! January 18, 2015 7KH%DSWLVPRIWKH/RUG Parish Staff Pastor Parochial Vicar Deacon Deacon Deacon Deacon Pastoral Associate/ Christian Service Business Manager Financial Asst. Parish Secretary/Coord Technology/ Liturgy Fr. Burt Absalon Fr. Johnson Lopez Mr. Hans Rokus Mr. Louis Barone Mr. James Devona Mr. William Johnston Mrs. JoAnne Sieck Mrs. Tara Kaufmann Mrs. JoAnn Lenart Mrs. Jenny Dwyer Secretary of Hispanic Min St. Mary School Principal St. Mary School Secretary Superintendent of Marian Central Catholic H.S. R.E. Director R.E. Secretaries Music Director/Keyboard Keyboard Player General Maintenance Facilities Engineer Mrs. Maricela Dueñas Mr. Frank Shields Mrs. Kathy Stanger Mr. Thomas Landers Mrs. Diane O’Donnell Mrs. Pam Elsinger Mr. Fred Wackenhut Mrs. Barbara Klein Mrs. Imelda Salgado Mr. Jim Andrews To You From the Pastor Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The Church holds Christmas as the second most sacred celebration after Easter. Liturgically, Christmas refers to the memorial of Christ’s Nativity and His early manifestations which include His baptism as an adult. Thus, today’s Feast, The Baptism of the Lord, is still part of the Christmas celebration, although it concludes it. We are so used to thinking of Jesus only as an infant during the Season that we don’t often think of His adult image as part of Christmas. In fact, all the daily Gospel readings, from last Sunday’s Feast of Epiphany to this Sunday, are adult images of Jesus, portraying different qualities of His person in order to reveal what kind of God who became man He is in relation to us. Those portrayed images of Jesus are called His Epiphanies or His manifestations. They answer the question posed in the famous carol, “What Child is this?” The ultimate answer to the same question is now given in today’s feast; given not just by prophets or sages but by God the Father Himself: “This is my beloved Son…Listen to Him.” On that note, Christmas is concluded and we are now asked to listen to the beloved Son of the Father and follow Him. The Feast of Baptism of the Lord enables us to reflect on our own baptism. It is said that our baptism is the most important day of our Christian life. It is rightfully so because at our baptism we are made sharers of the life of Christ. Baptism unites us with Jesus in the most intimate manner, bringing us into the family of God with the right to call God our Father. St. Paul said “Are you unaware that we who are baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? …So that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might live in newness of life.” (Romans 6:3-4). In other words, as baptized people we need to exude a certain confidence that does not come from human strength and power but from the life that we share in baptism. It is because the life of Jesus does not end in death but in the newness of life. It does not end in defeat but in victory. Our confidence is grounded in our belief that bad things do not have the last say. We are meant to overcome all the odds that come our way through Him whose life we share. Although we were baptized some time ago, our baptism is not an event of the past but an ever present reality, a constant and an on-going sharing in the life of the Risen Christ. Also at baptism the spirit of God takes possession of us in a very special way, to direct and guide us in the footsteps of Christ. Baptism configured us onto Christ who is Priest, Prophet and King. As people configured onto Him and made sharers of His life, we too are to live out our priestly, prophetic, and kingly vocations in coming closer every day to God in worship and prayer and to be helpers in Christ’s work of saving the world. As priests we are to offer prayers to God, especially intercessory prayers. (That is, praying not for oneself but for others and for the world). As prophets, we are to proclaim and teach the faith, especially to the ones within the sphere of our influence. We are to announce the Good News and denounce evil. As kings we are called to govern and order the affairs of those who count on our leadership in such as way that they are helped to fulfill God’s will for them. As kings, we are called to be servants of God in our sphere of living and to make our world a better place. Happy Baptism Day of the Lord! Sincerely Yours In Christ, Fr. Burt Absalon, Pastor !"|"6W0DU\3DULVKĊ:RRGVWRFN,OOLQRLV" 6WRULHVRI)DLWK 5HDGLQJVIRUWKH:HHN RI-DQXDU\ ! Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Heb 1:1-6/Mk 1:14-20 Heb 2:5-12/Mk 1:21-28 Heb 2:14-18/Mk 1:29-39 Heb 3:7-14/Mk 1:40-45 Heb 4:1-5, 11/Mk 2:1-12 Heb 4:12-16/Mk 2:13-17 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19/1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20/ Jn 1:35-42 Our Parish Goal: $121,280 Our Pledges: $61,289 Pledges Needed: $59,991 # of Families 2,719 Current Donors: 202 % Participation 7.4% ! ! ! ! will go to 1st Way Next weekend our tithe ! Pregnancy Support Services and Informed Choices Pregnancy & Parenting. Report as of Actual Budget 1/6/2015 Year to Date $434,295 $454,248 Weekend Offerings Weekend Offering $15,075 $16,824 for 1/4/2015 Weekend of 1/4/2015 Sunday collection E-Giving Guardian Angel St. Vincent de Paul $15,075 $130 $635 Difference % ($19,953) -4.4% ($1,749) -10.4% “For it is in giving that we receive.” St. Francis of Assisi I caught a radio interview with the new Archbishop of Chicago, Blase Cupich. He said a few things which inspired my New Year’s goal-setting. The whole interview can be found at relevantradio.com (Morning Air, Audio Archives, Hour 1 of Dec. 23). In his first few weeks in Chicago, the Archbishop visited prisons, served meals at a soup kitchen on Thanksgiving Day, and on Dec. 22, he conducted burial services for 19 abandoned people whose identities were unknown. The interviewer asked about how we can get over the fear of going to the poor. The Archbishop answered, “It is important to go to where the poor are rather than distance them from the ordinary life of the church. I was taken by the example of a young couple [I met at the soup kitchen.] They told me they were there to help, as a way of preparing themselves for their wedding day on the following Saturday… I thought that was a terrific witness… There is something very unique about actually doing the work, because you make sure that any alienation that is present in people who feel that their lives are unimportant, evaporates when you see them face to face. And I intend to do more of that, to keep my own spiritual life very fresh.” When asked, what can we do to get out of our spiritual comfort zones, the Archbishop answered, “It takes conversion. It is the matter of whether or not we believe that Christ is risen and active in our midst... We have to ask ourselves, is the Lord doing something new in my life, or did I get to a place where I say I’ve been there, done that… I have served on too many committees, I’ve given enough… I’ve forgiven enough... Are we able to see that the Lord is calling us to something new every day?” At times, I’ve been advised to set goals on what I want to have, to do, and to be. I never realized there were 3 kinds of goals. Since I tend to be a workaholic, I always set goals to do things; I thought that was the only kind of goal there was. Have, do, be. Listening to the Archbishop, I realized he was talking mostly about goals for being; being a witness by giving people your presence. Listen to the Lord and be prepared for surprises. (Surprise! The God who calls Himself “I AM” cares more about be than have or do.) For me, that means I’m going to think about which items I should take off my to-do list in order to just be with my husband and daughter. Please share some of your stories of conversion moments, large or small! Email them to disciples@stmarywoodstock.org. We can print your story anonymously if you want. 6W0DU\3DULVKĊ:RRGVWRFN,OOLQRLV_! 6SHFLDO5HOLJLRXV'HYHORSPHQW635(' ,QIRUPDWLRQDO0HHWLQJ Join us, at St. Mary’s Catholic Church of Huntley, to learn more about the Special Religious Development (SPRED) program. Prospective families, catechists and interested church personnel are all invited to attend. SPRED is a beautiful ministry for people with special needs and/or disabilities. We affirm the dignity of each person as an essential member of the church and child of God. SPRED is offered worldwide as a means for special needs people to experience faith using a unique approach. Catechists and friends grow together in faith. Set in a relaxed and beautiful context the process is comfortable, experiential and relational. The meeting is on Monday, January 19, at 7 pm in the bride’s room at St. Mary’s Catholic Church of Huntley. If you have questions, please contact Deb LaPorte at 630-945-7586 or spred.rfd@gmail.com. “To change the world we must be good to those who cannot repay us.” Pope Francis 0D\VODNH0LQLVWULHV2IIHULQJV Mayslake is a non-profit Catholic/Christian organization where ordinary, gifted people are doing the extraordinary work of God in person and online. They are at 718 Ogden Ave, Suite 200, Downer’s Grove, IL 60515, 630852-9000. Their website is www.mayslakeministries.org. 5HWUHDW3URJUDPIRU)LUVW5HVSRQGHUV Do you find God’s presence in the daily work of law enforcement? Do you see God’s face in the people you serve in the fire service? Join us for an evening of confidential sharing and reflection. First responders are trained in addressing the dangers in society and the immediate needs of city residents. Rarely do we “check in” with ourselves and address the needs of self. 3 John 1:2 “ I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.” This program will engage you in honest conversation about obstacles and challenges that come with the title of First Responders and the Christian’s response to these obstacles and challenges in efforts of seeking a holistic wellbeing. DATES: Tuesday, 1/13/15 and Tuesday, 2/17/15 TIME/LOCATION: 6:30-9:00 pm Maple Park UMC 11705 S. Elizabeth Chicago, IL !"