HINTLESHAM The CHURCH Village LINK PARISH CHATTISHAM Collator & Distributor: Helen Rogerson, The Old Rectory, Hintlesham, IP8 3PT. Telephone: 01473 652258. E-mail: helenrogerson@googlemail.com www.hintleshamandchattisham.onesuffolk.net PLEASE NOTE: early copy date for December issue - 12th November - to allow for Christmas period NOVEMBER 2014 Celebration of 100 years of the Diocese of St Edmundsbury & Ipswich To mark this centenary year, our Benefice is to hold a service of celebration followed by a shared lunch: Sunday, November 30th, 11.00am at St Nicholas Church, Hintlesham followed by lunch in the Community Hall Please bring a donation of food for our shared lunch For more information, contact Jenny 652466 or Margaret 652210 Macmillan Tea Party Many thanks to all those who came and had tea and cakes at the Macmillan tea party. I have sent £400.00 to them. Well done to everyone involved with making it such a success! Chris Banyard, Margaret Spraggons and Anne Thomas Hintlesham and Chattisham Community Hall To book the Hall or Meeting Room, telephone Ginette Cook on 652087. To arrange a wedding, baptism or funeral please contact Jenny Cox 652466. Parish Clergy: The Revds Tim and Trish ffrench Tel: 658803 Email: revsff@gmail.com THANK YOU Hester would like to thank everyone who wished her well on her birthday and in particular Margaret and David Anderson for hosting her tea party. HOST an international student HOST is looking for kind, friendly, hospitable people of all ages whose imaginations are caught by the idea of welcoming an international student at university here, far from his or her own family, to their home, for a day, a weekend or at Christmas. You don’t need to live near a university, as students will travel for the privilege of meeting you, learning about real life in this country, and sharing their own culture. HOST is a voluntary activity which makes ambassadors for international goodwill of us all. Please see www.hostuk.org or call local organise Sallyann O’Neill 01728 685604. Thank you. DISCOVERY GROUP We have been invited for this term’s visit to the school on November 3rd. Monday November 3rd 2.00 – 3.30pm: School Monday November 17th 2.00-3.45pm: Community Centre Monday December 1st 2.00-3.45pm: Community Centre **Advent Party to get us in the mood for Christmas! Monday December 15th 2.00-3.45pm: Community Centre We welcome all pre-schoolers and their parents, grandparents, carers. ADVANCE NOTICE: TIME TO REMEMBER CHRISTMAS SONGS OF PRAISE St Nicholas Church, Hintlesham Sunday 2nd November, 3.30-5.00pm Remember someone you love by lighting a candle. Sunday 7th December, 3.00pm, Community Hall led by Elmsett Fellowship Band ALL WELCOME All welcome More information: Margaret Langton 652210 2 HINTLESHAM & CHATTISHAM COMMUNITY HALL MONTHLY BOOKINGS Monday: 2.00pm Badminton - main hall 5.00pm Dance lessons - main hall 7.00pm match nights - Darts - meeting room Tuesday: 10.00am Badminton - main hall 2.00pm Bowls - main hall 7.30pm 1st Tuesday of month - Tuesday Circle - meeting room Wednesday: 10.30am 1st Wednesday of month - Coffee morning- bar area 12.30pm 3rd Wednesday of month - Hall Lunch - meeting room 2.00pm Tea dance - main hall 7.30pm September to April - Bowls - main hall Thursday: 9.30am term time only - Pilates - main hall 7.30pm 1st Thursday of month - Pool meeting room 7.30pm 2nd Thursday of month - Parish Council - meeting room Friday: 5.00pm Dog/puppy training - main hall Saturday: 7.30pm 4th Saturday of month - Hadleigh dance - main hall The hall is available for private party bookings and other events so if interested please call 652087. We also now have a Tuesday evening available so if you have a club or something you would like to run on a weekly basis please get in touch. THE CULTURE CLUB - On Thursday 20th November, the Culture Club is going by coach to London to see Cameron Mackintoshs acclaimed new production of “Miss Saigon”. This most powerful of musicals tells the tragic tale of young bar girl Kim, orphaned by war, who falls in love with an American GI called Chris – but their lives are torn apart by the fall of Saigon. If you are interested in coming to see plays, dance, musicals, opera, ballet, art and cultural exhibitions, I organise excursions to events regionally and in London. If you are interested in cultural experiences such as these and wish to be kept informed of future events, please contact me. Caroline Farrall, caroline@thefarralls.co.uk Hintlesham Golf Club Join us for Sunday Luncheon (Advance booking advisable. Large parties welcome) 3 courses (incl canapés) £17 2 courses (incl canapés) £14 ‘Live Piano Afternoon’ Sunday Luncheon – 9th November Two or Three course lunch £16 - £19 Lunch accompanied by Rob Dalby on piano 60’s &70’s Night – Saturday 22nd November Three course dinner Live band til’ midnight £29.50pp Christmas