The Spirit of Zion November, 2014 The “Spirit” helps us give thanks for our blessings! ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH 10857 Main Street, P O Box 434 New Middletown, OH 44442 Pastor Larry Klinker Church: 330 542-3821 Home: 330 542-9163 WELCOME STEWARDSHIP SUNDAY November 16 Sunday Worship Time 8:00 a.m. Sunday Church School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Time 10:45 a.m. PASTOR’S ARTICLE November marks the end of the church which began last Advent and it also brings to the end the reading of the gospel of Matthew. It is at the same time the end of green leaves, garden, outdoor plants, and cutting the grass. You will hear in the reading of the scriptures they are all about endings. So, on All Saints Sunday, November 2,we celebrate all of those who have completed their baptismal journey and now rest fully in God. All Saints Sunday is a celebration of the life and witness of God’s people who model a relationship with God for us. The hymn we should all learn by heart is “For All the Saints.” You can bring a picture of a loved one and place it on the piano to create our own cloud of witnesses through Christ the King Sunday. We celebrate the culmination of the church year on the final Sunday of the church year on November 23 which is called either Christ the King or Reign of Christ. The final Sunday in the church year also parallels the final moment of time when the whole world will come to acknowledge Christ as King. Paul envisions that moment as: Therefore God also highly exalted him and gave him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bend, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. We see that in Christ the whole creation finds its fulfillment. We could see the ending is the beginning where creation returns to (continued on next page) original intent of God to be acknowledged as the maker and owner of all creation and that we are called to serve God and each other in the name of Christ. Then on the final two Sundays in November it all starts again with a new church year where we starting Mark’s Gospel along with selections from the gospel of John. So what looks like the end, the deepening cold, and growing darkness is actually a new beginning of God coming to us to be present in the person of Jesus. Pastor Larry ____________________ 11/2 11/9 11/16 11/23 11/30 12/7 STORY OF THE WEEK All Saints Sunday “The Beatitudes” [Matthew 5:1-12] 22nd Sunday after Pentecost “Ten Women with their Lamps” [Matthew 25:1-13] 23rd Sunday after Pentecost “A Story about Money” [Matthew 25:14-36] Christ the King Sunday “Sheep and Goats” [Matthew 25:31-46] Advent 1 “Being Ready for God” [Mark 13:26-27, 35-37] Advent 2 “John the Baptist Preaches” [Mark 1:1-8] ____________________ RESCUE MISSION Saturday, November 8 We have the opportunity once again to serve lunch at the Rescue Mission. This time we will be serving on Saturday, November 8, beginning at 11:45 to 1:30 p.m. Contact Wanda Beraduce (330 921-1326) with any questions or to sign up. ____________________ SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL NEWS CONFIRMATION MINISTRY Our October rotation was the “Parable of the Wedding Feast”. We want to thank our teachers Brenda Folkenroth, Dawn Walsh, Irene Swantek, Jill Schaade Perry and Emma Folkenroth. Another year of Confirmation Ministry for our Seventh and Eighth Graders began the first Saturday in October, October 4. Confirmation meets the first and third Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to noon., November 1 and 15. The November rotation starts on November 9 with a movie, “John the Baptist”, and popcorn. Please join us and bring a friend. This year the focus for our Confirmation ministry will be Luther’s Small Catechism with its six chief parts of: Ten Commandments, the Apostle’s Creed, Lord’s Prayer, Baptism, Holy Communion, and Office of the Keys (Confession and Forgiveness). The confirmation students will also use the Lutheran Rosary. Notes to mark on your calendar: St. Nick’s Night, Saturday, December 6 Sunday, December 14, Congregational Christmas Program “The Littlest Christmas Tree”. Play parts will be handed out during Sunday School on Sunday, December 7, with some practice reading through the parts. Play practice will be Saturday, December 13, from 10:00 a.m. to Noon (this is the only full practice with costumes and props), and we will have a short practice during Sunday School on Sunday, December 14. If your child cannot attend during any of these practices (Saturday being the most important), you need to let the Sunday School staff know or call the church office so a part can be set aside for them. Christian Education Chairman, Irene Swantek Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study: Sunday Morning Adult Bible study is continuing to explore the books of the Older Testament starting