THE CATHEDRAL OF SAINT PETER 200 West Harrison Street, Belleville, Illinois 62220 Phone: 618.234.1166 Email: You enter this Cathedral ... not as a stranger, but as a guest of God. Come, then, with joy in your heart and thanks on your lips. Be grateful for the strong and faithful ones who built this place of worship, and to all who have beautified and hallowed it by their prayer and praise. Offer your prayers and thanks here ... adore Christ's Real Presence ... honor the saints. Rejoice in the power of the Holy Spirit, that the Lord's blessing may rest on you, on both your coming in and your going out. THE CATHEDRAL OF SAINT PETER 200 West Harrison Street • Belleville, Illinois 62220-2090 • 618.234.1166 • His Excellency, The Most Reverend Edward K. Braxton, Ph.D., S.T.D., Bishop of Belleville MINISTRY TO THE SICK MASSES Saturday: Sunday: Weekdays: Holydays: Parish priests, deacons and ministers of care visit those who are homebound, nursing home residents & hospital pa ents. If you or someone you know would like a visit from a minister of care, becomes a nursing home resident or is admi ed to a hospital other than St. Elizabeth’s or Memorial, please contact the rectory. 4:00 P.M. Vigil Mass 8:00 A.M. 10:30 A.M. & 5:00 P.M. 6:45 A.M. Monday through Friday 6:30 A.M. & 12:10 P.M. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION PARISH OFFICE HOURS Weekdays: 7:15 A.M. Saturday: 3:00 P.M. un l 3:45 P.M. SACRAMENTS OF BAPTISM AND MARRIAGE The Rite of Bap sm for children is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month. Marriage prepara on requires at least 4 - 6 months. Advance planning is needed for both sacraments, contact the Rectory at 234.1166. We look forward to celebra ng these great Sacraments with you on the special day! MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP DEVOTIONS Tuesdays a er 6:45 A.M. Mass. Rector Voca on Director In Residence Permanent Deacon Permanent Deacon Permanent Deacon Director of Religious Educa on PARISH CATHOLIC SCHOOL Mrs. Linda Hobbs Ms. Jane Stock Mrs. Amy Gould 233.6414 Principal Co-Chairperson Parish Board of Educa on Co-Chairperson Parish Board of Educa on PARISH SCHOOL OF RELIGION Ms. Jane Stock SUNDAY SCHOOL Coordinator (Religious Instruc on for 3 to 5 years old) Mrs. Rebecca Merichori & Mrs. Malina Spatafore PARISH OFFICE Mrs. Josie Weiler Mrs. Linda Pensoneau Mr. Dennis York Mrs. Diane Walsh Coordinators 234.1166 Secretary Administra ve Assistant Business Manager Green Mount Catholic Cemetery PARISH MAINTENANCE AND GROUNDS Mr. Marty Weidenbenner / Wednesday Work Crew PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Mrs. Karen Siddall Mrs. Sue Pederson Mr. Trent Gutridge Mr. John McCoy Mr. Steve Harter Chairperson Vice-Chairperson Secretary Trustee Trustee LITURGICAL MUSIC Mr. Dennis York BULLETIN NOTICES All no ces to be published in the bulle n MUST be submi ed to the Rectory by NOON on Tuesdays of the week you wish them to appear. Please submit via e-mail to: WORSHIP PARISH STAFF DIRECTORY Rev. Monsignor John T. Myler Rev. Nicholas Junker Deacon Robert Becker Deacon David Fields Deacon Wayne Weiler Sister Theresa Markus, SSND The parish office business hours are Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 p.m. Please conduct all business at that me. IE: Marriage, Bap sm & Mass requests, appointments, etc. There is an evening recep onist to answer the phones and door; however, scheduling will not take place outside business hours. Thank you for your coopera on. Organist & Music Director Catholic Websites: Cathedral of Saint Peter: Diocese of Belleville: Children’s Schola Extraordinary Ministers Lectors Liturgy CommiƩee Men’s Choir Ministers of Hospitality RCIA Servers Youth Choir Ushers Women’s Choir Ashley Gutridge Sr. Theresa