St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church PASTOR Rev. James E. Molgano SEASONAL PERMANENT DEACON PASTOR EMERITUS ASSISTING CLERGY Dea. Edward Fischer III Rev. Thomas Rynne Rev. Msgr. Blase Gintoli ~ Rev. Pat Amabile “A man who was going on a journey called in his servants and entrusted his possessions to them.” Matthew 25:44 DIRECTOR OF FINANCE & OPERATIONS Lorie Shekailo, CPA ~ 334-4214 Ext. 11 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Jane Marszewski ~ 334-4214 Ext. 10 PASTORAL ASSISTANT Claudette Horst ~ 334-4214 Ext. 26 SACRISTAN Nora Henderson ~ 334-4214 Ext. 42 DIRECTOR OF SACRED MUSIC & CHORAL MINISTRY Melanie Steinke ~ 334-4214 Ext. 27 DIRECTOR OF BUILDINGS & GROUNDS Jay Horst ~ 334-4214 Ext. 20 GROUNDSKEEPER David Bocchino MAINTENANCE Elizabeth Castillo November 16, 2014 DIVINE MERCY COUNSELING AND HEALING CENTER Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time C. Ann Getzinger, Ph.D. 2555 NE Savanna Road, Jensen Beach, FL 34957 Phone (772) 334-4214 ~ Fax (772) 334-8627 Website: E-mail: ~ 334-4214 Ext. 32 St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church Parish Information Regular Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:30pm Sunday Masses: 7:30am, 9:00am & 10:45am Daily Mass: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8:30am; Wed. 5:30pm; Sat. 8:30am First Friday 8:30am & 5:30pm Doors of the Church are open 3:45pm Sat. & 6:45am Sun. Holy Days: 7:00 Vigil (evening before), 8:30am, 5:30pm. Jensen Beach, Florida Parish Sacraments Sacrament of Baptism All families seeking Baptism of a child should be registered and active members of the Parish for at least 3 months prior to the date of the Baptism. Parents must attend and Godparents are encouraged to attend a Baptismal Preparation Class before scheduling the Baptism. Communal Baptisms are celebrated every other month beginning in January. Contact Claudette Horst at Ext. 26 for more information. Sacrament of Confirmation Sacrament of Reconciliation/Confession: Sat. 9:00 - 10:00am (or later if necessary) Wed. 6:00 - 7:00pm (or later if necessary) & By Appointment. Contact the Parish Office for more information at Ext. 41. Adult candidates wishing to be Confirmed contact the Parish Office, Ext.10 for more information. Novena to Our Lady: Saturday, after 8:30am Mass Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration (In the Chapel) Weddings are celebrated on Friday at 6:30pm, and Saturday at 10:30am & 1:30pm. Engaged couples should contact the Parish Office a minimum of 9 months before the wedding date to complete their preparation. If an annulment of a previous marriage (Catholic, non-Catholic or civil) is required, please contact the Pastoral Assistant, Claudette Horst at Ext. 26 for more information. Monday and Friday-5:00am until Midnight Tuesday-5:00am until Thursday at Midnight (Fri. morn.) Saturday-5:00 am through noon. *Parish Office Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 9:00am - 12:00pm Closed 12pm - 1pm 1:00pm - 4:00pm *Closed Wednesday Caritas Gift Shop Hours: Tues., Thurs., & Fri. 9am - 5pm, Wed. 9am - 7:00pm, Sat. 9am - 1:00pm Closed Sunday & Monday Thrift Store Hours: Monday through Friday 10am - 4pm Saturday 10am - 1pm St. Martin’s Parish Family Welcomes You! Regardless of whether you are here for a few days, weeks, or months, we are pleased that you have chosen us to be your Parish away from home. If you are new to the Parish, or just visiting, please stop in and introduce yourself. We are delighted to have you share in the celebration of the Eucharist. New Parishioners Every Parishioner in the Parish should be properly registered. New & existing singles & families are asked to fill out registration forms available in the Parish Office. If you have recently relocated, please let us know your change of address. Families moving out of the Parish should notify the Parish Office. Sacrament of Marriage Sacrament of Reconciliation Children in the Second Grade make their “First Reconciliation.” For more information, please contact the Parish Office at Ext. 17. Sacrament Of Anointing The