Editor: sreeder@friendshipag.net From The Pastor When I was growing up, we right choices in those areas celebrated the birthdays of that we have control; whether President Lincoln on February it be for a pastor, a politician, 12 and George Washington on a mate or a spiritual leader. February 22. I liked it, each God gave that power to the one was very distinct in what Jews, to desire and make right they accomplished and have choices of leaders, "As the proven over many generations King goes, so goes the nation." that they were truly great men. In Judges chapter 9, the Bible Surveys since that time ingives us an Old Testaclude Ronald Reagan con- ment Parable, when the as one who is in the top “I'm that trees went out to find three positions along cerned with John F. Kennedy. we have be- someone to rule over gun to look them and they settled The worst ones for the bramble bush to inward . . .” are........well we better be their king. The renot go there, but two of them sults were devastating. So it is are still alive today. Lumping with our spiritual, moral and the best with the worst takes political choices. America has away from the glory of the lost its status in the world in great ones and gives the others so many areas, even as a a special recognition that may Christian nation. not be deserved. When I read It's time for the Church to rise the Bible, I always see at the up and make some good end of a king’s or leader’s choices. Get involved and supreign, that the Bible evaluates port those leaders who will extheir greatness or lack thereof. alt our nation, whose God is Why am I writing about such our God. matters? I believe God expects James E. Hagan accountability from leaders. I Senior Pastor believe God, in like manner, 719-574-3155 expects His people to make friendshipag@msn.com LASSY PROJECT Lassy Project is a local company that offers a free tool that gives parents and guardians the ability to notify an entire local community about their missing child in seconds. The more people that join Lassy Project, the more likely a child is safely returned to their family should they ever go missing. Lassy Project is supported by police departments, schools, churches and communities around the country and we hope that you will join. Help us find lost children. Faster. Take 30 seconds to join the Lassy Village at www.lassyproject.com 1st A Willie & Sara Arevalo 2nd B Pastor Jim Hagan 3rd B Steve Laird 4th B Chandler Berwick 5th A Gil & Marcy Rodriguez 9th B Mikel Jardin 10th B Chris Boardman 10th B Evan Baker 11th B Dan Javorsek 12th B Diane Pelletier 12th B Lizzie Worsham 13th B Isabelle Grant 14th A Dan & Carol Tippie 14th A John & Andrea Parrish 15th A Johnny & LaWanda Smith 15th B Juanita Hudson (99 yrs!) 17th B James Akins 17th B Caleb Shackelford 17th B Ethan Shackelford 18th A Beau & Rachel Lynd 19th A Chris & Debbie Boardman 20th B Keturah Burkhart 21st B Paul Johnson 22nd B Terena Fox 23rd B Tiffany Henderson 24th B Mike Romero 27th B Barbara Atkinson 28th B Billie Hicks 28th B David Wagner YOUR NUMBER PLEASE . . . To provide the Office with your new information or updates please use one of the green cards from the seat pocket. You may drop it in the offering plate or foyer offering box. MERGE Family Ministry Music & Media Ministry Blessings in the name of the Lord! We hope you will join us every Wednesday evening at 7pm for our Worship service downstairs. This is a great time of praise and worship, followed by a time of offering and then study in God's Word lead by Pastor Brad. Our current series, entitled “Mark: An Imprint from Jesus,” is a walk through the Gospel of Mark and this is the perfect time to invite your friends, family, and co-workers who need to hear about Jesus or mature in their Christian walk. Here we are in February again with one of the few holiday times that requires no theme music! But we are excited about the music we have coming up for Resurrection time as well as new praise and worship additions. We are open to finding another guitar player and other team members. If you know of someone who could contribute to our team, send them to Pastor James. This year we want to include more youth as well as adding a new monthly event. We will be welcoming some of our Children's Church to join us in the Worship Team in the 10:45 am service of our first