! November 2, 2014 $OO6RXOV'D\ Parish Staff Pastor Parochial Vicar Deacon Deacon Deacon Deacon Pastoral Associate/ Christian Service Business Manager Financial Asst. Parish Secretary/Coord Technology/ Liturgy Fr. Burt Absalon Fr. Johnson Lopez Mr. Hans Rokus Mr. Louis Barone Mr. James Devona Mr. William Johnston Mrs. JoAnne Sieck Mrs. Tara Kaufmann Mrs. JoAnn Lenart Mrs. Jenny Dwyer Secretary of Hispanic Min St. Mary School Principal St. Mary School Secretary Superintendent of Marian Central Catholic H.S. R.E. Director R.E. Secretaries Mrs. Maricela Dueñas Mr. Frank Shields Mrs. Kathy Stanger Mr. Thomas Landers Mrs. Diane O’Donnell Mrs. Pam Elsinger/ Mrs. Barb Jones Music Director/Keyboard Mr. Fred Wackenhut Keyboard Player Mrs. Barbara Klein General Maintenance Mrs. Imelda Salgado Facilities Engineer Mr. Jim Andrews To You From the Pastor Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Saturday, the 1st of November was All Saints’ Day. This year, it was not a Holy Day of Obligation, being too close to Sunday. Generally, Sunday always takes priority in the Liturgy, being the Day of the Lord. On All Saints’ Day we honor all the saints, both the known and unknown, whether canonized or not. The day commemorates all those who have attained what is called in our Catechism the beatific vision. In other words, those who now see God face to face in Heaven. The Scripture says God "dwells in unapproachable light, whom no one has even seen or can see" (1 Timothy 6:16), but when God reveals Himself to us in heaven we will then see Him face to face (1 Cor. 13:12; Matt 5:8; Ps. 17:15) This Sunday is All Souls' Day. This is the day when we commemorate our departed brothers and sisters, praying for the repose of their souls. Both All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day are based on our fundamental belief in the Communion Of Saints contained in the Creed that we profess Sunday after Sunday. Our Catholic Tradition teaches that the Church consists of three groups: the church triumphant, that is, those who are already in Heaven and are enjoying the vision of God; the church penitent, those who have died and are being purified in purgatory; and the church militant, those who are living. We believe that there is a spiritual connection among these three groups in the form of prayerful intercession for one another. We pray to the Saints in Heaven to intercede for us, to help and guide us; we pray for all the dead, especially for the suffering souls in purgatory; and in turn the Saints and those who have gone ahead of us pray for us and intercede in our behalf. This loving connection is what we call in faith the Communion of Saints, which is the very foundation of the two feasts we now observe. The Litany of the Saints is quite long which is something to celebrate. Pope John Paul II canonized 110 saints between 1982 and 2004. Pope Benedict XVI canonized 45 saints during his short pontificate. The present Pope, Francis I, so far has canonized 10 saints including St. John Paul II and St. John XXIII. The elevation of these two contemporary popes to sainthood took place only this year (April 27). Although most of the saints that were canonized in recent time lived in the previous centuries, we are blessed to have witnessed the addition of a few names to the litany of the saints of holy individuals with whom we are very familiar, as they belonged to our time and generation. Along with St. John Paul II and St. John XXIII, there is Fr. Damien who served the lepers in Molokai, Hawaii. He was canonized on October 11, 2009. There is Mother Teresa of Calcutta who was beatified on October 19, 2003. There is Sister Faustina Kowalska, Apostle of Divine Mercy who was canonized on April 20, 2000. There are Edith Stein and Maximillian Kolbe, both of whom were martyred in the Auschwitz concentration camp. They were canonized on October 11, 1998 and October 10, 1982 respectively. On these feasts, let us glorify God together with the saints in Heaven and at the same time pray for the repose of the souls of our dear departed ones. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. Amen. Sincerely Yours In Christ, Fr. Burt Absalon, Pastor !"|"6W0DU\3DULVKĊ:RRGVWRFN,OOLQRLV" 6WRULHVRI)DLWK 5HDGLQJVIRUWKH:HHN RI1RYHPEHU Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Joanne Sotiroff has experienced many moments of ‘conversion’ in her life. Her relationship with the Holy Spirit began, like it does for all of us, at Confirmation. But she really fell in love with the Holy Spirit during a Life in the Spirit seminar in 1985. After that, He drew her to share her faith through cantoring and leading Bible studies. Joanne was living life, recognizing His power and presence in many personal situations. But then: ! Phil 2:1-4/Lk 14:12-14 Phil 2:5-11/Lk 14:15-24 Phil 2:12-18/Lk 14:25-33 Phil 3:3-8a/Lk 15:1-10 Phil 3:17--4:1/Lk 16:1-8 Phil 4:10-19/Lk 16:9-15 Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12/1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17/ Jn 2:13-22 Our Parish Goal: $121,280 Our Pledges: $61,289 Pledges Needed: $59,991 # of Families 2,719 Current Donors: 202 % Participation 7.4% ! ! ! Our parish tithe next weekend will support the mission of the ! Little Sisters of the Poor. They ! provide homes and care for the neediest