! October 12, 2014 7ZHQW\(LJKWK6XQGD\RI2UGLQDU\7LPH Parish Staff Pastor Parochial Vicar Deacon Deacon Deacon Deacon Pastoral Associate/ Christian Service Business Manager Financial Asst. Parish Secretary/Coord Technology/ Liturgy Fr. Burt Absalon Fr. Johnson Lopez Mr. Hans Rokus Mr. Louis Barone Mr. James Devona Mr. William Johnston Mrs. JoAnne Sieck Mrs. Tara Kaufmann Mrs. JoAnn Lenart Mrs. Jenny Dwyer Secretary of Hispanic Min St. Mary School Principal St. Mary School Secretary Superintendent of Marian Central Catholic H.S. R.E. Director R.E. Secretaries Mrs. Maricela Dueñas Mr. Frank Shields Mrs. Kathy Stanger Mr. Thomas Landers Mrs. Diane O’Donnell Mrs. Pam Elsinger/ Mrs. Barb Jones Music Director/Keyboard Mr. Fred Wackenhut Keyboard Player Mrs. Barbara Klein General Maintenance Mrs. Imelda Salgado Facilities Engineer Mr. Jim Andrews To You From the Pastor Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, ! This Monday is Columbus Day. I hope you enjoy this long weekend with your loved ones. The holiday commemorates the landing of Christopher Columbus in the New World on October 12, 1492. It was said that Columbus was probably not the first European explorer to reach the Americas, having been preceded by the Norse expedition in the 11th century. But it’s Columbus’ voyages that led to the first lasting European contact with the Americas, paving the way to a period of European exploration and colonization that lasted for several centuries. Columbus’ arrival to the New World, therefore, had an enormous impact in the historical development of the modern Western world. Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy,in the 1450’s. He was a staunch Catholic whose expeditions and explorations were backed morally and financially by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, the Catholic monarchs of Spain who were known to be great propagators of the Catholic faith. Columbus himself saw his accomplishments primarily in the light of spreading the Christian religion. Taking pride in Columbus’ birthplace and faith, Italian and Catholic communities in various parts of the country organize annual religious ceremonies and parades in his honor. In 1892, President Harrison issued a proclamation encouraging Americans to mark the 400th anniversary of Columbus’ voyage with patriotic festivities, writing, “On that day let the people, so far as possible, cease from toil and devote themselves to such exercises as may best express honor to the discoverer and their appreciation of the great achievements of the four completed centuries of American life.” In 1937, President Franklin D. Roosevelt proclaimed Columbus Day a national holiday, largely as a result of intense lobbying by the Knights of Columbus, a very influential organization of men that takes its name after the discoverer of the Americas. The Knights of Columbus was founded by Father Michael J. McGivney in 1882. From its humble beginning in New Haven, Connecticut, the K of C is now the largest Catholic fraternal service organization in the world. The name of Columbus was intended as a reminder to the nation’s mainly Protestant leaders, who considered the Catholic Columbus as an American hero, yet simultaneously sought to marginalize Catholic immigrants. In taking Columbus as their patron, the Knights were sending the message that not only could Catholics be full members of American society, but were, in fact, instrumental in the foundation of this great nation. We see the Knights today in their regalia with swords worn on their side, providing dignity and beauty to the Catholic ceremonies that involve bishops and other Church dignitaries. But behind those most colorful garbs are committed men of faith who champion the Catholic Church through their programs of evangelization and Catholic education, civic involvement and charitable works for those in need. The K of C has been called "the strong right arm of the Church", and has received commendation from popes, presidents and other world leaders for their many great accomplishments throughout the world. Today there are more than 1.8 million members of K of C . To these men and to you all, HAPPY COLUMBUS DAY! Sincerely Yours In Christ, Fr. Burt Absalon, Pastor !"|"6W0DU\3DULVKĊ:RRGVWRFN,OOLQRLV" 'LVFLSOHVKLS1HZV 5HDGLQJVIRUWKH:HHN RI2FWREHU Last week, Jerry told how he had been listening for God for 15 minutes of his daily commute, but had heard nothing after 6 months. Then, JoAnn snookered him into going on a retreat… ! Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31--5:1/Lk 11:29-32 Gal 5:1-6/Lk 11:37-41 Gal 5:18-25/Lk 11:42-46 Eph 1:1-10/Lk 11:47-54 Eph 1:11-14/Lk 12:1-7 2 Tm 4:10-17b/Lk 10:1-9 Is 45:1, 4-6/1 Thes 1:1-5b/Mt 22:15-21 Our Parish Goal: $121,280 Our Pledges: $61,289 Pledges Needed: $59,991 # of Families 2,719 Current Donors: 202 % Participation 7.4% ! ! ! ! Our parish tithe next weekend will help support ! Camboni Missionaries. 