Reverend Nicholas P. Clavin, Pastor Sunday Celebrants: Rev. Edward Gallagher, Rev. John Gubbins Deacon L. Ferris Bell, Deacon Ron Diem Parish Staff 11451 Blue Cypress Drive, San Diego, CA 92131 Phone: 858 653-3540 Fax: 858 653-3550 Email: Website: Deacon L. Ferris Bell Deacon Ron Diem: School Principal: Maeve O’Connell Catechetical Ministry: Ginger Marlin, Judy Roitz Director of Youth Ministry: Pam Diaz Director of Liturgical Music: Stewardship: Nichol Swift Wedding Coordinator: Tina Diem Maintenance: Reception/Admin. Assistant: Secretary/Bookkeeper: Retired 858 653-3582 858 397-1290 858 653-3594 858 653-3591 858 653-3583 858 653-3546 858 653-3584 José Barrera Enés Andrews Stéphanie Lower Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 A.M. - 4:30 P.M. Closed Noon — 1 P.M. for lunch Mass Schedule Saturday: 5:00 P.M. Sunday: 7:30, 9:00,11:00 A.M. & 5:00 P.M.—Youth led 9:00 A.M. Sunday Mass is signed for the hearing impaired Daily Mass: 8:00 A.M. First Fridays: 12 P.M. with Anointing of the Sick Confessions: Every Saturday at 4-4:30 P.M. or by appointment Mission Statement The Community of Saint Gregory the Great celebrates God’s love in Christ as a family of stewards centered in the Eucharist, the Word and Christ’s presence in one another. We live to glorify God and proclaim God’s presence in this world. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we are God’s light, love and hands extended. St. Gregory the Great Catholic School 15315 Stonebridge Parkway, San Diego, CA 92131 or 858 397-1290 Fax: 858 397-1294; email: THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JANUARY 25, 2015 Principal: Maeve O’Connell Faculty /Staff 2014-2015 School Secretary Kindergarten First Grade Second Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade Sixth Grade Homeroom Seventh Grade Homeroom Eighth Grade Homeroom Reading Resource/ PE Science Instructional Aides Jan. 26 Jan. 27 Jan. 28 Jan. 31 Sts. Timothy and Titus, Bishops St. Angela Merici St. Thomas Aquinas St. John Bosco Spanish Extended Daycare Director Custodian Barbara Kuzara Adrienne Newman Michelle Jimenez Jennifer Miller Jessica Carter Maureen Lundquist Camille Girard Amy Lid Liz Clark Laetitia Czerniak Michael Swan Kira Howe Kathy Maisano (K) Pam McCallum (Gr. 1) Kate Brouillard (Gr. 2) Julie Snyder (Gr. 3) Mary Perez (Gr. 4) Becky Walton (Office Aide) Ethel Shapiro & Miriam Snyder Maryann Hendren Debbie Howard: Daycare Assistant Humberto Meza Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 25, 2015 Your ways, O LORD, make known to me; teach me Your paths, Guide me in Your Truth and teach me, for You are God my Savior. Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Jon 3: 1-5, 10; Ps 25: 4-9; 1 Cor 7: 29-31; Mk 1: 14-20 Paul writes to the Corinthians with the expectation of Jesus’s imminent second coming. His view on this will change in later letters, but at this point he believes that “time is running out” (v.29). This means the people should live with a strong awareness that “the world in its present form is passing away” (v31). In Mark’s text today we encounter another call narrative of the first apostles. Today’s story is the more familiar one: Jesus calls the fishermen to drop their nets and follow Him. For Mark, their immediate response—”they abandoned their nets and followed Him” (v18)— emphasizes Jesus’s authority. The sons of Zebedee also leave everything, including “their father . . . in the boat” (v20)., to follow Jesus. They will learn from Him and take part in His Mission to call others to “repent, and believe” (v15). The call is not merely to reject sin but also to embrace the way of the Gospel; we are to reject evil and choose good. Jesus’s call is to a radical reorientation of our lives. We are to live our lives in response to God’s call. Like the apostles, Jonah was called to preach God’s Word, specifically the call to repentance. After initially