Weekend of 20th and 21st December

St Brigid’s Marrickville
In the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney, Australia
One Family, Alive in Christ
Est 1886. Under the Pastoral Care of the Passionists since 1887
392 Marrickville Rd (PO Box 237), Marrickville NSW 2204
Tel: 02 8577 5670
Fax: 02 8577 5679
Email: parish@stbrigid.org.au
Web: www.stbrigid.org.au
FaceBook: St Brigid’s Marrickville
Parish Priest: Fr John Pearce CP (pp@stbrigid.org.au)
Associates: Fr Peter Gardiner CP (peter@stbrigid.org.au)
Fr George Koloth CP (george@stbrigid.org.au)
Sr Elena Daton CP (elena@stbrigid.org.au)
Parish Secretary: Ms Terrey Trethowan (9.30am - 4pm)
We stand at the Crossroads of life for many people
Fourth Sunday of Advent (Yr B)
Peace on Earth
Marrickville Community Carols 2014
The night began with a slow gathering of people
from 5.30-7pm, relaxing, eating, drinking, chatting or
playing footy. The night ended with a crowd of 400-500
people seated on the lawns watching the fireworks.
And so St Brigid’s once again reaches out to the
wider community, to welcome them to our piece of
grass, and to help bring Peace on Earth. Merry Christmas to everyone.
Thank you to the Cultural Committee for looking
after the refreshments; the Men’s Club and sons for setting up the venue and packing it away at the end of the
Thank you to Marrickville Council for the Grant of
$700, and Marrickville Chamber of Commerce for Gift of
of $500, and Marrickville Uniting Church for gift of $50.
And thank you to our suppliers: Alpino Continental
Gelato, Banana Joe’s, Mastercut Meats, Burgerlicious,
Lefusion, Bakers Delight Marrickville and Mascot, and
Andrew Valerio & Sons. Finally, our thanks to our wonderful pyro technicians from Pyro Oz.
See you next year on 12th December.
Newsletter No. 51. 20/21 December 2014
Lindt Cafe Siege: A Pastoral Response
You. It's a message to anyone who
feels unsafe on our streets and
transport systems. May God continue
to inspire us to find new ways to
walk this life journey together.”
One response was: Thank
you so much for your message of
support. It means so much to our
community to know that we have
good people such as your kind self
standing besides us.
Earlwood Islamic Centre Website
On a day that changed Sydney
forever, we are praying and thinking
The Sydney Siege shocked
us all, but the courage of people to
of the families of those who have lost
stand by their neighbours has shown their lives in this unfortunate tragedy. We are deeply saddened by the
our Aussie strength.
The deaths of barrister Katrievents that have unfolded and send
our condolences to the families of
na Dawson and café manager Tori
those who lost their lives.
Johnson have shown the uselessness of violence and war. Tori’s selfA special thanks and acknowledgement to everyone making the
sacrifice has amazed us, as have
many other responses of people.
distinction between a single individual’s actions... and the Muslim faith,
On Tuesday morning I exto our friends and well wishers espechanged emails with our neighbourcially Father Dave and friends at Holy
ing Islamic Centres, following the
Trinity Church Dulwich Hill, Father
terrible conclusion to the Siege.
Message to Local Islamic Centres John Pearce St Brigid's Marrickville,
and the Marrickville Multifaith
“I write on behalf of the Marrickville Multifaith Roundtable and St Roundtable for their ongoing friendship and support.
Brigid's Church Marrickville, to offer
By Gods blessing the Australiour continued support to the Islamic
Communities that gather at Earlwood an spirit that we know is still going
strong with thanks to the actions of
& Tempe in this troubling week for
amazing people that triggered the
our city. We continue to value our
#illridewithyou campaign. As an
association with your community. If
Australian Muslim community we are
there is any way our members can
touched by this gesture and this is
Walk With You, please call. The following is a message I put on our Fa- just one of the reasons why we are
proud to call Australia home.
ceBook Page today. In the midst of
the tragedy that saw the death of
three people and the trauma of the
Muslim Youth Australia
other victims, a great sign of hope
As Tuesday finished I respondgrows from the woman who declared ed to a late call to attend a Prayer
I'll Ride With You. Perhaps some of Vigil in Bankstown with MYA. An imus also could say I'll Walk With
pressive gathering of 150+ Muslim
Youth, all praying for what we want,
a Peaceful Australia for all of us to
live in.
The Angels’ Promise
George Koloth CP & John Auram CP bring our small Passionist
prayer for peace on earth and good
will towards all in Marin Place, a
peace and good will announced by
angels and needed so much this
Christmas and each and every day.
Peace on Earth
to women & men
of Good Will
I’ll Walk With You
John Pearce CP
Parish News & Events
Passionist Ministries
Frs John Peter George, St Brigid’s
Frs John marriages.
forward to this new relationship.