5HSRUWDVRI $FWXDO %XGJHW 'LIIHU HQFH Year to Date Week$221,560 $235,536 ($13,976) -5.9% end Offerings Weekend Offering $15,834 for 10/5/2014 $16,824 Weekend of 10/5/2014 Sunday collection $15,834 E-Giving $1,337.50 Guardian Angel $218 St. Vincent de Paul $557 ($990) -5.9% “For it is in giving that we receive.” On Friday night of the retreat, I actually stood up and said, “I have been giving God the time it takes me to drive to the tollway every day, and He never talks to me.” Did you ever wish you could take back something you said? This was one of those lines. The moderator politely responded, “Maybe this weekend He will give you some answers”. The moderator’s name was Mike Jones and he did most of the talking on Friday night. I should point out that I had secured an aisle seat in case I needed to make a quick getaway. His opening story related how his mother had awakened him on a cold snowy winter morning to get him to church to serve Mass. The radio was filled with reports of the bad weather and all the school closings and the factory closings. There was a record snowfall and most of the area roads were closed as well. Surely there would be no Mass that day and He should just get back into that warm bed and go back to sleep. “Bundle up”, his mother told him and soon he was following her boot prints in the snow on his way to church to fulfill his duties as an altar boy. (Following his mother’s footsteps. Hmmm) Unbeknownst to him, several years earlier and two counties to the East, another young man (me) was being wakened by his mother on a cold winter morning. It was to be his first Mass as an altar boy after more than a year of preparing. The temperature was twenty below zero (that’s back when we had real winters!). After a nice warm breakfast, mom went out to start the car. Well, the old Ford just wouldn’t start. Dad was already out on the farm doing chores, and there was no time for battery chargers or jumper cables. Mom finally called a neighbor from the farm down the road who kept their car in the garage. They came over and loaned us their car so I could get to Mass. It was the first of many Masses my parents would proudly watch me serve, but it is the Mass that thirty five years later, would make Mike Jones and Jerry Smith not just friends but fellow evangelizers. How could I not trust a man with a story so similar to mine? Saturday seemed like a long day with story after story from these strangers about how God was working in their lives. At the time the stories seemed interesting but nothing real outstanding. I recall asking myself, “How is this going to enhance my Spiritual journey?” I claim it had little impact, but do you want to hear something scary? I remember their names: Larry and Jo Ginstra, Bill and Helen Kearney, Howard and Pat McCarthy, Dick and Mary Lou James, Chris Korab and Mike Kubera. Then came Sunday. Eighty-six degrees and sunny. Maybe we will get to go home early today. Jerry’s story continues next week. If you have a story of conversion or discipleship you’d like to share, email it to Anne Kumaranayagam at disciple@stmarywoodstock.org. We can print your story anonymously if you want. St. Francis of Assisi 6W0DU\3DULVKĊ:RRGVWRFN,OOLQRLV_! We are looking for more volunteers to bring Communion to the nursing homes. We need people for either weekdays or weekends. There is training involved. If you are interested, please call JoAnne Sieck at the office, 815-338-3377. Join the Legion of Mary, Rockford Curia, on Saturday, October 25, from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm, at Holy Family Church, 4401 Highcrest Rd, Rockford for Morning with Mary. The special guest speaker is Fr. Gerald O’Reilly, Spiritual Director of The Chicago Senatus. The cost is $5 per person and includes lunch. To reserve a spot, send a $5 check payable to The Legion of Mary Rockford. Mail it to Cecelia Skrade, 6743 Samantha Ln, Rockford, IL 61107. If you would like more information, call Pauline L’Heureux at 815-633-7537. ! We are looking for a parishioner who would like to represent St. Mary on the Woodstock Food Pantry Board. If you are interested in Fr. Burt recommending you for this position, please call the parish office, 815-338-3377. Whether you have been personally touched by the cross of infertility or know and love someone who has, this Mass is an occasion to come together and pray for hope and healing. There will also be an opportunity to share in fellowship and receive valuable resources from the OSF FertilityCare Center featuring NaPro Technology. Mass will be at 10:00am on Saturday, October 25, 2014 at OSF-St. Anthony Medical Center (5666 E. State St. Rockford, Illinois 61108). There will be signs helping direct people at the main entrance of the medical center. If you plan to attend or would like more