HOLY NAME PARISH Founded 1922 Diocese of ARUNDEL & BRIGHTON 1965-2015 GOLDEN JUBILEE Celebration in the Amex Stadium, Brighton SUNDAY 5th JULY 2015 Mgr. Benny O’Shea Parish Priest 44 Arbrook Lane Esher, Surrey. KT10 9EE Parish Office: 01372 462451 The Presbytery: 01372 477667 Fax Number: 01372 463887 Web Site: www.holynameesher.org.uk Email: office@holynameesher.org.uk Part of the Arundel & Brighton Diocese www.dabnet.org SUNDAY 23RD NOVEMBER 2014 OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE Cookie Sunday following 9.30am Mass THINKING OF OTHERS A VERY SERIOUS APPEAL For….A QUIETER, CALMER, MORE PRAYERFUL CHURCH. New books have been acquired for the use of the Children who attend Mass. I ask parents to look out for these in the Church Porch when coming to Sunday Mass. These can be useful and informative as well as ‘aids’ to prayer life for the ‘little children’. Fr. Benny OUR PARISH FAMILY OUR SICK We pray for the sick in our Parish and all those in the Princess Alice Hospice. If you know of any parishioners who are in Hospital and would appreciate a visit from a priest, please contact the Parish Office. BAPTISM We welcome into the family of the church, Annabel Alice Yeats and Ella Therese Dilworth, who are being baptised this Sunday. If you wish to have your child Baptised, please contact the PARISH OFFICE for information about Preparation Courses. PARISH DATES * * * * * * * * * JOY TO THE WORLD a guided exploration of the gospel message on the meaning of Christmas today Please check that you have these dates in your diary, reminding you to be in Holy Name Parish Rooms, 8.00 – 9.30 p.m., Wednesday November 26th (for Mark); Thursday December 4th (for Matthew); Wednesday 10th (for Luke); Wednesday 17th (for John). What better way to prepare for 25th, Christmas? All welcome! (And so really help today’s children of Bethlehem!) Your guide will be Dr. Tony McCaffry, who asks that you bring a gospel text – and an open mind! Summary notes will be provided at each session. (There is no charge for this course, but a collection will be made for The School of Joy, Bethlehem, providing educational opportunities for children with learning difficulties.) PLEASE INDICATE ON THE SIGN-UP SHEET IN THE CHURCH PORCH THAT YOU WISH TO ATTEND. For further information, please contact Tony: aj.mccaffry@btinternet.com. HOLY SOULS During the month of November we remember especially our departed brothers and sisters. RECEIVING HOLY COMMUNION At all times when we receive the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist we try to show the greatest respect. The dipping of the host into the consecrated wine is called “INTINCTION”. The current edition of the General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM) states: “The blood of the Lord may be received either by drinking from the chalice directly or by intinction” so the practice is permitted. What is not permitted is for the lay faithful to self-communicate by dipping the host that they will consume into the precious blood. This can be done only by a minister of the Eucharist– i.e. Priest or Deacon. From the GIRM (287) -If Communion from the chalice is carried out by intinction, each communicant, holding a communion-plate under the mouth, approaches the Priest who holds a vessel with the sacred particles, with a minister standing at his side and holding the chalice. The Priest takes a host, intincts it partly in the chalice and, showing it, says, ‘The Body and Blood of Christ’. The communicant receives the Sacrament in the mouth from the Priest, and then withdraws. Concerns have been raised by a number of our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion that a growing number of people are ‘dipping’ the Host in the Chalice and, because the hosts do not absorb the Precious Blood, drops are in danger of going on the floor and being walked over. If anybody wishes to discuss the question of ‘Intinction’ I will be happy to meet with them. Fr. Benny If anybody is so inclined you can read the whole of GIRM on the Web! PARISH CHRISTMAS SOUP LUNCH Tuesday 16th December @ 12.30pm Do come along and join us for a Christmas get-together. £5 per head to include soup, bread & cheese, festive cakes, wine & crackers. Please contact the Parish Office by 12th December if you wish to reserve a place. DEANERY CARE MASS……….next Sunday 30th