Bethel United Methodist Church 355 Hampton Street Walterboro, SC 29488 U.S. Postage Paid Non-profit Org. Permit No. 40 Walterboro, SC 29488 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors. The People of the United Methodist Church. Can we do it? I’m convinced we can—and will—for we as God’s Word reminds us, we “can do all things through Christ” who strengthens us! (Philippians 4:13) November 2014 355 Hampton Street Walterboro, SC 29488 (843) 549-7691, office (843) 549-1214, fax Minister Rev. Ben L. Barnett 843-549-2627, study E-mail: Minister of Visitation Eunice Howard Walterboro District Lay Leadership Training Chancel Choir Director: Amanda Fulton Organist: Karen Hiers Church Secretary Linda C. Barnette E-mail: November 23, 2014 Sandhill UMC and December 7, 2014 TBA 2:30 PM – 5:00 PM Web site Webmaster Lea Huggins, e-mail: Send Newsletter Items to: Linda Barnette @: 843-549-7691 Rev. Ben L. Barnett November 2014--the month that Thanksgiving, the Clemson-Carolina Game, and the first Sunday in Advent all fall on the same weekend. And then, Christmas and the New Year will be here before we know it! As we come down the homestretch of 2014, I’m calling us all to be faithfully engaged in the Lord’s work through His Church. During these last two months, let’s dedicate ourselves to faithful attendance in worship and catching up with, and increasing, our giving for the year. This is vital to finishing strong in 2014 and is not too much to ask in light of all God has done for us! After all, this is the season of Thanksgiving, and one of the purest and simplest ways to say “thank you” to God for your blessings is to give God your “first fruits”—your first and your best! If we will all do that, then meeting the challenge of fully funding our budget will be no problem. By digging a little deeper and giving a little more through the rest of the year we can erase our deficit, fully fund our local ministry, as well as pay our full, fairshare,beyond-the-local-church ministry. And who knows, we may even have a little “fun money” left over to do something unexpected and exciting for the Kingdom. May God richly bless you as you honor God! Pastor B • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Nov. 2 All Saints Sunday Nov. 3 UMW Exect. Com. Mtg. Nov. 4 Glory Group Nov. 4 “A Few Good Men” Nov. 6 Discipleship Bible Study Nov. 9 Veterans Sunday Nov. 9 Agape Praise & Worship Nov. 10 Ladies Circle Meetings Nov. 11 Veterans Day Nov. 11 Essie Loper Circle/Parlor Nov. 11 5-8 Empty Bowls Soup Nov. 11 Worship Committee. Nov. 13 Food Pantry Nov. 13 5-8 Empty Bowls Soup Nov. 17 Finance Com. Mtg. Nov. 17 Trustee Mtg. Nov 18 Missions Comm. Nov. 19 Family Night Nov. 20 Discipleship Bible Study Nov. 20 Food Pantry Nov. 22 Bethel Turkey Shoot Nov. 23 Bible Promotion Sunday Nov. 25 Youth Thanksgiving Prog. Nov.27 & 28Church Office Closed Nov. 30 Hanging of the Greens MINISTERS NEED PRAYER AND CARE TOO! Does your pastor smile and give strong handshakes as much as mine does? Does he mention how wonderful his wife is as much as mine does? Does your church love him as much as mine does? Whatever your response or perceptions, do they mean your pastor has it all together, vanquishes each temptation, or needs any less prayer, encouragement or time off as his flock? Chances are he needs you at least as much as you need him. Several years ago a survey was taken of over 1,000 pastors about their profession. Some of the highlights, along with more recent studies and interviews are listed below. Every pastor stated they had close associates or seminary friends who had left their ministry due to burnout, church conflict, or moral failure. More than half noted they themselves would leave their ministry if they found a better job, religious or secular. And at least three out of five pastors had been fired from one or more churches, worked sixty hours each week, and left the ministry entirely within their first ten years. On relationships, at least 25% of pastors are divorced, 30% have had sex outside of marriage. Only 33% have a close friend or confidant, while two out of five report serious conflicts with parishioners on a monthly basis. 