! February 8, 2015 )LIWK6XQGD\RI2UGLQDU\7LPH Parish Staff Pastor Parochial Vicar Deacon Deacon Deacon Deacon Pastoral Associate/ Christian Service Business Manager Financial Asst. Parish Secretary/Coord Technology/ Liturgy Fr. Burt Absalon Fr. Johnson Lopez Mr. Hans Rokus Mr. Louis Barone Mr. James Devona Mr. William Johnston Mrs. JoAnne Sieck Mrs. Tara Kaufmann Mrs. JoAnn Lenart Mrs. Jenny Dwyer Secretary of Hispanic Min St. Mary School Principal St. Mary School Secretary Superintendent of Marian Central Catholic H.S. R.E. Director R.E. Secretaries Music Director/Keyboard Keyboard Player General Maintenance Facilities Engineer Mrs. Maricela Dueñas Mr. Frank Shields Mrs. Kathy Stanger Mr. Thomas Landers Mrs. Diane O’Donnell Mrs. Pam Elsinger Mr. Fred Wackenhut Mrs. Barbara Klein Mrs. Imelda Salgado Mr. Jim Andrews To You From the Pastor Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Last week we celebrated two feast days that involved the powerful symbolism of the candles as sacramentals: The feast of The Presentation of the Lord on February 2 and the feast of St. Blaise on February 3. The feast of the Presentation is also known as the Candlemas, for the Gospel reading of this feast speaks of Simeon in the Temple holding the baby Jesus in his arms and stating that He would be a light for the Gentiles (cf Luke 2:32). The candle is the Church’s most fitting symbol and sacramental to stand for Jesus as the Light of the world. On the feast of St. Blaise the priest or deacon uses two candles in a form of a cross to touch people’s throats with them, while at the same time the following blessing is given: "Through the intercession of St. Blaise, bishop and martyr, may God deliver you from every disease of the throat and from every other illnesss." Then the priest or deacon makes the sign of the cross over the faithful. Historically, the Candlemas celebrates three occasions according to Christian long-held tradition: the presentation of the child Jesus; Jesus’ first entry into the temple; and the Virgin Mary’s purification. Candlemas is exactly 40 days after Christmas. According to Jewish law, the firstborn male child belonged to God, and the parents had to present him in the Temple on the 40th day after his birth, by offering a sacrifice of "a pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons" (cf Luke 2:24). On that same day, the mother of the child would also be ritually purified. Mary and Joseph, being devout Jews, faithfully observed this law, even though Mary would not have had to go through ritual purification since hers was a virgin birth. While there in the Temple, "there was a man in Jerusalem named Simeon, and this man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel" (cf Luke 2:25) This man Simeon embraced the Child and prayed one of the most beautiful Canticles in the Holy Bible: "Now, Master, you may let your servant go in peace, according to your word, for my eyes have seen your salvation, which you prepared in sight of all peoples: a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel" (cf Luke 2:29-32).” Inspired by the words of this Canticle, the tradition of blessing candles was developed in the Church on the Feast of the Presentation. The candles are lit, and a procession takes place through the darkened church while the Canticle of Simeon is sung. While the procession and blessing of the candles is not often performed in the United States today, Candlemas is still an important feast in most traditionally Catholic countries. Saint Blaise was a physician and bishop of Sebastea somewhere in the modern day Turkey. He was described as a man of great virtue and sanctity inspiring so many by the very witness of his holy life. The Lord gave Blaise the ability to heal people from illnesses including those considered without a cure. From all parts, the people came flocking to him for the healing of both bodily and spiritual ills. Since Christianity was still under Roman persecution in the time of Blaise, he was martyred by torture and beheading. The two stories that explain the association of candles in the blessing of the throat during the Feast of Blaise are his encounters with two women on his way to prison awaiting execution. One was a distraught mother, whose only child was choking on a fishbone. Touched at her grief, he offered up his prayers, and the child was cured. The other was a poor old woman whose pig had been seized by a wolf. At the command of Blaise, the wolf restored the pig to its owner, alive and unhurt. When in prison, the grateful old woman came to see him, bringing two fine wax candles to dispel the gloom of his dark cell. A candle is indeed a powerful symbol that represents Christ the Light of the world. As we celebrate these two feasts, let us pray that we may remain as faithful followers of the Lord renouncing the darkness of sin and walking in His light. May we experience healing not only of the disease of the throat and other bodily illnesses but of spiritual darkness as well. Let the Light of God shine through you and God bless you. Sincerely Yours In Christ, Fr. Burt Absalon, Pastor !"