Athabasca Advocate, Tuesday, November 18, 2014 - 43A Bulls let another slip away, then take it on the chin From BLAZERS, Page 42A “I prefer games like this rather a blowout win as it teaches the players things that they can use and learn from and improve their game.” Scammell added the strengh of his team is their speed and that they will get better as the season progresses, since they are slowly adding in tactical and other concepts. Bulls lose two The North Central Midget AA Bulls had game they could win slip through their gloves Friday night at the Multiplex, losing 7-1 to Leduc. The Bulls lost it after allow- ing four goals in a two and a half minute span in the second period. Treyton Tangedal got the lone goal for the Bulls in the third. And it was Zach Bendall scoring the Bulls only marker on Saturday in Edmonton in a 10-1 loss to the Knights of Columbus Colts. jordan macdonald/AA Bulls’ Iver Steffes (22) battles behind the net with a Leduc player for loose puck during their game at the Multiplex Friday night. 12:+,5,1* NOW1HZ:HVWHUQ$WKDEDVFD, HIRING! )22'$1'%(9(5$*(6(59(565220$77( New Western Athabasca Inn DESK ([SHULHQFHQRWUHTXLUHG:LOOWUDLQ FRONT CLERK 7HUPVRI(PSOR\PHQW 3HUPDQHQW)XOO7LPH2Q&DOO6KLIW2YHUWLPH:HHNHQG'D\1LJKW(YHQLQJ Terms of Employment: Permanent, Full Time, Shift, On Call, Overtime, Weekend, Day, 6DODU\ Night, Evening )%6HUYHU +RXUO\IRUKRXUVSHUZHHN 5RRP$WWHQGDQW+RXUO\IRUKRXUVSHUZHHN Salary: $QWLFLSDWHG6WDUW'DWH $13.50 Hourly, for 40 $VVRRQDVSRVVLEOH hours per week -RE'XWLHV,QFOXGH Anticipated Start Date: As soon as possible (at the latest in 3 months) )%6HUYHU jordie dwyer/AA Nikipelo bonspiel in boyle (l-r) Candy Nikipelo watches as the opposing team’s Kyle Wlos gives Tyler Graham advice about when to sweep as Candy’s teammates Ken McNamara and Tracey Keep look on during the final stone of the C-final at the 4th annual Brad Nikipelo Memorial bonspiel at the Boyle Curling Club Saturday. The Nikipeo rink won the game, while the B-final was captured by the Chris Nikipelo rink and the A-final was won by a rink skipped by Jason Marcoux. Advocate The Athabasca Classifieds 12:+,5,1* 7DNHRUGHUVDQGUHOD\WRNLWFKHQ'HVFULEHPHQXLWHPVLQFOXGLQJGDLO\VSHFLD Job Duties Include: 6HUYHIRRGDQGEHYHUDJHVJHQHUDOSODWHVHUYLFH$GYLVHRQPHQXVHOHFWLRQV& 3UHVHQWELOOWRSDWURQVDQGDFFHSWSD\PHQW&ORVHFDVKLHU&OHDQDQG6HWXSWD Register arriving guests and assign rooms; process group arrivals and departure, take, cancel and change room reservations; process, 5RRP$WWHQGDQW telephone calls, provide information on hotel facilities and services, 6ZHHSPRSDQGZDVKIORRUV9DFXXPFDUSHWLQJDUHDUXJVGUDSHULHVDQGXSK provide general information about points of interest in the area, IXUQLWXUH0DNHEHGVDQGFKDQJHVKHHWV'LVWULEXWHFOHDQWRZHOVDQGWRLOHWULHV FORVHW&OHDQDQGGLVLQIHFWEDWKURRPVDQGIL[WXUHV+DQGOHDQGUHSRUWORVWDQG provide information services available in the community, secure $WWHQGWRJXHVWWRJXHVWV¶UHTXHVWIRUH[WUDVXSSOLHVRURWKHULWHPV3URYLGHE guests valuable, process wake up calls, calculate charges and receive RQIDFLOLWLHV+DQGOHFRPSODLQWV3LFNXSGHEULVDQGHPSW\WUDVKFRQWDLQHUV: payments, balance