______________________________________________________________________________ University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Brian Ogolsky

Brian Ogolsky
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Department of Human Community Development
2007 Christopher Hall, MC-081
904 W. Nevada Street
Urbana, IL 61801
Phone: 217-244-1199
Fax: 217-333-9061
Ph.D. Family Studies and Human Development, The University of Arizona
Dissertation Title: Antecedents and Consequences of Relationship
Maintenance in Intimate Relationships
Minor: Clinical Psychology
Family Studies and Human Development, The University of Arizona
Psychology, Western Washington University
2011-present Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Department of Human and Community Development
Affiliate Faculty, University of Arizona,
Department of Family Studies and Human Development
Assistant Professor, Towson University
Department of Family Studies and Community Development
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, The University of Texas at Austin
Department of Human Development and Family Sciences
Graduate Research Associate, The University of Arizona
Department of Family Studies and Human Development
Undergraduate Research Assistant, Western Washington University
Department of Psychology
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PUBLICATIONS (student co-authors are italicized)
Ogolsky, B., Lloyd, S. & Cate, R. (2013). The developmental course of romantic relationships.
New York, NY: Routledge Academic Press.
**Winner of the 2014 Book Award from the International Association for Relationship
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Chapters
Ogolsky, B., & Surra, C. (in press). A comparison of concurrent and retrospective trajectories of
commitment to wed. Personal Relationships.
Bowers, J., Ogolsky, B., Hughes Jr., R., & Kanter, J. (in press). Coparenting through divorce or
separation: A program review. Journal of Divorce and Remarriage.
Monk, J., Vennum, A., & Ogolsky, B. (2014). Commitment and sacrifice in emerging adult
romantic relationships. Marriage and Family Review, 50, 1-19.
Ogolsky, B., Dennison, R., & Monk, J. (2014). The role of couple discrepancies in cognitive and
behavioral egalitarianism in marital quality. Sex Roles, 70, 329-342.
McElwain, N. L., Holland, A. S., Engle, J. M., & Ogolsky, B. G. (2014). Assertive and
responsive behavior with an unfamiliar peer at age three: Actor and partner effects of
attachment and temperament. Developmental Psychology, 50, 1757-1770.
Bowers, J., Wiley, A., Jones, B., Ogolsky, B., & Branscomb, K. (2014). Intentional harmony in
the lives of working partners: Program development and evaluation. Marriage and
Family Review, 50, 55-75.
Knobloch, L., Ebata, A., McGlaughlin, P., & Ogolsky, B. (2013). Relational turbulence and
reintegration challenges of military couples following deployment. Journal of Health
Communication, 28, 754-766.
Ogolsky, B., & Bowers, J. (2013). A meta-analytic review of relationship maintenance and its
correlates. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 30, 343.367.
Curran, M., Ogolsky, B., Hazen-Swann, N., & Bosch, L. (2011). Understanding marital
conflict seven years later from prenatal representations of marriage. Family Process,50,
Ogolsky, B. (2010). Talking about talking: Commitment, relationship maintenance, and sex. In
C. Noland, J. Manning, & J. MacLenan (Eds.). Case studies in communication about sex
(pp. 16-21). Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
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Ogolsky, B., Niehuis, S., & Ridley, C. (2009). Using online methods and designs to conduct
research on personal relationships. Marriage and Family Review, 45, 610-628.
Ogolsky, B., & Cate, R. (2009). Models and processes of courtship. In H. T. Reis & S.
Sprecher (Eds.), Encyclopedia of human relationships (Vol. 1, pp. 355-360). Thousand
Oaks, CA: Sage.
Ogolsky, B. (2009). Deconstructing the association between relationship maintenance
and commitment: Testing two competing models. Personal Relationships,16, 99-115.
Ridley, C., Ogolsky, B., Payne, P., Totenhagen, C., & Cate, R. (2008). Sexual expression: Its
emotional context in heterosexual, gay, and lesbian couples. The Journal of Sex
Research, 45, 305-314.
Other Publications
Bracamonte-Wiggs, C. & Ogolsky, B. (2010). Close relationships with caring adults fact sheet
(CDC Report 5U58DP000456). Retrieved from University of Arizona, Building
Partnerships for Youth website:
Ogolsky, B. (2010, March). Mentoring outside the classroom. National Council on Family
Relations Report, 55(1), F15-F17.
