‘Like a friend dropping in’ S NUE WSLET F FEETOT TTE LE RK TER OOFF THE Y EARR 2009/2010/2011/2013 2 20 009/ 009 0 09/2 09 09/ /2 /2 11 1/2 /201 201 01 13 3 Twenty-seven years of Parish Record... all the Community News... November 2014 ELMSWELL SCOUTS NARROWLY MISS OUT ON 3rd PLACE... ...but they did come 1st and 2nd! See S ee pages pag ges 16-17 They’re the tops... ...see more on page 27 Published on the first Friday of every month by the Elmswell Amenities Association Reg. Charity No. 304879. 1,761 copies delivered free to households and to businesses in the community. A volunteer enterprise entirely supported by advertising. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS EDITORIAL Our editorial is designed to inform and to encourage debate. If you wish to comment, please do so via the office at Gobblins on the industrial estate behind the Fox or via email at; elmswellamenities@f2s.com. We reserve the right to edit any such contributions that we may use in a subsequent edition. is testament to a community which looks after its own and does so efficiently and effectively. But 6 months isn’t long, and the challenges are considerable. BID FOR THE FUTURE The Wesley chapel on School Road is no stranger to change. Rumours of its possible demolition first surfaced in 1897, and were well founded. They knocked it down the following year. However, the 80 year old building was replaced within the next 12 months, at a cost of £589.5.0d, by the building we know today. Today, when rumours have again surfaced of possible demolition. Not just the typical Elmswell rumour-mill this time. The Bury St Edmunds Circuit of The Methodist Church confirms that the site is very definitely to be sold. To the highest bidder. The site which in the 1930’s was enlarged by the addition of a piece of land purchased for £30.00 from the Woolpit Brick Company. The site which now includes the ‘new’ building, the Wesley Hall, opened in 1956 for a Sunday school, and the now defunct telephone exchange purchased in 1975. The site which, at the geographical heart of the village, no longer fulfils a religious role but which provides invaluable facilities for several village groups. There are a few, a very few, voices, who think that this is a problem for the current users to sort out. This cannot be right. The good folk who run and enjoy the Carpet Bowls Club, or who organise the activities of, amongst others, the Mother & Toddler group, the Millennium History Group, The Exchange Club, the WI, the Ladies’ Lunch Club or the Art Club do an excellent job. This is reflected in the success of those organisations which, in parallel with the many other village groups housed at The Blackbourne, make Elmswell a thriving, active community. The signs as you drive in remind us – ‘Suffolk’s Most Active Large Community’. But the problem posed by the threat to this venue is not just for them. It is for all of us, and for our children and for their children. Having served us so well in the past, it deserves to be part of their future. The chapel as we know it, featured on a postcard. Plan The original chapel, Mr Cornelius F Matthew in the foreground. There are even fewer voices who think there isn’t a problem who say, ‘let it go’. Again, this cannot be right. Blackbourne cannot expand fast enough to accommodate the pressures upon it even now. There would be little chance of it being able to accommodate the Wesley Hall homeless. Whatever is the metric equivalent of quarts into pint pots would apply. But, regardless of the practicalities, it cannot be proper that a site which has served our community so well for the past 210 years can fall to the developers without a fight. So fight we, surely, must? This page has railed often in the past against recent legislation which, by cunning and sleight of hand, offers ‘localism’ and gives nothing of the kind. But one strand of this duplicitous web might actually deliver a little power to us, the people. Since September 2012 Local Authorities have been required to keep a list of ‘Assets of Community Value’. If an owner of such a listed asset wants to sell it they have to notify the Local Authority. The Local Authority then, in turn, has to notify any interested parties. If community groups are interested in buying this asset they can use a new Community Right to Bid to ‘pause’ the sale, giving them 6 months to prepare a bid to buy it before the asset can be sold. A group from the Wesley Hall Management Committee is now co-operating, as a matter of obvious urgency, with the Elmswell Amenities Association and the Parish Council to set in train the process which will give the village this 6 months’ statutory breathing space. 6 months in which to harness the spirit, the energy and the resources necessary to enter the commercial market place and save this asset for the community and forever. There is considerable knowledge and experience within these organisations. All strands of Elmswell community life are represented there, and the success of The Blackbourne, the Church Room at St John’s, the Little Elms building, the Memorial Library and other village facilities 1. Secure the 6 month moratorium; 2. Use the 6 months to raise several hundred thousand pounds; 3. Decide how the facility can be adapted to serve the community cost effectively; 4. Fund the adaptations; 5. Establish use and management sufficient to secure long term viability. We try. Or we just sit back and hope that the development built on the site can be called, ‘Wesley Close’, to remind our grandchildren of what there once was, and what there might have been? Your Newsletter Fact File Our deadlines are important. It takes longer than you think to put the magazine together – despite our magnificent printers! Please help by sending us your contributions – the more the merrier – on time, and by email if at all possible. For the next 6 months we need copy by: November 25th December 23rd January 27th February 24th March 24th April 21st ...and don’t forget you can view and buy most of the photographs in the magazine - and a whole lot more - by visiting the ’Elmswell Gallery’ site www.elmswellgallery.com or ask at the Memorial Library or ring us on 241841. Your editors: Jean Barker, Maggie Bushell, Peter Dow Published on the first Friday of every month by the Elmswell Amenities Association Reg. Charity No. 304879. 1,774 copies delivered free to households and to businesses in the community. A volunteer enterprise entirely supported by advertising. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS. Your Newsletter has been published by the Elmswell Amenities Association (Registered Charity No 304879) on the first Friday of every month since 1986. The advertising administration and the printing are handled professionally – otherwise the whole enterprise is voluntary, including our team of 36 distributors. The costs are covered by advertising, so, please, support our advertisers, and do mention us if and when you use them. Last year the magazine made a contribution of £10,936.00 to the Association’s funds – all of it directed to improvements in the village. CLUBS AND SOCIETIES ELMSWELL MILLENNIUM HISTORY GROUP On 9 October the Group met at the Wesley Hall for an evening of short illustrated talks on topics relating to the Great War with displays of letters and WW1 Artefacts. ELMSWELL CAMERA CLUB Well, here we are at the end of another month. Time is passing to quickly, with the days getting shorter we are losing daylight time to be able to get out with the camera. The up side is sunsets are earlier, and with cold crisp evenings we should be able to get some nice evening landscapes. Some of the members this month went to Snetterton and had a day photographing motorbikes, not as easy as it seems, but we had a good day out, even if it did get a little cold. Our next meeting is on November the 4th.at the Blackbourne. For further information call 241431 Mike Randall Our first talk was a dialogue between Graham and Sandra Mack, comprised of letters written between Graham’s family in Britain and a relative in New Zealand. ‘Letters to Nellie, the Slaughter family correspondence between 19141918’ gave us an insight into family life at that time – hardships at home included a shortage of dried fruit, tea and sugar, after food ships were sunk; family members joined the forces and were sent to France – one of them, Will, being first of all ‘missing’, then recorded as a POW. On his return home, Will asked for ‘fags’, sardines, sausage, bread and cheese!’ Nellie wrote to the family from the time she went out to New Zealand until her death in the 1970’s. The second talk by Peter McGee was about ‘Zeppelin Raids and Aerodromes – Elmswell and the Great War’. First of all Peter spoke about the World War 1 airfield on the border of Gt Ashfield and Elmswell. There is at the moment little evidence of this airfield as the building of the 1944 airfield destroyed much of what was originally built. There were air attacks on East Anglia in 191516, one of them returning to the coast, having bombed Bury St Edmunds, dropped bombs near Warren Lane in Elmswell, forming a crater 20 feet in diameter and 9-10 feet in depth. The History Group has a site plan of the earlier airfield and is gradually working out where huts and hangers were situated. Many more questions remain – who were the women who worked at the airfield? were any local men employed there? can anyone give us more information? We know there were 200 personnel at any one time, with 75 Squadron Royal Flying Corps being stationed there. If you can tell us anything, please be in touch with any member of the Group. The third talk was by a representative from Galloways Coaches, telling us about the various trips to the 1914-18 battlefields and cemeteries. These vary from one day trips to four to five day trips and can be tailored to meet the needs of a group. The evening concluded with refreshments and an opportunity to look at the displays, including a German sword and various letters from the Front. The next meeting of the History Group will be on Thursday 13 November, when there will be an illustrated talk by Stephen Govier on ‘The Hoxne Treasure’. Tickets for our Christmas Meeting will be on sale; the meeting on 11 December will be ‘ticket only’, when Mark Mitchels makes a return visit with ‘A Christmas Miscellany’. We meet in the Wesley Hall, School Road at 7.30pm on the second Thursday of the month. If you would like to join us please contact Stella Chamberlin 01359 242601 or visit our website at www.elmswellhistory.org.uk. THANK YOU Thank you to everyone who donated, baked and attended the Coffee Morning held on the 25th October in aid of The Forget-Me-Not Dementia Campaign. We raised a fantastic £800.00! Thank you all once again for supporting this very worthwhile cause. Julie Hawes THURSTON TYRE & EXHAUST CENTRE HANKOOK PERFORMANCE TYRES APPOINTED STOCKIST ALL MAKES SUPPLIED & FITTED 195/65-15 HR BUDGET TYRE FROM £38.00 175/65-14 HR BUDGET TYRE FROM £29.95 Price inc new valve, balance & VAT B STARIE MOTOR ENGINEERS EST. 1976 WE ALSO SELL CAR CLEANING PRODUCTS – WIPER BLADES- SCREEN WASH DE-IONISED WATER – CAR BATTERIES AIR FRESHENERS – ENGINE OILS – GEAR OILS BRAKE FLUIDS – ANTI-FREEZE – TOOLS – SPARK PLUGS AND MUCH MOREALL AT REASONABLE PRICES WE EVEN SELL MID SUFFOLK WASTE BAGS VISIT US AT UNIT 7 THURSTON GRANARY STATION HILL THURSTON IP31 3QU OPENING HOURS: MON – FRI 8AM – 6PM SAT: 8.30AM – 4.OOPM NOW OPEN UNTIL 8.00PM ON FRIDAY ALL MAKES CARS - VANS - PETROLS - DIESELS EXHAUSTS – SERVICING - REPAIRS - FAULT DIAGNOSTICS FULL SERVICE FROM £98.50 MOT TEST + INTERIM SERVICE FROM £99.50 CALL 01359 232653 01359 232114 Thurstontyres@gmail.com 1 CLUBS AND SOCIETIES Party menus must be completed by the meeting on November 20th which will be our Xmas Bingo session. December 4th will be our Carol Concert when we welcome Norton Salvation Army Band and Songsters so please come and join us. December 6th is our final event for 2014 which is our Xmas Party which is being catered for by “Home Farm Caterers” followed by entertainment by the “Jim Bob duo”. ELMSWELL OVER 55’s We were pleased to welcome several visitors to our meeting on October 9th when we were entertained by “Richard Whymark” along with his Puppets we hope you all enjoyed the evening.Richard is due to appear at the Regal in Stowmarket with Jimmy Cricket in the new year. We have just returned from our “Holly and Mistletoe” break at the “Tynedale Hotel in Llandudno. Whilst there we visited Beaumaris and Llanfair PG which included refreshment stops and a bit of retail therapy .We also made the journey to Porthmadog where we caught the Ffestiniog Railway to Blaenau Ffestiniog we did not see the beauty of the countryside as it decided to rain for most of the trip but the coach was waiting close to the station so we managed to stay fairly dry. On arrival at the Hotel there was afternoon tea and cake and various activites before once again seating down to a four course evening meal followed by bingo and entertainment On our free day it was time to take in the shops or view the sights either on foot or vintage coach or by hiring a scooter to do a bit of racing along the wide promenade good job there were no traffic wardens about or they.. may have been cautioned for speeding or doing wheelies. I must thank Kevin and Ann for organising another splendid holiday. Our meeting on November 6th as it was close to Guy Fawkes started with “Bangers” in rolls followed by entertainmwnt by Malcolm Steward PS We will be having a sale table of new items at the Church Xmas Fair on Saturday November 15th at the Blackbourne. Diann (241002) ELMSWELL GARDENING CLUB It was a dark and stormy night when h th the Gardening Club met in the echoing badminton hall at the Blackbourne (our usual home is much snugger) with banshee winds whistling in our ears. Despite the inclement weather we had a good crowd all eager to learn about growing herbaceous perennials. Alas, it was not to be – our speaker could not make it. Luckily one of the Gardening Club’s stalwarts, Mike Scott supremo of the fuchsia world –stepped in at the last minute and entertained us with a hilarious but also educational series of lessons. As Mike said he is the Frank Sinatra of ‘comebacks’. We were not treated to a rendition of ‘I Did it my Way’ instead he took us back to gardening school where in ‘Mooring Assembli’ (Suffolk I presume) he recited the old hymn ‘All Things Bright and Beautiful’. He demonstrated how the words applied to our gardens so that the ‘creatures’ might range from pigs to red spiders or the destructive vine weevil and ‘Each little bird that sings’ could be wrens wondering why water was being thrown over them as they peeped from their little round nests in Mike’s hanging baskets. Next came ‘Hystery’ where he reminisced about his fuchsia enterprises and all the good advice- or maybe not - he gathered through the years. One admirable piece of useless advice was to quarter turn his fuchsias every morning and evening so they would grow straight and win best in show. As he had some 6,000 fuchsias the morning turn finished with hardly time for coffee before the evening labours began. After a couple of dizzy days turning and spinning he realised the sun with its East-West cycle was more efficient. He was told to use the very expensive Purbeck grit and found good ole Suffolk grit was just as good. So now he listens politely to all this terrific advice and does what suits him best. His last subject was ‘Geografy’ about his evening forays into deepest East Anglia to give talks. He conquered instructions to turn right at public houses demolished many years ago and on another dark night found himself crawling through a hole in a hedge to reach a WI hut. Luckily he had no trouble finding us. And, as the clocks go back and the sun sinks south of Gibraltar, Nick Chamberlin finished the evening with a retrospective slideshow of Elmswell Open Gardens in all their shining summer glory, many guarded by a motley collection of scarecrows. Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, 18th November, 7.30pm, at the Blackbourne. The meeting will commence with our AGM, which Brenda assures us will be very short. This will be followed by a talk and demonstration by Lorna Scott showing us how to make Christmas wreaths. We continue to be an extremely informal, social and friendly group and welcome new members. If you require further information about the Gardening Club please contact Nick Chamberlin on 242601. Thedwastre Place, Station Hill, Thurston, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, IP31 3QU Local, honest, friendly, reliable family run business offering car and light commercial vehicle repairs:Class 4,5 & 7 MOT’s and repairs, diagnostics, tyres, cam belts, exhausts, batteries, brake overhauls, local recoveries, servicing on all makes and models, Members of the www.goodgaragescheme.com NO WORK IS CARRIED OUT WITHOUT FULL CONSENT FROM THE CUSTOMER We cover all plumbing and heating aspects including, boiler changes, rads, heating systems, hot water cylinders, vented and unvented, water softners and general plumbing. We are registered to work on oil, natural gas and pressurised cylinders. Services from only £49.50 Open 8am-5pm Monday-Friday CoTel : 01359 230536 Mob : 07808 508864 e ur t www.davidmartinmotorengineer.co.uk Fre tion e car sy info@davidmartinmotorengineer.co.uk lec l o c 2 M: 07769 902100 T: 01359 242718 CLUBS AND SOCIETIES ELMSWELL EXCHANGE AFTERNOON W.I. Our October get together was spent with Mary Bradley from Newmarket who indulges in the art of Pressed Flowers. She began by explaining to us how she started with this hobby after dipping her toes in the water of many other crafts. Once she had retired and found more time for herself she obtained a small flower press and equipped herself with blotting paper, cardboard and tweezers. Basically, this is all that is needed and consequently is an inexpensive hobby. She has learned the good and bad techniques along the way, and tells us that wildflowers, small