and complete balance sheets, cash reports and ZDOOVDQGFHLOLQJV&OHDQURRPVDQGFKDQJLQJVKRZHUFXUWDLQV related forms, customer service oriented, follow emergency & safety procedures, work with minimal supervision, clerical duties, 3OHDVHGURSRIIUHVXPHVID[RUHPDLOWRWKHDGGUHVVEHORZDQGOR keyboarding, perform light housekeeping and cleaning. *HQHUDO0DQDJHU Please drop off resumes, fax or email to the address 1HZ:HVWHUQ$WKDEDVFD,QQ below and look for: $YH$WKDEDVFD$OEHUWD76$ )D[ (PDLO QHZBZHVWHUQ#KRWPDLOFRP General Manager New Western Athabasca Inn 5211 41 Ave., Athabasca, Alberta T9S 1A5 Phone: 780-675-2294 Fax: 780-675-3890 Email: 12:+,5,1* 12:+,5,1* NOW1HZ:HVWHUQ$WKDEDVFD,QQ HIRING! NOW1HZ:HVWHUQ$WKDEDVFD,QQ HIRING! NOW1HZ:HVWHUQ$WKDEDVFD, HIRING! )22'$1'%(9(5$*(6(59(565220$77(1'$176 )22'$1'%(9(5$*(6(59(565220$77(1'$176 )22'$1'%(9(5$*(6(59(565220$77( New Western Athabasca Inn New Western Athabasca Inn New Western Athabasca Inn ([SHULHQFHQRWUHTXLUHG:LOOWUDLQ ([SHULHQFHQRWUHTXLUHG:LOOWUDLQ ([SHULHQFHQRWUHTXLUHG:LOOWUDLQ FRONT DESK MANAGER HOUSEKEEPING ROOM ATTENDANT Terms of Employment: Experience not required. Will train. SUPERVISOR Permanent, Full Time, Shift, Overtime, Weekend, Day, Night, 7HUPVRI(PSOR\PHQW 7HUPVRI(PSOR\PHQW 7HUPVRI(PSOR\PHQW 3HUPDQHQW)XOO7LPH2Q&DOO6KLIW2YHUWLPH:HHNHQG'D\1LJKW(YHQLQJ 3HUPDQHQW)XOO7LPH2Q&DOO6KLIW2YHUWLPH:HHNHQG'D\1LJKW(YHQLQJ 3HUPDQHQW)XOO7LPH2Q&DOO6KLIW2YHUWLPH:HHNHQG'D\1LJKW(YHQLQJ Evening Terms of Employment: 6DODU\ )%6HUYHU Permanent, Full +RXUO\IRUKRXUVSHUZHHN Time, Shift, Overtime, Weekend, Day, 5RRP$WWHQGDQW+RXUO\IRUKRXUVSHUZHHN Evening Night, $QWLFLSDWHG6WDUW'DWH $VVRRQDVSRVVLEOH Salary: $20.00 Hourly, for 40 hours per week -RE'XWLHV,QFOXGH Anticipated Start Date: As soon as possible (at the latest in 3 months) )%6HUYHU 6DODU\ Terms of Employment: 6DODU\ $QWLFLSDWHG6WDUW'DWH Anticipated Start Date: $QWLFLSDWHG6WDUW'DWH )%6HUYHU +RXUO\IRUKRXUVSHUZHHN Salary: $25.00 Hourly, for 40 hours per week 5RRP$WWHQGDQW+RXUO\IRUKRXUVSHUZHHN $VVRRQDVSRVVLEOH As soon as possible (at the latest in 3 months) -RE'XWLHV,QFOXGH Job Duties Include: )%6HUYHU Develop and implement policies and procedures for daily )%6HUYHU +RXUO\IRUKRXUVSHUZHHN Permanent,Full Time, On Call, Shift, Overtime, Weekend, 5RRP$WWHQGDQW+RXUO\IRUKRXUVSHUZHHN Day, Night, Evening $VVRRQDVSRVVLEOH Salary: $14.25 Hourly, for 40 hours per week -RE'XWLHV,QFOXGH Anticipated Start Date: )%6HUYHU As soon as possible 7DNHRUGHUVDQGUHOD\WRNLWFKHQ'HVFULEHPHQXLWHPVLQFOXGLQJGDLO\VSHFLDOVIRUFXVWRPHUV 7DNHRUGHUVDQGUHOD\WRNLWFKHQ'HVFULEHPHQXLWHPVLQFOXGLQJGDLO\VSHFLDOVIRUFXVWRPHUV 7DNHRUGHUVDQGUHOD\WRNLWFKHQ'HVFULEHPHQXLWHPVLQFOXGLQJGDLO\VSHFLD operations, negotiate with suppliers for the provision of materials 6HUYHIRRGDQGEHYHUDJHVJHQHUDOSODWHVHUYLFH$GYLVHRQPHQXVHOHFWLRQV&KHFN,QYHQWRU\ 6HUYHIRRGDQGEHYHUDJHVJHQHUDOSODWHVHUYLFH$GYLVHRQPHQXVHOHFWLRQV&KHFN,QYHQWRU\ 6HUYHIRRGDQGEHYHUDJHVJHQHUDOSODWHVHUYLFH$GYLVHRQPHQXVHOHFWLRQV& Job Duties Include: and supplies, negotiate with clients for the use of facilities, 3UHVHQWELOOWRSDWURQVDQGDFFHSWSD\PHQW&ORVHFDVKLHU&OHDQDQG6HWXSWDEOHV 