PRESENTS NORTH CAROLINA’S ‘WINTER TO SPRING’ HUNTER JUMPER CIRCUIT COME SHOW WITH US . . . PO BOX 33189 RALEIGH, NC 27636 C AROLINA HORSE PARK HOLIDAY CLASSIC DECEMBER 4-7, 2014 * * * RALEIGH INDOORS HOLIDAY CLASSIC DECEMBER 28-31, 2014 RALEIGH INDOORS WINTER CLASSIC JANUARY 22-25, 2015 WILLIAMSTON INDOORS CLASSIC FEBRUARY 12-15, 2015 RALEIGH INDOORS SPRING CLASSIC MARCH 12-15, 2015 USEF National ‘A’ Rated Hunters & Jumpers NCHJA, VHSA, MHSA, SCHJA, NAL, WIHS and MARSHALL & STERLING LEAGUE SANDHILLS SPRING CLASSIC MAY 14-17, 2015 $500 USHJA Pre-Green Challenge $1000 USHJA Pre-Green Incentive Stake $2500 USHJA National Hunter Derby $1500 NAL/WIHS/M&S Children/Adult Jumper Classic $500 NAL/WIHS/M&S Children & Adult Hunter Classics $1000 Junior Amateur Classic $1000 Pony Hunter Classic Thoroughbred Incentive Program Awards Triangle Farms, Inc Horse Show Management ~ (919) 556-7321 (866) 337-4229 efax North Carolina’s ‘Winter to Spring’ Hospitality . . . Morning Hospitality ~ Show Days 7-9am Bagels & Breakfast Goodies, Coffee & Hot Chocolate Apples & Carrots for your horses & ponies SURPRISE Hospitality ~ Time to be announced Soup? Pizza? Subs? Hot dogs? Cupcakes? Derby Wine & Cheese ~ Third day 5-6pm Goodies & drinks for adults & kids Thanks for showing with us . . . Come show with us . . . North Carolina’s 2015 ‘Winter to Spring’ Hunter Jumper Circuit BEGIN your 2015 USEF show year with 6 Shows - at great North Carolina show facilities ~ (Schedule for all 6 shows are here in this prize list!) The Carolina Horse Park: Triangle Sandhills Holiday Classic ~ Dec 4-7, 2014 Triangle Sandhills Spring Classic ~ May 14-17. 2015 The Senator Bob Martin Ag Center: Williamston Indoors Classic ~ Feb 12-15, 2015 The Gov. James B. Hunt, Jr Horse Complex: Raleigh Indoors Holiday Classic ~ Dec 28-31, 2014 Raleigh Indoors Winter Classic ~ Jan 22-25, 2015 Raleigh Indoors Spring Classic ~ Mar 12-15, 2015 SHOW at quality, exhibitor-friendly USEF National ‘A’ Rated shows, recognized by the USEF, NAL, WIHS, NCHJA, SCHJA, VHSA, MHSA and Marshall & Sterling League. COMPETE in Feature Classes ~ the $500 USHJA Pre-Green Challenge; the $1000 USHJA PreGreen Incentive Stake; the $2500 USHJA National 3’ Derby; the $1000 Jr/AO Hunter Classic, the $1000 Pony Classic, the $500 NAL/WIHS/M&S Children’s & Adult Classics and the $1500 NAL/WIHS/M&S Children/Adult Jumper Classic. WIN points for 2015 ‘Winter to Spring’ Circuit Awards in hunter and jumper divisions and in equitation sections. Circuit Awards to be presented at Triangle Sandhills Spring Classic, May 14-17, 2015. ENTER your thoroughbred in the Thoroughbred Incentive Program and win points for High Point Hunter & Jumper Circuit Awards. COMPETE for the Grand Champion Hunter Trophy, presented by Triangle Farms and awarded to the horse in the ‘A’ rated hunter divisions accumulating the most cumulative points in the 2015 ‘Winter to Spring’ Circuit. ENJOY Triangle Farms hospitality each day of the show, and even ‘Surprise Hospitality’ at each show!! CELEBRATE the 24th year of Triangle Farms managed shows as we continue our goal of offering great North Carolina hunter and jumper shows!! Thanks for showing with us . . . Glenn and Joan Petty Triangle Farms, Inc. Information, Rules and Regulations North Carolina’s 2015 ‘Winter to Spring’ Hunter Jumper Shows are Regular Member Competitions of the USEF with Hunter Rating of ‘A’ National and Jumper Rating of Level 1 The ‘Winter to Spring’ Shows are sponsored by and managed by Triangle Farms, Inc., Glenn and Joan Petty. Prize List, Entry Blank, Host Hotels and Business Sponsors are posted on 2015 ‘Winter to Spring’ Show Facilities: Carolina Horse Park, 2814 Montrose Rd., Raeford, NC 28376 CHP December Classic, Dec 4-7, 2014 Sandhills Spring Classic, May 14-17, 2015 Gov. James B. Hunt Horse Complex, 4601 Trinity Rd, Raleigh, NC 27607 Raleigh Indoors Holiday, Dec 28-31, 2014 Raleigh Indoors Winter, Jan 22-25, 2015 Raleigh Indoors Spring, Mar 12-15, 2015 Sen. Bob Martin Ag Center, 2900 NC Hwy 125S, Williamston, NC 27892 Williamston Indoors Classic, Feb 12-15, 2015 Entries: Late penalty fee of $40 begins at 5PM, one week prior to the show. All Entries, showing and nonshowing, must be made on the proper entry blank, pay the office/schooling fee, and be signed by the rider, the trainer and the owner or agent. Full payment, stall payment or open check, and copies of all measurement cards and membership cards must accompany the entry. All horses are required to have a USHJA registration number. Entry fees, less the service fee of $40, will be refunded on presentation of a veterinarian’s certificate proving inability of the horse to show. Stall fees will not be refunded. Non-negotiable Checks: Checks returned for any reason will be assessed a penalty of $30 or 10% of the check amount, whichever is greater. Upon notification of a returned check, full payment including penalty must be paid in certified funds within 5 days. After 15 days, USEF will be notified. Prize Money/Refunds: Prize money will be credited to the exhibitor’s show bill. Any prize money in excess of the bill and refunds will be mailed within 30 days after the horse show. Measurement: All Pony and Junior Hunter exhibitors must present their measurement cards at the Show Office before numbers will be released. Ponies and Junior Hunters without cards will be measured by USEF Steward at 3pm on Day 2 of the show. Stabling: Permanent stalls with doors will be available two days before the show for $175/horse. No stall refunds will be made after the closing date. Non-stabled horses will be charged a $50 grounds fee. Trainer to complete and submit Stabling Form for stall and feed and bedding orders Feed, Hay and Bedding: Pre-orders for feed, hay and bedding to be included on the Exhibitor Entry Blank or on Stabling Form. All subsequent fee & bedding orders to be made in the Horse Show Office. $1/per bag pick-up fee for any returned feed or bedding. All