Editor: sreeder@friendshipag.net From The Pastor NOVEMBER 1-2-3 Three major events take place this month. The first is our National, State and Local Elections. This pastor can't say enough about getting the right people in office. If this election is not a turn around for our country politically, economically and spiritually, we may be at the point of no return in the worst way. . Our second event is Veterans Day. No one could be any more proud of their Veterans of military service in war and in peace time, than this nation. When I think of the French throwing in the towel in World War II, hardly before Hitler fired a shot, & when I think of Iraqi's taking off their military uniforms when a much smaller band of people like ISIS came; leaving their wives, daughters and sons to be butchered, I shudder at the cowardice. Americans of all wars past have shown the greatest bravery, resolve, tenacity and compassion in war, than any army that I can think of. Our salute goes to our American Veterans. Thirdly, it's almost Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving Day is the only holiday without presents, glitter and selfish deeds attached. At Thanksgiving we just stop and reflect on God's goodness to us as a nation, a family and society. I love it. I know Veterans Day will roll around again and we will never forget them. The same goes for Thanksgiving. I believe it will always be a great day, especially for believers. But we really need to be concerned about our first event approaching us; the election. Let us pray for good men and women to fill our offices of government. Satan has made too many in-roads. Let us be able to say, without arrogance and shame; God Bless America again. James E. Hagan Senior Pastor 719-574-3155 friendshipag@msn.com The Thanksgiving Project Many families in our community won’t have a Thanksgiving Dinner without YOUR help. Here are some suggestions for food donations to be dropped off here or @ Mercy’s Gate: frozen turkeys, stuffing, cranberry sauce, rolls, butter, pies, whipped cream, olives, pickles, canned vegies, yams, potatoes, canned gravy, etc. These items will be combined and distributed through Mercy’s Gate as Family Meals. Another option is to go online and fill out their donation form: http://www.mercysgatecs.org/holidays/the-thanksgiving-project/ Mercy's Gate provides a variety of assistance year-round, including help with rent, medical, legal, utilities and, of course, food. Grocery store cards are also appreciated & if donating by check, make it to Friendship Assembly, please, and put Mercy’s Gate in the memo. 1st B Steve Hays 2nd B Jason Anderson 2nd B Shirley Stees 4th B Gerry Downer 5th A Dan & Joyce Javorsek 7th B Tom Beach 11th B Marcy Rodriguez 12th B Margaret Austin 12th B Rylan Gobble 12th B Karina Hunt 13th B Josh Sanchez 14th A Rich & Patty Kotwica 14th B Amy Seay 14th B Jordan Harrison 17th B Velmarie Kotwica 19th B Vanessa Lenn 19th B Christine Owino 20th B Nathan Grant 20th B Karin Clack 21st A Paul & Frances Johnson 21st A Edgar & Ruth McElhannon 21st B Joey DeCarlo 23rd A Stan & Pat Tuchrello 23rd B Willie Arevalo 24th A John & Malou Koster 25th B Stan Tuchrello 26th A Gene & Ellie Snow 27th A Garrett & Susan Jackson 29th B Marie Muffo 29th B Alex Torresvalle 30th A H. Wayne & Kitty Williams 30th B Elaina Williamson YOUR NUMBER PLEASE . . . To provide the Office with your new information or updates please use one of the green cards from the seat pocket. You may drop it in the offering plate or foyer offering box. MERGE Family Ministry Happy Thanksgiving, Merge Family! We are excited to begin a new series during our Sunday morning class at 10am starting on November 9th. Pastor Brad will be teaching “Thanksgiving in the Life of a Believer” and will be going through the book of Philippians. We are continuing with the Leviticus series and how the Old Covenant correlates to the New Covenant during our Wednesday evening service at 7pm. Thank you to all who came to The Art of Marriage seminar in October! We are planning to make this a yearly event and we look forward to impacting even more marriages at the next seminar. We also had a great turnout (32) for the Family Pizza & Movie Night. We will do this again in the future. The Merge Family Sports Nights are back and we hope you can join us for the next one on November 15th at the Garden Ranch YMCA from 79pm. Bring the entire family and invite your friends for a great time of volleyball and basketball. Donations are appreciated to help with the rental of the facility – thank you! We are so proud to announce that over the last several months, you have raised enough money to liberate six Christian slaves in the Sudan, support Sarah's Home in Calhan and contribute to Springs Rescue Mission with your generous offerings! Praise the Lord! Feel free to contact Pastor Brad or Tierney with any prayer requests, praise reports, or questions and God bless! Pastor Brad & Tierney FRIENDSHIP BOARD Ernie Austin Dave Holm Lynne LeFevre Larry Redmond David Weihrich Feel free to call on these “pastor’s helpers” if you have questions about the church or need prayer while Pastor Hagan is away on the Missions Trip. Page 2 Music & Media Ministry You are without a doubt the most wonderful group of people I've had the pleasure of working with. In particular I