75% report studying the Bible only when preparing sermons. A similar number feel their spiritual nurturing is inadequate or irregular and battle high stress or burnout. Strategies for surviving ministry abound. Time off is one. Since many pastors keep six-day work weeks, providing themselves and their families a guaranteed day off, barring crises, is crucial. Taking adequate vacation time, including an occasional Sunday off to worship at a different local church, and taking study leave several weeks each year were also touted. Other strategies include physical exercise, recreational activities, personal devotions, good sleep and diet, connecting with other pastors, saying “no” as needed, and finding friends outside one’s own church. Two retired pastors recalled the “wonderful” and “fulfilling” nature of pastoral ministry, but both of them underlined the importance of “self-care”, which some felt needed to be stressed more heavily in seminary. One pastor commented that seminary students should be told, “Church is that place where people’s hopes, dreams, expectations, frustrations, anger, trauma, and disappointments all come together at the same time, and they’re often all focused on you . . . are you ready for that?” Suggestions for parishioners include, holding their pastors accountable, but understanding that a lot of what pastors do Monday through Saturday is invisible to the congregation, which calls for forbearance, patience, friendship, and of course prayer support. The president of one Christian organization summed it up this way: “One thing I do know. Pastors need our prayers more than ever. They need our support and encouragement. I am committed to pray for my pastor every day, even if it’s only for a minute or so.” In Memory of Mr. Klein Beach By:Elizabeth Goehring, Julia Reece, Mary Ann Drew, Stanley & Paula Hickman, Joyce Gentry & Sons, Martha Woodard, Moultrie & Mary Catherine Plowden, Low Country Council of Governments Tom & Judy Woodward, Dorothy Reeves, Robert & Harriett Bonds, Jeanine Price, Tony & DeLoris Hamilton, Laverne Sanders, Gary & Charles Brightwell, Peden & Mary Waite McLeod, Eunice Howard, David & Debbie Collins, Dr. & Mrs. Joe Flowers, Howard & Kay Speaks, Walterboro Rotary, Carolyn Powers, Leon & Bonnie Langley, Delores Crosby, Doris Bone, Carroll & Jane Brown, Edward & Charla Springer ,Charlie & Claire Wilson, Jonathan & Linda Hoover, Jimmy Parler, Jr., Joe & Beverly Ritter,Pat Hilton, Lucille Culpepper, Ellison & Marie Young, Richard & Carol Slocum, Carroll Godwin, Douglas & Jane Wright, Bill & Gail Howell In Honor of Ruby Dodd By: The Will Goodwin Class ALL SAINTS DAY AT BETHEL UMC We will be celebrating the life of all the Saints of Bethel United Methodist Church who have passed away during the past Conference year, Sunday, November 2nd during the 11:00 AM Worship Service Please place a bell on the All Saints Banner in memory of your loved one. POINSETTIAS FOR THE BETHEL SANCTUARY It is time to order poinsettias for the sanctuary during the holiday season. in honor or in memory of a loved one. The cost is $22 for the large double poinsettias used in the sanctuary. The deadline is December 11th. The Sally Starr Circle is selling pecans and they will be in about November 11th. We will sell halves or pieces and the cost will be $10 per bag. You may purchase your pecans from any member of the Sally Starr Circle or from the church office. Hanging of the Greens Sunday, November 30th at the 11:00 Worship Service. We will not have an 8:45 AM Worship Service but will have Sunday school at 10:00 AM. November 30th is the first Sunday of the Advent Season. Agape Christmas Concert Bethel’s Agape Praise Band will have its Christmas concert Sunday, December 7th at 3:00 PM in the sanctuary. It isn’t too early to mark your calendars and begin the Christmas Season with an upbeat tempo of music, which is sure to put you in the spirit to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Make your plans now and be sure to invite your friends, Jesus is the reason for the season!! Let us come and celebrate His birthday together. The Chancel Choir Christmas Concert Bethel’s Chancel Choir cordially invites you to our annual Christmas Concert. The program is scheduled for December 14th at 5 o’clock in the afternoon. A string quartet from Chamber Music Charleston, our fine organist/pianist, Karen Hiers, and Bethel’s talented flautist, Summer Nay, will accompany the singers. Please join us as we celebrate the birth of our Lord. Due to the reorganization of Soles4Souls, we will discontinue collecting shoes. Hopefully they will soon be putting “Big Blue Boxes” in South Carolina and we will have a place to put the shoes for collection. All boxes that were in stores have been taken out and the only way we could send the shoes ourselves is at the rate of $10.00 for every 5 pairs of shoes. We will continue to keep in touch with the organization and hopefully we will have “Big Blue Boxes” in South Carolina soon. Thank