Markus Monsignor John T. Myler Monsignor John T. Myler Bill Mueller Sr. Theresa Markus Sr. Theresa Markus Msgr. John T. Myler & Fr. Nicholas Junker Paul Lindauer Sr. Theresa Markus Laura Veach OUTREACH Knights of Columbus Ministers of Care Ministry to the Bereaved Pro-Life Quilters Rosary Makers Guild Sacred Heart Prayer Chain St. Vincent DePaul Food Pantry St. Vincent DePaul Wednesday Work Crew Welcoming CommiƩee Paul Storment Susan Wiegers Call Rectory Doug Lugge Jeane e Becker Marilyn Neumeyer Nick Lang Stephanie Norgard & Gary Calhoun Diane Hermann John McCoy Margie Schwartz FORMATION AthleƟc Director AthleƟc CommiƩee BapƟsmal PreparaƟon Boy Scouts Cub Scouts Cathedral Grade School Parents’ Club Cursillo Girl Scouts New Evangelizers LiƩle Flowers Girls’ Club Marriage Encounter Play and Pray Group Pre-Cana Secular Franciscans Chris ne Jones Amy Gould Monsignor John T. Myler Rob Stock Andy Katze Amy Toenjes Steve & Jeane e Schranz Rita Schaefer Monsignor John T. Myler Leslie Katze Call Rectory Aldara Henderson Call Rectory Mary Ellen Herrmann Cathedral Grade School: The Vatican: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: The Baptism of the Lord January 11, 2015 Worship Mass Intentions Saturday, January 10: Christmas Weekday 2:00 pm Wedding of Ricardo Romo and Jessica Voracek Saturday, January 10: Vigil: The Baptism of the Lord 4:00 pm Leroy & Georgianna Schneider Barbara Riechoff Rita Musial Sunday, January 11: The Baptism of the Lord 8:00 am Katlin Rosciglione Arthur Hermann Living and Deceased of Cathedral Parish 10:30 am Deacon Joseph & Elizabeth Stock Paula Yaekel George Zollner & Family 5:00 pm Special Intention E.O. Gilbert Fleshren George Adler Monday, January 12: Weekday 6:45 am Jeanie K. Huber Harold Wright Roger Wentz Tuesday, January 13: Weekday 6:45 am Beth Friederich Herb Mellein Family Isadore Fietsam Wednesday, January 14: Weekday 6:45 am Von F. Berger John & Henrietta Bauer Helen Mank Would you like to register with the Cathedral of Saint Peter Parish? Please call the Rectory Office at 234-1166 between 9 am – 4 pm Monday through Friday or email with your name and address and a registration form will be sent to you. Cathedral of St. Peter Sacred Heart Prayer Chain This ministry is dedicated to daily prayers for your intentions. If you would like to join in this ministry or to have your intentions prayed for, please contact Nick Lang at 213.6391 or You may also contact the rectory at 234.1166 to have your request forwarded. Lighthouse CD this week… Faith at Work and the Holy Moment Thursday, January 15: Weekday 6:45 am August J. Mueller Daniel Moehle Teresa Adler Friday, January 16: Weekday 6:45 am Francisco Flores Garcia Special Intention A.J. Arlene Earnhart 8:00 am Deceased of Perpetual Help Sodality Oliver Friese John Prindable Saturday, January 17: Vigil: Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:00 pm Stanley Gaa Leonard Buescher Anthony Holdener, Sr. Do you struggle with living your faith at work? Is holiness possible? Does being ethical help or hurt the profitability of a business? These are just some of the questions Matthew Kelly answers in this presentation which was made to the Catholic Business and Ethics Conference. CDs are available near the entrances of the Cathedral. Sunday, January 18: Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 am Mary Lucille Morrisett Wayne Lanter Herschel Eitzenhefer 10:30 am Mark Biehl Patrick Dillon Regina Bach 5:00 pm Walter & Elizabeth Grandcolas Helen Lee Living and Deceased of Cathedral Parish Please pray for the repose of the souls of … Henry “Sonny” Haas Joseph Schulte Congratulations and prayers for ... Ricardo Romo and Jessica Voracek who were married on January 11th The Baptism of the Lord January 11, 2015 Formation