would like to thank Sherryl Reeder who has been so helpful. Many events owe part of their success to her faithful contributions. So thank you, Sherryl Reeder!! Our rehearsals are lots of fun and always productive and the fellowship is good medicine. This month I give thanks to God who has brought us all together and who has richly blessed my life by bringing our family to yours! We are already hashing out parts for Christmas, and if you know of a fun, upbeat song that is Christ-centered for Christmas, please let me know about it. Also, remember that if you know of someone who's musical talents could be used here at Friendship, please di- Pastor James Kressman rect them to me. jskressman@friendshipag.net Refuge Student Church The holiday season is here, Refuge church! Thank you to all who came to the Outreach Concert – we had a great time with our good friend, Genesis! We hope you will join us on Sunday nights at 6pm downstairs for fellowship, a time of worship, and the finishing of the “Jesus According to John” series with Pastor Brad. We are putting together a Christmas performance in combination with Kid's Church for Sunday, December 14th, and if you would like to participate, see Pastor Brad or Tierney for the details. We would like to say how proud we are of you, teens: you raised over $300 for Sarah's Home over the last several months! We have now shifted our focus to support WEM (Whispering Eagle Ministries) and their mission to the orphans in the Congo and are excited to see how much we can raise for this awesome ministry. Pastor Brad and Tierney are here for you and you can contact them with any questions, concerns, or prayer requests. Be sure to invite your friends to all of our services and events and God bless! Pastor Brad and Tierney refuge@friendshipag.net Friendship News Keenagers (ages 50 & “wiser”) Hello, Keenagers! It's almost Thanksgiving time again. We've just finished with some great events including our tour of Bishop's Castle & our tour of Fall Colors that took us to Helen Hunt Falls and up Pikes Peak. We also had a great time with our Fruit Bowling Potluck event and the Annual Quilt & Craft Fair. Remember that November 1st our church will host a southern gospel concert with the Down East Boys at 7pm. Later in the month, we will have our time of Nursing Home ministry and a great time bowling (this time using real bowling balls, not fruit.) Please come join us and have a blessed time of celebrating the goodness of God during this month of ThanksPastor James Kressman giving!! jskressman@friendshipag.net We had another great time at the Men’s Breakfast in October. There were 33 men in attendance. Great, big THANK YOU to David Wagner for a great meal :) :) We started listening to a message on CD by E.K. Bailey on Hosea, WOW! Join us for Part 2 at the November 1st breakfast, 8:00am. Hope to see you there. 1st John 4:7-8 Lorenzo Grant, Coordinator Volume 20, Issue 11 PRAYER TIMES Devote a little time before Sunday Evening Service to pray for our missionaries and for fellow believers who are being persecuted in other countries, beginning at 5:30pm in the Sanctuary. There is also Ladies’ Prayer Meeting on Tuesday mornings at 10:00am. Royal Rangers ~ Outpost 141 Rangers, get your aim ready, the annual Turkey Shoot is Saturday November 15th, 8AM – 2PM. Rangers will experience archery, BB gun, paintball, ATV rides, and knife & ‘hawk. Lunch will be included @ $10.00 per boy. The event is at Restoration Church, 9355 Peaceful Valley Rd, Colorado Springs, CO 80925. Parents must drop off and pick up boys at Restoration. Registration Form required with drop off. Contact any Ranger Commander for additional information. ROYAL RANGERS meets weekly on Wednesday nights at 7:00pm. There are groups for young men Kindergarten through Seniors in high school. Periodic campouts and activities are announced at Outpost Meetings on Wednesdays. David Weihrich Senior Commander Page 3 Girls Clubs Women’s Ministries If you would like to get involved with Women’s Ministries please consider one of our many areas: Heart to Heart ~ we meet for fellowship, fun, and of course getting together with our girl friends. We all need some girl time some times. All ladies are welcome. Any questions contact Connie Shackelford at 387.4022 Ladies’ Prayer ~ Tuesdays at 10:00am in the Sanctuary Helping Hands ~ might be the place for you if helping people is your thing. We help God’s people in their time of need. We carry food to them after surgery or after hospitalization and such. Please contact Alice Garibay at 391.1178 for details. Harvester's Circle ~ ON A BREAK UNTIL JANUARY & makes quilts and crafts for sale to sponsor Missions! Any questions, please call or see Ruth, 574-5877. ALABASTER WOMEN ~ Meets quarterly; contact Bonnie Holm for details, 382-9870 The Little Scrappers ~ Join us Thursday, November 20th at 6:30pm. Bring ANY crafts that you are working on. Scrapbooking demonstrations available; contact Con- Connie Shackelford Coordinator nie Shackelford for more details. In September, GM held our Annual Sleepover. 