New Horizon UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 5741 S Flamingo Rd, Southwest Ranches, FL 33330 Phone: 954.434.7400 Fax: 954.434.7494 Website: Email: Office Hours: Mon-Thurs, 10am-4pm Learning Center: Mon-Fri, 7am–6pm 954.680.9497 Our Mission The Love of Christ: Encounter ∙ Experience ∙ Extend WORSHIP SCHEDULE SUNDAY 9:00-10:00 am Traditional Service 11:00-12:15 am Contemporary Service SATURDAY 9:30-11:00 am Spirituality-Worship-Prayer EDUCATION SCHEDULE CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:00 & 11:00 PreK – Gr. 2 PreK Classrm Main Bldg Gr.3-5 Rm 4 Upstairs Edu Bldg *meet children at classroom after worship *check Youth section for more details YOUTH SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:00 Grades 6 – 12 Rm 6 Edu Building YOUTH GROUP (UMYF) 5:00-7:15 pm Grades 6 – 12 Sanctuary Rm 4 Upstairs Edu Bldg TWEENS 5:00-7:00 pm Grades 3 – 5 ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:00 Searchers Ed. Building Purpose Driven Rainbow Room New Beginnings Office Conf Rm Friendship & Fellowship Preschool Cl Sanctuary UNITED METHODIST WOMEN 9:30 4th Mon. each month Joy Circle UNITED METHODIST MEN 7:30 2nd Sat. each month Senior Pastor Assoc. Pastor/Children Dir. Student/Youth Ministry Music Director Learning Center Director Assistant LC Director Office Manager Education Secretary Bookkeeper Assistant Maintenance Custodian Nursery Nursery Nursery Children’s Division Youth Intern Youth Intern CHURCH STAFF Rev. Rafe Vigil Rev. Barb Ammann Peytyn Tobin Greg Spiess Kim Scott Beth McPartland Ann Malone Joanne Baker Carolyn Pannier Sara Smith Norv Newland Elizabeth Farrie Grace Barnett Mary Marfisi Sabrina Coggin Brooke Burns Maite Ramirez Justin Stansell November 23, 2014 You are a Blessing In Focus This Week Thank you for honoring us with your pledges. We feel truly blessed by your fellowship and commitment to the ministries at New Horizon. If you have not taken the opportunity to submit your pledge for next year please do so as soon as possible. You will receive a follow up envelope with a pledge card in the next few days or you can ask an usher for one during the service. “You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God.” (2 Corinthians 9:11) Blessing Boards Please take a moment to look at our blessing boards in the hallway and lobby. We have much to give thanks for! Be sure to post your own blessings and lift them up in thanksgiving. Advent Event Today Following 2nd Worship Service Following our 11am worship we will have a multi-generational event to discover the meaning of our Chrismon tree, participate in an advent activity, and prepare the church for the season. This event is for all ages. Please come share with us as we enjoy this time of fellowship and festivities. We will have everything you need to make an advent wreath for you to take home. Pizza lunch $3. Advent Wreath $15. Maximum per family lunch & wreath $25. We Are Thankful Thank you to everyone that helped in any way with the following: Craft Fair $2,953-Bake Sale–$893–Nearly New Sale–$565 Children’s Pumpkin Party - We interacted with over 150 children and their families during this annual fall event. Pumpkin Patch - Thank you to all who spent any time setting up the patch, unloading a truck, selling a pumpkin, helping our shoppers choose that perfect pumpkin, or cleaning up the patch. Our Partnership with St. Mark – Thank you all who worked side by side at our Pumpkin Patch with the St. Mark volunteers and with them for their Christmas trees. Red Bird Mission – Today we bless a box of gloves, mittens and scarves for Red Bird Mission in KY. Heifer International - We have contributed $1,205 to help feed the hungry with the purchase of animals. Blood Drive - Our last drive we had 8 successful donors. Our next blood drive is December 22 nd. Shoeboxes – With your generous donations our 3rd, 4th and 5th grade Tweens packed 75 shoebox Christmas gifts for less fortunate children. Fair Trade Coffee – 28 bags of coffee were donated for the church’s use. First Fruits - 301 attended our First Fruits Service and we collected many bags and boxes of non-perishable foods for the Hallandale Food Pantry, delivered 9 fruit baskets to our shut-ins, and sent $2,034 to the Boys Orphanage in the Dominican Republic. ANGEL TREE—Christmas Gifts for Children—Choose Your Angel Today This year we have 203 children from the Haitian United Methodist Mission and the Hallandale Christian Preschool between the ages of infant and 16 years that we are gifting. It is a blessing to assure that these children will receive a nice gift for Christmas from our church family. Gifts should be valued around $25. We ask that you choose your Angel and return the unwrapped gift in a gift bag with the Angel taped securely to it