3UHVHQWELOOWRSDWURQVDQGDFFHSWSD\PHQW&ORVHFDVKLHU&OHDQDQG6HWXSWDEOHV 3UHVHQWELOOWRSDWURQVDQGDFFHSWSD\PHQW&ORVHFDVKLHU&OHDQDQG6HWXSWD Job Duties Include: Supervise and co-ordinate activities of workers; Inspect sites or set work schedules, respond to customer complaints, enforce Sweep, mop and wash floors, Vacuum carpeting, area 5RRP$WWHQGDQW 5RRP$WWHQGDQW policies and procedures, recruit and hire staff, supervise, conduct or arrange for additional maintenance services; Prepare work rugs, draperies and upholstered furniture, Make beds and 6ZHHSPRSDQGZDVKIORRUV9DFXXPFDUSHWLQJDUHDUXJVGUDSHULHVDQGXSKROVWHUHG 6ZHHSPRSDQGZDVKIORRUV9DFXXPFDUSHWLQJDUHDUXJVGUDSHULHVDQGXSKROVWHUHG 6ZHHSPRSDQGZDVKIORRUV9DFXXPFDUSHWLQJDUHDUXJVGUDSHULHVDQGXSK training sessions, perform front desk duties, research and produce IXUQLWXUH0DNHEHGVDQGFKDQJHVKHHWV'LVWULEXWHFOHDQWRZHOVDQGWRLOHWULHV6WRFNOLQHQ IXUQLWXUH0DNHEHGVDQGFKDQJHVKHHWV'LVWULEXWHFOHDQWRZHOVDQGWRLOHWULHV6WRFNOLQHQ IXUQLWXUH0DNHEHGVDQGFKDQJHVKHHWV'LVWULEXWHFOHDQWRZHOVDQGWRLOHWULHV schedules; Co-ordinate activities with other departments; Assist change sheets, Distribute clean towels and toiletries, Stock brochures, arrange and oversee maintenance activities. FORVHW&OHDQDQGGLVLQIHFWEDWKURRPVDQGIL[WXUHV+DQGOHDQGUHSRUWORVWDQGIRXQGLWHPV FORVHW&OHDQDQGGLVLQIHFWEDWKURRPVDQGIL[WXUHV+DQGOHDQGUHSRUWORVWDQGIRXQGLWHPV FORVHW&OHDQDQGGLVLQIHFWEDWKURRPVDQGIL[WXUHV+DQGOHDQGUHSRUWORVWDQG cleaners in performing duties. linen closet, Clean and disinfect bathrooms and fixtures, $WWHQGWRJXHVWWRJXHVWV¶UHTXHVWIRUH[WUDVXSSOLHVRURWKHULWHPV3URYLGHEDVLFLQIRUPDWLRQ $WWHQGWRJXHVWWRJXHVWV¶UHTXHVWIRUH[WUDVXSSOLHVRURWKHULWHPV3URYLGHEDVLFLQIRUPDWLRQ $WWHQGWRJXHVWWRJXHVWV¶UHTXHVWIRUH[WUDVXSSOLHVRURWKHULWHPV3URYLGHE facilities to ensure safety and cleanliness standards; Recommend 5RRP$WWHQGDQW RQIDFLOLWLHV+DQGOHFRPSODLQWV3LFNXSGHEULVDQGHPSW\WUDVKFRQWDLQHUV:DVKZLQGRZV RQIDFLOLWLHV+DQGOHFRPSODLQWV3LFNXSGHEULVDQGHPSW\WUDVKFRQWDLQHUV:DVKZLQGRZV RQIDFLOLWLHV+DQGOHFRPSODLQWV3LFNXSGHEULVDQGHPSW\WUDVKFRQWDLQHUV: Additional Skill: Handle and report lost and found items, Attend to guest ZDOOVDQGFHLOLQJV&OHDQURRPVDQGFKDQJLQJVKRZHUFXUWDLQV ZDOOVDQGFHLOLQJV&OHDQURRPVDQGFKDQJLQJVKRZHUFXUWDLQV ZDOOVDQGFHLOLQJV&OHDQURRPVDQGFKDQJLQJVKRZHUFXUWDLQV Additional Skill: Hire and train or arrange for training of cleaning staff Recruit and hire staff, Supervise staff, Conduct training sessions, to guests’ request for extra supplies or other items, Provide Perform front desk duties, Research and produce brochures, basic information on facilities, Handle complaints, Pick up Arrange for and oversee maintenance activities. 