Welcome November 15/16, ?OM Rev. David H. Young, Pastor Deacon Jim Decker Deacon Carlton Moyer Michelle Stone Cecilia Hobbs Ron Loyncl Martha Rebar Storm Smole Mary Tillotson Mike Courtright St. Peter ( 1863) Pastoral Associate ext. 113 Parish Secretary ext. 103 Bookkeeper ext.119 Faith Formation ext. 105 Facilities Manager ext. 121 Parisl'r Nurse ext. 114 Custodian ext. 103 Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday, 10-6pm Closed Mondays St. Olaf ( 1968) Weekend Mass Schedule Saturclay at 4:30pm at St. Peter Saturday at 6:30pm at St. Olaf (en Espanol) Sunday at 8:00am at St. Olaf Sunclay at 10:45am at St. Olaf www. stolafschurch. org Parislr C)ffice: 360-779 -4297 St. Vincent de Paul: 360-779-9980 Emergencies: 360-770-2296 Hclllirlg I Is Share tlt" (;t""1 rt"*t'* This Weekend rft,is tt'cck u'c t:rkc a spcci:rl nronrcnl [o acknou'lcrlgc all thosc I lrusincsscs tt'lto :rrlvcrtisc on thc bat'k sirlc ol'our tlullctin. 'l-hcir We inuitc anrlone uho plnced n photo irt gcncrositl' hcllls trs lin;urcc thc llrinting'costs c:rclr u'cck. \\'lr:rt a r1'ollrlcrlirl ll'it1' to slt:rrc in tlrc ottgrrittg' procl:ururtit>n ol'goorl l)o\rs rvith all u,ho rc:rcl thc lrtrllt'tin. \\'c rlo crl('()ur?rg'c c\.cry'()nc to rcarl thc rcvcrsc sirlc ol'tlrc bullctin li'onr titttc to titnc, to bccotnc liuniliiu' rvith thc oll-cr-ings prcscntcrl tlrcrc. Il'at all possilllc, plcasc consirlcr thcsc r'onr1l:urics anrl scn'iccs rt'ltctr 1ll;uruittg lirr ltou,' bcst to rcsponrl [o \'our llcrsonal :urtl luxrsclroltl nccrls. A lirurl tlxruglrt lirr t<>rlur'- \1'c invitc All\'()llc intcrcstcrl in arlvcrtising' ott tltc back sirlc ol'tlrc p:rrish btrllctin to contact tlrc Catlrolic Printcrr'. Sllccilic itrlilnrt:rtiort lirr this lnrrllosc is itlso krc;rtcrl on thc back ol'thc lxrllctin. '['lr:urk r'ou [o <ltrr :rrlvcltiscrs. lir'<>nt a glatclirl c'ortrnrtrnitl'. the shrine of our Denrly Deptnrted to re- clnim it after Mnss this utcekend or next. T-his zuill helyt us drnu the current liturgi- cnl ycnr to n close, entrusting esch other nnd nll of crention into the louirtg eilrbrqcc of lents our Ssuior. Mry aII of Crention, through the Merry of God, Rest in Pence. Arnen. This Week n Wcdnesday el'ening we're hosting a special Legiort of Murl'-eatherin-e. sponsored by our Legion of Mary brothers and sisters. Knorvn as an Acies (pronounced "ahlllcssings. (, U'Jd chees"), this -eatherin-e will be a time of rcnewal and blessing fbr all members of the order throu_ehout the re-tion. A -ereat way to rvalk in prayerful solidarity with the participants is to pray the Rosary on Wednesday evening. ideally around 6pm. Next Weekend - A ('ouple of Itenrs . . . \ I /e'll be celebrating the Solemnitv of Y Y Chri-.t the King, lbr which the liturgica! color is rn'hite/qold. You miqht include some elements of w-hite/gold r.r'itlln your choices of clothing for the Nlass that dav. p t.., Reconciliation Class will be on SunI dal' after Loaves & Fishes. As alwavs, parents and children come to the class. Confirmation rc hupp)- to report that the Clonfirmation date is sct lor: c Suriclai, Junior HiTh and High Schoolyourh urh* Brsan Doljsi nill be coming ttt c'Ltv communitv-in r*'o *'cc'fts, to talk obout r.octttions. Ile's the lbcations He,v I'iar Jrd, 2015 p I Director;for the Arch&ocese at thc 10:*5am l\lass Regarcling preparations, our n'ext stop for High School 1'outh is otrr opcr-ring retrcat on Saturcla\', l)ecembcr 6th, Ii'rn 10:00anr - 12 Nrrn. Dcccrnbcr 6th is also 1st Sattrrcla\', and u'c'll havc rv'lass in thc church at 9:00am. Fet-l frct. to comc to N{ass before hcading c-^'cr tr thc Gallaghcr Plertse make ever)' 'our Z'lis Cominq Thursday Ettening his coming Thursda)' evening, Novernber 2oth, I n-e're offering a class for parents anticipating baptism for their children. Please come at 6:oopm, to the Children's RE building across the parking lot from the church. To find our classroom, sirnplt'enter the building and turn left at the halhvay. We'll bc donn at the end of the hall, in the big classroom. f At this class you'll prepare special candles rvhich the Godparents light from the main Easter Candle during the baptism rite. We'll teach about the anointing w.ith the perfumed Chrism Oil. We'll fondlv recall the significance of the rvhite garment, and reflect on the beautiful role godparents share in our lives. And, of course, \'ou'll have the chance to complete the necessarl' papem'ork for our official sacramental records. And knorv that this r.rill a \-en' child-friendlv atmosphere. Please feel free to bring anv other children )'ou might have nith ]'ou. Class lrill conclude by about 6:45pm. Please register if you plan to be in attendance by'calling Cecilia in the Parish Office. {the - Fr. David St. meet Fr. Olrf lbuth Group LeoJers b"thl.h.n, bo.,nJ -1",., .,.,,, .,,,-1'...,tir," r"^1,,'::':;':,"r,,t'j:,';r,,,.