!#$ !|!6W0DU\3DULVKĊ:RRGVWRFN,OOLQRLV! FACILITATORS: Chaplains: Fr. Dan Brandt and Kimberly Lewis-Davis COST: $20.00 0HQ V6LOHQW5HWUHDW Retreats have always been associated with quiet, some more than others. This retreat offered by Mayslake Ministries is all about quiet: its value; how to achieve it; and as an extended experience throughout the weekend. Come join us as we train our hearts solely on the Word of God, and nothing else. Date: January 16-18, 2015 7pm Friday-noon Sunday (check-in after 5 pm) Location: Cardinal Stritch Retreat House 1000 E. Maple Mundelein, IL 60060 Cost: $275.00 :RPHQ V0RUQLQJRI5HIOHFWLRQ ZLWK/HH:RRGUXII Life can change in an instant – throwing us off-course and in a direction for which we are not prepared. We’re suddenly challenged to find an inner strength to survive and move forward. It is at these moments we sometimes discover a spirit within ourselves that helps us down a path of unexpected self-discovery, hope and healing. Join us for a Women’s Morning of Renewal as Lee Woodruff, author and CBS reporter, shares the wisdom and inspiration she learned along her own remarkable and difficult journey. One minute Lee seemed to have it all – a happy marriage, four beautiful children and a successful career. Her life turned upside down when her husband Bob, the newly appointed co-anchor of ABC’s “World News Tonight”, was severely wounded in a roadside bomb attack in Iraq. Engaging, heartfelt and candid, Lee reminds all of us that nothing is stronger than the courage gained through love and hope. Our morning will also include time for participants to reflect on and share their own stories of challenges and healing. A special event for women, this day is devoted to listening, sharing and inspiring each other to find our inner spirits and discover our own paths as we navigate through these perfectly, imperfect lives. Optional 8:30 am Mass Tau Center 26W171 Roosevelt Road, Wheaton, IL 60187 REGISTER BY JANUARY 17 Online by clicking the link at the bottom of this page By phone at 630-852-9000 Presented in partnership by Mayslake Ministries and Tau Center !"#$%&'#($)(#*+$,#-./'-$ 0RQGD\-DQXDU\ZDVWKHUHWXUQRIWKH6DLQW0DU\VWXGHQWVDIWHUWKHLU&KULVW PDVEUHDN,DVNHG0DGLVRQSLFWXUHGRQWKHOHIWIURP0UV/DQGHUVFODVVZKDWKHU IDYRULWHJLIWWKDWVKHUHFHLYHGRYHUWKHEUHDNZDVDQGVKHVDLG³DVWDEOHIRUKHU KRUVHV´ ,DOVRSRVHGWKHVDPHTXHVWLRQVWRWKUHHVWJUDGHVWXGHQWVLQWKHSLFWXUHRQWKH ULJKWDQGWKH\H[FLWHGO\VKDUHGZLWKPH'RQQ\H[FODLPHG³,JRWDGDUWJXQ´DQG VKRZHGPHKRZELJLWZDVZLWKKLVZLQJVSDQ1H[W$OO\VZHHWO\VKRZHGKHUFURVV QHFNODFHDQGVDLGLWFDPHIURPKHU$XQW0DU\/DVWO\$XGUH\¶VIDYRULWHJLIWZDVD SLQNVOHGDQGSURXGO\VDLGLWZDVDOOKHUVEHFDXVH³SLQN´ZDVQRWKHUEURWKHU¶VFRORU % " - Come play with us on the 2nd and 4th Mondays from 1-3 pm in the St. Joseph Center. We hope that everyone enjoyed the Christmas Season. We still have reusable bags for our families. Our hope is that each household will take and use three. This is a wonderful way to evangelize. We hope to encourage others with our example and this is great subtle tool to catch their attention. So be sure to use your bag and don’t be shy. *+, Our meetings are the first and third Thursdays of each month starting at 7:30 pm in the St. Joseph Center Basement. The meetings are open to any Catholic man over 18 years of age. &%'() The men’s club will be serving up a breakfast of pancakes and eggs on Sunday, January 25, from 8:30— 12:00 pm. All are welcome to come down to Egan Hall for this event. ! Koen Axelson, child of Tobin & Sarah Axelson. ! Uriel Jasso-Gonzalez, child of Uriel & Maria Angeles Jasso. Please pray for them and their families as they continue on their journey of faith and learn to know and love God. / Please consider one of these open hours: Adorers Needed Monday at 12 am (every other wk) & 6 pm (every other wk) Tuesday at 5 am, 11 am, 12 pm, & 1 pm Wednesday at 12 am (every other wk) & 3 am Thursday at 7 am, 12 pm, 3 pm & 11 pm Friday at 2 am Saturday at 6 pm Sunday at 5 am & 11 pm Hour coordinator 1 am & 7 pm Division leaders midnight to 6 am. To fill one of these openings, call: Bob & Donna Kovarik at (815) 814-2914. !|!6W0DU\3DULVKĊ:RRGVWRFN,OOLQRLV! .!"