mall. Apart from the privilege of leading the City in this ceremony commemorating the advent of Jesus Christ as a newborn baby in the Manger, I have the fond memory of sharing the stage in full episcopal garb not only with the worshipful Lord Mayor but with two singing and dancing Bananas in Pyjamas. We all do some extraordinary things for our community! That Christmas event demonstrated many of the things that are precious about Australian society and which we should be very vigilant to protect and strengthen. In some parts of the world religious authority is totalitarian or would be if it could be. Dominating world attention at present are ‘Islamic State’ and related terrorists who seek to impose a one-religion caliphate that enslaves, excludes or kills those of different or no religious belief, Chris- tians certainly, but even fellow Muslims who believe varieties of Islam different to their own. This is an example of faith become deaf to the voice of reason, faith that imposes rather than proposes its doctrines, faith that lacks the moral imagination to coexist peaceably and even live as friends with people who are different to ourselves, faith that uses or is used to achieve control by violence and establish a theocracy. In other societies, a healthy separation of Church and state becomes a totalitarian secularism or atheocracy that, likewise, seeks to banish all those with whom it does not agree. We need only think of communist countries that forbid or radically limit worship, religious education and practice; or the increasingly intolerant secularism of some Western countries that seeks to limit or abolish freedom of conscience and religion, to end collaboration between Church and state in education, healthcare, welfare or other aspects of civic life, to force faith into a very private realm and exclude religious voices from public life. I could give many examples of this occurring right now or in recent years in the US, UK and Europe. In these presumed polarities between Church and state, it’s a zero-sum game: either religion is in charge of everything, or secular politics is, and ne’er the twain shall meet. Australia has traditionally taken a very different and I think much healthier view of these things. We recognise a proper distinction between the realms of Church and state, each with their own inspiration, ideals, authority, responsibility and methods, mostly leaving each other well enough alone. But there are many overlaps also, and our “lucky country” has inclined to a healthy, pragmatic cooperation between Church and state, rather than the two taking pot-shots at each other across the trenches. So it is that in Australia the Church generally has the freedom to pursue her own ends, seeking to build up the Kingdom of God in her proclamation, liturgy, sacraments and works of charity, including the provision of healthcare, education and welfare with a Gospel focus. The state generally has the freedom to pursue its own ends, seeking to serve the common good as understood by people of diverse beliefs or none, and so providing for civic defence, policing, courts, laws and policies, social services and benefits, healthcare, public education, planning and the like. Sometimes, however, the state assists the Church and the Church assists the state in providing for services such as education, healthcare and welfare, and this relieves the state of much of the burden while allowing charities and volunteers to add enormous value and to do some things that bureaucracies could never do or do as well. Thus, in this country the Catholic Church contributes to the common good through provision of about 10,000 hospital beds, 20,000 aged care places, and 700,000 school desks. It assists Newsletter No. 46. 