^.:,rrpc, thc: fJ"l..; [-",',J, .r.the r shr-inc? | -].rr,.- .rJo, c\ cr n,.,,j- ;r pilqrinrf t. aqc rn the p-,ast? W.: inritc -ri.tr f"-, c n i ng o{- [-i lgri lorving the c:',cnins-, l-h;r t. is a w.11 rje o n \\'.-,.] nr a sharc-, ncsJ N4".r. fl..r.r ".1, -r,orIr st.rll [)..., r conrc to thc l-, at an -,. 1 .J, io l- f".ish fJ"ll sh:irc: rjc)rrr spir-itLral e xpcricnc-c r,vith othe r parishioncrrs :rs F.art o{-orrr r,irtrral 1.r,,...,1, ,,nJ i,r c,:1.-lrr.rtiorr ollC r.J *h.-, ," al,rc i,r our nriJst. K..c"pS-,nq :aonlc- fic:t.ent l).'r.lrrprtcnts .. . r!inc,c p:rrt o{-orr-\ irtrral pilgrinraq.- h.,, h..,., sF..:nt orr thcr occan, u'c thorre-ht it n,ie-ht be r-ricc: to r.:ach out to s:rilcrrs ,,nC thor. ,"h., ,r.rrL at sc.i $.-..{1..,-,:rs nrrnrstrrl l.rc..t.-J in r.,..1. p l.r s.: " [-rsts c c-, n s iJ c \\'.'t.- the rr a nr-Frs ,n'h.r.- ti }r:attle . r\s p.r,t nq so *. ,,rpportrnq the C -,,th.r1,. nr c contrnrc our- r,r,ith n, b., r. l-,.- log .,,,. n,,1.,-r. log.lorr riles ".J pr,r,l spirittral $cthlchcn, of o,,. conrmrnittl Nor,,ember 15-76,2074 Page 2 .trr- lorrr- collcctron b,"-, ,uill -J-h",',[r. 111\. fo. jorrrnell into the fJe art of \'1"',1 c-,f th,,rg J,,.i nS N.r, . arri,.cd at $ethl.:h.n, (.re n srrl_-,r.r.J contrnue , hor".re r, to ;r,i wc Jo F,_g steJ itcnrs. ,,lonq .r1] ,.".1,re F,r.1 r Congratulations! We look forrvard to rvelcoming ).ou. 3()th. lbu'll gfts. For furthcr information please c'.ntact N{iclielle Stclnt' at J6O -621 -+J90, or rnit'hellc.stonc(cl. cmbarqmail.corn. . elfurt to come tct \buth Group on the Bryun onrl leorn more tthout discerning God's w'ill onrl \\'e inr-itt-' all aclults to share in tht-' Holr Spirit grace ol' (lrnfirrnati.n as *'cll. I-herc's no upper agc limit! please lct us know'if this is 1'our'\'car, and w-e 'll hclp \.ou prcpare .. attle. Se Sunday aJier T'hanksgi,ing, \'orember ('cntcr (i."., dou'nstairs in thc Youth Building). I Baptize )'ou in the name of the Father oJ fi.,,,s.: othcr "o.h .J..rr rn "t f-hrrstmas. fillotson, fa'ish \,,rse thc Home ('hc('k out this (footl Nt'tt's! l)art,nts rt (lnrrrdllitrr,nts - I rr tlre tt'xt lnlrln- ar'(, sonl(' itk'irs 1'ol vorrr' lla rticipittiort. \\'t'"l l tn to hirvo solll() irlt'as oa('ll u-('(,1i. I)lt'irst' kxlli 1'or tlrt,rtr. t,r I n+ Auu /' \/\/ / \ r"t /'Yk".) '.r \.-.-r,J {' I i i i \ _-// I {i s a i teI ! i{ , r 4 for determining the morality' of our actions: the action itself, the intent, and the circumOur middle school 1'outh rvill be creating "Pray-er stances. Parents: share r,r'hat )-our favorite music lvas Flowers" for Thanksgir"ing. Inside the petals of each rvhen )'ou lvere a teenager. Looking back no!r, what florver are lrritten rvords of encouragement and pral'ers values did -vou appreciate about )'our favorite music? of blessing. Nl interested are welcome to select a florvThe elementary grades children will continue learning er later this month. They''ll be located up b1'the altar. about what it means to be a "temple built b1- God". High school youth n ill be taking the initial steps of We'll look for rvays to affirm the goodness and gifts rve their study into the subject of Catholic Morality. The obsen-e in ourselves and others. Parents: mention to first topic will be "lVloving Be1'ond Blame". We'll come )'our children an1'specific aptitudes .vou see emerging to a better understanding of free will, beatitude, and the within them thus far. acknow-ledgement of our sins. We will also learn to apFaith Formation Themes This Weekend pl1' thret' factors November 75-76,2074 Page 3
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