elderly from every race and religion. For more information about their efforts, visit their website at www.littlesistersofthepoor.org. Report as of Actual Budget Difference % 10/28/2014 Year to Date $268,739 $286,008 ($17,269) -6.0% Weekend Offerings Weekend Offering $13,413 for 10/26/2014 $16,824 Weekend of 10/26/2014 ! Sunday collection $12,162 E-Giving $960 Guardian Angel $45 St. Vincent de Paul $246 ($3,411) -20.3% “For it is in giving that we receive.” St. Francis of Assisi In 1996, when a friend was leaving for a Catholic conference in Nebraska, she asked what kind of book I would like. I suggested a book about the Holy Spirit. When she returned she handed me True Devotion to Mary by St. Louis de Montfort. I am ashamed to admit I was somewhat disappointed because I did not have a devotion to our Blessed Mother; I was in love with the Holy Spirit. My friend told me they didn’t have any books on the Holy Spirit, but she thought the Lord wanted me to have this one. OK. That sold me. How could I NOT read a book that God had chosen for me? I read the book and completed the 33-day preparation for consecration. Nothing really seemed to change in my life spiritually, but looking back, I believe Mary was at work even though I was not recognizing her. The year after my consecration, I resumed my teaching career by accepting a job at Montini in McHenry. I was blessed in so many ways during the five years that I worked there. I am sure that Mary’s intercession is the reason. Fast forward to the fall of 2010. Our pastor asked a friend and me to organize a retreat for the women of our parish. As we left the meeting, it felt like a blazing fire was ignited inside of me. I was soooo excited to take on this challenge! I had no idea what we would do, but I was on fire! A few days later, as I got out of bed to start the school day, the Holy Spirit inspired me with an idea for the retreat. I jotted it down and as I did, more ideas came, and within two minutes, I had written down what appeared to be the outline for a retreat and guess what? It was all about Mary! I know this was the Holy Spirit at work, and not my idea, since I was still not practicing a devotion to our Blessed Mother. As I was putting the finishing touches on the retreat outline, I decided it would be nice to invite the women to consecrate themselves to Jesus through Mary. That’s when the “light bulb” went on and I realized what God had been up to. Then a parishioner told me about 33 Days to Morning Glory by Fr. Michael Gaitley. She said it was a much easier way to understand and prepare for the consecration. I read the book and fell in love with Mary. After this second consecration and all I learned about Mary as I prepared the retreat, I can say I am truly living out my consecration to her. One great thing I learned is that when we consecrate our lives to Jesus through Mary, we get MORE of the Holy Spirit at work in us because He is her spouse! God honored the desire of my heart for more of the Holy Spirit by leading me to consecrate my life to her. Now, as I live out my devotion to Mary, I can definitely see the fruits of her intercession in my life. Most importantly, I am aware that she is gradually taking away the appeal of worldly things so that I can more purely focus on investing my time, talent, resources, and energy to gain treasures that will never perish. Keep sharing your stories of faith. Email them to disciple@stmary-woodstock.org. We can print your story anonymously if you want. 6W0DU\3DULVKĊ:RRGVWRFN,OOLQRLV_! )DOO3OD\ This year William Shakespeare returns to the Marian Central stage with an abridged production of Twelfth Night. The abridgment was done by John Minigan. On the island of Illyria, Viola, a young woman, has been shipwrecked. Lost and alone, fearing that her twin brother Sebastian has died in the wreck, Viola disguises herself as a boy and takes up residence as a servant of Orsino, the Duke of Illyria. Orsino is pining over his unrequited love for Olivia, a noble woman who is refusing to marry, and he asks for Cesario (Viola’s male disguise) to help him woo Olivia. Over the course of the play, Viola falls in love with Orsino, and Olivia falls in love with Viola/ Cesario instead of Orsino. In a side plot, Sir Toby Belch, a nobleman and uncle to Olivia, along with several other servants and nobles, devise a plot to get revenge on Olivia’s chastising butler, Malvolio, for his rudeness. This rag-tag gang convinces Malvolio that Olivia is his secret admirer. Will love prevail? Will family members be reunited? Will justice be served? Twelfth Night is a combination of Shakespeare's best comedic elements: love, mistaken identity, and slapstick humor. This production with its talented cast will be loved by both Shakespeare novices and veterans alike. Come on out for an enjoyable evening for the whole family while supporting local high school theater. Performances for Twelfth Night are Friday, November 7 at 7:00 pm and Sunday, November 9 at 2:00 pm. Tickets are available at the door for $8.00 for adults, $4.00 for seniors and students. 