CORNER BRUNSWICK AND REGENT STREETS FREDERICTON, NEW BRUNSWICK PARISH OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 AM-4:30 PM PARISH OFFICE PHONE: 506-444-6001 PARISH OFFICE FAX: 506-444-6006 REV. BILL BRENNAN, PASTOR RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 444-6055 WEB SITE: E-MAIL: REV. MR. KENNETH PARKER, DEACON November 23rd, 2014 ~Christ the King Coming in the New Year... Dei Verbum was one of the foundational teachings of Vatican II because it helped move Scripture into the heart of parish life. In recognition of the 50 th anniversary of Vatican II, there will be an opportunity to study and discuss this document in January at four Tuesday morning or four Thursday evening sessions. Registration forms and more information will be available at the end of November. A regular Little Rock Scripture Study: The Acts of the Apostles will be offered in Lent. Contact: Jayne Nicki - The St. Dunstan's High School youth group will be meeting Sunday November 30th from 4:30 - 6:00. Our topic will be Jesus' message of Peace on Earth Development & Peace "Sow Much Love " Development & Peace concludes the 2014 education component "Sow Much Love" of the broader 2011- 16 Ecological Justice Program. Please consider signing a petition to the Government of Canada demanding respect for the right of small-scale family farmers to preserve, exchange and use seeds. This action is necessary because of the ratification by a number of countries of UPOV 91 (International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants), Bill C-18 in Canada. This petition will be available at each entrance to our Church. Note from Bishop Harris: Dear Sisters & Brothers in Christ: The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception is rapidly approaching. As a diocese, we celebrate this year the 172nd anniversary of our founding in 1842. We also remember and celebrate the 160th anniversary of the founding of our own Sisters of Charity which occurred on October 21st. You are cordially invited to celebrate our patronal feast day and gather for a concelebrated Eucharist. Please extend this invitation to the people you know. It would be wonderful to fill our diocesan Mother Church. Invite the youth to be with us! Monday, December 8, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Saint John A reception will follow in the Cathedral residence. I look forward to welcoming you as we thank God for so many blessings received and ask our Blessed Mother to inspire our "Yes!" for the future. Sincerely in Christ, Robert Harris, Bishop of Saint John We are looking for new Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers. If you feel called to serve in either of these ministries, please contact the respective coordinator who will facilitate training. To become a lector call Dan Toner at 457-6214. To become a Eucharistic Minister call John or Marg Denning at 470-5696. November 23rd, 2014 – Christ the King st 1 Reading: Ezekiel 34:11-12, 15-17 Gospel: Matthew 25:31-46 ✝ MASS INTENTIONS ✝ Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Sun Sun 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 30th 30th 12:05 pm Funeral-Sara Redmond 6:30 pm Marie Robichaud 12:05 pm Francis Connolly 12:05 pm Mass of Thanksgiving 5:00 pm James and Jean Foster 9:00 am Edmond and Rachel Losier 11:30 am Edward Brierty 7:00 pm George Leslie Sharpe NECROLOGY ✝ This Week We Remember ✝ Nov 23 Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday’s 4:00 – 4:30 pm Legion of Mary – Thursdays after noon Mass (12:45pm) st st Nov 24 Nov 25 1 Friday Adoration @ St. Dunstan’s (1 Friday of each month) Catholic Women’s League of Canada Natural Family Planning info: For advice email Nov 26 Senior Choir Rehearsals Wednesdays @ 7:30 pm in the choir loft of the church; use King Street entrance. New members are most welcome. Nov 27 Lector & Eucharistic Minister Schedule November 29th & 30th Lectors 5:00 Vicki Mizner Jocelyn Weirathmueller 9:00 Hughena Macneil David Macneil 11:30 Kay Robinson Bob Monterio 7:00 Phyllis Daigle Cecilia White Eucharistic Ministers Marie Costello (H2) Mary Holland Penny Hutley-Dobson Enrique Serrano (H2) Amelia Serrano Alice Coady Patricia Earle Pauline Arnold Robert Michaud (H2) Chris McAloon Anne Macies Margaret Savidge Noreen Vaillancourt Agnes LeBlanc (H2) Esther Archibald Gracie Mersereau Offertory Collection November 16th Offertory (Operating) $ 10,939.92 Budgeted 7,847.00 Variance $ 3,092.92 Other (Bldg Fund, Cemetery, Poor, etc) $ 563.00 Thank you for your continued support of our Parish. 