E C vents alendar

Events C alendar
6870. Bellmore Theatre, 222
Pettit Ave., Bellmore.
LI Children’s Museum:
Catskill Puppets
11:30am and 2pm. Ages 3+.
$5 w/ admission. $10 theatre only. “Sister Rain and
Brother Sun.” Music, humor,
mystery and special effects.
GPM: Native American Feast
This Sat. and Sun, from 10am-4pm. $5pp (under 5 free).
Hands-on activities, primitive fire-building, food displays, and
much more. 516-571-8010. garviespointmuseum.com.
Located at 50 Barry Dr., Glen Cove.
Fri.- Nov. 21
Spouse Bereavement
Support Group
11-12pm. Residents of N.
Hempstead. 60+. Learn about
the grief process and coping
skills. Meet other people who
are having the same experience. 1st & 3rd Fri. of each
month. Call 311 or 869-6311 to
register. Port Washington Senior Ctr., 80 Manorhaven Blvd.
GPM: Pocahontas
2 & 3pm. Film free with museum admission. She had
a vision of cooperation between the European settlers
and her people that was revolutionary in its modernity.
(50 mins.) 516-571-8010.
gar viespointmuseum.com.
50 Barry Dr., Glen Cove.
Library: Programs
5:30pm. Gr. 2-6. Crazy Catapults: Understand how force and
motion work in simple machines.
Register x317.
7pm. $3.50. Stress-less holidays
- floor class. Register: x310.
7pm. Ages 4-6. Story, games,
craft and more. Register x317
355-7850. hillsidelibrary.info.
155 Lakeville Rd., NHP.
Sat.- Nov. 22
Old Bethpage Village:
Sat. & Sun. from 10am-4pm.
$10 adults, $7 ages 5-12, seniors & volunteer firefighters.
1863 Thanksgiving Holiday
Celebration. 516-572-0200.
1303 Round Swamp Rd.
Jones Beach: Dream
10:30am-12pm. $4pp. Ages
5+. Learn about the dream
catcher and then make your
own. Register at 516-7803295. Jones Beach Park.
11/22 and 11/29 at 11am.
11/23 at 1pm. $10. 516-599-
Turkey Talk
2pm. Ages 5+. $3 w/ admission. Learn why turkey is a
mainstay of Thanksgiving dinner. Make a turkey craft
11 Davis Ave., Garden City. 516224-5800 or LICM.org.
Cradle of Aviation:
Pumpkin Drop
Send your event to: events@marketplacepublications.com or fax: 516-997-7906
See our events online: marketplacepublications.com
LI Singles: Fall Dance
8:30pm. Call Ray 516-5616994 for info. St. Aidan School,
525 Willis Ave., Williston Park.
11am-5pm. $5.50. justglass.
com. 516-476-0155. VFW
Post 5253, 155 Searingtown
Rd., Albertson.
OWG: Family Program
12pm. All ages. Free w/admission. Learn how ornamental
berries help birds. Create a
cranberry kissing ball. 516-3330048. oldwestburygardens.org.
71 Old Westbury Rd.
APEC: Programs
A Turkey Tale
Christian Women’s Club:
1:30-3pm. $24. Ages 7-8. Collectively create a science fair
project. Must register for all
programs: 718-229-4000.
A l l ey Po n d E nv i r o n m e n tal Center, 228-06 Northern
Blvd., Douglaston.
1-4pm. Free w/admission. Art
activities for youngsters and the
adults in their lives. 516-4849337. nassaumuseum.org. 1
Museum Dr., Roslyn Harbor.
Mon.- Nov. 24
Last day to RSVP. 12/2 at
12:15pm. $26. All women and
men are invited to “Yuletide
Luncheon.” For reservations
or info. call Jane Voss (after
10am) at 516-742-0861. Jolly
Fisherman & Steak House, 25
Main St., Roslyn.
Library: Programs
1:30pm. Movie: “A Most Wanted
Man,” R, 121 min. Register.
355-7850. hillsidelibrary.info.
155 Lakeville Rd., NHP.
Tues.- Nov. 25
WIN $25
Gift Certificate
to the Gourmet
Bake Shop!
Every Week In Our
This Week’s Winning Birthday
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We will be publishing a different date each week. If you were born on this month and day,
any year, send in this form to be entered in the drawing. Check the paper or our website,
Marketplacepublications.com to see if you are a Winner, from previous week.
The Wnner will also be notified by telephone.
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Send To: BIRTHDAY CLUB SWEEPSTAKES • 234 Silverlake Blvd., Carle Place, NY 11514
or email: info@marketplacepublications.com
All Winners Must Supply Proof Of Birthday
Last Week’s ApRIL 7 Winner Was:
Viv Sin of New Hyde park
The Doe Club: Christmas
Last day to RSVP. 12/6 at
7:30pm. $40. Dinner, dance
and more. 718-428-3316.
901 Lakeville Road, NHP.
Veterans Stand Down
10am-2pm. Assistance in securing benefits, job counseling and legal advice. Clothes,
food, haircuts, medical screening and more. 516-572-6565.
Freeport Armory, 63 Babylon
Tpke., Freeport.