9RFDWLRQV&RUQHU)XWXUH6DLQWV This past Sunday, over 2000 youth and chaperones gathered at Boylan High School for the 2014 Youth Summit. Throughout the day this huge crowd worshipped and adored Our Lord. As I looked over the sea of teenagers who opened their hearts to God, I couldn’t help but think about these early November feasts of All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day. You see, in that gym there were 2000 souls singing praises to our Lord for the duration of the day. I hope and pray that one day I will be able to sing again with all 2000 of these souls, along with billions and trillions of others, as saints in heaven. We celebrate All Saints’ Day as a way of reminding us where we are going, and we celebrate All Souls’ Day as a way of helping other souls to complete their journey and to enter into the party in heaven. All of us, every single one of us, are invited to enter into this eternal summit, but we have to make the choice to accept God’s invitation to get there. The beautiful and inspiring thing about the Youth Summit was that it was clear that these teens want to do all that they can to journey with the Lord. All of us should be inspired by their example and seek to do the same so that we can all praise God together. How do we accomplish this? By praying and asking God to reveal the path to you. Today, pray and let God continue to lead you on the right path! !|!6W0DU\3DULVKĊ:RRGVWRFN,OOLQRLV! 6W-RKQ·V+ROLGD\(YHQWV $QQXDO%D]DDU&UDIW6KRZ St. John's BVM Holiday Bazaar and Craft Show, Saturday, Nov. 8. 9:00-5:30 pm, Sunday, Nov. 9, 8:00-1:00 pm at St. John The Baptist Parish Hall, 2304 Church St., Johnsburg. Over 50 booths of gifts, crafts, religious goods, bake sale, raffle and Lite Lunch Cafe. Sponsored by St. John's BVM Sodality. Free Admission. $QQXDO:LQH7DVWLQJ You’re Invited to St. John’s 7th Annual Holiday Wine Tasting on Friday, Nov. 14, ≈ 5-9:00 pm. This is being held at Corkscrewpointe, 1402 Riverside Dr., McHenry. Enjoy appetizers, wine and music by Michael Lescher at the piano. Purchase six bottles of wine (other than show specials) and receive 10% off. Six incredible wine baskets to be raffled off. Autographed Chicago Bears items offered at silent auction. EZ wine quiz and great prizes. $12.00 per person at the door (includes complimentary basket raffle ticket). All proceeds to charity. Sponsored by The Knights of Columbus Council 9167. Must be 21 yrs. of age to participate in wine tasting. Non-alcoholic beverages will be offered. Please taste responsibly! Call 815-575-5123 for reservations. +HDOLQJ0DVV,Q:RQGHU/DNH HEALING MEMORIAL MASS FOR PARENTS who have experienced Abortion, Stillbirth, Miscarriage or Infantile Death. Monday, November 17, at 7 pm at Christ the King Church, Wonder Lake. The Mass and ceremony provide a spiritual means of recognizing the dignity of the unborn child who has died and allow parents and family members a chance to experience closure. Those attending should name their child (children) and call the rectory with the name so preparations can be made. No questions will be asked as to the cause of infant death. There will be a small reception following the Mass. Call the rectory at 815653-2561 with the name (names) or if you have any questions. 6SDLQ²6SULQJ%UHDN3LOJULPDJH Travel from one end of Spain to the other over spring break with parishioners from around the country! March 20-29, 2014. Just to name a few cities we will visit: Barcelona, Monserrat, Madrid, Avila, Zaragoza, Segovia, Leon and even the Camino de Santiago where we will walk part of the Camino and experience the pilgrims’ Mass at St. James Cathedral (where St. James is buried)! An experience of a lifetime! Airfare, 4-star hotels, breakfast, dinner (wine with dinner), tours, tips and transfers all included. Daily Mass, spiritual direction and daily reflections as well. Call Marcie at (815) 459-3033 for a flyer or for more information. ! On October 21, the students presented their talents and abilities in an organized show, coordinated by Ms. Russell and Mrs. Gross. All did a wonderful job displaying their talents for the school and, later in the evening, for the parents too. Thank you to all who participated and contributed to the event’s success! Fabulous 50s Auction & 50-50 Tickets On November 14, St. Mary School will host its fundraiser, the Fabulous 50's. Please help support the school by purchasing raffle and/or fifty-fifty tickets in the St. Joseph Center after Mass on the weekends of November 1-2 and 8-9. Ticket prices are $5 a piece or five for $20. ! Cooper Brown child of Keith & Rebecca Brown. Kelly Loehner, child of Todd & Lindsay Loehner. Please pray for them and their families as they continue on their journey of faith and learn to know and love God. 22 Have you or a loved one experienced a recent loss in your life? Perhaps you are grieving a death, going through or recently been divorced, working through unemployment or finding your family size changing as your children grow. Grief occurs throughout our lives as we encounter losses and sometimes it helps to share our feelings, as this strengthens the Body of Christ. Catholic Charities has an ongoing support group that meets on Tuesday mornings at 10 am at the McHenry office, 5141 W. Bull Valley Rd. The group is led by a therapist and trained facilitator. There is a $5 weekly charge and refreshments are served. There is no need to pre-register. Please consider attending this very supportive group. If you have any questions, call Catholic Charities office at 815-344-6956. At this time, there is no childcare available. %%&.'