3OHDVHGURSRIIUHVXPHVID[RUHPDLOWRWKHDGGUHVVEHORZDQGORRNIRU 3OHDVHGURSRIIUHVXPHVID[RUHPDLOWRWKHDGGUHVVEHORZDQGORRNIRU 3OHDVHGURSRIIUHVXPHVID[RUHPDLOWRWKHDGGUHVVEHORZDQGOR debris and empty trash containers, Wash windows, walls Manager Experience: and ceilings, Clean rooms and changing shower curtains. Light duty cleaner *HQHUDO0DQDJHU *HQHUDO0DQDJHU *HQHUDO0DQDJHU Manager Experience: 1HZ:HVWHUQ$WKDEDVFD,QQ 1HZ:HVWHUQ$WKDEDVFD,QQ 1HZ:HVWHUQ$WKDEDVFD,QQ Front Desk Clerk Please drop off resumes, fax or email to the address Please drop off resumes, fax or email to the address below and $YH$WKDEDVFD$OEHUWD76$ $YH$WKDEDVFD$OEHUWD76$ $YH$WKDEDVFD$OEHUWD76$ )D[ )D[ )D[ look for: below and look for: Please drop off resumes, fax or email to the address below and (PDLO QHZBZHVWHUQ#KRWPDLOFRP (PDLO QHZBZHVWHUQ#KRWPDLOFRP (PDLO QHZBZHVWHUQ#KRWPDLOFRP look for: General Manager General Manager General Manager New Western Athabasca Inn New Western Athabasca Inn New Western Athabasca Inn 5211 41 Ave., Athabasca, Alberta T9S 1A5 Phone: 780-675-2294 Fax: 780-675-3890 Email: 5211 41 Ave., Athabasca, Alberta T9S 1A5 Phone: 780-675-2294 Fax: 780-675-3890 Email: 5211 41 Ave., Athabasca, Alberta T9S 1A5 Phone: 780-675-2294 Fax: 780-675-3890 Email: 44A - Athabasca Advocate, Tuesday, November 18, 2014 Advocate The Athabasca Classifieds NOW HIRING EI&C - CONTROLS TECHNICIAN – REFERENCE CODE 5848 NOW HIRING MECHANICAL TECHNICIAN – REFERENCE CODE 5944 FIND THE MOST SIGNIFICANT WORK OF YOUR CAREER AT TRANSCANADA At TransCanada we dream big, think big and do big things. For more than 60 years, we’ve been supplying reliable and efficient energy to millions of North Americans with our pipelines, gas storage and power generation facilities. TransCanada is seeking a Controls Technician based out of Athabasca, Alberta and a Mechanical Technician based out of Slave Lake, Alberta. The technicians operate and maintain natural gas compression and auxiliary equipment. The successful candidates require the technical skills to ensure all systems and equipment are effectively maintained in accordance with our standards of performance, policies, regulations and procedures. The technicians are required to maintain core operational task qualifications, and will be required to perform tasks from other disciplines. A fully Certified Heavy Duty Mechanic, Certified Journeyman Electrician and/or Journeyman Millwright with a minimum of 5 Years of industry relevant experience is preferred. These positions are overtime eligible, part of an on-call rotation and provide emergency support as required. Hours of work may need to be extended as business needs arise. This position will be required to travel away from home base to other company locations, including remote locations, for project support, temporary assignments, meetings or training. * Flying in small planes and helicopters is a requirement. TransCanada is an equal opportunity employer. For more information and to apply to this position, please visit our website at Everything you do at TransCanada contributes to everything we do across North America. Make more of your career. Help us build long-lasting energy solutions that matter. DAYS INN is now accepting applications for full or part time FRONT DESK Please email resume to: or apply in person to Stacey at 2805 - 48 Ave. Athabasca Ph: 780-675-7020 Fax: 780-675-7783 Are you plugged in to your community? Read up. Lincoln County Oilfield Services is currently looking for an FULL TIME RECEPTIONIST The successful candidate will have the following