bedding & tack splits due by 5PM on Day two of the show. Coggins Test: All exhibitors just display at the stall of each horse a current negative Coggins Test taken within 1 year. State law requires that each horse have a current Coggins to be admitted to and remain on the show grounds. Class Entries and Schedule Changes: To be posted at the show office and on at the close of the office each day. The management reserves the right to reschedule, combine, close, add, delete or move any classes or change the announced officials as may be necessary and the best interest of the show or for inclement weather. Sections with less than 8 entries may be combined. At no times will the rings be held up over 3 minutes due to conflicts. Should any questions or disputes arise that are not provided for in the rules, the Show Manager’s decision will be final. Schooling: Schooling will be permitted the day before the show starting at noon. Hacking only is permitted in the show rings 6AM until 1 hour prior to the first class. Schooling over fences will be allowed after the show, once ring maintenance is completed and in designated schooling areas. Trainers are responsible for supervising schooling of their clients and horses. Camper Hook-ups with water, power and sever are available on a first come first serve basis. Dogs and Cats: No dogs or cats will be allowed in the Restaurant or dining area. All dogs and cats on show grounds must be leashed and under control of the owner or responsible person. Violators will be fined $100. Helmets: Protective Headgear is required on al exhibitors when mounted on the grounds. Properly fitted protective headgear is required in accordance with USEF GR 801. Motorized Vehicles: Minors who do not have a valid driver’s license which allows them to operate a motorized vehicle in the state in which they reside will not be permitted to operate a motorized vehicle of any kind, including, but not limited to golf cats, motorcycles, scooters or farm utility vehicles, on the competition grounds of licensed competitions. Minors who have a valid temporary license may operate the above describe motorized vehicles as long as they are accompanied by an adult with a valid driver’s license. The parent(s), legal guardian(s) or individual who signs the entry blank as a parent of guardian of a minor operating a motorize vehicle in violation of this rule are solely responsible for any damages, claims, losses or actions resulting from that operation. Violations of this rule will be cause for sanctions against the Motorized Vehicles, continued: parent(s), guardian(s) and/or trainer(s) who are responsible for the child committing the offense. Penalties may include exclusion of the child, parent(s), guardian(s) and/or trainer(s) from the competition grounds for the remainder of the competition and charges being filed against any of the above individuals in accordance with Chapter 6. Wheelchair and other mobility assistance devices for individuals with disabilities are exempt from this rule. USEF Membership Statement: Life, senior active and junior active members shall be eligible to participate in all classes at Regular competitions, Eventing Competitions at the Preliminary Level, Vaulting Competitions and endurance Rides. A nonmember may participate as a handler, rider, driver, owner, lessee, agent, coach or trainer at Regular competitions, Eventing Competitions, Dressage Competitions, Reining Competitions and Combined Driving Competitions upon the payment of a $30. Show Pass Fee. Participants in the following classes are exempted for the requirements of this rule: 1) Leadline 2) exhibitions; 3)games and races; 4) classes for 4-H members; 5) walk/trot and academy classes (academy classes are classes limited to horses used regularly in a lesson program); 6) USDDF introductory level tests, pas de deux and quadrille classes; 7) NRHA Endorsed Reigning Competitions; 8) Opportunity Classes, 9) Citizens of other nations who have proof, in English, of current memberships in good standing of their own national Federation; 10) USEA beginner novice division; and 11) assistant handlers in Dressage Sport Horse Breeding Classes. Classes covered by the rules and specifications of NCHAJ, MHJA, VHSA and SCHJA rulebooks will be conducted and judged in accordance therein. USHJA, Marshall & Sterling, NAL and WIHS classes will be run in accordance with applicable rules. Federation Release, Assumption of Risk, Waiver, and Indemnification This document waives important legal rights. Read it carefully before signing. I AGREE in consideration for my participation in this Competition to the following: I AGREE that “the Federation” and “Competition” as used herein includes the Licensee and Competition Management, as well as all of their officials, officers, directors, employees, agents, personnel, volunteers and Federation affiliates. I AGREE that I choose to participate voluntarily in the Competition with my horse, as a rider, driver, handler, vaulter, longeur, lessee, owner, agent, coach, trainer, or as parent or guardian of a junior exhibitor. I am fully aware and acknowledge that horse sports and the Competition involve inherent dangerous risks of accident, loss, and serious bodily injury including broken bones, head injuries, trauma, pain, suffering, or death. (“Harm”). I AGREE to hold harmless and release the Federation and the Competition from all claims for money damages or otherwise for any Harm to me or my horse and for any Harm of any nature caused by me or my horse to others, even if the Harm arises or results resulted, directly or indirectly, from the negligence of the Federation or the Competition. I AGREE to expressly assume all risks of Harm to me or my horse, including Harm resulting from the negligence of the Federation or the Competition. I AGREE to indemnify (that is, to pay any losses, damages, or costs incurred by) the Federation and the Competition and to hold