/01 We will be meeting on Nov. 8 in the St. Joseph Center Basement. Year two is now underway. All men in our parish are welcome to join us. Year one is not a prerequisite for year two. Doors open at 5:45 am and video starts at 6:15 am. Adjourn by 7:30 am. Come and check it out. If you would like a wake-up call, let Jerry Smith know and he will be glad to call. We have room for 70 men but only 40 show up. Over 500 parishes will be running this dynamic men’s program this year. Want to know more? Call Jerry Smith 815-338-9434 or e-mail at jerrysmith@owc.net Check out the program at www.thatmanisyou.org. *$ ** Please consider one of these open hours: Adorers Needed Monday at 12 am (every other wk), 2 am & 6 pm (every other wk) Tuesday at 5 am, 11 am, 12 pm, & 1 pm Wednesday at 12 am (every other wk), 2 am, & 3 am Thursday at 7 am, 12 pm & 11 pm Friday at 2 am Saturday at 11 am, 1 pm & 6 pm Sunday at 5 am & 11 pm Hour coordinator 1 am & 7 pm Division leaders midnight to 6 am. To fill one of these openings, call: Bob & Donna Kovarik at (815) 814-2914. !|!6W0DU\3DULVKĊ:RRGVWRFN,OOLQRLV! Once again the Ladies Auxiliary and Knights of Columbus will be selling poinsettias to decorate the church in remembrance or in honor of a friend or family member or loved one. We will be selling after all masses on Nov. 1-2 and Nov. 8-9. The prices for the 2 colors of red and white ...$15 for a small,$25 for a large and the special altar white will be $ 50. Payment will be due at time of order and we will also be glad to take any donation towards the decorating as offered..Any questions please contact Alice Howell, Auxiliary president (815) 338-8964. Come play with us on the 1st and 3rd Mondays from 1-3 pm in the St. Joseph Center. ,"-& Our meetings are the first and third Thursdays of each month starting at 7:30 pm in the St. Joseph Center Basement. The meetings are open to any Catholic man over 18 years of age. "" Please be advised that our fall clean- up of Calvary Cemetery will take place during the second week of November (November 915). All non-permanent decorations such as flags, artificial flowers, ornaments, etc., will be removed and disposed of at this time. If you wish to save your decorations, please remove them before then. 2("*&4"* &6!"2)3+ The 20th Annual Conference, "Walk the Talk", at NIU Holmes Student Center, DeKalb, Illinois, on Saturday, November 22, 2014, from 8:50 am - 4 pm. “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” Matthew 6:21. On Friday, November 21, Marian Central Catholic High School will bus all 8th graders from the seven McHenry County Catholic Schools for the annual 8th grade visit day. Eighth graders who currently attend other schools can participate on this day as well. We ask parents of students who attend public and other private schools to call the school prior to the visit day so that we can plan for these students to be in attendance as well. To register for 8th grade visit day, please call Lisa Weber at 815-338-4220 Ext. 107. Men, is life too hectic? Could you use a day to regain perspective and balance? Experience a new encounter with our Risen Lord. A line-up of dynamic speakers will share insights into living out authentic masculinity and heroic virtue, drawing from their own faith journeys. Mass, reconciliation, the rosary, and private time will give you the opportunity to reflect on what is going on in your life and how Christ can help. All seats will be reserved. Cost is $35 if registered by November 4, $40 after, $45 AT THE DOOR, $15 for college students or younger, $10 for deacons. For tickets or more information contact Jerry Smith 815-338-9434 or visit the Conference web site at www.thetalk.org. Please contact Scott Klimczak or Jerry Smith, for information on discounted tickets. 3-*2 Join our diabetic support group on the first Wednesday of the month (September-May). They meet at 6 pm in the Conway Center meeting room. They have discussions and presentations on various topics relating to Diabetes. $' Be encouraged to find the guidance, courage and strength you need in your everyday lives! Come to learn from our guest, Sister Marie Day, from the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary in Waukesha, WI, as she leads us to ponder the shrine of Our Lady of Schoenstatt, and shows us how to invite Christ through Mary into our own homes. This program is for all women and mothers in the parish. It is held at 11 am in the St. Joseph Basement on the first and third Thursday of each month. For more information, call Barb Gessert (815) 334-0422. )*5%* The St. Mary's Woodstock Council Knights of Columbus will be selling Vocations Raffle Tickets after all masses beginning October 26- November 23. All money raised stays within the Illinois Rockford Diocese, to support seminarians and priests. One dollar per chance, $15.00 per book. Buy a ticket and help a priest. &0+ Marian Central Catholic High School welcomes you to attend our annual Open House for all prospective students and their parents. This is scheduled on Sunday, November 23 at 1:00 pm in the auditorium where an administrative presentation will take place. If you are a parent of a junior high student who is interested in the possibility of attending Marian and want to find out more about our school, please feel welcome to attend this event. We will be offering Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction after the daily Mass on the first Friday of every month. All are welcome! 