Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe - Year A JESUS CHRIST, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, Is Truly Present In the Tabernacle. Please observe RESPECTFUL SILENCE AT ALL TIMES while in the church 23rd November 2014 509/2014 MASS RESPONSES Entrance Antiphon: How worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and divinity, and wisdom and strength and honour. To him belong glory and power for ever and ever. Response to the Psalm: The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia, alleluia! Blessings on him who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessings on the coming kingdom of our father David! Alleluia! Prayer of the Faithful: Lord, may your kingdom come. Communion Antiphon: The Lord sits as King for ever. The Lord will bless his people with peace. REFLECTIONS B&B BROOME Luxury location overlooking the turquoise waters of Roebuck Bay, Broome. Enjoy the huge gourmet breakfasts and the friendly hospitality of Doug & Margaret. Ask for the “Hills Discount” when you book direct. info@reflectionsbnb.com.au Ph: 9192 6610 WE PROFESS OUR FAITH WHEN WE CARE FOR THOSE IN NEED “The criterion by which we will be judged when we come into the presence of God is practical, simple and clear. It is not so much what we do for the God ‘we cannot see’ that matters, in the end, but what we do for one another – expressing the fact that we are true children of the same Father (cf.1 Jn 4:20). And among God’s children it is the poor and needy who should have our special care – our ‘preferential option.’ The things that will establish our worth in the sight of God, and our readiness to share in God’s friendship, are simple things, possible to all, learned and simple, rich and poor. What overturns our expectations and is immensely reassuring is the fact that those who have proved themselves worthy of hearing the Lord’s invitation – ‘Come, you whom my Father has blessed, take for your heritage the kingdom prepared for you since the foundation of the world’ – may well be taken unawares. Sharing our humanity and experience in a struggling world, the ‘Son of Man’ has made himself one in a privileged way with those in greatest need. By Fr John Thornhill Liturgical Life in our Parish Weekend Masses Saturday Vigil 6:00pm; Sunday 7.30am, 9:00am & 6:00pm Sunday 10:30am - Polish Weekday Masses Monday 9.am, This Tuesday & This Wednesday Communion Service Only, Thursday 7.30pm, Friday and Saturday 9:00am. Reconciliation Saturday 10:00-10:30am & 5:15-5:45pm Rosary Monday - Saturday 8:30am; Children’s Rosary Tuesday - 3:00pm (During School Term) Devotion & Adoration Thursday 9:00am - 7:00pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Baptism Sunday at 12 noon. By Appointment with Parish Priest. Marriage By Appointment Only - Minimum Six Months Notice Required The Parish of St Anthony - Greenmount, is under the care of the Society of the Divine Saviour (Salvatorians) Fr Bronek Pietrusewicz SDS Parish Priest Fr Richard Sadowski SDS (Chisholm College Chaplain) Fr Leonard Macionczyk SDS (La Salle College Chaplain) Address: 96 Innamincka Road, GREENMOUNT WA 6056 PO Box 428, MIDLAND WA 6936 Parish Admin Officer: Ms Flavia Lenzo Parish Council: Roland Rosario Office Hours: Mon, Wed & Fri 8.30am - 2.30pm RE Coordinator: Melissa Doyle (0438 104 124) Parish Office: Ph. 9294 3504, Fax. 9255 1110 Communion of the Sick: 9294 3504 Email: office@stanthonys.org.au Web Page: www.stanthonys.org.au Anthony Care: 9294 3504 St Vincent’s Help Line: 1300 794 054 WELCOME TO OUR CELEBRATION OF THE EUCHARIST. Special welcome to any visitors we have with us today and newcomers to our Parish family. If you have just moved into our Parish please write your details on our parishioners form available in the church porch. Sat 22nd Nov 