with First Samuel part of the Deuteronomist History. We will look at Samuel, Saul, David, and Solomon sagas as well as the division of the people of God into the Northern Kingdom and Southern Kingdom. ____________________ Each student will need to provide a three ring note book. ____________________ NEW PICTORIAL DIRECTORY PLAN We have begun signing people up for the new photo directory. You can sign up online by going to our website: Then go to the links page and you will find a link to the directory sign up. Or you can sign up online on Sunday mornings at church. Each person signing up online will get an $10.00 off extra pictures purchased. Every one having their pictures taken will receive a free 8x10 picture and a directory. Another way to increase your savings will be to bring in a canned good the day of the photo shoot. You will receive an additional $5.00 off any extra purchase of pictures. There is also a quarterly special that will be offered but we do not know what it is yet. The photos for the directory will be taken at Zion on Monday, November 3, from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. and then again on Tuesday, November 4, from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. All members and friends of Zion will be included in the directory and each person or family will receive one free portrait and directory. ____________________ 2015 STEWARDSHIP DRIVE “Grow as Stewards through Faith, Love and Hope! PROPERTY NEWS OUTSIDE CLEAN-UP DAY – Saturday, November 8 “We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor produced by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.” Thessalonians 1:3 We will begin distributing our 2015 Stewardship Drive to all members and friends of Zion on Sunday, October 26, with Stewardship Sunday set for November 16. There are many opportunities included in the Stewardship Material for sharing time, talents, and financial support. Prayerfully consider each as you complete the Time & Abilities Sheet and/or Commitment Card. Last year we were short in most areas of scheduling worship participants and those volunteering for other tasks, such as coffee. We will include more information with your individual drive material. Consider volunteering to serve. It is difficult to keep scheduling the same people each Sunday when we could all share in these worship participation areas and tasks, sharing the commitment of service and worship. If you do not receive your envelope on Sundays, it will be mailed to you. We ask that all Stewardship envelopes be returned to church on Sunday, November 16, at which time we will dedicate our commitments for the coming year as we place the envelopes on the altar during each worship service. On Saturday, November 8, starting at 9:00 am we will be outside doing our annual fall clean-up day to get our plants cut back and our bed ready for the spring. Grab your gloves, pruning shears, and old clothes and come and give us a hand. SNOW SHOVEL CHART We will be placing a Sign Up Sheet for Snow Shovelers on the Property Bulletin Board. If you can help clean walkways and steps for Sunday worship, please sign up. Shovels and salt are available at church; walkways and steps need cleaned before 8:00 a.m. worship on Sunday mornings. Many times the work can be done on Saturday with just a little extra attention Sunday morning. The more people we have sign up, the less work it will be for our volunteers. CAN YOU HELP? PLEASE SIGN UP FOR A SUNDAY! ____________________ WORSHIP AROUND THE CROSS Thursday, November 6 The next celebration of Worship Around the Cross will be on Thursday, November 6, at 7:00 p.m. will be a service from ordinary time. Our once a month worship has an interactive style that is based upon our worship structure of gathering, word, meal, and sending and is all projected. The worship includes spoken liturgy, scriptures, Holy Communion, chants, videos and includes a discussion sermon based upon the gospel reading. The worship is a more relaxed worship approach but still God centered. ____________________ An old prayer for politicians: “Teach us, O Lord, to utter words that are tender and gentle, for tomorrow we may have to eat them.” GOSPEL OF THOMAS STUDY Wednesday, November 5 Our Gospel of Thomas Group will next meet in the Fellowship Hall on Wednesday, November 5, at 7:00 p.m. Come join us as Jesus provides guidance to finding our inner golden self . ____________________ TUESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY Our Tuesday Morning Bible Study continues to meet in the Fellowship Hall at 10:00 a.m. We are currently exploring chapter nine in our study of Paul’s letter to the Romans. We are exploring Paul’s ethical concerns as we explore chapters 12 through 14. ____________________ CATECHESIS NIGHT Thursday, November 20 The Catechesis Group will next meet on