information, please contact: Pastoral Care at 815-395-5210 or Mary O’Grady, RN, BSN, CFCP at 815-332-3015 or mary.e.o’grady@osfhealthcare.org. Speaker: Mary Vogrinc Saturday, October 25, 2014 9:00 am - 12:30 pm (seating at 8:30) Church of the Holy Apostles 5211 W. Bull Valley Rd., McHenry, IL 60050 Tickets $20 For more info visit MagnificatMcHenry.com " Need something different for gifts or something new to offer at parties? St. Vincent de Paul Society will be selling delicious preserves and coffees after Mass the weekend of October 11 and 12. There will be new items for sale as well, including candles and dip mixes. SVDP sales will continue on the second weekend of each month, so plan ahead for holiday parties and gifts. All proceeds are used to help the poor in our community. #$%& " Christ the Teacher University Parish, 512 Normal Rd., DeKalb, welcomes you to a teaching and exposition of sacred relics. Over 150 relics will be shown, some believed to be over 2000 years old! Among the treasures will be relics of St. Maria Goretti, St. Therese of Lisieux (the "Little Flower"), St. Francis of Assisi, St. Anthony of Padua, St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Faustina Kowalska. In addition, there will also be present a piece of a veil which is believed to have belonged to Our Lady and one of the largest remaining pieces of the True Cross in the world. Tickets by mail: Call Dee Slowey at 815-8934061 or send a self-addressed, stamped envelope along with a check payable to ‘Magnificat – McHenry Chapter’ to Dee Slowey, 8709 Shade Tree Circle, Village of Lakewood IL, 60014. Please put your phone number on the check; must be received by Friday, Oct. 17. This will be presented by Father Carlos Martins of the Companions of the Cross on Thursday, October 23, at 12:45 pm (after the 12:05 pm Mass) and at 7 pm. Please see this website for more information. !""#$%%&&&'"()*+,()+-."!)/!,(/!'/-0% Tickets may also be purchased now through Wednesday, Oct. 22, at Bell Tower Gifts and Books located at The Church of Holy Apostles, 5211 W. Bull Valley Rd., McHenry, IL 60050 and at The Little Way, 50 Brink St., Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Winter Clothing Drive sponsored by St. Vincent de Paul Society, St. Mary Outreach, and Woodstock Area Community Ministry. Share your gently used coats, sweaters, blankets, boots, gloves, and mittens. Drop off at the school and church through October 20. !|!6W0DU\3DULVKĊ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³SROLFH´ZLWKHDFKFKLOG¶V FKRVHQZDUGUREHIRUPRGHVW\RUSURIDQLW\LVVXHV3HHU SUHVVXUHLVVRPHZKDWDOOHYLDWHGZKHQVWXGHQWVDUH IRUFHGWRSXWDFDGHPLFVRYHUIDVKLRQDQGWKXV LQFXOFDWHVDVHQVHRIVHOIGLVFLSOLQH 2QHQHJDWLYHVKRZQLQWKHVWXG\LVWKHFRQFHUQ DERXWWKHDPRXQWRIPRQH\LWWDNHVWRDFTXLUHDQG VXVWDLQWKHZDUGUREH)RUFRVWHIILFLHQF\6DLQW0DU\ 6FKRRORIIHUVDPRQWKO\³8QLIRUP([FKDQJH´ SURJUDP7KLVKHOSVSDUHQWVWRNHHSXSZLWKWKH ILQDQFLDOGHPDQGVRIVFKRROXQLIRUPVDQGWKHLU FRQWLQXDOO\JURZLQJFKLOGUHQ 7RP\VXUSULVHWKH\RXQJODGLHVSLFWXUHGDERYH PRGHOHGWKHYDULHW\RIXQLIRUPVLQZKLFK6DLQW0DU\ 6FKRRORIIHUVDQGFRPPHQWHGTXLWHSRVLWLYHO\RQWKH PDWWHU7KH\DOODJUHHGWKDWWKH\HQMR\KDYLQJWKH VLPSOLVWLFDWWLUHEXWPLJKWOLNHWRKDYHDOLWWOHPRUH LQGLYLGXDOLW\5HJDUGOHVVRIWKHDWWLWXGHVZH PD\KROG,EHOLHYHWKDWZHFDQDOODJUHHWKDW RXUVWXGHQWVDOOORRNFKDUPLQJLQWKHLU XQLIRUPV 3! Collect your change or just make a donation and return the bottles October 25-26. All proceeds will go to 1st Way Pregnancy Center which benefits women in crisis pregnancies. & & +,!- Come play with us on the 2nd and 4th Mondays from 1-3 pm in the St. Joseph Center. We will be meeting on Oct. 18 in the St. Joseph Center Basement. Year two is now underway, All men in our parish are welcome to join us. Year one is not a prerequisite for year two. Doors open at 5:45 am and video starts at 6:15 am. Adjourn by 7:30 am. Come and check it out. If you would like a wake-up call, let Jerry Smith know and he will be glad to call. We have room for 70 men but only 40 show up. Over 500 parishes will be running this dynamic men’s program this year. Want to know more? Call Jerry Smith 815-338-9434 or e-mail at jerrysmith@owc.net Check out the program at www.thatmanisyou.org. ! ./012 ." Donations for the food pantry can be left at any time in the wonderful bin in the St. Joseph Center. Thank you. ( Daniela & Valentina Castaneda Barajas, child of Eduardo & Daniela Castaneda. Fatima Carbajal Bernal, child of Jose & Maria Carbajal. Yaretzy Castaneda, child of Marco Castaneda & Ana Ruth Sandoval. Jacqueline Chavez Guarneros, child of Javier Chavez & Maria de los Angeles Guarneros. Jacob Klimczak, child of Scott & Katherine Klimczak. Yahatzil Paredes, child of Lorenzo & Yhesica Paredes. Mia Solay Puga Ruiz, child of Jose Cruz & Josefina Ruiz. Lucas Selof, child of Nathan & Margaret Selof. Please pray for them and their families as they continue on their journey of faith and learn to know and love God. Please consider one of these open hours: Adorers Needed Monday at 12 am (every other wk), 2 am & 6 pm (every other wk) Tuesday at 5 am, 11 am, 12 pm, & 1 pm Wednesday at 12 am (every other wk), 2 am, & 3 am Thursday at 7 am, 12 pm & 11 pm Friday at 2 am Saturday at 11 am, 1 pm & 6 pm Sunday at 5 am & 11 pm Hour coordinator 1 am & 7 pm Division leaders midnight to 6 am. To fill one of these openings, call: Bob & Donna Kovarik at (815) 814-2914. !