6:00pm November Mass Intentions Sun 23rd Nov 7:30am Julie Greay RIP Birthday Anniv Sun 23rd Nov 9:00am Jean & Fred Miltrup 54th Wedding Anniversary Sun 23rd Nov 10:30am Elaine Hancock RIP Sun 23rd Nov 6:00pm November Mass Intentions Mon 24th Nov 9:00am November Mass Intentions Tue 25th Nov 9:00am Communion Service Only Wed 26th Nov 9:00am Communion Service Only Thurs 27th Nov 7:30pm November Mass Intentions Fri 28th Nov 9:00am November Mass Intentions Sat 29th Nov 9:00am November Mass Intentions Sat 29th Nov 6:00pm Noel Rodrigues & Sandra Price Birthday Blessings Sun 30th Nov 7:30am November Mass Intentions Sun 30th Nov 9:00am Brian & Marjorie Harty 60th Wedding Anniversary Sun 30th Nov 6:30pm Cody Cooper RIP Please Keep In Your Prayers Jean D’Cruz, Kathy Varady, Ryan Marron, Anthony Chan, Marcella Chan, Emilia Monterosso, Ivana Napoli, Dawn Watterston, Maree McGuckin, Larry O’Toole, Tony Farrell, Casilli Family, Ian Knowles, Jan Lolza, Connie Rigoli, Raymond McAlpine, Antonina Petrone Marcellini, Peter White, Bianca Dose, Dorothy Cunningham, Carlien Bignall, Stefania Mazurak, Justin Hoareau, Erminia Galati, Sara Mignacca, Claire Yam & Dot Cunningham FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT - A Is 63:16-17, 64:1, 3-8; 1 Cor 1:3-9; Mk 13:33-37 The Family Christmas get together will take place on Friday 28th November from 6pm - 8pm at Bilgoman Pool. Prices: $5.oo - Adults, $4.00 - Children under 16 and Pensioners, Spectators $2.50 & Family Pass (2A & 2C) $15.00. Bring your own meat or picnic dinner, drinks, plates etc. Salad and Cake to Share. No Alcohol. HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN NOVEMBER TO: Vera 1/11, Gloria 3/11, Caroline D’C 4/11, Aedan 8/11, Sean W 8/11 Brendan 22/11 & Paolo 22/11. We also remember Sean R on his birthday 16/11 RIP. THANK-YOU Thank you for your continued silence before, during and after Mass. We welcome Penny & George McGrath to our Parish Family. They will be baptized this Sunday afternoon. We also welcome Zachary Bleach and Ella Heald who were recently baptized in our Parish. FEAST OF CHRIST THE KING This weekend we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King, the last week of the Liturgical Calendar with Advent and Year B commencing next week. This Feast Day Mass is the traditional time in our church for our children who are attending our R.E. classes to receive their Sacraments. We congratulate Samantha Ambrose, Nathan Coler, Maja Figiel, Jannah Johnson, Adam Kiesz, Jessica McKeon, Jacob Moir, Cody O’Brien, Aaliyah Poinen, Lana Scully and Dylan Williams who received the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time last Tuesday evening. At our Sunday 9am Mass we congratulate Brae Coates, Matthew Davies, Sebastian Evans, Jannah Johnson, Eron Kendrick, Tyrone Kendrick, Jacob Moir, Cody O’Brien, Cariad Williams, Dylan Williams who will receive the Eucharist for the first time and Raymond Evans, Shaun Dekker, Dylan Leach, Isaac Musulin, Priyankar Poinen, Emily Thomas, Kieran Theseira, Jaime Theunissen and Alia Weymouth who will be Confirmed. We pray for the children and their families who have brought them to their Sacramental classes. We sincerely THANK Melissa Doyle our RE Co-ordinator and our very committed catechists, Michelle Allum, Agnes Weymouth, Carly Holmes and Irene Poli who have all helped to prepare our children for the Sacraments. Their time and dedication during the year is invaluable and we are truly grateful for all their hard work. CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS EVE MASS The next Rehearsal for the annual Nativity Play will be this Friday 28th November from 3.00pm - 4:30pm. Please meet in the church hall. Congratulations to Ana Miller & Jude Mackin on the Celebration of their Marriage this weekend. We wish them