|"6W0DU\3DULVKĊ:RRGVWRFN,OOLQRLV" :KR,V:KRDW6W0DU\ 5HDGLQJVIRUWKH:HHN 2I)HEUXDU\ Tara Kaufmann, Business Manager ! Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Gn 1:1-19/Mk 6:53-56 Gn 1:20--2:4a/Mk 7:1-13 Gn 2:4b-9, 15-17/Mk 7:14-23 Gn 2:18-25/Mk 7:24-30 Gn 3:1-8/Mk 7:31-37 Gn 3:9-24/Mk 8:1-10 Lv 13:1-2, 44-46/1 Cor 10:31--11:1/ Mk 1:40-45 Our Parish Goal: $121,280 Our Pledges: $61,289 Pledges Needed: $59,991 # of Families 2,719 Current Donors: 202 % Participation 7.4% ! Our tithe this weekend will support the efforts of the Haitian ! Project. The Haitian Project! operates Louverture Cleary School (LCS), a tuition-free, ! Catholic, co-educational secondary boarding school for academically talented and ! motivated students from Haitian families who cannot afford the cost of their children’s education. For more information visit their website: www.haitianproject.org. Report as of Actual Budget Difference 2/3/2015 Year to Date $495,288 $521,544 ($26,256) Weekend Offerings Weekend Offering $12,479 for 2/1/2015 $16,824 !""#"$%&'(&)*+*),+-& 6XQGD\FROOHFWLRQ (*LYLQJ *XDUGLDQ$QJHO 6W9LQFHQWGH3DXO ($4,345) % -5.0% -25.8% “For it is in giving that we receive.” Tara has been working as the Business Manager for St. Mary Church and School for almost nine years. She first began her involvement at St. Mary Parish in 2003 when she answered a request for volunteer help with our Adult Education and Evangelization Ministry. She was our Evangelization Director for two years, before she was hired as our Business Manager. Tara has a degree with honors from Illinois State University in Accounting and Marketing. She is the mother of five children (Alex, Isaac, Jordan, Matthew, and Hannah) and has been married to her husband, Jeff, for over eighteen years. Jeff was a graduate of St. Mary School (1984) and has returned to serve at St. Mary as our junior high math teacher. Tara and Jeff have three children at St. Mary School, and two at Marian Central High School. When Tara began her work as the Business Manager, she focused on the organization of our finances and the reduction of our parish debt which was over $700,000. With our finances organized and debt recently eliminated, Tara has been able to give extra effort to her passion for evangelization, and help lead our growing Youth Ministry program. Tara feels extremely blessed to be able to serve our parish community. She has always believed that the Lord has great plans for our church and school. In regards to her faith, she says that she constantly desires to seek the Lord and His Will. It is in building His Kingdom that she finds joy. St. Francis of Assisi 6W0DU\3DULVKĊ:RRGVWRFN,OOLQRLV_! ! Abstinence - All persons who have completed their fourteenth year are bound by the law of abstinence. Fast - All adults are bound by the law of fast from the beginning of their nineteenth year up to the beginning of their sixtieth year. Explanation - The law of abstinence means that a person is bound to abstain beginning the day after one’s fourteenth birthday. The law of fast means that adults are bound to fast from the day after their eighteenth birthday until the end of the day of their fifty-ninth birthday. Application - The law of abstinence forbids the eating of meat and foods prepared with meat or meat by-products. The law of fast allows only one full meal and two lighter meals in the course of a day, and prohibits eating between meals. In the United States, Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fast and abstinence. All other Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence only. Exceptions - Women who are pregnant and persons who are sick are not bound by the law of fast. On Ash Wednesday, February 18, Masses will be offered at 7:30 am, 8:40 am, 12:05 pm, 4:00 pm, 5:30 pm, and 7:30 pm (in Spanish). We have adjusted the usual schedule to allow us to share Fr. Juan with Cary so both parishes can have a Spanish Mass. On Fridays of Lent the Church schedule will be the following: 5:30 pm English Stations of the Cross, 6:00—7:00 pm Lenten Suppers, and 7:00 pm Spanish Stations of the Cross. In this way both communities can enjoy stations of the cross in their native language and the Lenten Suppers as well. The suppers will be offered by various groups in our parish so the menu will vary from week to week. Wednesdays: 7-7:25 am English Thursdays: 5-5:55 pm Spanish Fridays: 8 am-8:30 am English Saturdays: 8-8:30 am English 4-4:45 pm English 6-6:25 pm Spanish Religious Education students will have confessions on March 4 during their regular session (4:00-5:15 pm & 6:30-8:00 pm). St. Mary School students will have confessions on March 10 and 17 from 9:4511:30 am. Spanish Lenten Penance Service will be offered after the Thursday evening Spanish Mass on February 26 and March 12, from 7-9 pm. Additionally, a Day of Forgiveness is being offered Diocese-wide on Wednesday, March 25. Our parish will be offering confessions on this day from 8 am – 8 pm (Spanish from 1-4pm). !