Ogolsky, B., Surra, C., & Monk, J. (2014). Pathways of commitment to wed: The development
and dissolution of romantic relationships. Revise and resubmit to the Journal of
Marriage and the Family.
Brooks, J., & Ogolsky, B. (2014). A longitudinal comparison of the effects of network approval
on commitment trajectories in intraracial and interracial relationships. Manuscript
submitted for publication to the Journal of Comparative Family Studies.
Hardesty, J., Crossman, K., Haselschwerdt, M., Raffaelli, M., Ogolsky, B., & Johnson, M.
(2014). Conceptualizing coercive control. Revise and resubmit to the Journal of
Marriage and the Family.
McElwain, N., Engle, J., Holland, A., Thomann-Mitchell, E., & Ogolsky, B. (2014). Becoming
friends: Predicting dyadic interaction quality between newly acquainted peer partners at
age 3. Manuscript submitted for publication to Developmental Psychology.
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Ogolsky, B., & Gray, C. (2013). Daily conflict and relationship maintenance in gay and lesbian
couples. Manuscript in preparation.
Principal Investigator, The Effect of Maternal Stress on the
Immune System and the Gastrointestinal Microbiome for
Ideopathic Preterm Labor, College of Agriculture, Consumer, and
Environmental Sciences Future Interdisciplinary Research
Explorations, $30,825.
Scholars Travel Program ($1950), The University of Illinois at
Principal Investigator, A Multiphasic Examination of Relationship
Development and Maintenance Across Life Transitions, USDANIFA (ILLU-793-345), $48,870.
Scholars Travel Program ($750), The University of Illinois at
Scholars Travel Program ($350), The University of Illinois at
Principal Investigator, Models and Processes of Courtship,
Faculty Development Research Committee Summer Research
Stipend, Towson University, $3500.
Co- Investigator, Relationships and parenting support program,
March of Dimes, $20,000.
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Master’s Thesis Grant
($2500), The University of Arizona.
Ogolsky, B. (2014, February). Pathways of commitment to wed: Predicting the development and
dissolution of romantic relationships. Presented at the colloquium series of the
Department of Human and Community Development, University of Illinois UrbanaChampaign, Urbana, IL.
Ogolsky, B. (2013, March). Combatting loneliness: The importance of relationship maintenance.
Presented at the annual symposium of the Center on Health, Aging, and Disability,
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL.
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Ogolsky, B. (2012, September). First years as a faculty member. Presented to the College
Effectiveness Teaching Network, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL.
Ogolsky, B. (2012, March). Presenting at professional conferences. Presented at the annual
meeting of the Illinois Council on Family Relations, Urbana, IL.
Ogolsky, B. (2011, November). Navigating the academic job market. Presented to the Human
and Community Development Graduate Student Association, University of Illinois
Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL.
Ogolsky, B. (2010, March). Using online methods for research in family studies. Presented at the
Division of Family Studies and Human Development colloquium series, University of
Arizona, Tucson, AZ.
Ogolsky, B. (2010, March). Life after a PhD: Navigating the job market and other post doctoral
activities. Presented at the Division of Family Studies and Human Development
colloquium series, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.
Ogolsky, B. (2007, April). Commitment and relationship maintenance in gay and lesbian
couples: A cross-lagged daily diary analysis. Presented to the University of Connecticut
Research Steering Committee, Farmington, CT.
Ridley, C., Cate, R., Ogolsky, B., & Collins, D. (2005, November). Research on families using
the internet, surveys, and ethnography. Presented at the annual meeting of the
National Council on Family Relations, Phoenix, AZ.
RESEARCH PRESENTATIONS (student co-authors are italicized; *recipient of honor or
Holman, E., Ogolsky, B., & Oswald, R. (November, 2014). The impact of work environment and
identity salience on LGB employees’ disclosure. Paper presented at the annual meeting of
the National Council on Family Relationships, Baltimore, MD.
Ogolsky, B., Surra, C., & Monk, J. (July, 2014). Pathways of commitment to wed: An analysis of
the development and dissolution of romantic relationships. Paper presented at the
biannual meeting of the International Association for Relationship Research, Melbourne,
Kanter, J. & Ogolsky, B. (2014, April). Disparities in expectations of newlyweds and how
relationship education can help. Paper presented at the biannual meeting of the National
Council for Undergraduate Research, Lexington, KY.
