The Parish of St Martin of Tours, Epsom, with St Stephen-on-the-Downs, Langley Vale The Epsom Group Ministry St Martin of Tours, Epsom The parishes of Christ Church, St Barnabas and St Martin WEEKLY NEWSLETTER Registered Charity Number: 1134149 Please take this newsletter home with you Newsletter: 16th November 2014 – Second Sunday before Advent Welcome: A warm welcome to all who are worshipping with us today. If you are visiting or attending worship here for the first time this weekend, please, make yourselves known to one of the Welcome Team, Churchwardens or Ministers so that we can give you a personal welcome. Refreshments will be served at the back of the church after the Parish Communion - please join us if you can. Today: 11.30am: Toddler Service at St Martin’s. 6pm at Guildford Cathedral: Confirmation Service – Please, support our 14 candidates with your prayers as they prepare for their Confirmation and by attending the service if you can. Monday 17th November – 8.00pm to 9.00pm: ‘Discipleship Explored’ – We would like to encourage everyone to consider coming along for the next four Monday evenings to this discussion group. We will be looking at St Paul’s letter to the Philippians and discussing what it means to be a Christian in today’s society. Book the dates: Wednesday 26th November at 7.30pm: Reverend Nick Parish’s Licensing Service: Please, make every effort to attend and to make the service widely known in the Parish. ‘Messy Church’ – Christmas ‘Messy Church’ will be on Saturday 13th December from 2.00pm to 4.00pm in Church House. Please, let me know if you can help. Comments for my Curacy Portfolio: Many thanks to all those who have made comments on my ministry. Your observations are greatly appreciated. Good Friday 2015: The Reverend Sue Curtis desperately needs more actors – especially men – for the Good Friday Drama. This includes non-speaking crowd roles. At present there is no-one to portray Jesus and there are no disciples. This is an URGENT request as Sue will be away from the end of November for three months. Lynn Alsop Please join us to Worship God, Walk with Christ and Witness in the Community St Martin’s: the www-community Contemplative Prayer Group It makes little sense to believe in a God who is thought of as just majestic and unreachable - or alternatively is just a human figure like the rest of us. The genius of the Bible is that it holds these two ideas of God in balance. Hence the 'saying' for November: I am the Almighty ... I will walk to and fro among you - A combination of Revelation 1.8 and Leviticus 26.12. You will be welcome at St Martin's on Thursday, 27th November, at 8 pm, if you would like to explore this puzzling balance further. Second Thoughts 23rd November at 6.30 pm at St Martin's Ben Newman ‘The Art of the Stonemason’. Ben will talk about the art and history of stonemasonry, local stones and Christian symbolism. He’ll discuss the buildings he’s worked on, including The Palace of Westminster and St Pancras Station, as well as his involvement in the regeneration of St Martin’s-inthe-Fields. Ben will demonstrate letter cutting and how to work stone with a variety of tools. He’ll show some samples of his work and explain the stages in designing and building stone structures. After graduating from the Fine Art Department at Central St Martin’s, Ben qualified as a stonemason. He received a bursary from the Venice in Peril Fund to study at the European Centre for the Conservation of Architectural Heritage in Venice. He has spent the last 22 years working as a stonemason on buildings in London and South East England. In 2009 he was highly commended for the Duke of Gloucester’s Award for Project Mason of the Year presented by the Worshipful Company of Masons. He is currently a member of the Education and Training Advisory Committee of the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (the SPAB). Adrian Esdaile Thank you from Reverend Nick Parish Yvonne and I would like to thank everyone for making us so welcome in our new home. We particularly would like to thank all those who were involved with the vicarage renovations. Mothers Union Event Tuesday 18th November at 10.30 in the Wisley Room in Church House. Coffee , Cake and a talk by Stella Davies "A Passion for Stitching". There will also be a display of some of the wide variety of articles that Stella has produced. Everyone is welcome to come to this event arranged by the Mothers Union. Sue Hyde Please join us to Worship God, Walk with Christ and Witness in the Community St Martin’s: the www-community Licensing Service Our new Priest-in-Charge, the Revd. Canon Nick Parish will be Licensed at St Martin’s on Wednesday 26 November at 7.30pm. We are expecting a large number of visitors and well-wishers who will be present on the night; however the most important guests are us, the congregation of St Martin of Tours and St Stephen-on-the-Downs. Nick is coming here to be our new leader and I do hope that you will all put this date in your diary and make every effort to be present on the night to welcome him to this important role. Thank you. David Eggett Request for cakes! We are providing a savoury buffet for the licensing service for Reverend Nicholas Parish on the 26th November and would like to request for people to make some small individual cakes. If you are able to