qualifications: • Strong communication, organization & computer skills • Have experience in an administrative environment • Be a team player • Have the ability to work independently Please forward a copy of your resume and safety tickets to: email: or fax: 780-675-9622 (this is not a phone). and we are also currently looking for an ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SPECIALIST The successful candidate will have the following qualifications: • Coding of vendor invoices and expense reports in accordance with established the chart of accounts. • Remitting payment to vendors, managing vendor communications • Managing the Purchase Order process. • Maintain the accounts payable open and paid files and ensure invoices are properly recorded with back-up documents. • Maintain Filing There is an opportunity for advancement. Please forward a copy of your resume and safety tickets to: email: or fax: 780-675-9622 (this is not a phone). OilField RenTalS lP DAYS INN is now accepting applications for Total Oilfield Rentals LP is engaged in the rental and transportation of drilling and production equipment in oil and gas areas in Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, and North Dakota. We offer our customers a wide variety of rental equipment, transportation services and logistical support through our network of 21 branch offices. We are currently looking for qualified candidates to join our team in LAC LA BICHE in the positions of: • OILFIELD EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL Maintenance personnel are responsible for inspection, servicing, cleaning, mobilization and demobilization of company rental equipment including 400bbl tanks, premix tanks, light towers, and generators. • CLASS 1 DRIvERS OILFIELD ExPERIENCE Drivers are responsible for the transportation of oilfield rental equipment, upkeep of the trucks, and associated paperwork. Ideal candidates will have 3-5 years Class 1 driving and winch experience as well as a clean driver’s abstract. Total Oilfield offers competitive wages based on experience, safety incentive bonus, group health and dental benefits, company matched RRSP/stock savings plan. Please apply to Shane Radcliffe by email at or by fax to (780) 623-2491 We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. Total Oilfield Rentals is an equal opportunity employer. For more information about our company, please visit our website HOUSEKEEPING SUPERVISOR SUPERVISORY EXPERIENCE: Light duty cleaners SPECIFIC SKILL: Supervise and co-ordinate activities of workers, inspect sites or facilities to ensure safety and cleanliness standards, recommend or arrange for additional maintenance services, prepare work schedules, co-ordinate activities with other departments, receive payment for specialized cleaning jobs, assist cleaners in performing duties. ADDITIONAL SKILLS: Hire and train or arrange for training of cleaning staff. SECURITY & CLEARANCE: Basic security clearance WORK CONDITIONS & PHYSICAL CAPABILITIES: Repetitive tasks, physically demanding, manual dexterity, bending, crouching, kneeling, shift