Sacrament of Anointing is celebrated communally every First Saturday at the 8:30am Mass. For those in need of Anointing of the Sick or Last Rites call the Pastoral Assistant, Claudette Horst at Ext. 26 or the Emergency Line at Ext. 9. Visitation of the Sick All Registered Parishioners should contact Dr. Julio Perez coordinator of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion for Homebound/Hospitalized Parishioners at 335-5744. We would like to be informed of any parishioner or family member who is in the hospital, whether admitted or in the emergency room. Home or hospital visitation by a member of the Clergy can be arranged upon request. Please contact Dr. Perez or leave a message at the Parish Office on extension 0. A member of the Clergy or the Homebound Ministry will contact you as soon as possible. Please note the following Parish responsibilities: St. Joseph Catholic Church-Martin Memorial Med. Ctr. St. Andrew Catholic Church-Martin Memorial South St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church-Emeritus Holy Family Catholic Church-St. Lucie Med. Ctr. St. Anastasia Catholic Church-Lawnwood. Med. Ctr. ThirtyThirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 16, 2014 Mass Intentions For the Week D=Deceased L=Living Intention Monday, November 17, 2014 8:30 AM D Tuesday, November 18, 2014 10:00 AM D James Freshour Wife, Carolyn Joan & Ambrose Moran Jean Cahill EDGE Monday, Nov. 17 6:00pm - Church Men of St. Martin Tuesday, November 18 7:00pm - Siena Rm. Wednesday, November 19, 2014 5:30 PM L Carole Sahni Thursday, November 20, 2014 8:30 AM D Ruth Gattoni Mr. & Mrs, Patrick Kerrigan Friday, November 21, 2014 8:30 AM D Barbara Ann & Melody Scalera Lambertson Family Saturday, November 22, 2014 8:30 AM D Elaine Mader Husband, Don Mader 4:30 PM D Gertrude Pettit The Shekailo Family 7:30 AM L The People of St. Martin 9:00 AM D Marilyn Wine & Leo DelVecchio Sunday, November 23, 2014 Upcoming Meetings & Events Sharon, Chris & Tony 10:45 AM D Rita Russel Lyons & Tyler Dittmer The Lyons Family Chosen/Confirmation 2 Boys Wednesday, Nov. 19 6:00pm - Rel. Ed. Bldg. Chosen/Confirmation 2 Girls Thursday, November 20 6:45am- Rel. Ed. Bldg. Knitting Angels Thursday, November 20 2:00pm - Siena Rm. Choir Practice Thursday, Nov. 20 6:30pm - Choir Room Please Pray For the Members of our Parish Family who are ill… Please remember Mary Doolittle Slama, Louis Felice, Ann Hopkins, Irene Fichter, John Glenn, Lydia & Raul Quintana, Carolyn, Linda Resko, Jane Thompson, Agnes Pavoll, Mary Larkin, Jacqueline Simonson, Emily Braun, Catherine Bilquin, Louise Felice and All the Sick Members of our Parish in your prayers. May the Intercession of Our Blessed Mother grant them consolation & complete healing. For the Deceased Members of our Parish Family… Please remember All the Deceased Members of our Parish in your prayers. May they rejoice forever with the angels and Saints before the Heavenly throne of God. For the Members of our Parish Family serving in the Military... Please remember Maj. Richard Dembowski, Capt. Scott Dembowski, Lt. Matt Dembowski, Maj. Paul Burke, Keith Mackin, Pvt. Matthew M. Cabana, Capt. Brian Konie, UT1 Brian Murphy, Lt. Cdr. Tom Muldoon, Sgt. Joe Wankelman, Maj. Peter Hesford, Capt. Keith Nunn, Don Couture, Eddie Gallagher, Ron Mahoney, Capt. Deanne Bryant, Sgt. John Fortner, Lt. Jordan Hoffmann, A1C Thomas Andrews, Pvt. Chad Corriveau, PFC John Michael Dakoulas, Spec4 Tony Alee, Cpl. Adam Joseph Weinstein, Sgt. Brian Hamm, Pvt. Bradley L. Noone, Col. Larry Smith, 2nd Lt. Edward J. Marion, A1C Michael Compton, Pvt Francis Paul Kuveikis, Pvt. Shawn Kuveikis, LCPL Joshua W. Jett, E3 Todd Philip Drury, PFC James Mocello, Sr. OS2 Brandon Haas, LCP Mike Richardson, PFC Thomas Huff, Lt Comm. Jonathan E. Musman, Raymond Sabol, L/CPL, CPT Timothy R. Blairy, Matthew Joseph Maitre, Ryan Francis Maitre, LTC Thomas J. Ruge, Lt. Col. Geoff Graze, PFC Corey Lee Jones, PVT Robert M. Garza, USN Jayme Timmerman, Michael E. Tocci, USMC, PFC John Woods, A1C Nicholas S. Palczer USAF, ENS James Figari USN, CPT. David T. Light Army and all