rejecting the calls, he embraced his mission and went to Nineveh. Jonah is unusual in that his preaching is addressed to gentiles, the citizens of Nineveh. His original reluctance is based on his belief that as sinners outside of Judaism, the people in that city did not deserve to hear the Word of God, much less be transformed by it. We hear that as a result of his preaching, “the people of Nineveh believed God” (v5) and thereby avoided the evil God “had threatened to do to them” (v10). For reflection: What am I willing to sacrifice for the sake of my call to be a disciple? Have I ever experienced or witnessed a radical conversion like that of the citizens of Nineveh? How did it serve as a sign of God’s grace? ~ Ministry & Liturgy, November 2014, Vol. 41, No. 9 Page 16 First Friday Masses, February 6 8 A.M. & Noon. There will be NO Anointing of the Sick. Ps. 25:4-5 Pray with the Bishops to End Abortion 9 Days for life: January 17– 25. Your prayers matter. Your sacrifices make a difference! On January 22 our nation will mark the 42nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that made abortion legal throughout the U.S. Since that tragic decision, more than 56 million children's lives have been lost to abortion, and many suffer that loss -- often in silence. Join thousands of Catholics across the country coming together in prayer for a "culture of life" from Saturday, January 17 - Sunday, January 25! If you’re starting after January 17, it’s okay! Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities, Please see attached flyer for SD Walk for Life. A great, big Thank You to all those who have responded with pledges! Our total as of January 20, 2015, is: $1,861,829.71 by 465 families. If you have not yet replied, please prayerfully consider your gift. May God bring to completion the good work we have begun in this campaign. Vocation Boom! Good News! Seminaries throughout the Country are experiencing a vocation boom. Most notably in Maryland and in the Northeastern states there are 50 Jesuits in formation to the Priesthood. Thanks be to God! FAITH FORMATION 858 653-3594 ~ FAITH FORMATION 2014-15 REGISTRATION 2014-2015 Faith Formation Registration Forms are now available in the Parish Office for those students in grades Kindergarten through 8, who wish to be part of the parish religious education program for children. CLASS SCHEDULE Grades K-4 Thursday 4pm: Jan. 29 Saturday 4:15pm: Jan. 31 Sun. 7am, 8:15am, 10:15am, 4:15pm: Feb. 1, 8, 22. >> No 4:15 on Feb. 1 or 22 << Grades 5 & 6: Thurs. 6pm: Feb. 12, 26 Grades 7 & 8: Thurs. 6pm: Feb. 5, 19 To contact FF during Thursday and weekend classes, please call 858 653-3588. DO NOT LEAVE A MESSAGE at that number. Thank you! MUSIC MINISTRY 858 653-3583 ~ For information about the children’s or adult choirs, please call or email the Music Office 858 653-3583. Mass of Hope with Anointing of the Sick Tuesday, February 10, 2015, 7 P.M. Reception after the Mass. The Family Cancer Support Ministry invites all parishioners to the Mass of Hope. If you have lost a loved one to cancer, you are welcome to bring a copy of their photograph to the Parish Office so we may honor their memory. Photos will be displayed during the Mass. The photo should be approximately 5 x 5 in size or smaller. Copies of the photos will not be returned. For additional information contact Margaret Lynn at 858 530-2560; or * * * Please note that there will be NO Anointing Mass on first Friday, February 6, at Noon. * * * St. Gregory the Great Catholic School OPEN HOUSE TODAY All Are We lcome St. Gregory the Great Catholic School Sunday, January 25, 2015 1-3 PM Considering a Catholic Education for your child? Tour our Campus- Meet our TeachersShop the Book Fair Now Accepting Applications for Kindergarten through Grade 8 for the 2015-2016 School Year Click the Admissions tab on the School website,, and select Potential