2015 Offertory Envelopes are available to pick up at the Regent Street entrance to the church. 2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:20-26, 28 Nov 28 Nov 29 Nov 30 Most Rev E Q Jennings Charles Ryan M Josephine McCaughey Henry Leung Joseph William Sears Ellen Mary Foley Kimberley Ann Hiltz Sidney Isidore Pobihushchy Thom Joordens Ann Elizabeth Manning Mary Hanusiak Frances L Rowan Leo John Green Frances E. Burgoyne Laura Jean Meehan Joseph Leo Lifford James O. Foster Frederick (Buster) Harvey Adeland Duguay Marion King Mary Goguen Carmel Evelyn McManus Colleen Mary Price Helen Agatha O’Connor J Theodore (Ted) Daigle Mary Agnes Sears Lawrence Daigle Christine Margaret Lavoie Nellie Agnes O’Brien Frank McCafferty Frances H McGinn Joseph Hector Arsenault Robert Paul LaVigne 1970 1988 1976 1983 1988 1990 2006 2006 2009 2012 1973 1974 1993 1994 1994 1971 2005 2007 1975 1983 1984 1992 1998 2007 1983 1990 2000 2013 1973 1983 1976 2004 2011 Faithful Departed Richard Roy, husband of Kate Weaver Sara Redmond, mother of Michael, Shawn and Cait James Patrick Tobin, son of Cyril and the late Theresa th Readings for November 30 1 Reading Isaiah 63:16b-17; 64:1, 3-8 nd 2 Reading 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 Gospel Mark 13:33-37 st Sanctuary Lamp In memory of Clara Monahan 2015 Sunday Missals are now available in the Parish office $4.00 each. Music CD’s – Seven Short of a Dozen featuring Mary Hanson and Laura Gallivan (Hallelujah) available in the parish office $10 each. Great gift idea! Little Blue Books Advent & Christmas Season, Six-Minute reflections on the Advent/Christmas season weekday Gospels. Available in the Parish office $1.00 each Revisiting the gift of Eucharist Some of us distribute communion to our brothers and sisters at Mass, some of us bring communion to our brothers and sisters in their homes, senior residences, or hospitals, and some of us partake of communion whenever we gather for Mass. In all of these situations, the Eucharist is a regular part of our responding to God’s call to receive such a gift. And, like anything else we do with any regularity, perhaps it is time to be reminded of how significant and special this gift that God offers is. And perhaps it is time to be reminded of the responsibility that comes with this gift. We’d love to invite you to join us as we spend some time together revisiting the Eucharist, its early meanings and what it signifies for us today. Claudette Derdaele, Coordinator of the Lay Pastoral Ministry Formation program for the Diocese of Saint John, will guide our conversation on Saturday, January 24th (snow date January 31) from 9:30 until noon at St. Dunstan’s church. The Pastoral Visitation Committee invites you to take part in this prayerful reflection on the Sacrament of the Eucharist .Please call (458-5571) or e-mail ( Tim Dilworth to indicate that you will attend this workshop. Catholic Women's League members Christmas Dinner Tickets will be available to purchase at the Parish office. The dinner will be on December 9th @ 5:30pm followed by the Regular Monthly Meeting. Members are welcome and encouraged to invite a friend who may be interested in learning more about the CWL or becoming a CWL member. The Bel Canto Singers of Fredericton will present a concert of moving and beautiful Christmas music in Fredericton on Saturday, December 6th at 7:30 at Christ Church Cathedral. There will be music for everyone; including works by Bruckner, Rutter, Willan, Victoria, Pärt, Hassler, Palestrina and others. As is Bel Canto’s tradition, there will also be a seasonal sing-a-long. Tickets are available at Westminster Books, from choir members and at the door. Visit the Bel Canto Singers of Fredericton online at LECTURE by