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Please, look at the display at the back of church over coffee. 11.30am: Choral Matins 6.30pm: Second Thoughts – further details below. Tomorrow: Monday 27th October from 2.30pm to 3.45pm: ‘Discipleship Explored’ – learn more about the Bible as we look at St Paul’s letter to the Philippians.. Please join us in the Wisley Room in Church House. A ‘Discipleship Explored’ evening group will run for four weeks starting on Monday 17th November – 8.00pm to 9.00pm. Leaders will include Reverend Lynn Alsop, Glenys Scadden, John Padwick and Dolapo Odujinrin. Further details are on display at the back of church. Please, contact one of the leaders via the Parish Office if you are interested and consider who you could invite to come with you. Book the dates: ‘Messy Church’ – Christmas ‘Messy Church’ will be on Saturday 13th December from 2.00pm to 4.00pm in Church House. Please, let me know if you can help. The Inauguration of the Right Reverend Andrew Watson as Tenth Bishop of Guildford will take place at 11am on Saturday 28th February 2015 in Guildford Cathedral. Bishop Andrew will preach at the 9.45am Service and at 6.30pm Evensong at the Cathedral on Sunday 1st March 2015. Comments for my Curacy Portfolio: Any further comments on my ministry, either by email (revlynnalsop@talktalk.net) or by a note in the ‘Red Box’ at the back of church at St Martin’s would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Lynn Alsop Please join us to Worship God, Walk with Christ and Witness in the Community . St Martin’s: the www-community Second Thoughts, Sunday 26th October, at 6.30 pm: ‘Consider the Lilies…’(Matthew 6.28). In demonstrating the art of flower arrangements, with the theme of ‘Solomon in all his glory’, the presentation will include an overview of things botanical in Christian art and in Bible texts. Liz Pullinger and Jean Wright regularly represent the Epsom Group Ministry in the design and arrangement of flower displays in Guildford Cathedral, as seen at the two most recent flower galas, and as invited members of the flower arrangers’ rota. Liz has an interest in religious and botanical art and leads the flower arranging team at Christ Church and Jean contributes to the arrangements at St Martin’s. Quiet Day There is a Quiet Day in November with the theme of ‘Peace’. It will be held on Thursday 13th November at Wychcroft, near Bletchingley, and will be led by Adrian Esdaile and Catherine Older. A couple of days after Remembrance Day and during the year of the anniversary of the 1st World War and with the troubles of our world at this time, it seemed right to choose this theme. For further details see the leaflets at the back of the Church or book a place with Adrian. Adrian Esdaile Service of Thanksgiving and Memorial – Sunday 2nd November at 6.30pm: The annual Service of Thanksgiving and Memorial remembering those who have died will be at 6.30pm on Sunday 2nd November. 1. There will be a list out at the back of St Martin’s Church throughout October for any member of the congregation to add any name that they wish to be remembered aloud at the service. Please do not assume that any name will be carried over from a previous year. 2. Those who have had funerals associated with St Martin’s over the past three years will be invited to the Service. 3. Anyone can add names at the back of the church on the day where one of the team will be ready and available from 6pm to complete the list. This will be taken to the dais during the opening hymn. Will Aid 2014 During November, a number of local solicitors waive their fee for writing a basic Will and instead invite their clients to make a donation to a group of leading UK charities (one of which is Christian Aid) supported by the Will Aid initiative. Please see the poster on the notice board for participating local solicitors. Please join us to Worship God, Walk with Christ and Witness in the Community St Martin’s: the www-community Request for cakes! We are providing a savoury buffet for the licensing service for Reverend Nicholas Parish on the 26th November and would like to request for people to make some small individual cakes. If you are able to assist please contact Glenys Scadden or the Parish Office. Gardening Volunteers wanted! We are looking for volunteers to assist with clearing the kitchen garden at the vicarage of the overgrowth in preparation for the arrival of the Reverend Nicholas Parish at the beginning of November. If you are able to assist please contact Glenys Scadden or the Parish Office. Churches Together in Epsom: Good Friday 2015 The Passion of Jesus will be staged in Epsom on Good Friday, 3rd April 2015. Be part of the action! Actors, musicians, stewards and crew needed. Most rehearsals Monday evenings Feb and March Names of actors needed by November 10th Contact: Rev Sue Curtis – 01372 210492 or sacsac@ntlworld.com Lost Property There