Crusader Corner Your Gifts to God And Parish Stewardship of Treasure We have been back to our school routine for a week and it is as if we never left. We are finished with our 2nd quarter. It is hard to believe we are finished with half of our school year! December 2014 BUDGETED Our Scholar Bowl team has their first meet on Tuesday against Queen of Peace. We wish them the best of luck! Thanks for all that you do, Linda Hobbs, Principal Cathedral Grade School December 6/7 December 13/14 December 20/21 December 22/29 TOTAL ACTUAL $13,250 $13,250 $13,250 $13,250 $53,000 $18,073 $16,571 $12,059 $31,978 $78,682 Sunday, January 3 & 4, 2015 Teens Encounter Christ - TEC will hold a Reunion Mass at 4:45 p.m. Sunday, January 18 at St. Dominic Catholic Church in Breese. . If you have ever made a TEC weekend, and you'd like to get periodic email updates on our ministry's current events, please send an email to Luke 18: Attention all 6th-8th grade students…The date of the retreat will be February 6-8, 2015 at St. Mary Catholic Church, 1706 West Main Street, Belleville. Registration deadline is January 16th. For more information and a registration form, please contact the Adult Team Co-Leaders, Kristine Lamons and Randy Riesenberger, at Loose Sunday Envelopes Debt Reduction Children’s Envelopes TOTAL $ 1,454.15 $ 16,608.59 $ 556.00 $ 1.00 $ 18,619.74 Needy of the Diocese $ 3,461.00 January 2015 BUDGETED January 3/4 January 10/11 January 17/18 January 24/25 TOTAL Please check our St. Peter's Youth Group and Catholic Belleville Area Youth Facebook pages for more immediate updates. Any questions, please call Michele Storment at 978-1005. ACTUAL $13,250 $13,250 $13,250 $13,250 $53,000 $18,619 $18,619 An invitation to Cathedral parishioners for our St. Valentine’s Dinner in the evening on Saturday, February 14 in the Undercroft. Cathedral Grade School Lunch Menu Mon: Chicken quesadilla or Sloppy joe, green beans, peaches. Tue: Mini corn dogs or BBQ ribette sandwich, cole slaw, baked beans, mandarin oranges. Wed: Mozzarella sticks or Turkey wrap, seasoned carrots, pineapple. Thu: Popcorn chicken or Salisbury steak, mashed potatoes, pears, animal crackers. Fri: Chicken noodle soup or Sub sandwich, broccoli, fruit crisp. Reservation must be made by Tuesday, February 10 by calling Karen Siddall at 235-0098, by emailing with your name(s) and phone number. THIS WEEK AT THE CATHEDRAL JANUARY 11 - JANUARY 17 SUN 11TH MON 12TH TUE 13TH WED 14TH THU 15TH FRI 16TH SAT 17TH 8 am Mass 6:45 am Mass followed by Reconciliation 6:45 am Mass followed by Reconciliation 6:45 am Mass followed by Reconciliation 6:45 am Mass followed by Reconciliation 6:45 am Mass followed by Reconciliation 8 am Breakfast for Needy in Café ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- 7:30 am Quilters 9-11 am Food Pantry 9-11 am Food Pantry 8 am Mass ---------------------------------- 8:30 am PSR - School ---------------------------------- 9 am RCIA - Rectory ----------------------------------- 10:30 am Mass ---------------------------------- 7 pm Pastoral --------------------------------Council Mtg - Library 1:30 - 5 pm Deacon Formation - Undercroft ------------------------------------ 4 pm Youth Choir ————-----——————— 5 pm Mass ------------------------------------ 7 pm Boy Scouts - Undercroft ----------------------------------------------- 7:30 am Quilters ---------------------------------------------- 8 am Wed. Work Crew -------------------------------------- 1 pm Cenacle Mtg - Library ---------------------------------------- 1:30 pm Ministry of Care Mtg - Rectory Basement ---------------------------------------------- 6:30 pm Women’s Choir ---------------------------------------------------- 7 pm B.A.R.T.L. Mtg - Library -------------------------------------- 