garden flowers and leaves are the best choice. Always pick on a dry sunny day, preferably in the morning before the specimens start to deteriorate. Mary gave us many examples of suitable wild flowers , together with their old traditional names. While refreshments were served we were able to purchase some of Mary’s beautiful pressed flower gifts, very timely for the approaching festive season. A very pleasant and enjoyable afternoon with a charming and gifted lady One of Mary’s Pressed Fuchsia Bookmarks Our competition was “An Example of this Craft”. Mary selected her favourites and first was Maureen Davis, second Carol Blissett and third Thelma Beck. Well done to them. After our refreshments the business was conducted by our President, Barbara Yeates. The Group Meeting on October 21st and W.I. Centenary celebrations at the Blackbourne in November were discussed. At our next meeting on 5th November we will welcome Peter Hesketh who has discovered Container Ship Cruising. This speaker is highly recommended and on this occasion husbands, partners and friends are welcome to join us. The guest fee is £3 which includes refreshments. There will also be a Sales Table with handmade gifts and baking. New members are always welcome. Contact Barbara Yeates on 242788 or Stephanie Lester on 241327. Alternatively, just come along on the day. ELMSWELL EXCHANGE SOCIAL CLUB On 21st October Carol Blissett welcomed members and chaired the meeting as Sylvia along with many other members was on holiday. A request from St Johns Church for poppy related items to decorate the church for 100th Festival of Rememberance to be held on 9th11th November. Contributions for loan to be from 8th ie. tapestries, paintings, embroideries of poppies would be appropriate and welcomed. The “Christmas together in Elmswell” service on 15th December, Carol asked on Sylvias behalf for a volunteer to present an item on behalf of the club. Carol then introduced our speaker Peter Banham who kept us intrigued about the origins of old sayings that we often use, a very enjoyable talk. After tea and raffle, Carol closed the meeting with reminder next on 18th November will be quiz and bring and buy stall. ELMSWELL W.I. After welcoming everyone, Rachel reminded us about coming events. Scrabble at Anna’s is planned for Thursday, 16.10 and there is a Craft Morning at Rosie’s on Friday, 17.10. Di has organised a meeting with one of the First Responders on Saturday, 18.10, from 1.00 until 3.00pm. in the Wesley Hall. Ten people have volunteered so far but there is room for six more. This will be a two-hour course for resuscitation, in case of an emergency. Val is planning the Golf Club Dinner for either 17.3.15 or 31.3.15. The main event of the evening was a talk by Pip Wright about getting the best value from a bus pass, when you are retired: “Exploring Suffolk by Bus Pass.” When he first acquired a pass, it was limited to the local area. Now, however, it is an all-England pass. Pip gave us a lively account of all his travels and related many interesting anecdotes about people he has met, whilst waiting for buses. In all his journeys, he never fails to find a cosy pub or cake-laden tea-room to take a well-earned rest. In fact, many of his forays are planned according to the best places to obtain refreshments! He was obviously talking to the right people, the W.I. being experts on eating, as well as making cake! Pip’s stories about his travels were embellished by many of his excellent photographs. We also enjoyed the relaxed, effortless way he spoke to us and were thoroughly entertained. Afterwards, we enjoyed delicious refreshments, prepared by the hostesses and perused the many books, which Pip has written about East Anglia. Next month, we are looking forward to upcycling our old Christmas cards with Jane and Daisy! Rosie Collins 01359 241652 New members always welcome. Enquiries to Sylvia on 241505. M.O.T. DUE Require a quick reliable service ? M.O.T. classes 4 and 7 tested. Tests available for all types of cars and vans up to 3.5 tonnes gross. Local collection service available. Also repairs and servicing available on request. D A BEVAN THE WORKSHOP GROVE LANE INDUSTRIAL ESTATE ELMSWELL PHONE 01359 241158 / 244421 3 HAVE YOU EVER CONSIDERED A CAREER IN CARE? Mears are one of the UK's leading domiciliary care providers delivering care services at home to over 20,000 older people. Join our friendly team in Bury St Edmunds, Thurston, woolpit, Elmswell & all surrounding villages • Flexible working hours • No experience necessary, full training given • Opportunity to complete your NVQ 2 in health and social care • Competitive rates of pay For more information and to apply please contact Shelly on 01449 676440 9am to 4pm. FREE QUOTATIONS NO JOB TOO SMALL! Domestic Scaffolding Commercial Scaffolding Industrial Scaffolding -VYHMYLLX\V[LVUHU`ZJHɈVSKPUN WYVQLJ[WSLHZLJHSSVYLTHPS\ZVU! Tel: 01359 242689 ,THPS!QZZJHɈVSKPUN'SP]LJV\R *VU]LY]H[VY`(JJLZZ,_[LUZPVUZ*OPTUL`9LI\PSKZ(SS9VVÄUN>VYRZ >PUKV^Z9VVÅPULZ7HPU[PUN+LJVYH[PUN7SHZ[LYPUN+0@7YVQLJ[Z 73<:4(5@469, =PL^V\Y^LIZP[LMVYTVYLPUMV! ^^^QZZJHɈVSKPUNS[KJV\R 4 CLUBS & SOCIETIES CHARITY JUMP A butcher is swapping bangers for bungee cord to raise money for St Nicholas Hospice Care. John Simpson is facing one of his toughest challenges when he leaps into the air from 160ft. John, 58, will be donning his butcher’s apron and taking on the jump after accepting the challenge from colleagues at Elmswell Butchers. His fear of heights will be something of a challenge but he is determined to go ahead. The newly named ‘flying butcher’ has almost reached his target of £1,000 thanks to generous donations from customers at the Station Road shop. He said: “The men at work kept crazing me to do it. I didn’t fancy it but I finally said I would for the hospice.” John’s jump is on October 12 at Grafham Water Centre, Cambridgeshire. CORRECTION Following the recent interesting article by Maggie Bushell In case it matters the RAF station a few miles East of Gainsborough, Lincs, was/is not Helmswell but HEMSWELL i.e. only two ‘ls’ I know this as my father was Medical Officer for a time at RAF Hemswell in the 1970s. David Sixsmith To sponsor him go to justgiving.com/theflying p butcher or at the shop. Joining him will be shop manager Alastair Angus and Cameron Thompson. Residential & Commercial Cleaning Services • • • • Carpets Upholstery Curtains Hard Floors call Peter on 01359 241577 email: peterjedmonds@tiscali.co.uk ServiceMaster West Suffolk Little Acre, Ashfield Road, Elmswell IP30 9HJ Building, Garden and DIY Solutions... Machinery & Tools to Hire or Buy Concreting • Breakers • Compaction • Diggers • Small Plant Preparing and Finishing • Decorating • Carpet and Cleaning • Drilling • Fixing • Ladders and Access • Towers • Garden, Lawn Care, Strimmers, Rotovators, Hedging • Fencing, Cutting and Grinding • Welding • Paving • Electrical • Hand Tools • Plumbing • Woodwork • Air Tools • Heating and Drying • Roof Bars and Boxes • Diamond Blades • Sanding Belts • Nuts, Bolts, Nails and those other difficult to find items. • • Unit 2F Williamsport Way Lion Barn Industrial Estate Needham Market IP6 8RW 113 Felixstowe Road, Ipswich, IP3 8EA CALL 01449 612632 CALL 01473 710035 www.brightacreshire.co.uk 5 AROUND & ABOUT ELMSWELL MEMORIAL LIBRARY Try as you might, you can’t deny that there is a faint jingle of bells and a distant ‘ho, ho, ho’ in the air! found a book of tickets in the newsletter, and they are available in locations around the village, obviously in the library, priced at 25p each or £1 per book. The tickets were kindly sponsored by Travel Stop. If you would like to purchase the tickets you can simply drop the money and the completed counterfoils into anywhere you see the poster. But why not drop into the library and say ‘hello’, it would be lovely to see you and thank you for your support. The draw will be at The Fox on Sunday, November 30th – so you will know if you have won the 4kg turkey from Elmswell Butchers in good time for the festive season! And it will be preceded by a (not compulsory) 10-mile cycle ride with The Elmswheelians, at 11:30am from Abbots Warren, Church Road. The ride will finish at The Fox in time for the festive draw at lunchtime. This is just one of many fundraisers ELF is running to raise money to refurbish the library. We want to redecorate the interior and replace the shelving with something more up-to-date and moveable, so that we can use the space in the library for community events, and revamp the children’s area and teenage facilities. We want to make the library somewhere young and old alike (and everyone in between) wants to visit as a hub of the community. And Elmswell Library Friends (ELF) is celebrating with a festive raffle. You will have penny – we hope to be able to invite you to a grand re-opening in the not-too-distant future. And as you read we will hopefully be enjoying our latest fundraiser – a wine and cheese evening, with local expert Bob Stopp. Look out for more events in the New Year. In the