|!6W0DU\3DULVKĊ:RRGVWRFN,OOLQRLV! CRS Rice Bowl connects our Lenten prayer, fasting and almsgiving with the Church’s mission to serve those in need. (No 7:30 am Mass on Holy Thursday, Good Friday or Holy Saturday) Holy Thursday, April 2 Liturgy of the Lord’s Supper: Mass: 5:30 pm (in English), 8:00 pm (in Spanish), Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament immediately after each Mass in the Church until midnight (except during the Spanish Mass) Good Friday, April 3 Divine Mercy Novena: 12:30 am Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion: 1:00 pm Hispanic Stations of the Cross 1:00 pm (outside) Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion in Spanish: 2:30 pm Living Stations of the Cross in English: 7:30 pm Holy Saturday, April 4 Confessions 8:00-10:00 am, English and Spanish Blessing of Easter Food: 10:00 am in Church Divine Mercy Novena: 10:30 am Easter Vigil Mass: 7:30 pm in the Church Spanish Easter Vigil Mass: 7:30 pm in the Gym Easter Sunday, April 5 Resurrection of the Lord Masses: 7:30 am— Church 8:30 am—Divine Mercy Novena 9:00 am— Church 9:05 am— Gymnasium 10:30 am— Church 10:35 am— Gymnasium 12:00 pm— Church in Spanish 7KHODVWZHHNLQ-DQXDU\ZDV GHGLFDWHGWR&DWKROLF6FKRROV,Q REVHUYDQFHRIWKLVZHHNRXUVWXGHQWVDW 6DLQW0DU\6FKRROKDGDGLIIHUHQWWKHPH HDFKGD\2Q:HGQHVGD\IDPLOLHVZHUH HQFRXUDJHGWRHDWOXQFKLQWKHFDIHWHULD ZLWKWKHLUVWXGHQWV7KXUVGD\ZDVFUD]\ KDWGD\DQG)ULGD\ERWKVWXGHQWVDQG WHDFKHUVFHOHEUDWHGZLWK3DMDPD'D\ <RXSUREDEO\GLGQRWNQRZWKDWRXU FKLOGUHQZHUHEHLQJWDXJKWE\6XSHU KHURHV %& .(/**,(,*$, Attention members of the Knights of Columbus Council #776. The Annual Knights Club Meeting will be held February 19, 2015, at Coleman’s & Co. Reservations must be made by February 13 by calling Alice or Bob Howell at 815-338-8964. Calling all 6th, 7th and 8th graders of the parish! Our first meeting for the Living Stations of the Cross will be Sunday, February 8, 2015, from 2 –4 pm in the St. Joseph Center. Living Stations of the Cross is the reenactment of the Passion of Christ based on St. John Paul II’s Way of the Cross. We need students to help with this production as actors and crew. If you are unable to attend the first meeting but want to participate, please contact Clare Narusis at cvnarusis@yahoo.com or cell phone/text at 815341-0700. **(+,- We will be meeting on Feb. 14 in the St. Joseph Center Basement. Our second semester of year two is underway. Last semester we discussed how and why empires that chose ungodly paths have all crumbled. How lower birth rates actually hurt society, and how every nation that tolerated or encouraged abortions is now in serious trouble or gone. Have you made a plan for Lent this year? Come join us Saturday mornings and take your Faith Journey to a new level. We meet Saturday mornings at 6:00 in the St. Joseph Basement. Coffee is on at 5:45. New to the parish? This is a great way to meet some of the men. We are always done by 7:30, no registration is necessary and prior attendance is not a requirement either. For more information, call jerry Smith at 815-338-9434 or jerrysmith@owc.net. !'() The Knights of Columbus will be sponsoring a blood drive this Sunday, February 8, in St. Joseph Basement from 8 am until 12 noon. Walk-ins are welcome! !" Come play with us on the 2nd and 4th Mondays from 1-3 pm in the St. Joseph Center. Here is the rehearsal/performance schedule of Living Stations for 2015 Sunday, February 8: 2–4 pm – Church Sunday, February 15: 7–9 pm Church Sunday, February 22: 7–9 pm – Church Sunday, March 1: 7–9 pm – Church Sunday, March 8: 7–9 pm – Church Sunday, March 15: 7–9 pm – Church Sun., March 29: 7–9 pm – Church (Dress Rehearsal) Tues., March 31: 7–9 pm – Church (Dress Rehearsal) Friday, April 3: 7:30 pm Performance – Church Please watch the bulletin for meeting dates and times for high school students who would like to participate in the Living Stations Choir or contact Fred Wackenhut, fwackenhut@stmary-woodstock.org. Thank you to all who help this wonderful ministry. This is a great service to our parish. "#$ $)# Please consider one of these open hours: Adorers Needed Tuesday at 5 am, 11 am, 12 pm, & 1 pm Wednesday at 12 am (every other wk) Thursday at 7 am, 12 pm, 3 pm & 11 pm Saturday at 3 pm, 6 pm & 11 pm Sunday at 5 am & 11 pm Hour coordinator 1 am & 7 pm Division leaders midnight to 6 am. To fill one of these openings, call: Bob & Donna Kovarik at (815) 814-2914. Where your investment in education pays dividends in: faith formation, character development and academic success. Be prepared for high school and for the future with an excellent academic foundation and the support of our dedicated teachers and staff. !