78-&9 Jesus spoke these words to John as He was dying on the cross. Surely these words are for all of us or Jesus would have arranged for John to care for His mother earlier in the Gospel as He did when He told Peter He was giving him the keys to His kingdom here on earth. Throughout the Old and New Testaments, we see that God is familyoriented. He is our Father, Jesus is His Son, and Mary is our spiritual mother, the spouse of the Holy Spirit as revealed at the Annunciation. We are all called to draw near to her. When we honor her, we honor her Son, Jesus. We invite all of you to develop or deepen your devotion to our Blessed Mother by joining a parish wide preparation for consecration to Jesus through Mary. To do this, we will use the easy-to-read book by Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC, 33 Days to Morning Glory ($3). On November 9, we will all begin reading just 2 pages a day. On December 12, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, we will recite the prayer for consecration. If you would like to join a six-week study group which will include 30 min. DVD presentations by Fr. Gaitley, contact Joanne for days and times groups will meet and to order the study guide ($20). (815)338-8853 or email, j_sotiroff@yahoo.com. ! &*+%* :**"** St. Mary School is a Catholic grade school serving children in preschool to eighth grade. This school stresses the Catholic faith, an excellent academic foundation, and a well-rounded variety of extra-curricular activities including sports, music, theater, and student council activities. View more details on the St. Mary School website. If you are interested in a personalized tour of the school or answers to questions, contact the principal, Frank Shields at 815-338-3598. 58*! Join us on Monday, November 3, at 7:30 pm for a “Vigil of Life”. Through the rosary and benediction, we will pray that human life, at every stage, be protected and nurtured. Women wishing to receive a blessing because they are pregnant, are trying to become pregnant, or wish to adopt can do so at this time. $#&* The purpose of life is to get to Heaven, and to bring everyone with me that I can. What have I done to help bring me and my spouse to Heaven? The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are on Nov. 14-16 in Brookfield, WI; January 23-25, 2015 in Brookfield, WI or February 6-8, 2015 in Crystal Lake, IL. Early registration is highly recommended. For more information visit our website at: alifetimeoflove.org or call (888) 574-5653. For a fin de semana en Espanol in Chicago on Nov. 14-16, 2014; Feb. 20-22 or June 5 -7, 2015, contact Andres y Maria at 630-229-2600. *2" In accord with Diocese of Rockford’s mandate that every employee and volunteer who works with children within parish schools, parish school athletics, religious education and youth ministry programs be trained to recognize and properly act upon allegation and incidence of abuse, training is available online at www.ceorockford.org/Ed/. If you have questions, contact the school or parish office. :H3UD\IRUWKRVHZKRKDYHGLHGLQ&KULVW “[A]t the origin of every human being there is not something haphazard or chance, but a loving plan of God.” Please pray for the repose of the souls of our departed brothers and sisters, especially those who have died this past week. Pope Benedict XVI, Homily, July 9, 2006 /LIHKDVFKDQJHGQRWHQGHG !"#$%&'#()%#*+),"#-+)#&%"#.//0## Please pray for the Lord’s healing to comfort the following people: Nicole Andrews Lou Barone Joseph Borst Kathy Boseo Dorothea Caffrey Dominic Campoli Kristen Carlstedt Steve Carrion Evelyn Donagalski Lily Farej Catherine Gotham Diane Graske Shane Hammertree Ann Holtman Xavier Hope Wilma Johnson Jim Johnston Matt Kischuk Mary Klocek-Gillis Mary Lou Kozar Helen Kristensen Courtney Lee Michael Manczko Stella Matthews Martin Matzelle Karen Mencotti Owen Meredith Christine Musiel Odette Musiel Anita Perez Kathleen Phalen Lumina Regalado Gaelen Ring Susan Reeb Lynn Ryan Mimi Schuette Alan Sendzik Patrick Sullivan Patricia Tampa Bill Thornton Dennis Tonge Lori White Phyllis Wood And any others we may have missed. | Dody Beringer Charles Brenneman Helen Caprio Thomas Cooney Mario Pizzo Ferrato Chester Grubba Agnes Hess Barbara Howe Margie Kersten Dorothy Kohl JoAnna Krueger Alan Marshall Matt Marcheschi Bill Morris Margaret Niemyjski Terry Pirro Sam Ring Gay Schaaf David Stack Patricia Tauchen Kathie Tretnik Joey Worzala Robert Bangiorno Joe Burg Carol Carlisle Kay Denoiyer Mary Franks Dorothy Grubba Jean Hess Kathleen Howell Robert Kieser Nancy Kormanak Bill Larsen Elaine Marshall Patricia McCaleb Julie Morris Harlene Parks Elisa Plummer Kyle Riordan John Schleehauf Evelyn Stanek Jim & Della Taylor Rose C. Varga Chester Zyskowski Dolores Borst Harriet Bystricky Greta Carlisle Victoria R. Dewey Julia Garrison George Haegler Tony Heyworth Mary Huinker Debbie Kirchhardt Helen Kostenko Joan Laschen Mary Ann Mass R.B. McCallister Joanne Mosley Kathleen Peiffer Jameson Powers Judy Ray Klaus Schubert Virginia Stefanik Kaitlyn Teeters Mary Lou Wett 1RYHPEHU Monday, 7:30 am Tuesday, 7:30 am 8:40 am Wednesday, 7:30 am 10:00 am Thursday, 7:30 am 6:00 pm Friday, 7:30 am Saturday, 7:30 am 5:00 pm 6:30 pm Sunday, 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 pm 5:00 pm 7+(:((.