library we have said ‘goodbye’ to our Sunday assistant Kathy, and Hannah, who some of you will know from our popular Baby Bounce and Tot Rock sessions, will be taking over alternate weekends. So you may see some different faces before we start recruitment for a replacement for the other Sundays. But hopefully you won’t notice any difference in our service and the popular craft sessions, from 11am every Sunday, will continue. Our Baby Bounce and Tot Rock group is growing, but you are more than welcome to join in the fun. Every term time Friday from 9:45am Hannah opens the doors for songs, rhymes and storytelling. It’s completely free so just come along with your baby or toddler and meet some new friends. Elmswell Library is open from 10am-1pm and 2-7pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2-5pm on Wednesdays and Fridays, 10am-1pm on Saturdays and 10am-3pm on Sundays. We look forward to seeing you soon. We have received some amazing support from local businesses and we are so grateful for every PALMERS BAKERY Est. c1752 Traditional Family Bakers & Confectioners “Two hundred years of Experience” Baked Daily in Ancient Brick Ovens by Craftsmen with local ingredients HAUGHLEY WOOLPIT STOWMARKET (Station Road opposite the Parish Church) 01449 673286 01359 242700 or 01449 613088 Largest Stockists of Tiptree Jams & Marmalades in East Anglia Suffolk Honeys & James White Juices Butterworth’s Teas & Biscuits Free Range Eggs & Local Produce Freshly Made Sandwiches & Filled Rolls “One of the Last Traditional Bakers in Suffolk” www.palmersbakery.co.uk ALSO AT STANTON & MEREDITH ROAD - IPSWICH BRETTS of NEEDHAM MARKET FRESHFILLS of CLAYDON 6 01284 763413 brownfamily2481@gmail.com ELMSWELL POOR’S LAND CHARITY – CHRISTMAS GIFT ELMSWHEELIANS 2014 Pre Christmas Bike Ride We will be rounding off the year with a short 10 mile (max.) preChristmas ride on Sunday 30th November, starting at 11.30 a.m. from Abbots Warren. The Charity was established at the end of the 19th Century and controlled land in the parish, the income from which was for the benefit of deserving parishioners. Virtually all the land has been sold over the years and the proceeds invested. The income from these investments is now used to provide a Christmas gift to residents of Elmswell who are aged 75 or over. Previously applicants had to have lived in the village for a relatively short period but with the ever increasing population of Elmswell new applications are now only considered where a person has been resident in the village for the previous ten years. The ride has been planned to coincide with the Elmswell Library Friends Christmas Draw, which is scheduled to take place that day at “The Fox”, which means our watering hole will be “The Fox” at the end of the ride. The trustees regret that they are unable to give vouchers or gifts to applicants who are no longer resident in the Parish and are in long term residential Care Homes outside the Parish. Join us if you can. You will be very welcome, but must be aged 16+. Clerk to the Trustees Graham Newman 25 Warren Close Elmswell Tel. no. 240846 Recipients who received a voucher at If you enjoy cycling, just turn up, and join with a Christmas 2013 do not need to re-apply. Forms are available, from Graham Newman, for group of people who enjoy “social cycling”. We cycle purely for pleasure; at a reasonable pace, but any new applicants, who meet the qualifications. Completed forms need to be returned by 21 not at speed ; there is no membership; nothing November 2014. to pay. Trevor Sadler, Abbots Warren, Church Road, Elmswell. Tel : 01359 240908 WANTED TO RESTORE ELMSWELL DOMESTIC OIL BUYING GROUP DON’T FORGET….. if you want to order your Domestic oil for the winter, please place your order by 20th November - latest. Next order date is 20th January 2015 Minimum order 500 litres. Please tell your friends living in the next door villages from Tostock to Wetherden – they can join our buying group. The more we purchase at any one time, the cheaper it is My name is Bil Thorn (Belinda). Please contact me on my home number: 01359 240638 or email belindathorn@ btinternet.com leaving your name, telephone number, house name/ number & post code, plus amount of oil required. Thank you Do you have BACK PAIN? YES? CLASSIC CAR Do you have or know of an old classic car that you or someone else would like to sell? Perhaps it has been stored away for many years in a garage or barn? Please contact me as absolutely anything considered. I can collect and remove. I am a genuine car restorer who likes saving old cars and returning them to their former glory. Please telephone 01284 788269 Mobile 07713 785619 or email green.david10@sky.com We can help Back Pain, Sciatica, Trapped Nerves, Head Aches, Frozen Shoulder 50% off Initial Appointments www.woolpitosteopaths.com info@woolpitosteopaths (t) 01359 408011 7 www. .org.uk State of the art MOT tesƟng facility CollecƟon and delivery service available within 2 miles Open: 8:30 am to 5:30 pm Monday to Friday, 9am to 12pm Saturday’s, by appointment Call today 01359 242420 to book now Find us at: StaƟon Road Industrial Estate, Elmswell, Bury St Edmunds. IP30 9HR All aspects of tree surgery, landscaping and fencing undertaken Fully insured, 24hr call out, council approved contractor and over 35 years in the industry Call for a free estimate & advice T: 01359 241958 M: 07891208710 M: 07850046504 E: wjarvistreeservices@hotmail.co.uk Visit our website for information about our company and the work we do www.wjarvistreeservics.co.uk 8 ELMSWELL YOUTH BABY AND TODDLER GROUP Adults Christmas meal LITTLE ELMS Elmswell baby and toddler group runs every Monday and Wednesday mornings from 10am - 11.30am at the Wesley hall on school road, we will be running through till 17th December when we will break up for Christmas holidays returning on Monday 5th January. We have booked a table for Saturday 29th November to enjoy a lovely Christmas meal, and maybe that glass of wine or too! So let the festive joys begin, details and menu can be found on entrance table on session mornings, deposit required. With lots of exciting things planned from now through till Christmas, wrap up warm and pop along to join in with some lovely festive crafts, we will be making Christmas cards, calendars and bunting ready for our Christmas party, along with some beautiful craft gifts from fun mats to ceramic painting. Limited spaces, a fun night out not to be missed. Ladybird Room (2-3years) We have been busy looking at Autumn colours, animals and foliage. We have been exploring Autumn sensory activities such as shaving foam with conkers in it, pumpkin gloop and counting and sorting leaves, this week we are looking at different sized pumpkins and squashes. We have made some Autumn collages and looked at the celebration of Diwali where we made diya lamps. Fun Mats Use your child’s hand or footprints to make a personalised gift for Christmas, these can be made during sessions or taken home, but must be completed by 12th November so it can be printed in time for Christmas. Templates will be at toddlers from now until Monday 10th November. Another great gift for those loved ones, Grandparents , Mums, dads Aunties or Uncles! Children’s Christmas Party We will be holding our Christmas Party on Sunday 7th December at the Blackbourne hall from 2-4pm, sign up sheets can be found at the Wesley hall on session mornings at £4.50 per child. We will be expecting a visit from a special guest, but still leaving plenty of time to enjoy some dancing with our fabulous disco and nibble on some yummy party food treats! Deadline Names and payment must be in by 26th November to secure your child’s/children’s places. All Fired Up Dates for your diary On Wednesday 12th November we have all fired up coming along to our session to offer you and your children the chance to make some fantastic ceramic gifts for Christmas. Fun mats (deadline) 12th November All fired up (visit) 12th November Adults Christmas meal 29th November To claim a £1.50 off voucher to use on the day, please go to www.allfiredup.co.uk this voucher needs to be printed of to use on the day. Children’s Christmas Party Break up for Christmas Returning to toddlers on 7th December 17th December 5th January Don’t forget you purses on this session! Look forward to seeing you there! ELMSWELL SCHOOL dinners and putting tables and chairs away after lunches. As you read this we will have all returned to school following the half term break and be embarking on our final term before Christmas – we are all wondering where the time is going! Sporting News Just before half term, pupils from Years 4, 5 and 6 took part in a Tag Rugby tournament at Thurston Community College. This is the noncontact version of the sport and is very fast and exciting to watch. Our children competed well and won 1 game, drew 2 and lost 1. Their team spirit was outstanding and we were very proud of the effort they put. Youngsters Day Out Also before half term our nursery and reception children went on a fun trip to