work. WAGE: $19.00 / hour ABILITY TO SUPERVISE: 5 to 10 people ESSENTIAL SKILLS: Reading text, document use, writing, communication, working with others, problem solving, decision making, job task planning and organizing, computer use, continuous learning. Please email resume to: or apply in person to Stacey at 2805 - 48 Ave. Athabasca Ph: 780-675-7020 • Fax: 780-675-7783 A CAREER THAT’S A SLICE ABOVE THE REST Aspen AG Foods, Boyle seeks a MOTIVATED Individual For Full-Time Employment as a CASHIER • Competitive Wages • Excellent Benefits • Excellent Career APPLY IN PERSON OR EMAIL RESUME TO: Athabasca Advocate, Tuesday, November 18, 2014 - 45A Advocate The Athabasca Classifieds "" '"#! "$$ )#$#,#&"# $"#! "$$ * #$# $"# !) '$ !"$ #$" % %$$,, %" "% &# # " # $ !$$$##$"$ " %" $ 41 %$# " $# " $ "$ "#$" %$#$), $# " ) % ' "#! # " %"$) !" ##$$ %#$ # $'"!!$ # " %$#"&* %$#!)!)" , % '# "#! # " $, #%##%$'! ####+ $ %$) %"#$ Seeking qualified drivers for immediate openings ($$"!"# ## Athabasca, AB. for Wood Fibre hauling. #$" !%$"## We offer: !" &!" # &## $$$ $ $ • Full Time, Year Round Work !" & #%## ' " #$ ! • Home Every &" Day $, • Competitive Wage & Benefits "+ You possess: )' "&" $ • SuperB driving experience !$$& !#$ % • A clean drivers abstract %$# !# , • References ""'&$ &%#'$! #$ # ") Weare equal opportunity %$), employer %$ "!"an &#%##'$$ EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY INSTRUCTIONAL MEDIA ANALYST Athabasca Dental Clinic requires a P/T DENTAL HIRING DRIVERS -*2-).+*-//%*)4./!(.)%..!!&%)#,0'%"%! RECEPTIONIST Athabasca Wood Chip Haul $%+/-0&6 -%1!-."*-%((! %/!*+!)%)#.%)/$! Dental experience would be an asset. in $.-..') -!!*""!-./! 4'*)#/!-( (+'*4(!)/) 1!-4*(+!/%/%1!*(+!)./%*) Email resumes to: Attention: Rhonda &#! or fax to: 780-675-1948 $!.0!.."0') % /!.(0./$1!5'!)6 -%1!-. ./-/) #** -!"!-!)!..2!''.!3+!-%!)!2%/$ 0+!-6/-%)$%+1).'!.!.!) -!.0(!) -%1!-. ./-//*3 (%' !''%*//--*2 '' and we are strongly encouraging Aboriginal peoples to apply. The Instructional Media Analyst works as an integral member of various project teams in the development, delivery, and support of computer-based, multimedia, network-delivered course materials, and student support services. The full job description can be viewed at: Instructional%20Media%20Analyst%20P00333.doc/file_view For further information regarding this position, please contact Dr. Marti Cleveland-Innes at 780-675-6426 or via email at: All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and Permanent Residents will be given priority. PLEASE NOTE: Applications will only be received and accepted through our online recruitment system. When applying, please include your letter of application, resume and the names, phone numbers, and email address of three references. ##"#% $ +#&*"$ " !)#$#*721&"#$* !