members of our Parish and their families serving in the military. May the Intercession of Our Blessed Mother keep them from all harm and bring them safely home. RCIA/Symbolon Sunday, November 23 10:00am - Siena Rm. Prek-5 Rel. Ed. Sunday, Nov. 23 10:15am - Rel. Ed. Bldg. Theology of the Body Sunday, Nov. 23 6:00pm - Siena Rm. Sanctuary Candle 11/16 – 11/22 For: John Michael Vars From: Mom & Dad Readings for the Week of November 16, 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Ps 128; 1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 or 25:14-15, 19-21 Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, Religious Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Ps 1; Lk 18:35-43 The Dedication of the Basilicas of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles; Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne, Virgin Rv 3:1-6, 14-22; Ps 15; Lk 19:1-10 Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Rv 4:1-11; Ps 150; Lk 19:11-28 Rv 5:1-10; Ps 149; Lk 19:41-44 The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Rv 10:8-11; Ps 119; Lk 19:45-48 Saint Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr Rv 11:4-12; Ps 144; Lk 20:27-40 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Ez 34:11-12, 15-17; Ps 23; 1 Cor 15:20-26, 28; Mt 25:31-46. PLEASE JOIN US FOR THE SHOWING OF THE INTERNATIONALLY ACCLAIMED, EPIC NEW MOTION PICTURE “MARY OF NAZARETH”, A powerful story of faith and salvation that you will never forget! It will be shown at St. Martin de Porres Church on Sunday, December 7, 2014. There will be a 2:00pm Matinee and a 5:30pm Vigil Mass (for the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a Holy Day of Obligation) followed by a 7:00pm showing. (Since the movie is 2 1/2 hours long, there will be an intermission at both showings and light refreshments will be provided.) Free Admission ~ Donations Accepted You’ve heard it said, “Don’t fall for everything!” But this Fall will surely catch you by surprise! Mark your calendars for our ND 2 Annual Fall Festival that will present a variety of special treats and gifts for your Thanksgiving and Christmas sharing and giving. Come see the fabulous offerings by Over 40 local crafters and artists. Join Us on Rides are $5.00 each Ride Both for $8.00 LAST DAY! Sunday 12noon-6pm Admission is free but we ask that, in the spirit of the season, you bring a non-perishable food item for our Food Pantry St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church(772) 334-4214 • 12 Day WYD Tour July 22, 2016 - August 03, 2016 Tour includes: Praque, Krakow, Czestochowa, Lagiewniki and Warsaw. Commitments & Deposits needed by November 30, 2014. Payment plans start January 2015. For more information contact: Jacki Ottaviani; 772-334-6271. MISSION AWAKENING Every Thursday at 5:00 pm Northeast corner of Indiantown Road and US Hwy 1 in Jupiter (by Chili’s Bar & Grill). Stewardship November 9, 2014 We call upon our fellow Patriots to Stand up for God and Country. This Thursday we will continue our Mission to bring the message to our fellow Americans that we cannot succeed as a Nation without the Blessing of The Creator. Our so-called leaders have abandoned the Covenant secured by the Founding Fathers (and Mothers) to dedicate this nation to the greater glory of God. That dedication and the Covenant must be restored for this nation to resume its role as the leading example of Liberty under God. We serve no man. IN GOD WE TRUST. All concerned Americans are invited to show our support for returning this Nation to God with our prayer to reclaim this land for the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; once again to restore our Judeo-Christian heritage that built this nation. Please invite your pastor, priest, rabbi or deacon to participate in this peaceful event to awaken the Spirit of America. We will display our signs and banners to citizens who are otherwise occupied in daily chores in traffic locations mentioned below. It is our hope to build this event into a weekly congregation of concerned citizens who need to fight for the future of America. FREEDOM