20 girls attended and what a great time we had! Our theme this year was "Explore China" and our Coins For Kids project was "China Orphan Care". We held a contest to raise money for this project and we would like to congratulate all of the girls, for having raised $360! Our top givers were: 1st - Reyna James, 2nd - Jillian Dunnagan, 3rd Mary Zappitelli. I would like to give a special thank you to all the ladies who made this night a huge success: Marisela Delgado, Judy Poplawski, Patty Addis, Leah Hunter, Glory Zapitelli, Cassandra Hiller, Erin James, & Kim Chairez! What an awesome bunch. Thank you all for your hard work (and lack of sleep.) Most importantly, during our time of worship and devotion, 6 of our girls came to know the Lord and 2 rededicated themselves!! It just doesn't get any better than that. October - As of this time of printing, our GM Sponsors are looking forward to volunteering at our annual Harvest Festival. We are ready, Sister Ann! November - on the 29th, our girls and sponsors will be bring Christmas baskets to our shut-ins. If you would like to donate items for these baskets, please see me or any of our sponsors. MEETING WEDNESDAYS ~ 7:00pm ~ Ages 3—12th grade Penny Kressman GM Coordinator Southern Gospel’s DOWN EAST BOYS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1st ~ 7:00 pm Doors open at 6:00 First Come, First Seated Love Offering Recieved Page 4 Friendship News Missions: Home & Abroad Print Only Volume 20, Issue 11 Page 5 Kids’ Church HARVEST FESTIVAL Thank you to all who volunteered their time, talent and finances to make our 2014 Harvest Festival a great success (by faith.) More on this in December as the event has not happened as of this edition’s printing. JUNIOR BIBLE QUIZ Our competitive Junior Bible Quiz Teams are working hard and have done very well at the matches so far. Meanwhile, it is my vision that all of our Kids' Church kids learn all of the material, even if they don't care to compete. JBQ lays a spiritual foundation for right reasoning for a lifetime. Competitive or not, kids can have fun learning excellent Bible Trivia every Sunday during evening service by joining our awesome head coaches, Ken and Amanda Fauska, as we creatively memorize through fun and games. 5th Sunday Extravaganza It’s that time again when we celebrate all the hard work the Kids have put in on SCRIPTURE MEMORIZATION!!! Come and enjoy pizza, popcorn and a Christian Video on Sunday Night, November 30th in the KC Room after Praise & Worship! CHRISTMAS IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER ~!~SAVE THE DATE~!~ Kids' Church Christmas Performance December 14, 2014 ~ 6:00 pm Rehearsals will begin in November for our Kids’ Christmas Program to be presented Sunday Evening, December 14th. Kids’ Church is joining forces with REFUGE Youth to have a variety of skits, songs and other productions to celebrate and honor the birth of our Lord Jesus. Check with your kids to be sure that they practice their parts, all kids will have one. Attendance at Kids' Church is very important and helpful so that we may produce a quality program. :-) The Grounded Café Come visit us downstairs in the Fellowship Hall OPEN Sundays and Wednesdays to quench your thirst and satisfy your sweet tooth. We offer Frappuccinos, fruit smoothies, glassbottled sodas, teas, snacks, candy, and more. All proceeds go to the teens of Friendship Assembly. Thank you! We accept cash and debit cards – all proceeds go to support the Refuge Student Church. Thank you! Ann Campos, K.C. Director acampos@friendshipag.net Page 6 Friendship News Sunday School Giving Thanks for YOU! Dear Teachers, Substitute Teachers and spouses, you are invited to an Appreciation Luncheon on Saturday, November 15th at 12:00 to 2:00 pm. It will be downstairs in the Fellowship Hall and we will provide sandwiches and drinks! Please sign-up in the foyer so we know how many are attending and if you would like to bring a dessert too! This will be a good time of fellowship! Thanksgiving blessings to you, Willie & Sara Classes for all ages! Adult Classes available: MERGE Young Adults: “Thanksgiving in the Life of a Believer” (B-4) Pathfinders, Adult 2: Spiritual Growth (E3 & E4) Adult 3: D E C I S I O N S (B-3) Women’s, Adult 4: Living A Life of Balance (1-A) Proverbs, Adult 5: Book of Proverbs (1-E) Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. Willie & Sara Arevalo Sunday School Coordinators NOVEMBER 2014 The Church Calendar is available on the home page of our website: www.friendshipag.net Volume 20, Issue 11 Page 7 FRIENDSHIP ASSEMBLY OF GOD 3685 New Center Point Colorado Springs, CO 80922 Phone: (719) 574-3155 E-mail: friendshipag@msn.com Website: www.friendshipag.net Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm SUNDAY SERVICE TIMES: *Sunday Early Morning Worship, 8:30 am Kids’ Church (ages 3-12) meets after praise and worship *Sunday School, 10:00 am *Sunday Regular Morning Worship, 10:45 am Kids’ Church (ages 3-12) meets after praise and worship *Sunday Evening Service, 6 pm Refuge Youth Church, 6 pm Kids’ Church (ages 6-12) meets after praise and worship WEDNESDAY FAMILY NIGHT ACTIVITIES: *Adult Bible Study, 7:00 pm *MERGE Bible Study, 7:00 pm Diving Deep (High School), 7:00 pm Girls Ministries, 7:00 pm Royal Rangers, 7:00 pm *Attended Nursery is Available; ages newborn-36 months. * CRY ROOM is available for parents training children to stay in the service and is located at the rear of the Sanctuary. Online Giving Option: https://friendshipag.generush.org/
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