TREASURE COAST REGION OF A.A.C.A. Volume 31 Number 11 Editor: Mike Mucci/Pearl Jackson Send news to November 2014 Our annual meeting/steak fry/election of officers for the 2015 year will be held Sunday, Nov. 23rd, 2014 at Halpatiokee Park which is off Kanner Highway (S.R. 76) just east of the I-95 interchange. (At the light by the Shell station, turn south and follow the road to the park entrance. We’ll be at Pavillion 09.) The club will provide steaks and beverages at a cost of $10 pp. Last names A-M bring starch or salad dish; N-Z bring a dessert dish. PLEASE! YOU MUST RSVP BY NOV. 16. We will be ordering food on Monday the 17th. If you do not reserve, we may not have your steak. RSVP to Jo Ann & Jay Smith, 772-287-1903 Or email Membership Renewals Hold onto the AACA membership renewal form that came with your September/October issue of Antique Automobile magazine. When you receive the TCVCC renewal form from the Membership Chairman, put them together with one check to cover both and mail to TCVCC, P.O. box 1612, Stuart, FL 34995. 2014 TCVCC OFFICERS President: David Brown 1st Vice Pres: Barbara Joyce 2nd Vice Pres: Cathie Means Secretary: Jo Ann Smith Treasurer: Ed Joyce Sgt. At Arms: John Giltinan 2014 TCVCC BOARD Chair: Liz Bortnick Linda Bollman ‘15 Nancy Elzin ‘15 Mike Even ‘14 Pearl Jackson ‘14 Mike Mucci ‘14 Fran Vicini ‘15 November 2014 Page 2 BEHIND THE WHEEL November 2014 again & again & again By Dave Brown As we begin the month of November, the end of 2014 is in sight. But before this month is over, there are two significant elections that concern us all. photographs. And viewed online, you have access to the previous 12 months issues, to view or to print. But the most important reason to get it online is cost. The first election on November 4th is the midterm elections for local, state and national offices that could reshape our futures going forward. By the time you read this, they will be over. I hope everyone exercised his right to vote. The time and effort to generate address labels, go to the printer to pick up the copies of the newsletter, apply the labels, purchase the stamps and apply them and then mail the copies is extensive and expensive. The approximate cost in dollars and cents is $0.49 postage, $1.00 printing, $0.15 envelopes and labels, totaling about $1.64 EACH. Multiply that times 12 monthly issues, that is almost $20.00 per year per member who has the Vintage Times mailed. And considering your annual dues are only $25.00, that is a lot! The second election, on November 23rd is the TCVCC Election of Officers. This too is an important election that should have full participation by club members. The people we elect, will lead our club into the future. The slate of candidates, printed elsewhere in the Vintage Times, was selected by the Nominating Committee. It includes some familiar names as well as some “new blood”. New blood is important to keep the club moving forward, presenting new ideas and points of view, and minimizing stagnation. Although the committee nominates these people for election, it does NOT preclude other people being nominated from the floor for any office except President. According to our Bylaws, a President must have served a minimum of one year on the Board of Directors to be elected President. Since the 1st Vice President may have to take over for the President from time to time, our Board of Directors has interpreted than to extend to the 1st VP as well. When Amy and I joined the club in 1989, it was common to have numerous people nominated from the floor for various offices. We actually had multiple people wanting to get involved in the leadership of the club. So if you have someone in mind to nominate for the Board, including yourself, stand up and nominate that person at the next meeting. Or consider getting more involved yourself next year, and perhaps running at a future date. Actually, it’s fun! In recent years, most of our members have been receiving the monthly Vintage Times online, rather that by US mail. There are numerous reasons why this is a better alternative for both the member and the club. First, the online version is in color, the mailed version is in black and white, and the online version