|!6W0DU\3DULVKĊ:RRGVWRFN,OOLQRLV! Registration opens to families who are not currently enrolled starting February 1. Registration fees increase starting March 1. Financial Aid applications are due no later then March 1. If you were unable to attend the Open House on January 25, please call 815-338-3598 to schedule a tour with Principal Frank Shields. 01 0 Marian Central’s “A Walk Through the Emerald Isle” annual dinner auction, will be held on March 14, 2015, at the school. Tickets for the casual evening are $35 for general seating, and include a buffet dinner, auctions and cash bar. Raffle tickets are $20 for a prize of $3,000. Winner does not need to be present. For more information call 815-3384220 ext. 125. The next men’s club meeting is Thursday, February 12, at the Pour House on Main St. starting at 8 pm. (2 &# On May 29, our chapel will have been the center for many people, adoring Christ around the clock, for 10 years. What a remarkable feat for a relatively small parish. As we approach this anniversary date, you will begin to see some changes that we are planning. We will be freshening up the chapel with some new paint; we will be doing some re-upholstering and adding new carpeting and drapes. As of last week, a new tabernacle, built by Albert Idler and Jerry Riley was put in place and blessed by Hans Rokus. This new tabernacle was built to allow for the new procedures if an adorer is unable to fulfill the hour of adoration. Adorers will be able to temporarily close the tabernacle around the monstrance, if another adorer is unavailable. Instructions are in the chapel for this procedure. We are very excited (and hope you will be too to see the final results. May God bless all for this first decade of prayer and adoration as we look forward to the next decades of answered prayers. #" If you have ever wanted to give back and you were not sure when or where to do it, consider helping with the weekly PADS shelter. From October through April, McHenry County churches share the responsibility to temporarily house the homeless of the county. On Wednesday nights and all day Thursday, the shelter is at Redeemer Lutheran in Woodstock. If you are interested in working at the shelter, contact the organizers directly via email at info@rlcw.org. They serve meals and have all night supervision for the shelter. (&/ Renowned, all-male chorus to deliver an acappella program of sacred and secular music. Under the direction of Daniel C. Stowe, the University of Notre Dame Glee Club will perform a concert at First Congregational Church, 461 Pierson Street, Crystal Lake, at 8 pm on Friday, March 6. There are no advance ticket sales. However, a free-will offering will be collected. * + St. Mary Church’s St. Vincent de Paul conference would like to thank all of the generous hearts of St. Mary parishioners who continue to make monetary or other donations to help combat poverty in our community when all of the other resources are exhausted. In December alone, we received 54 requests for assistance from individuals or families in our area. These were requests for the basics of living; food, shelter, clothing, etc. Pairs of SVdP members, called home visitors, responded to the needs of those in trouble and took food, paper supplies, furniture, emergency monetary aid, or sometimes just open ears to listen and be compassionate. As Vincentians, we try to see the face of Jesus in the people we assist, which guides us to be good stewards of the donations that we receive from you. Is there someone you know who is in trouble and could use assistance from St. Vincent de Paul? They can call us at 815-334-7711 and leave a message and we will respond to their need. We always welcome new members to join our ministry of service. 3&4"& We invite you to come see our St. Mary “Mime for Life” group perform here at St. Mary’s on Sunday, February 15, at 4:15 before the 5:00 Mass. Our Mime for Life group has been active for over a year and has been performing for several of the churches in our Deanery. The group consists of high school students from St. Mary’s who use non-verbal communication to express a strong pro-life message. The Mime for Life portrays real-life stories of 2 girls who find themselves in crisis pregnancies and face the decision whether to choose life or death for the unborn. Please come and support this amazing group of teenagers who are standing up for the unborn and are sharing an unforgettable and powerful message. If you would like more information about the group, please contact Shea Pivnicka at (815) 3341770. & %& From last week’s bulletin we need to correct…Mike graduated from Drake in December and has been working as a full-time FOCUS missionary at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio. ! 