Party Dates – 5th, 6th, 11th, 12th, 19th, 20th, 21st December Three course dinner & disco £30pp Christmas Day Luncheon – 25th December Three course festive lunch £65pp Boxing Day Luncheon – 26th December Three course festive lunch £20pp New Years Eve – 31st December Three course dinner & disco til’ late £55pp New Years Day – 1st January 2015 Three course lunch £18pp Burns Night – 23rd January 2015 Arrive 7.15pm £26pp includes whisky shot 01473 652761 Three course traditional dinner www.hintleshamgolfclub.com 3 NOTES FROM THE MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL HELD AT THE COMMUNITY HALL ON THURSDAY 9th OCTOBER, 7.30 pm Present at the meeting were 10 Parish Councillors, Suffolk County Councillor David Busby, District Councillors Nick Ridley and Peter Jones and two members of the public. Apologies for absence were received from Frances Self and Chris Leney. running through the heart of Hintlesham. Among areas discussed were the lack of visibility caused by the overgrown hedge adjacent to Hintlesham Fisheries and measures to improve parking near the Village School. A Progress and Update meeting with Cllr Newman has been pencilled in for January 2015. Highways Report from Margaret Taylor: If you know of any potholes that are causing you problems then please report them as follows: Online - Suffolk County Council Potholes - click onto Report a pothole; Telephone - 0845 606 6171; in writing - Highways Dept. Suffolk County Council. 3 Goddard Road, Ipswich IP1 5NP. By doing this you are not only safeguarding yourself but others as well. Adoption of Policies: The Parish Council has agreed to adopt revised versions of our Code of Conduct and Financial Regulations Policy and also to adopt for the first time Grant Policy, Publications Policy and a Health & Safety Policy. All these documents will be available to view on our Parish Website www.hintleshamandchattisham.onesuffolk.net County Council Report: Cllr Busby reported that the scheme to provide Superfast Broadband across the county was making good progress and that a further £30 million of funding was being provided, which included £15 million from Suffolk County Council. District Council Report: Cllr Ridley stated that the Consultant’s Report on the Future Use of Council Offices would be discussed at November ’s Strategy Committee meeting, and although the main recommendation was for both Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils to relocate to Endeavour House in Ipswich, it was unlikely that any recommendations would be enacted before the Council Elections next May. Planning: B/14/01186/FUL – Hintlesham Hall Hotel, erection of extension to orangery building Peter Eaton October 2014 Message from Crime Reduction Officer, Verity Howell The county of Suffolk has always been a low crime area and a safe and beautiful place to live and work. Suffolk Constabulary is committed to ensuring it stays that way. Burglary is one of the most emotive crimes; we all like to think our house is the safest place on earth so it can be very distressing for victims. Unfortunately throughout the month of September the area of Babergh West along with Sudbury and Babergh East has Highways Working Party Report: On September 16th, a meeting was held between members of the Parish Council, SCC Portfolio Holder Graham Newman, Cllr David Busby and Steve Merry of Suffolk Highways. The aim of the meeting was to discuss the problems caused by the A1071 4 suffered an increase in these types of crimes. If you see any persons or vehicle at a suspicious location or they just look out of place, please record the location and time you see them, a description, including the registration number of the vehicle, and telephone the police on 999 if an offence is occurring there and then, otherwise please dial 101. Genuine people do not mind being questioned by police as to their entitlement to be on the premises. For more tips on how to protect your home from burglary, go to the village website. It is very difficult to plan where the offender will target next, but the current properties being predominantly affected are isolated or secluded premises. Entry is generally gained from the rear of the property using force and they are being committed in the main during day light hours. BABERGH COMMUNITY ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS 2014/15 Nominate an individual, group or business for a Babergh Community Achievement Award for voluntary community work carried out in Babergh that you think deserves recognition. For applications/more information call 01449 724650 or go to www.babergh.gov.uk Deadline for nominations: 1st December. FIREWORKS WARNING WANTED – HOUSE TO RENT Short term rental wanted for 2-3 months while we renovate our house in Chattisham. Required from mid-November - any type of accommodation considered; please