$+($'« Monday, 11/3 †Clare Gabrielson (DeMartinis Family) †Margaret Rossman (DeMartinis Family) †Guy Snyder (A. Butler & M. Domek) †Pat McConville (Kathy & Marc Gordon) †Dec. Mem. of Dennis Hurley Family @ Crossroads †Richard Nevsimal (Family) †Viante Rivas, †Jose Rivas, & †Fidela Rivas †Arlene Ornstead (Family) †Larry & Shirley Dhom (Carol White) †Eleanor Shires (Family) †Javier Bernal, †Karitina Bernal, & †Enrique Castaneda People of the Parish †Donanciano Carreno †Dec. Mem. Of Dennis Hurley Family †Roberto Gonzale Amader & Robertina Ortiz †Grace Hamilton (Kathy Cole) 1RYHPEHU Servers Monday, Tuesday 7:30 AM D. Gillum, T. Gillum Wednesday, Thursday 7:30 AM M. Jablonski Friday, 7:30 AM B. Pivnicka Saturday, 7:30 AM B. Stoll 5:00 PM E. Fortin Sunday, 7:30 AM C. Goglin, E. Bychowski 9:00 AM F. Herff, V. Herff, B. Pivnicka, C. Pivnicka 10:30 AM S. Nayahangan, I. Reyes 5:00 PM J. Walsdorf, P. Walsdorf, D. Stumpf, K. Stumpf Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Saturday, 5:00 PM S. Heider, Deacon, T. Dwyer, M. LaBelle, M. Bjork, C. Stier, J. Dwyer Sunday, 7:30 AM T. Jagman, J. Sieck, S. Reis 9:00 AM E. Herff, Deacon, J. Russell, C. Russell, M. Stasiek, J. Stasiek, J. Smith, J. Smith 10:30 AM B. Behler, T. Loizzo, E. Miranda 5:00 PM B. Wagner, Deacon, L. Huckstaedt Lector Saturday, 5:00 PM R. Reinert Sunday, 7:30 AM E. Grechis, P. Kerr-Reis 9:00 AM S. Pivnicka, P. Klocek 10:30 AM A. Matthes, R. McNamara 5:00 PM J. Diamond, J. Diamond Ministers of Hospitality Saturday, 5:00 pm J. Cole, M. Asfeld, B. Littner, J. Littner Sunday, 7:30 am R. Hauck, H. Schneider, R. Stolarczyk, R. Howell 9:00 am G. Smith, M. Heiress, P. Shea 10:30 am D. Potthoff, E. Miranda, R. Krause, H. Sugden 5:00 pm Volunteers 8:40 AM 1:00 PM 3:00 PM 3:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM 2nd Grade Practice - CH Pinochle Group - SJC After Hours Care - E Band - A English As A Second Language - TL Legion of Mary - CM1 Psalms Bible Study - SJC Respect Life Rosary - CH Tuesday, 11/4 10:30 AM 3:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM Prayer Group - CM1 After Hours Care - E Adult Choir - CH English As A Second Language - TL Jovenes Para Cristo - SJC St. Vincent de Paul Society - SJB OLG Practice - CH Wednesday, 11/5 7:00 AM 7:50 AM 8:30 AM 8:35 AM 11:40 AM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:30 PM Reconciliation - CH School Mass Choir - SJB Women's Wed. Morning Bible Study - SJC 8th Grade Spanish Class - SJB Middle School Church Choir Practice - CH After Hours Care - E Religious Education - ALL Diabetes Support Group - CM1 Religious Education - JRHIGH, SJB, TL OLG Practice - CH Thursday, 11/6 8:35 AM 11:30 AM 3:00 PM 3:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7th grade Spanish Class - SJB Schoenstatt Prayer Group - SJB After Hours Care - E Band - A Reconciliation (Spanish/English) - CH Hispanic Confirmation - A, Jr High Baptism Class in English - CM1 Knights of Columbus - SJB OLG Practice - CH 33 Days to Morning Glory - SJC Friday, 11/7 7:50 AM 8:00 AM 1:00 PM 3:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:30 PM School Mass Choir - SJB Reconciliation - CH Psalms Bible Study - SJC After Hours Care - E Natural Family Planning - SJB Hispanic St. Cecilia Choir - SJ201 OLG Practice - CH Saturday, 11/8 5:30 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 11:00 AM 2:00 PM 3:30 PM 4:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:30 PM That Man Is You - SJB Reconciliation - CH English Emmaus - TL Anniversary Mass - CH Quinceañera - CH Jovenes Para Cristo - SJB Reconciliation - CH Reconciliation (Spanish) - CH OLG Practice - CH Sunday, 11/9 8:45 AM 1:30 PM 30 Confirmation Class - JR201, JR202 Jonac (Young Adult) - SJB 2/*3UDFWLFH&+ Facilities Key: A-Auditorium, CM1 - Conway Center 1st Floor Conference Room, CCB-MR - Conway Center Basement Meeting Room, CH - Church, CHOSA Hispanic Ministry Center, CREL-All Elementary Classrooms, E-Egan Hall, EARTElementary Art Room, ESF-Elementary School Foyer, G-Gym, JRHIGH-Jr. High School, KCROOM-Knights of Columbus Room, KIT-School Kitchen, PKING-Church Parking Lot, PLAY-School Playground, SJCH-St Joseph Center Adoration Chapel, SJB-St. Joseph Center Basement, SJC-St. Joseph Center, SJ201 - St. Joseph Classroom 201, SJNSt. Joseph Center Nursery, TL-Teachers’ Lounge. ! 3&* "#"0* Monday through Saturday............................ 7:30 am Thursday....................................6:00 pm (en Español) Tuesday School Mass (September-May).......8:40 am 312 Lincoln Avenue, Woodstock, IL 60098 Hours: Monday-Friday.................8:00 am - 4:00 pm Parish Office.......................................815-338-3377 Fax...................................................... 815-338-3497 Religious Education.......................... 