has additional content and Beginning in January 2015, members who chose to continue receiving the Vintage Times by mail will be billed an additional $20.00 per year to cover the costs. Larry Ankrom and Shirley Cullere have volunteered to provide the labor to do the mailing. All mailed copies of the January 2015 issue will include an invoice for $20.00, or the option to provide an email address and begin receiving online. No issues after January 2015 will be mailed without payment. If you are reading this and it is before Saturday, November 8th, then we will see you at the COOL Show on Saturday. The show is coming together nicely, and we expect a good turnout. As most of you know, this year’s show is a little different than shows we have done in the past. The Cars Of Our Lives still has a large emphasis on original and restored as original cars, but we have opened it up to some additional classes and categories, in an attempt to attract new members, and maybe some young, future members. We will have classes for modified cars, “school cars” (at least 15 years old and driven to school), pedal cars (just for fun) and model cars, to maybe put the desire in some young future members. How many of us got our initial appreciation of cars by building model cars? Finally, please plan to attend the November 23rdSteak Cook-out, Annual Meeting and Election of Officers. And if you haven’t already mailed your 2015 membership renewal, please bring it to the meeting. November 2014 Page 3 What’s Happening Nov 8: THIS WEEKEND! COOL “Cars of Our Lives” Treasure Coast Vintage Car Club at Tradition 9am to 3pm. Drive-ons welcome. Vintage/Modifieds 25 years or older; School cars/trucks 15 years or older. Registration chair JoAnn Smith, 287-1903., click on “Fall Festival” Nov 11: Stuart Veterans Day Parade, arrive at 9:15, Hospital Ave. on East Ocean Blvd. -Jay Smith 287-1903. See below. Dec 5: Stuart Christmas Parade—See below for details Dec 7: Ft. Pierce Christmas Parade—See below for details Jan 10-11, 2015: 21st Ford & Mustang Roundup at Silver Springs. Info: Derek Putnam 352-861-8701 ext. 4227 or e-mail: Mar 6-8, 2015: AACA Winter Meet— Classics of the Caribbean, Puerto Rico Region, San Juan, Puerto Rico. See Page 11 of the current Antique Automobile Magazine, September/October, 2014 April 12, 2015: Elliott Museum “Classics at the Beach” Car Show—Show day Sunday 10 AM-3 PM; Opening Re ception Saturday, April 11, 6 PM –8 PM. Info: Mar 17-19, 2016: AACA Winter Meet—Naples/Marco Island Region, Naples, Florida CAR SHOW AFTER THE VETERANS’ DAY PARADE: The Veteran’s Day parade kicks off at 10 AM on Nov 11. Please arrive by 9:15. At the conclusion of the Parade, there will be a car show in the area located just west of Memorial park on the south side of E Ocean Blvd. The show will be limited to 50 cars because of space constraints. Show participants can register with Jim Serra prior to the event via e mail ( ) or phone (772 285-3320). Jim will assign each participant a registration number between 1 and 50. STUART CHRISTMAS PARADE—FRIDAY, DEC. 5 Theme of this year’s parade is “Rockin’ in a Winter Wonderland.” Assemble by 6 PM at the shuffleboard court area on Georgia Ave. For info and to join in, call Jay Smith at 287-1903. FT. PIERCE CHRISTMAS PARADE—SUNDAY, DEC. 7 Theme of this year’s parade is “Sound of Christmas.” Assemble by 2:30-3:00 PM east of U.S. 1 and south of Seaway Drive in downtown Ft. Pierce. Dave and Amy will serve their traditional “after-parade” dinner—when? After the parade, of course. Call Dave or Amy at 772-464-2966. There’s not much action on the legislative front this month. We thank the SEMA Action Network for supplying information as it comes avaliable. If you hear of anything on the state or local level here in Florida, forward it to me and I’ll keep us informed. or 772-287-6521. Thanks...and keep it tuned! —Mike Ed & Trina Kaleda at the 2011 Ft. Pierce Christmas Parade November 2014 Page 4 TREASURE COAST VINTAGE CAR CLUB GENERAL MEETING OCTOBER 26, 2014 The October meeting was hosted by Pete and Liz Bortnick with a Car Rally over to Fellsmere to have lunch at the historic Marsh Landing Restaurant. The meeting was called to order by President Dave Brown. Guests