#**3 64(+.361/425-2761*-+#&0"" ', Email: Fax: 250-314-1750 Phone: 1-877-700-4445 All signs point to Manitoulin Dr. ArAn MccullAgh D.D.S., B.Sc. 2810A 48 Avenue | AthAbAscA, Ab t9s 0b1 P: 780-675-5595 | F: 780-675-1948 KEnnEL / GEnEraL assistant Qualifications & Duties Include: •Responsible,Mature,GoodWorkEthic •Self-Motivated,Organized,TeamPlayer •PetRestraintAbilities •GeneralCleaning/Errands •InventoryProcessingDuties •Computer/P.R.PhoneExperience Please forward resumes to: Liz Ostrander, Manager Fax: 780-689-3976 or E-mail: HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE WORKER Carillion Alberta is currently seeking permanent full time and seasonal Highway Maintenance Workers for the Boyle area. Job duties may include but are not limited to: Operating a snowplow truck, cracksealing, highway inspection, sign and guardrail repairs, gravel, sand or asphalt hauling, paving, etc. Shift-work and the ability to respond 24/7 during winter months will be required. Applicants must have a valid Class 3 drivers license with air endorsement, grade ten education or higher. Preferred applicants will have construction and/or hauling experience and a Class 1 driver’s license. Carillion offers competitive wages and benefits. Carillion maintains a substance abuse policy. Please email or fax applications to: Carillion Canada Inc. Fax: 780-689-3697 or Email: Super 8 ATHABASCA Super 8 ATHABASCA is accepting applications for is accepting applications for ASSISTANT MANAGER NIGHT AUDITOR Drop off resume to: 4820B Wood Heights Road, Athabasca fax to: 780-675-8889 or email: Drop off resume to: 4820B Wood Heights Road, Athabasca or fax 780-675-8889 or email: Benefit package available CLASS 1 HIGHWAY DRIVER $5,000 Sign-on Bonus Available required immediately for part-time position at Boyle Veterinary Services Ltd. Manitoulin Transport currently has the following position(s) available at our ATHABASCA location: BeNefIT PAckAGe AvAIlABle . . . n o i t n e t t a r i e h Get t A clear and recent abstract and a clear criminal record search required. Signing bonus is paid over the course of the first year of employment. In exchange for your efforts, we offer a competitive salary and a comprehensive benefits program, as well as a Profit Sharing Program. 14113NM0 Please reply to this advertisement by contacting Michael Brassard at Equal Opportunity Employer General Freight | Long Distance | Less Than Load HELP WANTED Journeyman Welder who takes pride in producing quality workmanship & customer satisfaction in a timely & consistent manner, who is ambitious and self-motivated, who works well independently and/or as part of a team. A copy of your driver’s abstract is essential. Only those who have the welding experience to service the diverse challenges of our farming & industrial community need apply. Salary negotiable depending on experience. Please call Annie at 780-675-2048 or apply in person. Phone 780-675-9222, and speak with Leyann, ext. 24 or Karen, ext. 25 RiveRside 780-675-2048 Machine & Welding ltd. 5111 - 58 St., Athabasca, AB Advocate The Athabasca Classifieds or email: ADD A SPLASH OF COLOUR TO YOUR AD! production@ AnnuAl GenerAl MeetinG Fax 780-675-3143 4917B - 49 Street, Athabasca, AB T9S 1C5 Monday, December 1st, 2014 for Grosmont Community Club 7 p.m. at the hall “Everyone Welcome”
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