Sunday of each month! God bless each one of you and keep our music pro- Pastor James Kressman gram covered in prayer. jskressman@friendshipag.net This month we would love to get to know you better through our Merge Home Group and our Merge Family Sports Night! The Home Group meeting is on Friday, February 6th, at Pastor Brad and Tierney's house at 6pm. Join us for a study of the Parables of Jesus, as well as, a potluck style dinner – kids are welcome. The theme for this month's dinner is Soup and Sandwiches. On Saturday, February 21st, we will meet at the Garden Ranch YMCA from 7-9 pm for friendly competition at volleyball and basketball for the entire family. Donations are appreciated to help with the rental of the YMCA – thank you! For more information on our services and events, visit and “like” our Facebook page or go to our website at friendshipag.net. God bless! Pastor Brad & Tierney bwilliamson@friendshipag.net Refuge Student Church What an amazing January we had, Refuge Students! Our kick-off service for 2015 brought in over 30 visitors! Join us every Sunday night at 6pm downstairs for our Worship service. We start with a fun time of fellowship and an Icebreaker game and then we move to a time of praise and worship, followed by the Word of God lead by Pastor Brad. He has started a new series called “Thinking” and this is the perfect time to invite your friends. On Saturday, February 21st, we will be going to Monarch Mountain for our annual ski trip – contact Pastor Brad or Tierney to see if anymore spots are available. We are very excited to prepare for our first missions trip taking place July 18th-25th! We will be going to San Diego to serve the community for a week and will be hosted by a local bilingual church. If you would like to donate, we have several options available to you: you can sponsor a student; donate online at our website (friendshipag.net); support our Bake Sale on Sunday, February 8th; hire a student for an odd job to help with their cost, or you can participate in our Adopt-a-Mile program where you can donate $2.00 per mile to help with the gas and hotel of our 2,300 mile journey. Thank you for your support! For more information about our services and events, visit and “like” our Facebook page. God bless! Pastor Brad and Tierney refuge@friendshipag.net Page 2 Friendship News Keenagers (ages 50 & “wiser”) Well we've made it through another January and enjoyed the church Chili Cook-off and our pot-luck with games event. Now it's February 2015 and love is in the air. With that in mind we are gearing up for our annual Valentines Banquet which will be right here at Friendship from 1-3PM on February 14th. The cost will be $10 per person to help offset our food cost. We will be bringing back our Newlywed Games with lots of great door prizes and spectacular food prepared by our very own, John & Malou! Also, we will have a violinist go from table to table offering to play your favorite love song. See the sign up sheet at the Events Table in the foyer for main course choices. On February 24th we are planning an outing to see a local candy factory. So come join in and invite a friend! Pastor James Kressman jskressman@friendshipag.net PRAYER TIMES Devote a little time before Sunday Evening Service to pray for our missionaries and for fellow believers who are being persecuted in other countries, beginning at 5:30pm in the Sanctuary. *There is also Ladies’ Prayer Meeting* *on Tuesday mornings at 10:00 a.m.* SIGN UP BEGINS WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4th Cost is $99 per family (teens welcome w/parent) CLASSES begin Friday, February 20th, 7:00pm & run for two hours each Friday through April 17th COUPLES ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND TOGETHER AND MISS NO MORE THAN ONE CLASS Royal Rangers ~ Outpost 141 Another wonderful breakfast in January had 48 men and teens in attendance. We started part one of the video, "Amazing Grace" & what a powerful movie! We will continue with part two on Feb. 7th at 8am. Breakfast will be going till 10 am to finish the video. If you have not yet come for breakfast try this one, we will be having omelettes with all your favorite ingredients. Please let me know your preference by 1/28/15 to get your order in. We have a lot of great things planned this year and you don't want to miss any of it. Hope to see you there. 