attending were Carmen and Vincent Ponzo and Bob Elzin's brother John and his son John,. The Secretary's report was accepted as printed in the newsletter. There was no treasurer's report but we were assured we have sufficient funds in the bank. Cathie Means, membership chairman, reminded members that yearly dues are due now. If you haven't renewed, do so now and remember to include your AACA dues also. Mike Mucci will be doing the newsletter and needs all information soon. Jay passed around sign-up sheets (Kril is out of town) for the Veteran's Day Parade and the Stuart Christmas parade. All special events are listed in the newsletter each month. No legislative report and there were no members needing sunshine cards according to Nancy Elzin. Our COOL car show is ready to roll. We are urged to sell those raffle tickets to benefit Hospice. Old business : Dave informed the members that he had not gotten enough orders to order the Antique Auto Batteries. Call him if you are still interested. The November meeting will be hosted by Jay and Jo Ann Smith and will be the annual Steak Fry and election of your new officers for the year. See newsletter for slate being presented this year. The cook-out will be at Halpatiokee Park. It was noted by Bob Elzin that he will be having shoulder surgery the 4th. of Nov. and will be needing help the day of the car show to haul tables and chairs etc. He will not be able to lift etc. If you want to help please call Bob or Mike Mucci. There being no further business before the general membership, the Bortnicks were thanked for arranging the fun morning and afternoon and the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully Submitted, Jo Ann Smith Secretary Pre-departure gathering for the tour/rallye to Fellsmere. More pics next page. Photos: Mike Even, Jay Smith. November 2014 Page 5 Many thanks to Liz and Pete Bortnick for a fun trip to a distinctive historic “Cracker” restaurant at Fellsmere. And the tour quiz winners? The Browns! October 2014 Page 6 Talk about Creative costumes! In case you haven’t seen them, Dave and Amy Brown went all out for Halloween this year. Can’t wait to see what they have up their sleeves for Christmas! Important… All gasoline-powered vehicles entered in the “Cars of our Lives” Saturday must have an appropriate fire extinguisher visible. Extinguishers will be available to purchase at the club table on site. Slate of officers to be presented at November general meeting. Your nominating committee has shuttled and cajoled names around to come up with a slate of officers to run the club next year. We’ll be taking nominations from the floor to add to the final selection, then voting on the final slate. Here is the preliminary slate: President Barb Joyce Cathie Means 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President, Memb. Fran Vicini Secretary Jo Ann Smith Treasurer Ed Joyce Sgt. At Arms Pete Bortnick Chairman of the Board Dave Brown Board Members: Linda Bollman Nancy Elzin Mike Mucci Rob Friend Andre’ Rayman Marie Flaherty November 2014 Page 7 ADVERTISEMENTS BUSINESS CARD SPACE: Members $5 per issue/$50 per year. CLASSIFIED AD SPACE: Members no charge. Non-members $10 per issue. Classified ads should reach the editor before the 1st of the month. Pearl Jackson, Editor, This Saturday—Nov. 8th, 9 to 3 Town Square at Tradition I-95 Exit 118 To Benefit Treasure Coast Hospice November 2014 Page 3 Look for Vintage Times’ new e-mail format in January! There’ll be a few changes to make our newsletter more readable online with more efficient use of space resulting in bigger photos and more room for supporting advertisements (business cards). We’ll be placing ads throughout the newsletter giving better exposure to advertisers. Ads will still be $50 per calendar year. Reserve or renew your space now by calling Mike Mucci at 772-287-6521, or Sunshine Last month Bob Lambert joined the Picasso Club with ear surgery! Recovery has been good. Bob Elzin had shoulder surgery on Nov. 4th. If you know of someone who needs a little sunshine, contact Nancy Elzin at 772-223-0955 or email her at Treasure Coast Vintage Car P.O. Box 1612, Stuart, Florida 34995 November 2014
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