Jones Beach:Tiny Tot
10:30-11:30am and 1:302:30pm. $4pp. Ages 3-5. Children and parents walk, see
animals, and make a craft.
Register at 516-780-3295.
Jones Beach Park.
GPM: The First Snow In
The Woods
11/25 & 11/26 at 2 & 3pm.
Film free with museum admission. Hear the story of the
First Snow as told by a mouse
to a scarecrow. (Children - 30
mins.) 516-571-8010. garviespointmuseum.com. 50 Barry
Dr., Glen Cove.
tion, call 516-572-0200 or nassaucountyny.gov/parks.
N.C. Museum of Art: The
Other Eye
Now thru 3/8/2015. Tues.Sat. from 11am-2pm and
3-4pm. Sun. from 11am-1pm.
(Screens continuously.) Free
with admission. 15 minute
documentary about artist Liu
Dan. 516-484-9337. nassaumuseum.org.
1 Museum Dr., Roslyn Harbor.
Depression Era Glass/
Pottery Show
Museum of Art
Family Sundays
Rotten Apples
Happy Thanksgiving
Sun.- Nov. 23
12-3pm Free w/museum admission (adults $14, children $12.)
Drop a pumpkin from the 2nd
floor balcony. Bring you own
pumpkin or use one of theirs
(while supplies last). 516572-4111 or CradleOfAviation.
org. 51 Charles Lindbergh
Blvd., Garden City.
1:30-3pm. $18. Ages 5-6.
Story, snack, craft and more.
Thurs.- Nov. 27
Fri.- Nov. 28
Cradle of Aviation: Festival of Trees
Fri. and Sat. from 10am-6pm.
Sun. from 9:30am-5pm. $12pp,
free under 2 for festival &
museum. Music, decorated
trees, Santa, activities and
much more. Benefits the United
Cerebral Palsy and Cradle of
Aviation. 516-572-4111 or CradleOfAviation.org. 51 Charles
Lindbergh Blvd., Garden City.
LI Children’s Museum:
Gift Bags
12-2pm. All ages. Free w/
admission. Stamp and decorate a gift bag. 11 Davis Ave.,
Garden City. 516-224-5800
r LICM.org.
BroadHollow Theater:
“The Snow Queen”
Christkindl Markt
11/29 and 11/30 from 9am5pm. Free. Chr istmas fair,
white elephant table. 826-5014.
Plattdutsche Park, 1132 Hempstead Tpke, Franklin Square.
BroadHollow Theater:
“Willy Wonka Jr.”
11/29 at 2pm. All tickets $10, $12
at door. Group rates are available. Musical. Tickets: 516- 7754420 or broadhollow.org. 700
Hempstead Tpke., Elmont.
Old Bethpage Village: Owl
11/29 at 6pm. $5pp. Owl presentation and then night hike
for first 30 people that register
(add’l $3 fee). 516-571-7443.
1303 Round Swamp Rd.
1pm. All tickets $10, $12 at
door. Group rates are available. Han Christian Anderson’s
classic tale on which “Frozen”
is based. Tickets: 516- 7754420 or broadhollow.org. 700
Hempstead Tpke., Elmont.
Ice Skating
Library: Children’s
Eisenhower: Concert
1-8:45pm. Library hours.
4pm. Free. All ages. “Rudolph
the Red Nose Reindeer.”
Adult must accompany children. Register: 355-7850
x317. hillsidelibrary.info. 155
Lakeville Rd., NHP.
LICM: Tiny Tom Turkeys
Tues. thru Fri. for Nov. from
2:30-4pm. All ages. Free w/
museum admission. Build a
holiday tabletop-sitter. 11 Davis
Ave., Garden City. 516-2245800 or LICM.org.
Veterans Donation Drive
Now thru 12/12. Donate personal care items, clothing and
more. For a complete list call
869-6311 or 311. Donations
delivered to the Nor thpor t
VA Medical Center. Drop off
sites: Clinton G. Martin Park,
Manhasset Town Hall, Michael J. Tully Park and Yes We
Can Comm. Ctr.
Santa’s Mailboxes
11/21-12/15 from 10am-4pm.
Children will receive a letter
from the North Pole. Drop off
at Cantiague, Christopher
Morley, Grant, Wantagh or
Eisenhower (9am-4:45pm)
Parks. Letter must contain
child’s name and address. No
postage needed. For informa-
11/29/2014-3/2015. Call for fees
and hours. Public skating sessions, lessons, and more. Grant
Park (571-7821), Christopher
Morley (571-8113) and Cantiague Park (571-7056).
11/30 from 4-6pm. Free but
tickets are needed. Tickets at
Bethpage Credit Union branches, Eisenhower Admin. Bldg.,
Twin Rinks, and Aquatic Center.
Bring non-perishable food item.
Dean Karahalis and the Concert Pops Orchestra perform.
Also, Ice skating performance.
Twin Rinks Ice Center at Park.
Jones Beach: Native
American Games
11/30 from 1:30-3pm. $4pp.
Ages 6+. Play games that Native Americans learned to help
develop their survival skills.
Register at 516-780-3295.
Jones Beach Park.
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