/0" $ LET EVERY LIFE SHINE! Saturday, January 17, 2015, 1:00 pm Unite to bear witness to the 42nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade. At 1:00 pm, gather in St. Theresa Church (455 S. Benton, Palatine) for songs, three inspirational speakers, and prayer led by Bishop Rassas. Process down the sidewalk of Northwest Hwy, with beautiful life-affirming signs to the plaza at Hicks (1/2 mile) to share the love of LIFE. At 2:15 pm, rally at the plaza with Joe Scheidler, Pro-Life Action League, for more songs, speakers, and prayer. FREE hot drinks, hot dogs, and sweets back at St. Theresa following the march (courtesy of the Knights of Columbus and Ladies Auxiliary). FREE “Precious Feet” scarves for the first 500 people. Balloons for the children! Contact: Maria Goldstein, 847-651-4877, nwfl526@gmail.com www.NorthWestFamiliesforLife.weebly.com Sponsored by St.Theresa/St.Thomas Respect Life, NorthWest Families for Life, and local churches. /1" Please join us Thursday, January 22 at 7:30 in the church for a Living Rosary, bell tolling and Benediction to mark the anniversary of the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion in all 9 months of pregnancy. All prayers are provided and children are welcome to participate. 45/4/067 $ We will be meeting on Jan. 17 in the St. Joseph Center Basement. Year two is now underway. All men in our parish are welcome to join us. Year one is not a prerequisite for year two. Doors open at 5:45 am and video starts at 6:15 am. Adjourn by 7:30 am. Come and check it out. If you would like a wake-up call, let Jerry Smith know and he will be glad to call. We have room for 70 men but only 40 show up. Over 500 parishes will be running this dynamic men’s program this year. Want to know more? Call Jerry Smith 815-338-9434 or e-mail at jerrysmith@owc.net Check out the program at www.thatmanisyou.org. Please keep our students, chaperones and priests in your prayers as they travel east to Washington, DC for the March for Life next week. We are happy to be sending our 8th grade students from here at St. Mary School. Fr. Burt will travel with them. This is an annual trip for our 8th graders. They get a chance to see some sights while they are there as well as attend Mass at the Basilica. / St. Mary Men's Club’s 13th annual Smoker will be held February 7, 2015. The guest speaker is ESPN Radio 1000 and 10-year NFL veteran, John "Jurko" Jurkovic. For additional information and ticket purchases, go to St Mary’s web page or type in this link https://sites.google.com/a/stmarywoodstock.org/mens-club/announcements/13th. For additional questions you can contact Kevin Kirwan (847)370-1748 or Kurt Taylor (815)703-6994. $3& We will be having our annual training for Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers on Tuesday, January 13, and Wednesday, January 14, at 7:30 pm. You can attend either session (you don’t have to do both). We will conduct a review for the current volunteers and train the new. Please come to one of the meetings. Thank you for helping during the Masses by sharing your talents. + Our Religious Education classes resume this Wednesday, January 14, at 4 pm and 6:30 pm. The catechists had an in-service last week which extended their Christmas break from classes. Donate your used car to the St. Vincent de Paul National Vehicle Donation program! Your used car can become money for food, rent, or medicine for the poor right here in Woodstock. It’s easy: call (800) 322-8284 or go online to www.SVDPUSA.com &1 Where your investment in education pays dividends in: faith formation, character development and academic success. Be prepared for high school and for the future with an excellent academic foundation and the support of our dedicated teachers and staff. Come to our open house. All prospective families looking for an excellent, comprehensive preschool through eighth grade Catholic education are invited to attend. Learn about our excellent school and meet our teachers and school families. Our open house is Sunday, January 25, from 10 am—12 pm. Join us for 9 am Mass in the church, pancake breakfast in Egan Hall (cafeteria) from 10 am—12 pm. School tours are available during this time as well as classroom activities. Registration opens to families who are not currently enrolled starting February 1. Registration fees increase starting March 1. Financial Aid applications are due no later then March 1. If you are unable to attend the Open House on January 25, please call 815-3383598 to schedule a tour with Principal Frank Shields. 0 2 Across from the Mass Coordinator’s Desk in the Church entrance, is a book for anyone to write prayer needs. The Loving Spirit Prayer Ministry prays directly to Jesus, Our Lord, who sits at the right hand of God ever interceding for us. If you would like to join these prayer warriors, they meet on Tuesdays at 10:30 am in the Conway Center. Come join them whenever you can! God Bless! If we meet and you forget me, you have lost nothing; but if you meet JESUS CHRIST and forget Him, you have lost everything. ! 