815-338-3413 Business Manager’s Office…............815-338-0223 $&* Saturday.................5:00 pm, 6:30 pm (en Español) Sunday...................7:30, 9:00 & 10:30 am, 12 Noon (en Español), 5:00 pm *5** Wednesday...........7:00 - 7:25 am Thursday...............5:00 - 5:55 pm Friday.....................8:00 - 8:30 am Saturday................8:00 - 8:30 am 4:00 - 4:45 pm, 6:00 pm (en Español) or by appointment by calling (815) 338-3377. Para Español llamar al (815) 338-3377. Please note that during Lent and Advent there will be additional confession times scheduled and will be published on pages 6 or 7 of this bulletin. !" # Project Rachel Referral Svc. 815-877-LIFE or 1-800-5WECARE &* 313 N. Tryon Street, Woodstock, IL 60098 Office.................................................. 815-338-3598 Fax...................................................... 815-338-3408 $%&'# &""** !" Office.................................................. 815-338-4220 Fax...................................................... 815-338-4253 &'## !' &"'(&(# 1-800-848-LOVE Nurturing Network 1-800-TNN-4MOM Catholic Charities 1-800-759-7626 Pager #3178 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE MARENGO VISION CENTER Michael Thomas, O.D. Imran Ali, O.D. RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS, INC. Carl Schnulle, President 815-568-6508 P.O. Box 39, Woodstock 815-337-6600 Call to reserve this space today! For a price quote, call Support Our Advertisers Check the ads on this page before you check the yellow pages or the internet. Jeff Tkachuk 1-800-950-9952 Ext. 2513 Email: jtkachuk@4LPi.com www.SeekAndFind.com; Majercik Physical Therapy Joe Majercik Physical Therapist Bill Moerschbaecher Physical Therapist 815.337.7410 • 201 Throop St. General Dentistry 226 Washington St. Woodstock, IL 815/338-8155 FOR AD INFO CALL JEFF TKACHUK 1-800-876-4574 WWW.4LPi.COM ST. MARY, WOODSTOCK C 2C 01-0411 10-20-2014 08:09:49 Pattie Bredehorst Schneider-Leucht Merwin-Cooney Funeral Home 1211 Seminary Ave. 338-1710 Owner Tel: 815-363-3910 Cell: 815-347-7267 “Quality Building Supplies” 338-0075 Gummerson Rausch Wand Lee Wombacher, LLC Attorneys at Law Practicing law in personal injury, worker’s compensation, criminal, family, corporate, real estate, zoning, general litigation, estate planning, probate and medical malpractice defense. 101 S. Benton Street, Suite 201 Woodstock, lllinois 60098 Licensed, Bonded & Insured Residential Commercial Industrial JOHN BARGER, President 815-338-6317 bze le c t ric a l.c om Ph: 815.337.7700 • Fax: 815.337.7990 CONDOMINIUM & TOWNHOME MGMT. HOWE Real Estate Services 333 E. Jackson St. 815-337-1656 *Certified Teachers *All Ages–Pre-K to adult *Reading *Math *Writing *Study Skills *Summer Camps * Homework Help *Algebra/Geometry *ACT Prep Jude Schmidt Custom Construction HOMES • ADDITIONS • POLE BARNS LIGHT COMMERCIAL PRE-ENGINEERED METAL BUILDINGS (815) 568-6311 1759 N. Richmond Rd. • McHenry, IL 60050 1101 N. Jefferson St. • Harvard, IL mchenrysylvan@sbcglobal.net www.JudeSchmidtCustomConst.com Kevin Kirwan Heating, Cooling, Plumbing and Water Heaters Kevin Kirwan Insurance Agency gency Woodstock Auto • Home • Life • Business Workers’ Compensation 24 Hour Service 316 S. Main St., Wauconda, IL 60084-1985 815-337-4200 815-338-4082 kkirwan@farmersagent.com CJW Builders, Inc. Hampshire Wauconda Harvard Libertyville www.buckbrosinc.com Par Parking Lot Services Maintenance Company, Inc. Mai • Sealcoating • Hot Pour Crackfilling • Asphalt Repair • Asphalt Paving Since 1974 plsmaintenance.com Mon-Sat 6am to 10pm • Sun 6am to 9pm (815) 337-8230 1110 N. Seminary Ave. (Rt. 47) Woodstock Commercial Build-Outs Home Remodeling • Decks Roofing • Siding & More Charles “Joe” Watson 815-482-2500 cjwbuilders@hotmail.com Donahue Francis X. Gosser Attorney At Law 105 Van Buren St. Woodstock Toll Free#: 815.206.3066 Member of Woodstock, Marengo, Harvard & Crystal Lake Chamber of Commerece Trucking • Excavating Ready Mix Concrete 815-338-5400 Furniture 1345 S. Eastwood Dr. (Rte 47) Woodstock, IL 60098 21816 Railroad St. • Marengo, IL www.donahuefurn.com 815-568-5695 815.338.1086 DR. ROBERT J. WOLF Family Eye Care Prescriptions Filled 206 N. Madison • 338-7810 www.wolfoptometriccenter.com Delaware Electric Company, Inc. ELECTRICAL • GENERATORS • SOLAR FULLY LICENSED & BONDED (815) 338-3139 JMH CHIMNEY CHIMNEY & FIREPLACE SALES & SERVICES 815-338-4140 Cosmetic Dentistry • Laser Detection Of Cavities P.O. Box 638 Woodstock, IL 60098 Rebuilds, Relines, Repointing Repairs, Restorations Inspections per the NFPA, Sweeps Robert Haraden, DDS David Lee, DDS Over 30 years of experience 338-0690 661 S. Eastwood Drive • Woodstock, IL 60098 RALPH GUNDERSON PLUMBING, INC. Wayne’s COUNTRY MARKET RODGER & BARB BRANDT Septic Pumping & Repair • HOMEMADE BRATS • CHOICE STEAKS & MEATS • BEEF HALVES • DELI ITEMS • CATERING • WILD GAME PROCESSING • FRIDAY NIGHT FISH FRY 801 W. GRANT HWY. 815-653-7806 Where The Owners Answer The Phone! • LICENSED & INSURED • EMERGENCY SERVICE AVAILABLE IN MOST CASES 568-2728 JENSEN’S PLUMBING & HEATING WONDER LAKE, IL Zoia Monument Co. Zo Family Owned Over 124 Years LIC# 058-109471 For All Your Commercial & Residential Needs 670 E. Calhoun (815) 338-1936 www.jensenph.com 222 Washington Woodstock, IL 815-338-0358 www.blueribbonmillwork.com ® Paul Skowronski, CFP , CRPC ® Business Solutions For a price quote, call Wealth Management Advisor (815) 788-2449 • http://fa.ml.com/paul.t.skowronski 360 Memorial Drive, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Merrill Lynch Wealth