Thursday, November 20, at 7:00 p.m. We are studying the faith practice of individual prayer using the Lord’s prayer as our model prayer as Lutherans using the Kenyan Catechism. We are learning to appreciate the importance how we use faith practices to shape our faith overtime as we use Scriptures which is rule and norm of our faith. ____________________ LARRY’S BIBLE BLOG We are now finishing up the book of Deuteronomy on Pastor Larry’s Bible blog online at We are moving on to daily readings from the book of Judges. Reflect personally and daily on this book from God’s word. ____________________ CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER Thursdays, November 13 Our Contemplative Prayer Group will next meet in November on the second Thursday at 7:00 p.m. On Thursday, November 13, we will offer a prayer based upon interior seeing. We offer this time of prayer to allow us the space to come and be present for God in the movement of our bodies, the use of six different prayer forms, silence, and the mutual conversation of those present. Prayer is paying attention to God. ____________________ LABYRINTH WALK Our next indoor Labyrinth Walk will be on Monday, November 10, in the Fellowship Hall downstairs for 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Come experience this form of walking prayer whether inside or outside. ____________________ LECTIO DIVINA Sunday November 2 & 16 There are two more meetings planned in November to help us complete the third and fourth steps in the Lectio Divina reading of Scripture. We have already covered Lectio and meditation in October. Now on Sunday, November 2, we will reflect on how to pray a particular piece of scripture or religious text. This step is called oratio. On Sunday, November 16, we will conclude learning the Lectio Divina Progess by learning comtemplation, the fourth step where we sit in silence with the text and listen for God’s voice. Both classes will be at 7:00 p.m. on the first and third Sundays. Stewardship: Gifts of Time, Love, Energy, Talents, and Service. Have you ever noticed how children emulate their parents? Children watch their parents and they do what they see them doing. This is how they learn to speak. They watch the shape and form of their parents’ mouths and they try to make the same shape so that they can make the same sounds. But children copy their parents even on a more mundane level. They watch how their parents cross their legs, how they fold their hands, how they stand and sit and walk, how they do and say most everything: and children try to copy it. This can be quite humorous when caught in the act. They do this even when parents don’t want them to. Everyone has been in the uncomfortable, and sometimes rather embarrassing, situation where a child does or says what one of their parents have done or said…something that is not too flattering! Sitcoms thrive on this sort of thing. And it only works because of the truth that children emulate their parents. And they do it because they want to be like them. We are the children of God by grace, through faith. In Holy Baptism, God the Father declares of us what He declared of Jesus at His Baptism in the Jordan, “You are my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” God the Father claims us as His own. He takes away all our sins, and in exchange He gives us His righteousness, His purity, His holiness, and His Spirit, by which we cry out, “Abba, Father.” We are born again, born from above, born of water and the Spirit, to a new life in Christ as His children. We are sons of God in Christ, through Baptism. And since we are sons, we are heirs; heirs who share in the glory of the Son of God. The inheritance is ours because of the Father’s grace and mercy, because of His generosity in sending His Son in time to save us for all eternity. (continued on next page) And this is why we give generously of our income to the work of the church. Through the working of the Holy Spirit, we are enabled to lead holy lives. We are strengthened to emulate the generosity of our heavenly Father by being generous ourselves. We give to the work of the church because we have witnessed the generous giving of our Father in heaven. More than that, we are recipients of it. It is because we have received God our Father’s gifts that we desire to give ourselves. And His gifts are not just spiritual. They are temporal and earthly as well. As the Small Catechism teaches in the Fourth Petition of the Lord’s Prayer: “Give us this day our daily bread. What does this mean? God certainly gives daily bread to everyone without our prayers, even to all evil people, but we pray in this petition that God would lead us to realize this and to receive our daily bread with thanksgiving. What is meant by daily bread? Daily bread includes everything that has to do with the support and needs of the