Student Application. Click the “Submit” button at the end of the form to submit electronically. We are excited to begin our celebration of Catholic Schools Week with liturgy at 11 AM on Sunday morning. Our students are easily recognizable in their uniforms and are happy to answer any questions you have about our parish school. We are most grateful to Fr. Nick, our Pastor and Superintendent of our school for his energetic support and unwavering dedication to Catholic education. Our appreciation also goes to Fr. John, Fr. Ed, and Deacon Ron. Our school greatly benefits from the guidance, prayers, and support of our parishioners. Indeed 95% of our school families are registered, supporting, and parishioners of the Church. Catholic Schools Week offers an opportunity to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the many ministries and individual parishioners for your support. A dozen reasons to choose Catholic Schools: 1. We offer an education that combines Catholic tradition with academic excellence. 2. We partner with parents in the faith formation of their children. 3. We set high standards for student achievement and work closely with them to help them succeed. 4. We provide a balanced curriculum that includes art, music, and fitness. 5. We use technology effectively to enhance education. 6. We instill in students the value of service to others. 7. We teach children respect of self and others. 8. We emphasize moral development and self discipline. 9. We prepare students to be productive citizens and future leaders. 10. We have a 99% high school graduation rate, and 85% of our high school graduates go to college. 11. We cultivate a faculty and staff of people who are dedicated, caring, and effective. 12. We provide a safe and welcoming environment for all. (National Catholic Education Association & the USCCB) OPEN HOUSE & BOOK FAIR. The teachers and students are looking forward to seeing you and sharing the fruits of their labors. The Book Fair offers a unique opportunity to shop for quality literature from Scholastic Books Publishing. We invite you to visit our School, a community of Faith, Knowledge, and Service where Christ is the Center. Mass Intentions Sat. Sun. Jan. 24 Jan. 25 5:00pm 7:30am 9:00am 11:00am 5:00pm Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Jan. 26 Jan. 27 Jan. 28 Jan. 29 Jan. 30 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am Sat. Sun. Jan. 31 Feb. 1 5:00pm 7:30am 9:00am 11:00am 5:00pm † Deceased Evelyn Rogulich † Sittman Family SI Mathew Cavalieri † Richard Jio Mass for the People Jim & Edna Rickling SI John Shoop † Gene Walkowiak † Steven Wypiszynski † Frank Conception † Fr. Nestor Manlangit OFM † Mass for the People John Molinari SI Becky Stanonik † Balay Family SI SI Special Intention READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: 2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5; Ps 96:1-3, 7-8a, 10; Mk 3:22-30 Heb 10:1-10; Ps 40:2, 4ab, 7-8a, 10, 11; Mk 3:31-35 Heb 10:11-18; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 4:1-20 Heb 10:19-25; Ps 24:1-6; Mk 4:21-25 Heb 10:32-39; Ps 37:3-6, 23-24, 39-40; Mk 4:26-34 Heb 11:1-2, 8-19; Lk 1:69-75; Mk 4:35-41 Dt 18:15-20; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; 1 Cor 7:32-35; Mk1:21-28 PLEASE PRAY FOR THE NEEDS & INTENTIONS OF: Carmen Afan, Jackie Shillington Ant, Charles Astudillo, Filemon Barongan, Emilia Bello, Bob Brennan, Dorothy Bromenshenkel, Ian Brown, Kaitlin & Sheryl Bunge, Marie Califano, Phyllis Corkill, Brett Davey, Judi DiMatteo, Margo Donahue, Jessica Ebilane, Jim Eigner, William Elsner, JoAnn Farmen, Kathleen Garrova, Norma Gherrity, Jeanette Hendren, Kathleen Hunt, Catherine Joseph, Joan Koehmstedt, Jack Kriz, Rhonele Laurente, Annabelle Masiddo, Makayla May, Abigail Allen Mendez, Andy Neidhart, Kevin O’Neill, Mila Qurini, Joanie, Dave, & Maddie Radcliff, Maribel Remos, Antonio & Bianca