19/4 / &+ St. Mary School is a Catholic grade school serving children in preschool to eighth grade. This school stresses the Catholic faith, an excellent academic foundation, and a well-rounded variety of extra-curricular activities including sports, music, theater, and student council activities. View more details on the St. Mary School website. If you are interested in a personalized tour of the school or answers to questions, contact the principal, Frank Shields at 815-338-3598. 8% 3% Join us on Monday, February 2, at 7:30 pm for a “Vigil of Life”. Through the rosary and benediction, we will pray that human life, at every stage, be protected and nurtured. Women wishing to receive a blessing because they are pregnant, are trying to become pregnant, or wish to adopt can do so at this time. “[T]he courage and grace shown by those women who choose life—in the face of fear, uncertainty, parental or partner intimidation, seemingly insurmountable odds—make them today's heroes. They are joined by the many who counsel, support and nurture them both before and after the birth of their child. Such self-giving love…is powerfully transformative of mother, of child, of families, of cultures.” 2013-2014 Respect Life Program (USCCB), Erika Bachiochi, Esq., “Life Matters: Roe Plus 40” " # John the Baptist said “I have baptized you with water; he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit”. Invite the Holy Spirit into your marriage. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are January 23-25, 2015 in Brookfield, WI; February 6-8 in Crystal Lake, IL and March 6-8 in Madison, WI. Early registration is highly recommended. For more information visit our website at: alifetimeoflove.org or call (888) 574-5653. For a fin de semana en Espanol in Chicago on Feb. 20-22; June 5-7 or Sept. 4-6, contact Andres y Maria at 630-229-2600. - :+ In accord with Diocese of Rockford’s mandate that every employee and volunteer who works with children within parish schools, parish school athletics, religious education and youth ministry programs be trained to recognize and properly act upon allegation and incidence of abuse, training is available online at www.ceorockford.org/Ed/. If you have questions, contact the school or parish office. :H3UD\IRUWKRVHZKRKDYHGLHGLQ&KULVW Please pray for the repose of the souls of our departed brothers and sisters, especially those who have died this past week. /LIHKDVFKDQJHGQRWHQGHG !"#$%&'#()%#*+),"#-+)#&%"#.//0## Please pray for the Lord’s healing to comfort the following people: Nicole Andrews Lou Barone Joseph Borst Kathy Boseo Dorothea Caffrey Dominic Campoli Kristen Carlstedt Steve Carrion Evelyn Donagalski Lily Farej Catherine Gotham Diane Graske Shane Hammertree Ann Holtman Xavier Hope Jim Johnston Margie Kersten Mary Klocek-Gillis Dorothy Kohl JoAnna Krueger Bill Larsen Alan Marshall Elaine Marshall Matt Marcheschi Patricia McCaleb Bill Morris Joanne Mosley Harlene Parks Kathleen Peiffer Rose Potje Jameson Powers Kyle Riordan Judy Ray John Schleehauf Klaus Schubert Evelyn Stanek Virginia Stefanik Jim & Della Taylor Kaitlyn Teeters Rose C. Verga Mary Lou Wett Chester Zyskowski And any others we may have missed. | Dody Beringer Charles Brenneman Helen Caprio Thomas Cooney Mario Pizzo Ferrato Chester Grubba Agnes Hess Kathleen Howell Robert Kieser Helen Kostenko Joan Laschen Mary Ann Mass R.B. McCallister Christine Musiel Anita Perez Lumina Regalado Susan Reeb Mimi Schuette Patrick Sullivan Bill Thornton Lori White Robert Bangiorno Joe Burg Carol Carlisle Kay Denoiyer Mary Franks Dorothy Grubba Jean Hess Mary Huinker Debbie Kirchhardt Mary Lou Kozar Courtney Lee Stella Matthews Karen Mencotti Odette Musiel Kathleen Phalen Gaelen Ring Lynn Ryan Alan Sendzik Patricia Tampa Dennis Tonge Phyllis Wood Dolores Borst Harriet Bystricky Greta Carlisle Victoria R. Dewey Julia Garrison George Haegler Tony Heyworth Wilma Johnson Matt Kischuk Helen Kristensen Michael Manczko Martin Matzelle Owen Meredith Margaret Niemyjski Terry Pirro Sam Ring Gay Schaaf David Stack Patricia Tauchen Kathie Tretnik Joey Worzala -DQXDU\ Monday, 7:30 am Tuesday, 7:30 am 8:40 am Wednesday, 7:30 am Thursday, 7:30 am 6:00 pm Friday, 7:30 am Saturday, 7:30 am 5:00 pm 6:30 pm Sunday, 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 pm 5:00 pm 7+(:((.