REFLECTIONS FROM FR. ROBERT BARRON THIS WEEK SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:15am Confession 8am RIP Margaret Mayovsky 9am Ham & Pancake Breakfast School Cafeteria 9:15am Confession 10am INT St.. Alphonsus Parish 11am Ham & Pancake Breakfast School Cafeteria MONDAY FEBRUARY 2 The Presentation of the Lord TUESDAY FEBRUARY 3 8:45am RIP Fr. Edward Caffrey WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 4 8:30am 6:30pm INT John Schaaf SVDP Meeting in McGrath Rm THURSDAY FEBRUARY 5 St. Agatha 8:30am RIP William Clark FRIDAY FEBRUARY 6 St. Paul Miki & Companions 8:30am RIP Stephen Neff SATURDAY FEBRUARY 7 8:30am 9am 4pm 5pm 6pm RIP Fr. Edward Caffrey Pro-Life Rosary Confession RIP Dwight Yamamoto Knights of Columbus Crab Feed in Family Center SUNDAY FEBRUARY 8 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:15am Confession 8am INT St. Alphonsus Parish 9am Coffee & Doughnuts in FC 9:15am Confession 10am RIP Fr. Edward Caffrey 11am Coffee & Doughnuts & Convent Open House 11:15am Sancta Vita in McGrath Rm While teaching in the Capernaum synagogue, Jesus was accosted by a man possessed by an evil spirit. The unfortunate man shouted, What do you want of us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? It is of extraordinary significance that this single person referred to himself in the plural. In this regard, he is like the Gerasene demoniac, who, upon being asked his name, responded, Legion, for there are hundreds of us. One of the terms typically used in the New Testament for the dark power is ho diabolos, which literally means, “the scatterer.” From this Greek word, the terms “devil,” “diablo,” “diable,” and “Teufel” are derived. God is a unity of three Persons, and his characteristic mark is unification; the divine brings the many into one. What stands opposed to God, therefore, is a force of division and separation. The Church Father Origen of Alexandria caught this in his remark, “ubi division ibi peccatum” (where there is division, there is sin). This separation can take place externally, of course, but it can also obtain interiorly. When we have lost contact with Christ, who must be the single organizing principle of our lives, we become scattered within: the mind struggling against the will, one passion waging war against another, etc. In the grip of ho diablos, we can say to the Lord, What do you want of us? What this Gospel passage compels us to do is to acknowledge the divisions both inner and outer that bedevil us and to submit ourselves to the authority of the Christ who brings unity. St. Alphonsus Parish Served by the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity PARISH NEWS PLEASE PRAY FOR: LENT SCHEDULE CONVENT OPEN HOUSE Sandy McGeough, Jordan Windsor, Carlton Anderson, Marnie Ahern, James Foti, Josephine Thomas, Vivian Brady, Linda Buchman, Denise Archuleta, Joan Knebel, Leona Horn, Margarette Higgins, Barbara Eggabraten, Francisco Cerezo, Frank Layman, Charlotte Johnson, Sue Kroll, Kris McBride, Mary Baus, Carole Sierts, Thomas Sampson, Ray Otness, Eileen Luby, Jan Swaisgood, Steve Kirch, Mary Higgins, Sybil Braid, Philip Bould, Teresa Foster, Carol Mclaughlin, Michael Luby, Celia Perez, Barbara Lewis, Lillian Marie Anderson, Marilyn Allan, Jo Galloway, Gabrielle Dudley, Shari Otness, Lynna Nola, Marshall Fuller, Bob Williams, John Tyler, Jon Kruger, Vincent Ventura, Lendardo White, Jason Myers, Jay Mako, Anne Manfredi, Ralph (Todd) Rosenberry, Patricia Anderson It is hard to believe Lent is just around the corner! For Ash Wednesday, February 18, we will have Mass at 8:45am & 6pm. Have you ever wondered what's behind the convent walls? Come find out on Sunday, February 8th. After the 10am Mass, join the Sisters for coffee and donuts at the St. Alphonsus' Convent and take a tour. We are also going to continue the tradition of having Friday Stations of the Cross at 6pm followed by a vegetarian Lenten dinner in the Wilson Room. Please consider joining us for this Lenten devotion and community builder! ADULT CONFIRMATION Are you an adult who missed this sacrament as a teenager? We will be offering an abbreviated series taught by Father Shane and our sisters. Class schedules and registration information is online at Select the Sacraments tab, then Confirmation. If you have any questions contact Lizzy at or 206-784-6464. Serving in Iraq & Afghanistan Giovanni Brown, Christopher Dowling FUNERAL NOTICE Confirmation will take place here at St. Alphonsus on Thursday, April 30 at 7pm. The celebrant will be Archbishop Sartain. The funeral for Margaret Mayovsky will be on Monday, February 9 at noon with the rosary said at 11:30am. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS CRAB FEED Rory Selland also just passed away, no funeral time/date has been set. WELCOME We’d like to welcome the 11 families who joined St. Alphonsus in January. So if you see a new face take a moment and introduce yourselves & welcome them to our wonderful community! Elizabeth Angel, Blumer Family, Todd Brannon, de Botton Family, Hangsitang/ Cerrillo Family, Kristen Kamath, Ulysses Kanigel, Francesco Marino, Puleo Family, Alaina Robertson & Wilson Family Join us for this St. Alphonsus Winter Tradition on Saturday, February 7 (doors open at 6pm, dinner at 6:30pm)! All you can eat fresh crab, clam chowder, garlic bread and dessert! Wine, beer, and soft drinks are also available for purchase. $40 donation per dinner ticket, tickets available online at or in the foyer after weekend Masses. For more info contact Louie Van Hollebeke at 206-498-2692 or visit SUPER PANCAKE SUNDAY It is finally here! Come on over to the school lunchroom and carb load before the BIG GAME. The Holy Name Society will serve a Ham and Pancake breakfast after Masses for only $ 3 for adults, $2 for children 6-12 and FREE for children under 6. ARCHDIOCESE OF SEATTLE TAX FRAUD UPDATE As some of you may know, last year some members of the Archdiocese of Seattle community were affected by a national tax fraud scheme. The best way to protect yourself from tax fraud on your 2014 return is to file your claim as soon as possible. For more info please visit and click the TAX FRAUD INFO blue box in the middle of the screen. SANCTA VITA MEETING Sancta Vita, our parish Respect Life group, will meet next Sunday, the 8th, at 11:15 am in the McGrath Room. All are welcome. RESPECT LIFE “The new evangelization calls for followers of Christ who are unconditionally pro life: who will acclaim, celebrate and serve the Gospel of life in every situation. A sign of hope is the increasing recognition that the dignity of human life must never be taken away, even in the case of someone who has done great evil.” St. Alphonsus Parish 5816 15th Avenue Northwest Seattle, WA 98107 I Phone: 206-784-6464 I Fax: 206-789-5709 I SCHOOL NEWS We are asking you, our parishioners, families, community members, teachers, and staff to support our wonderful parish school through the Annual Fund. THE SOUND OF MUSIC SCRIP NEWS We are excited to announce we will be performing The Sound of Music for the spring musical. Tickets go on sale March 30 at Gather your friends and family for a Superbowl get together complete with food and drinks. Nothing could be better. COSTUME HELP Superbowl party in your weekend plans? Get ready with some good eats using Scrip to your favorite grocery store. There's Scrip to Albertson's, Fred Meyer, Safeway, and more. You can even grab a Scrip to Pizza Hut*, Papa John's*, KFC*, or Subway if you prefer to order in. Either way, Scrip can help you celebrate the big game. Items with a '*' are special order and may take up to 2 weeks to arrive. Scrip cards may be purchased: Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday 8:158:45am in The Commons Wednesday mornings at 11:30am in the Preschool classroom Friday afternoon at 2:45-3:15 pm in The Commons (small cafeteria) After wknd Masses in back vestibule At the Parish office during the week We have many kids in the show and need a good crew ready to make lederhosen, nun's habits, general costumes and of course, those matching kids outfits made from curtains! We had a great time with the sewing bee last year and will be planning even more this year. We need all levels of creativity, sewing talents, ironing abilities, shopping and just the desire to help & have fun. Let me know if you're interested so I can let you know when our costuming events will be happening! Thank you all so much. Contact me with questions. - Lynn Van Hollebeke (Costume Coordinator): 206-604-0816 or stalseattle Contact Mija Hamilton at for more info. We are growing, developing and improving in order to be the best school for our students. This year we have focused on our community service learning. We created “school families” that group students from kindergarten to 8th grade together to build community. We have also integrated electives into the middle school giving our older students more responsibility and added a second 5th grade girls class. Tuition alone does not cover the cost of educating our children. In order to meet our educational needs we must raise additional funds though our Annual Fund. Please give by check in the school envelope in your monthly bundle or online. ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS! We are currently accepting applications for the 2015-2016 school year. Interested families can tour the school building and classrooms with our Admissions Coordinator. Please contact to schedule. UPCOMING PC EVENTS Coffee & Doughnuts: Join us after the 8am & 10am Mass on February 8, 15, 22. February 3: Financial Planner - Saving for High school, College and Retirement. March 11: Julie Metzger, Great Conversations - separate events for middle school students (during school day) and parents (in the evening). Topic TBD! St. Alphonsus Parish School 5816 15th Avenue Northwest Seattle, WA 98107 I Phone: 206-782-4363 I Extended Care: 206-782-7324 I DIOCESAN NEWS & EVENTS CONTACTS PARISH PERSONNEL Pastor Rev. Shane McKee, SOLT WORLD DAY OF THE SICK MASS & ANOINTING OF THE SICK VALENTINE’S DAY MARRIAGE RETREAT When February 13-15 Led by Tom & Kari Curran This special Valentine's Day retreat is designed to help couples discover the hope and adventure in following God’s plan for their marriage. Tom and Kari Curran share wisdom and practical tools that help couples form a faith-centered vision for their marriage and their family that provides a solid foundation from which to grow and withstand the pressures of life. The weekend consists of insightful, humorous and engaging presentations, Q&A sessions, and times for couples to talk and pray together. Most Rev. Eusebio Elizondo, Auxiliary Bishop of Seattle, will lead Mass & Anointing of the Sick on Wednesday, February 11 at 9:30am at Providence Mount St. Vincent in West Seattle (4831 35th Ave SW, 98126 in Chapel on 3rd floor) All are invited to attend. During the Anointing of the Sick, Bishop Elizondo and concelebrating priests will individually bless anyone. Members of the Order of Malta have brought Holy Water from Lourdes to add extra healing & hope. St. James Music Ministry & concert harpist Leslie McMichael will perform during Mass. A reception will follow. For more info: 206-938-6191 or More info about Providence Mount St. Vincent can be found at SEATTLE UNIVERSITY CHOIRS Dr. Tom Curran & Kari Curran are the parents of 9 children. Tom is the Executive Director of, a Catholic ministry dedicated to bringing to life the hidden riches of the faith that have remained buried for many Catholics. To register visit Join us for our 2014-2015 Concert Season events. For more info about concerts and purchasing tickets call 206-296-5372. CEMETERY MASSES Spring Concerts @ St. Joseph’s Friday, April 17 @ 8pm Saturday, April 18 @ 8pm We remember and give thanks at Mass all of those who have died. Everyone is welcome. Masses are on Saturday mornings at 10:30am. February 7 February 14 February 21 Holyrood Cemetery 205 NE 205th St. Shoreline, 98155 Calvary Cemetery 5041 35th Ave. NE Seattle, 98105 Gethsemane Cemetery 37600 Pacific Hwy S. Federal Way, 98003 Lenten Prayer Concert @ Chapel of St. Ignatius (Seattle University Campus) Saturday, March 7 @ 8pm WESTERN WA CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL Unlock the Power James 5:16 Join us on Friday, February 13 for Mass of Intercession with Prayer for Healing and Empowerment at St. Pius X Church (22209 58th Ave W Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043). Fr. Jim Northrop and Fr. Cal Christiansen, Concelebrating. Praise and worship music begins at 6:45pm, Mass is at 7pm followed by prayer ministry. St. Alphonsus Parish Served by the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity Convent House Servant Sister Elisabeth of the Coronation PA for Administration Lizzy Scholz Music Coordinator Angela Petrucci School Principal Matt Eisenhauer School Secretary Charleen Sweet Facilities Supervisor John Altenhofen PARISH MINISTRIES Altar Servers Chris Van Hollebeke 206-783-3916 Athletic Association/CYO Nick Stefonick Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Within Mass Sandy Dresbeck 206-783-9751 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to Homebound Monica de Castro 206-706-7736 Holy Name Society Karl Hoffmann 206-784-7152 Knights of Columbus Louie Van Hollebeke Lectors Lizzy Scholz Parent’s Club Kate Rappe Sanctus Youth Group Sister Solanus St. Vincent de Paul Fran Bielaczy 206-789-8401 Young Adult Ministry Angela Petrucci Finance Council Ignacio Martinez
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