4th Annual Women’s Mini-Alternative Health Fair Create Your Own Wellness Package Tuesday, November 11, 2014 - River Rock Health Spa, 62 Ricks Road, Woodstock NY 5:30 to 6:30 pm Women’s Networking Mixer with Light Refreshments 6:30 to 8:30pm Program: 17 Presenters offering Mini-Workshops Pre-Registration Fee: Members: $10; Non-Members: $15 Late Registration & Walk-ins: Members: $15; Non-Members: $20 Annual Membership Fee: $20 for a full year To Pre-Register, checks must be received by November 7th made out to: UCWN, P.O. Box 144, Boiceville, NY 12414 *Attending Sessions: first come – first serve so come early & sign up early For Additional Information Call Melody Newcombe (845) 853-3761 Ulster County Women’s Network Melody Newcombe, President River Rock Health Spa Babs Moley, CEO - Owner MINI-WORKSHOPS & LEADERS Choose 3 Thirty Minute Workshops - 1st Come 1st Served so Come Early Mini-Workshop Selection Evening of Event (No Exceptions Please) 1. Save the Girls! Breast Thermography: Alternative Breast Imaging Method. Marilyn MacClellan; CCT; Founder, The Image of Health Thermography and one of the founding Board Members of the Institute for the Advancement of Thermography. Fact: Inflammation is the earliest stage of almost all major health challenges. Medical Thermal Imaging detects conditions in the inflammatory stage. Get information about where and how you can make appointments for Breast Thermography. 2. Cosmetic Chinese Acupuncture and Gua Sha. Beverly Halley, L.Ac., Port Ewen Acupuncture Center. Demonstration of the use of the Chinese Medical technique of gua sha on the face, which she uses in her cosmetic acupuncture treatments. People can use this technique on themselves at home to help improve circulation and give the face a more youthful appearance. Beverly’s acupuncture practice addresses a broad range of health issues. Email: beverlyjhalley@gmail.com, www.portewenacupuncture.com, (845) 338-2964 3. Session A: Bridging The Vitality Gap™. Session B: Choosing the Right Yoga Practice Gillian Cilibrasi, LMT, e-RYT 500, Program Director, Urban Zen Integrative Therapy Program & Founder, Vitality Gap™ Coaching. Session A: Bridging the Vitality Gap™. In this short workshop you’ll learn to identify your Vitality Gap™. Introduction to a program that will help you take proactive steps to prevent brownout and burnout. Session B: Choosing the Right Yoga Practice. In Woodstock alone, there many places to learn and practice yoga. Join this session to get a better understanding of what each style of yoga offers, what potential benefits and contraindications may be. As a bonus you will receive a resource guide to yoga in Woodstock and the surrounding area. Email: Gillian@urbanzen.org, www.urbanzen.org, (917)882-6126 4. The Role Our Intestinal Health Plays in Our Immune Systems. Lainy Reicher, Naturopathic Dr., CDN, CN, Vital Health of Woodstock. Through her work, Lainy has found that healing the “leaky gut” strengthens the immune system. With cold and flu season upon us as well as all of the health scares you hear about in the news, it has never been more important to have a vital immune system. Lainy will discuss dietary changes and supplement combinations that will help you attain and maintain better health. Email: Vitalhealthofwoodstock@gmail.com, www.vitalhealthwoodstock.com, 845-679-7892 5. Living safely in the Wireless Age. Karen Beth, LMT, Akashic Records Reader, GIA Wellness Consultant. Karen has had a practice at Omega Institute for Holistic studies since 1990. She is a Consultant with GIA Wellness because she passionately wants to spread the word that optimal health must include protection from the radiation emitted by cell phones, Wi-Fi and other electronic devices. Learn how you and your loved ones can live safely in the wireless age. Email: kbeth@earthlink.net, , 845-679-8049 6. Session A: Free Yourself - Releasing Limiting Beliefs & Session B: Lift Up Your Spirits! (Clearing Energy). Dory Salerno, SRT, La Ho Chi, pract. NEITC certification. Session A: Free Yourself -Releasing Limiting Beliefs. Are you stuck in a rut? Find yourself facing the same type of challenges over and over again in your work, relationships, and personal health? Working with the Akashic record is one way of moving through these challenges. Learn a powerful releasing protocol you can work with every day. Session B: Lift Up Your Spirits! Learn simple techniques for creating a practice of energy clearing for yourself and your home. Think you might be haunted? Some of the tell tale signs and what to do about it. Email: erratafound@gmail.com, www.safeandsaneghostremoval.com, (845) 249 9594, text or voice. 7. Session A: Balancing for Grounding & Session B: Chakra Balancing for Power/ Strength. Dianne Weisselberg, LMSW, Certified Chakra Therapist. Chakras are vital energy portals correlating to 7 major life-force energies: Groundedness, Creativity, Power/Will, Compassion, Expression, Intuition/Belief, and Divine Consciousness. Trauma causes blocks in these areas, causing emotional, physical and spiritual crises. Explore tools for restoring your flow and well-being. Email: Namastesacred@gmail.com, www. Namastesacredhealing.com (845)679-6107. 8. CinergE for Women: Using Intuition, Energy Balancing and Reiki. Cindy Brody, Reiki Master & Creator of CinergE. Cindy began working with women in 1983 and over the past thirty years has helped women through many different diagnoses from headaches, Lyme Disease, Breast Cancer, hip replacements and other diseases that affect us.Cindy is works extensively with our four legged family members - dogs, cats, horses, and moreEmail: cindy@cindybrody.com, www.cindybrody.com (845)679-3393. 