Rocabo, Jr., Lon Rocabo, Joanne Ross, Maria Santiago, Elise Serrano, Laura Shiwanov, Aurelia Silva, Celeste Silveira, Agnes Simpao, Susan Smith, Rina Sy, Irene Trisko, Asaf Valdez, Corazon & Hermenigildo Valera, Gae Walker, Don & Shirley Wolf, Remedios Yuching, Barbara Zepf. May they find joy in the healing Love of Jesus Christ. PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR PRIESTS: Rev. Nick Clavin, Rev. Ed Gallagher, Rev. John Gubbins Jan. 24: Jan. 25: Jan. 26: Jan. 27: Jan. 28: Jan. 29: Jan. 30: Jan. 31: Feb. 1: Rev. Patrick Murphy Rev. John Bosco Musinguzi Rev. Peter Navarra Rev. Harry Neely, OSA Rev. John Nesbitt Rev. Duong Nguyen, SVD Rev. Augustine Obasi Rev. Emmanuel Ochigbo Pope Francis YOUTH MINISTRY 858 653-3591 ~ CONFIRMATION Confirma on Date Announced : Sunday, April 26, 2015 @ 2 P.M. Sponsor and candidate rehearsal TBA Next Classes: Year 1: Jan. 25th, Feb. 22nd Year 2: Feb. 8th Next Community Life Night: March 1st YOUTH SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES Serving Meals to the Homeless at St. Vincent de Paul. Teens and parents are welcome! Parent volunteers and drivers are needed. Dates: Jan. 27th & Feb. 17: Dinner , 4-7 P.M. Mar. 22nd & Mar. 29: Lunch, 10:30 A.M.-1 P.M. Apr. 11th, Dinner, 4-7 P.M. For more info. and sign-up: h p:// DROP-IN Drop-In Dates: January 27th Twi er @stgregoryyouth, Instagram @stggcoreteam For more info contact Pamela Diaz, Coordinator of Youth Ministry. 858.653.3591 D®ÊÝÄ YÊçĦ-Aç½ã M®Ä®ÝãÙù Please visit,; 858 490-8260. Young Adults, 18-39 Years Old: † Bible Study Wednesdays at St. Michael’s in Poway, 6:30 P.M., in the Ministry Center Green Room. † Theology on Tap in East County: Mondays in January at Fuddruckers -5500 Grossmont Center Dr. Join other young adults, 18-39 years old, single and married for food, fellowship, and great speakers! 6:30 P.M. dinner; 7:30 P.M. speaker: • Jan 26: Encountering the living Jesus: “QuieƟng the noise to meet the God who longs for you!” with Lisa Hunt † RelaƟonship Skills Workshop for ALL Singles and Couples at San Rafael Church, Wednesdays, 7-8:30 P.M. , 17252 Bernardo Center Dr. Do you want to grow in ALL your relaƟonships? Then join us for a FREE 14-week rela onship skills series with Peggy and Ralph Skiano, Directors of the Diocesan Office for Marriage and Family Life. Feel free to come to all, or drop in as you can! Topics include: Building a climate of Respect, Understanding Expecta ons, Speaking Truth in Love, Handling Anger Construc vely, Forgiveness, Trust, and more. For more info please contact Peggy Skiano at; or 858 490-8295. † "How to Start and Grow a Young Adult Ministry at Your Parish or Campus" Training, Tues., Feb. 3, 7-9 P.M., Diocesan Pastoral Center, 3888 Paducah Drive, SD 92117. Are you looking to start a young adult ministry at your Parish or Campus—with permission from your Pastor, of course? Do you want to know who young adults are, what they need, and how to effec vely meet them? Do you want to know how to run events and be effec ve leaders? If you answered yes to any of these ques ons, join us! Please RSVP by Jan. 30 by emailing Carrie at; or 858 490-8260. Go to for more info. Bulletin Deadlines Ads for the bulletin of February 8 are due in the Office on Friday, January 30. The Faith Community and Staff of St. Gregory the Great extend a warm welcome to our newest parishioners and their families: Kirk & Hannah Mawhinney, Jameson & Laarnie Mesa, Christopher & Monica Lutgendorf, Kenneth Tan, Dominic & Estela Peralta, Michael & Mary McCluney, Melissa Gallant, Nara & Rosalin Karuppiah, Jeffrey & Melissa Golabek, Marlene Gonzalez, Kyle & Jennae Kustra, Allen & Valerie Lindgren, Andrew & Jennifer Davies, Elisha Navarro, and Dan Bednar. Church Bathrooms Should you notice a flooding problem occurring in the men’s or women’s bathrooms, please notify the ushers. Please do not attempt to solve the problem yourself. Thank