8 pm Men’s Choir --------------------------------------- 8 am - 4 pm Boy Scout Workshop - Undercroft ---------------------------------- 3 pm Reconciliation --------------------------------- 4 pm Mass The Baptism of the Lord January 11, 2015 Pastoral Plan for Parish Renewal and Restructuring Please keep our "parish partnerships" in your prayers --along with prayers for our new school: Notre Dame. (More information coming soon about "Catholic Schools Week" -- the last week in January!) My dear parishioners, Prayerful thanks for your kind Christmas greetings and remembrances! The seasons of Advent and Christmas-time have just been beautiful here at the Cathedral ... Thanks to musicians and liturgical assistants ... to the Church, Rectory and School staffs ... to those who decorate the Cathedral (inside and outside) and who put up our exquisite European Nativity set - which is now over 100 years old. And thanks to each of you whose special "Christmas Flower Fund" gifts purchased the red and creamcolored poinsettias ... and for your Christmas and end-of-the-year contributions to your Cathedral parish. 2015 will be exciting for our Cathedral Parish -- and I thought you might find the following update interesting: Update on "The Cottages at Cathedral Square" You've surely noticed all the construction that's been happening at the site over the last couple of months! It was five years ago ... that we received notice from the inspectors that the old "Pants Factory" (which the parish owned) would have to be torn down. We were sadly astonished that the cost of demolition would be about $250,000! Money we didn't have ... and we'd be left with a "hole in the ground." Then ... the Parish Pastoral Council slowly developed the idea of "affordable housing" for Seniors. The wonderful St. Patrick Center in St. Louis showed us some of the fine rehab work they'd done -- and their consultants became our consultants. Within the last three years ... the Parish purchased the other vacant or run-down properties on the block (and the Parish has since been re-paid for those costs.) Our consultants found interest in the Senior Housing from metro-east developers and businesses; a partnership was formed to own and operate the buildings. The demolition of the smaller old buildings was paid for by a grant -- and the final architectural plans were drawn. Over the last two years ... the new partners in "The Cottages" applied for funding from Federal Tax Credits -and their application was finally accepted and approved by the State of Illinois. The demolition of the Pants Factory was approved and last year, the City of Belleville kindly assisted financially in the Pants Factory demolition. It was discovered that "renovating" the empty Convent building would be more expensive than New Construction -- so what you see is the new two-story "main" building of the Cottages (with 16 one- and -two bedroom apartments) and four other buildings (with another 16 mostly two bedroom apartments). Spring of 2015 will be the completion date of the large building ... end of summer 2015 for the other buildings! (Details regarding official applications for rental will be coming in the New Year.) We are so grateful that what started out five years ago as a probable large expense to the Cathedral Parish has become -- thanks to "vision" and "cooperation" and "not losing hope" -- a new attractive neighbor for us ... a help to upgrading the whole Cathedral area ... and a service to senior citizens for decades to come. Please continue to watch as "The Cottages at Cathedral Square" are built and made ready for occupancy. And pray in thanksgiving to God for the project's partners, developers, construction crews and craftsmen. In the Spring of this New Year 2015 -- they