November 16, 2014 Gifts in Memory of Verna Parini Kindly silence all cell phones during service Thank you! Given by Elizabeth Bowen Donovan. $50 Given by The Parini Family & Frank Dalcavage of Exeter, PA. $100 Given by Ann Marie Radocesky. $20 Prelude *Call to Worship Announcements “Blessed Be Your Name” *Hymn #44 Insert Sunny Sunseri A gift to Home Missions, in memory of Verna Parini and Dudley Parker, given by Shirley Freeman. Sunny Sunseri A gift to Home Missions, in memory of Dudley Parker, given by Jim and Eleanor Tartella “Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee” Welcome Scripture & Prayer *Hymn # 62 James 3: 13-18 Sunny Sunseri “Be Thou My Vision” Children’s Message Jim Harris *Hymn “Day by Day” Offering/Offertory “Above All” Insert Jared Bradway Doxology Message "Wise and Otherwise” Sunny Sunseri Series: When the Rubber Meets the Road The Book of James *Hymn #40 “A Mighty Fortress is Our God” Benediction Postlude * Congregation Stands Today’s Activities 11:15 AM Sunday School • 7:00 PM Bible Study 11:15 AM Teachers Meeting Thank you to those Serving Today! Organist: Jared Bradway Our Nursery Team: Vonette & Jen Suprick Nursery Next Week: Amanda Belles Our Greeters: Announcements Welcome guests! We are happy you chose to join us today! Please make yourself at home and visit the Starting Point Room for some light refreshments and get connected with us and the activities going on at Jackson Street. Wednesday night Choir practice 7:30 p.m. in the church sanctuary. Come lend your voice to our Sunday worship services! New members are most welcome! Pizza and a Movie—Join us Friday, November 21st for free Movie night and pizza. Bring a friend! Our feature film is “Heaven is for Real.” Pizza will be served at 6:00PM Movie starts at 7:PM Christmas is almost here and November 30th marks the beginning of Advent. At Jackson Street we celerbate the season with the lighting of the candles on the Advent Wreath. If you or your family would like to light the candle on one of those Sundays during Advent please circle “Advent Wreath” on the back of the Connection Card and place it in the offering plate. There is also a sign up sheet on the table located in the back of the sanctuary. Names for the Christmas Poinsettias need to be given to Elaine Saar, Shirley Freeman, Dorothy Griffiths or Judy Williams by Nov. 23rd. Happy Anniversary to: Jim and Diana Harris—November 16th (40th) Jack and Marlene Shaw—November 22nd November 16, 2014 The flowers in the vases today are in memory of Mr. & Mrs. Henry McIlwee and Mary Cafarella, given by their family. Jackson Street Baptist Church Sunday 11/9 Please place this card in the offering when it is received or in the Communication Box on the table as you leave _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Serving opportunities at JSBC (please circle) children's ministry music ministry hospitality, Advent Wreath Comments, Prayer Requests: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Beginning a relationship with Jesus Information on baptism Information on church membership I ! "# ": M N S T : Happenings this week at Jackson Street November 16, 2014 10:00 AM 10:00 AM 10:15 AM 11:15 AM Morning Worship Service Nursery Junior Church Teachers Meeting Home Missions Meeting Nominating Committee Meeting 7:00 PM Bible Study Wednesday 11/12 9:30 AM Women’s Union 6:30 PM Prayer Connection 7:30 PM Choir Practice Thursday 12:00 PM LOA Class Meeting La Trattoria Last Week’s Attendance: 73 Last Week’s Receipts: $2,394.00 Required Receipts: $4,450.38 Church Staff Pastor Organist/Pianist Secretary Sextons “Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.” James 3:18 Rev. Michael Sunseri Mr. Jared Bradway Mrs. Patty Murphy Mr. Jack Williams, Jr. Mr. Jim Harris Jackson Street Baptist Church 1206 Jackson Street Scranton, PA 18504 (570) 346-1674 Email: Web: Jackson Street Baptist Church 1206 Jackson Street Scranton, PA 18504 (570) 346-1674
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