Immaculate Conception Catholic Church November 16, 2014 Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 2150 Cunningham Drive, Hampton, VA 23666 Website: Email: Phone: (757) 826-0393 Fax: (757) 825-0855 Office Hours: Mon-Thurs, 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. — Weekend Liturgies: Sat at 5:30 p.m., Sun at 8:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. Weekday Liturgies: Tues-Thurs at 8:30 a.m. Reconciliation: First Sat of the Month, 4-4:45 p.m. or by appointment From the Desk of the Pastor I encourage everyone to attend our All Ages event next Sunday, November 23. Deacon Chris Morash will walk us through the topic of “Meeting Christ in Our Worship,” as part of our focus on the New Evangelization for our All Ages series this year. Sign-ups are available in the Commons after Mass this weekend. Our annual ICC Thanksgiving Dinner will be held on Thursday, November 27 (Thanksgiving Day) at 1 p.m. Please consider joining us, and read the announcement in the Parish Happenings on page 5 for what you can bring. Our Daily Mass schedule resumes this week on Tuesday, November 18 at 8:30 a.m. Thank you for your prayers as I return from our pilgrimage to Lourdes and Spain. I was blessed to have the opportunity of saying Mass at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Lourdes (see photo on right). The parish was remembered in our prayers. Peace and God Bless, -Fr. Prince Meet Our Staff Meet: Teresa Cobarrubia Yoder – Pastoral Musician (at ICC since 1996) What is your story? As the eldest of six children, and a Navy brat, we lived in various places in the world including Italy, Bahamas and Nantucket. Our home base was the Hampton Roads area where I went to Sacred Heart School and St. Gregory’s School. Married with two adult sons, a daughter-in-law and two granddaughters (under the ages of two), I have had the unique experience to serve all of my teen years and adult life in ministry to the Church’s mission—an instrumentalist (guitar and piano) for Christ the King Church folk group, leading Christ the King School children’s choir, a teacher for Norfolk Catholic’s music ministry, a teacher of 25 years at Walsingham Academy, and the pastoral musician for ICC. Additionally, I am a commissioned composer of a dozen classical repertoire—writing my first song at age five. Why did you choose to work at Immaculate Conception? In 1996, Fr. French approached me about the possibility of serving at Immaculate Conception Church. I visited the church during the summer and immediately felt the extraordinary welcome of John Doyle- an amazing “pillar” of our church community. After worshipping at all three liturgies that weekend, I pondered and discerned for a week and gratefully answered the call to serve. In your role, how do you serve our parishioners? I am passionate about empowering the assembly and choir to a deeper prayer life through the sacred and ritual songs we sing. In a collaborative working style with Fr. Prince, members of the staff, choir and the liturgy committee, I contribute with a strong liturgical background, vast historical and musical knowledge of sacred church repertoire spanning centuries, a sense of humor and positive outlook, and the exceptional pedagogical applications as an experienced teacher in working with pastoral musicians. From Mass to sacraments to evening prayer to funerals to weddings, I work diligently to bring a high standard of ritual songs that garner “full and active participation” of the assembly with texts that challenge the human experience to praise God and to be a people of hope, light and service. What hopes do you have for our parish? My hope for the parish is that all will feel welcome as I did when I first arrived back in 1996, that our liturgies will be the source and summit of our communal worship, and that people will leave from Mass not only empowered to serve the greater community but also whistling a tune they sang earlier in the day. Page 2 Visit our website at Calendar Volunteer Schedules Sunday, 11/16 Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31/1 Thes 5:1-6/Mt 25:14-30 8:30 a.m. Mass - Alpha Schuszler + 9:45 a.m. ICCU: Spirituality 101 Family of Faith CICCA 11 a.m. Mass - Msgr. Charlie Kelly + 1 p.m. Sunday Supper 6:00 p.m. Life & Edge Nights Lectors 11/22 5:30 p.m. Carol Dufresne; Marie-Claude David 11/23 8:30 a.m. Izella Ward; Dave Okerblom 11 a.m. Pat DeConcini; Susan Rotkis Eucharistic Ministers 11/22 5:30 p.m. David Labuda; Iris Labuda 