Management makes available products and services offered by Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated, a registered broker-dealer and member SIPC, and other subsidiaries of Bank of America Corporation. © 2013 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved. AD-11-13-0610 ARJ241F2-07-12 444608PM- 11/2013 Copy • Scan • Print Since 1960 (815) 338-0549 Woodstock www.stans.com 25+ Years Experience Phone: 815-353-1768 • Fax: 815-338-3080 E-Mail: dfifloor@stans.com Internet Solutions • Windows Wind • Do Doors • Cabi Cabinets 815-338-8900 Marengo 815-568-6573 Ceramic Tile • Stone • Vinyl • Wood 15315 Saint Patrick Road Woodstock, IL 60098 Dale Freund Call to reserve this space today! Network 14 1401 S. Eastwood (Rt. 47), Woodstock DFI Floor Works Inc. BOTTS WELDING & TRUCK SERVICE, INC. Jeff Tkachuk Truck Safety Inspection 815-338-0594 1-800-950-9952 Ext. 2513 335 N. Eastwood Dr. (Rt. 47) Woodstock, IL 60098 FOR AD INFO CALL JEFF TKACHUK 1-800-876-4574 Email: jtkachuk@4LPi.com www.SeekAndFind.com; WWW.4LPi.COM ST. MARY, WOODSTOCK B 2C 01-0411 10-20-2014 08:09:49 Over 100 Years of Family Roofing & Experience PETERS MOTORS Doug Charles 847.707.0831 Fax: 815-337-7139 Woodstock, IL Residential & Commercial COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE DOMESTIC & FOREIGN HAIRCUTS, UPDOS, & PERMS OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK ASE Certified • Member ASC • Major Credit Cards Accepted (815) 337-0014 13712 Washington, Woodstock 338-2886 Near Car Wash & Across Lake Ave. from Wal-Mart All Natural Frozen Yogurt & Smoothies 124 Cass St. • Woodstock www.yofreshyogurtcafe.com 10% off with coupon (815) 337-9900 • Extensive Line of Bakery Delights • Deli • Wedding Cakes • Special Occasions 119 S. Eastwood Drive (next to Jewel) 122 N. Benton, Woodstock 338-0414 • Harvard: 943-7282 swissmaidbakery.com 11607 Catalpa Ln., Woodstock David D. Janes, DDS Gentle Excellence For Your Family’s Dental Care 210 N. Madison Woodstock, IL 60098 815-338-7569 Compliments of ROSA’S CLEANING SERVICE NEW TO VOLO!! orthern Illinois Funeral Services, Inc Residential and Small Business FULL SERVICE FUNERAL HOME WITH AFFORDABLE RATES 31632 N. Ellis Drive, Unit 209, Volo, IL 60073 847-833-2928 Jim Klocek Cathy Daniel Funeral Director & Owner Commercial - Home - Auto - Life - Health “We take Pride in Serving Our Families With Dignity Since 2000” www.marsinsurance.com 815-459-0711 Cleaning Service Free Estimates Fully Insured “Clean as a freshly cut rose” Rosa Cruz 815-404-0742 815-404-0680 Herff’s Auto Service & Tire Route14autoparts.com Owned by Mike & Teri Herff Since 1985 RENOVATION EXPERTS HOME IMPROVEMENTS • KITCHENS CUSTOM CABINETRY • ADDITIONS SAVE With Used Auto Parts 815-653-2233 www.tylercolebuilders.com Batting Cages • Arcade Birthday Packages Find and Buy Auto Parts Online or Call 815-338-2800 815-338-7990 Open Sundays MINI GOLF or GO-KART $6.00 For All Ages 1411 S. Eastwood Dr. (Rt.47) Woodstock, Illinois www.herffsautoserviceandtire.com (815) 648-2583 Quality Water Conditioning, Inc. “Quality Water is not a matter of chance. It is a matter of Choice.” 815-338-3344 • Free Estimates 711 Amsterdam, Woodstock M.G. Services Landscaping P.O. Box 484, Woodstock, IL 60098 Email: mg.services@rocketmail.com Melchor Gomez | 815-403-0619 • 815-276-7469 • Sod • Snow Removal • Brick Patios • Mulch • Tree Service • Lawn Maintenance • Gutter Cleaning • Retaining Walls • Ground Grooming Henry H. Sugden III Buying Gold Attorney at law Woodstock Jewelry & Pawn • Weddings • Pets • Children Graduations • Senior • Family Groups • Photos Restored • Special Events Madsen, Sugden & Gottemoller One N. Virginia Street Crystal Lake, IL 60014 dewanestudio@dewanestudio. com 220 Main St., Woodstock, IL 60098 815-338-1880 • DeWaneStudio.com Office 815/459-5152 Woodstock Dental Associates, Ltd. 666 W. Jackson St. Woodstock, IL 60098 (815) 338-1138 www.kofc.org Complete Auto Repair All Services Guaranteed Serving the community for over 30 years Dr. Michael J. Szurek DDS Dr. Chungyoon Ha DDS Se Habla Español 121 East Calhoun St. Mon. - Fri. 10a.m. to 6:30p.m. Sat. 10a.m. to 4:30p.m. 815-337-2300 www.bbwoodstock.com Burgers, Wraps, Sandwiches, Salads, Melts & Homemade Pizza BENOY MOTOR SALES, INC. Family Owned and Operated Serving McHenry County Since 1948 CHRYSLER FIVE STAR AWARD DEALER www.benoymotors.com 1790 S. EASTWOOD DRIVE, WOODSTOCK, IL 60098 (815) 338-5100 1040 Lake Ave., Woodstock, IL 60098 815-338-MILL w w w. re d m i l l t a v e r n . c o m Rich Toepper 815-338-9900 • rich@richsoldit.com William W. LeFew Agency 248 N. Throop St. Woodstock IL, 60098 Bus: (815) 334-0000 wlefew@amfam.com Residential • Foreclosures • Short Sales Estates • Land • 25 years experience Rough Cut Tree Service LLC Tree Trimming Tree & Stump Removal Snow plowing & Fall clean ups available Call Dennis FOR AD INFO CALL JEFF TKACHUK 1-800-876-4574 WWW.4LPi.COM 815-337-4502 Come on in for a unique shopping experience at great prices! • Boars Head Deli Serving Soups & Sandwiches • Premium Ice Cream • Grocery • Beer • Wine • Catering BRING IN AD FOR FREE CUP OF COFFEE 4409 Greenwood Rd., Greenwood, IL 60098 (just South of Galt Airport) 815-321-0030 ST. MARY, WOODSTOCK A 4C 01-0411 10-20-2014 08:09:49
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