by Sunday, Dec. 7th. No Wednesday Family Dinner/Classes This Week BOGO – Donate your GO? When you get a Buy One Get One (BOGO) in November would you donate your Get One (GO) for Pack a Sack? We can use any products, food, or personal care items. We provide food and love each week during the school year for 46 families at Driftwood & Perry Elementary, and others. These are nutritional items for the weekend when free breakfast and lunch are not available to students. Warren Willis Summer Camp Registration Begins December 1st Register December 1st ($75) - total approximately $390 for the week with scholarships available from Warren Willis and New Horizon. Camp is available for current 3rd-12th graders. We will attend Camp Session IV, June 29-July 4 . Go to to register. Warren Willis Camp is located in Fruitland Park, FL. New Horizon is a mission minded church. During the year we have many outreach giving opportunities local, national and international. We ask you to prayerfully consider which projects you are comfortable in supporting, knowing that you may not wish to support all of them. We thank you for all that you do to help others . Encounter ∙ Experience ∙ Extend New Horizon United Methodist Church Welcome We hope you will relax and feel at home with us. Although the songs we sing may be unfamiliar to you, please participate as you feel comfortable. If you need to talk to someone about a spiritual need, please speak to one of our pastors. Please do not feel obligated to participate in the giving time. However, if you choose to give an offering, thank you for your help in furthering God’s work through this church. Giving envelopes are available in the back of the red registration pads. Please sign the red registration pad located at the end of each aisle so that we may know of your presence with us. Thank you for joining us and God bless! If you would like more information about New Horizon please stop by the ushers area following the service. The Altar Flowers are given to the glory of God by Bob & Julie Mihalco in honor of their 29th wedding anniversary. COMMUNION is offered the first Sunday of each month at our 9:00 am service and weekly at our 11:00 am service. NURSERY (through 4 yrs.) is offered in the Education Building, 1st floor, purple door, during Worship. Parents sign in and out. THE QUIET ROOM with visual access into the sanctuary is available by entering through the Lobby. CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:00 & 11:00 am service Children leave the service together with their teachers following the Children’s Moment. Ages PreK - 2nd grade: Preschool Classroom 3rd - 5th grade: Education Building Room 4 9am - You may pick up your children at their classroom following the service. 11am - The children will come back into the service for communion. NAME TAGS Please wear your name tag. Circle your name in the registration pad if you need one. LARGE PRINT HYMNALS available. Acolytes 9:00 Hashan Ekanayake 11:00 Jocelynn Sine Prayers Order of Worship Encounter the Love of Christ Welcome Announcements Call to Worship Gathering with Song ● Experience the Love of Christ Opening Prayer Children’s Moment Worship God with Song Stewardship Celebration Pastoral Prayer Baptism (11:00) - Josh Groce Scripture: Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24 Message: The Character of a Shepherd ● Extend the Love of Christ God’s Tithes and our Offerings Communion (11:00) Going Forth with Song Benediction/Sung Response Our Sister Church Heaven’s Gate, Cuba Online donation available on our website at We were blessed to have 249 in worship; and 71 participate in our Sunday School classes. We give thanks for our gifts of $14,690 for the church operating needs. Operating needed each week is $11,527. Presence and Gifts Stewardship *9:00 am - Children may be picked up at their classroom following the service Prayers for the following: Lester Marshall at Springtree Rehab; Harold Clare at Harbor Chase; Nicolette Ireland at Mem’l Manor; Avis Smith at Sunrise; Carl Droshar at VA; Pat Allen, Veronica Anderson, John Bowers, Roger & Nicki Casterline, Shirley Cawrse, Myra Christensen, Althea Chung, Marla Clare, Virginia Clay, Terry Cline, Louis Cottier, Sherri Findley, Lou Gary, Hilton Hendy, Sharon Hewitt, Kimberly Hicks, Emily Hilton, Korey Jackson, Dorothy Johnson, Diana Jones, Kay & Randy Ladd, Iraida Levine, Jon Majors, Jean Mauk, Isolyn Nicholson, Mario Niles, Dave Osbourne, Bernadette Pritchard, Julie Prothro, Anna Mary Reed, Jane Russell, Paul Snow, David Stevens, Bea Storrey, Gail Stowe, George & Nettie Watson, Clay, Janet, & Tristan Whitney, Stephen & Paula Sue Whitney, Susan Wild, Carol & Gary Williams at home; Heaven’s Gate UMC; our pastors and staff; Eric Guneysu, Nathaniel Lewis, Tammy