will have an "open-house" and we'll all see "what's new at the Cathedral!" In Christ, Monsignor Myler The Baptism of the Lord January 11, 2015 Spotlight on our Advertisers Employment Opportunity Sweet Sinsation - 1624 W. Main St. - 355.7966 Remember to thank our advertisers for supporting our bulletin when using their services. The Diocese of Belleville is seeking a Chief Financial Officer (CFO). The Chief Financial Officer of the Diocese reports directly to the Bishop. (“It is for the finance officer to administer the goods of the Diocese under the authority of the Bishop…” Cf. CCL, Canon 494, #3.) The CFO has the primary responsibility for the work of the Diocesan Finance Council. He or she provides accurate, meaningful financial statements and information to the Bishop, who is the administrator of the temporal goods of the Diocese, and to the various boards which assist the Bishop in the operation of the Diocese. The CFO, who monitors investments while assembling and monitoring the budgets of various departments and agencies throughout the Diocese, also meets with outside vendors and consultants on a wide range of issues. The CFO serves as Executive Director of the Catholic Community Foundation for the Catholic Diocese of Belleville and oversees facility and property management as well as real-estate acquisition. In addition, the CFO meets regularly with the Bishop and Vicar General and with Directors of Diocesan Departments as a planning body. Events Around the Diocese Sun, 1/25: Holy Trinity Council of Catholic Women Quilt/Cash Bingo, Fairview Heights. Bring a canned good for the pantry and received a free card w/tally purchase. Lunch at 11:30 am and Bingo at 1 pm. For info call Patricia 234.0321. Sat, 1/31: St. Henry Creative Learning Ctr Rummage Sale, Belleville. $5 admission on Friday from 6-8 pm. Saturday from 8 am - 1 pm. Accepting donated items Mon, Jan 18 thru Wed, Jan 28 from 9 am - 6 pm. Host Family needed... CETUSA is looking for a host family for the Second Semester for Exchange Student going to Althoff High School. He is a good student, and enjoys doing board games, bicycling, reading, computers, bowling and movies. Students bring their own spending money and insurance. The Host Family would provide a place to sleep, study and meals on the table. Host Family can be families with or without children, empty nesters or retired couple. If interested in hosting him, please contact Julie at 314-703-6070 or email me at Bingo Bingo at 11:45 am TUESDAYS at C. K. & L. of I. Country Club Benefits Our Food Pantry & Athletic Program Bingo report for last week: $1,181. Cathedral Quilters Our Cathedral quilters have beautiful hand quilted baby and queen size quilts for sale. Come see them on Mon. or Wed. from 9 am - 3 pm in the rectory basement. The successful candidate will hold a Bachelor’s Degree and have 7-10 years of directly related experience in finance, accounting, management, administration and investment analysis. A current license as a Certified Public Accountant is desirable, but not required. The incumbent is required to be a faithful, committed Catholic who understands and accepts the teachings and disciplines of the Catholic Church. TO APPLY: Resume, cover letter, preferred salary range, and references to Human Resources, Diocese of Belleville, 222 South Third Street, Belleville, IL 62220 or email Application Deadline: February 13. “The Messenger” Renewal Weekend is February 7/8 Please stay connected through a subscription. Payments can be made through your parish envelope or on-line at Print cost is $25; Electronic cost is $25; or both for $30. In the event of a fire or any emergency which would require the evacuation of the building, the priest will direct the congregants to evacuate the