body, such as food, drink, clothing, shoes, house, home, land, animals, money, goods, a devout husband or wife, devout children, devout workers, devout and faithful rulers, good government, good weather, peace, health, self-control, good reputation, good friends, faithful neighbors, and the like.” In other words, he gives us everything that we need for the care of both body and soul. His generosity knows no bounds. Therefore we sit down at the beginning of the year, the beginning of the month, or the beginning of the week, and set aside a generous portion of God’s daily bread for His work in the church. Not because He has commanded us so to do. But rather because we, as His children by grace, want to emulate His generosity in our own lives. He is our Father; we are His children. And children want to be like their parents. The Stewardship Committee ____________________ Americans don’t fear the Lord as much as they do the next payment. SALVATION ARMY – RED KETTLE The assigned dates for this year’s Red Kettle campaign will be ready soon. We at Zion have been faithful in supporting this ministry in our community. Please watch the bulletin for the coming dates. They will include time at both the plaza and Frattaroli’s Sparkle. We might even add a time or two at Dollar General this year. ____________________ COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS BASKETS How can you help? Dollar A Month – Pack & Deliver Baskets There are a number of ways you can help with the Community Christmas Baskets: A cash donation can be made through our Dollar A Month fund in November. You can help pack the Christmas Baskets or deliver them. Watch for days and times to be announced. Share with others this holiday season! ____________________ PREPARING FOR WORSHIP IN NOVEMBER The Gospel readings for the Sundays in November: November 2- Matthew 5.1-12 November 9- Matthew 25.1-13 November 16- Matthew 25.14-30 November 23- Matthew 25.31-46 November 30- Mark 13.24-37* (*We start year B on the First Sunday of Advent) December 7- Mark 1.1-8 The Second Reading November 2- 1 John 3.1-3 November 9- 1 Thessalonians 4.13-18 November 16-1 Thessalonians 5.1-11. November 23- Ephesians 1.15-23 November 30- 1 Corinthians 1.3-9 * (*We start year B on the First Sunday of Advent) December 7- 2 Peter 3.8-15a ____________________ SPECIAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETINGS Sundays – December 7 and December 14 DAILY TEXTS FOR 2015 It’s time to place your order for your new copy of Daily Texts for 2015. Sign up in the Fellowship Room on the white table. The cost of these daily texts based upon a Lectio Divina reading of scriptures is $7.00 when we but more than 10 and less than 49. Many have been using this enriching daily devotion so why not give it a try. ____________________ JOURNEY FORWARD Our Journey Forward team will meet on Tuesday, November 4, at 7:00 p.m. to discuss our progress in the process as well as to discuss our possible participation in the Youngstown cluster. On Sunday, December 7, the congregation will gather between services at 10:00 a.m. to first receive names from the Nominating Committee for people to serve on Church Council. This meeting is required by our constitution. As part of this meeting we will discuss and vote on a project to replace our current projection system with a large screen monitor thus opening up the altar area from the current obstruction that the computer stand and projector causes. The second Congregation Meeting required by our constitution is a meeting on the second Sunday, December 14, after the 10:45 worship. This meeting will be to accept names from the congregation for election to Church Council and to discuss and vote on the budget for 2015. ____________________ COMMUNITY MEALS CHOIR NOTES Attention! Help wanted! Do you like to sing , have tons of fun, share loads of laughter , and fine and dandy fellowship? If this sounds like you, please prayerfully consider singing in the choir as we begin to practice our Fall/Advent/Christmas music. All voice parts are needed and appreciated, especially men's voices. We will welcome you with open arms, (and a music folder and a stylish royal blue robe too!) We have a brief choir practice immediately following the Sunday 10:45 a.m. service and also choir practice every Monday evening at 7:00 p.m. till AROUND 8:15 p.m. If you would like to just help us out and sing for the Christmas season, that would be great too! Our goal is to fill all our empty seats in the choir loft, and besides, wearing a choir robe will help keep you warm and snug during the cold days ahead! It's a win-win for everyone! Give us a try, you may be pleasantly surprised! There are no special requirements, just a desire to sing and to praise our loving and great God who is worthy of all praise. Please see Melanie or Peg Dobson if you have any