1st John 4:7-8 Lorenzo Grant, Coordinator Volume 21, Issue 2 It is the beginning of a new season for the Royal Rangers. We have some of the same events planned for 2015, but will add some new ones. One such event will be a Leadership Training Program involving Discovery, Adventure, and Expedition age groups. It will be a 2-day, overnight session. Our goal is to have a Christ-like character foundation and servant leadership development in a Ranger-lead/Commanderfacilitated Outpost. Come visit us on Wednesdays and see how we’re doing. As always, helpers are welcomed and needed. ROYAL RANGERS meets weekly on Wednesday nights at 7:00pm. There are groups for young men Kindergarten through Seniors in high school. Periodic campouts and activities are announced at Outpost Meetings on Wednesdays. David Weihrich Senior Commander Page 3 Women’s Ministries Ladies, this month our Heart to Heart event is a Christian Video and Popcorn. Please join us February 7th at 2pm. ALL LADIES and TEENS ARE WELCOME! Child care will be available. There will be a sign up sheet in the foyer. If child care is needed, please mark that area with how many children will need care. NEW THIS MONTH Alice’s Crochet group will be moving to the church starting February 5th. They will meet the 1st Thursday of the month to work on any crochet/knitting projects. All ladies are welcome to join. If you do not know how to crochet or knit, there are several ladies who can help you. The group would like to donate blankets, hats, and booties to the Life Network’s Pregnancy Center in November. There is lots of time to make a blanket if you would like to join in the donation. If you have any questions please contact Alice Garibay or Connie Shackelford. If you would like to get involved with Women’s Ministries please consider one of our many areas: Connie Shackelford Coordinator Heart to Heart ~ we meet for fellowship, fun, and of course getting together with our girl friends. We all need some girl time some times. All ladies are welcome. Any questions contact Connie Shackelford. Ladies’ Prayer ~ Tuesdays at 10:00am in the Sanctuary Helping Hands ~ might be the place for you if helping people is your thing. We help God’s people in their time of need. We carry food to them after surgery or after hospitalization and such. Please contact Alice Garibay for details. Harvester's Circle ~ meets each Thursday at 9 a.m. & makes quilts and crafts for sale to sponsor Missions! Any questions, please call or see Ruth McElhannon. ALABASTER WOMEN ~ Meets quarterly. Contact Bonnie Holm for details. The Little Scrappers ~ Join us Thursday, February 12th at 6:30pm. Bring ANY crafts that you are working on. If someone would like to learn how to scrapbook that can be arranged. contact Connie Shackelford for more details. Page 4 Girls Clubs 2014 was a great year for Girls Ministries and 2015 promises to be even better! We have some great things planned - Volunteer Days, field trips, parties, visitation, our Annual Sleepover and much more!! I want to say a special thank you to all of our sponsors. Without you, this ministry would not be possible! Thank you, for your faithfulness and dedication: Erin James: Rainbows Club Judy Poplawski: Daisies Club Glory Zappitelli & Cassandra Hiller: Prims Club Patty Addis: Stars Club Marisela Delgado: Friends Club Leah Hunter: Girls Only Club Rebekah Poplawski for filling in when needed MEETING WEDNESDAYS ~ 7:00pm ~ Clubs for ages 3 thru 12th grade Penny Kressman GM Coordinator Our Community Mercy's Gate provides a variety of assistance, to include help with rent, medical, legal, utilities and, of course, food. We are instructed in Proverbs 19:17, “He who is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and He will reward him for what he has done.” You will have an opportunity to do just that on Sunday, February 15th through our monthly food collection. Please place non-perishable food items in collection bin in the foyer. This helps restock the Mercy’s Gate Pantry for our neighbors in need. Grocery store cards are also appreciated & if donating by check, make it to Friendship Assembly, please, and put Mercy’s Gate in the memo. Your generous donation is tax deductible and you will receive the satisfaction of knowing you helped neighbors in need in Colorado