you. SEVEN-DAY CANDLES In Memory of: Francis Stade by Frank Crimi Thank you to our advertisers who sponsor this bulletin! Please patronize their business, and let them know that you appreciate their support of our parish. Advertiser of the week is: STAFFWORKS PARISH MINISTRIES & GROUPS 50+ Club Adopt-A-Family Adoration Altar Linens Altar Servers Baptism Seminars Bible Study Blood Drive Book Club Boy Scouts #616 Boy Scouts #664 Build-A-Miracle Catholic Men’s Fellowship Children’s Choir Children’s Liturgy of the Word Confirmation Preparation-Adult Confirmation Preparation-Youth Cooking Group Cub Scouts #614 Cursillo Daily Mass Ministry Kathi Spittel Kathy Cazin Deborah Sampson David Rowe Jenny Quimpo Joanne & Bill Bernard Paula Baker Joni Deiters Nancy Shute Alan Muir Kate Schemensky Paul Honeycutt Bill Boggs Chris & Julianne North Frank Deniston Ginger Marlin Deacon Ron Diem Pamela Diaz Margaret Byrne Gerard Schnee Frank & Paulette Deniston Lolita Magpantay Maria Quitugua Divine Mercy Cenacle Helen Kremp Donuts & Coffee Eddie Arebalo Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist Greg Tom Faith Formation-Adult Deacon Ron Diem Faith Formation–Children Ginger Marlin Faith Formation-Middle School Ginger Marlin Family Cancer Support Kent Peters Filipino-American Hermie Moscoso Film Fans Marie McGowan Gala Lynn Bautista Gardening Ministry Betty Otto Mike Yang Greeters / Ushers Don Wolf Helping Hands Margaret Byrne Immaculate Heart Radio Kathy Cazin Kitchen Coordinator Pat Rasmussen Knights of Columbus Dave Sigafoos Lectors Terry Poletto Lighthouse Media Joan Pernicano Liturgical Environment: Judy Cottel Marriage Encounter Ron & Patti Marcoux Martha’s Ministry Bea Iwig Military Friendship & Support John & Liz Dente Ministry of Consolation Jeannine Sullivan Ministry of Mothers Rebecca Podmenik 858-566-9345 858-653-3540 858-229-0345 858-549-2215 858-695-6860 858-549-0979 858-653-3540 858-586-1488 858-537-0856 858-695-1633 858-748-5227 619-692-1112 858-530-9061 858-547-0845 858-831-0900 858-653-3583 858-653-3594 858-653-3582 858-653-3591 858-549-3375 858-271-6065 858-831-0900 858-689-1053 858-663-4135 858-240-6101 858-547-4879 858-271-9490 858-653-3582 858-653-3594 858-653-3594 858-735-6889 858-586-7473 858-538-6728 858-380-7728 858-487-9314 858-487-9314 858-578-6341 858-549-3375 858-653-3540 858-693-1880 619-852-3085 858-536-8737 858-271-6727 858-578-1082 858-566-5041 858-271-5157 858-831-1505 858-689-1285 619-300-0724 Ministry to the Homebound Mothers Prayer Group Music Ministry New Parishioner Orientations Our Lady of Fatima Devotion Parent Teacher Stewardship Guild Parish Tours Prayer Wheel Paulette Deniston Susan LaCosta Tom & Marcia Hommel Carolyn Standifer Maeve O’Connell Deacon Ron Diem Elizabeth Ostadan Barbara & Paul Zepf Prayers & Squares Margaret Lynn Pat Kikendall RCIA Deacon Ron Diem Respect Life / Social Justice Joan Pernicano Maria Manyari Returning Catholics Deacon Ron Diem Rosary Cenacle Mary Ann Dunlop Rosary Makers Caroline Dixon Rosary Makers—Outreach Mission Lucie Hoge School Board Maeve O’Connell Sister Parish Outreach Steve Locke Sister Parish Outreach Carolyn Prosi Sister Parish Outreadh - Food Drive Eddie Arebalo Spirit Wear Bob & Shawn Heim St. Vincent / Meals for Homeless Margie Mills Sunday Childcare Co-op Claudia Saipe Jennifer Parker Vacation Bible School Ginger Marlin Wedding Ministry Tina Diem Widows Friendship Group Kristine Campiglia Joan Koehmstedt Women’s Friendship Circle Judy Roitz Youth Ministry Pam Diaz Youth Ministry Parent Advisors Pam Diaz 619-857-5443 619-977-1037 858-653-3583 858-693-8015 858-536-1113 858-397-1290 858-653-3582 858-566-6455 858-271-5261 858-530-2560 858-312-6741 858-653-3582 858-271-6727 858-549-2812 858-653-3582 858-880-2265 858-586-7773 619-328-8314 858-397-1290 858-566-0924 858-566-0924 858-547-4879 858-484-8669 858-271-7410 619-952-1281 858-442-5584 858-653-3594 858-653-3584 