6*## $)$ St. Mary School is a Catholic grade school serving children in preschool to eighth grade. This school stresses the Catholic faith, an excellent academic foundation, and a well-rounded variety of extra-curricular activities including sports, music, theater, and student council activities. View more details on the St. Mary School website. If you are interested in a personalized tour of the school or answers to questions, contact the principal, Frank Shields at 815-338-3598. 5!! Join us on Monday, March 2, at 7:30 pm for a “Vigil of Life”. Through the rosary and benediction, we will pray that human life, at every stage, be protected and nurtured. Women wishing to receive a blessing because they are pregnant, are trying to become pregnant, or wish to adopt can do so at this time. 2$ This Sunday is World Marriage Day which honors husband and wife as the foundation of the family. Commit to making your marriage a priority in your lives and let your marriage relationship give glory to God. Strengthen, renew, and rekindle your marriage sacrament by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend on March 6-8 in Madison, WI; April 17-19 in Brookfield, WI; or May 1-3 in Rockford, IL. Early registration is highly recommended. For more information visit our website at: alifetimeoflove.org or call (888) 574-5653. For a fin de semana en Espanol in Chicago on Feb. 20-22; June 5-7 or Sept. 4-6, contact Andres y Maria at 630-229-2600. "/0 In accord with Diocese of Rockford’s mandate that every employee and volunteer who works with children within parish schools, parish school athletics, religious education and youth ministry programs be trained to recognize and properly act upon allegation and incidence of abuse, training is available online at www.ceorockford.org/Ed/. If you have questions, contact the school or parish office. :H3UD\IRUWKRVHZKRKDYHGLHGLQ&KULVW “See, upon the palms of my hands I have engraved you...” Is 49:16 (NABRE © 2010 CCD. Used with permission.) Please pray for the repose of the souls of our departed brothers and sisters, especially those who have died this past week. /LIHKDVFKDQJHGQRWHQGHG !"#$%&'#()%#*+),"#-+)#&%"#.//0## Please pray for the Lord’s healing to comfort the following people: Nicole Andrews Lou Barone Dolores Borst Joseph Borst Dorothea Caffrey Dominic Campoli Kristen Carlstedt Steve Carrion Victoria R. Dewey Evelyn Donagalski Julia Garrison Catherine Gotham George Haegler Shane Hammertree Ann Holtman Xavier Hope Jim Johnston Mary Jean Karhoff Mary Klocek-Gillis Dorothy Kohl JoAnna Krueger Joan Laschen Alan Marshall Elaine Marshall Matt Marcheschi R.B. McCallister Joanne Mosley Christine Musiel Kathleen Peiffer Anita Perez Jameson Powers Lumina Regalado Judy Ray Susan Reeb Klaus Schubert Mimi Schuette Virginia Stefanik Patrick Sullivan Kaitlyn Teeters Bill Thornton Mary Lou Wett Lori White And any others we may have missed. | Sharon Bates Kathy Boseo Helen Caprio Ruth Collins Lily Farej Diane Graske Charlie Hays Kathleen Howell Robert Kieser Helen Kostenko Courtney Lee Mary Ann Mass Karen Mencotti Odette Musiel Kathleen Phalen Gaelen Ring Lynn Ryan Alan Sendzik Patricia Tampa Dennis Tonge Phyllis Wood Dody Beringer Charles Brenneman Carol Carlisle Thomas Cooney Mario Pizzo Ferrato Chester Grubba Agnes Hess Mary Huinker Debbie Kirchhardt Mary Lou Kozar Mahnaz Mahiudin Stella Matthews Owen Meredith Margaret Niemyjski Terry Pirro Sam Ring Gay Schaaf David Stack Patricia Tauchen Kathie Tretnik Joey Worzala Robert Bangiorno Joe Burg Greta Carlisle Kay Denoiyer Mary Franks Dorothy Grubba Jean Hess Wilma Johnson Matt Kischuk Helen Kristensen Michael Manczko Martin Matzelle Bill Morris Harlene Parks Rose Potje Kyle Riordan John Schleehauf Evelyn Stanek Jim & Della Taylor Rose C. Verga Chester Zyskowski )HEUXDU\ Monday, 7:30 am Tuesday, 7:30 am 8:40 am Wednesday, 7:30 am Thursday, 7:30 am 6:00 pm Friday, 7:30 am Saturday, 7:30 am 5:00 pm 6:30 pm Sunday, 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 pm 5:00 pm †Rita Baumann (Family) Communion Service Communion Service Communion Service †Jeffrie Whiting (St Mary Parish) †Amalia Juarez, †Salvador Carbajal, & †Emma Carbahal 7+(:((.$+($'« Monday, 2/9 8:45 AM 9:30 AM 1:00 PM 3:00 PM 3:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 3rd Grade Practice- CH Environmental Presentations - SJB Bridge Club - SJC After Hours Care - E Band - A English As A Second Language - TL Legion of Mary - CM1 Bible Study - SJC Tuesday, 2/10 †Ralph DeLeon (Family) & Molly Wheeler (K of C) †Jodi Farris (Ed & Sharon O’Brien) People of the Parish 8:40 AM 9:30 AM 9:45 AM 10:30 AM 3:00 PM 3:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM †Jose Avila Galvez, †Ignacio Avil Galvez, & †Jessica M. Avila Wednesday, 2/11 †Betsy Kearley (Family) 7:00 AM 7:50 AM 8:00 AM 8:35 AM 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:40 AM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM †Kevin Green (Friends of St. Mary) †Charles O’Leary (Helen O’Leary& Family) †William F. Morrissey & †Jaena Absalon †Alberto Duenas, †Salvador Carbajal, & †Amalia Juarez )HEUXDU\ Servers Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 7:30 AM M. Jablonski, M. Jablonski Thursday 7:30 AM D. Degutis, A. Steffes, B. Zecchin Friday, 7:30 AM D. Degutis, A. Steffes Saturday, 7:30 AM D. Degutis, A. Steffes 5:00 PM D. Gillum, T. Gillum, B. Stoll, S. Stoll Sunday, 7:30 AM C. Goglin 9:00 AM C. Pivnicka, B. Pivnicka, D. Pivnicka, A. Roberston 10:30 AM S. Canaday, I. Reyes, D. Stumpf, K. Stumpf 5:00 PM E. Bychowski, A. Steffes Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Saturday, 5:00 PM M. Bjork, Deacon Bill, R. Reinert, C. Stier, S. Heider, M. Abando, N. Abando Sunday, 7:30 AM S. Jung, K. Stanger, K. Shea 9:00 AM R. Kenyon, Deacon Hans, C. Russell, J. Russell, P. Pecoraro, C. White, M. Stasiek, J. Stasiek 10:30 AM B. McNamara, L. Huckstaedt, S. Zervic 5:00 PM A. Virzi, Deacon Bill, A. Kaufmann Lector Saturday, 5:00 PM J. Johnsos Sunday, 7:30 AM D. Stack, V. Peschke 9:00 AM M. Morphew, T. Burg 10:30 AM T. Loizzo, B. Birchfield 5:00 PM S. Gena Ministers of Hospitality Saturday, 5:00 pm D. Shinherr, L. Johnsos, T. Harding, L. Howell Sunday, 7:30 am G. Las, P. Porter, K. Jung, R. Buchanan 9:00 am A. May, G. Smith, S. Otten, K. Foerster 10:30 am M. Stroh, J. Hallisy, S. Zervic, J. Frank 5:00 pm Volunteers School Mass- CH Environmental Presentations - SJB Home & School Association - SJC Prayer Group - CM1 After Hours Care - E Daisy Girl Scouts - SJB Adult Choir - SJ201 English As A Second Language - TL JPC Team Mtg- SJC Buildings & Grounds - CM1 Right to Life Committee - SJB Reconciliation - CH School Mass Choir - SJB Coffee Bar - SJC 8th Grade Spanish Class - SJB Bible Study - SJC Environmental Presentations - SJB Middle School Church Choir Practice - CH After Hours Care - E Religious Education - ALL Religious Education - CH, JRHIGH, SJB, TL RE Parent Chastity Info - A Thursday, 2/12 8:35 AM 3:00 PM 3:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 8:00 PM 7th grade Spanish Class - SJB After Hours Care - E Band - A Hispanic Confirmation - JR3, JR201, JR202, SJC Reconciliation (Spanish) - CH Men's Club - Pour House Friday, 2/13 7:50 AM 8:00 AM 1:00 PM 3:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:30 PM School Mass Choir - SJB Reconciliation - CH Bible Study - SJC After Hours Care - E Girl Scouts - E Hispanic St. Cecilia Choir - SJ201 Hispanic Knights of Columbus - CCB-MR Saturday, 2/14 5:30 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 3:30 PM 4:00 PM 6:00 PM That Man Is You - SJB English Emmaus - TL Reconciliation - CH Spanish First Reconciliation - CH, SJC, SJN Jovenes Para Cristo - SJB Reconciliation - CH Reconciliation (Spanish) - CH Sunday, 2/15 8:45 AM 10:00 AM 1:30 PM 1:30 PM 1:30 PM 2:00 PM 4:15 PM 6:00 PM Confirmation Class - JR201, JR202 Hispanic Catechist - A Baptism (Private) - CH Jonac (Young Adult) - SJB Emmaus Couples - E Living Stations Practice - CH Mime For Life - CH Youth Ministry - SJC Facilities Key: A-Auditorium, CM1 - Conway Center 1st Floor Conference Room, CCB-MR - Conway Center Basement Meeting Room, CH - Church, CHOSA Hispanic Ministry Center, CREL-All Elementary Classrooms, E-Egan Hall, EARTElementary Art Room, ESF-Elementary School Foyer, G-Gym, JRHIGH-Jr. High School, KCROOM-Knights of Columbus Room, KIT-School Kitchen, PKING-Church Parking Lot, PLAY-School Playground, SJCH-St Joseph Center Adoration Chapel, SJB-St. Joseph Center Basement, SJC-St. Joseph Center, SJ201 - St. Joseph Classroom 201, SJNSt. Joseph Center Nursery, TL-Teachers’ Lounge. ! 2", Monday through Saturday............................ 7:30 am Thursday....................................6:00 pm (en Español) Tuesday School Mass (September-May).......8:40 am 312 Lincoln Avenue, Woodstock, IL 60098 Hours: Monday-Friday.................8:00 am - 4:00 pm Parish Office.......................................815-338-3377 Fax...................................................... 815-338-3497 Religious Education.......................... 815-338-3413 Business Manager’s Office…............815-338-0223 Saturday.................5:00 pm, 6:30 pm (en Español) Sunday...................7:30, 9:00 & 10:30 am, 12 Noon (en Español), 5:00 pm & Wednesday...........7:00 - 7:25 am Thursday...............5:00 - 5:55 pm Friday.....................8:00 - 8:30 am Saturday................8:00 - 8:30 am 4:00 - 4:45 pm, 6:00 pm (en Español) or by appointment by calling (815) 338-3377. Para Español llamar al (815) 338-3377. Please note that during Lent and Advent there will be additional confession times scheduled and will be published on pages 6 or 7 of this bulletin. Project Rachel Referral Svc. 815-877-LIFE or 1-800-5WECARE 313 N. Tryon Street, Woodstock, IL 60098 Office.................................................. 815-338-3598 Fax...................................................... 815-338-3408 !"