you for being so supportive. We are changing the time for our Mission meetings to the third Tuesday at 4:00 in the library. We will have a meeting on November 18 at 4:00. We sent off eight pounds of coupons this week. That's a lot of paper! The Food Pantry continues to provide for those in need. The average number of bags given out has been around 70 but at the last Food Pantry, 103 bags were distributed. For the months of November and December, the schedule will change because of the holidays. The pantry will be open in November on the second and third Thursdays from 2:00 to 4:00 and in December on the second and third Thursdays from 2:00 to 4:00. PANTRY SCHEDULE November 13 November 20 December 11 December 18 EMPTY BOWLS….Mark your calendars for Tuesday, November 11th and Thursday, November 13th. for the annual Empty Bowls suppers at Saint Anthony's Parish Hall. The proceeds are divided among the food pantries of participating churches.. Last year our pantry received a check for $700. There will be over 20 different soups and chili each night, along with desserts, breads and drinks. You also get to take a bowl home with you (maybe one our Glory Group).Tickets are available in the church office and cost $10. How can you support this worthy cause? You can make a crock-pot full of soup, dessert or bread, or volunteer to help on Tuesday or Thursday night from 5:00 to 8:00. Please remember that anything you do will help our food pantry. Just call Carol Armentrout at 538-4094 November 2 November 9 November 16 November 23 November 30 Sheri Stone Gluinda Tucker Mark Warren Johnny Thomas Sheri Stone Allen Gustin, Michael Padgett, Duncan Hunt, Buzz Benson, Tripp Boseman Receiving Usher: June Dyches Chris Bickley, Leon Langley, Perry November 9 Buckner, Lawton Huggins, Bobby Bonds Receiving Usher: Terry Walters Roger Crook, Peden McLeod, John November 16 Thomas, Jr., Mark Stone Receiving Usher: Edward Culpepper Edward Culpepper, Jamie Bunton, November 23 Joey McLaine, Terry Walters Receiving Usher: Jamie Bunton ___________________________________________ November 30 Scott Rizer, John (Bo) Hetrick, Johnny Bell Receiving Usher: Chris Bickley November 2 November 9 November 16 November 23 November 30 Glory Group Meets Tuesday November 4 at 12:00 noon with lunch in the fellowship hall. The program will be on Gratitude and Thanksgiving. November 2 8:45 am Ushers: Mike Kuszmaul and Ellison Young PLEASE NOTE: NO usher list will be mailed out this year. Please follow this list. Date 8:45 am Service 11:00 am Service Thomas & Jeanette Berry Donald & Wynona Rizer November 2 Pat Hilton November 9 Howard Speaks November 16 Carroll Godwin Bill & Gail Howell Bill & Betty Sue Wilson Richard & Carol Slocum Tom & Judy Woodward Ted & Gluinda Tucker November 23 November 30 Jackson Bell, Anne Mathis Thomas, West Brown Catherine Bunton, Faith Stephens, Tyler Johnson Huiet Rowe, Eli Rowe, Jordan Slocum Parker Tuten,Sean Fanchette, Rob Boseman Jackson Bell, Anne Mathis Thomas, Tyler Johnson The United Methodist Youth Fellowship will have their Thanksgiving Program on Tuesday, November 25th at 6:00 PM at Bethel. Please bring canned good items for the Thanksgiving baskets the youth will take to the needy after the Bethel Members, their families, and others in the Bethel extended church family who need your prayers: Shut-ins and Other Health Concerns: Ann Nettles, Bobby Jean Reed, Greg Bowen, Mary Ellen Bryant, Timothy Crosby, Harry Cone, Ashley Mangum, Jim Heaton, William Thomas, Elaine Gauthier, James Brown, Kendra Crosby, Ed Robbins, John David Brooks, Miriam Beach, Tinker Williams, Dorothy Fuller, , Bebe Kemp, Margaret Hildebrand, Caron Wilson, Ron Shoupe, Marjorie Hobbs, Paul Rickenbacker, Eve Richardson, Mildred Drew, Jeff Benson, Jody Lucas, Adrian Molinaroli, Margaret Ruud, Horace Kinsey, Ralph Corbett, III (Trey) Charlie Sweat, Joe Ritter, Military Service: Will Hilton Blasko, Taylor Benson, Reginald Lee Benton, Blake Rhoden. The 2015 Kathleen Wilkes Herring Scholarship will be awarded early in the year to Bethel students attending Columbia College, Wofford College, Wesleyan College and Emory School of Theology or Duke School of Theology. To apply send a letter of interest to the church office by December31, 2014. The Bethel Men’s Group would like to thank all of Bethel and the Walterboro community for another very successful “Taste of Bethel”! We would not be able to sponsor this event without the support of Bethel. Tinker Williams Carolyn Powers Joy Hoffman Linda Sisk Ashley Amundson Holland Williams Bill Stephens, Sr. Johnny Thomas Jennings Burrttram Becky Kinard Mike Kuszmaul Gluinda Tucker Charlotte Culpepper 1 2 4 28 19 20 21 22 23 23 25 30 30 30 Sarah Anne Dean Carol Simmons Jamie Bunton Patti Phillips Melanie Ritter Bill Wilson Jackson Bell Delores Crosby Hannah Reugner Austin Moore Haskell & Jane Moore Bobby & Harriett Bonds Scott & Tammy Dean Gerald & Pearl Beach By Ann Bickley, Financial Secretary As of 10/17/14 General Fund Building Fund 2014 Budget $376,963. $38,400. Needed to Date $304,470 $31,015 Received to Date $254,254 $23,986 service. The United Methodist Children’s Fellowship with Jeff Slocum meets each Sunday evening from 6:00 – 7:30 PM at Bethel. Come join us and bring your Friends!! 