619-933-4077 858-547-4692 858-653-3594 858-653-3591 858-653-3591 Pastoral Stewardship Council (PSC) Chief Steward Michael Kielty Chief Steward of Financial Council Gene Fantano Chief Steward of Parish Development Maria Sittmann Communications Rob Thornhill Stewards of Catholic School Maeve O’Connell Stewards of Christian Formation Ken Marra Stewards of Groups/Organizations Carolyn Burns Stewards of Liturgy Cheryl Magner Stewards of Parish Life Bob Heim Stewards of Parish Outreach Mike Harris Stewards of Parish-wide Involvement Bill Carpenter Webmaster Jenny Quimpo 858-271-1004 858-549-0966 619-846-4706 858-679-0407 858-397-1290 858-442-3871 858-578-7051 858-271-7250 858-484-8669 858-513-1153 858-484-3201 858-695-6860 St. Gregory the Great Church and the Knights of Columbus Council 10094 present: 2015 ST. GREGORY THE GREAT TIM HILGEMAN MEMORIAL GOLF CLASSIC Friday, Feb. 13, 1 P.M. Shotgun Start, 4-person format Riverwalk Golf Course $125 per player, includes golf, golf shirt, & dinner $25 banquet ticket only **Proceeds benefit STGG Catholic School** Register at: Our Lady of Angels Please remember to bring your canned goods and foods donations to Mass each Sunday, to help Our Lady of Angels. May God Bless your generosity abundantly always! Also, please note that the Sister Parish Outreach Ministry will NOT be holding our annual rummage sale due to the Parish Hall construction schedule. We are planning to hold a fundraiser later in the year. Thank you for your continued support for our ministry, which benefits the struggling families of our sister parish. They are so very grateful for all that our generous parish provides. Mothers Prayer Group The Mothers Prayer Group meets every Tuesday evening at 7 P.M., in the Hall. Come join us to pray for our children! For information please contact Susan LaCosta at 619 977-1037. The WOMEN’S FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE will next meet Monday, Jan. 26, at 7 P.M., in the Trinity Room. All invited! Men’s Fellowship . . . will next meet Tues., Jan. 27, 7 P.M., in the Hall. Gentlemen, come, connect, communicate, discuss, and share so we can help one another. Look forward to seeing you there! The SGG Women’s Book Club The Book Club will meet on Monday, Feb. 2, at 7 P.M. in the Trinity Room, and on Thursday, Feb. 12, at 10:30 A.M. in the Hall. We will be reading Saving CeeCee Honeycutt by Beth Hoffman. Next month we will be reading The Art Forger by B. A. Shapiro. For more information, please call Kate Schemensky at 858 748-5227. Did you know the miraculous image of Our Lady of Guadalupe is a “heavenly photograph”? And that the mere survival of this cloth for over 500 years is another miracle? To view the Tilma, pls. visit, the site of the Basilica dedicated to Our Lady. Please join us for a 10-week Bible Study, The Prophets, on Wednesdays, 10 A.M.— Noon in the Hall beginning in late February. In this study we will discover who the prophets were, what their message was, and why they are important to us. See how their powerful words speak to us today, shedding light on our faith and our lives. For more information, or to sign up, please contact Nancy Shute at 858 229-2726, or AROUND THE DIOCESE † 17th Annual Divine Mercy Converence, Feb. 6 & 7, Mission San Antonio de Pala, the Juan Diego Center. Abbot Charles Wright celebrates the opening Mass on Friday at 7 P.M., followed by Tim Francis’s talk: “Amazing Miracles.” Saturday registration starts at 8 P.M.; Rosary at 8:40, and first speaker is at 9. Preregister by January 28: Adult $20; married couple $30; children under 17 $10. After Jan. 28, tickets will be: Adults $25; married couple $40; children under 17 $15. For more information, please call 619 276-6637; or online at † Love Our Priests Prayer Group of Ascension Church, 11292 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., SD 92124. The next Mass is on Sat., Feb. 28, 