premises. The ushers shall assist the faithful in the evacuation. Congregants shall be directed to the parking lot across the street. No attempt should be made to move vehicles in the immediate vicinity of the church (unless so directed by the appropriate authorities) in order to prevent impeding the arrival of emergency equipment. Liturgical Ministry Schedule: January 17 & 18 Lectors EMC St. Vincent de Paul For the week January 6 St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry was able to provide groceries to 18 families, consisting of 30 adults & 14 children valued at $1,200. We are in need of… Canned Fruit Sugar Instant Mashed Potatoes Jello Chicken & Dumplings Cereal Hamburger Helper Toilet Paper Dish Detergent Toothpaste Servers Sat. 4 PM Sun. 8 AM Sun. 10:30 AM Sun. 5 PM B. McCormack C. Becker J. Surmeier G. Schwartz F. Foster J. Goedelman P. Jenks M. Neumeyer B. Barbieri S. Deitz D. O’Neill P. O’Neill S. Schranz J. Schranz D. Schaefer S. Pederson S. Fizer A. Rasure R. Schmittling Sr. Theresa E. Ortiz L. Ortiz S. Warren C. Warren G. Buelow L. Kania C. Katze I. Toler J. Cummings V. Lanter S. Schranz A. Katze N. Katze O. Lugge A. Scrivner J. Eilerman T. Merchiori Hospitality Offertory Rosary Need Volunteers S. McCormack J. Riess & C. Metze M. Marek P. Voss S. Pederson Family D. Schaefer P. Storment Need Volunteers S. Warren Family South Side Improvement Association 800 SOUTH 6TH STREET, BELLEVILLE 618-233-9380 * HALL RENTALS * Friday Fish Fries 1st & 3rd of each month Turtle Soup Saturdays Oct.-March Steve Kiefer Professional 140 Iowa Avenue Belleville, IL 62226 Residential / Commercial • • Joe Schanz • (618) 580-1966 • Call for a Free Estimate - (888) 223-3797 Donte Marchbanks President Personal Injury - Family Law 233-8590 LLC “With God Anything Is Possible” 618•277•7744 LAW OFFICE OF RHONDA D. FISS, P.C. Rhonda D. Fiss, J.D. 23 Public Square, Suite 230 Belleville, Illinois Asphalt & Sealing Office Cleaning Hard Floor Care Carpet Care Window Cleaning P 618-688-2600 F 618-398-8480 C 618-979-6448 10% OFF New Clients “When Quality Counts, Count On Us!” 4400 North Belt West • 618-234-5005 Decks • Fences • Room Additions Siding • Roofing • Home Repairs BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER 618-355-9181 1601 W. Main St. • Belleville, IL 62220 HONER MEMORIALS “Free Estimates” Rick Boydte Mobile: 910-1617 4204 West Main St. Belleville 10% OFF w/Ad 829 S. ILLINOIS 233-2265 1-800-353-2323 1624 W. Main St., Belleville, IL 62220 618-355-7966 “Now Serving Ice Cream” Serving Our Friends Daily Visit us in O’Fallon 455-D Regency Park Dr. (SW Corner at Green Mt. Road) 618-624-3440 • • • • • Open Daily Until 2 p.m. Kids Menu Private Dining Room Free WiFi 10% Military & Senior Discount Mardi & Jim Mauch Owners We Bring People and Nature Together! Fresh Seed * Feeders Houses * Hardware * Birdbaths Nature and Garden Gifts 2657 N. Illinois St. Swansea, IL 62226 Phone: (618) 235-3370 Hall Rental Small or Large Gatherings For Weddings, All Kinds of Parties Business Meeting Specials Book Early We Can Cater Your Event Bingo Every Wednesday @ 7:00 PM 216 Service St. Swansea • (618) 277-6331 ATTN: Seniors Need help at home? wson INC. DaROOFING, Call Today for a Free Quote! Al Saponar Specialists In Quality Reroofing & Repairs 618-530-0088 Coffee, Tea, Wine, Scotch, Bourbon & Gourmet Baskets Order Your Custom Gift Baskets We Deliver First 4 hours FREE! Call Kristi 618-746-6501 health markets Licensed Insurance Agent HealthMarkets Insurance Agency Life l Health l Medicare l Long-Term Care Member RCGA and NRCA Fully Insured For Your Protection Financing Available Since 1978 FREE ESTIMATES We accept: M/C VISA DISCOVER AMEX 314-837-4671 • 636-949-6821 IL: 618-207-4175 217 East Main St. Mascoutah, IL 62258 