$+($'« Monday, 1/12 †Jaena Absalon (Joyce & Norm Streveler) †Barbara Howe (Jane & Michelle) †Olga Catherine Wagner (School) †Joy Mathai (Mary Mangatt) $0 30 30 30 30 30 $UW(QYLURQPHQW6-% %ULGJH&OXE6-& $IWHU+RXUV&DUH( %DQG$ /HJLRQRI0DU\&0 (QJOLVK$V$6HFRQG/DQJXDJH7/ Tuesday, 1/13 †Eileen Winters (St. Mary Parish) †Intention of Donor †Gail Strathman (Cathy & Jim Klocek) †Dec Mem of Dennis Hurley Family †Charlotte Sobczyk (St. Mary Parish) †Intention of Donor †Leonard O’Leary & †Agnes Hinderlider †Larry & Shirley Dhom (Baseggio Family) People of the Parish †Jose Avila Galvez, †Ignacio Avila Galvez & †Jessica M. Avila †Mary Catherine Erland & †Louise Miller -DQXDU\ Servers Monday, Tuesday 7:30 AM Wednesday, Thursday 2$ 7:30 AM 1#(1 ( 0 $/ 7:30 PM $ ". -+ ( Friday, , $'#$ 7:30 AM *) + ' ) ( &' Saturday, #$% 7:30 AM !" 5:00 PM Sunday, 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 5:00 PM Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Saturday, 5:00 PM J. Parker, Deacon, N. Abando, J. Lenart, S. Gena, S. Hill, M. Abando Sunday, 7:30 AM B. Schommer, S. Reis, E. Grechis 9:00 AM E. Herff, Deacon, R. Kenyon, P. Pecoraro, C. White, L. Keller, F. Beaudoin, J. Huinker 10:30 AM E. Miranda, T. Loizzo, L. Huckstaedt 5:00 PM A. Virzi, Deacon Bill, A. Kaufmann Lector Saturday, 5:00 PM R. Reinert Sunday, 7:30 AM J. Schommer, P. Kerr-Reis 9:00 AM T. Burg, T. Keller 10:30 AM M. Harrison, A. Matthes 5:00 PM A. Jandernoa Ministers of Hospitality Saturday, 5:00 pm J. Cole, B. Littner, J. Littner Sunday, 7:30 am R. Hauck, H. Schneider, R. Stolarczyk, R. Howell 9:00 am J. McCarthy, A. Virzi, R. Bock, S. Canty 10:30 am B. Kovarik, R. Krause, B. Morris, C. Gilliland 5:00 pm Volunteers $0 $0 $0 $0 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 $UW(QYLURQPHQW6-% 6FKRRO0DVV&+ +RPH6FKRRO$VVRFLDWLRQ6-& 3UD\HU*URXS&0 $IWHU+RXUV&DUH( 'DLV\*LUO6FRXWV6-% $GXOW&KRLU6- (QJOLVK$V$6HFRQG/DQJXDJH7/ -3&7HDP0WJ6-& %XLOGLQJV*URXQGV&0 5LJKWWR/LIH&RPPLWWHH6-% /HFWRU([WUDRUGLQDU\7UQJ&+ Wednesday, 1/14 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 30 30 30 30 5HFRQFLOLDWLRQ&+ 6FKRRO0DVV&KRLU6-% &RIIHH%DU6-& WK*UDGH6SDQLVK&ODVV6-% :RPHQ V:HG0RUQLQJ%LEOH6WXG\&&%05 0LGGOH6FKRRO&KXUFK&KRLU3UDFWLFH&+ $IWHU+RXUV&DUH( 5HOLJLRXV(GXFDWLRQ$// 5HOLJLRXV(GXFDWLRQ&+-5+,*+6-%7/ /HFWRU([WUDRUGLQDU\7UQJ&+ Thursday, 1/15 $0 $0 30 30 30 30 30 30 WKJUDGH6SDQLVK&ODVV6-% 6FKRHQVWDWW3UD\HU*URXS6-% $IWHU+RXUV&DUH( %DQG$ +LVSDQLF&RQILUPDWLRQ-5-56-& 5HFRQFLOLDWLRQ6SDQLVK&+ &XE6FRXWV( .QLJKWVRI&ROXPEXV6-% Friday, 1/16 $0 $0 30 30 30 6FKRRO0DVV&KRLU6-% 5HFRQFLOLDWLRQ&+ $IWHU+RXUV&DUH( 6SDQLVK1DWXUDO)DPLO\3ODQQLQJ6-% +LVSDQLF6W&HFLOLD&KRLU6- Saturday, 1/17 $0 $0 $0 30 30 30 30 30 7KDW0DQ,V<RX6-% 5HFRQFLOLDWLRQ&+ &XE6FRXWV( :HGGLQJ&+ -RYHQHV3DUD&ULVWR6-% 5HFRQFLOLDWLRQ&+ 5HFRQFLOLDWLRQ6SDQLVK&+ 1D]DUHWK7/ Sunday, 1/18 $0 30 30 &RQILUPDWLRQ&ODVV-5-5 -RQDF<RXQJ$GXOW6-% <RXWK0LQLVWU\6-% Facilities Key: A-Auditorium, CM1 - Conway Center 1st Floor Conference Room, CCB-MR - Conway Center Basement Meeting Room, CH - Church, CHOSA - Hispanic Ministry Center, CREL-All Elementary Classrooms, E-Egan Hall, EART-Elementary Art Room, ESF-Elementary School Foyer, G-Gym, JRHIGH-Jr. High School, KCROOM-Knights of Columbus Room, KIT-School Kitchen, PKINGChurch Parking Lot, PLAY-School Playground, SJCH-St Joseph Center Adoration Chapel, SJB-St. Joseph Center Basement, SJC-St. Joseph Center, SJ201 - St. Joseph Classroom 201, SJN-St. Joseph Center Nursery, TL-Teachers’ Lounge. ! +#+ Monday through Saturday............................ 7:30 am Thursday....................................6:00 pm (en Español) Tuesday School Mass (September-May).......8:40 am 312 Lincoln Avenue, Woodstock, IL 60098 Hours: Monday-Friday.................8:00 am - 4:00 pm Parish Office.......................................815-338-3377 Fax...................................................... 815-338-3497 Religious Education.......................... 815-338-3413 Business Manager’s Office…............815-338-0223 " Saturday.................5:00 pm, 6:30 pm (en Español) Sunday...................7:30, 9:00 & 10:30 am, 12 Noon (en Español), 5:00 pm Wednesday...........7:00 - 7:25 am Thursday...............5:00 - 5:55 pm Friday.....................8:00 - 8:30 am Saturday................8:00 - 8:30 am 4:00 - 4:45 pm, 6:00 pm (en Español) or by appointment by calling (815) 338-3377. Para Español llamar al (815) 338-3377. Please note that during Lent and Advent there will be additional confession times scheduled and will be published on pages 6 or 7 of this bulletin. "# $ Project Rachel Referral Svc. 815-877-LIFE or 1-800-5WECARE 1 313 N. Tryon Street, Woodstock, IL 60098 Office.................................................. 815-338-3598 Fax...................................................... 815-338-3408 %&'('$ ++5 ! "#$% Office.................................................. 