St Brigid’s Awards:
Parish Holy Land Pilgrimage
Planning for 21 May to 5 June
2016 with accommodation in Old Jerusalem and Bethlehem. Organisers
are Judith & Hamish Flett & Fr John.
Expressions of interest now invited.
Nominations for the 2015 St
Brigid’s Awards are now invited.
These are for parishioners who live
After weekday Masses .Also on well their Christian life of faith and
Thank You. Merry Christmas.
Monday Night in English/Vietnamese. service in the wider community.
Nominees from previous years are
Happy New Year
Wednesday Night Mass:
still in the pool. Nominations close on
Thank you to all who share in
Cancelled during the holidays
27th Jan. These should be in writing the Mission of our Parish.
and will start again on 28th January. and handed to the Parish Office.
May all of us have wonderful
and New Year gatherings,
Piety Store
Passionist Mission in Vietnam
to celebrate
Vinnies Christmas cards;
On 25th March our Vietnam
gives us.
Mission will become part of the Aus- Columban calendars; Prayer Bears
Christmas greetings from the
tralian Province, while continuing to
11 Jan: Pilipino Feast of Santo Passionists and the Parish Staff.
be supported by our member provNino, the Infant Jesus
inces in Asia/Pacific Region. We look Held at 12 pm Mass. All welcome.
John Pearce CP
Before Christmas
Information Directory
CatholicCare Family Help Line
1300 1300 52
St Brigid’s Primary School
9558 6926
Casimir Catholic College
9558 2888
Catholic Church Marriage Tribunal
9390 5120
Preparation: 1st Sundays 10am
Presentation: 2nd Sunday Masses
Baptisms: 3rd & 4th Sundays 12pm
or at Masses
Preferably 6 months notice
Contact: Parish Secretary
Pastoral Ministry Contacts:
Liturgical Timetable
Masses: 6.45 am, 9.00 am; Wednesday 7.00 pm
Eucharistic Adoration: 7.15-8.45am. Benediction: 8.45am
Public Hols: Mass 9.00am
Mass 7.30 am; Reconciliation 9-10 am; Marriages 10-3 pm;
Reconciliation 4-4.45 pm; Mass: 5 pm; & 6.30 pm (Vietnamese)
Mass at 7.30 am, 9 am, 10 .30am (multilingual); 4.30pm (Viet); 6pm
Ministry of Care & Support to Aged and Infirm
Mass is celebrated monthly in all the Nursing Homes in Marrickville.
Communion is taken to sick residents in Nursing Homes & in their homes on a
weekly basis, either by Ministers of Care or family members.
Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is offered after Masses on First Fridays, and
at the 10am Italian mass on 4th Fridays. Also available on request and
recommended before attending hospital for major surgery.
We Remember
Recently Deceased: Katrina Dawson & Tori Johnson in Martin Place siege; Doreen King;
Patricia Clark; Fernando Marques; Craig Smith; Pietro Bacchetto; Fahim Akkary; Sr Maria De
Lourdes Nogueira CP; Stephen Hambrook; Margaret Young; Frank Farrington; Victims of Taliban School massacre in Pakistan
Adult Sacraments
Sr Elena
Fr John, Jenny, Maree
Anniversaries: Christopher Howard; Emanuel Bugeja; Michael Bodycote; Teddy Lakiss; Guise
Care of Sick & Aged
Sr Elena
Bui Van Dan; Veronica Green.
CCD in State Schools
Sue King
Children’s Sacraments
Fr John
Recently Ill: Frank Said; Rose Allkins; Injured victims of Martin Place Siege.
Cultural C’tee Maria Barlow-Sawaszenko
Ecumenical & Interfaith John McGrath
Parish Collections
Mass Texts: Advent 4
Sr Pat Bowthorpe FMM
Family Groups
Carole Price
Sam 7:1-5. 8-12. 14. 16.
Counters: This week (22/12)
Finance Council
Michael Curran
Response: I will sing forever of your love,
Justice & Peace
Fr Peter, Peter Jennings
O Lord
Counters: Next Week (29/12)
Liturgical Ministries Fr John, Sr Elena
Second Reading: Romans 16: 25-27
Men’s Club: Arthur Kassis, John Skinner,
Gospel: Luke 1: 26-38
Mick Ward
13/14 December
Intercessions Response:
Pastoral Council John Skinner, Paige Bullen 1st (Passionists): $ 1,915
Lord, graciously hear us
PPC Committees:
2nd (Parish):
$ 5,039
- Communication/Engagement:
Mass Texts: Holy Family
Cash & Envelopes: $ 2,095
- Infrastructure:
John Skinner
Credit Cards: $ 1,275
First Reading: Genesis 15: 1-6; 21: 1-3
- Nurturing Liturgy:
Paige Bullen
Support Collection for the Middle
Response: He, the Lord, is our God; he
- Social Justice:
Peter Jennings
remembers his covenant forever.