|!6W0DU\3DULVKĊ:RRGVWRFN,OOLQRLV! Make your reservations now! Grease back your hair or grab your saddle shoes and join us for a fabulous night of auctions, food, dancing and fun! Friday, November 14 - 6 pm to midnight at the Turnberry Country Club in Lakewood For reservations, information, or questions, please see our website at http://www.stmarywoodstock.org/about-us/school-headlines/288fabulous-50s or email Carol Iden at fabulous50s@stmarywoodstock.org *" Our meetings are the first and third Thursdays of each month starting at 7:30 pm in the St. Joseph Center Basement. The meetings are open to any Catholic man over 18 years of age. ( 34 In the weeks ahead, our parish representative from Solutio, Inc., will be setting up the advertising for our website for the year. Please consider participating in this effort since the revenue from the ads is what makes the website possible at no cost to the parish. It’s a great way to get your name in front of the families in the parish. Advertisements may be purchased for a business, family memorial, or you can sponsor an ad supporting Catholic Charities, Knights of Columbus, Vocations, etc. Please give these ideas some thought. We need and appreciate your help! If you are interested or just curious as to prices and want more information, please contact 815-516-0548 or Sponsoship@SolutioSoftware.com. 7$ St. Joseph’s Church is offering the Emmaus retreat for men of the parish. This retreat is based on the scripture found in the Gospel of Luke 24:13-35. The main theme of the retreat is to discover or rediscover Jesus in our lives, and the importance of men ministering to men. The retreat is held at Inspiration Ministries Retreat Center in Walworth, WI. The cost is $100. The cost includes room, board, and the program. Registration forms are available in the back of the church or at the Ministry Center. For additional information, call Bill Vanderstappen at 815-943-7456 or email bill.vanderstappen@gmail.com; David Dollman at 815-814-0043 or email dcdollman@gmail.com or Scott Emricson at 815-455-6889 or email emricson_s@sbcglobal.net. (+3 Come to learn from our guest, Sister Marie Day, from the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary in Waukesha, WI. This program is for all women and mothers in the parish. It is held at 11 am in the St. Joseph Basement on the first and third Thursday of each month. For more information, call Barb Gessert (815) 334-0422. 3666( Hosted by Woodstock Area Community Ministries (WACM) on October 19, at Grace Lutheran Church with 1:30 pm registration and 2:00 pm walk. Please join us for a pleasant 5K walk through beautiful Emricson Park in Woodstock to raise awareness about hunger and to raise funds to combat it. The route is fully marked and police escorted and will have a water and washroom stop. The walk is stroller and petfriendly. Runners are welcome and will be cheered on first! All proceeds from the Hunger Walk support people in need in the Woodstock & Wonder Lake communities. In the last fiscal year, WACM provided $29,714 for food, $14,274 in clothing, $13,274 in utilities, gas, bus passes, and medical bills, and $3,000 for the PADS emergency shelter in Woodstock at Redeemer Lutheran Church. On average WACM helps 120 children and 111 adults each month. This year, we hope to raise even more money to help people struggling in our community! Registrations and donations are being accepted online at www.wacmgroup.org and in person before the walk beginning at 1:30 pm on Oct. 19,2014. !" The Parish Offices will be closed on Monday, October 13, for Columbus Day. 5 Join our diabetic support group on the first Wednesday of the month (September-May). They meet at 6 pm in the Conway Center meeting room. They have discussions and presentations on various topics relating to Diabetes. October’s meeting was postponed to October 15. Ahoy Matey! Rise Up, an annual leadership development conference hosted by Marian Central’s NHS members, is for 6th-8th graders who are interested in learning leadership skills through educational and interactive workshops. Journey with us as we discover the treasure of leadership during this day of Pirate-themed fun. This event will be held from 9 am to 3 pm on Saturday, November 15, 2014. For registration forms and further information, please visit our website at https://sites.google.com/a/ marian.com/rise-up-conferenc/home.! All