15/16 November 2014 Archbishop (Cont) countless people through parishes, CatholicCare, the St Vincent de Paul Society and so on. In 1300 parishes and in every walk of life, 5.5 million Catholics contribute in myriad ways to our nation. Peaceful democracies, affluent economies and cohesive societies don’t just happen: they depend upon a complex of ideals, practices and institutions and in this country these are largely a Judeo-Christian inheritance, however underappreciated that often is. There is much to be done to renew that social capital. It has been a privilege to work with all of you on that ongoing project for the betterment of Western Sydney over the past five years. In particular, I salute Premiers Keneally, O’Farrell and Baird, the latter two of whom were/are Minister for Western Sydney, the State Member for Parramatta, Dr Geoff Lee, and the various other state MPs, our federal representatives for Western Sydney and NSW senators, for the very positive meetings and various collaborations over the past five years. I would also like to thank the Mayors, councillors and staff of the several municipal councils. I have come to love Western Sydney and this city of Parramatta in particular where I live, and I think our civic leaders are doing some very impressive things to advance our region. This really is a very exciting part of the Church in Australia, where the Church is growing fastest, where it is young, energetic and full of hope for the future, where it stands ready to serve our community in many ways. But we are very aware that we cannot do all this alone. We rely on the Lord God above all. We have many generous clergy, employed staff, volunteers and ordinary parishioners, who do so much in His name. But we also have the very Australian collaboration between the Churches and faiths, between the Churches and government at federal, state and local levels, between the Churches, charities, business and academy. Thank you all for your presence here today and the cooperation that betokens. I have loved my time as Bishop of Parramatta. This has been in no small part thanks to the opportunity I have had to work with you in our common service of the people of Western Sydney. Thank you and God bless! Parish News Use of Our Halls Passionist Outreach Use of Shrubland Hall & Upper Room of Annexe Frs John & Peter at St Brigid’s. Fr Phil, in Port Moresby. Fr Lex, John & Peter, weddings. Fr Jim, Melbourne & Adelaide with Visiting Passionists. Bro Martin, has returned from London. Death of Fr Pat Cooper CP Pat died on Tuesday following a suspected heart attack and fall the day before. His funeral will be in Adelaide this Monday. MoVember in November We have raised $3,015 for Men’s Health & Cancer Research. Congratulations guys. Donations to then St Brigid’s Men’s Club or individual members names. Charitable Works Fund Thank you for supporting this Diocesan Appeal. So far we have collected $ 2,636.00 of our levy of $13,480.00 Nov 26: Memorial Mass For All Who Have Died This Year. The Parish has great assets that we all may use. The cost of maintaining these is a parish expense. Development of our Resources In the last 5 years the parish has outlaid over $30,000 for repair, maintenance and development of these resources. Some services have been donated. Shrubland Hall Replacement of collapsed floor Internal Painting New Carpets Shelving in store rooms New serving Benches (donated) New tables and chairs New table covers Upper Room of Annexe Internal Painting (donated) New tables and chairs Plasma TV Screen New blinds (donated) Names and Photos need to be emailed to Parish Office by 9am this Monday. On the night as names are read, please place a single flower on the altar rail. At the end of Mass, these are gathered and placed in vases. Maintenance Costs of maintaining these premises come from parish finances. Donations for use do not fully cover these expenses. The following issues need to be addressed by groups using our facilities. Nov 28: St Brigid’s School: Celebration of Cultures Booking Procedures All bookings for use of the Hall must be made directly with Parish Secretary, not through a secondary person. All bookings need