The Web Torch November 2014 The Web Torch November 2014 Page Dear Friends, I want to begin by thanking you all for the very generous gift that was presented to me at the service on 18th October to mark my 25 years in the ordained ministry. Laura and I were completely overwhelmed by the response. It has been, and continues to be a great joy to serve as your minister. As a family we very much appreciate the friendship and support that have been extended to us at Riccarton over the last seven years. It was lovely to have our good friend Mike Goss leading worship. Mike baptised Anna, he and his wife Rhona are godparents to Zoe, and Laura and I are godparents to their daughter Aileen. You may remember that Mike preached me in when I first came to Riccarton, and I also preached him in at Carnoustie, when he moved from Dundee. It was great to also have my father taking part in the service, and a number of people have commented on how well he read from the word of God. It was also wonderful to have Bill and Jenny Whyte with us. Bill was minister in Nairn: St. Ninian’s, where I was a member from 1981 until my ordination in 1989 (although I was elsewhere with my training for the last 4 years). However, as Mike emphasised during the service, it wasn’t so much about me as the one who called me, and who continues to call each one of us to service. We sang, , the paraphrase taken from 2 Timothy chapter 1, where Paul writes: For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline. So do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord or of me his prisoner. Rather, join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God. He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Page The Web Torch November 2014 Christ Jesus before the beginning of time, but it has now been revealed through the appearing of our Saviour, Christ Jesus, who has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel. And of this gospel I was appointed a herald and an apostle and a teacher. That is why I am suffering as I am. Yet I am not ashamed, because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until that day. What you heard from me, keep as the pattern of sound teaching, with faith and love in Christ Jesus. Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you—guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us. Paul is writing to Timothy, a young pastor who finds it hard going at times. Paul encourages him to focus on the Lord Jesus Christ, and all that he has accomplished for us through the cross. Timothy has experienced God’s touch on his life. He has been changed by the power and the love of God flowing in to his life. Even in his prison cell, Paul is sustained by the grace of God and remains confident that the one who loved him and died for him will not let him down now, but will somehow use whatever he is going through for his glory. That’s a lesson that we all need to learn and to apply in our own lives. It is so easy to let our circumstances and the pressures they bring get on top of us. We need to continually come back to the cross and live in the light of the victory that Jesus has won for us through his death and resurrection. May we each take hold of that truth today and every day! Colin A. Strong Dementia and Worship The Sunday that we were on holiday we took my mother to church. She hadn’t been at a church service for at least 2, possibly 3 years. The care home where she lives is just across the road from the church in Leuchars, although we had to drive her round and up the hill at the back. We weren’t sure whether she The Web Torch November 2014 Page 1 would make it through the service or we would have to make an early exit. We went up earlier to have a look, and a very helpful elder informed us that they had a wheelchair available, which he got for us to help her in. The congregation could not have been more welcoming. It was really a very moving experience to be with her. Her eyes just lit up. She insisted in standing for all the hymns, which she sang with great enthusiasm. She knew all the words. She no longer has the cognitive powers to process the information from the sermon and she will not even remember that she went to church that day. However I believe that each moment there was precious to her as it happened. She has known Jesus Christ as her Saviour for about 80 years, and not even her dementia can rob that from her. I am reminded of the words of the Ayrshire-born hymn writer James Montgomery: And when these failing lips grow dumb And mind and memory flee, When thou shalt in thy Kingdom come Jesus, remember me. Her lips certainly haven’t grown dumb! However the rest of the verse is a reminder that she still belongs to Jesus, and is in his care. As Paul wrote in Romans 8:38, 39, “I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels or demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Nothing! Not even dementia! I am very conscious that a number of our church members also suffer from dementia. I do wonder if there is more that we could be doing to provide opportunities for worship for them. It would involve co-operation and help from their families. For some it might not work. What do you think? Let me know! Colin Strong Page 2 The Web Torch November 2014 Wullie White had been moved from Thorntoun Nursing Home to Crossgates Nursing Home. At the June Meeting of Presbytery held on Tuesday 24th June. The Rev Andrew Black Minister at Irvine Relief Bourtreehill was installed as Moderator for year 2014 – 2015. Moderator congratulated Rev