2 3. 3 4 4 9 9 12 12 14 14 17 18 Dear Bethel, Thank you for your constant support while I have been away at college. The pick- me- ups I have received in the mail have truly brightened my days at Carolina. Also, thank you for the support in helping with the cost of college tuition. Thank you again, Austin Utsey Dear Bethel UMC, I sincerely thank you for your prayers, calls, and your love and support during my recent flare-up of Crohns disease and hospitalization. It is such a privilege to be among you. May God truly bless you for you love and concern to me and Ben. We love you all and hope to be back soon. Thanks be to God for His miraculous healing. Sincerely, Frankie Evans Bethel Family Prayers A good foundation scripture for learning to pray is Philippians 4: 6-7 (New Living translation) “Don’t worry about anything; tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done, then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand; this peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” Prayer is communication with God. We need to have effective results and that is based on God’s word. We need to be believing and receiving what He has already given us in Jesus. (I John 5: 1415). So, whatever needs to change in your life today, go to the word and pray for the answer. Praying in faith works. God has said so. Your Prayer Team SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 Keep Me Handy All Month!! Don't forget on the back are volunteer lists. 2 8:45 AM Sunday School 10:00 am Sunday School 11:00 am Worship Service 4 3 9:00 am Ladies Exercise Class 12:30 pm AA Meeting (closed) 5 6 7 8 14 15 21 22 28 29 9:00 am Ladies Exercise Class 10:00 am Discipleship Bible Study 12:30 pm AA Meeting (open) 12:30 pm AA Meeting ALL SAINTS DAY 12:00 PM DAYLIGHT SAVINGS ENDS Fall Back 6:00 pm UMW Executive Committee 7:00 pm Praise Team practice 6:00 pm UMCF 6:00 pm UMY 6:30 pm AA Meeting (closed) 7:00 United Methodist Men Fellowship Hall 7:00 pm Chancel Choir 9 11 10 12 9:00 am Ladies Exercise Class 8:45 am Early Worship Service 10:00 am Sunday School 10:00 am Agape Worship Service 11:00 am Worship Service Veteran's Day Celebration Communion 12:30 pm AA Meeting (closed) 2:30 pm Lillie Glover Circle Church Library 1:00 am Lula Strickland Circle Church Parlor 11:00 am Essie Loper Circle Church Parlor 16 2:00-4:00 PM 12:30 pm AA Meeting (open) 6:00 pm to 8:00 PM 7:00 pm Missy Ackerman Circle 8:45 am Early Worship Service 10:00 am Sunday School 11:00 am Worship Service 12:30 pm AA Meeting (open) 6:00 pm Worship Committee/library 6:30 pm Sally Starr Circle/Church Parlor 6:00 pm UMCF 6:00 pm UMY 13 9:00 am Ladies Exercise Class 6:00 pm to 8:00 PM 7:00 pm Chancel Choir St. Anthony's Catholic Church 17 18 St. Anthony's Catholic Church 6:30 pm AA Meeting (closed) 19 20 9:00 am Ladies Exercise Class 12:30 pm AA Meeting (closed) 9:00 am Ladies Exercise Class 10:00 am Discipleship Bible Study 12:30 pm AA Meeting (open) 12:30 pm AA Meeting (open) 4:00 pm Mission Committee/library 2:00-4:00 PM 6:00 pm Church Council meets Will Goodwin Classroom 6:30 PM 5:30 pm Finance Committee meeting 6:30 pm Trustees meeting 6:00 pm UMCF 6:00 pm UMY 23 8:45 am Early Worship Service 10:00 am Sunday School 11:00 am Worship Service 7:00 pm Chancel Choir 24 9:00 am Ladies Exercise Class 12:30 pm AA Meeting (closed) 6:00 pm UMCF 6:00 pm UMY 7:00 pm Praise Team practice 7:00 pm Boy Scouts 30 8:45 am NO EARLY WORSHIP 10:00 am Sunday School 11:00 am Worship Service Hanging of the Greens No UMCF No UMYF 355 Hampton Street Walterboro, SC 29488 (843) 549-7691, office (843) 549-1214, fax Website: 25 Youth Program 6:00 PM Bring food items 6:30 pm AAS Meeting (closed) 26 27 12:30 pm AA Meeting (open) Church Office Closed 7:00 pm Chancel Choir 6:30 pm AA Meeting (closed) Church Office Closed 12:30 pm AA Meeting (open) 6:30 pm AA Meeting
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