TREASURE COAST REGION OF A.A.C.A. Volume 31 Number 10 VINTAGE TIMES October 2014 Editor: Pearl Jackson/Mike Mucci General Meeting October 26, 2014 Road Rally ending at Marsh Landing, Fellsmere Meet at Jensen Beach Post Office 2301 NE Savannah Road Leave at 10:30 a.m. RSVP to Liz Bortnick by October 24 772-631-3832 Experience Old Florida Cuisine & History. Take a trip back in time as you dine in the historic atmosphere at Marsh Landing. Located in the beautifully restored Fellsmere Estates Building, Marsh Landing offers a truly unique dining experience. Frog legs, catfish and gator tail, fried green tomatoes and swamp cabbage are a few of the local specialties you can find. Annual Meeting, Steak Cook Out & Election of Officers for 2015 will be November 23. Membership Renewals Hold onto the AACA membership renewal form that came with your September/October issue of Antique Automobile magazine. When you receive the TCVCC renewal form from the Membership Chairman, put them together with one check to cover both and mail to our P.O. box. 2014 TCVCC OFFICERS President: David Brown 1st Vice Pres: Barbara Joyce 2nd Vice Pres: Cathie Means Secretary: Jo Ann Smith Treasurer: Ed Joyce Sgt. At Arms: John Giltinan 2014 TCVCC BOARD Chair: Liz Bortnick Linda Bollman ‘15 Nancy Elzin ‘15 Mike Even ‘14 Pearl Jackson ‘14 Mike Mucci ‘14 Fran Vicini ‘15 October 2014 Page 2 BEHIND THE WHEEL again & again & again October 2014 Who does NOT remember his first car? To most adults today, and certainly within any antique car club, we all have vivid memories of our first. Growing up, my father always bought rather boring Chevy Bel Airs, not Impalas, and always with 283 2 barrels. When I was ready to buy, my dad sent me to the Chevy dealer to buy something from his OK Used Car lot. I was dreaming of a 1965 Impala. Better yet, a Super Sport Impala! I really liked the light purple color that year. Pontiac called it Iris Mist, but I don’t recall the Chevy name. Chuck and Alice Batey’s 65 LeMans is Iris Mist. Well, they had no 1965 Impalas on the lot, but they did have a 1965 Pontiac Tempest Custom . It was a light beige 4 door, not my first choice, but it was a pretty nice car. With a 326 engine, it was about 50 or 60 more horsepower than my dad’s anemic 283 Chevy, so it was good. That car was my ticket to freedom. I still lived at home when I wasn’t at school, and I still had to live by the rules of the house, but it opened up new worlds for me. When I returned to school at Penn State, it really shined. If I wanted to come home for the weekend, I put up a sign in the student union and got riders who paid $6 to $8 round trip to the Pittsburgh area. With a 4 door, I could hold 5 others, and with gas costing 20 or 25 cents, $5 filled By Dave Brown her up, and I had $25-$35 spending money. Usually I only carried girls, but not for the reason you’re thinking. Girls tended to be smaller and lighter, and gave us more room, and less weight on the hills. What really surprises me is that many of todays young people do not have the same interest in cars that we did, and still do. They are more interested in video games, new computer gadgets and the latest and greatest iPhone apps that have just been released. Many of them have been indoctrinated in our schools that automobiles are destroying the planet, and public transportation is a better alternative. Public transportation could never drive across Pine Creek in Pennsylvania, through knee deep water to get to a cabin for the first day of trout season. And public transportation couldn’t explore the Skyline Drive through Virginia, stopping and enjoying the many breathtaking views. My first car started a lifelong appreciation of Pontiac automobiles. When I was 12, a neighbor down the street bought a 1962 Pontiac Bonneville, that I rode in many times going to or from Little League. He was our coach. Smooth, effortless power from the big 389 V8 was quite a departure from our 283 Chevy. But the clincher was when my dad took his boss to the airport and brought home his brand new 1963 Pontiac Grand Prix. His boss INSISTED he use it for our weekend trip to a neighbors summer home on