11/23 8:30 a.m. Gayle Fronkier; Jim Fronkier 11 a.m. Kim Kosin; Norman Kosin Altar Servers 11/22 5:30 p.m. Will Hamilton; Jon Hamilton 11/23 8:30 a.m. Keegan Baker; Nicholas Talton 11 a.m. Luke Deconcini; Justin Santos Explorers 11/23 11 a.m. Jen Denton; Dave Denton Coffee & Doughnuts 11/23 8:30 a.m. Susan Palmer; Rommy Amadi; Kelly Sibley; Tawn & Julie Talton 11 a.m. Wendy & Clarita Rios; Cecilia Nguyen Morning Ministry Monday, 11/17 Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5/Lk 18:35-43 6:30 p.m. Social Ministry Meeting 7 p.m. ICCU: Theology 201 Women Listening to Women Tuesday, 11/18 Rv 3:1-6, 14-22/Lk 19:1-10 8:30 a.m. Mass 5:00 p.m. Liturgy Committee Meeting 6:00 p.m. First Reconciliation Class 6:30 p.m. Parish Leadership Team Meeting 7:00 p.m. RCIA Inquiry & Sponsors Wednesday, 11/19 Rv 4:1-11/Lk 19:11-28 8:30 a.m. Mass 6:00 p.m. Knights of Columbus Roundtable 6:30 p.m. Sunday Supper Evaluation 7:00 p.m. Choir Practice Thursday, 11/20 Rv 5:1-10/Lk 19:41-44 8:30 a.m. Mass 9:00 a.m. Young at Heart 9:15 a.m. ICCU: Bible 101 6:30 p.m. Adult Faith Formation Team Meeting Friday, 11/21 Rv 10:8-11/Lk 19:45-48 Saturday, 11/22 Rv 11:4-12/Lk 20:27-40 5:30 p.m. Mass - Lena & Frank Lancianese + Sunday, 11/23 Ez 34:11-12, 15-17/1 Cor 15:20-26, 28/ Mt 25:31-46 8:30 a.m. Mass - Rudy Skubic + 9:45 a.m. Ministers of Care & Homebound Meeting ICCU: Spirituality 101 11 a.m. Mass - Hayde Franceschi Bermejo + 12:45 p.m. All Ages 1 p.m. Sunday Supper 6:00 p.m. Life & Edge Nights 11/17 Marie-Claude David 11/20 Sharon Bass Bulletin Submissions Early November Deadlines Due to the Thanksgiving Holiday, the Nov 29/30 bulletin announcements are due this Thurs, Nov 20 at 12pm. Announcement Submission Guidelines Please include a headline, a 2-3 sentence description, contact info, and date/time of event (if applicable). Submit by Monday at 12:00 p.m. of the prior week. Space fills quickly; announcements are published in the order that they are received. All Ages - “Meeting Christ in Our Worship” Nov 23 at 12:45 p.m. - Register in the Commons this weekend Come and and hear Deacon Chris Morash, Director of the Diocesan Office of Worship speak on the New Evangelization. Lunch will be served and there will be activities for children. All those in Religious Education are encouraged to participate. There are no morning classes on November 23. Visit our website at Page 3 Living Our Mission Campaign “Our main consideration when contributing to the “Living Our Mission” campaign was knowing that part of our contributions would go towards the priests’ retirement plan. As a teacher, I teach students about community helpers and the qualities of true heroes. Priests dedicate their lives 24/7 to saving the souls of their flock (us), and there is no better example of a community helper or hero. Priests share some of our happiest moments and some of the saddest, always challenging us to find a way for all of life’s experiences to help us to grow in faith. It is through their own personal generosity and the institutional generosity of the church that the priests’ retirement plan has not been funded as it should have been. This is a chance for us to give back to our “shepherds” to help ensure their financial security after retirement.” -Scott & Jessica Hamilton The Living Our Mission campaign is underway at our parish. Feeding the poor, supporting our clergy, evangelizing all people in the Diocese and handing on to our children the rich faith and traditions of our Church are all vital components of the larger work we carry out to advance the mission of the Catholic Church, and too, of the Living Our Mission campaign. It is important for each of us to prayerfully consider making a pledge to the campaign. All pledges can be paid over the course of five years, which makes it easy to support the important ministries of our Diocesan Church while also supporting our parish needs. To learn more about the campaign and how Immaculate Conception will benefit specifically, we encourage you to visit Faith Formation ICCU Catholicism 101 Sundays at 9:45 a.m. “The Joy of the Gospel” by Pope Francis will be explained through a video series led by Fr. Michael Renninger. Discussion will follow as time allows. This series will follow the Catholicism video series which is showing now through the end of October. All are welcomed and encouraged. Bring your coffee or donut and join us! ICCU Theology 201 Mondays at 7 p.m. We are now studying of The History of Christianity in the