contact Denise Wilcox 01473 652661. For those of you with animals, please note that Hintlesham Hall will be having a firework display on Sunday 9th November at 8.30pm, and possibly another on Saturday 1st November 9 (tbc). KS Heating Gas . Oil . Plumbing Karl Sayer t. m. e. w. Heating Engineer 01473 731849 07951 126600 enquiries@ks-heating.co.uk www.ks-heating.co.uk 5 565050 63 Pearsons Way Copdock Ipswich Suffolk IP8 3LG Garden Club Bowls Club A mixed start to the season – good in the Cup, not so good in the League. It was nice to welcome our new members and the return of Liz; Ida is still unable to be with us – we wish her well! GARDEN CLUB ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Friday 21st November, 8.00pm Community Hall Results: Tuesday Nayland 7 Hint/Chatt 8 Hint/Chatt 3 Circle Hint/Chatt 3 Cup Nayland 2 Cup Sproughton 7 Dates for November: On the night of the 4th November, we have a “Pamper Evening” which is by special request of some of our younger members, when demonstrators from Kersey Mill and others will put us on the right path to look our best for Christmas. Wednesday 5th Thursday 6th Wednesday 12th Thursday 13th Wednesday 19th Thursday 20th Friday 21st Wednesday 26th Afternoon Our Christmas dinner will be held at The George, Hadleigh, on the 2nd December. 6 Club Night 7.30pm Great Blakenham H Club Night Chelmondiston H Cup Nayland A NO Club Night Chelmondiston A Cup Club Night bowls on Tuesdays. WALKING GROUP - Thursday 20th November. Meet at Offton Village Hall at 10am. Coming from Somersham, turn left to go past Offton Church then bear left into Castle Road (no through road) and again left into Lower Coney Grove. The Hall is on the right up the slope. The George Hintlesham Restaurant, Lounge & Bar Enjoy Christmas with us! Ask about our Christmas menu, with 2 or 3 courses, or our very popular senior menu of 3 small course Party Nights! * Christmas Eve Quiz & Raffle! New Year’s Eve Dinner Dance! Full menu 7 days a week, lunchtimes & evenings Sundays: Roasts only £7.99 & full menu 12.00-7.30pm 01473 652 408 – www.TheGeorgeHintlesham.co.uk Shopping By Candlelight Friday 28th November, 7.00pm - 9.30pm Saturday, 29th November 2014 10.30am - 4.00pm at St Mary’s Church, Kersey in aid of St Mary’s Church, Kersey School & Teenage Cancer Trust Charity No. 1062559 Stalls Include: Floral by Design • Phoenix Cards • Hope Crafts • Caribou • The Cheese and Pie Man Modern Vintage • Teasel and Willow • Natural Mooj • Bella Maxwell • Tiger Lillies Simply Slate • Anne-Sofie’s ideas • Suffolk Cupcake Company • Hart’s Delights ‘Kersey School Cafe’ Entrance: £5 for Fri (inc. mulled wine and mince pies) and Sat OR £2 for Saturday only ALL PROCEEDS TO CHARITY Sponsored by 7 WHAT'S ON - NOVEMBER 2014 Sunday 2nd Tuesday 4th Wednesday 5th Thursday 13th Wednesday 19th Thursday 20th Thursday 20th Friday 21st Thursday 27th Sunday 30th Time to Remember, 3.30-5.00pm, St Nicholas Church Tuesday Circle, 7.30pm, Community Hall Coffee Shop, 10.30am-12.00noon, Community Hall Parish Council Meeting, 7.30pm, Community Hall Hall Lunch, 12.30pm, Community Hall Walking Group, 10.00am, Offton Village Hall Culture Club visit to Miss Saigon, 8.30am, Community Hall Garden Club AGM, 8.00pm, Community Hall Parish Council Planning Meeting (prov), 7.30pm, Field Hut Benefice Centenary Service/Lunch, 11.00am, St Nicholas CHURCH SERVICES FOR NOVEMBER 2014 All Saints (4 before Advent) Parish Eucharist 9.30 a.m. NT: Revelation 7: 9 to end and/or 1 John 3: 1-3 Gosp: Matthew 5: 1-12 3.30 p.m. Time to Remember 2 November Chattisham Hintlesham Remembrance Sunday 9.30 a.m. Remembrance Sunday Service Readings as per service booklet 9 November Hintlesham 2 before Advent 9.30 a.m. 16 November Chattisham Christ the King 9.30 a.m. Parish Eucharist OT: Zephaniah 1: 7, 12 - end NT: 1 Thessalonians 5: 1-11 Gosp: Matthew 25: 14-30 23 November All Age Eucharist Hintlesham OT: Ezekiel 34: 11-16, 20-24 NT: Ephesians 1: 15 to end Gosp: Matthew 25: 31 to end Advent (Year B) 11.00 a.m. Benefice Family Communion/Shared Lunch OT: Isaiah 64: 1-9 NT: Corinthians 1: 3-9 Gosp: Mark 13: 24-37 AND NEXT MONTH: Advent 2 9.30 a.m. Parish Eucharist OT: Isaiah 40: 1-11 NT: 2 Peter 3: 8-15a Gosp: Mark 1: 1-8 3.00 p.m. Songs of Praise 30 November Hintlesham 7 December Chattisham Community Hall Latest Date for December 2014 issue - WEDNESDAY 12th November 2014 Please note that The Link is published on the village website and all information provided will therefore become freely available on the internet. The committee will try to find space, and indeed welcomes contributions, providing that they are legal and the writer’s name and address is supplied. Any views expressed or implied are not necessarily condoned nor supported by the committee. www.hintleshamandchattisham.onesuffolk.net 8
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