all God’s Blessings and a Very Happy and Long Life Together. **** Congratulations and many Blessings also to Jean & Fred Miltrup who are celebrating 54 years of Marriage this weekend. MASSES DURING THE WEEK There will be NO Masses on Tuesday & Wednesday Morning. There will be a Communion Service on these days. Mass will be at the normal times Monday, Thursday & Friday. This Friday 28th November, the 9am Mass will be a school Mass to celebrate Grandparents. All grandparents are welcome and are invited to stay after Mass for morning tea in the school hall. The Parish Office will only be open Tuesday & Friday this week. CHRISTMAS HAMPER RAFFLE We are conducting a Christmas hamper raffle, with all proceeds raised going directly to our parish. Tickets are $2 each or 3 tickets for $5. CCI has kindly donated this Christmas hamper prize to our parish and its valued at $150. Tickets will be on sale from next weekend . THE WORD AMONG US The WORD Among Us is a digest-size publication referencing the Scriptures for the Mass of the day, with substantive, spiritual reflections upon one of those Scriptures, and a short prayer. We have copies of the Advent/Christmas edition on Sale for $4 each. ST VINCENT DE PAUL THE GIVING TREE The giving tree is up and running. Please take a tag from the tree and buy an appropriate gift, wrap, tag and place back under the tree as soon as possible If you are buying battery toys, please supply the required batteries as each year we spend a fortune on batteries. You have always been very generous so hopefully you will be again. Thank you for your continued support. CALLING ALL CHRISTMAS SINGERS AND MUSICIANS MIDNIGHT MASS Practice for Midnight Mass has begun. Singers meet at 7pm every Sunday evening for an hour and a half, until Christmas. Please come and join us and Come make this Christmas Celebration an especially uplifting one for our Parish. CHRISTMAS MORNING 9 AM MASS - Rehearsal for Choir singing for the 9am Mass on Christmas day, will be advertised soon. SALVATORIAN FOUNDATION DAY COME TO CELEBRATE WITH US 8TH DECEMBER On the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the B. V. Mary, the 8th of December, the Salvatorian Family across the world will celebrate its Foundation Day. All members of the Salvatorian Family - Priests, Salvatorian Lay and Collaborators and friends of Salvatorians as well as any interested parishioners are cordially invited to celebrate the 133th Anniversary of the Foundation with a special outdoor Mass. This celebration will be held on Monday December 8, at the Salvatorian Community House - 2 Caledonia Ave, Currambine WA, commencing with Mass at 6.30pm. A light supper will be provided. If you are attending please put your name on the list in the Church foyer. Sat 6.00pm Sun 7.30am Sun 9.00am Sun 6.00pm Acolytes W Bull J Sheridan J D’Cruz M Sibbald Readers PA Croft K Twigg-Berry C O’Neill G Wetton C Jones M Colton P Hocking J Ryan Special Ministers M Twigg-Berry K Twigg-Berry K Seward J Bennett N Holmes B Sapinski N Sibbald Altar Servers Nguyen Family M Mercer J Ludewig N Stribley C Martino Thoughts of Fr Francis Jordan SD S In order that you may be good, reliable announcers of Christ you ought very especially to prepare yourselves now by diligent study during the time of your training, so that you may acquire a thorough knowledge of Catholic teaching and may be able to proclaim it. Next week Morning Tea: Nicky Holmes Lori Hocking Next week Flowers: Monica Counting: This Week: Di Poli & Maresa Coverley Counting Next Week: Jane McDonnell Children’s Liturgy : This Week: No Children’s Liturgy Next week: Lauren & Giordarna Next Week Choir: 6.00pm Sat: Cathy & Choir Next Week Choir: 9.00am Sun: Jennifer & Choir 6.00pm Sun: Janet Hislop
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