10 A.M., in honor of Fr. Richard Perozich, Pastor of Immaculate Conception Parish in Old Town. Fr. Perozich will tell us about his unusual and winding journey to the Priesthood. Please bring a friend and a dish to share. For more information, please call Jean Hosenkamp at 858 560-7132. † Whispering Winds 33rd Annual Dinner Dance Gala, Sat., Feb. 28, San Diego Marriott Marquis & Marina, 333W. Harbor Drive, SD. Starting at 5:30 P.M. Silent Auction, Dinner, Live Auction, Dancing ~ black tie optional. RSVP online at or mail by Feb. 17. † Support Group for Separated & Divorced. An ongoing support group for anyone suffering from the pain and loss associated with a separation or divorce. We meet Sundays at 10:15 A.M. at St. James Catholic Church – Ministry Center in Solana Beach. For info please contact Frank Grant at 760 533-1520, or; or Jan Nadler at 760 814-8604. † 2015 Diocesan Revival will be held Feb. 2-4 at St. Rita’s Church, 7 P.M. each evening. Rev. Anthony Bozeman will be the preacher. The Revival is sponsored by the Diosan Commission for African American Catholics. Free! All are welcome! † Healing After Divorce. New paths, a free support group for the separated and divorced, will meet on Tuesdays at 6:30 P.M. from February 10 through May 5 at Sacred Heart Church ministry Center, 655 C Avenue, Coronado. For information, pls. call 619 435-6136; or visit Loving God’s Most Magnificent Creations A Pro-Life Observance of 42 Years since Roe vs. Wade This is a peaceful demonstration, in Observance of 42 Years since Roe vs. Wade since 1973. A witness to the truth concerning the greatest human rights violation of our time, legalized abortion on demand. Saturday January 31, 2015 6th & Laurel - Balboa Park, San Diego, CA 9:00 – 12 Noon Carpooling: From St. Gregory the Great Catholic Church. Meet at front of Church, we leave at 7:30am. Joan 858- 336-7035 St. Gregory the Great Catholic School 15315 Stonebridge Parkway, SD, CA 92131 A Community of Faith, Knowledge, and Service OPEN HOUSE & BOOK FAIR Sunday, January 25, 2015—1:00—3:00 P.M. Don’t miss this great opportunity to meet the principal and teachers; visit state-of-the-art classrooms; meet students and their families; visit the Library Media Center and shop the Book Fair. Please contact the school office with any questions at (858) 397-1290. Visit our website at We look forward to seeing you there! Prospective Kindergarten Parent Information Meeting Wednesday, February 4, 2015 at 6:30 P.M. at the school We invite all those who are interested in placing your child in our kindergarten program for 2015-2016 to our parent information meeting. Topics presented at this meeting will include developmental readiness for our academic kindergarten, the school mission and philosophy, and the kindergarten curriculum. Developmental screening appointments, the first step in the enrollment process, will be scheduled at this meeting. We look forward to seeing you there! Parishioner Free Estimates STEVEN SCHMITT 619-977-2084 Heating & Air Conditioning (858) Electrical Plumbing Carpentry Hauling 748-6437 ■ RESIDENTIAL ■ COMMERCIAL ■ MOBILE HOMES Family Owned • • • • Senior Discounts HANDYMAN • Service • Maintenance • Installations • All Makes & Models Restaurant • Catering Larry and Joan Pernicano (Parishioner) 9988 Scripps Ranch Blvd. (858) 271-5250 15% Off w/Ad License #724141 When donating your used car, you give us the resources we need to provide Job Training, Child Care, Addiction Treatment, Medical Care and so much more to our neighbors experiencing homelessness. You Can Help! God Bless! we teach your children their abc’s so they can earn their B.A.’S, Ph.D.’s, L.L.D.’s, and M.D.s. scripps montessori school Call 1-888-FATHER JOE Gifted Apply Now Avoid Waiting Lists 566-3632 Temporary, Temp to Hire and Direct Hire Placement Services Serving San Diego’s finest companies and employees since 1998 (858) 