Reformation Era on Mondays at 7pm. This course will seek a contextual understanding of each tradition, in both its own terms and how it was affected by the others. The series is taught by Brad S. Gregory, who is Associate Professor of Early Modern History at the University of Notre Dame. Catholic Charities Donations for Respect Life Month Thanks to all for your contributions for our babies through Catholic Charities. Your generosity will help these mothers to ease the strain of providing for their infants and young children. May you be blessed with many blessings during this Thanksgiving Season! Again, you are living—‘THE JOY OF THE GOSPEL! Page 4 RCIA – Nov. 18 at 7 p.m. Are you interested in the possibility of becoming Catholic? Do you desire to be Baptized? Are you an adult and have not received Communion as yet or been Confirmed? Here you will receive information on our upcoming sessions that will help you consider these questions. Family of Faith Reminder Parents, please remember to send your child’s book with them the class (grades 1-6). Attendance is key to the ongoing formation through religious formation classes. Sponsors Needed for our RCIA Youth We have several young people who have expressed interest in joining us in our walk of faith as fully initiated Catholics. The Lord has sent them and we need to assist them and companion them on this journey. They meet on Sundays, monthly. If you have the time to commit to them please contact Cass in the parish office. Please donate to our Food Pantry Peanut Butter, Jelly, Saltine Crackers, Cereal, Rice (16 oz.), Boxed Mac & Cheese, Boxed Mashed Potatoes, Tuna, Canned Pork & Beans, Canned Meats, Canned Soup, Canned Vegetables, Spaghetti (16 oz.), Spaghetti Sauce Visit our website at Social Ministry Fun Facts about Haiti One of the strategies in our parish Social Ministry strategic plan includes services that focus on global solidarity and in particular, with the people of Haiti. We begin here by helping to build awareness for the culture as well as needs of this island. Did you know: • Roman Catholicism is the state religion of Haiti and 80-85% of the population (approx 826K) professes to be Catholic. • In 1942, under the Pontificate of Pope Pius XII Our Lady of Perpetual Help was designated the national patron saint of Haiti. Haitians credit their patroness with performing miracles to prevent a cholera and smallpox outbreak, which ravaged the country in 1882. She is on many stamps used by the Haitian postal office. And in January 2010, Pope Benedict XVI invoked Our Lady of Perpetual Help for Haiti’s earthquake relief. • In 2014 Pope Francis named the first Haitian cardinal of the Church: Chibly Langlois. Stay tuned for our upcoming Fair Trade Haitian coffee and chocolate sale! Sunday Suppers - “I was hungry and you gave me food…a stranger and you welcomed me.” -Matthew 25:35 Thanks to Bob Amante who provided a delicious pasta dinner for the parish Sunday Supper last week. Praise be to God, in October, we served a total of 928 people via our food ministries: 65 Saturday Bag lunches, 347 (parish food pantry), and 516 Sunday Supper guests. We also average 40 volunteers each Sunday serving at least 3 hours each for a total of 480 volunteer hours. Join us as we try to brighten the lives of our guests for Christmas by contributing items for stocking stuffers: toothbrushes, hand creams, combs, games, pocket note pads, postage stamps, crayons individually wrapped snacks (cookies, peanut butter crackers etc.), small books. Look for a box in the Commons for your donations. Parish Finances Budget Needed Actual Received Over (Under) November Financial Information Income Budget: $758,584 July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015 Week of 11/9/14 Month of November $14,588.15 $72,940.75 14,501.00 $(87.15) 30,222.39 $(42,718.36) YTD $277,174.85 261,286.95 $(15,887.90) Families using Envelopes/Checks/Online Giving in November: 318 out of 646 2nd Collection - Nov 22/23 Campaign for Human Development Interested in Online Giving? Setup is easy. Just visit: Parish Happenings Annual ICC Thanksgiving Dinner Thurs, Nov 27 at 1 p.m. Come and join with other parishioners and friends as we celebrate Thanksgiving together in the Commons area. Turkey, stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, beverages, rolls and butter will be provided by the parish. Parishioners/guests are asked to supply sides and desserts, and cook turkeys that we will provide. Sign up in the Commons