Springs. For further questions, contact them at 277-7470. Friendship News Missions: Home & Abroad Print Version Only (emilioandmarisela@peoplepc.com) Volume 21, Issue 2 Prayerfully submitted by Emilio Delgado, Mission Ministry Liaison for Friendship Assembly Page 5 Kids’ Church MISSION ESSENTIAL PERSONNEL New changes are just around the corner. Pastor Hagan has a goal of personally ministering more to our older children. Therefore, he is asking that kids promote from Kids' Church in the Fall following their 11th birthday and begin attending adult worship service. In conjunction with this, an exciting new program will begin soon; "Mission Essential Personnel" will be offered. Kids eleven and up will be immersed in comprehensive training for service in our church and developing a healthy Christian world view. They will discover and develop their personal talents as they root themselves in Christian Character. Each Mission Essential Personnel session will give "agents" a deeper understanding about who God is and how to defend their beliefs. They will also discover their own personality and how God wants to use their strengths to build His kingdom. Also, we will join in prayer and practice for actual ministry in our church. CLUB JBQ Each Sunday night, during evening service, all kids meet in the Kids' Church room to memorize questions and answers that lay a foundation that increases faith and intellect. Their efforts are wrapped in fun and games. Their fearless leaders, Ken and Amanda Fauska challenge them with Musical Chairs, Balloon Relays, Twister, Jenga and many other games that encourage learning and fun in one. Club JBQ is open to all kids each Sunday night. COMPETITIVE JUNIOR BIBLE QUIZ The Grounded Christmas Ass i s Café t a n c e Come visit us within Frienddownstairs in the ship &/or by Fellowship Hall reference of a OPEN Sundays and Wednesdays to quench Friendship atyour thirst and satisfy your sweet tooth. We oftendee only. fer Frappuccinos, fruit smoothies, glassbottled sodas, teas, snacks, candy, and more. All proceeds go to the teens of Friendship Assembly. Thank you! We accept cash and debit cards – all proceeds go to support the Refuge Student Church. Thank you! Using the same Questions and Answers as Club JBQ, kids who enjoy healthy competition meet with other kids from churches all over our state and compete once a month. This excellent program offers scholarship opportunities (to Assemblies of God Colleges) for quizzers who achieve winning titles. Ann Campos, K.C. Director acampos@friendshipag.net Page 6 Friendship News Sunday School CLASSES FOR ALL AGES Sundays 10 ~ 10:30 am Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8 CHILDREN’S & TEENS CLASSES Nursery, ages newborn—36 months Pre-school, ages 3-4 Kindergarten, ages 5-6 Primary, 1st-2nd grades Middler, 3rd-4th grades Pre-Teen, 5th-6th grades Young Teen, 7th-8th grades High School, 9th-12th grades Adult Classes available: Pathfinders (Adult): Spiritual Growth (East Addition) Living the Life (Adult): D E C I S I O N S (B-3) Women’s Issues (Adult): Living A Life of Balance (Library) The WORD (Adult): Book of Proverbs (1-E) Willie & Sara Arevalo Sunday School Coordinators FEBRUARY 2015 The Church Calendar is updated on the home page of our website: www.friendshipag.net Volume 21, Issue 2 Page 7 FRIENDSHIP ASSEMBLY OF GOD 3685 New Center Point Colorado Springs, CO 80922 Phone: (719) 574-3155 E-mail: friendshipag@msn.com Website: www.friendshipag.net Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm SUNDAY SERVICE TIMES: *Sunday Early Morning Worship, 8:30 am Kids’ Church (ages 3-12) meets after praise and worship *Sunday School, 10:00 am *Sunday Regular Morning Worship, 10:45 am Kids’ Church (ages 3-12) meets after praise and worship *Sunday Evening Service, 6 pm Refuge Youth Church, 6 pm Kids’ Church (ages 6-12) meets after praise and worship WEDNESDAY FAMILY NIGHT ACTIVITIES: *Adult Bible Study, 7:00 pm *MERGE Bible Study, 7:00 pm Diving Deep (High School), 7:00 pm Girls Ministries, 7:00 pm Royal Rangers, 7:00 pm *Attended Nursery is Available; ages newborn-36 months. * CRY ROOM is available for parents training children to stay in the service and is located at the rear of the Sanctuary. Online Giving Option: https://friendshipag.generush.org/
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