Nowton Park. The theme of the visit was to see, feel and find all the colourful signs of Autumn. They all enjoyed the visit and had learned about what happens to the trees and wildlife at the beginning of this new season. Midday Supervisor Vacancies We still have some vacancies for Midday Supervisors with immediate effect. This can be casual or regular hours from 12 midday until 1.05 p.m. Duties (on a rota basis) include supervising children at lunchtimes, assisting in the lunchroom with packed lunches and school The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of its children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. DBS checks are required. We are gradually moving into glitter season with our Nativity being held on 11th December at 1.30pm at the church. Reminder – please could we have any F.O.L.E.S questionnaires returned as soon as possible. Bumblebee Room (3-5years) The children in bumblebee room have been out around the village looking at the Autumnal changes, they collected leaves, twigs, conkers which they used to make collage pictures. The children have been using various objects to print with, they have made leaf prints, vegetable prints, fruit prints they have even used toy tractors. The bumble bees have also been talking about the Festival of light Diwali, making lamps and Rangoli patterned pictures. Little Elms maintains its links with the Primary School. Little Elms is registered for 2-16 year olds running Breakfast, Lunch, Afterschool and Holiday Clubs, spaces are available including spaces for funded 2years and 3year olds, for more information please telephone Melanie on 01359 240491. outstanding effort and the time she has given to FRESCH where she has managed to raise in the region of £10000 for the school! We will all be sorry to see her go and hope she enjoys spending her free time with her family and friends. If you are interested please contact the school office on 01359 240261. News from FRESCH FRESCH has had a busy few weeks! Following an emergency meeting held on 8th October 2014, we were very pleased to see lots of support from parents and we have elected 4 new Committee officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary). With most of the new officers being either new to the village or new to the school we are looking forward to them bringing some new ideas and fresh eyes to this year’s fundraising. During the last two years the outgoing officers have raised some considerable funds for our school, and the new committee would just like to thank the all outgoing committee officers , Helen Lyons - Vice Chair, Angie Shaw - Treasurer and Sylvia Anderson - Secretary, some of whom will stay on as Volunteers! Let’s hope the new look FRESCH team can keep this up! Finally, the new committee and all the volunteers would like to say a huge thank you to the outgoing Chair, Clare Norgate, for the FRESCH and Fireman’s Bingo We have to thank everyone who attended the FRESCH Bingo in October which was kindly run by our local firemen. It was a huge success! With the support of lots of the parents and some bingo regulars we raised over £800 from the sale of bingo books, refreshments and raffle tickets. FRESCH would like to say a huge thank you to the fireman who helped with the bingo and gave their time to help us make this event such as success. Mrs Jane Ash – 01359 240261. https://sites.google.com/site/ elmswellprimaryschool/ 9 Inspiring original gifts, timeless decorations and festive trees in a Suffolk barn Blackthorpe Barn Christmas Shop Sat 1 – Fri 28 Nov, 10am-5pm Sat 29 Nov – Mon 22 Dec, 9am-5.30pm Workshops 1: Festive Collage (families) Sat 1 – Sun 2 Nov Sat 8 – Sun 9 Nov Sat 20 – Sun 21 Dec, 10am, 11.30am & 1.30pm. British Crafts £10 per child accompanied by an adult. Sat 15 – Sun 16 Nov Sat 22 – Sun 23 Nov 2: Felt Making Sat 29 – Sun 30 Nov Tues 2, 9, 16 Dec, 10-1pm. Sat 6 – Sun 7 Dec £35pp Sat 13 – Sun 14 Dec 3: Wreath Making 10am-5pm Wed 26 Nov, 3, 10, 17 Dec, Adults £2, Oaps £1, 10-1pm. £35pp Children/Students free, Please ring 01359 270880 to Season tickets £6 book your place. Café is open weekdays 11am-4pm, weekends 10am-5pm Santa’s Grotto Weekends between Sat 22 Nov – Sun 21 Dec & Mon 22 Dec. Bookings on-line only from our website Christmas Trees Sat 29 Nov – Mon 22 Dec 9am-5.30pm www.blackthorpebarn.com J45 A14. Rougham, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP30 9HZ Tel: 01359 270880 10 AROUND AND ABOUT ‘ELMSWELL AND MEMORIES OF THE GREAT WAR’ EXHIBITION – 11-12 APRIL 2015 Our research into the aerodrome continues apace, though our quest to find out about daily life in Elmswell during the war years has been more challenging. We’ve learnt something of life at the old Council School from the Managers’ Minutes. There were regular concerns about the damaged wall between this school and the Church School but by the end of 1918 there was a long list of items needing attention, including tiles on the porch floor, door fasteners, windows and gates to the playground. The Minutes also show that scholars went to Woolpit for cookery lessons and that needlework and garden produce were regularly sold. Interestingly, the Managers ‘noted with satisfaction’ that Mary Armstrong was awarded a scholarship in 1918. Are you related to Mary or her family? Can you tell us anything about her life? The Great War was clearly a very difficult period but there was a lighter side to life in Elmswell. We know, for example, that in July 1917 soldiers held a dance at the Council School because the Minutes tell us they were asked to replace a window that was broken! What we don’t know is who the soldiers were or how the window was broken. Can you enlighten us? Before the aerodrome was built in 1917 it seems that soldiers from various regiments had already spent time in the village. A letter in the Western Mail dated 22 December 1914 from Lieut-Colonel E Tenison Collins of the 2nd Welsh Field Ambulance appeals for money to provide the men with a Christmas dinner. The extracts below give us some insight into their life here in the early months of the war: It may interest your readers to know what we have been doing. On our removal from Conway where we ran a hospital for the North Wales Brigade, we went to Northampton. There we had charge of the sick and injured of four brigades of artillery, the Yeomanry and North Wales Brigade of Infantry, and, with our continuous training, lectures &c, time had no chance to hang idly on our hands. We are now at Stowmarket, and two sections at Elmswell, six miles away, with a hospital to each place, looking after the Cheshire and North Wales Brigade and Engineers. It may be irregular, but as members of the Territorial Association are your readers, I cannot help saying how badly my men are being treated. For three months I have been trying to get boots, and it is pitiful to see the men on these wet and miserable days trudging through mud and working in wet fields with their stockings showing through their boots and the soles flapping away from the uppers. Also the clothing is ready to drop off them and no second suit can be got, in spite of letters and telegrams. My own groom, five years in the corps, has never had a new coat and is a masterpiece of darns and patches, riding behind the commanding officer. The men are sleeping on bare boards, with two blankets per man, and the Government do not supply ‘’footwarmers’’. Still they do their job well, and without grumbling, but I do think that Cardiffians should not forget them and enable me to do something for them at Christmas. Life for these men was very tough, even here in Elmswell. Anne McGee 01359 244001 From Trevor Sadler’s Postcard Collection at http://www.elmswell-history.org.uk/pix/trevor/ sadler.html RED ARE THE POPPIES Red are the poppies, as red as the blood That was shed for us all on Flanders Fields. Then too soon, there came once more The world engulfed in a crippling war. War in Korea, war in Iraq The Falklands war and Afghanistan The shedding of blood for the freedom of man. Red are the poppies, as red as the blood In the fighting won and the fighting lost. The price of our freedom to live in peace Of the men and women who paid the cost. Red are the poppies, as red as the fear That haunts the mind, for year after year. Terror that man can inflict upon man The torture, the horror, the evil plan. Red are the poppies, as red as the pain Of the wounded soldier, again and again The limbs that are gone, the body maim. Red are the poppies, as red as the grief For our sailors drowned beneath the wave. Grief for our airmen who never came back For our fine young men in an unmarked grave. Oh, red are the poppies, as red as the blood That was shed for us all by the Son of God. Forgive us Lord, for the blood we shed Blood like the poppies, oh so red. Pamela Millyard 11 Lee Brand Plasterer HAYWARDS – SOLICITORS – • Conveyancing & Energy Performance Certificates • Divorce, Separation, Childcare, Adoption and all other Family/Matrimonial problems including Collaborative Law • Wills, Probate