after Mass until Nov 23. We must have an accurate count for this event. Call Bob and Bev Amante with questions at 757-851-9453 or email Receptionist Volunteers Needed at ICC Do you find joy in meeting and getting to know others? Or do you love to organize and be a part of an energizing work environment? Serving as a receptionist at our parish is a fantastic way to make members of our parish and our broader community feel at home when they come through our doors during the week. Regular volunteers are needed on Monday mornings and Wednesday afternoons. Flexible substitutes are also needed. If you think this may add a spirit of joy to your week, then reach out to Greg Thompson in the office by phone or by email (see page 7). Visit our website at Page 5 Diocesan & Community Happenings Join the ICC Knights of Columbus We will be in the Commons after each service on November 22nd and 23rd. Members of the ICC Knights of Columbus Round Table will be available to answer your questions and assist you with joining if you so desire. Please stop by the table to learn more about the Knights of Columbus and how we support our Parish and surrounding Community. Tidewater Catholic Alumni Club - Nov 22 The Tidewater Catholic Alumni Club will attend the Million Bulb Walk at the Norfolk Botanical Gardens on Saturday, November 22nd. We will meet at the entrance to the visitor’s center at 6 p.m. The Tidewater Catholic Alumni Club is an organization of single Catholic professional men and women. The club is a member of the national organization Catholic Alumni Club International. For more information e-mail or go to the club website 3rd Annual Diocesan Catholic Men’s Conference - Jan 10 The Center for Marriage, Family, and Life is hosting the 3rd Annual Catholic Men’s Conference in the Diocese of Richmond on Saturday, January 10 at the Greater Richmond Convention Center in Richmond. The day will feature powerful and inspiring talks and breakout sessions, an expanded expo area, Sacrament of Reconciliation, and Mass. Bishop DiLorenzo will be speaking and celebrating Mass. We are also pleased to welcome Catholic speaker, author, and podcaster, Greg Willits as our keynote speaker. Registration is $35 for general admission, $15 for permanent deacons and college students, and free for priests and religious brothers. Learn more and register at or call 804-622-5109 for details. Pilgrimage to the Shrines of Italy Fr. Tom Mattingly, Pastor at St. Olaf Church in Williamsburg, VA will be the Spiritual Director for a 12-Day Pilgrimage to the Shines of Italy from Aug. 31 to Sept. 11, 2015. The Itinerary includes 2 nights each in Venice, Florence, and Assisi. and 4 nights in Rome. Side trips to Siena and Padua are planned. The cost is $3880 each. Deposit is $450 each with final payment by May 1, 2015. An Early Booking Discount is available until 1 Jan 2015. The package includes air from most east coast and Midwest cities, daily breakfast and dinners, Superior Tourist Class hotels, and English-speaking guide. For additional information and brochures, call JohnTagnesi, 1-888-544-4461 or email: Page 6 Knights of Columbus Youth Christmas Party - Sat, Dec 6 Our Christmas party will be held Sat, Dec 6, from Noon to 3:00pm at its Council located on 12742 Nettles Drive, NN, VA 23606. Come Join other Youth from around the Peninsula for Christmas Fun, Food, Games and Entertainment! A goodwill offering of $1 per guest will be collected at the door. Canned goods for our Parish food pantries may also be donated. For more information, contact Vahwere Kavota, Youth Director at (757) 755-6917 or sign up in the commons. Peninsula Catholic Barnes & Noble Book Fair - Dec 13 Peninsula Catholic High School will host our Fourth Annual Barnes & Noble Book Fair on Saturday, December 13, from 11 a.m. – 5 p.m., at Barnes & Noble, 12170 Jefferson Avenue, Newport News. You may order online from December 13 – December 18—Book Fair No. 11482429. Join us on the 13th—our Concert Band, Treble Choir and Catholic Players will perform for your entertainment. Saint Mary’s Recipients of Virtue of the Month Award The following students from Saint Mary Star of the Sea School were the recipients of the Virtue of the Month award for exemplifying the virtue of friendship. Amory Treacy – on a daily basis helps her friends in need, instructing them to do the right thing even when it may be hard. She shows compassion and never excludes others from her games at recess. She has already made many friends in her