558-1400 Parishioner and Talented Joyous Weddings and Events by KDV & Katherine Vergara Event Planner 858-215-3105Serving San Diego County Program Available 9939 Old Grove Rd. • San Diego, CA 92131 Association Montessori International Recognized • Free consultation • Saturday appointments • All types of braces available 12112 Scripps Summit Dr., Suite F, Scripps Ranch • We treat adults and children (858) 527-0090 • Catholic school graduate Cont. Lic. #770827 In the plumbing business for 39 years. Owned and operated here in the community. • Water Heaters • Pressure Regulators • Drain Stoppages • Air Conditioning • Faucets • Garbage Disposals Kitchen & Bath • Heating • Sprinkler Repairs Good Quality work at Reasonable Prices 39 YEARS 858-578-7808 Filippis Pizza Grotto ITALIAN RESTAURANT PRIME RIB AND COCKTAILS 9969 Mira Mesa Blvd. “Look for this man for Quality” 586-0888 Mira Mesa / Scripps Ranch Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. Scripps Tax & Financial Group Jason B. Laccone CFP®, EA, CRPC® CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM CA Insurance Lic.#-0G18429 9909 Mira Mesa Blvd., STE 230 San Diego, CA 92131 Tel - (858) 271-1488 • 000536 St Gregory the Great Church (B) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 We Make Remodeling Easy Board Certified Orthodontist - Parishioner Your Real Estate Team Over 8,000 Satisfied Customers Certified Bath & Kitchen Designers 2500 Sq. Ft Showroom Five Year Workmanship Warranty Complete price guarantee, no surprises! (858) 413-2305 (We Are Parishioners) email: 858-547-6003 FITNESS QUEST 10 A Center for Health & Human Performance • Personal Training • Massage • Youth Athletic Training (858) 271-1171 • Pilates • Yoga Owners Joe & Patty Christenson 12147 Kirkham Road. Poway, CA 92064 Lic. #781576 Attorney Michael J. Kielty 29 years experience in personal injury civil litigation / damage claims St. Augustine HS; UCSD; USD Law School Graduate Parishioner - Free Consultation (619) 850-2096 PETER J. BAUER, DDS, MS Brian or Sally, coordinators Located in the Scripps Ranch Trader Joe's Center FREE Exam & Consultation Invisalign and Traditional Braces for Adults and Children 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Orthodontic Specialist 13035 Pomerado Rd., Ste. D Poway 486-1412 Dr. David S. Gilmore • St. Gregory’s Parishioner • Board Certified Orthodontist 9870 Hibert Street, Ste. D9 • San Diego, CA 92131 (858) 433-7377 • Largest Bank Headquartered in San Diego Joe Snyder, VP/Branch Manager La Jolla Office - 1127 Wall Street Since 1978 (858) 720-9373 - Retiring soon or becoming eligible for Medicare? Handcrafted St. Gregory the Great Contact me for a no obligation review of your Health Plan option 14K Altar or Dome Cross charms 858.578.6670 Mira Mesa Mall Ken Pouladin Licensed Representative Tues-Sat 10-6 Closed Sun/Mon UnitedHealthcare Medicare Solutions Bill and Cynthia Collins Owners/parishioners Finding a Great Plumber Doesn’t Have to be a Draining Experience! (858) 486-4070 License # 938964 Owned by Michael & Rachael De Silva 10% OFF TO MILITARY AND SENIORS Serving Our Community - Investing in Our Future 858-335-1949 Parishioner Serving: POWAY ADULT Poway, MiraMesa, Scripps Ranch, Rancho Bernardo, DAY HEALTH Rancho Penasquitos, CARE Carmel Mountain and 4S Ranch 12250 Crosthwaite Circle Poway, CA 92064 Phone: 858-748-5044 Our Lady of the Rosary Church GIFT SHOP In the heart of Little Italy!! Visit our New State-of-the-Art Center In the Poway Business Park 10% OFF 13907 Poway Rd. Unit A- Poway, CA 92064 (858) 748-0561 M-F 8:00-5:00 Sat 8:00-12:00 Jose Zendejas, President Towing Available Service • Quality • Excellence Tel: 619-234-4820 Mon-Fri 8 AM-4:30 PM Sun 8 AM-1 PM 1629 Columbia Street San Diego, CA 92101 000536 St Gregory the Great Church (A) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805
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