and Inheritance • Elderly Client Care Tel: 01359 245924 Mobile: 07927 519909 Email: rockyfosgate@aol.com Re-skims New Builds CAR PARK AVAILABLE FOR USE BY CLIENTS AT OUR OFFICES AT 7- 9 TAVERN STREET, STOWMARKET Artex Ceilings/Walls Flattened Telephone: (01449) 613631 Insurance Work email: enquiries@haywards-solicitors.co.uk www.haywards-solicitors.co.uk Free Estimates Coving TONY FISHER • • • • • • • • PLUMBING & PROPERTY MAINTENANCE 24hr Emergency Callout Bursts, leaks, blockages etc. Bathroom/shower installation Tanks/cylinders/radiators Tiling floors/walls Painting & Decorating General DIY jobs Garden Maintenance Tel. 01359 242556 Mobile 07758327743 The Old Tea Room Veterinary Surgery The Level Crossing, Elmswell Opening Hours:8.30am to 6.00pm Monday to Friday Consultations by Appointment Tel. 01359 241761 Please call in to see our full range of pet supplies, including flea treatments, worming tablets, pet shampoos, pet food, and many other accessories for the routine care of your pet 24 Hour Emergency Service 01449 613130 Reliable & Friendly Service! PAUL SCASE Home Improvements Painting Interior & Exterior Painting Carpentry • Using the best named paints to give you a professional finish • Wardrobes made to your design • Colour charts provided to give you the best choice of colours • Floor to ceiling, wall to wall Excellent Rates Tel: 01359 241051 Mobile: 07745 250440 12 BLOMFIELD MAINTENANCE GAS ENGINEER Natural and Propane (LPG) Servicing and repairs of: BOILERS, COOKERS, FIRES COMMERCIAL CATERING EQUIPMENT Installation of: COOKERS and HOBS LANDLORD GAS SAFETY CHECKS 01359 241454 134842 07889 616937 VILLAGE GREEN NEWS FROM ELMSWILD Many hands make light work at Kiln Meadow At this time of year we cut and rake off most of the vegetation at Kiln Meadow. The aim is to clear the most invasive plants – nettles, docks, willowherb, brambles – and to rake all the cuttings off the ground. This helps to weaken these plants, which would otherwise start to take over, and encourages other wildflowers to get a look in. Raking off the cuttings also takes nutrients away from the soil, which benefits many wildflowers as they thrive on poor soils. The heaps of cuttings also provide very useful over-wintering habitats for many small creatures – amphibians, reptiles, insects and mammals. It’s a really big job, so we are very grateful to Gary and his colleagues from BT who recently joined members of ElmsWild for a day’s work at Kiln Meadow. We managed to clear the whole site during the day. Kiln Meadow is now ready for winter – and for next spring when the wildflowers will start to appear. Thank you very much, BT! Volunteers from BT have been helping us out at both Lukeswood and Kiln Meadow for several years now. It’s a great help to ElmsWild, as we always get so much done during these work parties. It’s also good fun and a real change for staff members to get away from the workplace for a while and try something new. We always have a picnic or campfire and make it a real day out. There’s always plenty to do, so we’d be delighted if any businesses in Elmswell would like to try a day’s volunteering with us. We provide all the equipment – you just bring the people! If anyone would like to give it try, please do get in touch with us. Mary Feeney Email: info@elmswild.co.uk 13 REMOVALS & STORAGE CALL WARD’S OF STANTON FOR A FREE QUOTATION ON: HOUSE MOVES, HOUSE CLEARANCE, OFFICE RE-LOCATION AND PACKING SERVICES. STORAGE AVAILABLE AT SECURE PREMISES. ALL FULLY INSURED. Office: 01359 251198 Mobile: 07976 353447 info@wardsofstanton.co.uk www.wardsofstanton.co.uk • • • • • A local, family run business All aspects of Design & Marketing solutions: Õ&RUSRUDWH,GHQWLW\/RJR'HVLJQ Õ%XVLQHVV6WDWLRQHU\'HVLJQ Õ%URFKXUHDQG/HDìHW'HVLJQ Õ:HEVLWH'HVLJQ Õ6HDUFK(QJLQH2SWLPLVDWLRQ Õ(PDLO0DUNHWLQJ Õ6RFLDO0HGLD3UHVHQFH 3/8608&+025( Call: 01359 240408 Email: enquiries@spi-des-ign.co.uk www.spi-des-ign.co.uk 14 AROUND & ABOUT TRANSPORT TO HOSPITAL For non-emergency treatment if it is an emergency then 999 is the number to use. Following on from the general article last issue I have been asked to break down the elements. With the NHS cutbacks free transport is really only given in exceptional circumstances and the call handles will make decisions on each case, you can appeal if refused. So what is needed? Ipswich, West Suffolk, Norfolk and Norwich, Addenbrooks or Papworth are booked via 08458 500 774 This is a low rate line. As I said patients are assessed on their ability to get to the hospital without free transport. When calling you will need your NHS number – this should be on your appointment letter – If you do not have a letter as the appointment was made by phone The Doctors surgery may be able to help – BUT please phone after 11 in the morning. So: NHS Number Name and Address of GP The time and which clinic you are attending Be prepared to answer questions on your mobility, be truthful , make a list before you call For example: • Can you walk unaided ? • if not, the type of aid you use (walking frame, wheelchair etc) • Are you suffering from fits, breathlessness, blind, dizziness , etc? If you are refused you can phone again and ask for a re-assessment. If that fails you can try The Patient advice and liaison service (PALS) 0800 389 6819. Your GP or practice nurse may be able to help. There is some help with transport costs depending on your circumstances. You may be able to apply for travel vouchers (max £50 per year) and these can be used against community transport, taxi or private hire – check with the operator before you book that they will accept the voucher. There as always are criteria for the vouchers – you must not have a free bus pass, be over state retirement age and be disabled. There is much more information on the link – Suffolk on board www.suffolkonboard.com or their helpline 0845 606 6171 Mike Friend THANK YOU... YOU SAY... ...to everyone who donated, baked and attended the coffee morning hrld on 25th October in aid of the Forget-Me-Not Dementia Campaign. We raised a fantastic £800.00! Thank you once again for supporting readers’ comment inspired by recent editorials.... this very worthwhile cause. Julie Hawes In this case suggesting that we voluntarily impose our own 20mph speed limit. After the article in the Elmswell magazine perhaps the time is right to hold a public meeting and pass any “wishes of the people” across to Mid Suffolk ? Thank you to all who worked so hard making cakes & pastries for the Bistro at this year’s Fayre and to my helpers who worked without stopping throughout a very busy afternoon. I feel the 50 limit on Warren Lane (as an example) is plainly dangerous and equally plainly stupid. We were able to hand over £460.00 at the end of the day. Val Burch 90% of London is now 20 mph. STOWMARKET SKIP HIRE P H Peckham Plumbing and Heating Engineer 214650 • 24 HOUR CALL OUT 28 Eastern Way • FREE Estimates Elmswell • Tel. 01359 240958 Mob. 07802 642884 Corgi Registered Solid Fuel, Oil or Gas • Email: phpeckhamplumbing@gmail.com Bathroom Suites Designed and Installed • Water Softners Fitted • Tiling • Boilers Serviced Gas Safe Register No 214650 What other ways are there to get to your appointment? Community car service – Dial A Ride – Good neighbour scheme. You may be asked to pay part of the cost and for car parking at the hospital. For advice on these services Ring Age UK Suffolk 01284 757 750 Suppliers of 2, 4, 6 & 8 Yards Skips 1 Tonne Waste Bags Hoggin, Topsoil & Hardcore PROMPT & RELIABLE SERVICE Weaver House Finborough Road Onehouse, Nr Stowmarket Mobile: (07860) 692733 15 Eastern Frames ELMSWELL SCOUTS Picture Framing Your Local, Professional Picture Framers John & Trisha Noy Glass & Mounts Cut Greetings Cards & Photo Frames Needlework Stretched & Framed Fast & Reliable Service Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm Sat 9am - 12noon Red House Farm Station Road Haughley Tel: 01449 675897 www.easternframes.co.uk ELMSWELL SCOUTS – ONWARDS AND UPWARDS This has been another eventful year for Elmswell Scouts and as our action packed programme slows towards Christmas we have time to reflect on some of the adventures and successes the section has experienced over the year. In May we travelled to Gradbach in the Peak District, where we stayed in a dedicated Scout lodge situated in a picturesque valley surrounded by the amazing backdrop of the peaks, a great contrast from the relatively flat county of Suffolk. The Scouts planned and hiked some 22 km over 3 days, and even managed to fit in some local trout fishing on the second day. The Scouts learned about hiking in hilly terrain and were able to develop skills in route planning, emergency procedures and of course navigation in a physically demanding environment. The section were split into their respective patrols and were issued maps, compasses, route cards and radios and navigated themselves around the spectacular countryside of the peaks with the leaders in sight for safety. The self-catering Scout lodge offered a warm, dry base for the evenings where the Scouts enjoyed a well-earned rest and BBQ. One of the Scouts had recently returned from Nepal and a laptop and projector gave him the opportunity to talk to the other Scouts about his international experience and family background. 