Colin Strong being present and Rev James Davidson in his absence on the 25th Anniversary of their respective Ordinations. The Celebration of the Lords Supper preceded the September Meeting of Presbytery which was held on Tuesday 2nd of September. A Dempster commented on how meaningful and dignified the Communion had been. The Moderator the Rev Andy Black was to be congratulated on his conduct and message given during the service. Tributes were made to the Rev George Campbell former Minister at Stewarton John Knox and Mr Andrew Pelling Equalising Elder of New Laigh Kirk who had died during the summer. Moderator welcomed new Commissioners and received Advisers Readers and Students. Moderator congratulated Rev Neil Urquhart on the 25th Anniversary of his ordination to the ministry. October Presbytery Mission Meeting on Tuesday 7th October at Irvine St Andrews would be “Messy Presbytery” giving presbyters an insight on Messy Church. The Web Torch November 2014 Page 3 November Presbytery Meeting on Tuesday 4th November at Crosshouse Parish Church would be led by Rev John Bell. The subject would be “Worship as a Mission Tool” D Kirkpatrick reported on the Sunday School and the Youth Church. Both were doing well. The Sunday School have their programme planned until Christmas and would involve the Youth Church in musical Sundays. The Youth Church are following a youth alpha course of nine videos. It was encouraging to note that the older age group were still interested. Liaison Elders were appointed to various organisations: Sunday School and Youth Church David Lees Boy’s Brigade Bill McCready Line Dancing Eleanor McCallum Guild Ann Dempster Guild of Friendship Tom Linton Messy Church Elspeth MacTaggart It was noted that the Minister and Session Clerk are able to attend any meeting of church organisations and committees. (Ex officio) D Kirkpatrick asked Session to discuss the situation with the organ cover and how Kirk Session wanted to go forward. We currently have Stephen Robson, Allan Wilson and Denham Kirkpatrick available. We are covered up to the end of September. He stated that he and Laura Strong were going to try and make the music group more prominent when it was the Sunday he was down to play. After discussion it was decided to continue as at present. D Kirkpatrick advised Session he was not able to continue covering half of District 10 due to further Page 4 The Web Torch November 2014 commitments. Andrea Dunachie was willing to continue doing her half. Session Clerk would try to make arrangements to cover district. Ian Aitken reported on another successful Doors Open Day Ayrshire. Thirty visitors had attended visiting the Church and the Graveyard. This has been the best attendance so far. This was helped by an article in the Kilmarnock Standard showing a full picture of Riccarton Church. Those who attended were very interested. Thanks to all who helped to make the day a success. Session Clerk reported Mr Miller Hardie former Session Clerk of Craigie Church (now closed) had visited Riccarton Church and offered to give the pew cushions from Craigie Church to Riccarton Church. Miller looked round the Church and said they would fit also they were the same red wine colour. There would be no charge for them. Session Clerk agreed to make arrangements to have them delivered and fitted. Stuart McKelvie reported that two officers namely Jamie Chapman and Mark McKelvie had resigned from the Company. Denham Kirkpatrick would be joining the Company as a Lieutenant and along with Gary Kirkpatrick would be responsible for the Junior Section. BB Dedication Service would be Sunday 26th October The Dedication of the Guild and Guild of Friendship would be on Sunday 16th November. will be Tuesday 21st October 2014 at 7.30pm in the Church Hall. James Barnes Session Clerk The Web Torch November 2014 Page 5 Church of Scotland Guild 16 Days of prayer Why 16 Days? It is now several years that the Guild has talked about and raised awareness of Domestic Abuse. In these intervening years there has been progress, but still Domestic Abuse happens in homes where there are children and it is never a place of calm and happiness. The Police have changed their tactics and prosecutions are going through the courts faster. For those with the courage to leave these kinds of situations, this is making life better. However, leaving may not be possible and it is these families that we pray for to have the strength to carry on living in fear or being able to leave the home life they have built up over many years. Sometimes they are waiting for the right moment and we pray that such a moment comes and they are free from the violence which is takes place behind closed doors. The Guild belongs to the Interfaith Group on Domestic Abuse, which started off as Ecumenical but is now Interfaith. It has held many conferences and seminars over the 11 years we have worked together, but recently we put together an exhibition "Souls of our Shoes"... 