them harmless with respect to claims for Harm to me or my horse, and for claims made by others for any Harm caused by me or my horse while at the Competition. I have read the Federation Rules about protective equipment, including GR801 and if applicable, EV114, and I understand that I am entitled to wear protective equipment without penalty, and I acknowledge that the Federation strongly encourages me to do so while WARNING that no protective equipment can guard against all injuries. If I am a parent or guardian of a junior exhibitor, I consent to the child’s participation and AGREE to all of the above provisions and AGREE to assume all of the obligations of this Release on the child’s behalf. I represent that I have the requisite training, coaching and abilities to safely compete in this competition. I AGREE that if I am injured at this competition, the medical personnel treating my injuries may provide information on my injury and treatment to the Federation on the official USEF accident/injury report form. BY SIGNING on the entry blank, I AGREE to be bound by all applicable Federation Rules and all terms and provisions of this entry blank. If I am signing and submitting this Agreement electronically, I acknowledge that my electronic signature shall have the same validity, force and effect as if I affixed my signature by my own hand. Show Responsibility: Neither the show committee/staff, the show, the North Carolina State Fair Grounds, Carolina Horse Park, Sen Bob Martin Eastern Agricultural Center, USEF, USHJA, M&S, NAL, WIHS, Triangle Farms, Inc., nor Glenn or Joan Petty, will be responsible for any accident, damage, loss or injury to mount, owner, rider or other persons on the show grounds. Information and Stabling Pre-show Phone: Joan Petty 919/556-7321 or eFax 866/337-4229 Show Office Phone during Show: 919/839-4702 Horseshows Mail entries to Triangle Farms, Inc. PO Box 33189, Raleigh, NC 27636 FedEx/UPS: NC State Fair Sheri Bridges, 4601 Trinity Rd, Raleigh, NC 27607 Please waive signature for confirmation of delivery Triangle Sandhills Holiday Classic ~ Dec 4~7, 2014 Paddy Downing-Nyegard, Burnsville, NC Irving Evans, Freemont, NH Steward: Dorothy Trapp, Topsail Island, NC Raleigh Indoors Holiday Classic ~ Dec 28~31, 2014 Judges: Linda Andrisani, Wellington, FL Glenn Moody, Charlottesville, VA Joan Boyce, Greensboro, NC (Jumpers) Steward: Wayne Eubank, Fredericksburg, VA Raleigh Indoors Winter Classic ~ Jan 22~25, 2015 Judges: Sue Ashe, Wellington, FL Meg Rhodes, Kenwick, VA Joan Boyce, Greensboro (Jumpers) Steward: Louisa Robb, Sullivan’s Island Williamston Indoors Classic ~ Feb 12~15, 2015 Judges: Joan Marie Dunford-Miller, Keswick, VA Eric Dirks, Maidens, VA Joan Boyce, Greensboro, NC (Jumpers) Steward: Dorothy Trapp, Topsail Island, SC Raleigh Indoors Spring Classic ~ Mar 12~15, 2015 Judges: Kim Dorfman, Aiken, SC Beth Crowley Nielsen, Longmont, CO Joan Boyce, Greensboro, NC (Jumpers) Steward: Wayne Eubank, Fredericksburg, VA Triangle Sandhills Spring Classic ~ May 14~17, 2015 Judges: Jim Zulia, Eustis, FL Liza Dennehy, Denver, CO Joan Boyce, Greensboro, NC Steward: Louisa Robb, Sullivan’s Island, SC Judges: Show Management: MANAGEMENT/STAFF Triangle Farms, Inc Joan & Glenn Petty (919) 556-7321 Course Designer/Tech Co-ordinator: Charles Throckmorton, Ft. Collins, CO Announcers: Kip Broadfoot, Fayetteville, NC Kim Cummings, Raleigh, NC Laurie Corr, Raleigh, NC Secretary/Office: Cathy Cortright, Camden, SC Awards/Hospitality: Triangle Farms, Inc. Veterinarian: Fernando Cardenas (On Call) Pager (919) 363-1686 EMT Services: Charlie Honeycutt, Wendell, NC Photographer: HighTime Photography All other staff provided by Triangle Farms Management (919) 556-7321 Office (866) 337-4229 eFax 2015 CALENDAR ~USEF National ‘A’ ~USEF Premiere ‘AA’ ~NCHJA ‘C’ Come Show with us . . . (919)556-7321 484 140 RV/Camper Sites Thank you to the Triangle Farms Business Sponsors! Dover Saddlery Fenwick Equestrian Carolina Hoofbeats, Hoofbeats TV & Southeast Equine Cabin Branch Tack Shop Sidelines Magazine M&M Tack Shop Paradise Farm & Tack Dottie Burch, Equine Lawyer @ Ragsdale Liggett Star H Equine Insurance Pamela Baldwin, Artist Sponsoring Hotels Fairfield Inn & Suites - Crabtree Best Western - Cary Ramada Inn - Raleigh Hampton Inn & Suites - Raleigh Wingate - State Arena SpringHill Suites Pinehurst ‘Winter to Spring’ Hunter Classics Hunter Classic Specifications Hunter Classics to be scored under the open numerical judging system, to be judged on performance, soundness, suitability and manners. A Minimum of 12 entries is required. A course of approximately 10 jumps at the respective division height or pony section height. A designated class of the division will be counted as the 1st round of the classic, indicated with a double asterick (**) on the schedule. The 12 horses/ponies with the highest scores from the first round, will return to jump a 2nd round over a different course. Each of the 2 rounds will count 50% toward the final score. Horses/ponies must be entered in the classic prior to being judged in the 1st round and must have competed in the respective division at the show. Trophy and 8 Ribbons Class 200 $500 NAL/WIHS/M&S Children’s Hunter Classic 3’ Class 201 $500 NAL/WIHS/M&S Adult Hunter Classic Prize Money: $150, $110, $75, $50, $45, $35, $25, $10 3’ Classic Fee: $50 Class 202 $1000 Pony Hunter Classic Small 2’3”, Medium 2’6”, Large 3’ Prize Money: $300, $220, $150, $90, $80, $70, $60, $30 Classic Fee: $100 Class 203 $1000 Junior/Amateur-Owner Classic 3’3” & 3’6” Prize Money: $300, $220, $150, $90, $80, $70, $60, $30 Classic Fee: $100 ‘Winter to Spring’ Jumpers Training Jumper open to horses & ponies, regardless of winnings Entry fee: $40/class See Zone 3 Specifications for the rated Children/Adult Amateur Jumpers. 