to be in writing on the booking form. Deposits are required to protect our assets. No tape or blue tack to be used on the walls (the present deterioration is because of failure to follow this requirement) All rubbish to be bagged and removed immediately after use. Facility to be cleaned before departure. Where meals/food are involved, a garbage pick up fee to be paid. Noise curfew is 10pm, due to proximity of neighbours. Failure to comply with these basic requirements will mean that bookings from specific groups will no longer be accepted. These facilities are for all of us to use and enjoy. Let’s care for them as well as we would our own homes. St Brigid’s School from 4-9pm Change of Date Dec 1: Parish Leaders Annual Gathering A gathering of Parish Committees and Workers in Shrubland Hall for drinks and light supper (7pm). For catering purposes, please RSVP to Parish Office NO LATER than Friday 28 November. Dec 6: Boarding Houses Christmas Party In Shrubland Hall, 1-3pm. Christmas gifts are requested. . Dec 13: Peace on Earth: Community Carols The MC and programme director is John Jacobs from Casimir College, assisted by Sandra Crocombe. Maria Barlow & the Cultural Committee are co-ordinating food and drinks. Help will be needed on the morning of Dec 13 to set up stage, sound, flags, etc. Clean & pack up at 9pm after fireworks. We finished by 9.30pm last year. Let’s get behind it again this year! Information Directory CatholicCare Family Help Line 1300 1300 52 St Brigid’s Primary School 9558 6926 Casimir Catholic College 9558 2888 Catholic Church Marriage Tribunal 9390 5120 Baptisms Preparation: 1st Sundays 10am Presentation: 2nd Sunday Masses Baptisms: 3rd & 4th Sundays 12pm or at Masses Marriages Preferably 6 months notice Contact: Parish Secretary Pastoral Ministry Contacts: Liturgical Timetable Mon—Fri: Masses: 6.45 am, 9.00 am; Wednesday 7.00 pm Eucharistic Adoration: 7.15-8.45am. Benediction: 8.45am Public Hols: Mass 9.00am Saturday: Mass 7.30 am; Reconciliation 9-10 am; Marriages 10-3 pm; Reconciliation 4-4.45 pm; Mass: 5 pm; & 6.30 pm (Vietnamese) Sunday: Mass at 7.30 am, 9 am, 10 .30am (multilingual); 4.30pm (Viet); 6pm Ministry of Care & Support to Aged and Infirm Mass is celebrated monthly in all the Nursing Homes in Marrickville. Communion is taken to sick residents in Nursing Homes & in their homes on a weekly basis, either by Ministers of Care or family members. Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is offered after Masses on First Fridays, and at the 10am Italian mass on 4th Fridays. Also available on request and recommended before attending hospital for major surgery. We Remember Recently Deceased: Fr Patrick Cooper CP; Francesco Nobrega; Anniversaries: Teodoro Zamora Guerrero; Celina De Freitas; Peter Nguyen Van Chen. Adult Sacraments Sr Elena CanCare Fr John, Jenny, Maree Recently Ill: Teresa Mazzeo; Lucy MacKillop Care of Sick & Aged Sr Elena CCD in State Schools Sue King Children’s Sacraments Fr John Cultural C’tee Maria Barlow-Sawaszenko Ecumenical & Interfaith John McGrath Parish Collections Sr Pat Bowthorpe FMM Family Groups Carole Price Counters: This week (17/11) Finance Council Michael Curran Justice & Peace Fr Peter, Peter Jennings Lea’s Team Counters: Next Week (24/11) Liturgical Ministries Fr John, Sr Elena Jim/Lalo/Maree Men’s Club: Arthur Kassis, John Skinner, Mick Ward 8/9 November Pastoral Council John Skinner, Paige Bullen 1st (Passionists): $ 1,960 PPC Committees: 2nd (Parish): $ 5,337 - Communication/Engagement: Cash & Envelopes: $ 4,054 - Infrastructure: John Skinner Credit Cards: $ 1,283 - Nurturing Liturgy: Paige Bullen 1/2 November - Social Justice: Peter Jennings 1st (Passionists): $ 2,510 - Spiritual Growth: 2nd (Parish): $ 5, 041 - Strong Community: Michael Ward Charitable Works: $2,636 (Our Levy: $13,480) Sunday Mass Ministries: Lectors/Commentators 15/16 November 5 pm Sat 7.30am Sun 9 am Sun 22/23 November Mass Texts: Sunday 33 First Reading: Proverbs 