OF RELIGION IS NOT FREEDOM FROM RELIGION. Offertory: ………….. $ 7,936.45 Campaign for Human Developement: ……. $ 1,624.25 Thank you for your generosity and support of St. Martin de Porres Parish Get Informed! What to Know About Ebola and other Viruses As we enter into flu season and live with the threat of the Enterovirus D68 and Ebola, it would be advisable that people with cold or other symptoms consider staying home when not feeling well. A couple of options available are to pray Holy Mass on Sunday morning on the ION Television Network at 9:30am offered by our Bishop or one of the priests of our Diocese. The other alternative would be to watch and pray Holy Mass from Irondale, Alabama that airs on the Eternal Word Television Network. A further concern for people attending Mass is feeling the need to hold hands at the Our Father and/or to shake hands at the Kiss of Peace. Holding hands at the “Pater Noster” is not in keeping with any liturgical guidelines and is simply a local custom. It is also suggested that one not feel compelled to shake hands with anyone during the exchange of Peace, if this is done at Mass, which also is not mandated by proper liturgical guidelines. A simple smile or bow of the head with the word “Peace” is more than sufficient. In God’s Image One day my granddaughter asked one of her uncle’s a profound question, “God can see everything, right?” Her uncle replied, “Yes, God can see everything.” Shannon asked the next most logical question, “How many eyes does God have.” Her uncle, perhaps recalling that we are made in God’s image, answered, “Two eyes, I guess.” Shannon paused, thought for a time and finally concluded, “I think God must have a thousand eyes.” Who can argue with the logic of a four-year old? If God sees everything, He must be well equipped. My granddaughter’s questions are actually quite revealing in that they express a youthful wisdom. Not hung up on the purely physical aspects of what it means to be created in God’s image, Shannon seems to have an innate sense that God’s greatness, majesty and power don’t confine Him to human limitations or expectations. Not that we were supposed to have one thousand eyes, but we were created to share not only God’s likeness in appearance, but much more in the glory of His spirit. Sometimes in the world of today, the formula appears to be reversed. We select what we choose to believe and fashion religion to conform to ourselves. Faith seems easier when it is made more comfortable, but in fact faith eventually dies when it is separated from the Truth, or is transformed into something deceptive. Intellectuals throughout the course of history have convinced themselves that there is no God. In their view, the concept of a God is something formulated by weak, uninformed minds, and must therefore be nothing more than fantasy. But that begs a very big question; what point would there be for nature to produce a species with the ability to inquire as to the source of life at all? If the point of life is simply to survive, reproduce and adapt, there would never be any reason for a creature to have an ability to simply wonder why it exists or what happens after it dies? Perhaps one proof of God’s existence is found in this very process of asking, “Why?” For just as a four year old reminds us, to every answer there is an additional question. In essence, God displays His infiniteness by our never ending inquiries that assure us there is no end to His limitless wonder. “God fashioned man with His own hands (that is, the Son and the Holy Spirit) and impressed His own form on the flesh He had fashioned, in such a way that even what was visible might bear the divine form.” (CCC 704) “In no way is God in man’s image. He is neither man nor woman. God is pure spirit in which there is no place for the difference between the sexes. But the respective “perfections” of man and woman reflect some of the infinite perfection of God: those of a mother and those of a father and husband. (CCC 370) “It is in Christ, ‘the image of the invisible God,’ that man has been created ‘in the image and likeness of the Creator. It is in Christ, Redeemer and Savior, that the divine image, disfigured in man by the first sin, has been restored to its original beauty and ennobled by the grace of God. The divine image is present in every man.” (CCC 1701, 1702) The French priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin put it this way. “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” EVANGELISM IN ACTION: Allow God to do the forming, and we to conform. Article written by Keith Thompson. Please send your comments, thoughts and suggestions to or call Keith at 772-631-2080. 