Martinez, Mark Reinhardt, overseas; and all of our troops. We were able to send Heaven’s Gate $202 from our recent book sale. Thank you for your book donations and purchases! This money will be added to money given by other Florida churches in our district to provide a Christmas celebration for the pastors, staff and families in our Cuban district. The money will also be used to help finance their District Conference in February. We appreciate your continued support for Heaven’s Gate. General Announcements Spirituality, Worship, & Prayer Sat., 9:30 am 9:00 am quiet, individual prayer. At 9:30 am Pastor Barb will bring a focusing scripture and reflection. We will then continue with anointing and prayers for healing as the Spirit leads us. *We will not meet December 6th or 27th. Pennies from Heaven Hallandale Food Pantry Please drop your spare change (or bills) in our care bear on the buffet in the lobby for the food pantry. Our donations help purchase needed items. The need to feed the hungry is great and our spare change does make a difference. We also collect canned and boxed food items each week for the food pantry. Paul Snow appreciates our faithfulness in helping to feed the hungry in Broward County. Items most needed: rice, beans, pasta, sauce, veggies, fruit, soup, peanut butter, flour, sugar. December Wednesday Family Dinner: Advent Around the Table Calendar Sanctuary Rainbow Rm Courtyard Rainbow Rm Rm 4 - Edu Bldg Sanctuary Rm 2 - Edu Bldg Rainbow Rm View complete calendar at Sunday, Nov 23 Worship, 9:00 & 11:00 am Children’s SS, 9:00 & 11:00 am Children’s Choir, 10:00 am Youth Dinner Meeting, 5:00 pm Parent Connection, 5:00 pm Al-Anon (Men), 7:00 pm Monday, Nov 24 Carter Bible Study, 3:00 pm Tuesday, Nov 25 Miami Friends, 6:30 pm Boy Scouts Troop 636. 6:30 pm Wednesday, Nov 26 Office Closing at 1:00 pm Thursday, Nov 27 Happy Thanksgiving 30 1 6 6 7 8 12 12 13 14 14 14 14 14 21 21 24 25 7 7 7 7 1st Sunday of Advent Warren Willis Camp Registration No Saturday Worship/Prayer Santa Breakfast Youth-Tweens-Junior Ringers Meet Joy Circle Lunch-Blue Moon Diner Primetimers Christmas Luncheon Troop 636 Court of Honor Cantata Practice Christmas Cantata-10am worship Music & Worship Arts Party Junior Ringers Tweens Christmas Party Youth Christmas Party Blood Drive Saavedra Piano Recital Christmas Eve 4:00-5:30-7:30 pm Christmas Wednesday Family Dinner Begins Disciple II Bible Study Legacy Christianity & World Religions The church office will be open on a limited basis December 25th - January 5th. We will be checking voice mail frequently. Christmas Schedule Nov Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Jan Jan Jan Jan Calendar Notes One Worship Service Sunday, Dec. 14th 10:00 am Christmas Cantata Love Came Down at Christmas If you aren’t familiar with our Wednesday program please join Friday, Nov 28 us with dinner beginning at 5:30 pm. Please make a note on the OFFICE CLOSED red registration pad if you plan on coming. Can’t do dinner at 5:30? Let us know and we’ll pack up your meal. Join us at 6:30 Saturday, Nov 29 pm for our family style Advent Dec. 3, 10, 17. All are welcome! Spirituality, Worship & Prayer, 9:30 am Dec. 3-Ham, potatoes au gratin, green beans, roll, dessert Dec. 10-Chicken & broccoli pasta, salad, roll, dessert Dec. 17-Bring Your Own Soup (one of our favorite events!) Bring a soup to share or just come prepared to enjoy! Please bring your favorite Christmas cookies to share. Group Outing—Pippin—Broward Center All are welcome to join us on Sunday, April 12 th at 1pm to see Pippin. Pippin tells the story of a young prince on a deathdefying journey to find meaning in his existence. $44 with a deposit of $22 due December 14th. Let the office know if you plan on this outing. Youth & Children Youth Dinner Meeting, Today, 5-7:15 pm All 6th - 12th graders are invited to join us 5:00-7:15 pm for dinner ($3), games, small groups, & worship. With the holiday season upon us we will meet today, Dec. 7 and 14. December 14th is our Christmas party - watch for details. Resume weekly schedule January 11th. No Tween Dinner Meeting Today With the holiday season upon us we will be meeting Dec. 7 & 14. All 3rd - 5th graders are invited to join us 5:00-7:00 pm for dinner ($3), games, Bible search, & fellowship. December 14th is our Christmas party - details soon. Resume weekly schedule January 11th. No Junior Ringers Meeting Today Our ringers will meet Dec. 7 & 14 at 4pm. NHLC Santa Breakfast, Dec. 6th, at 9:00am or 10:30am Tickets are $8 for adults (12 years and up), $4 for children, and children under 2 are free. Order forms are available in the school office. Buy your tickets now! Space is limited. Please call 954-680-9497 with any questions.
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