815-338-4220 Fax...................................................... 815-338-4253 '($ "#( ()$ 1-800-848-LOVE Nurturing Network 1-800-TNN-4MOM Catholic Charities 1-800-759-7626 Pager #3178 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS, INC. Michael Thomas, O.D. Imran Ali, O.D. Carl Schnulle, President 815-568-6508 P.O. Box 39, Woodstock 815-337-6600 www.tbh.guru 815.245.6669 Support Our Advertisers Check the ads on this page before you check the yellow pages or the internet. Contact Jeff Tkachuk to place an ad today! JTkachuk@4LPi.com or (800) 950-9952 x2513 Majercik Physical Therapy Joe Majercik Physical Therapist Bill Moerschbaecher Physical Therapist 815.337.7410 • 201 Throop St. General Dentistry 226 Washington St. Woodstock, IL 815/338-8155 FOR AD INFO CALL JEFF TKACHUK 1-800-876-4574 WWW.4LPi.COM ST. MARY, WOODSTOCK C 2C 01-0411 12-31-2014 09:57:14 Pattie Bredehorst Schneider-Leucht Merwin-Cooney Funeral Home 1211 Seminary Ave. 338-1710 Owner Tel: 815-363-3910 Cell: 815-347-7267 “Quality Building Supplies” 338-0075 Gummerson Rausch Wand Lee Wombacher, LLC Attorneys at Law Practicing law in personal injury, worker’s compensation, criminal, family, corporate, real estate, zoning, general litigation, estate planning, probate and medical malpractice defense. 101 S. Benton Street, Suite 201 Woodstock, lllinois 60098 Licensed, Bonded & Insured Residential Commercial Industrial JOHN BARGER, President 815-338-6317 bze le c t ric a l.c om Ph: 815.337.7700 • Fax: 815.337.7990 CONDOMINIUM & TOWNHOME MGMT. HOWE Real Estate Services 333 E. Jackson St. 815-337-1656 *Certified Teachers *All Ages–Pre-K to adult *Reading *Math *Writing *Study Skills *Summer Camps * Homework Help *Algebra/Geometry *ACT Prep Mon-Sat 6am to 10pm • Sun 6am to 9pm (815) 337-8230 1110 N. Seminary Ave. (Rt. 47) Woodstock Par Parking Lot Services Maintenance Company, Inc. Mai • Sealcoating • Hot Pour Crackfilling • Asphalt Repair • Asphalt Paving Since 1974 plsmaintenance.com Toll Free#: 815.206.3066 Member of Woodstock, Marengo, Harvard & Crystal Lake Chamber of Commerece Charles “Joe” Watson 815-482-2500 cjwbuilders@hotmail.com 1101 N. Jefferson St. • Harvard, IL mchenrysylvan@sbcglobal.net 105 Van Buren St. Woodstock 815-338-5400 (815) 568-6311 www.JudeSchmidtCustomConst.com Kevin Kirwan Heating, Cooling, Plumbing and Water Heaters Kevin Kirwan Insurance Agency gency Woodstock Auto • Home • Life • Business Workers’ Compensation 24 Hour Service 316 S. Main St., Wauconda, IL 60084-1985 815-337-4200 Ashley Ryan, LMT ReEnergize Massage Therapy 105 N Jefferson Street Woodstock IL 60098 815-338-4082 kkirwan@farmersagent.com Donahue Furniture 1345 S. Eastwood Dr. (Rte 47) Woodstock, IL 60098 www.donahuefurn.com 815.338.1086 815-790-5785 JENSEN’S PLUMBING Francis X. Gosser Attorney At Law & HEATING LIC# 058-109471 For All Your Commercial & Residential Needs 670 E. Calhoun (815) 338-1936 www.jensenph.com HOMES • ADDITIONS • POLE BARNS LIGHT COMMERCIAL PRE-ENGINEERED METAL BUILDINGS 1759 N. Richmond Rd. • McHenry, IL 60050 CJW Builders, Inc. Commercial Build-Outs Home Remodeling • Decks Roofing • Siding & More Jude Schmidt Custom Construction Trucking • Excavating Ready Mix Concrete 21816 Railroad St. • Marengo, IL 815-568-5695 • Weddings • Pets • Children Graduations • Senior • Family Groups • Photos Restored • Special Events dewanestudio@dewanestudio. com 220 Main St., Woodstock, IL 60098 815-338-1880 • DeWaneStudio.com Wayne’s COUNTRY MARKET RODGER & BARB BRANDT • HOMEMADE BRATS • CHOICE STEAKS & MEATS • BEEF HALVES • DELI ITEMS • CATERING • WILD GAME PROCESSING • FRIDAY NIGHT FISH FRY 801 W. GRANT HWY. DR. ROBERT J. WOLF Family Eye Care Prescriptions Filled 206 N. Madison • 338-7810 568-2728 www.wolfoptometriccenter.com Delaware Electric Company, Inc. ELECTRICAL • GENERATORS • SOLAR FULLY LICENSED & BONDED (815) 338-3139 JMH CHIMNEY CHIMNEY & FIREPLACE SALES & SERVICES 815-338-4140 Cosmetic Dentistry • Laser Detection Of Cavities P.O. Box 638 Woodstock, IL 60098 Rebuilds, Relines, Repointing Repairs, Restorations Inspections per the NFPA, Sweeps Robert Haraden, DDS David Lee, DDS Over 30 years of experience 338-0690 661 S. Eastwood Drive • Woodstock, IL 60098 RALPH GUNDERSON PLUMBING, INC. Septic Pumping & Repair 815-653-7806 Where The Owners Answer The Phone! • LICENSED & INSURED • EMERGENCY SERVICE AVAILABLE IN MOST CASES WONDER LAKE, IL DFI Floor Works Inc. Zoia Monument Co. Zo Family Owned Over 124 Years 222 Washington Woodstock, IL 815-338-0358 Marengo 815-568-6573 Ceramic Tile • Stone • Vinyl • Wood 15315 Saint Patrick Road Woodstock, IL 60098 Dale Freund 25+ Years Experience Phone: 815-353-1768 • Fax: 815-338-3080 E-Mail: dfifloor@stans.com Network • Windows Wind • Do Doors • Cabi Cabinets 14 1401 S. Eastwood (Rt. 47), Woodstock 815-338-8900 www.blueribbonmillwork.com Copy • Scan • Print Since 1960 (815) 338-0549 Woodstock www.stans.com Internet Solutions Business Solutions BOTTS WELDING & TRUCK SERVICE, INC. Truck Safety Inspection 815-338-0594 335 N. Eastwood Dr. (Rt. 47) Woodstock, IL 60098 FOR AD INFO CALL JEFF TKACHUK 1-800-876-4574 