2014 – PARISH CALENDAR SAINT MARTIN DE PORRES CATHOLIC CHURCH Sunday, November 30th, 2014 The First Sunday of Advent, we will host Fr. Bill Casey, C.P.M. (Fathers of Mercy) nationally renowned speaker and frequent guest of EWTN for our Advent Parish Mission. The mission will extend Sunday, November 30th through Wednesday, December 3rd And there will be both morning & evening sessions. Please mark your calendars for this week, You will not want to miss any of it! MARY OF NAZARETH Sunday, December 7, 2014 This is an Inter-Parochial showing of the internationally acclaimed epic new motion picture presentation to be presented at SMdP. (see page 4 for more information) UPCOMING 2015 EVENTS January 9th - 11th– St. Martin de Porres 2nd Annual Parish Carnival. January 18th - Virtual Lourdes Pilgrimage to be hosted by our parish. February - “Faustina: Messenger of Divine Mercy” with Maria Vargo, Hollywood-based actress signed on by Leonardo Defilippis of St. Luke Productions and presenting a powerful faith based portrayal of St Faustina. eGiving with Faith Direct This month we are introducing a new and exciting way for you to support our parish offertory and second collections: Faith Direct. Faith Direct enables parishioners to make your Church contributions through either direct debit from your checking/ savings account or through your credit/debit card. No more writing checks or searching for envelopes on the way out the door. Now you can apply the convenience of direct debit to your parish offerings in much the same way as you may now use it to make your mortgage, car or tuition payments. Faith Direct also offers you personalized offertory cards to replace your envelopes for the collection basket. Please enroll by responding to the mailing you received or visit to enroll securely online. Our parish code is FL639. As a Catechist and a Mom…. This makes us realize… WE ARE DOING IT RIGHT!! VOLUNTEER NEEDED To pick up bread from the Palm City Publix at 6:00am every Thursday morning. Please contact Lorie Shekailo at 334-4214 Ext. 11. A prayer before connecting to the internet Almighty and eternal God, who created us in Thine image and bade us to seek after all that is good, true and beautiful, especially in the divine person of Thine Only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, grant, we beseech Thee, that, through the intercession of Saint Isidore, Bishop and Doctor, during our journeys through the internet we will direct our hands and eyes only to that which is pleasing to Thee and treat with charity and patience all those souls whom we encounter. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Composed by Fr. John Zuhlsdorf. Calling all YDisciple and Edge Youth Groups You are cordially invited to attend Our Advent Parish Mission Monday, December 1st, 2014 featuring Fr. Bill Casey. All groups to meet on Monday, December 1st. your presence is required Jacki or Dave Ottaviani 772-334-6271 EDGE 6&7th Grade Come and join us for EDGE Monday November 17th at 6-7:30pm in the Education building! We would love to see you! Contact Kate via email: 6& , THE THE CATHOLIC CATHOLIC FAITH FAITH EXPLAINED EXPLAINED Join us for November 23rd (no class on Nov. 16th) as we take a closer look at Mary and the Saints. We’ll cover the four basic dogmas the Church teaches about Mary, how Jesus lies at the heart of everything Catholics believe about Mary, and why Catholics don’t worship Mary & the saints, but honor them as models for all Christians. 