*Monk, J.K., Vennum, A., & Ogolsky, B. (2013, November). Commitment and satisfaction with
sacrifice in emerging adult cyclical and non-cyclical romantic relationships. Poster
presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Family Relations, San
Ogolsky 5
Antonio, TX. Awarded outstanding student/new professional research paper by the
Research and Theory section of the National Council on Family Relations.
Brooks, J., & Ogolsky, B. (2013, October). An examination of the effect of social support on
commitment trajectories in interracial and intraracial relationships. Poster presented at
the meeting of the International Association for Relationship Research, Louisville, KY.
Hyman, H., & Ogolsky, B. (2012, November). Pathways to Relationship Initiation: An
Exploratory Study. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on
Family Relations, Phoenix, AZ.
Bowers, J., Ogolsky, B., & Dennison, R. (2012, July). You, me, and equality: Egalitarian beliefs
and behaviors among newlywed couples. Paper presented at the biannual meeting of the
International Association for Relationship Research, Chicago, IL.
Dennison, R., & Ogolsky, (2012, July). A dyadic examination of the intergenerational
transmission of conflict resolution skills. Paper presented at the biannual meeting of the
International Association for Relationship Research, Chicago, IL.
Ogolsky, B. (2010, November). Relationship maintenance across the transition to parenthood.
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Family Relations,
Minneapolis, MN.
Minch, K. & Ogolsky, B. (2010, November). My sibling is in the hospital: Parental perceptions
of their non-hospitalized children’s reactions. Poster presented at the annual meeting of
the National Council on Family Relations, Minneapolis, MN.
Ogolsky, B., & Surra, C. (2009, November). A comparison of prospective and retrospective
trajectories of commitment to wed. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National
Council on Family Relations, San Francisco, CA.
West, A., Walker, A., Ogolsky, B., & Surra, C. (2009, November). Dating progress and
breakup: An exploration of a commitment typology. Paper presented at the annual
meeting of the National Council on Family Relations, San Francisco, CA.
Ogolsky, B., Hampel, A., & Surra, C. (2008, July). A typology of commitment to wed: A dyadic
analysis. Paper presented at the biannual meeting of the International Association for
Relationship Research, Providence, RI.
Curran, M., Ogolsky, B., & Hazen-Swann, N. (2008, July). Marital quality,
representations of the parental marriage, and conflict strategies: A longitudinal analysis.
Paper presented at the biannual meeting of the International Association for Relationship
Research, Providence, RI.
Niehuis, S., Ogolsky, B., & Ridley, C. (2007, November). Online research to study
Ogolsky 6
interpersonal relationships. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National
Council on Family Relations, Pittsburgh, PA.
Ridley, C., Ogolsky, B., Totenhagen, C., & Gargle, P. (2006, July). Is it good when it’s bad?
The effects of negative feelings on sexual expression. Paper presented at the biannual
meeting of the International Association for Relationship Research, Rethymnon, Crete,
Ogolsky, B., & Ridley, C. (2006, November). Daily conflict and relationship maintenance
among gay and lesbian couples. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
National Council on Family Relations, Minneapolis, MN.
Totenhagen, C., Ogolsky, B., Cate, R., & Ridley, C. (2006, November). The role of sexual
communication in gay and lesbian relationships. Poster presented at the annual
meeting of the National Council on Family Relations, Minneapolis, MN.
Ogolsky, B., Collins, D., Ridley, C., & Cate, R. (2004, November). Maintenance behaviors and
commitment in gay and lesbian relationships. In F. Christopher (Discussant) Sexual
desire and behavior in gay and lesbian couples. Symposium conducted at the annual
meeting of the National Council on Family Relations, Orlando, FL.
Dennison, R., Collins, D., Ruddick, L., Ogolsky, B., Reesing, A., Ridley, C., & Cate, R. (2004,
November). An examination of definitions of lust in a gay/lesbian sample. In F.
Christopher (Discussant) Sexual desire and behavior in gay and lesbian couples.
Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the National Council on Family
Relations, Orlando, FL.
Lucero, A., Plush, R., Collins, D., Ogolsky, B., Ridley, C., & Cate, R. (2004, November).