#$%# ! "#$%& Office.................................................. 815-338-4220 Fax...................................................... 815-338-4253 #$% % $%&$ 1-800-848-LOVE Nurturing Network 1-800-TNN-4MOM Catholic Charities 1-800-759-7626 Pager #3178 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS, INC. Michael Thomas, O.D. Imran Ali, O.D. Carl Schnulle, President 815-568-6508 P.O. Box 39, Woodstock 815-337-6600 www.tbh.guru 815.245.6669 Support Our Advertisers Check the ads on this page before you check the yellow pages or the internet. Contact Jeff Tkachuk to place an ad today! JTkachuk@4LPi.com or (800) 950-9952 x2513 Majercik Physical Therapy Joe Majercik Physical Therapist Bill Moerschbaecher Physical Therapist 815.337.7410 • 201 Throop St. General Dentistry 226 Washington St. Woodstock, IL 815/338-8155 FOR AD INFO CALL JEFF TKACHUK 1-800-876-4574 WWW.4LPi.COM ST. MARY, WOODSTOCK C 2C 01-0411 01-19-2015 12:24:36 Jude Schmidt Custom Construction Schneider-Leucht Merwin-Cooney Funeral Home 1211 Seminary Ave. 338-1710 “Quality Building Supplies” 338-0075 Gummerson Rausch Wand Lee Wombacher, LLC Attorneys at Law Practicing law in personal injury, worker’s compensation, criminal, family, corporate, real estate, zoning, general litigation, estate planning, probate and medical malpractice defense. 101 S. Benton Street, Suite 201 Woodstock, lllinois 60098 Licensed, Bonded & Insured Residential Commercial Industrial JOHN BARGER, President 815-338-6317 bze le c t ric a l.c om HOMES • ADDITIONS • POLE BARNS LIGHT COMMERCIAL PRE-ENGINEERED METAL BUILDINGS Ph: 815.337.7700 • Fax: 815.337.7990 CONDOMINIUM & TOWNHOME MGMT. HOWE Real Estate Services 333 E. Jackson St. 815-337-1656 (815) 568-6311 www.JudeSchmidtCustomConst.com Kevin Kirwan Heating, Cooling, Plumbing and Water Heaters Woodstock Auto • Home • Life • Business Workers’ Compensation 24 Hour Service 316 S. Main St., Wauconda, IL 60084-1985 815-337-4200 CJW Builders, Inc. Mon-Sat 6am to 10pm • Sun 6am to 9pm (815) 337-8230 1110 N. Seminary Ave. (Rt. 47) Woodstock Par Parking Lot Services Maintenance Company, Inc. Mai • Sealcoating • Hot Pour Crackfilling • Asphalt Repair • Asphalt Paving Since 1974 plsmaintenance.com Toll Free#: 815.206.3066 Member of Woodstock, Marengo, Harvard & Crystal Lake Chamber of Commerece Commercial Build-Outs Home Remodeling • Decks Roofing • Siding & More Charles “Joe” Watson 815-482-2500 cjwbuilders@hotmail.com Ashley Ryan, LMT ReEnergize Massage Therapy 105 N Jefferson Street Woodstock IL 60098 105 Van Buren St. Woodstock 815-338-5400 Trucking • Excavating Ready Mix Concrete 21816 Railroad St. • Marengo, IL 815-568-5695 Island Lake, Illinois Office: 847-338-5788 www.legalshieldassociate.com/myers_d myers-debra@comcast.net Deb Myers Independent Associate Small Business, CDLP & Group Benefits Specialist Legal and Identity Theft Protection Assisting individuals, families and businesses. Delaware Electric Company, Inc. ELECTRICAL • GENERATORS • SOLAR FULLY LICENSED & BONDED (815) 338-3139 815-338-4082 kkirwan@farmersagent.com Donahue Furniture 1345 S. Eastwood Dr. (Rte 47) Woodstock, IL 60098 www.donahuefurn.com 815.338.1086 815-790-5785 JENSEN’S PLUMBING Francis X. Gosser Attorney At Law & HEATING LIC# 058-109471 For All Your Commercial & Residential Needs 670 E. Calhoun (815) 338-1936 www.jensenph.com Kevin Kirwan Insurance Agency gency • Weddings • Pets • Children Graduations • Senior • Family Groups • Photos Restored • Special Events dewanestudio@dewanestudio. com 220 Main St., Woodstock, IL 60098 815-338-1880 • DeWaneStudio.com DR. ROBERT J. WOLF Family Eye Care Prescriptions Filled 206 N. Madison • 338-7810 www.wolfoptometriccenter.com JMH CHIMNEY CHIMNEY & FIREPLACE SALES & SERVICES 815-338-4140 Cosmetic Dentistry • Laser Detection Of Cavities P.O. Box 638 Woodstock, IL 60098 Rebuilds, Relines, Repointing Repairs, Restorations Inspections per the NFPA, Sweeps Robert Haraden, DDS David Lee, DDS Over 30 years of experience 338-0690 661 S. Eastwood Drive • Woodstock, IL 60098 RALPH GUNDERSON PLUMBING, INC. Septic Pumping & Repair 815-653-7806 Where The Owners Answer The Phone! • LICENSED & INSURED • EMERGENCY SERVICE AVAILABLE IN MOST CASES WONDER LAKE, IL DFI Floor Works Inc. Zoia Monument Co. Zo Family Owned Over 124 Years 222 Washington Woodstock, IL 815-338-0358 Marengo 815-568-6573 Ceramic Tile • Stone • Vinyl • Wood 15315 Saint Patrick Road Woodstock, IL 60098 Dale Freund 25+ Years Experience Phone: 815-353-1768 • Fax: 815-338-3080 E-Mail: dfifloor@stans.com Network • Windows Wind • Do Doors • Cabi Cabinets 14 1401 S. Eastwood (Rt. 47), Woodstock 815-338-8900 www.blueribbonmillwork.com Copy • Scan • Print Since 1960 (815) 338-0549 Woodstock www.stans.com Internet Solutions Business Solutions BOTTS WELDING & TRUCK SERVICE, INC. Truck Safety Inspection 815-338-0594 335 N. Eastwood Dr. (Rt. 47) Woodstock, IL 60098 FOR