Contact Jeff Tkachuk to place an ad today! JTkachuk@4LPi.com or (800) 950-9952 x2513 WWW.4LPi.COM ST. MARY, WOODSTOCK B 2C 01-0411 12-31-2014 09:57:14 Over 100 Years of Family Roofing & Experience PETERS MOTORS Doug Charles 847.707.0831 Fax: 815-337-7139 Woodstock, IL Residential & Commercial COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE DOMESTIC & FOREIGN HAIRCUTS, UPDOS, & PERMS OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 11607 Catalpa Ln., Woodstock ASE Certified • Member ASC • Major Credit Cards Accepted (815) 337-0014 13712 Washington, Woodstock 338-2886 Near Car Wash & Across Lake Ave. from Wal-Mart DAVENPORT FAMILY FUNERAL HOMES & CREMATORY Visit Davenportfamily.com for prices and services 419 E. Terra Cotta Ave., Crystal Lake All Natural Frozen Yogurt & Smoothies 124 Cass St. • Woodstock www.yofreshyogurtcafe.com 10% off with coupon • Extensive Line of Bakery Delights • Deli • Wedding Cakes • Special Occasions 122 N. Benton, Woodstock 338-0414 • Harvard: 943-7282 swissmaidbakery.com 815-459-3411 David D. Janes, DDS Gentle Excellence For Your Family’s Dental Care 210 N. Madison Woodstock, IL 60098 815-338-7569 Compliments of ROSA’S CLEANING SERVICE NEW TO VOLO!! orthern Illinois Funeral Services, Inc Residential and Small Business Cleaning Service FULL SERVICE FUNERAL HOME WITH AFFORDABLE RATES 31632 N. Ellis Drive, Unit 209, Volo, IL 60073 847-833-2928 Cathy Daniel Jim Klocek Funeral Director & Owner Commercial - Home - Auto - Life - Health “We take Pride in Serving Our Families With Dignity Since 2000” www.marsinsurance.com 815-459-0711 Free Estimates Fully Insured “Clean as a freshly cut rose” Rosa Cruz 815-404-0742 815-404-0680 Route14autoparts.com Rough Cut Tree Service LLC Herff’s Auto Service & Tire Tree Trimming Owned by Mike & Teri Herff Since 1985 Tree & Stump Removal 1390 S. Eastwood, Woodstock 815-338-3330 McHenry County Largest Buyer of Cars & Trucks in any Condition You could get up to 10% off RENOVATION EXPERTS SAVE With Used Auto Parts HOME IMPROVEMENTS • KITCHENS CUSTOM CABINETRY • ADDITIONS Woodstock, IL 815-653-2233 www.tylercolebuilders.com Henry H. Sugden III Buying Gold Attorney at law Woodstock Jewelry & Pawn Snow plowing & Fall clean ups available Call Dennis Complete Auto Repair All Services Guaranteed www.herffsautoserviceandtire.com 815-337-4502 (815) 648-2583 Quality Water Conditioning, Inc. “Quality Water is not a matter of chance. It is a matter of Choice.” 815-338-3344 • Free Estimates 815-338-2800 Open Sundays 711 Amsterdam, Woodstock 121 East Calhoun St. Madsen, Sugden & Gottemoller One N. Virginia Street Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Mon. - Fri. 10a.m. to 6:30p.m. Sat. 10a.m. to 4:30p.m. on the Woodstock Square! 815-337-2300 1-815-308-5170 www.mixinmingle.com Office 815/459-5152 www.bbwoodstock.com M.G. Services Landscaping Woodstock Dental Associates, Ltd. P.O. Box 484, Woodstock, IL 60098 Email: mg.services@rocketmail.com Melchor Gomez | 815-403-0619 • 815-276-7469 • Sod • Snow Removal • Brick Patios • Mulch • Tree Service • Lawn Maintenance • Gutter Cleaning • Retaining Walls • Ground Grooming 666 W. Jackson St. Woodstock, IL 60098 (815) 338-1138 Serving the community for over 30 years Dr. Michael J. Szurek DDS Dr. Chungyoon Ha DDS Se Habla Español Burgers, Wraps, Sandwiches, Salads, Melts & Homemade Pizza BENOY MOTOR SALES, INC. Family Owned and Operated Serving McHenry County Since 1948 CHRYSLER FIVE STAR AWARD DEALER www.benoymotors.com 1790 S. EASTWOOD DRIVE, WOODSTOCK, IL 60098 (815) 338-5100 1040 Lake Ave., Woodstock, IL 60098 815-338-MILL w w w. re d m i l l t a v e r n . c o m Crystal Lake Psychology Assessment/Psychotherapy for Adults 5911 NW Highway, Ste 204 Tacos - Burgers - Sammiches 815-527-7643 1409 S. Eastwood Dr., Woodstock, IL Yes! We Deliver! Yes! We Cater! MINI GOLF or GO-KART $6.00 For All Ages (Crystal Lake Professional Office Pavilion Bldg, Crystal Lake) www.crystallakepsychology.com Christina Rudawski, Psy.D. William W. LeFew Agency Languages: English & Ukrainian 248 N. Throop St. Woodstock IL, 60098 Bus: (815) 334-0000 wlefew@amfam.com Batting Cages • Arcade Birthday Packages 815-338-7990 Rich Toepper 815-338-9900 815-451-8793(cell) 815-893-4041(land line & Fax) rich@richsoldit.com 25 years experience Come on in for a unique shopping experience at great prices! • Boars Head Deli Serving Soups & Sandwiches • Premium Ice Cream • Grocery • Beer • Wine • Catering www.kofc.org 1411 S. Eastwood Dr. (Rt.47) Woodstock, Illinois FOR AD INFO CALL JEFF TKACHUK 1-800-876-4574 WWW.4LPi.COM BRING IN AD FOR FREE CUP OF COFFEE 4409 Greenwood Rd., Greenwood, IL 60098 (just South of Galt Airport) 815-321-0030 ST. MARY, WOODSTOCK A 4C 01-0411 12-31-2014 09:57:14
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