the upper Allegheny River. WOW! 421 V8 engine, gobs of power, bucket seats and air conditioning. My first car served me well, but after college, I needed a car with A/C. Wouldn’t you know, I just happened to find a real nice 1969 Pontiac GTO with A/C. After a few years with the Goat, I bought my first new car, a 1974 Pontiac Grand Am. Not the crappy front wheel drive car of the 80s and 90s, but what was supposed to be the replacement for the GTO with greater emphasis on luxury than on brute force. That one wound up with an ex-wife, but by 1979 I bought the 1970 Pontiac Bonneville Convertible that I still own today. Now those of you who have been in the club less than 11 years, have probably never seen this car. I took it off the road in 2003 for some work that kept snow balling into a full blown restoration. But work is progressing, and hopefully next year... October 2014 Page 3 What’s Happening Oct 8—11: Eastern Fall Meet, Hershey, PA 717-566-7720 Oct 12: VFW Post 10132, Old Dixie Hwy, Hobe Sound; Wounded Warriors of Martin County Fund Raisers; !:00— 5:00 P.M.; All you can eat BBQ $12; Collector Car Show; Contact: Jim Serra 772-285-3320; or Oct 15: 7:00 p.m. COOL Show Committee meeting, Dave & Amy Brown’s. Call or e-m ail to let them know you’re coming 772-464-2966, Oct 17-18: Lake Mirror Classic, Lakeland. Phone Cathie Means, Cell: 772-215-3600, Home: 772-221-1617 for info . Oct 25: Palm City Fall Festival Oct 25: First annual Historic Little Jim’s Bait & Tackle meet. 9:00—3:00. 601 North Beach Causeway, Ft. Pierce. Refreshments available to purchase. Older cars welcome. No registration fee, no judging. Come & have fun. Nov 1: Jan & Dean Beach Party at Endless Summer Vineyard & Winery. All info on website: under SHO ONLINE & MORE INFO Nov 8: COOL “Cars of Our Lives” Treasure Coast Vintage Car Club at Tradition, PSL Info: and click on Fall Festival Nov 11: Stuart Veterans Day Parade, arrive at 9:15, Hospital Avenue on East Ocean Blvd. Dec 5: Stuart Christmas Parade Mar 6-8, 2015: Winter Meet— Classics of the Caribbean, Puerto Rico Region, San Juan, Puerto Rico. See Page 15 of Antique Automobile Magazine, July/August, 2014 Mar 17-19, 2016: Winter Meet—Naples/Marco Island Region, Naples, Florida Rocky Grady suggests that we check out special windshield mounting tips for SUNPASS. Some vehicles have metal oxide in the glass & transponders cannot be read. Go to: Before October 13 please call Mike Mucci at 772-287-6521 for raffle tickets. The Elzins will be available from the 14th. October 2014 Page 4 TREASURE COAST VINTAGE CAR CLUB GENERAL MEETING SEPTEMBER 28, 2014 The September meeting was hosted by Nancy and Bob Elzin. The outing was held at the Putt Putt Golf on Kanner Highway with lunch following at Cracker Barrel. The meeting was called to order at the Putt Putt Golf by President Dave Brown with approximately thirty-six members attending. Guest attending was Terri Lambert the daughter of Bob and Lou Lambert. The Secretary’s Report was accepted as printed in the newsletter. It was reported that TCVCC ‘s bank account is in good standing. Mike Mucci reported that our “ Cool Car Show” is moving right along. He distributed posters and registration forms to all present urging all to get the word out about our show on November 8th. Dave informed members that their AACA renewal forms were in the latest issue of Antique Magazine. They are to be mailed in to TCVCC with your annual renewal. Kril will have all special events in the newsletter. He did point out that we will have cars in the local Veteran’s Day Parade November 11th. Starting at 10 AM. We have also been asked to attend a Polo Match at the Port Myaca polo grounds in February to benefit Molly’s House. More on this in Special Events. In a review of Hot August Nights tour, Dave pointed out that we had 14 out of 15 participants drive their antique cars. Despite some break-downs we all made it home with our “OLD CARS”. November will be our annual Steak Cook-Out hosted by Jo Ann and Jay Smith at Halpatiokee Park. We have not been able to secure a Grill yet but we are working on this and will have full information next month. This will