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 Blue/Red Warm up (Sat) Blue/Red Warm up (Sun) Training Jumper (0.75m) Training Jumper (0.75m) Training Jumper (0.85m) Training Jumper (0.85m) Training Jumper (0.95m) Training Jumper (0.95m) Training Jumper (1.00m) Training Jumper (1.00m) Training Jumper (1.10m) Training Jumper (1.10m) Training Jumper (1.15m) II2b II2c II2b II2c II2b II2c II2b II2a II2b II2c II2b 463 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 Training Jumper (1.15m) II2c Novice Ch/Ad Jumper (0.85m) II2b Unrated Novice Ch/Ad Jumper (0.85m)II2c Novice Ch/Ad Jumper (0.85m) II.I Low Ch/Ad Amateur Jumper (1.00m) II2b Zone 3 specs Low Ch/Ad Amateur Jumper (1.00m) II2c Low Ch/Ad Amateur Jumper (1.00m)II.I Ch/Adult Amateur Jumper (1.10m) II2b Zone 3 specs Ch/Adult Amateur Jumper (1.10m) II2c $1500 NAL/WIHS/M&S Ch/Ad Jumper Classic II2a Pony Jumper (1.05m) II2b Pony Jumper (1.05m) II2b Pony Jumper (1.05m) II2b 474 $1500 NAL/WIHS/M&S Ch/Adult Amateur Jumper Classic II2a Prize Money: $450, $330, $225, $145, $100, $100, $100, $100 Specifications: Entry Fee: $100 Open to junior and adult riders. A rider need not be a member of the North American League or Marshall & Sterling to compete, but only current members will accrue points toward year-end. To be conducted and scored under Table II, Section 2(a) - Time First Jump off. Class specifications as stated in current Zone specifications. Fences 1.10m. Proper Attire Required. Minimum of 8 riders to be run as NAL/WIHS /.M&S Children/Adult Jumper Classic. USEF Jumper Heights – Refer to the USEF Jumper Heights Table Meter 0.75 Fences 2’5” Meter 1.05 Fences 3’5” Meter 0.85 Fences 2’9” Meter 1.10 Fences 3’7” Meter 0.95 Fences 3’1” Meter 1.15 Fences 3’9 Meter 1.00 Fences 3’3” North Carolina’s ‘Winter to Spring’ Circuit Offers Thoroughbred Incentive Program Circuit High Point Awards for Hunters & Jumpers For more information & to see if your thoroughbred is eligible, visit $2,500 PONY WORKING HUNTER Rated A Classes are limited to ponies 14.2 hands and under, and to riders who have not yet reached their 18th birthday. Entries must be handled by Junior exhibitors in all phases of a class. No ponies may be shown in these sections unless the owner possesses a current measurement card or valid measurement form issued by USEF. In classes over fences, ponies not exceeding 12.2 hands to jump 2’3”; ponies over 12.2 hands but not exceeding 13.2 hands to jump 2’6”; ponies over 13.2 hands but not exceeding 14.2 hands jump 3’. Large Green Pony to jump 2’9”. All classes to be judged on performance and soundness, manners and suitability of a pony for its rider shall be considered and extreme speed penalized. Prize Money: $30, $22, $15, $10, $8, $5, $5, $5 $175/Division $500 Sm/Med Green Pony Hunter $500 Large Green Pony Hunter Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Class 61 Class 62 Class 63 Class 64 Class 65 Sm/Med Green Pony Hunter O/F Sm/Med Green Pony Conf. O/F Sm/Med Green Pony Hunter O/F Sm/Med Green Pony Hunter O/F Sm/Med Green Pony Hunter U/S Large Green Pony Hunter O/F Large Green Pony Conf. O/F Large Green Pony Hunter O/F Large Green Pony Hunter O/F Large Green Pony Hunter U/S $500 Small Pony Hunter Class 6 Class 7 Class 8 Class 9 Class 10 Small Pony Hunter O/F Small Pony Hunter O/F Small Pony Conformation Hunter O/F Small Pony Hunter O/F - Handy Small Pony Hunter U/S $500 Medium Pony Hunter Class 11 Medium Pony Hunter O/F Class 12 Medium Pony Hunter O/F Class 13 Class 14 Class 15 Medium Pony Conformation Hunter O/F Medium Pony Hunter O/F - Handy Medium Pony Hunter U/S $500 Large Pony Hunter Class 16 Large Pony Hunter O/F Class 17 Large Pony Hunter O/F Class 18 Large Pony Conformation Hunter O/F Class 19 Large Pony Hunter O/F - Handy Class 20 Large Pony Hunter U/S CHILDREN’S PONY HUNTER Rated C Open to all ponies not showing in a rated division, ridden by a rider not showing over fences exceeding 3’ at that show. To be judged on performance and soundness. Small and medium ponies to jump 2’ and large ponies to jump 2’6”. $140/Division or $40/Class Class 71 Children’s Pony Hunter O/F Class 72 Children’s Pony Hunter O/F Class 73 Children’s Pony Hunter O/F Class 74 Children’s Pony Hunter O/F Class 75 Children’s Pony Hunter U/S SCHOOLING PONY HUNTER Non-Rated Open to ponies. Judged on performance and soundness. Fences 2’ & 2’6”. Class 313 Class 314 Class 315 Schooling Pony Hunter O/F Schooling Pony Hunter O/F Schooling Pony Hunter U/S $100/Division or $40/class $2500 JUNIOR WORKING HUNTER Rated A Classes are limited to horses over 14.2 hands and to riders who have not yet reached their 18th birthday. Entries must be handled by a junior in all phases of a class. Fences 3’6”. All classes to be judged on performance, manners, way of going and soundness. Prize Money: $60, $44, $30, $20, $16, $10, $10, $10 $200/Division $1000 Small Junior Hunter Class 21 Small Junior Hunter Class 22 Small Junior Hunter Class 23 Small Junior Hunter Class 24 Small Junior Hunter Class 25 Small Junior Hunter $1000 Large Junior Hunter Class 26 Large Junior Hunter O/F Class 27 Large Junior Hunter O/F Class 28 Large Junior Hunter O/F Class 29 Large Junior Hunter O/F – Handy Class 30 Large Junior Hunter U/S O/F O/F O/F O/F – Handy U/S $500 Junior Hunter 3’3” Junior Hunter 3’3” open to horses ridden by a junior. Fences 3’3”. To be judged on performance, manners, way of going and soundness. Prize money: $30, $22, $15, $12, $8, $5, $5, $5. $175/Division Class 168 Junior Hunter 3’3” O/F Class171 Junior Hunter 3’3” O/F – Handy Class 169 Junior Hunter 3’3” O/F Class 172 Junior Hunter 3’3” U/S Class 170 Junior Hunter 3’3” O/F $2000 AMATEUR-OWNER HUNTER Rated A To be ridden by an amateur owner or an amateur member of owner’s family. Leased horses are not eligible and multiple ownership is not permitted unless all owners are members of the same family. An amateur who rides for a person outside his/her family may not ride in a class restricted to Amateur-Owners in the same show. Fences 3’6”. Judged on performance, soundness and manners. Prize Money: $60, $44, $30, $20, $16, $10, $10,$10. $200/Division $1000 Amateur-Owner Hunter (18-35) Class 31 Amateur-Owner Hunter (18-35) O/F Class 32 Amateur-Owner Hunter (18-35) O/F Class 33 Amateur-Owner Hunter (18-35) O/F Class 34 Amateur-Owner Hunter (18-35) O/F - Handy Class 35 Amateur-Owner Hunter (18-35) U/S $1000 Amateur-Owner Hunter (36 & Over) Class 36 Class 37 Class 38 Class 39 Class 40 Amateur-Owner Amateur-Owner Amateur-Owner Amateur-Owner Amateur-Owner Hunter (36 Hunter (36 Hunter (36 & Hunter (36 & Hunter (36 & & & O) O) O) O) O/F O) O/F O/F O/F- Handy U/S $2000 Amateur-Owner Hunter 3’3” Rated A Open to horses ridden by an Amateur Owner or an amateur member of the owner’s family. Leased horses are not eligible and multiple ownership is not permitted unless all owners are members of the same family. To be judged on performance and soundness. Fences 3’3”. Prize Money: $60, $44, $30, $20, $16, $10, $10, $10 $200/Division Class 275, 276, 277 Amateur-Owner Hunter O/F 3’3” (18-35) Class 278 Amateur-Owner Handy Hunter O/F 3’3” Class 279 Amateur-Owner Hunter U/S Class 316, 317, 318 Amateur-Owner Hunter O/F 3’3” (36+) Class 319 Amateur-Owner Hunter U/S Class 320 Amateur-Owner Hunter U/S 2015 ’Winter to Spring’ Tentative Schedule 6 USEF National ‘A’ Rated Shows at 3 NC Venues See Rules and Regulations for Show Names, Date and Facilities DAY 1~Ring I~8AM 77 281 400 180 181 184 260 261 264 265 266 269 250 251 254 78 79 82 282 283 286 83 84 87 410 411 414 152 153 156 102 103 106 Green Conformation Model Regular Conformation Model Hunter Warm-Up* Open Hunter 2’9”, 3’3” Open Hunter Open Hunter U/S Performance Working Hunter 3’3” Performance Working Hunter Performance Working Hunter U/S Performance Working Hunter 3’6” Performance Working Hunter Performance Working Hunter U/S High Performance Working Hunter 4’ High Performance Working Hunter High Performance Working Hunter U/S Green Conformation Hunter Green Conformation Hunter Green Conformation Hunter U/S Regular Conformation Hunter Regular Conformation Hunter Regular Conformation Hunter U/S 1st Year Green Working Hunter 1st Year Green Working Hunter 1st Year Green Working Hunter U/S 2nd Year Green working Hunter 2nd Year Green working Hunter 2nd Year Green Working Hunter U/S Pre-Green Hunter 3’3” Pre-Green Hunter pre-green Hunter U/S Pre-Green Hunter 3’ Pre-Green Hunter Pre-Green Hunter U/S DAY 1~Ring II ~ 8:30AM 404 Hunter Warm-Up* 185 Hopeful Hunter 2’ & 2’6” 186 Hopeful Hunter 189 Hopeful Hunter U/S 93 Baby Green 2’6” 94 Baby Green 97 Baby Green U/S 110 Modified Hunter 2’6” & 3’ 111 Modified Hunter 114 Modified Hunter U/S 214 Small Hunter 3’ 215 Small Hunter 218 Small Hunter U/S 219 Thoroughbred Hunter 3’ 220 Thoroughbred Hunter 223 Thoroughbred Hunter U/S Course Change~Jumpers 450 Blue/Red Warm-Up (Open)* 452 Training Jumper )0.75m) II2b 454 Training Jumper (0.85m) II2b 466 Novice Ch/Ad Jumper (0.85m) II2b 456 Training Jumper (0.95m) II2b 458 Training Jumper (1.00m) II2b 469 Low Ch/Ad Jumper (1.00m) II2b 460 Training Jumper (1.10m) II1b 462 Training Jumper (1.15m)II2b 472 Ch/Ad Jumper (1.10m) II2b 475 Pony Jumper (1.05m) II2b *Warm-Ups Time Permitting. DAY 2~Ring I~8AM 401 Hunter Warm-Up* 182 Open Hunter 183 Open Hunter 262 Performance Working Hunter 3’3” 263 Performance Working Hunter – Handy 267 Performance Working Hunter 3’6” 268 Performance Working Hunter – Handy 252 High Performance Working Hunter 4’ 253 High Performance Working Hunter – Handy 80 Green Conformation Hunter 81 Green conformation Hunter – Handy 284 Regular Conformation Hunter 285 Regular Conformation Hunter – Handy 85 1st Year Green working Hunter 86 1st Year Green Working Hunter –Handy 412 2nd Year Green Working Hunter 413 2nd Year Green Working Hunter – handy 154 Pre-Green Hunter 3’3” 155 Pre-Green Hunter ** 104 Pre-Green Hunter 3’ 105 Pre-Green Hunter ** 550 $500 Pre-Green Challenge 3’&3’3” 2nd round 551 USHJA $1000 Pre-Green Incentive Stake 3’&3’3” 107 Special Hunter 2’9” & 3’3” 108 Special Hunter 109 Special Hunter Not before 3PM 421 Equitation 12-14 Flat 423 Equitation 15-17 Flat 420 Equitation 12-14 O/F 2’9”-3’ 422 Equitation 15-17 O/F 3’3”-3’6” 146 SCHJA Governor’s Cup 3’ ** !st Round Pre-Green Challenge DAY 2~ Ring II ~ 8:30AM 451 Blue/Red Warm-Up (Open) * 476 Pony Jumper (1.05m) II2b 477 Pony Jumper (1.05m) II2b 453 Training Jumper (0.75m) II2c 455 Training Jumper (0.85m) II2c 467 Novice Ch/AD Jumper (0.85m) II2c 468 Novice Ch/Ad Jumper (0.85m) II.1 457 Training Jumper (0.95m) II2c 459 Training Jumper (1.00m) II2c 470 Low Ch/Ad Jumper (1.00m) II2c 471 Low Ch/Ad Jumper (1.00m) II.I 461 Training Jumper (1.10m) II2c 463 Training Jumper ((1.15m) II2c 473 Ch/Ad Jumper (1.10m) II2c 474 $1500 NAL/WIHS/M&S Ch/Ad Classic II2a Course Change~Hunters 405 Hunter Warm-Up* 187 Hopeful Hunter 2’ &2’6” 188 Hopeful Hunter 95 Baby Green 2’6” 96 Baby Green 112 Modified Hunter 2’6” & 3’ 113 Modified Hunter 216 Small Hunter 3’ 217 Small Hunter 221 Thoroughbred Hunter 3’ 222 Thoroughbred Hunter Not Before 3PM 408 Schooling Pony Warm –Up 313 Schooling Pony 2’ & 2’6” 314 Schooling Pony 315 Schooling Pony U/S NOTE: Sections with less than 8 entries may be Combined. Minimum of 12 to fill the National Derby. Minimum of 8 to fill Pre-Green Incentive, Pre-Green Challenge & Hunter and Jumper Classics. NORTH CAROLINA HUNTER JUMPER ASSOC., INC $30 Juniors NAME ADDRESS PHONE PO Box 2874, Huntersville, NC 28070 I hereby apply for membership for the year 20 & enclose payment of $40 Seniors Amateur Professional $50 Farm $300 Life BIRTH DATE To qualify for NCHJA Year-end awards, horse/pony must be recorded, and rider must be a current member VIRGINIA HORSE SHOW ASSOC., INC. Membership year 20 NAME ADDRESS PHONE 32 Ashby St, Suite 204, Warrenton, VA 20186 (Year ends Nov. 30th) $30 Junior $40 Senior BIRTH DATE (540) 349-0910 $400 Life To qualify for high score awards, horse/pony & owner must be registered with VHSA SOUTH CAROLINA HUNTER JUMPER ASSOC. I hereby apply for membership for