short time at Saint Mary’s. Amory is a great example of the friend God calls each one of us to be to our neighbors. Sydney DeLong – is friendly to everyone she meets. She comes to school every morning greeting students and teachers. Sydney immediately be-friended a new classmate and helped the new student get acclimated to the class. Sydney never leaves anyone out and is always making sure everyone is happy and has a friend to play and work with. CARES Volunteers Needed Catholic Charities of Eastern VA is looking for volunteers for its CARES program. The Community Awareness and Resources for Seniors (CARES) program matches volunteer drivers with seniors to provide transportation to doctor’s appointments and on other errands. This service is crucial to many seniors who wish to remain living independently and are unable to drive. Volunteers utilize an online system where they can sign up to provide a ride when they are free. Schedules are extremely flexible! For more information, please call Clara Gravely at (757) 875-0060. Thank you for the gift of your time. Visit our website at Staff Information Pastor, Fr. Sean Prince, ext. 215 Director of Human Concerns, Carol Dufresne, ext. 214 Business Manager, Ann Hart, ext. 211 Director of Evangelization, Cass Hooker, ext. 222 Asst. Director of Evangelization, Steve Delaney, ext. 221 Communications Coordinator, Greg Thompson, ext. 210 Pastoral Musician, Teresa Yoder, ext. 220 Accompanist, Mark Smeland Custodian, Lance Warner Prayers & Praise Sick Kathy Abers, Scott Batchelor, Dee Berube, Constantino Bristol, Linda Brown, Clarence Butler, Frances Clark, Andria Crockett, Cecil DeLong, Vallee DeLong, Karen Fagelman, Kerry Fagelman, Thomas Fisher, Edgardo Franceschi, Ursella Gammergone, Peter Gorecki, Janeth & Bill Garlette, Lorrie San Giovanni, Lisa Grose, Pat Harrell, Richard Hudgins, Janice Jarvis, Thomas Jarvis, Ron Johnson, Margarita Jones, Brianna Karchner, Bill Kessler, Meg Kessler, Fr. Dan Klem, Fr. John Kloepfer, Heather Krance-Kellner, Scott Lancianese, Judy Latourneau, Lena Lednick, Kim Levi, Judy Lund, Barbara Mashley, Wanda McErlean, Harry Meirs, Jack Meirs, Br. Jim Mullen SVD, Charles Nicholson, Jr., Rose Pardi, Tomi Perreault, Blanche Rhodes, Fleurette Romprey, Lorrie San Giovanni, Anna Marie Schauer, Lillian Shearin, Elaine Stamper, Nancy Tennien, Dorothy Thornton, Jim Thornton, Laverne Triggs, Molly Villano, Terri Weaver, S. Paul Wills, Jim Yoder Seminarians John Baab, Dillon Bruce, John Christian, Rev. Mr. Daniel Cogut, Anthony Ferguson, Benjamin Fleser, Taylor Hall, James Hickman, Rev. Mr. Matthew Kiehl, Mark Kowalski, Martin Lonart, Rev. Mr. Nicholas Mammi, Christopher Masla, Miguel Melendez, Daniel Molochko, Jason Morrison, Kyle O’Connor, Andrew Oehmann, James O’Reilly, Nicholas Redmond, Justin Shuma, Cassidy Stinson, Riley Winstead Ministry Contacts Ministry Altar Servers Arts & Environment Contact Steve Bove Marie-Claude David Bereavement/Funeral Carol Dufresne Building Use / Ann Hart Maintenance Catechumenate Cass Hooker Children’s Liturgy Cass Hooker Choir/Music Teresa Yoder Ministry Communications/ Greg Thompson Media Family of Faith Cass Hooker Eucharistic Ministers Bev Amante Gayle Fronkier Finance Council Joe Paulus Health Ministry Linda Ribakov Hospital Visitation Barbara Morgan Lectors Dave Okerblom Nursery Cass Hooker Parish Life Mary Ellen Committee Chesney Bob Amante Pastoral Leadership Dave Okerblom Council (PLC) Registration/ Greg Thompson Database Provide-A-Ride Terri Weaver Sacramental Cass Hooker Preparation Youth Ministry Steve DeLaney Social Ministry Carol Dufresne Ushers/Greeters Jonathan Behun Wedding Preparation Fr. Sean Prince Young Adult Steve DeLaney Ministry Flower Donation A donation for flowers was made this weekend in loving remembrance of Alpha Schuszler, sister of Martina Mays and Maggie Strawsnyder. Visit our website at Phone # 327-8373 826-0393 826-0393 x214 826-0393 x211 826-0393 x222 826-0393 x222 826-0393 x220 826-0393 x210 826-0393 x222 851-9453 838-7341 645-4367 (804) 402-7781 826-0393 x225 329-9944 826-0393 x222 723-6114 851-9453 329-9944 826-0393 x210 826-0393 826-0393 x222 826-0393 826-0393 850-2222 826-0393 826-0393 x221 x214 x215 x221 Immaculate Conception Church KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ROUND TABLE In Service to One In Service to All For more information: Contact David Brin, ICC Knights of Columbus Round Table Coordinator at 757-851-0907 Page 7
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