be the election of the new officers for TCVCC for the coming year. The October meeting will be hosted by Liz and Pete Bortnick. They are planning a car Rally to Fellsmere and will be leaving the Jensen Beach Post Office at 10:30 Sharp! See newsletter for details and RSVP accordingly. There being no further business before the membership, the Elzins were thanked for hosting the outing and the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully Submitted, Jo Ann Smith, Secretary October 2014 Page 5 We need your help and advice for future Vintage Times Newsletters Effective January 1, 2015, there’ll be a “changing of the guard” at our Vintage Times. Pearl Jackson, who is stepping down after twenty-plus years, will be replaced by assistant editor Mike Mucci. We will miss Pearl for all her contributions over the years— including her patience in processing a printed version of the newsletter mailed to 30 members who prefer to receive a hard copy. Those 30 newsletters, printed in black & white, folded, stamped, addressed, tabbed and mailed cost approximately $1.60 each, times 30, times 12 months, for a total cost to the club approaching $600 a year. If it weren’t for e-mail, the annual cost for printed copies sent to 110 members would be over $2,000, plus the (volunteer)* labor of folding, addressing, stamping… well you get the drift. So we’re asking for ideas. One suggestion is for those members who receive hard copies to furnish 12 self-addressed, stamped 9 x 12 envelopes, so that all we have to do is print the newsletters, then insert them into envelopes and mail them. No folding, tabbing, applying labels and stamps. Cost for postage would still be standard first class letter (“forever”) stamps. Of course, members who currently receive hard copies still have the option of switching to color versions via e-mail if they have e-mail. So there are two issues to resolve: Cost and added processing by the editor. Mike says “enough of the added labor” if he’s going to take over. “Pearl has been a gem doing it all these years.” And of course, the club is always looking to cut costs where it can. So we’re asking for your input. Call Mike at 772287-6521, or e-mail He’d love to hear from you with suggestions before the first of the year. *(ed note) Kril did the folding & sticking!! October 2014 Page 6 October 2014 Page 7 ADVERTISEMENTS BUSINESS CARD SPACE: Members $5 per issue/$50 per year. CLASSIFIED AD SPACE: Members no charge. Non-members $10 per issue. Classified ads should reach the editor before the 1st of the month. Pearl Jackson, Editor, For Sale 1929 Ford Roadster $17,500 For showing please call 772-546-4395 or email: Leave message with your name, phone number and best time to return your call. For Sale—1950 Ford Custom Deluxe four door black Factory original, no modifications, interior like new, center headlight, grille guard, wheel trim rings. WWW, skirts, venetian blinds, owner’s shop and body manuals, five movie credits, owned 35 years, extra parts, 74,312 actual miles as of August 9th. Location—West Palm Beach Always garaged $15,000 negotiable Martin: 561-793-7029 Are you missing a great car show? by John Linhardt Each Tuesday night in Stuart there is a large old car display behind Chick-Fil-A in the large parking lot formerly belonging to Sears. Sometimes there are 200 cars. The show starts around 6 p.m. but many cars are still preset at 9. Old music is played and there is plenty of parking for your modern car. Each week the 1971 Plymouth N.Y.C. police sedan which was fully restored by our club member Jim Serra appears. For long time residents this show was formerly at Treasure Coast Mall and earlier was at Regency Square and was known as “Gweed and the Gansters”. The organizer of those shows moved to Tennessee. Sunshine Contact Nancy Elzin with information for this column. Bob Lambert had surgery on his leg October 2 and is doing well. Ed Kaleda was scheduled for knee surgery on October 6 and it is reported that he’s recovering faster than expected. Treasure Coast Vintage Car P.O. Box 1612, Stuart, Florida 34995 October 2014
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