Linking sexual desire and sexual behavior in lesbian relationships. In F. Christopher
(Discussant) Sexual desire and behavior in gay and lesbian couples. Symposium
conducted at the annual meeting of the National Council on Family Relations, Orlando,
Gargle P., Herrera, D., Hunt, J., Ogolsky, B., Collins, D., Ridley, C., & Cate, R. (2004,
November). Lust, passion, and sexual desire: Are these terms synonymous in lesbian
intimate relationships? In F. Christopher (Discussant) Sexual desire and behavior in gay
and lesbian couples. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the National
Council on Family Relations, Orlando, FL.
Ogolsky B., Howerter, A., Serido, J., Simon, C., & Wilhelm, M. (2003, November). The course
of depression, negative affect, and physical symptoms throughout pregnancy. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Family Relations,
Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Howerter, A., Serido, J., Ogolsky, B., Simon, C., Murrain, V., & Wilhelm, M. (2003,
November). Do higher levels of education enhance pregnancy? Fluctuations
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in depression over the course of pregnancy and the buffering effects of education. Poster
presented at the Center for Excellence in Women's Health Conference sponsored by
Harvard Medical School, Washington DC.
Wilhelm, M., Serido, J., Howerter, A., Ogolsky, B., & Simon C. (2003, November).
Stability and fluctuations in negative affect over the course of pregnancy. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Family Relations,
Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Banks, S., Ridley, C., Cate, R., Busboom, A., Collins, D., Hunt, J., Ellexson, B., O’Neal, C., &
Ogolsky, B. (2003, June). September 11th and Dating Relationships. Paper presented at
the Conference on Compassionate Love sponsored by the International Association of
Relationship Research, Normal/Bloomington, IL.
Collins, D., Busboom, A., Ridley, C., Cate, R., Banks, S., Hunt, J., Lucero, A., Ogolsky, B., &
Plush, R. (2003, November). What’s lust got to do with it?: An examination of college
students’ definitions of lust. In C. Ridley & R. Cate (Chairs) Daily experiences of
sexuality: Individuals, relationships, and emotions. Symposium conducted at the annual
meeting of the National Council on Family Relations, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Collins, D., Busboom, A., Ridley, C., Cate, R., Neupert, S., Hunt, J., Banks, S., Ellexson, B.,
Ogolsky, B. (2003, June). On days that we love our partner, do we run "hot", "warm",
and "cold"? A look at Sternberg's triangular theory of love using daily measures. Poster
presented at the Conference on Compassionate Love sponsored by the International
Association for Relationship Research, Normal,/Bloomington, IL.
Banks, S., Ridley, C., Cate, R., Collins, D., Busboom, A., Hunt, J., Lucero, A., Ogolsky, B., &
Plush, R. (2003, November). Daily stress and dating relationships. In C. Ridley & R.
Cate (Chairs) Daily experiences of sexuality: Individuals, relationships, and emotions.
Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the National Council on Family
Relations, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Hunt, J., Busboom, A., Collins, D., Ridley, C., Cate, R., Banks, S., Lucero, A., Ogolsky, B., &
Plush, R. (2003, November). The semantics of sexual attraction: The need for
semantic clarity in the study of intimate relationships. In C. Ridley & R. Cate (Chairs)
Daily experiences of sexuality: Individuals, relationships, and emotions. Symposium
conducted at the annual meeting of the National Council on Family Relations,
Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Lucero, A., Collins, D., Busboom, A., Ridley, C., Cate, R., Banks, S., Hunt, J., Ogolsky, B.,
Plush, R. (2003, November). Sexual intercourse: Sexual desire, relational power, and
couple closeness. In C. Ridley & R. Cate (Chairs) Daily experiences of sexuality:
Individuals, relationships, and emotions. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of
the National Council on Family Relations, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Ogolsky, B. (2002, May). Implicit and explicit attitudes about gender: Everyone likes
women. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Sigma Xi, Bellingham, WA.
Ogolsky 8
Byrne, C. A. & Ogolsky, B. (2001, December). Understanding women’s decisions to leave
and return to abusive relationships. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the
International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, New Orleans, LA.