AD INFO CALL JEFF TKACHUK 1-800-876-4574 Contact Jeff Tkachuk to place an ad today! JTkachuk@4LPi.com or (800) 950-9952 x2513 WWW.4LPi.COM ST. MARY, WOODSTOCK B 2C 01-0411 01-19-2015 12:24:36 Over 100 Years of Family Roofing & Experience PETERS MOTORS Doug Charles 847.707.0831 Fax: 815-337-7139 Woodstock, IL Residential & Commercial COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE DOMESTIC & FOREIGN HAIRCUTS, UPDOS, & PERMS OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 11607 Catalpa Ln., Woodstock ASE Certified • Member ASC • Major Credit Cards Accepted (815) 337-0014 13712 Washington, Woodstock 338-2886 Near Car Wash & Across Lake Ave. from Wal-Mart DAVENPORT FAMILY FUNERAL HOMES & CREMATORY Visit Davenportfamily.com for prices and services 419 E. Terra Cotta Ave., Crystal Lake All Natural Frozen Yogurt & Smoothies 124 Cass St. • Woodstock www.yofreshyogurtcafe.com 10% off with coupon • Extensive Line of Bakery Delights • Deli • Wedding Cakes • Special Occasions 122 N. Benton, Woodstock 338-0414 • Harvard: 943-7282 swissmaidbakery.com 815-459-3411 David D. Janes, DDS Gentle Excellence For Your Family’s Dental Care 210 N. Madison Woodstock, IL 60098 815-338-7569 Compliments of ROSA’S CLEANING SERVICE NEW TO VOLO!! orthern Illinois Funeral Services, Inc Residential and Small Business Cleaning Service FULL SERVICE FUNERAL HOME WITH AFFORDABLE RATES 31632 N. Ellis Drive, Unit 209, Volo, IL 60073 847-833-2928 Cathy Daniel Jim Klocek Funeral Director & Owner Commercial - Home - Auto - Life - Health “We take Pride in Serving Our Families With Dignity Since 2000” www.marsinsurance.com 815-459-0711 Free Estimates Fully Insured “Clean as a freshly cut rose” Rosa Cruz 815-404-0742 815-404-0680 Route14autoparts.com 1390 S. Eastwood, Woodstock 815-338-3330 McHenry County Largest Buyer of Cars & Trucks in any Condition You could get up to 10% off SAVE With Used Auto Parts Woodstock, IL Rough Cut Tree Service LLC Herff’s Auto Service & Tire Tree Trimming Tree Removal Weekly Lawn Service Spring and Fall clean ups available Call Dennis Owned by Mike & Teri Herff Since 1985 Complete Auto Repair All Services Guaranteed www.herffsautoserviceandtire.com 815-337-4502 (815) 648-2583 Quality Water Conditioning, Inc. “Quality Water is not a matter of chance. It is a matter of Choice.” 815-338-3344 • Free Estimates 815-338-2800 Open Sundays 711 Amsterdam, Woodstock Henry H. Sugden III Attorney at law . Madsen, Sugden & Gottemoller . . • Animal Feed & Supplies • Premium Pet Food & Supplies • Quality Lawn & Pasture Seed • Professional Grade Fertilizers • Boots & Western Apparel • English Riding Gear • Breyer Collectible Horses • Equestrian Jewelry • Wild Bird Feeders, Baths & Houses Mon-Fri 9am-6pm • Sat 9am-5pm • Sun 10am-3pm One N. Virginia Street Crystal Lake, IL 60014 on the Woodstock Square! 1-815-308-5170 www.mixinmingle.com 2020 S. Rt. 47 - Woodstock Office 815/459-5152 815-338-4200 www.farmandlawn.net M.G. Services Landscaping Woodstock Dental Associates, Ltd. P.O. Box 484, Woodstock, IL 60098 Email: mg.services@rocketmail.com Melchor Gomez | 815-403-0619 • 815-276-7469 • Sod • Snow Removal • Brick Patios • Mulch • Tree Service • Lawn Maintenance • Gutter Cleaning • Retaining Walls • Ground Grooming 666 W. Jackson St. Woodstock, IL 60098 (815) 338-1138 Serving the community for over 30 years Dr. Michael J. Szurek DDS Dr. Chungyoon Ha DDS Se Habla Español L Burgers, Wraps, Sandwiches, Salads, Melts & Homemade Pizza BENOY MOTOR SALES, INC. Family Owned and Operated Serving McHenry County Since 1948 CHRYSLER FIVE STAR AWARD DEALER www.benoymotors.com 1790 S. EASTWOOD DRIVE, WOODSTOCK, IL 60098 (815) 338-5100 1040 Lake Ave., Woodstock, IL 60098 815-338-MILL w w w. re d m i l l t a v e r n . c o m Crystal Lake Psychology Assessment/Psychotherapy for Adults 5911 NW Highway, Ste 204 Tacos - Burgers - Sammiches 815-527-7643 1409 S. Eastwood Dr., Woodstock, IL Yes! We Deliver! Yes! We Cater! MINI GOLF or GO-KART $6.00 For All Ages (Crystal Lake Professional Office Pavilion Bldg, Crystal Lake) www.crystallakepsychology.com Christina Rudawski, Psy.D. William W. LeFew Agency Languages: English & Ukrainian 248 N. Throop St. Woodstock IL, 60098 Bus: (815) 334-0000 wlefew@amfam.com Batting Cages • Arcade Birthday Packages 815-338-7990 Rich Toepper 815-338-9900 815-451-8793(cell) 815-893-4041(land line & Fax) rich@richsoldit.com 25 years experience Come on in for a unique shopping experience at great prices! • Boars Head Deli Serving Soups & Sandwiches • Premium Ice Cream • Grocery • Beer • Wine • Catering www.kofc.org 1411 S. Eastwood Dr. (Rt.47) Woodstock, Illinois FOR AD INFO CALL JEFF TKACHUK 1-800-876-4574 WWW.4LPi.COM BRING IN AD FOR FREE CUP OF COFFEE 4409 Greenwood Rd., Greenwood, IL 60098 (just South of Galt Airport) 815-321-0030 ST. MARY, WOODSTOCK A 4C 01-0411 01-19-2015 12:24:36
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