students in grades 8 through 12 are invited to attend the Diocese of Rockford's Catholic Youth Summit on Sunday, October 26, at Boylan Catholic High School in Rockford. We will meet at 7:30 am at the front steps of our elementary building on Lincoln Avenue and will return home at approximately 6:30 pm that evening. The cost to attend is only $10 and this will include coach bus transportation, lunch and a t-shirt. We look forward to having a large group attend to support our very own parishioner, Kassandra Salgado, who is one of the speakers at this year's Summit! To register, go to our Youth Group page on our website at www.St. Mary-Woodstock.org. Click on the Youth Summit 2014 Permission and Emergency Information forms (under documents) and return them to the parish office along with the $10 payment (checks payable to St. Mary Church). Also include on the permission form the size t-shirt to be ordered. All registrations need to be returned to the parish office before Tuesday, October 7. Call the parish office at 815-338-3377 with any questions. ! 68 & #" St. Mary School is a Catholic grade school serving children in preschool to eighth grade. This school stresses the Catholic faith, an excellent academic foundation, and a well-rounded variety of extra-curricular activities including sports, music, theater, and student council activities. View more details on the St. Mary School website. If you are interested in a personalized tour of the school or answers to questions, contact the principal, Frank Shields at 815-338-3598. $% Join us on Monday, November 3, at 7:30 pm for a “Vigil of Life”. Through the rosary and benediction, we will pray that human life, at every stage, be protected and nurtured. Women wishing to receive a blessing because they are pregnant, are trying to become pregnant, or wish to adopt can do so at this time. ( In today’s Gospel it says that “The feast is ready, but those who were invited were not worthy to come.” God invites us to make our Sacrament of Marriage worthy to come to the feast. Do we enrich our marriage to make it what God wants it to be? Let God be the strength of your marriage by attending the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend on Oct. 24-26 in Rockford, IL; Nov. 14-16 in Brookfield, WI or January 23-25, 2015 in Brookfield, WI. Early registration is highly recommended. For more information visit our website at: alifetimeoflove.org or call (888) 574-5653 or a fin de semana en Espanol in Chicago on Nov. 14-16, contact Andres y Maria at 630229-2600. 57" In accord with Diocese of Rockford’s mandate that every employee and volunteer who works with children within parish schools, parish school athletics, religious education and youth ministry programs be trained to recognize and properly act upon allegation and incidence of abuse, training is available online at www.ceorockford.org/Ed/. If you have questions, contact the school or parish office. :H3UD\IRUWKRVHZKRKDYHGLHGLQ&KULVW “Children are really the supreme gift of marriage and contribute very substantially to the welfare of their parents.” Please pray for the repose of the souls of our departed brothers and sisters, especially those who have died this past week. Second Vatican Council, Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World (Gaudium et Spes), 50 /LIHKDVFKDQJHGQRWHQGHG !"#$%&'#()%#*+),"#-+)#&%"#.//0## Please pray for the Lord’s healing to comfort the following people: Nicole Andrews Lou Barone Joseph Borst Kathy Boseo Dorothea Caffrey Dominic Campoli Kristen Carlstedt Steve Carrion Victoria R. Dewey Evelyn Donagalski Julia Garrison Catherine Gotham George Haegler Shane Hammertree Xavier Hope Barbara Howe Jim Johnston Margie Kersten Mary Klocek-Gillis Dorothy Kohl Helen Kristensen JoAnna Krueger Michael Manczko Alan Marshall Martin Matzelle Matt Marcheschi Bill Morris Julie Morris Margaret Niemyjski Kathleen Phalen Terry Pirro Lumina Regalado Gaelen Ring Susan Reeb Lynn Ryan Mimi Schuette Alan Sendzik Patrick Sullivan Patricia Tampa Bill Thornton Dennis Tonge Lori White Phyllis Wood And any others we may have missed. | Dody Beringer Charles Brenneman Helen Caprio Jean Cooney Lily Farej Diane Graske Jean Hess Kathleen Howell Robert Kieser Nancy Kormanak Bill Larsen Elaine Marshall R.B. McCallister Joanne Mosley Harlene Parks Elisa Plummer Sam Ring Gay Schaaf David Stack Patricia Tauchen Kathie Tretnik Joey Worzala Robert Bangiorno Joe Burg Carol Carlisle Thomas Cooney Mario Pizzo Ferrato Chester Grubba Tony Heyworth Mary Huinker Debbie Kirchhardt Helen Kostenko Joan Laschen Mary Ann Mass Karen Mencotti Christine Musiel Kathleen Peiffer Jameson Powers Kyle Riordan John Schleehauf Evelyn Stanek Jim & Della Taylor Rose C. Varga Chester Zyskowski Dolores Borst Harriet Bystricky Greta Carlisle Kay Denoiyer Mary Franks Dorothy Grubba Ann Holtman Wilma Johnson Matt Kischuk Mary Lou Kozar Courtney Lee Stella Matthews Owen Meredith Odette Musiel Anita Perez Daniel Raupp Judy Ray Klaus Schubert Virginia Stefanik Kaitlyn Teeters Mary Lou Wett 2FWREHU 7:30 am Tuesday, 7:30 am Wednesday, 7:30 am 10:00 am Thursday, 7:30 am 6:00 pm Friday, 7:30 am Saturday, 7:30 am 5:00 pm 6:30 pm Sunday, 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 pm 5:00 pm 7+(:((.