31:10-13.1920.30-31 Response: O blessed are those who fear the Lord Second Reading: 1 Thess 5:1-6 Gospel: Matthew 25:14-30 Intercession Response: Lord, graciously hear us Mass Texts: Christ the King First Reading: Ezekiel 34: 11-12.15-17 Response: The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want . Second Reading: 1 Corin 15: 20-26.28 Gospel: Matthew 25:31-46 Intercessions Response: Lord graciously hear us Sunday 33 & Christ the King Communion Ministers 15/16 November 22/23 November Altar Servers 15/16 November 22/23 November Michael Price Kelelia Apikotoa Vanessa Apikotoa Marg Dos Santos Mary Leask Susie Houssarini Carole Price Maria Fuller Sam Kiula Leila Walsh Paul Hurst Maria Fuller Jack Houssarini Liz Buchel William Metlej Ofa Tupola Leon Tupola Gary Tupola Visesio Siasau Joseph Kula Alycia Young Leon Tupola Gary Tupola Visesio Siasau Joseph Kula Alicya Young John Freeman Pat O’Reilly Marivic Murray Janice Schubach Kerry Anne Pestana Denis Habermann Marivic Murray Mary Entriken John Freeman Michael Dillon Michael Dillon Michael Dillon Peter Jennings Christina Day John McGrath Justin Hartany Jessica Hartany Jenny Oesman Kath Walton Frank Cowell Pedro Moreira Therese Skinner John Skinner Xavier Rego Naomi Rego Natasha Rego Olivia Moreira Ivy Bullen Fergus Bullen Theodore Bullen Michael Moreira Claude Walton Louis Walton Jacqueline Flett Nicholas Sourlas Elvie Chiapoco Fiona & Jessica Paul Bernadette Yammine Alb Naticchia Ant Naticchia Adrienne Harverson Geoffrey Lean Kalala Sakopo Rosa Travia Alfredo Schiavo Albert Naticchia Anthony Naticchia John Dorrington Geoffrey Lean Aldrick De Vera Alfred De Vera William Crocombe James Poonan Alycia Nasic Dominic Manansala Pei-Pei Coa Ever Landero David Cloran Anthony Kassis Alex Kassis Tony Hayek Lea Paladino Tony Hayek John Collins Tony Hayek John Collins John Skinner Therese Skinner Kath Walton 10.30 am Sun Adrienne Harverson Diana Perin Angie Chiapoco 6 pm Sun Maria Fuller Catrina Fuller ST BRIGID’S SCHOOL Maria Barlow Alfredo Schiavo Ted Bain YOUTH Parish Calendar 2014 & Coming Events November 15-16 Nov 33rd Sunday of the Year 19 Nov Justice & Peace Archdiocesan Co-ordination Team ( 6.45pm) 20 Nov Mass for 150 years after Death of Fr John Therry (5.30pm) 21 Nov Berne School Graduation 22 Nov Construct 2014 Crib Gift of Bread Celebration Mass (5pm) 22-23 Nov Feast of Christ the King 25 Nov Pastoral Council (7.30pm) 26 Nov Annual Memorial Mass (7pm) 27 Nov Finance Council 28 Nov Celebration of Cultures at School (4.30pm) 29 Nov Feast of St Andrew (Orthodox Feast) 29-30 Nov First Sunday of Advent 30 Nov Feast of Vietnamese Martyrs December Dec 1 Dec 4 6-7 Dec Gathering of Committees & Ministers (7pm) Wrapping Boarding House Gifts in Shrublands Hall (9.30am) Second Sunday of Advent Containers for Vanimo The Containers have arrived. They are here for another week. Time to fill them up!!! Mostly we need Long Life Products. Also water, canned food, rice, flour, noodles. Drop off at St Brigids Church between 9am-4pm. Remember: long life food only. Boarding House Christmas Party 6th December in Shrubland Hall, 1-3pm Who is My neighbour? At Christmas, its our people in Boarding Houses. On this day we share our Gift of Kindness and Fun with our friends from the local Boarding Houses. The Party includes a Lunch and a Sing-A-Long with Parishioners mixing with our guests. You are most welcome to come along and enjoy and share. A plate of food would be most welcome. Santa will give out gifts. Some Gift suggestions ... For men: toiletries, socks, t shirts, hankies and caps. For women: toiletries, t shirts, bags and sun hats. Please bring gifts to Church unwrapped but in plastic bags on weekends of Nov 15-16 and 22-23. If you wish, a cash Donation in lieu of a gift may be put in an envelope marked Boarding House Party on a Sunday collection. Wrapping morning Thursday 4th December from 9.30am in Shrubland Hall.
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