are Lost Property items both at the back of Church and in Church House. Please would you check if any items are yours as any unclaimed items will be disposed of at the end of October. Please join us to Worship God, Walk with Christ and Witness in the Community St Martin’s: the www-community CHRISTMAS FAIR SATURDAY 22nd NOVEMBER It is only 4 weeks to go until the St Martin’s Christmas Fair. We need YOU to start sorting out and bringing in a variety of different goods for us to sell. There is a box at the back of church where you can leave your donations (this will be emptied regularly). This week we are specifically asking for donations of: chocolate (lots required!) jewellery handmade crafts gifts hats Please do not stop bringing in anything else that you think we can sell!! If you have any questions about the Christmas Fair please contact: Glenys Scadden – 742130/Maureen Suatt – 723675/Mary HollowayNeville - 7234534 Christmas Fair Helper List Please find a list at the back of Church with the tasks/help needed to make our Fair a success. If you are able to spare some time, your help will be greatly appreciated. Please add your name and tick the box(es) that apply. If you need to discuss, please contact Glenys on 742130. Thank you. CHRISTMAS CARDS – ON SALE NOW Christmas is beginning to creep up on us – sorry to scare you! To help you get on top of your Christmas arrangements please find at the back of Church a marvellous display of Christmas Cards ready for you to purchase. Buy now and be ahead of the game! I will have Christmas cards on sale from now until Christmas, however once I have sold out of a particular design I may not be able to get more. I will also be able to supply Advent Calendars and Advent Candles within the next couple of weeks. Mary Holloway-Neville Please join us to Worship God, Walk with Christ and Witness in the Community St Martin’s: the www-community RECURRING EVENTS Mondays Thursdays Fridays 1st Wednesday of each month 3rd Tuesday of each month 4.30pm 8.00pm 9.45am 7.00pm 8.00pm 2.30pm Check below for times Senior Choir Practice Bell ringing practice Mother and Toddler Group Choir Practice Badminton Club – Church House Tea and Chat in the Wisley Room Mothers’ Union Meeting DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Sunday 26th October Monday 27th October Wednesday 29th October Saturday 1st November Sunday 2nd November Celebrating All Saints Day 8.00am 10.00am 11.30am 6.30pm 2.30pm 10.30am 1.30pm 8.00am 10.00am 6.30pm Monday 3rd November Wednesday 5th November Saturday 8th November Sunday 9th November Remembrance Sunday Monday 10th November Tuesday 11th November Wednesday 12th November Saturday 15th November Sunday 16th November 7.30pm 10.30am 7.30pm 8.00am 10.00am 12.30pm 6.30pm 7.30pm 5.00pm 11.00am 10.30am 7.30pm 8.00am 10.00am 11.30am 6.00pm Holy Communion ‘Sunday @10’ Choral Matins Second Thoughts – ‘Consider the Lilies’ ‘Discipleship Explored’ Holy Communion Wedding of Amy Chandler and Michael Titman At Epsom College Chapel Holy Communion Parish Communion Memorial Service Revive at Christ Church - Peace Adult Confirmation Group Holy Communion Epsom Chamber Choir Concert Holy Communion Remembrance Sunday Service Canon Peter Lloyd, Burial of Ashes Choral Evensong Adult Confirmation Group Confirmation Group Contemplative Prayer Group Holy Communion Epsom Choral Society Concert Holy Communion Parish Communion Toddler Service Confirmation at Guilford Cathedral ST STEPHEN-ON-THE-DOWNS: Every Sunday there is a service of Holy Communion at 9.30am. The children’s group, Happy Club, meets in the Village Hall next to the church at 9.30am except on the third Sunday of each month when there is Café Worship in Church – designed for all the family. Do come and join us, you will receive a warm welcome. The Clergy Team The Reverend Lynn Alsop, Assistant Curate – 07881745004 Email: revlynnalsop@talktalk.net The Reverend Canon Adrian Esdaile (Epsom 723770) Email: esdaileadrian@yahoo.co.uk Please join us for Morning Prayer at 9.15am and Evening Prayer at 5.00pm on weekdays. Wednesday Group EP in October will be at St Martin’s at 5.00pm. Weddings & Baptism Applications - Please contact the Parish Office for further information. Regular Giving: If you would like to know more about our Stewardship Scheme, to give regularly by banker’s standing order or weekly envelopes, or to discuss other tax efficient ways of giving, please ask for a member of the Stewardship Team. If you are a UK taxpayer and would like to give by cash or cheque today, please complete a yellow gift aid envelope with your name and address details and place in the collection. Thank you. Parish Office: Church House, Church Street, Epsom, KT17 4PX Phone: 01372 722567 E-mail: stmartinsepsom@btconnect.com Website: www.stmartinsepsom.org Please join us to Worship God, Walk with Christ and Witness in the Community
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