20 "Knitting Angels' Comfort Dolls are going to Haiti for Christmas, courtesy of Mission Aviation in Ft Pierce. Angela Reese, a knitter is their Travel Agent Everyone is welcome, so don't forget to invite a friend! Sundays: Fellowship and Continental breakfast at 10am followed by instruction at 10:30am. Registration is FREE — call Agnes Mulligan 772-214-7460 or visit For more information contact Susie Bobko at (772) 285-6251 or email “How could I bear a crown of gold when the Lord bears a crown of thorns? And bears it for me!” - St. Elizabeth of Hungary How simple bearing one committed, weekly hour, an hour filled with a myriad of graces and blessings to us, is in comparison to the Cross and Thorns our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has borne for us. Hours in URGENT need of coverage are: Monday: - *10-11 AM and *1-2PM Wednesday: *5-6AM and *10-11PM Thursday: *9-10AM Friday *10-11PM To commit to your Holy Hour please contact Kathy at or 772-485-1787. ***Hours in Need of Coverage to bring Eucharistic Adoration back to Perpetuity: Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday – All hours between Midnight-5AM There is also an urgent need to establish a substitute list. +++IMPORTANT REMINDER+++ Please be sure to arrange for a substitute if you will not be available to cover your Holy Hour, especially going into the season of Thanksgiving, Advent, Christmas and the New Year. It is imperative that you find a substitute for your committed hour. Exposition of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament will take place and the chapel will be open according to its regular schedule ENJOYMENT BOOKS Available NOW for $35. Stop in Caritas Religious Gift Shop to purchase your copy today! Each book contains discount coupons for local restaurants, businesses and services. You will save many times over your investment in the book!!! Thank you for your support, The Catholic Daughters of the Americas. Matthew 25:35 Food Pantry November 15 - 31 FOOD DRIVE at “SO UNIQUE” Boutique in Harbor Bay Plaza. Bring in a can or package of non-perishable food and get a discount of 20% on one item. We need: Peanut Butter, Canned meat or tuna, Pasta, 1lb. bags of rice, Tomato or Spaghetti sauce, Canned vegetables, Canned fruits or cereal. FOR ALL MILITARY VETERANS 50% discount on any purchase at Matthew 25:35 Thrift Store during the month of November, 2014 Respect Life Corner RESPECT LIFE DIRECTORY FOR CONFIDENTIAL HELP FOR PREGNANCY ASSISTANCE Pregnancy Care Center Stuart - 232-3222, Ft. Pierce - 489-9702 Birthline/Lifeline – 561-234-0612 Care Net - 283-2911 or 871-2211 POST ABORTION CONFIDENTIAL COUNSELING Rachel’s Vineyard Call Donna at (561) 602-4778 Diocesan Respect Life Office Toll free at (888)465-HOPE (4673) Planned Parenthood in the Emerald Plaza on Rt #1 are doing chemical abortions up to 13 weeks. Come and join us in peaceful prayer on Wed. 3-5 and Fri. 8-10. Call David Olio 221-1865 for details. Below Testimonies from Silent No More Website (Thousands of testimonies from women all over who chose to have an abortion): Katie IN., United States: "The cold, dark, heart-breaking experience at the abortion clinic slowly infiltrated every area of my life. It's so ironic that the abortion clinic tells you how quick and safe the procedure is but never mentions that the effects are destructive and will last a lifetime.” Karli MI,, United States: "After years of pain, I finally went through a healing program and was able to turn it over to God and receive His forgiveness and that's why I'm 'silent no more!” Erica GA., United States: "It is my desire in life to help women who have experienced the same pain and tell others of my regret, so I might help them make the choice I was not strong enough to make." Erica IL., United States: "I had an abortion. It was my choice. I regret it." Debbie MT., United States: “I’m living proof that you never get over an abortion. Every time someone dies or I see a couple struggling to become pregnant, I’m reminded of how precious life is. If I can offer one bit of advice to a young woman in a similar situation to mine, it’s don’t have an