Book Award, International Association for Relationship Research
List of Teachers Rated Excellent
Research Academy Fellow, College of Agriculture, Consumer, and
Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign
Faculty Mentor Award, Illinois Council on Family Relations
Meritorious Award for Excellence in Teaching,
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, University of Arizona
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Teaching Scholarship
($1500), The University of Arizona
Ruth R. Cowden Scholarship ($6500), The University of Arizona
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Teaching Scholarship
($1000), The University of Arizona
Ruth R. Cowden Scholarship ($6500), The University of Arizona
Summer Research Scholarship ($500), The University of Arizona
Ruth R. Cowden Scholarship ($3000), The University of Arizona
University of Illinois
HCD 592 Advanced Statistical Analysis
HCD 590 Advanced Research Methods
HCD 521 Family Theories
Towson University
Ogolsky 9
FMST 101 Introduction to Family Studies
FMST 301 Family Relationships
FMST 302 Theories of Family Functioning
FMST 302 Theories of Family Functioning online
FMST 485 Writing and Research Methods in Family Studies
FMST 615 Applied Research Methods in Family Studies
University of Arizona
FSHD 137 Life Span Family Relations: The Development of Close Relationships
FSHD 450 Human Sexuality
FSHD 487 Advanced Family Relations
FSHD 537 Graduate Statistical Analysis in Family Studies Laboratory
FSHD 4137 Intimate Relationships (correspondence)
Statistical Consultant for Faculty and Graduate Students:
2011-present Department of Human and Community Development, University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Department of Psychology, The University of Arizona.
Dissertations Directed
In progress
Kale Monk, UIUC
Dissertation Committees
Marie Heffernan, Member, UIUC, Social Psychology
James Brooks, Member, UIUC, Counseling Psychology
Adam West, Member, UT-Austin, HDFS
Rebecca Swartz, Member, UIUC, HCD
Shannon Corkery, Member, University of Arizona, HDFS
Doctoral Qualifying Exam Committees
Helen Emery, Member, UIUC, HCD
Kelly McAninch, Member, UIUC, Communication
Amelia Delaney, Member, UIUC, Communication
Elizabeth Holman, Chair, UIUC, HCD
Joel Muraco, Member, University of Arizona, HDFS
Rebecca Swartz, Member, UIUC, HCD
Shannon Corkery, Member, University of Arizona, HDFS
Matthew Ong, Member, UIUC, HCD
Ogolsky 10
Master’s Thesis Committees
Shawn Mendez, Member, UIUC, HCD
Student Research Awards
Kale Monk, Outstanding Student/New Professional Research
Paper, Research and Theory Section, National Council on Family
Professional Organizations
National Council on Family Relations, Research and Theory
Executive Board Treasurer/Secretary
National Council on Family Relations, Research and Theory
Executive Committee Board Member
International Association for Relationship Research Presidential
Taskforce for Interdisciplinary Scholarship, Appointed Committee
Ad-Hoc Journal Reviewer
Personal Relationships
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships
Journal of Family Theory and Review
Journal of Sex Research
Journal of Family Issues
Marriage and Family Review
Swiss Journal of Psychology
Journal of Early Adolescence
Journal of Research on Adolescence
Developmental Psychology
National Conference Reviewer
National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference
Society for Research on Child Development Methodology Conference
Professional Memberships
International Association for Relationship Research, Member
National Council on Family Relations, Member and Officer
Ogolsky 11
University of Illinois
University Service
Faculty Senate, Elected Member
College Service
ACES Research Academy Steering Committee, Member
ACES Research Academy, Fellow
ACES Teaching Academy, Invited Member
Departmental Service
Departmental Faculty Advisory Committee, Elected Member
Department Head Search Committee, Appointed Member
Graduate Student Awards Committee, Member
Towson University
University Service
Presidential Leadership Institute, Invited Member
College Service
College of Liberal Arts Council, Member
College of Liberal Arts Technology Committee, Member
Departmental Service
Graduate Admissions Committee, Member
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Member
University of Arizona
Departmental Service
Ogolsky 12
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Graduate Student
Search Committee for Interpersonal Relationships Assistant
Professor, Graduate Student Representative
Search Committee for Quantitative Assistant Professor, Graduate
Student Representative
Admissions and Graduate Studies Committee, Graduate Student
Family Studies Graduate Student Council, President
Family Studies Graduate Student Council, Student Member
Ogolsky 13