104 pairs of shoes with statements from clergy, some from abused people and some from those who stand in solidarity with those coping with Domestic Abuse. These shoes denote that there are 104 pairs of empty shoes at the end of each year as there are 2 women per week killed by a violent husband or partner. The exhibit has been a great success and is very powerful. It has been seen all over Scotland. We should not forget that men also experience violence in the home and as we pray we should remember their plight. For men it can be a slightly more complex situation as when a husband leaves the home there are all sorts of repercussions due to maintenance and access to the children. As The Church of Scotland Guild may we remember all who live with violence in today's world. For 16 days At the 16th hour Pray for a change Page 6 The Web Torch November 2014 This year, for each day, we offer a prayer on some aspect of work in connection with overcoming violence, alongside a Bible verse for reflection. NOVEMBER 25th Isaiah 26 v4 Lord we ask that You stay close to all who have lived with Domestic abuse. Those who live in fear in their own homes Lord Hear our Prayer. NOVEMBER 26th Psalm 69 v 29 Bountiful God, we pray for all who live with a violent partner who are trying to find enough courage to leave. Give them the strength to make that decision. NOVEMBER 27th 2 Corinthians 4 v 1 Lord, your love surrounds us and with that love show us how we can help - May we have a listening ear to all who confide in us and give us the wisdom to find answers. NOVEMBER 28th Psalm 46 v 1 - 3 Today Lord we pray for all who work in this field. Give them the strength of Your love and may they know the presence of the Holy Spirit. NOVEMBER 29th Matthew 19 v 14 & 15 Loving God, may You protect children caught up in this situation. May they be calmed by Your Spirit and help teachers and friends understand their suffering. NOVEMBER 30th Romans 5 v 1 & 2 Let's give thanks, Lord, for refuges throughout Scotland who work tirelessly to help all who have lived with Domestic Abuse. A place of sanctuary where one can live without thinking about how to avoid confrontation. A place where children can be carefree and have peace of mind. The Web Torch November 2014 Page 7 DECEMBER 1st WORLD AIDS DAY Psalm 41 v 1 Loving God, throughout the world today people are being made aware of the HIV epidemic which threatened continents. With Your guidance research has given us a way of managing this illness and for that we give thanks today. DECEMBER 2nd Psalm 55 v 1 A 2 Bountiful God we pray for all who are affected by HIV, families and countries throughout the world coping from day to day with medication and fears. DECEMBER 3rd Psalm 52 v 9 We pray for the work of the Waverly Trust in Scotland. Giving advice and helping patients come to terms with test results and the administration of medicine for the rest of their lives. DECEMBER 4th 2 Corinthians 9 v 10 Our Prayer today, Lord, is that all who suffer can have access to the treatments that keep this illness at bay and also for food to make the medicine effective. DECEMBER 5th Psalm 62 v 11 & 12 Lord, Let us give thanks for all researchers and doctors working in this field. May they see the difference it is making to so many lives. DECEMBER 6th Psalm 71 v 12 In a world where many are starving and thirsty can we have a fairer way of distributing wealth - not in monetary terms but with the gift of sharing our abundance of the western world to our poorer neighbours. Page 8 The Web Torch November 2014 DECEMBER 7th Psalm 70 v 5 Lord, in this troubled world we ask for peace where there is no peace. We ask governments to talk with governments to achieve that peace. Using discussion not guns to settle disputes. DECEMBER 8th Psalm 68 v 35 We pray for all war-torn countries where innocent people are killed and maimed. The Children who have never known peace in their time, growing up with hatred at what has gone on before they were even born. We pray for peace in their time. 0 Lord Hear our prayer. DECEMBER 9th Romans 8 v39 Loving God, many live in fear in Your world. May they know that they are held in our prayers and that Your love surrounds and strengthens them. Countries of the world should be working towards solutions through a Justice system where none are let down and allowed to suffer. Hear our prayer. DECEMBER 10th Psalm 72 v 17 Today is International Justice Day. Let all who work for Justice strive for a better life for all who are in a war situation, who are refugees or in any violent circumstances. Lord Hear our prayer. The Web Torch November 2014 Page 9 The 9th November being Remembrance Sunday the service will begin at 10.50am. Congratulations and every good wish to Marion Marshall who will be 80 years young on the 4th November, Well done. Earlier this year our organist, Bill Godfrey, intimated that he would like to retire. Unfortunately he took ill as he and Maureen were about to go on holiday. The Kirk Session decided that he should be given a presentation when he was better. This will take place at the morning service on Sunday 14th December. If you would like to contribute to his presentation there will be a retiring offering on Sunday 7th December, or contact your elder. Bill is in better health now, and will be able to continue playing for us when required on a fill in basis. Page 10 The Web Torch November 2014 by Erma Bombeck If I Had My Life To Live Over.............. I would have talked less and listened more. I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained and the sofa faded. I would have eaten the popcorn in the 'good' living room and worried much less about the dirt when someone wanted to light a fire in the fireplace. I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth. I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up on a summer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed. I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a it melted in storage. rose I would have sat on the lawn with my children and not worried about grass stains. I would have cried and laughed less while watching television and more while watching life. I would have shared more of the responsibility carried by my husband. I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I weren't there for the day. I would never have bought anything just because it was practical, wouldn't show soil or was guaranteed to last a lifetime. Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I'd have cherished every moment and realised that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist in a miracle. The Web Torch November 2014 Page 11 When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, "Later. Now go get washed up for dinner." There would have been more "I love you's".. more "I'm sorry"s" But mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute...look at it and really see it... live it...and never give it back. Christmas Fayre This year the Christmas Fayre is on Saturday 29th November 2014 from 10 -12 in Church Hall. Tickets priced £1.50 on sale NOW All proceeds to Restoration Fund. Tea/Coffee and cakes included. All usual stalls and Santa but NO nearly new clothes. Hope to see you all enjoying the Fun of the Fayre. Donations of baking etc greatly appreciated and any monetary donations can be gift aided if you are a tax payer. Eleanor In the piece about the Used Stamps, I gave Betty Kirkpatrick's friend the wrong name! The lady's name is Mrs Grace MARTIN, and I am grateful to her. Sorry about that. Ann Gilmour Page 12 The Web Torch November 2014 From Marion and Tom Linton. Thank you so much for the beautiful church flowers and to everyone for cards and good wishes on our Golden wedding. They were all appreciated very much. Thank you for your kindness. God bless. From the White family The family of the late Wullie White sends grateful thanks to all at Riccarton Church for their kindness and support over last few years. Especially to the Sunday School and caring group who brightened his days with their visits, cards and gifts. From Jenny Gibson Thank you for the lovely flowers I received from church. They were very much appreciated. From Madge Jardine Thanks for the flowers I received from church recently. Also thanks to Marion Linton for her visits with the memory sticks. From Margaret Logan Thank you for the lovely church flowers I received after the death of my dear husband Bill. They were very much appreciated. From Sadie McLean Thank you to Elspeth and everyone who prayed for me while I was in hospital. Thanks also to Eleanor and Rev. Colin Strong who visited me there. I am home now and feeling a bit better. Your prayers have been answered. From Anna McCluskie Thank you very much for the lovely church flowers and cards received on my 80th birthday. The Web Torch November 2014 Page 13 From Anne Paterson Many thanks for the lovely plant from the church. It was most greatly appreciated. From Bill and Betty Connor Thanks to everyone who sent cards and good wishes on the occasion of our Golden Wedding Anniversary. They were very much appreciated. Noah Adam and Eve Lazarus Esther - "Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head" "Strangers in Paradise" "The Second Time Around" I Feel Pretty Job Moses Jezebel Samson Salome Daniel Joshua Peter EsauJeremiah The Magi Jonah Elijah - "I've got a right to sing the Blues" "The Wanderer" "The Lady Is A Tramp" "Hair" "I Could Have danced All Night" "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" "Good Vibrations" "I'm Sorry" "Born To Be Wild" "Take This Job And Shove It" "When You Wish Upon A Star" "Got a Whale of a tale" "Up, Up And Away" Methuselah "Stayin1 Alive" Nebuchadnezzar - "Crazy" The song may be as old as the characters!! Page 14 The Web Torch November 2014 We have got off to a good start this session. Our speakers have been so informative. 11th 25th Music and Dance - Tartan Ladies Chernobyl - Michael Lafferty 9th Candle Tea We welcome anyone who wishes to attend any of these meetings which interest you. Mary Kean Secretary Congratulations and every good wish to Bill and Betty Connor who celebrated 50 years of marriage on the 10th October. All the Best to you both. Moira & Ian Aitken Jackie Wallace. Convener Tom Linton Alex & Shona Hamilton Marion Linton Convener Tom Robertson Gloria Barnes Pat Duthie Sylvia Paterson The Web Torch November 2014 Jane Ferguson Page 15 Ask why God made the gem so small? And why so huge the granite? Because God meant mankind should set That higher value on it. Robert Burns 2nd & 9th 16th 23rd 30th Christine Dalgleish Bill McGill Kirk Session Guild Elspeth MacTaggart Edith Jamieson 7th Anonymous If any assistance with the buying or arranging the flowers is required, the flower convener will be happy to help. Mrs Margaret Henderson Tel. 537982 2nd 9th 16th 23rd 30th Mr J Marshall Mr S McKenzie Miss E MacTaggart Mr W Connor Mrs S Hamilton 7th Mrs M Aitken Page 16 The Web Torch November 2014 2nd 9/16 23/30 Marion Linton Margaret McCluskey Beth McGhee Jackie Wallace Lorna McColgan Carol-Anne McKelvie Rose Forbes Mairi Kirkpatrick 7/14 Nan Barlow Ann Gilmour Marie Littlejohn Tom Linton Alan Cairns Ian Aitken Jackie Wallace Tom Robertson Sylvia Paterson Gloria Barnes Alan Cairns Jane Ferguson 2nd 16th 30th Jim Robson Bill McGill Bill McCready 9th 23rd Bill McCready Jim Robson 7th 21st Bill McGill Bill McCready 14th 28th Jim Robson Bill McGill Material for December Torch should be given to Mrs Betty Robson, 8 Bressay Place NOT LATER THAN Sunday 23rd November Betty Robson (Editor) 01563 532248 The Web Torch November 2014 Page 17
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