16 During the summer Elmswell Scout Troop were fortunate enough to be offered the opportunity to camp on the Brown and Sons Estate in Hawstead, Suffolk. Using a greenfield site such as this on private land gave the 30 strong Scout troop freedom to exercise some of the Scouting skills that would not be available on commercial camping grounds. The Scouts were split into patrols to carry out activities such as navigation, firelighting, air rifle shooting, fishing and pioneering which were carried out in the immediate area. The daily routine of flag ceremonies, cooking, collecting water and an allimportant campfire with songs and skits were all essential tasks that the secure site offered, as well as safe access to the river Lark. The Scouts went to the local Lackford Lakes near Bury St Edmunds for a day of sailing, kayaking, rafting and hiking which was an amazing day out in the sun after recent heavy rain, and the pictured efforts below to dry their boots, and returned to the estate for a well-earned hearty supper that evening. The week was thoroughly enjoyed by all and our special thanks go to Rupert and Milly Brown for their generous hosting during a great week. In July the Scouts visited Wattisham Flying Station and Anglia Gliding Club to participate in the Aeronautics Activity Badge. Anglia Gliding Club kindly offered to allow up to 12 Scouts from Elmswell to carry out a day of gliding activities at Wattisham airfield to achieve the Aeronautics Activity Badge. The Scouts were able to assist in the supervised setup of the Gliding area, help inspect the aircraft pre-flight, conduct safety briefings and carried out two instructed flights as the thermals of rising air increased in the afternoon sun. Recently the Scouts had been training for the coveted Stowmarket District Lightweight Hike competition which took place in early October. The Lightweight Hike features high on the District events and is a physically and mentally challenging two day competition where patrols of up to 6 Scouts have to map read themselves unassisted through checkpoints, carrying all of their equipment for 2 days including tents, stoves, food, sleeping bags and essential safety equipment. They are assessed on leadership, teamwork, route planning and time keeping, and when they reach the campsite on day 1 they are then marked on their camping and cooking skills, without any leader intervention. The route took them some 20km over the 2 days, no easy feat with a 12kg rucksack on your back! There were 13 teams in total from across the District, with 2 competing teams from Elmswell and a supervised development team. All of the Scouts from Elmswell were fired up and had the spirit and determination to succeed, even during some terrible weather on the first day. The scores were announced at the finish and we were all nervous when the final 5 places were called out. It was the proudest moment when the Assistant District Commissioner announced that the 2 competing teams from Elmswell had finished 1st and 2nd, and that we would be bringing the trophy back to Elmswell for a second year running! This has been a great year for the Troop and the Group, and activities like camping, hiking, pioneering, shooting, climbing, sports, survival skills, first aid, and swimming are just a few of the adventures the Scouts will be throwing themselves into next year, come on Elmswell Scouts! The Scout Group now has over 70 Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. These fortunate youngsters have a fantastic opportunity to take up challenges and excitement that may not be available at school or home. These opportunities are only available due a small and dedicated team of Scout Leaders. To continue offering such excitement we do need more Leaders and people prepared to join our Exec and help with the administration of the Scout Group. Everyone has skills and experience to offer that can help the Scouts. Please email Ben Savill on hovells23@hotmail.co.uk to offer your help and get engaged in the fun and pride from being part of a group producing confident and skilful young people that will be an asset to our village in the future. If your young person would be interested in joining us please also email Ben and he will direct you to the appropriate Section. 17 The Fox Elmswell Bar and Restaurant Fine Dining - Great Food - Great Beers Thai and English Menus Eat in or takeaway Bar open seven days a week Food Tuesday - Sunday Lunch 12noon - 3pm Evenings 5.30pm - 10pm D E H IS B R U F E R Y L L A T O T Sunday Roast From 12 noon – 5pm every Sunday £7.95 per head Choice of Chicken, pork, beef BOOKINGS FOR CHRISTMAS NOW BEING TAKEN - OPEN FOR A SPECIAL CHRISTMAS DAY LUNCH THAI OR TRADITIONAL For reservation and takeaway please phone 01359 242908 01359 244662 Booking recommended 18 Maggie’s gg Musings g A GOOD PUB FOR GOOD PEOPLE.’ This is Jimmy Bulley’s vision for The Fox, which he has taken over as the resident landlord and is currently refurbishing. Clearly, he comes with a good deal of experience and knows instinctively what is likely to be successful. He has worked in pubs and restaurants since he left school, running businesses in Hertfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire for more than twenty years. Jimmy was offered The Fox by Greene King because it was not doing well at the time. When he came to look round Elmswell, his impression was of a vibrant village which would need ‘a good, clean pub, selling good food.’ He felt that The Fox had great potential and, with the support of the locals, he says he will do his best to supply quality beer and quality food. He aims to give everyone a warm welcome when they come in and many locals who had stopped using the pub have returned. On the afternoon I was talking to Jimmy, there was a steady stream of people coming in, the atmosphere was relaxed and there was a lot of friendly banter. Customers were very complimentary about the changes that have been made and what was on offer to eat and drink. One of them told me that he liked ‘the very good Thai food’ which was ‘value for money.’ Refurbishment Currently, the pub is being completely refurbished, inside and out, and this should be completed by the begining of November. New pictures currently sit on the walls alongside photographs of the village in times gone by. Jimmy intends to put all the historical pictures on one wall as a history wall, and they will be illuminated. I imagine that many of the villagers will be happy that the pictures will continue to be displayed and will recognise it as a respectful gesture on Jimmy’s part. At the moment, his busiest days are Friday, Saturday and Sunday, with a ‘reasonable’ number of people on the other days. He is committed to his business The Village Solicitor & model and says that it is working well at the moment and he believes it will get better. He is certainly putting in very long hours to ensure that this happens and you cannot fault his enthusiasm. What food is provided? The pub is open seven days a week and lunch and evening meals are served Tuesday to Sunday, although Jimmy hopes to serve food on a Monday as well in the near future. He also provides takeaway food alongside the restaurant food, and people have travelled from as far as Gislingham, Rickinghall and Stowmarket to sample his menus. A wide range of food is offered, providing fine dining in both Thai and English food. All food is prepared and cooked on the premises and no ready made food is brought in. There is an extensive selection in both menus and the cooking is based on traditional home style cooking. Certainly there is no microwaved food. The pub has two full time chefs and Jimmy’s wife Sunanta, who is also the licensee. Between them all they have considerable cooking experience. Lunch is served from 12 noon until three, and in the evening food is served from 5.30pm until 10pm. On Sunday there is a roast dinner of chicken, beef or pork, which is served from 12 until 5pm, costing £7.50 per adult and £4.50 for children under 10. There are sundaes, icecream or a choice of frozen desserts from between £2.95 to £4.50, as well as hot drinks. In the Thai menu, the extensive choice of starters cost from £4.95 to £14.95, and includes Thai and English starters, soups and salads. The main courses cost from £6.50 to £9.00 and the sizzling grills range from £12.95 to £16.95. Stir fried food costs between £5.95 to £9.95. There are various specials from £10.95 to £18.95, fish dishes from £12.95 to £15.95, noodle dishes from £5.95 to £8.50, and rice dishes from £2.50 to £8.50. There is also a special Thai menu with starters, main course and desserts. If you read the descriptions there are surely enough dishes in the different menus to suit all palates. In the restaurant, the Dementia We can help