Dr. Michael Higgins this Thursday, November 27th @ 4:00pm, Holy Cross House, Room 5, St. Thomas University. TITLE: A Man Called John and a Man Called Louie: Pope John XXIII and Thomas Merton. DESCRIPTION: This relationship recorded in a series of letters and a papal gift is an extraordinary cameo moment between two towering spiritual figures. Both the Pope and the Trappist shared much in common, particularly around universal peace, the renewal of religious, and a new pastoral approach to the world. Their mutual ecumenical spirit and their gift for holy candour united them in unique and illuminating ways. Hosted by St. John XXIII Chair in Catholic Studies. Lincoln Community Christmas Breakfast Saturday, December 13 at St Francis of Assisi Hall. 8-10:30 am. Adults $6, Family $15. Special treats for this Breakfast. Special thanks to Andrew Perry and Staff from McAdam's Funeral Home and Oromocto Funeral Home for sponsoring this event. Fresh Double Sided Evergreen Wreaths Grandmothers Helping Grandmothers is again selling double-sided, 12 in. balsam fir wreaths – undecorated sell for $12.00 and decorated (pine cones, white cedar branches, and red velvet bow) sell for $14.00. If you are interested in purchasing a wreath and supporting a worthy cause please contact me, Irene Lydon, (50 Poets Lane) at 459-1051 or Deadline for orders is Nov. 24. We would appreciate payment at the time of your order – either in cash or by cheque payable to Grandmothers Helping Grandmothers. Wreaths can be picked up in the atrium following the 5:00 mass Sat. Nov. 29 or following the 9:00 and 11:30 masses on Sun. Nov. 30 or at 50 Poets Lane on Sat. Nov. 29 between 11:00 and 3:00. Thank you very much for considering this. We can make a difference--one Grandmother at a time! Irene Lydon. The Spiritual & Religious Care Educational Foundation is a local multi-faith Foundation. It's main purpose is to provide bursaries for students taking the Clinical Pastoral Education Program at the Chalmer's Hospital. The students visit with patients so as to provide spiritual & religious care in a time of need. The students are not paid, but provide a tremendously valuable visiting ministry for patients and the Hospital in terms of volunteer hours. The Foundation meets briefly only twice a year, but is currently in need of further Board members. You do not need any particular skills...only an interest. Might you consider to become a Board member? Please contact Chris McAloon at 474-2342 or Thank you. EMBRACING OUR HERITAGE Join us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn for news, progress updates and photos about the Cathedral Restoration Project. Follow us for details about the concerts and other events we offer throughout the year. You play an important role in the Cathedral Restoration Project and we rely on you to help spread the word about the project. Please share these pages with your social networks and encourage them to join us on social media as well. This is a great way to get more people interested and involved in the restoration of this Provincial Heritage Place. Your involvement means so much to us. Thanks for helping us spread the good news! If you have any questions, email Assisted Hearing Devices available Please make contributions payable to Cathedral Restoration Project. to sign out in the Parish Office If you wish to make a contribution by mail, or to contact us, our mailing address is: Cathedral Heritage Foundation One Bayard Drive Saint John, New Brunswick E2L 3L5 506-653-6967 | sign our guestbook | "like"Reminder us on Facebook | unsubscribe| donate today to keep our church “SCENT FREE” as some people The Cathedral Restoration and Waterloo Village Revitalization Project administered by the Cathedral Heritage Foundation, a non-profit charitableof organization areissensitive and have Knights . independent of the Diocese of Saint John. Columbus allergies. Thank you 170 Regent Street 455-8643 Bishop Dollard Council 1942 Grand Knight Robert Gerard 459-8209 E-mail – Rev. Dr. G Everett Grant Assembly 0620 (4th Degree) Claude Dery Faithful Navigator 472-1872
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