618-566-8583 618-277-4310 001839 St Peter's Cathedral (B) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629 Lunch & Dinner Daily Weekend Buffet & Sunday Brunch 394-6237 National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows Green Mount Catholic Cemetery “A country setting on Green Mount Rd.” Office Address: 200 west Harrison Street Phone: 234-1166 Richard J. Breslin MARY’S HIDDEN TREASURES RESALE SHOP 800 East Main Mon-Fri 9-4 Belleville, IL 62220 Sat. 9-3 720 West Main Street 618-233-6400 10% OFF With This Ad Member FDIC and Our Community 20% DISCOUNT TO OUR FELLOW CHURCH MEMBERS & FAMILIES ON SUNDAYS Certified Public Accountant 618-277-7030 Every vehicle includes a Lifetime Warranty! Ryan Blackwell Cell 618-540-9890 Vitreretinol Surgery and Diseases ILLINOIS RETINA SURGERY, Ltd. 3990 N. Illinois St. Swansea, IL 618-277-1130 Exchange: 618-398-9421 MARK CADELL IL 618-236-1553 MO: 314-621-1194 / FAX: 618-236-2730 Dutch Hollow Janitorial Supplies, Inc. 505 S. Illinois Belleville 235-9811 CHEMICALS, PAPER PRODUCTS, BROOMS, MOPS 6218 OLD ST. LOUIS RD., ROUTE 13 BELLEVILLE, IL Vacuum Cleaner Exchange GOODALL STEEL SUPPLY Serving Southern Illinois Since 1963 10% DISCOUNT THE REST OF THE WEEK 4 LOCATIONS: FAIRVIEW/O’FALLON - BELLEVILLE - COLLINSVILLE - EDWARDSVILLE Just bring this flyer for your special discount Not to be combined with other coupons or discounts Thomas N. Fleming, MD 900 S. Illinois St. Belleville, IL 62223 618-234-3575 1825 E. Edwardsville Rd. Wood River, IL 62095 NEW STEEL IN STOCK ANGLES•FLAT STEEL•ETC. 905 WEST BLVD. BELLEVILLE 234-3630 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 KEVIN J. KUBITSCHEK Comanche Ceramics and Gifts ATTORNEY Creators of Quality Bisque and Finish Ware Specializing in custom Nativity and Chess Sets Consultation & Representation in Carolyn & Dan Mers - Belleville, IL. 62223 Hours by Appointment Only 618-398-4726 PERSONAL INJURY FAMILY ◆ ESTATES ◆ $49.95 Complete Interior & Exterior Pest Control ◆ Simply Author & Sindy Illustrator Children’s Smith of Books with a Belleville: 618-235-5281 Freeburg: 618-539-4801 1110 West Main Belleville 277-0250 Everyday (All you can eat) Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner 618-416-1656 4508 West Main • Belleville BERTCO Automotive Foreign & Domestic Repair STEVE BERTELSMAN - Owner 609 South Belt West Belleville, IL 62220 222-9950 Free Estimates Meals, Housekeeping Personal Care and much more 618-257-2200 Moral Message Greeting Cards & Unique Gifts 10% OFF WITH THIS AD 618-401-4964 1110 W. Main St., Belleville, IL Lawn - n - More Call Keith @ 618-250-8933 Mowing & Hedge Trimming, Gutters Cleaned/Odd Jobs Tree & Hedge Removal, Small Building Teardown Yard Clean-up & Hauling CREDIT UNION 6100 WEST MAIN 1900 CARLYLE 1109 HARTMAN LN 233-2212 222-1508 233-8073 Cindy Veliz & Raquel Vice Protect Your Most Valued Assets, Family & Loved Ones Mother-Daughter Team Make an estate plan before it is too late Call Benjamin Edwards, Attorney at 618-394-0177 6600 W. Main St. • St. Peter’s Cathedral Parishioner FREE Staging Consultation (618) 791-6333 SWANSEA FAMILY RESTAURANT AST AKF AY E R B LL D A Turned Treasures Gallery & School of Woodturning 225 East Main Street Belleville, IL 62220 618.698.3627 258 Lebanon Ave • Belleville 62220 FRESH & HOMEMADE Phone: 234-2056 MASH POTATOES, HASH BROWNS, PAYING HIGH INSURANCE COST? AMERICAN FRIES, FRENCH FRIES, Contact: SALADS & STRAWBERRIES Joe Hayden Over 9 Companies to Quote! DELICIOUS SOUPS PREPARED DAILY Email for Quotes: 1500 N. ILLINOIS ST. 618-235-2864 SWANSEA, IL Or, (618) 234-8956 OPEN 6 am – 9 pm BREAKFAST LUNCH and DINNER 001839 St Peter's Cathedral (A) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
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