abortion. You’ll regret it the rest of your live, just like I have.” Kristin FL., United States: “I spent two years of guilt, self hatred, resentment anger before I decided to own up to my mistake. This generation has taught us that it is okay to abort our children. Not only that, but we are told that we shouldn’t feel guilty or broken because of it.” Lis CA., United States: “In memory of my child, I will share my story with as many people as possible, in hopes they will take my story to heart….Please hear me, please trust me, abortion is not the easy way out. The reality of the decision will come back to haunt you later in life, (if not right away), emotionally and health wise!” All ages are welcome to join our choir. We rehearse on Thursday at 6:30 pm in the choir room. Anyone interested in playing in the bell choir for Christmas, please speak to Melanie Steinke, Director of Music, either before or after Mass on the weekends. THRIFT STORE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED We offer flexible hours and a generous discount to our store volunteers. Call 772-334-6239 or e-mail for more information or visit our store. PARISH MINISTRIES ART & ENVIRONMENT - ALTAR SOCIETY Ann Huesing :…………..………………………..485-1456 E-Mail …………………...……… ALTAR SERVERS Nora Henderson …………….……….………….370-6341 E-Mail …………………….……… CATECHESIS & FAITH FORMATION PreK-5 Religious Education Parish Office.……………..….……......334-4214 Ext. 17 E-Mail……………..……… EDGE - 6th & 7th Grade BIBLE STUDY Parish Office.……………..….……......334-4214 Ext. 22 E-Mail………...……….………6& Susan Bobko ……….……..…...….……………..285-6251 E-Mail ……….……………...…….……… Parish Office…….……………………………….334-4214 CARITAS RELIGIOUS GIFT SHOP Nora Henderson …….…………...….....………..334-3099 E-Mail ………...….……..……… KNITTING ANGELS Norma Olio……....………………...……….….....221-1865 E-Mail ……..……….……..……….… LECTORS Ed Wasielewski……….…….………...……….....337-3385 E-Mail ………………...… MATTHEW 25:35 MINISTRIES Soup Kitchen RCIA and RCIC Youth Ministry, YDisciple, and Confirmation Parish Office. E-Mail .. ... .... . ... 334-4214 Ext. 41 DIVINE MERCY COUNSELING Dr. Ann Getzinger ……….….………...334-4214 Ext 32 E-Mail ……….………....…..… HOLY COMMUNION Celeste Norup…….…….……….……….….....486-2145 E-Mail ……..…….…….…………...… Homebound Ministers Thrift Store Julio Perez…….….……………...……….….....335-5744 E-Mail ……………….…...……….… Carl & Michelle Florio…..…………..……………..334-6239 E-Mail ……………….....……… Parish Office.……………,.………...……...…..334-4214 Pat Rosati ……..…….….………….708-1105 or 225-0650 Food Pantry & Charity Outreach Pat O’Connell……..………...……....……………..334-6233 Martin’s Kids Pam Colasanti………...………….……….………..334-6511 Glenda Hassell ………….…………………...…….708-1606 Christ Child Project Bev Walgrave………………………………………335-4150 E-mail……………...……………… MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY/USHERS Lorie Shekailo…………......……………...………..334-4853 E-Mail ………….…..………..……… MUSIC Choir (Adult/Children) Hand Bell Choir PRISON MINISTRY PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Kathy Hochenberger.…………….……..……..485-1787 E-Mail ………....…… RESPECT LIFE Dave Olio.……………………...……...………..221-1865 E-Mail ……..……………...… SACRISTAN Nora Henderson.…………...………...………..370-6341 E-Mail …………..…………....… VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR Michelle Florio.……………...………...………..334-6239 E-Mail ………….……...… Melanie Steinke..…….…………..………..334-4214 Ext. 27 E-mail……………..…………… Catholic Daughters of the Americas CHARTERED ORGANIZATIONS Carol Armstrong…….……….…………...….....284-5760 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS # 8048 Dave Ottaviani…………...………………….….....263-3925 E-Mail……………..…….………… CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAS Kate Choquette……………………………………232-3282 E-Mail….…..……………………… ORDO FRANCISCANUS SAECULERIS (Formerly third order) Catherine…..……….……...……..……….….....631-1013 Rosemary ………………………….………..….288-3134 PARISH GROUPS EMMAUS MEN OF ST. MARTIN FELLOWSHIP Jacki Ottaviani…………..…….….....……….….....334-6271 E-Mail …………..…………...…..… Dave Olio.…………....………...……...………..221-1865 E-Mail …………..……………
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