$+($'« Monday, 10/13 Monday, Spec. Int. Joanne Mosley & †Alfreda & Charles Herrick †Pat McConville (Kathy & Marc Gordon) †Intention of Donor †Intention of Donor @ Hearthstone Manor †Jane Haldeman (Family) †Intention of Donor †Intention of Donor †Margaret Rossman (Joanne & George Sotiroff) †Leroy Schreiber (Anne & Mike McCoy) †Javier Vernal, †Salafiel Embriz, †Socorro Ortiz, & †Eduardo Carbajal †Betsy Kearley & †Carl Ohlrich †Allyson Gries & † Ronald Pankow People of the Parish †)Guillermo Rodriguez, †Leonel Cruz Quintero, & †Arturo Cruz Quintero †Gene & Paul Wedoff (St. Mary Parish) 2FWREHU Servers Monday, Tuesday 7:30 AM D. Degutis Wednesday, Thursday 7:30 AM S. Keisling, M. Keisling Friday, 7:30 AM J. Klimczak Saturday, 7:30 AM J. Klimczak 5:00 PM J. Shouse, C. Hoover Sunday, 7:30 AM B. Stoll, J. Hogel, M. Hogel 9:00 AM D. Bilodeau, F. Herff, V. Herff, C. Cherniak 10:30 AM J. Kaufmann, M. Kaufmann, L. Cieslak, N. Domek 5:00 PM J., J., & P. Walsdorf, A. Schleutermann Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Saturday, 5:00 PM P. Miljak, Deacon Jim, J. Bolger, M. LaBelle, S. Gena, M. Bjork, C. Stier Sunday, 7:30 AM C. Sweeney, K. Stoklosa, B. Schommer 9:00 AM C. White, Deacon Bill, A. Cichon, L. Keller, J. Russell, C. Russell, T. Keller, E. Herff 10:30 AM D. Kovarik, B. Kovarik, T. Loizzo 5:00 PM T. Morphew, Deacon Bill, G. Watson Lector Saturday, 5:00 PM C. Kay Sunday, 7:30 AM J. Schommer, V. Peschke 9:00 AM B.Baer, B. Baer 10:30 AM J. Diamond, J. Diamond 5:00 PM M. Morphew Ministers of Hospitality Saturday, 5:00 pm D. Shinherr, L. Johnsos, T. Harding, L. Howell Sunday, 7:30 am G. Las, P. Porter, K. Jung, R. Buchanan 9:00 am J. McCarthy, D. Booth, R. Bock, S. Canty 10:30 am B. Kovarik, R. Krause, B. Morris, C. Gilliland 5:00 pm Volunteers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uesday, 10/14 Wednesday, 10/15 Thursday, 10/16 Friday, 10/17 Saturday, 10/18 Sunday, 10/19 Bake Sale/Blood Pressure $0 30 30 30 &RQILUPDWLRQ&ODVV-5-5 -RQDF<RXQJ$GXOW6-% (PPDXV&RXSOHV( 2/*3UDFWLFH&+ Facilities Key: A-Auditorium, CM1 - Conway Center 1st Floor Conference Room, CCB-MR - Conway Center Basement Meeting Room, CH - Church, CHOSA - Hispanic Ministry Center, CREL-All Elementary Classrooms, E-Egan Hall, EART-Elementary Art Room, ESF-Elementary School Foyer, G-Gym, JRHIGH-Jr. High School, KCROOM-Knights of Columbus Room, KIT-School Kitchen, PKINGChurch Parking Lot, PLAY-School Playground, SJCH-St Joseph Center Adoration Chapel, SJB-St. Joseph Center Basement, SJC-St. Joseph Center, SJ201 - St. Joseph Classroom 201, SJN-St. Joseph Center Nursery, TL-Teachers’ Lounge. ! ""! Monday through Saturday............................ 7:30 am Thursday....................................6:00 pm (en Español) Tuesday School Mass (September-May).......8:40 am 312 Lincoln Avenue, Woodstock, IL 60098 Hours: Monday-Friday.................8:00 am - 4:00 pm Parish Office.......................................815-338-3377 Fax...................................................... 815-338-3497 Religious Education.......................... 815-338-3413 Business Manager’s Office…............815-338-0223 ( Saturday.................5:00 pm, 6:30 pm (en Español) Sunday...................7:30, 9:00 & 10:30 am, 12 Noon (en Español), 5:00 pm $ Wednesday...........7:00 - 7:25 am Thursday...............5:00 - 5:55 pm Friday.....................8:00 - 8:30 am Saturday................8:00 - 8:30 am 4:00 - 4:45 pm, 6:00 pm (en Español) or by appointment by calling (815) 338-3377. Para Español llamar al (815) 338-3377. Please note that during Lent and Advent there will be additional confession times scheduled and will be published on pages 6 or 7 of this bulletin. ! Project Rachel Referral Svc. 815-877-LIFE or 1-800-5WECARE 6 313 N. Tryon Street, Woodstock, IL 60098 Office.................................................. 815-338-3598 Fax...................................................... 815-338-3408 "#$%$! "" ! "#$%& Office.................................................. 815-338-4220 Fax...................................................... 815-338-4253 $%! % %&'&! 