November @ 3pm at Christ the Prince of Peace, Portmore Road, Weybridge, KT13 8JD. EPSOM & DISTRICT IRISH ASSOCIATION holding their next dance at the Rhodrons Club, Rhodrons Avenue, Chessington KT9 1BA phone 0208 397 2683. Its on 12th December 2014 dancing from 8.30pm until 11.30pm featuring Finbarr & Bernie with local parking, a raffle and licensed bar. Tickets £5.00 on the door. All I want for Christmas… An Advent Retreat for Teenagers: 5th-7th December 2014 If you are in school years 7-9, you are invited to the come away for a weekend to Worth Abbey, Sussex. Come along to make new friends, play lots of games, and ask some of those “big” questions about life. The retreat is run by trained youth leaders from the Lay Community of St Benedict at Worth Abbey. The cost of the weekend is £78 but subsidies are available. For more info and booking forms, please contact Mary Hunt (mary_hunt@hotmail.co.uk or 07468 433640). Claygate Choral Society “Rossini - Petite Messe Solennelle” …...Saturday 6th December @ 7.30pm Holy Trinity Church, Church Road, Claygate. Tickets £12.50 available on the door or in advance (01372 463990) EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES As a result of a combination of external funding and staff vacancies, the following employment opportunities currently exist within the diocese: Diocesan Inclusion Adviser (part time); Project Officer (part time, fixed term 2 year): Christian Education Centre Coordinator (full time) For further details please see our website www.dabnet.org THE ST BARNABAS SOCIETY - LETTER OF THANKS We have received a letter of thanks from The St Barnabas Society for our recent donation of 908.88, a copy of which is displayed in the Church Porch, ************** CHRIST THE KING Promoting priestly vocations: The Shepherd-King comes in service to raise-up the lowly and grant them a place in glory with him. Those who are courageous enough to consider a vocation to the priesthood are always deeply aware of their unworthiness. Good! It shows that they know their need of Jesus …. Pray today that the Lord will call many from this diocese to serve him as priests: feeding us with Christ’s Body and Blood, and forgiving our sins in his name. NEXT SUNDAY THERE WILL BE AN ADVENT RETIRING COLLECTION FOR NEEDY FAMILIES WITHIN OUR PARISH EUCHARISTIC ADORATION - MONDAYS AT HOLY NAME 10.00am–3.00pm Sign-Up Cards are available in the Church Porch for more parishioners who wish to join the Rota. The Tablet (£2.90), The Catholic Herald (£1.50), The Catholic Times (£1.30), The Universe (£1.30) are available to purchase in the Church Porch. A&B NEWS is FREE! READERS -NEXT WEEKEND 29TH/30TH NOVEMBER 2014) FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT Sat 6.00pm Cecilia Lawrence Pat Bamford Sun 9.30am Charlotte Burnell Wolter Brenninkmeijer Sun 11.00am Jorge & Saturnino de Andres Readings: Isaiah 63:16-17; 64 1, 3-8 1 Corinthians 1: 3-9 Mark 13: 33-37 MASS INTENTION REQUESTS When requesting a Mass Intention, please indicate whether the Mass is for the deceased, the sick or for another reason. Many thanks. MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS This Weekend 22nd/23rd November 2014 Next Weekend 29th/30th November 2014 Sat. 6.00pm Alfred Howes RIP (A) Sat 6.00pm Jacqueline Leguen de Lacroix RIP (A) Sun. 9.30am Joy Matthews RIP (A) Sun 9.30am Ita Doyle RIP Sun 11.00am People of the Parish Sun 11.00am People of the Parish ***************************************************************************************** Monday 9.30am St Andrew Dung-Lac and Companions Dina Randolfi RIP Tuesday 9.30am Week 34 in Ordinary Time Deceased Members of Kerr & McCabe Families Wednesday 9.30am Week 34 in Ordinary Time Dina Randolfi RIP Thursday 1.00pm Friday FUNERAL MASS - MARGOT O’NEILL DONNELLON RIP 9.30am Week 34 in Ordinary Time Philomena Craddick RIP Saturday 9.30am Week 34 in Ordinary Time Liturgy ****************************************************************************************** CONFESSIONS - SATURDAYS 10-10.30AM COLLECTIONS –THANK YOU Sunday 16th November 2014 £773.80 Second Collection (Arundel Cathedral Maintenance Fund) £312.34 Standing Orders for October - £5,273 The Arundel & Brighton Diocesan Trust. Registered Charity No. 252878 Arundel & Brighton Diocesan website: - www.dabnet.org
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