questions or concerns. So, grab a robe, find a seat, and sing to the Lord a new song and make a joyful noise and have some fun while doing it!! I guarantee it! Thank you! Sincerely with fervent hope someone will join us, Melanie! ____________________ Trinity United Methodist in New Springfield On the first Tuesday of each month Trinity United Methodist Church of New Springfield. The next meal offered will be on November 4. They serve from 5 p.m. to 6:30 pm. St. Paul’s New Middletown Then on the second Tuesday of every month St Paul’s will offer a free meal to the community from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at St Paul’s Table of Plenty. It will be on November 11. Calvin’s Friendly Table On Tuesday, November 18 the Presbyterians of Petersburg will be offering a free meal for the community from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. LUTHER’S TABLE Our next Luther’s Table will be on Tuesday, November 25, we will serving from 5:00 pm to 6:30 p.m. in our Fellowship Hall. Our menu will be: Pork Chops, Dressing, Mixed Veggies, Apple Sauce, Carrot Cake, & Beverage. Our Luther’s Table is how we serve the world. We want to especially invite members of the congregation to join us at Luther’s table. Our goal is to provide companionship, fellowship, nutrition (physical and spiritual) and we hope to strengthen the bonds of our community. There is no charge for this meal; just come. WORSHIP AND MUSIC MEETING Following worship on Sunday, November 2, the Worship and Music Committee will meet to plan Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany. ____________________ “The most important prayer in the world is just two words long: “Thank you.” If you wish to help come and join us. We can always use additional help the night of the dinner. You can serve as part of the set up committee, the preparing and serving committee or the cleanup committee. Sign up on the Social Ministry board. If you come that evening to help, we’re sure to find a spot for you! BAPTISM ANNOUNCEMENT COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING SERVICE We rejoice in the baptism of Izbella Alexis Shiyu, daughter of Daniel and Cheryl DeBow. Sponsors for Izbella are Shayla Johnson and Matthew Yurchison. We pray for her continued knowledge of our Lord and growth in her Christian faith. __________________ CONGRATULATIONS! Congratulations to Travis Dornan and Heather Anelli who were married on Friday, October 17. Our blessings and best wishes to Travis and Heather as they begin their life together! ____________________ HOSPITALIZED IN OCTOBER In our prayers we remember those hospitalized in October: Judy Barger and Twila Robb. We prayer for their return to good health and ask God to attend to them in their prayers. ___________________ Keeping to our practice of moving our STCCC Community Thanksgiving Service among the three communities, this year’s Thanksgiving Service will be held at Emmanuel Lutheran Church, New Springfield, at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 26. ____________________ COMMUNITY 5K WALK- RUN FOR HUNGER We are still waiting to hear how much money was raised for hunger issues in our community by the Chamber of Commerce Community 5k Walk- Run for Hunger held on Sunday, October 12, at Old Springfield U.C.C. We want to thank the Chamber for their support in our community. __________________ ANNUAL FALL DINNER – SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8 Old Springfield U.C.C. – 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. 11957 Yo-Pitts Rd (Rt. 170), New Middletown Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Vegetables, Roll/Butter, Dessert & Drink [Carry out available] Adults $8.00 – Children 6-12 $3.50 (Under 5 Free) Chinese Auction – Bake Sale from Noon to 6:30 p.m. ____________________ Dear Friends of The Rescue Mission of Mahoning Valley, WEDNESDAYS WITH JOYCE MEYER St. Paul the Apostle Church, New Middletown We are looking for churches to help cook meals for us! Please call us for more information! We also need your help in filling an important position here at the Mission! What: Joyce Meyer via her DVD presentation When: The second Wednesday of month from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. Position Vacancy is for a Full-time Cook, $8.25 per hour. Please contact the Rescue Mission for details. ____________________ Each session begins with prayer and song, followed by the DVD presentation, reflection and concluding with prayer and song. Sponsored by St. Paul the Apostle Sisters in Grace. Joyce offers practical insights from the Bible and ways to implement them in our everyday worlds. Invite a friend to join you. ____________________ … to Jen King, Gail Holquist, Joan Beach, Nancy Heberling, Kathy Finley, Pastor Larry, and Pat Engleman for their help in the church office and to prepare the October “Spirit”. SPAGHETTI DINNER & BAZAAR THANK YOU’S Thank you to everyone who helped with our annual Bazaar and Spaghetti Dinner. Our pie and dessert bakers, our carry-out girls, our set-up and clean-up crew, our dishwashers and salad makers, those who stirred sauce, the ladies who put together our bagged lunch, and those in charge of the bake sale and bazaar, our girls who did another fine job with the Chinese Auction, everyone who donated items and our Trash & Treasure people! Thank you Jen, Darla, and Kelly King, Pastor Larry and Joan, Russ, Cheryl and Abigail Hawkins, Peg and Al Dobson, Tony Appugliese, Joan Beach, Wanda Beraduce, Beth and Dan Catlos, Melanie Curatola, Jim and Clarie Querin, Pat Engleman, Donna Sarich, Peg Fraley, Kathy Finley, Chuck Eckman, Bryan Heffinger, George and Helen Goddard, Gail Holquist, Ed and Marlene Joseph, Holly and Jeanne Massie, Kathy Pavlina, Jack and Donna Roithner, Michelle and Joe Short, Irene Swantek, Don and Barb Veness, John, Dawn, McCartney and Jacob Walsh, Becky Mason, Dawn Noell, Susan Hoffman, Terri Raub, Jackie Redeker, and Fran Heinl. We really appreciate all the hard work that everyone does for this project. This year the money raised will be going toward new handicapped doors for the front entrance. In Christian love, The Fellowship Committee ____________________ NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS 2 Dan Mohn 3 Bev Bader 4 Sue Eshler Elaine Mettee 6 Rachel Rhoads David Rhoads 7 Tim Engleman 8 Jack Roithner 9 Kelly King 10 George Engleman Jr Donnie Yoho III Doug Taylor 11 Larry Welsh 13 Wendy Landis 14 Dana Mirone 15 Kailey Engleman 16 Valerie Weikart Dawn Walsh Sandy Walker Kristin McCormick Daniel Catlos 17 19 20 22 23 28 Ed Murberger Kate Folkenroth Jaydyn Dickey Mason McCambridge Kim Koch Travis Richey Donald Curtis Gary Spohn George Landis Rileigh Aquisto Erin Miller NOVEMBER ANNIVERSARIES 5 Kevin & Lynn Flaherty 15 Carmen & Melanie Curatola 18 Scott & Tracy Connelly 23 Art & Judy Peck 24 Dennis & Diane Reda ____________________ ALTAR FLOWERS 11/2 Lou & Gail Holquist, Rae Turner 11/9 King family, Al & Peg Dobson 11/16 Jim Heaven, Kathy Finley 11/23 Jim Heaven, From the congregation in memory of Jim Gallatin 11/30 Jim Heaven, Sarah Stumpo 12/7 Douglas family, Kim Koch ____________________ Serving God through Zion in November The following schedule is for Sunday morning 8:00 a.m. 11/2 11/9 11/16 11/23 11/30 12/7 Acolyte Kate Folkenroth Johnny Ervin Emma Folkenroth Noah Eckman Alayna Cruciger Kate Folkenroth Lay Reader 11/2 Pat Engleman LA 11/9 Clarie Querin 11/16 Cindy Lengyel LA 11/23 Fran Heinl 11/30 Melanie Curatola 12/7 Pat Ervin LA 11/2 11/16 12/7 Communion Assistant Pat Engleman LA Cindy Lengyel LA Pat Ervin LA Greeter Clarie Querin Clarie Querin Albert Williams Albert Williams Dawn Noell Larry Welsh Usher Jim Folkenroth Jim Folkenroth Jim Heaven___ Jim Heaven___ Ray Summers_ Larry Welsh__ Coffee Peg Dobson Pat Ervin Pastor Larry Connie Eckman Wanda Beraduce Clarie Querin Cup Distribution Peg Dobson Albert Williams Larry Welsh Altar Guild Jim & Emma F.__ Jim & Emma F.__ Gail Holquist ____ If you cannot serve as scheduled, please find a replacement for your worship task. NEWSLETTER DEADLINE Please turn in your articles for the December “Spirit” by Sunday, November 23 or Email your articles to NEWSLETTER THANK YOU! We thank the George & Nancy Spohn and Don & Sally Evans for paying for our postage for this month’s “Spirit”. Thanks for helping us keep our members and friends informed of our fall worship and activities! God through Zion in November The following schedule is for Sunday morning 10:45 a.m. Acolyte Greeters 11/2 Autumn Swantek 11/9 Rebecca Catlos 11/16 Callie Ford 11/23 Kailey Engleman 11/30 McCartney Walsh 12/7 Megan Deskin Sheri Malenic Irene Swantek Sheri Malenic Irene Swantek Kristin Haag Terri Raub Kristin Haag Terri Raub Barb Veness Twila Robb Judy Barger Kylee Barger 11/2 11/9 11/16 11/23 11/30 12/7 Lay Reader Coffee Peg Fraley LA Kathy Finley Ray Summers LA Pat Engleman Irene Swantek Dan Catlos LA Jack Roithner Peg Dobson Pat Engleman Clarie Querin Jack Roithner Peg Dobson Communion Assistant 11/2 11/16 12/7 Cup Distribution Peg Fraley LA Jen King Ray Summers LA Twila Robb Dan Catlos LA Marlene Joseph Counters 11/2 Kim Koch, Pat Ervin 11/9 Kim Koch, Pat Ervin 11/16 Kathy Finley, Ray Summers 11/23 Kathy Finley, Ray Summers 11/30 Kathy Finley, Ray Summers 12/7 Ed & Marlene Joseph Ushers Jack Roithner Ed Joseph ____ Jack Roithner Ed Joseph ____ Darla & Jen King ____ Darla & Jen King ____ Sheri Malenic George Goddard____ Kathy Finley Donna Sarich ____ Bell Ringer Devin Barger ____ Joan Klinker ____ Noah Eckman____ Jacob Walsh_____ Autumn Swantek_ Kendall Maughan_ Altar Guild Darla & Jen King____ Darla & Jen King____ Joan Klinker,Twila Robb
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