1-800-848-LOVE Nurturing Network 1-800-TNN-4MOM Catholic Charities 1-800-759-7626 Pager #3178 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE MARENGO VISION CENTER Michael Thomas, O.D. Imran Ali, O.D. RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS, INC. Carl Schnulle, President 815-568-6508 P.O. Box 39, Woodstock 815-337-6600 Call to reserve this space today! For a price quote, call Support Our Advertisers Check the ads on this page before you check the yellow pages or the internet. Jeff Tkachuk 1-800-950-9952 Ext. 2513 Email: jtkachuk@4LPi.com www.SeekAndFind.com; Majercik Physical Therapy Joe Majercik Physical Therapist Bill Moerschbaecher Physical Therapist 815.337.7410 • 201 Throop St. General Dentistry 226 Washington St. Woodstock, IL 815/338-8155 FOR AD INFO CALL JEFF TKACHUK 1-800-876-4574 WWW.4LPi.COM ST. MARY, WOODSTOCK C 2C 01-0411 10-03-2014 13:19:26 Pattie Bredehorst Schneider-Leucht Merwin-Cooney Funeral Home 1211 Seminary Ave. 338-1710 Owner Tel: 815-363-3910 Cell: 815-347-7267 “Quality Building Supplies” 338-0075 Gummerson Rausch Wand Lee Wombacher, LLC Attorneys at Law Practicing law in personal injury, worker’s compensation, criminal, family, corporate, real estate, zoning, general litigation, estate planning, probate and medical malpractice defense. 101 S. Benton Street, Suite 201 Woodstock, lllinois 60098 Licensed, Bonded & Insured Residential Commercial Industrial JOHN BARGER, President 815-338-6317 bze le c t ric a l.c om Ph: 815.337.7700 • Fax: 815.337.7990 CONDOMINIUM & TOWNHOME MGMT. HOWE Real Estate Services 333 E. Jackson St. 815-337-1656 *Certified Teachers *All Ages–Pre-K to adult *Reading *Math *Writing *Study Skills *Summer Camps * Homework Help *Algebra/Geometry *ACT Prep Jude Schmidt Custom Construction HOMES • ADDITIONS • POLE BARNS LIGHT COMMERCIAL PRE-ENGINEERED METAL BUILDINGS (815) 568-6311 1759 N. Richmond Rd. • McHenry, IL 60050 1101 N. Jefferson St. • Harvard, IL mchenrysylvan@sbcglobal.net www.JudeSchmidtCustomConst.com Kevin Kirwan Heating, Cooling, Plumbing and Water Heaters Kevin Kirwan Insurance Agency gency Woodstock Auto • Home • Life • Business Workers’ Compensation 24 Hour Service 316 S. Main St., Wauconda, IL 60084-1985 815-337-4200 815-338-4082 kkirwan@farmersagent.com CJW Builders, Inc. Hampshire Wauconda Harvard Libertyville www.buckbrosinc.com Par Parking Lot Services Maintenance Company, Inc. Mai • Sealcoating • Hot Pour Crackfilling • Asphalt Repair • Asphalt Paving Since 1974 plsmaintenance.com Mon-Sat 6am to 10pm • Sun 6am to 9pm (815) 337-8230 1110 N. Seminary Ave. (Rt. 47) Woodstock Commercial Build-Outs Home Remodeling • Decks Roofing • Siding & More Charles “Joe” Watson 815-482-2500 cjwbuilders@hotmail.com Donahue Francis X. Gosser Attorney At Law 105 Van Buren St. Woodstock Toll Free#: 815.206.3066 Member of Woodstock, Marengo, Harvard & Crystal Lake Chamber of Commerece Trucking • Excavating Ready Mix Concrete 815-338-5400 Furniture 1345 S. Eastwood Dr. (Rte 47) Woodstock, IL 60098 21816 Railroad St. • Marengo, IL www.donahuefurn.com 815-568-5695 815.338.1086 DR. ROBERT J. WOLF Family Eye Care Prescriptions Filled 206 N. Madison • 338-7810 www.wolfoptometriccenter.com Delaware Electric Company, Inc. ELECTRICAL • GENERATORS • SOLAR FULLY LICENSED & BONDED (815) 338-3139 JMH CHIMNEY CHIMNEY & FIREPLACE SALES & SERVICES 815-338-4140 Cosmetic Dentistry • Laser Detection Of Cavities P.O. Box 638 Woodstock, IL 60098 Rebuilds, Relines, Repointing Repairs, Restorations Inspections per the NFPA, Sweeps Robert Haraden, DDS David Lee, DDS Over 30 years of experience 338-0690 661 S. Eastwood Drive • Woodstock, IL 60098 RALPH GUNDERSON PLUMBING, INC. Wayne’s COUNTRY MARKET RODGER & BARB BRANDT Septic Pumping & Repair • HOMEMADE BRATS • CHOICE STEAKS & MEATS • BEEF HALVES • DELI ITEMS • CATERING • WILD GAME PROCESSING • FRIDAY NIGHT FISH FRY 801 W. GRANT HWY. 815-653-7806 Where The Owners Answer The Phone! • LICENSED & INSURED • EMERGENCY SERVICE AVAILABLE IN MOST CASES 568-2728 WONDER LAKE, IL DFI Floor Works Inc. Zoia Monument Co. Zo Family Owned Over 124 Years 222 Washington Woodstock, IL 815-338-0358 Internet Solutions Business Solutions For a price quote, call • Windows Wind • Do Doors • Cabi Cabinets 815-338-8900 www.blueribbonmillwork.com ® Paul Skowronski, CFP , CRPC ® Wealth Management Advisor (815) 788-2449 • http://fa.ml.com/paul.t.skowronski 360 Memorial Drive, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Merrill Lynch Wealth Management makes available products and services offered by Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated, a registered broker-dealer and member SIPC, and other subsidiaries of Bank of America Corporation. © 2013 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved. AD-11-13-0610 ARJ241F2-07-12 444608PM- 11/2013 Copy • Scan • Print Since 1960 (815) 338-0549 Woodstock www.stans.com 25+ Years Experience Phone: 815-353-1768 • Fax: 815-338-3080 E-Mail: dfifloor@stans.com Call to reserve this space today! Network 14 1401 S. Eastwood (Rt. 47), Woodstock Marengo 815-568-6573 Ceramic Tile • Stone • Vinyl • Wood 15315 Saint Patrick Road Woodstock, IL 60098 Dale Freund BOTTS WELDING & TRUCK SERVICE, INC. Jeff Tkachuk Truck Safety Inspection 815-338-0594 1-800-950-9952 Ext. 