the year 20 $25 Junior $35 Senior NAME ADDRESS PHONE PO Box 1143, Columbia, SC 29202 (Year ends Nov. 30th) and enclose payment of $40 Farm $260 Life BIRTH DATE NORTH AMERICAN LEAGUE and/or WASHINGTON INTERNATIONAL HORSE SHOW Membership fee $40 Membership Fee $40 c/o Ryegate, 1298 Royal Rd, Annville, PA 17003 (717) 867-5643 RIDER ADDRESS BIRTH DATE PHONE Child Professional USEF # Adult SS# EMAIL MARYLAND HORSE SHOWS ASSOC., INC. (410) 591-0380 9603 Northwind Rd, Parkville, MD 21234 eMail: Secretary I hereby apply for membership for the year 20 (Year ends Nov. 30th) and enclose payment of $35 Junior $45 Senior $450 Life NAME ADDRESS HOME PHONE EMAIL (PRINT CLEARLY) CELL PHONE for weekly MHSA updates To be eligible to vote at the Annual Meeting, dues must be paid in accordance with Rule II, Part I, Sec.5. Signature: Date: MARSHALL & STERLING INSURANCE LEAGUE Saugerties, NY 12477 NAME ADDRESS eMAIL $40 Junior 319 Main St., $40 Amateur BIRTH DATE PHONE NO. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY!! $40 Professional 2015 ‘Winter to Spring’ Tentative Schedule 6 USEF National ‘A’ Rated Shows at 3 NC Venues See Rules and Regulations for Show Names, Dates and facilities DAY 3 ~ Ring I ~ 8 AM 144 139 402 21 22 26 27 31 32 36 37 275 276 316 317 430 168 169 203 425 426 429 141 56 57 51 52 140 46 47 41 42 553 552 E.J.Haun Memorial Medal 3’6” ASPCA Horsemanship Class 3’6” Hunter Warm-Up* Small Junior Hunter Small Junior Hunter ** Large Junior Hunter Large Junior Hunter** Amateur Owner Hunter 18-35 Amateur Owner Hunter ** Amateur Owner Hunter 36 & Over Amateur Owner Hunter ** Amateur Owner Hunter 3’3” 18-35 Amateur Owner Hunter ** Amateur Owner Hunter 3’3” 36+ Amateur Owner Hunter ** Junior Equitation 3’3” O/F Junior Hunter 3’3” Junior Hunter ** $1000 Junior/AO Hunter Classic (2nd) Pre-Adult Hunter 2’6” Pre-Adult Hunter Pre-Adult Hunter U/S Ariat National Adult Medal 3’ Adult Amateur Hunter 36 & Over Adult Amateur Hunter Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 Adult Amateur Hunter THIS National Children’s Medal 3’ Children’s Hunter 15-17 Children’s Hunter Children’s Hunter 14 & Under Children’s Hunter ‘Winter to Spring’ Lead Line $2500 USHJA National Derby 3’ DAY 3~Ring II ~ 8:30 AM 406 143 6 7 10 11 12 15 16 17 20 202 61 62 1 2 415 414 71 72 116 117 120 416 66 67 70 Hunter Warm Up* NCHJA Pony Medal (Open) Small Pony Hunter Small Pony Hunter ** Small Pony Hunter U/S Medium Pony Hunter Medium Pony Hunter ** Medium Pony Hunter U/S Large Pony Hunter Large Pony Hunter ** Large Pony Hunter U/S $1000 Pony Hunter Classic 2nd Large Green Pony Hunter Large Green Pony Conf. Hunter Small/Medium Green Pony Hunter Small/Medium Green Pony Conf. Hunter Children’s Pony Equitation on the Flat Children’s Pony Equitation O/F Children’s Pony Hunter Children’s Pony Hunter Pre-Child Hunter 2’6” Pre-Child Hunter Pre-Child Hunter U/S Short Stirrup Equitation O/F 2’ Short Stirrup Hunter Short Stirrup Hunter Short Stirrup Hunter U/S * Warm-up Time Permitting ** 1st Round Score of Classic DAY 4 ~ Ring I ~ 8AM 150 403 33 34 35 38 39 40 277 278 279 318 319 320 431 170 171 172 151 148 23 24 25 28 29 30 413 412 427 428 147 58 59 60 53 54 55 201 149 48 49 50 43 44 45 200 USEF Adult Medal 3’3” Hunter Warm-Up* Amateur Owner Hunter 18-35 Amateur Owner Hunter – Handy Amateur Owner Hunter U/S Amateur Owner Hunter 36 & Over Amateur Owner Hunter - Handy Amateur Owner Hunter U/S Amateur Owner Hunter 3’3” 18-35 Amateur Owner Hunter – Handy Amateur Owner Hunter U/S Amateur Owner Hunter 3’3” 36 & Over Amateur Owner Hunter – Handy Amateur Owner Hunter U/S Junior Hunter 3’3” Equitation Flat Junior Hunter 3’3” Junior Hunter – Handy Junior Hunter U/S WIHS Equitation Hunter Phase 3’6” Pessoa US Hunt Seat Medal 3’6” Small Junior Hunter Small Junior Hunter – handy Small Junior Hunter U/S Large Junior Hunter Large Junior Hunter – Handy Large Junior Hunter U/S Pre-Adult Equitation Flat Pre-Adult Equitation O/F Pre-Adult Hunter 2’6” Pre Adult Hunter 3’ Bryan Jones Memorial Medal 3’ Adult Amateur Hunter 36 & Over Adult Amateur Hunter ** Adult Amateur Hunter U/S Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 Adult Amateur Hunter ** Adult Amateur Hunter U/S $500 NAL/WIHS/M&S Adult Hunter Classic (2nd) NCHJA Children’s Medal 3’ Children’s Hunter 15-17 Children’s Hunter ** Children’s Hunter U/S Children’s Hunter 14 & Under Children’s Hunter ** Children’s Hunter U/S $500 NAL/WIHS/M&S Child Hunter Classic (2nd) DAY 4 ~ Ring II ~ 8:30AM 145 407 142 8 9 13 14 18 19 63 64 65 3 4 5 419 418 73 74 75 411 410 118 119 417 68 69 M&S Pony Medal (L-M-S) Hunter Warm-Up* WIHS Pony Medal (Open) Small Pony Conf Hunter Small Pony Hunter – Handy Medium Pony Conf Hunter Medium Pony Hunter – Handy Large Pony Conf Hunter Large Pony Hunter – Handy Large Green Pony Hunter Large Green Pony Hunter Large Green Pony Hunter U/S Sm/Medium Green Pony Hunter Sm/Medium Green Pony Hunter Sm/Medium Green Pony Hunter U/S Equitation 11 & Under Flat Equitation 11 & Under O/F 2’3”-2’6” Children’s Pony Hunter Children’s Pony Hunter Children’s Pony Hunter U/S Pre-Child Equitation Flat Pre-Child Equitation O/F Pre-Child Hunter 2’6” Pre-Child Hunter Short Stirrup Equitation Flat Short Stirrup Hunter 2’ Short Stirrup Hunter $1,000 ADULT AMATEUR HUNTER Rated C To be ridden by an amateur in possession of valid amateur card. To be judged on performance, manners, way of going, and soundness. Suitability of an adult amateur mount to be stressed. Fences 3' with spreads not to exceed height of fences. A rider in the Adult Amateur division is not eligible to compete in any class where fences exceed 3'3" with the exception of the Children's/Adult Jumper division. PrizeMoney: $30,$22,$15,$10,$8,$5,$5,$5 $175/Division or $40/Class $500 Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. Adult Amateur Hunter (18-35) O/F Adult Amateur Hunter (18-35) O/F Adult Amateur Hunter (18-35) O/F Adult Amateur Hunter (18-35) O/F Adult Amateur Hunter (18-35) U/S $500 Adult Amateur Hunter 36 & Over 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. Adult Amateur Hunter (36 & 0) O/F Adult Amateur Hunter (36 & 0) O/F Adult Amateur Hunter (36 & 0) O/F Adult Amateur Hunter (36 & 0) O/F Adult Amateur Hunter (36 & 0) U/S $1000 CHILDREN”S HUNTER Rated C Open to horses only. To be shown by a junior rider 17 years of age or under. To be judged on performance, manners, way of going, and soundness. Suitability as a children's hunter to be stressed. Courses shall consist of no less then eight fences, 3' in height. Rider may not show in classes where fences exceed 3'3", except age group equitation, medal classes, and Children's/Adult Jumper. Prize Money: $30, $22, $15, $10, $8, $5, $5, $5 $175/Division or $40/Class $500 Children's Hunter 14 & Under 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. Children'sHunter (l4 &U) O/F Children'sHunter (l4 &U) O/F Children's Hunter (14 & U) O/F Children'sHunter (l4 &U) O/F Children's Hunter (14 & U) U/S $500 Children's Hunter 15-17 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. Children's Hunter (15-17)O/F Children's Hunter (l5-l7)0/F Children's Hunter (15-17)O/F Children's Hunter (l5-l7)0/F Children's Hunter (15-17)U/S Need a Golf Cart for the show? SHORT STIRRUP HUNTER Non-Rated Open riders 12 and under. Riders are not eligible to compete in this division for more than two show years. R ider is eligible for short stirrup equitation, age group equitation, limit equitation, and any other unrecognized division at the same show with fences not exceeding 2’6” and no combinations. Course to consist of 6 to 9 fences. To be judged on performance, manners, and way of going. Suitability as a Short Stirrup mount to be stressed. Fences 2’. $140 /Division or $40/Class Class 66 Class 67 Class 68 Class 69 Class 70 Short Stirrup Hunter O/F Short Stirrup Hunter O/F Short Stirrup Hunter O/F Short Stirrup Hunter O/F Short Stirrup Hunter U/S PRE-CHILDREN AND PRE-ADULT HUNTER Non-Rated Open to non-professional children and adult riders; rider may not cross enter into any other division at show or any equitation class with fences exceeding 2’6”. Fences2’6" $140/Division or $40/Class Class 116 Class 117 Class 118 Class 119 Class 120 Pre-Children Hunter O/F Pre-Children Hunter O/F Pre-Children Hunter O/F Pre-Children Hunter O/F Pre-Children Hunter U/S Class 425 Pre-Adult Hunter O/F Class 426 Pre-Adult Hunter O/F Class 427 Pre-Adult Hunter O/F Class 428 Pre-Adult Hunter O/F Class 429 Pre-Adult Hunter U/S Class 400 Class 401 Class 402 Class 403 Class 404 Class 405 Class 406 Class 407 Class 408 ‘WINTER TO SPRING’ HUNTER WARM-PS Class Fee: $40 Hunter Warm-Up (Day 1 - Ring I) Hunter Warm-Up (Day2 – Ring I) Hunter Warm-Up (Day 3 – Ring I) Hunter Warm-Up (Day 4 - Ring I) Hunter Warm-Up (Day 1 - Ring II) Hunter Warm-Up (Day 2 - Ring II) Hunter Warm-Up (Day 3 – Ring II) Hunter Warm-Up (Day 4 – Ring II) Schooling Pony Warm-Up (Day 2 – Ring II) Hunter Warm-Ups are run at the respective division height and are held open through the division/divisions as scheduled. All Warm-Ups are time permitting and may be cancelled 12 hours before scheduled at management discretion. Warm-Up may also be added to the schedule with a 12 hour notice if time allows. $3500 GREEN WORKING HUNTER Rated A To be judged on performance and soundness. First year horses jump 3’6” and second year horses jump 3’9”. Individual classes may not be entered. Sections to be combined if less than 8 entries in either section. Prize money if combined to be $2000. Prize Money 1stYr: $120,$88,$60,$40,$32,$20,$20,$20 Prize Money 2nd Yr: $90,$66,$45,$30,$24,$15,$15, $15 $2000 First Yr Green Working Hunter Class 83, 84, 85 1st Yr Green Working O/F Class 86 1st Yr Green Working O/F – Handy Class 87 1st Yr Green Working U/S 1st Yr: $250/Division 2nd Yr: $230/Division $1500 Second Yr Green Working Class 410, 411, 412 2nd Yr Green Working O/F Class 413 2nd Yr Grn Working O/F – Handy Class 414 2nd Yr Green Working U/S $1500 GREEN CONFORMATION HUNTER Rated A All Classes to be judged 60% performance and soundness, and 40% on conformation. Full championship points in all classes except the model, which is half points. Fences 3’6”. Prize Money: $90,$66,$45,$30,$24,$15,$15,$15 $230/Division Class 77 Class 78, 79, 80 Class 81 Class 82 Green Conformation Hunter Model – No prize money/No entry fee Green Conformation Hunter O/F Green Conformation Hunter O/F - Handy Green Conformation Hunter U/S $1000 REGULAR CONFORMATION HUNTER Rated A Open to all horses and riders. To be judged on performance, conformation, soundness, manners and way of going. Fences 3’9”. Conformation to count 30%, Model to count half points. Prize Money: $60, $44, $30, $20, $16, $10, $10, $10 $200/Division Class 281 Regular Conformation Hunter Model - no prize money/no entry fee Class 282, 283, 284 Regular Conformation Hunter O/F Class 285 Regular Conformation Handy Hunter O/F Handy Class 286 Regular Conformation Hunter U/S $2100 HIGH PERFORMANCE WORKING HUNTER Rated A The High Performance Working Hunter section is open to horses and riders. To be judged on performance, soundness, manners and way of going. To be shown over a course of fences 4’. Prize Money: $97, $70, $48, $40, $30, $20, $10, $5 $250/Division or $60/Class Class 250, 251, 252 High Performance Working Hunter O/F Class 253 High Performance Working O/F Handy Class 254 High Performance Working Hunter U/S $500 PERFORMANCE WORKING HUNTER DIVISION 3’3” Rated A Open to horses and riders. To be judged on performance, soundness, manners and way of going. Prize Money: $30, $22, $15, $10, $8, $5, $5, $5 $175/Division or $40/Class Class 260, 261, 262 Performance Working Hunter O/F Class 263 Performance Working O/F Handy Class 264 Performance Working Hunter U/S $500 PERFORMANCE WORKING HUNTER DIVISION 3’6” Rated A Open to horses and riders. To be judged on performance, soundness, manners and way of going. Prize Money: $30, $22, $15, $10, $8, $5, $5, $5 $175/Division or $40/Class Class 265, 266, 267 Performance Working Hunter O/F Class 268 Performance Working Handy Hunter Class 269 Performance Working Hunter U/S $1,000 PRE-GREEN HUNTER Rated C A Pre-Green Hunter is a horse in its 1st or 2nd year of showing over fences 3’ or higher at Regular Member Competitions or Combined Training Events. A 1st year horse must jump 3’ and a 2nd year horse must jump 3’3”. Prize Money: $30, $22, $15, $10, $8, $5, $5, $5 $175/Division or $40/Class $500 Pre-Green Hunter 3’ Class 102 Pre-Green Hunter 3’ O/F Class 103 Pre-Green Hunter 3’ O/F Class 104 Pre-Green Hunter 3’ O/F Class 105 Pre-Green Hunter 3’ O/F Class 106 Pre-Green Hunter 3’ U/S $500 Pre-Green Hunter 3’3” Class 152 Pre-Green Hunter 3’3” O/F Class 153 Pre-Green Hunter 3’3” O/F Class 154 Pre-Green Hunter 3’3” O/F Class 155 Pre-Green Hunter 3’3” O/F Class 156 Pre-Green Hunter 3’3” U/S New for 2015 ‘Winter to Spring’ Shows Class 550 $500 USHJA Pre-Green Challenge Open to Pre-Green horses registered with the USHJA prior to the class. 1st year horses jump 3’ and 2nd year horses jump 3’3”. Last class in Pre-Green Division to be 1st round score. Top 12 horses come back for 2nd round. Specifications: $50 plus $15 USHJA Fee Class 551 $1000 USHJA Pre-Green Hunter Incentive Stake Class 3’ & 3’3” Open to horses of any age that are eligible to compete as a Pre-Green Hunter under Federation rules. Horses must be enrolled in the USHJA Pre-Green Incentive Program and pay the annual enrollment fee prior to showing in the Stake Class. Specifications: $100 plus $20 USHJA Fee Prize Money: $260, $200, $140, $100, $70, $50, $40, $40, $30, $30, $20, $20 Class 552 $2500 USHJA National Hunter Derby Open to horses and ponies registered with the USHJA; riders, owners and trainers must be current active members of USEF and USHJA. Fences, reminiscent of the hunt field, to be set at 3’ with 4 highoption fences set at 3’5”. Two round format: First round is Classic Hunter Round, second round is Handy Hunter Round. The 12 highest-scoring horse/rider combinations after the first round are eligible to return for the second round. To be judged by two judges, to provide one score. Formal attire required. Minimum 12 entries required. Specifications: Prize Money: $750, $550, $325, $200, $150, $125, $100, $75, $75, $50, $50, $50 $250 plus $20 USHJA Fee Class 553 ‘Winter to Spring’ Lead Line Class Open to Lead Line riders. Class to precede the $2500 USHJA National Hunter Derby in the Main Arena. No entry fee. Show Announcements, Schedules, Start Times And Entry Numbers . . . Go to ARTIST $500 SMALL HUNTER Rated C Open to all riders and horses 15.2 1/2 hands and under. Fences 3’. Judged on performance and soundness. Prize money: $30, $22, $15, $12, $8, $5, $5, $5 $175/Division or $40/Class Class 214, 215, 216, 217 Class 218 Small Hunter 3’ Small Hunter U/S $500 THOROUGHBRED HUNTER Non-Rated Open to horses registered or eligible to be registered with the Jockey Club. Judged on performance and soundness. Fences 3’. Horses must be recorded by VHSA and owners current member of VHSA for points for VHSA Year-End Awards. Points for Thoroughbred Incentive Program if thoroughbred is registered with the Jockey Club. Prize money: $30, $22, $15, $12, $8. $5 ,$5, $5 $175/Division or $40/Class Class 219, 220, 221, 222 Class 223 Thoroughbred Hunter O / F 3 ’ Thoroughbred Hunter U/S $500 BABY GREEN HUNTER Non-Rated Open to horses who have not shown over 3’ at USEF recognized horse show. To be judged on performance and soundness. Fences 2’6”. Prize money: $30, $22, $15, $12, $8, $5, $5, $5 $175/Division or $40/Class Class 93, 94, 95, 96 Baby Green O/F 2’6” Class 97 Baby Green U/S OPEN HUNTER Non-Rated Open to horses. Judged on performance and soundness. Fences 2’9” & 3’3”. Class 180, 181, 182, 183 Open Hunter 2’9” & 3’3” Class 184 Open Hunter U/S $140/Division or $40/Class HOPEFUL HUNTER Non-Rated Open to horses and ponies. Judged on performance and soundness. Fences 2’ & 2’6”. $140/Division or $40/Class Class 185, 186, 187, 188 Hopeful Hunter 2’ & 2’6” Class 189 Hopeful Hunter U/S SPECIAL HUNTER Non-Rated Open to horses ridden by non-professional riders. Judged on performance and soundness. Fences 2’9” & 3’3”. $100/Division or $40/Class Class 107, 108 Special Hunter O/F Class 109 Special Hunter U/S ‘WINTER TO SPRING’ MODIFIED HUNTER Non-Rated Open to horses. Judged on performance and soundness. Fences 2’6” & 3’. Class 110, 111, 112, 113 Modified Hunter O/F Class 114 Modified Hunter U/S $140/Division or $40/Class ‘Winter to Spring’ Equitation Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 430 431 Class Fee $40 Pre-Children’s Equitation O/F 2’6” Pre-Children’s Equitation on the Flat Pre-Adult Equitation O/F 2’6” Pre-Adult Equitation on the Flat Children’s Pony Equitation O/F Children’s Pony Equitation on the Flat Short Stirrup Equitation O/F 2’ Short Stirrup Equitation on the Flat Equitation 11 & Under O/F 2’3”-2’6” Equitation 11 & Under on the Flat Equitation 12-14 O/F 2’9” – 3’ Equitation 12-14 on the Flat Equitation 15-17 O/F 3’3” – 3’6” Equitation 15-17 on the Flat Junior 3’3” Equitation O/F 3’3” Junior 3’3” Equitation on the Flat ‘Winter to Spring’ Equitation Medals Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 Class Fee $45 ASPCA Horsemanship Class 3’6” THIS National Children’s Medal 3’ Ariat National Adult Medal 3’ WIHS Pony Equitation NCHJA Pony Medal Class E.J.Haun Memorial Medal Class 3’6” Marshall & Sterling U.S. Pony Medal SCHJA Governor’s Cup 3’ Bryan Jones Memorial Adult Medal 3’ Pessoa/U.S.Hunter Seat Medal Presented by Randolph College NCHJA Children’s Medal 3’ USEF Adult Medal 3’3” WIHS Equitation Hunter Phase 3’6” Class 149 Class 150 Class 151 2500 Campbell Road Raleigh NC 27606 919-854-9892 Herbs Perennials Container Gardens Proud Sponsor of the Jump For The Children Horse Show benefiting Duke Children’s Hospital $83*
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