9. Mindfulness is the New Hypnosis! Just One Simple - 10 Second Tool. Frayda Kafka, Certified Therapeutic Hypnotist. In this mini-workshop learn one simple 10 second tool. The more you use it, the better you will feel! Email: info@CallTheHypnotist.com, www.CallTheHypnotist.com (845)336-4646. 10. Session A: Feng Shui – Healing by Design & Session B: Understanding the Medicine Wheel. Betsy Stang, M.A., Founder & Executive Director, The Wittenberg Center for Alternative Resources. Feng Shui Session: With each step you can become your own Feng Shui master by noticing what needs to be moved to allow the wind and water to flow and nourish all aspects of your life including your health. Session B: Understanding the Medicine Wheel and it’s rich traditions. Learn how you can use the medicine wheel in your own wellness and healing process. Email: bebird@aol.com, www.betsystang.com 11. Healing with Astrology. Sue Wilens, Astrological Consultant, Astro Therapy Practitioner, & Relationship Counselor. Astrology is a universal language of symbols describing the blue print in your horoscope that is uniquely you. Learn the basic principles of planets, signs and houses that define your energetic patterns. This is an essential, powerful tool for self-awareness. Astro Therapy strengthens your observer self and deepens your authentic self. Email: suewilens@gmail.com, www.woodstockastrology.com 845-679-8512 12. Transforming Stress into Power. Nurit Nardi, MA, Licensed Massage Therapist, RCST. Transforming Stress into Power: In this inspiring life-changing presentation, learn a few secrets to help you shift your sense of empowerment and possibilities. How changing your body language can affect your personal power. Learn ways to be allow turn stress into power and achieve the success that awaits. Email: nnconnect@hotmail. com, www.NuritNardi.com (718) 440-5991 13. Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster with Therapeutic Essential Oils and Other Pre-and-Post Op Tips. Joan Apter, Licensed Massage Therapist. Learn how Joan prepared for her first surgery! Recipes for boosting the immune system, lessening possible bleeding, reducing stress and trauma, eliminating anesthesia from the body, natural approaches for pain and antibiotics with essential oils and homeopathy. Email: joanapter@earthlink.net, www.apteraromatherapy.com (845)679-0512 14. Session A: Bindegeweb Technique to Help Relieve Chronic Pain & Session B: Melt Method for Pain Relief. Angel Ortloff, Licensed Massage Therapist Angel’s Touch & River Rock Health Spa; Co-Director, Healthcare is a Human Right. Both sessions focus on an introduction to simple self-care techniques for relieving chronic pain, muscle and joint pain, and more. Each session focuses on a different technique. Email portoff@hvc.rr.com, (845) 679-8634, www.healthcareisahumanright.com/practitioners/ 15. Be the Artist Who Creates Your Beautiful Healthy Life. Julia Santos Solomon, Artist and Health Coach. Be the artist in creating your best healthy beautiful you! Learn how work one-on-one with a health coach realize your dreams. Creating yourself as your own “work of art” rewards you with a healthier lifestyle, lowered disease risk and overall happier life. Email juliacoacheshealth@gmail.com , www.julia.tsfl.com and www.juliasantossolomon.com (845)706-9784 16. Changing Your Life While Staying Grounded. JoAnne Helfert Sullam, award winning artist, naturalist, Certified Wildlife Rehabilitator, author and founder of WildMother.org. What can a little bird teach you about yourself? Reconnect with nature as JoAnne shares her healing journey from her upcoming book, Evolution of a Wild Heart. JoAnne received a citation from former Sen. Hillary Clinton for work in art and conservation and has worked with a variety of wildlife, non-for profits and with celebrities for television and film. Email: joanne@joannesullam.com, 845-246-5424, www. joannesullam.com, www.wildmother.org 17. . EFT and Meridian Tapping for Stress Relief and Inner Peace. Dr. Carol Robin, DC, CCN, Chiropractor, Clinical Nutritionist and energy medicine and energy psychology practitioner Carol has over 30 years experience in holistic healthcare working with issues of body, heart, mind and spirit to help people find health and peace. Tapping is a simple, elegant way to clear stress, trauma and energy blockages and move toward self acceptance and peacefulness.. 845-657-7545, carol@carolrobin.com, www.CarolRobin. com, www.ImageryMeditation.com INFORMATION TABLES 1. VitaMist Spray Vitamins! Lynn Segarra, Independent Distributor. We all know our bodies need vitamins and minerals! Its simply up to us how much of them we want absorbed in our bodies for the money we spend and how quickly we want them to work! Spray Vitamins are 90% more effective than pills! Vitamist helps put your body back into balance to heal itself! Email: LSVitamist@yahoo.com, www.VitaMistHealthy.com, 845-489-0970 2. Deborah Weaver – Isagenix Independent Associate and Cleanse Coach, Deborah Weaver Inc. Bookkeeping Services, & Independent Viridian Associate. Isagenix ~ The Price Of Health Never Looked Or Tasted So Good. Isagenix ~ A Solutions based company ~ All Organic, NonGMO products Nutrition Systems that brings your body back into balance whether you need to lose weight, gain weight, enhance performance or just want to feel better and have more vim & vigor. deborahweaverinc@hvc. rr.com, www.deborahweaver.isagenix.com, (845) 224.5050
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