assist please contact Glenys Scadden or the Parish Office. Pilgrimage to the Holy Land 8-17 June 2015 Vicky Burrows and Chris Vallins will be leading a pilgrimage to the Holy Land next June. If you are interested in attending, please see the information at the back of church. PEOPLE of MISSION—PRAYER in ACTION Please will you join us in Prayer for the people of Mission at Home and Abroad. On the Display Board at the back of Church are the people we support and also focusing on Aid Workers all over the world who voluntarily risk their lives to help others. Thank you Jill Chapman (Missions) Please join us to Worship God, Walk with Christ and Witness in the Community St Martin’s: the www-community CHRISTMAS FAIR SATURDAY 22nd NOVEMBER 11.00am to 3.00pm It is only 1 weeks to go until the St Martin’s Christmas Fair. We need YOU to start sorting out and bringing in a variety of different goods for us to sell. There is a box at the back of church where you can leave your donations in (this will be emptied regularly). This week we are specifically asking for donations of: gifts, crafts and preserves and of course, lots of chocolate! Please do not stop bringing in anything else that you think we can sell!! The Choir are running the Chocolate Tombola this year at the Christmas Fair, so please bring lots of chocolate and leave it in the box at the back of the Church and help to make our stall a great success. Please turn out all your unwanted jewellery and beads to help fill the Jewellery Stall If you have any questions about the Christmas Fair please contact: Glenys Scadden – 742130 or Maureen Suatt – 723675 or Mary Holloway-Neville - 7234534 Calling all St Martin’s Bakers We have 144 hours left from this Sunday to make captivating cakes, best biscuits, perfect preserves and juicy jams for the Christmas Fair on the 22nd November. Please help us fill our stall. Thank you. Jane Norris 01372 722493 CHRISTMAS CARDS – ON SALE NOW Christmas is beginning to creep up on us – sorry to scare you! To help you get on top of your Christmas arrangements please find at the back of Church a marvellous display of Christmas Cards ready for you to purchase. Buy now and be ahead of the game! I will have Christmas cards on sale from now until Christmas, however once I have sold out of a particular design I may not be able to get more. I will also be able to supply Advent Calendars and Advent Candles within the next couple of weeks. Mary Holloway-Neville Please join us to Worship God, Walk with Christ and Witness in the Community St Martin’s: the www-community RECURRING EVENTS Thursdays Fridays st 1 Wednesday of each month 4.30pm 8.00pm 9.45am 7.00pm 2.30pm 3rd Tuesday of each month Check below for times Mondays Senior Choir Practice Bell ringing practice Mother and Toddler Group Choir Practice Tea and Chat in the Wisley Room Mothers’ Union Meeting DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 8.00am 10.00am 11.30am 6.00pm 8.00pm 10.30am 11.00am to 3.00pm 4.30pm 8.00am 10.00am 11.30am 6.30pm 8.00pm 10.30am 7.30pm 8.00pm 4.30pm Holy Communion Parish Communion Toddler Service Confirmation at Guilford Cathedral Discipleship Explored Holy Communion St Martin’s Christmas Fair Recital Series – Violin Holy Communion ‘Sunday @ 10’ Choral Mattins Second Thoughts Discipleship Explored Holy Communion Licensing Service Contemplative Prayer Wedding of Carole Madigan and Sam Krume Sunday 30th November Advent Sunday 8.00am 10.00am 6.30pm Holy Communion Parish Communion Advent Carol Service Monday 1st December Wednesday 3rd December 8.00pm 10.30am Discipleship Explored Holy Communion Sunday 7th December Second Sunday of Advent 8.00am 10.00am 6.30pm Holy Communion Parish Communion Revive at Christ Church - Patience Sunday 16th November The Second Sunday before Advent Monday 17th November Wednesday 19th November Saturday 22nd November Sunday 23rd November Christ the King Monday 24th November Wednesday 26th November Thursday 27th November Saturday 29th November ST STEPHEN-ON-THE-DOWNS: Every Sunday there is a service of Holy Communion at 9.30am. The children’s group, Happy Club, meets in the Village Hall next to the church at 9.30am except on the third Sunday of each month when there is Café Worship in Church – designed for all the family. Do come and join us, you will receive a warm welcome. The Clergy Team The Reverend Lynn Alsop, Assistant Curate – 07881745004 Email: The Reverend Canon Adrian Esdaile (Epsom 723770) Email: Please join us for Morning Prayer at 9.15am and Evening Prayer at 5.00pm on weekdays. Wednesday Group EP in November will be at St Barnabas at 5.00pm. Weddings & Baptism Applications - Please contact the Parish Office for further information. Regular Giving: If you would like to know more about our Stewardship Scheme, to give regularly by banker’s standing order or weekly envelopes, or to discuss other tax efficient ways of giving, please ask for a member of the Stewardship Team. If you are a UK taxpayer and would like to give by cash or cheque today, please complete a yellow gift aid envelope with your name and address details and place in the collection. Thank you. Parish Office: Church House, Church Street, Epsom, KT17 4PX Phone: 01372 722567 E-mail: Website: Please join us to Worship God, Walk with Christ and Witness in the Community
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