2513 335 N. Eastwood Dr. (Rt. 47) Woodstock, IL 60098 FOR AD INFO CALL JEFF TKACHUK 1-800-876-4574 Email: jtkachuk@4LPi.com www.SeekAndFind.com; WWW.4LPi.COM ST. MARY, WOODSTOCK B 2C 01-0411 10-03-2014 13:19:26 FRED’S UPHOLSTERY SHOP Upholstery and Repairing Steam Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning 815/338-1877 fredsupholstery@comcast.net Over 100 Years of Family Roofing & Experience PETERS MOTORS Doug Charles 847.707.0831 Fax: 815-337-7139 Woodstock, IL Residential & Commercial COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE DOMESTIC & FOREIGN HAIRCUTS, UPDOS, & PERMS OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 11607 Catalpa Ln., Woodstock ASE Certified • Member ASC • Major Credit Cards Accepted (815) 337-0014 13712 Washington, Woodstock 338-2886 Near Car Wash & Across Lake Ave. from Wal-Mart All Natural Frozen Yogurt & Smoothies 124 Cass St. • Woodstock www.yofreshyogurtcafe.com 10% off with coupon JENSEN’S PLUMBING & HEATING LIC# 058-109471 • Extensive Line of Bakery Delights For All Your Commercial • Deli • Wedding Cakes • Special Occasions & Residential Needs 122 N. Benton, Woodstock 670 E. Calhoun (815) 338-1936 338-0414 • Harvard: 943-7282 www.jensenph.com swissmaidbakery.com David D. Janes, DDS Gentle Excellence For Your Family’s Dental Care 210 N. Madison Woodstock, IL 60098 815-338-7569 Compliments of ROSA’S CLEANING SERVICE NEW TO VOLO!! orthern Illinois Funeral Services, Inc Residential and Small Business FULL SERVICE FUNERAL HOME WITH AFFORDABLE RATES 31632 N. Ellis Drive, Unit 209, Volo, IL 60073 847-833-2928 Jim Klocek Cathy Daniel Funeral Director & Owner Commercial - Home - Auto - Life - Health “We take Pride in Serving Our Families With Dignity Since 2000” www.marsinsurance.com 815-459-0711 Cleaning Service Free Estimates Fully Insured “Clean as a freshly cut rose” Rosa Cruz 815-404-0742 815-404-0680 Route14autoparts.com RENOVATION EXPERTS HOME IMPROVEMENTS • KITCHENS CUSTOM CABINETRY • ADDITIONS SAVE With Used Auto Parts 815-653-2233 www.tylercolebuilders.com Batting Cages • Arcade Birthday Packages Find and Buy Auto Parts Online or Call 815-338-2800 815-338-7990 Open Sundays MINI GOLF or GO-KART $6.00 For All Ages 1411 S. Eastwood Dr. (Rt.47) Woodstock, Illinois Herff’s Auto Service & Tire Owned by Mike & Teri Herff Since 1985 Boletos de Avion y Autobus Complete Auto Repair Envios de dinero y pago de billes Maintenance & Services Localizado en Woodstock www.herffsautoserviceandtire.com Llame Esteban (815) 690-7621 • (815) 301-0213 (815) 648-2583 Quality Water Conditioning, Inc. “Quality Water is not a matter of chance. It is a matter of Choice.” 815-338-3344 • Free Estimates 711 Amsterdam, Woodstock M.G. Services Landscaping P.O. Box 484, Woodstock, IL 60098 Email: mg.services@rocketmail.com Melchor Gomez | 815-403-0619 • 815-276-7469 • Sod • Snow Removal • Brick Patios • Mulch • Tree Service • Lawn Maintenance • Gutter Cleaning • Retaining Walls • Ground Grooming Henry H. Sugden III Buying Gold Attorney at law Woodstock Jewelry & Pawn • Weddings • Pets • Children Graduations • Senior • Family Groups • Photos Restored • Special Events Madsen, Sugden & Gottemoller One N. Virginia Street Crystal Lake, IL 60014 dewanestudio@dewanestudio. com 220 Main St., Woodstock, IL 60098 815-338-1880 • DeWaneStudio.com Office 815/459-5152 Woodstock Dental Associates, Ltd. 666 W. Jackson St. Woodstock, IL 60098 (815) 338-1138 www.kofc.org VIAJES UNIVERSAL Serving the community for over 30 years Dr. Michael J. Szurek DDS Dr. Chungyoon Ha DDS Se Habla Español 121 East Calhoun St. Mon. - Fri. 10a.m. to 6:30p.m. Sat. 10a.m. to 4:30p.m. 815-337-2300 www.bbwoodstock.com BENOY MOTOR SALES, INC. Family Owned and Operated Find joy again while struggling with the pain of divorce. Contact me for a free 30 minute coaching consultation. Serving McHenry County Since 1948 CHRYSLER FIVE STAR AWARD DEALER www.benoymotors.com 1790 S. EASTWOOD DRIVE, WOODSTOCK, IL 60098 (815) 338-5100 I also offer Divorce Recovery Workshops. Emily McGrath, Grief Coach 815-985-0873 www.freedomfromheartache.com Email: e.mcgrath@freedomfromheartache.com Rich Toepper 815-338-9900 • rich@richsoldit.com Residential • Foreclosures • Short Sales Estates • Land • 25 years experience Rough Cut Tree Service LLC Tree Trimming Tree & Stump Removal (815) 337-9900 119 S. Eastwood Drive (next to Jewel) FOR AD INFO CALL JEFF TKACHUK 1-800-876-4574 Snow plowing & Fall clean ups available Call Dennis WWW.4LPi.COM 815-337-4502 Come on in for a unique shopping experience at great prices! • Boars Head Deli Serving Soups & Sandwiches • Premium Ice Cream • Grocery • Beer • Wine • Catering BRING IN AD FOR FREE CUP OF COFFEE 4409 Greenwood Rd., Greenwood, IL 60098 (just South of Galt Airport) 815-321-0030 ST. MARY, WOODSTOCK A 4C 01-0411 10-03-2014 13:19:26
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