- Spiritual Growth:
Second Reading: Heb 11:8. 11-12. 17-19
- Strong Community:
Michael Ward
6/7 December
Gospel: Luke 2:22-40
1st (Passionists): $ 1,655
Intercession Response:
2nd (Parish):
$ 4,416
Lord, graciously hear us
Sunday Mass Ministries:
20/21 December
27/28 December
Advent 4 & Holy Family (Yr B)
Communion Ministers
20/21 December
27/28 December
Altar Servers
20/21 December
27/28 December
5 pm Sat
Michael Price
Marg Dos Santos
Liz Buchel
Paul Cloran
Kelelia Apikotoa
Yvette Apikotoa
Carmel Cloran
Mary Leask
Ofa Tupola
Shelley Hopper
Sam Kula
Paul Hurst
Leila Walsh
Patricia Thomas
Susie Houssarini
Jack Houssarini
Michael Price
Carole Price
Paul Hurst
Leon Tupola
Gary Tupola
Visesio Siasau
Joseph Kula
Alycia Young
Leon Tupola
Gary Tupola
Visesio Siasau
Joseph Kula
Alicyia Young
Carolan Ibbotson
Pat O’Reilly
Maree Doyle
John Freeman
Maree Doyle
Janice Schubach
Michael Dillon
Theresa James
Denis Habermann
Michael Dillon
Michael Dillon
Michael Dillon
9 am Sun
Diane Moreira
Maria Hunkin
Sue King
Peter Jennings
Debbie Jabbour
Christina Day
Frank Cowell
John McGrath
Kath Walton
Malia Amituanai
Francis Seufale
Pedro Moreira
Frank Cowell
Jose Hartany’
Justin Hartany
Judith Flett
Antoinette Grigg
Michael Moreira
Claude Walton
Louis Walton
Jacqueline Flett
Nicholas Sourlas
Xavier Rego
Naomi Rego
Natasha Rego
Olivia Moreira
Ivy Bullen
Fergus Bullen
Theodore Bullen
10.30 am
Maria Barlow
Alfred Schiavo
Angie Chiapoco
Rita Boustani
Diana Perin
Adrienne Harverson
Elvie Chiapoco
Rosa Travia
Alfred Schiavo
Mary Buda
Bernadette Yammine
Ever Landero
Fiona Paul
Jessica Paul
Geoffrey Lean
Bernadette Yammine
Maria Barlow
Ant & Alb Naticchia
Geoffrey Lean
Aldrick De Vera
William Crocombe
Alfred De Vera
James Poonan
Albert Naticchia
Anthony Naticchia
John Dorrington
6 pm Sun
Wendy Mason
Robert Gascoigne
Maria Fuller
Catrina Fuller
Alycia Nasic
Dominic Manansala
Maria Fuller
Katrina Fuller
Noeleen Fernandez
Arthur & Jackie Kassis
Pei-Pei Coa
Lea Paladino
David & Kristy Cloran
Tony Hayek
John Collins
Tony Hayek
John Collins
Parish Calendar 2014-2015
Christmas Programme
2015 Calendar: Key Dates
Australia Day Mass (9 am)
Pastoral Council (7.30 pm)
First Communion Preparation Starts
Italian Mass (10.30am)
Men’s Club (7.30pm)
First Communion Preparation
St Brigid’s School: Blessing & Mosaic.
Commencement Mass
Parish Feast of St Brigid (5pm)
Ash Wednesday
First Communion Preparation
First Sunday of Lent
Pastoral Council
First Communion Preparation
Finance Council
First Communion Reflection Day
First Communion
Sisters Bicentenial of Foundation
CEO Inner West Region Mass
First Communion
Confirmation Information Session
State Elections
Palm Sunday & Holy Week
Holy Thursday
Good Friday
Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday
Recommended Viewing:
Laser lights on the Cathedral face after
Sunset (8.30-midnight)until Christmas
Monday 22nd
6.45 am
8.45 am
7.00 pm
Mass; Reconciliation to follow
Benediction, Mass at 9am
Reconciliation to follow
Vietname4se Reconciliation Service (with
English speaking priests assisting)
Tuesday 23rd
6.45 am
8.45 am
Mass; Reconciliation to follow
Benediction, Mass at 9am
Reconciliation to follow
Wednesday 24th
6.45 am
8.45 am
Mass; Reconciliation to follow
Benediction, Mass at 9am
Reconciliation to follow
Christmas Eve
6 pm
9 pm
11.30 pm
Children’s Mass & Islander Pageant
Carols & Vigil Mass
Carols & Midnight Mass
Thursday 25th:
7.30 am
9 am
Christmas Day
Mass of Christmas Dawn
Mass (for Young Families)
Mass (Multilingual)
Vietnamese Mass
No Evening Mass
Friday 26th
9 am
Thursday 1 Jan:
Peter Comensoli
On Friday 12th December
Bishop Peter was installed as
3rd Bishop of the Diocese of
Broken Bay.
We thank him for his service
to our diocese, especially during 2014 after Cardinal Pell
went to Rome.
It’s not so long since we were
at WYD 2013.