increase your knowledge and understanding of the condition and take practical steps to living better with it. End of life issues It can be difficult to talk about death, dementia and terminal illness. We can help you have those difficult but important end of life conversations. For legal advice and help with getting the very best out of growing old Legal advice on: • • • • • • • • • Advance Decisions to refuse medical treatment Conveyancing Intestacy Inheritance Tax Lasting Powers of Attorney Mental Capacity & Dementia Probate Trusts Home Wills and business visits Funerals We can help you write the eulogy, choose music and a venue to create a very special memorial service. Home visits available Call Nigel George on 01449 737582 Email Nigel@ageingwithoptimism.com Ageing with Optimism, Orchard Vale Borley Green Woolpit Suffolk IP30 9RW www.ageingwithoptimism.com All legal advice is provided by Nigel George T/A George and Co Solicitors who are authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority SRA No. 326626 tables are attractively laid out, with occasional plants adding a homely touch. What are the plans for the future? Jimmy is committed to being very much part of the village and has already made links with many of the clubs and organisations. The footballers visit the pub after their matches for refreshments, as well as bowlers, cricketers and the Elmswheelians. The pub can easily cater for large numbers, but it is worth pre warning them if you are wanting a meal en masse. He can accommodate personal and private parties and firm’s Christmas events. He would like to introduce annual occasions such as Mother’s Day and Valentine’s Day, and plans to have a New Year’s Eve party with free champagne at midnight. This year, he is going to be open on Christmas Day from 12 noon until 4pm serving both a traditional Christmas dinner or Thai option. For anyone on their own or for those who don’t want to cook for themselves this could be a great way to celebrate Christmas. The pub has a dart board and pool table and Jimmy is interested in encouraging ladies to get involved with darts and pool, forming their own teams. There is usually a quiz on the first Sunday of the month, involving teams of up to six and the pub providing nibbles. It costs £6.50 to join in and there is a monetary prize for the winners. Jimmy is willing to experiment with different forms of entertainment, and recently had jazz playing during the Sunday lunchtime. He has also considered having someone playing the acoustic guitar in the corner, providing background music. He is less keen on the more gimmicky, expensive ways of getting people into the pub and his instincts tell him that they wouldn’t be right for The Fox. Judging by what I have heard from people in the village and his own customers, he has made a positive start. Of course, you could always go and find out for yourself. Maggie Bushell CRJ Accountancy The Tax and Accountancy Service for Small Businesses and Taxpayers Self Assessment, Tax Returns, Annual Accounts, Book-Keeping, Employed, Self-Employed or Starting a New Business For a free initial discussion without obligation call Clive Jenkins Tel 01359 230231 www.crjaccountancy.co.uk 119 ELMSWELL HOMEGUARD We had several requests following Maggie’s piece on Ray Bennett’s Precious Memories last month for details of one of the photo’s, so here it is. Officers and NCOs Elmswell Home Guard Back Row: Ernie Bennett, Jewers, Percy Manning, Sid Atkins, Wilfrid Hammond, Eric Knights Front Row: Dennis Dyball, Bill Phillips, Bill Goymer, Jack Henderson, McNeil, Walter Howe, Sid Baker, Arthur Fenton Established 1987 Tel: 01284 760345 Visit us: www.langleysconservatories.co.uk Why come to Langleys for your home improvements? Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Over 25 years trading in the area Apprenticeship trained fully employed fitting teams Insurance backed deposit registrations Insurance backed guarantees Proud to be members of the Consumer Protection Association for the last 13 years We have a huge range of bespoke products We only use the highest quality products We have an extensive portfolio of work we are happy to showcase We do not pressure sell! We send quotes to customers and wait for them to respond to us With us you will NEVER have someone trying to sell on the night! No pretend calls to the boss to give additional ‘discounts’. With us our first price is the price! A rated Energy efficient windows Now is a good time to have your windows and doors upgraded in readiness for winter. Generally more heat is lost through the windows and doors of a house than any other part of the structure. Let us help improve the comfort of your property by supplying and installing our industry leading, A rated energy efficient frames. Not only are our windows and doors incredibly efficient they are also look great. Be assured they will be installed by our own, directly employed, highly skilled fitters. Visit our web site for more details. Contact us today on 01284 760345 or email enquiries@langleysconservatories.co.uk Proud members of the Consumer Protection Association for over 13 years! 20 CHILDRENS PAGE Wrap up warm! Stay away from the bonfire! WORDSEARCH Wrap up warm! G U Y M R F A E Y P R H O T D O G F W S J W T J E Q Y G E P U G F R E Y U I N A E E I G H T S A O R C E R O C K E T V K G R E B E H W R E L T T W A O D I L M E B B O N F I R E B R A G R G C S O E E S U U K F V P P T R A N C S E B L E H A F K V E C H A R O E E U A R C U Y C P S T C E H K D J S W Y Y Fireworks Bonfire Rocket Guy Bang Sparkler Safety Display Hotdog Lights November Recipe for Chocolate Sparklers You will need: Chocolate fingers Hundreds and thousands Small bowl of hot water Greaseproof paper Instructions: Dip one end of the chocolate finger into the hot water then dip straight into the hundreds and thousands. Place on the greaseproof paper and pop in the fridge to set. Very quick, easy and really yummy!!!!!!! L I G H T S D Y H Be careful when holding your sparklers! Make sure you’re with an adult! Never play with fireworks! - They are explosive and can hurt you! When you are watching fireworks stand well back! Always wear gloves when you are handling a sparkler! Enjoy watching all the fireworks! And remember to stay safe! This page sponsored by 21 ELMSWELL FELLOWSHIP churchyard has been set aside for a small Garden of Remembrance, where anyone is invited to place a Poppy Cross in memory of someone they wish to remember at this poignant time of year. Everyone is welcome to attend any of our services. The Annual Christmas Fair is due to take place at the Blackbourne (Jubilee Hall) on Saturday 15 November from 2pm-4pm. All the usual stalls, plus some new ones. We would love to see you there! ST JOHN’S CHURCH Contact: Revd Peter Goodridge tel: 240512 email: elmswellrector@gmail.com Sunday 9 November 08.00am Holy Communion BCP 10.30am All Age Remembrance Day Service 1.00pm-4.00pm ‘Lest we Forget’ Poppy Festival Monday 10 November 10.00am-3.00pm ‘Lest we Forget’ Poppy Festival Tuesday 11 November 10.00am-3.00pm ‘Lest we Forget’ Poppy Festival 11.00am Service of Remembrance and Reflection Sunday 16 November 10.30am Holy Communion Sunday 23 November 08.00am Holy Communion BCP 10.30pm Morning Prayer CW Saturday 29 November 7.00pm Concert ’The Friends’ group raises money for the church fabric, insurance, maintenance etc. New members are always welcome to our group, so if you are interested in helping to preserve and maintain this ancient place of worship, please think about joining. More details from Jean Folkard tel: 242099. Christians Together In Elmswell A reminder that this year’s Village Carol Service will be held in St John’s church on Monday 15 December at 6pm. Next year’s Children’s Holiday Club will be held at the Blackbourne from 17 to 21 August 2015. ST. JOHN’S CHURCH TOWER FLOODLIGHTING You are invited to sponsor the floodlighting of St. John’s to help with the day-to-day running expenses of our parish church. You can choose to commemorate an anniversary, a personal event, or any other special occasion. Alternatively you can simply make a donation. Sunday 30 November 08.00am Holy Communion BCP 10.30am Morning Service 3.30pm Christingle For the winter months the lights will be on between 5.30 p.m. and midnight. and into December...... Cheques payable to “ST. JOHN’S CHURCH, ELMSWELL” please. Sunday 7 December All Age Service Thank you for your support. 11.00am Holy Communion BCP OCTOBER 2014 SPONSORSHIPS NOT PREVIOUSLY ACKNOWLEDGED Opening times are as follows: Sunday 9 November from 1pm-4pm, Monday 10 November 10am-3pm Tuesday 11 November 10am-3pm (this will include a short service of remembrance at 11am) Refreshments will be available on the open days and any donations will go towards the work of St John’s Church and the Royal British Legion. As is now our custom at St John’s an area of the 11 in loving memory of Ena May Clover. 12 in loving memory of Denzil Bloomfield, a dear Brother, Uncle, and Great Uncle, who passed away 2 years ago today. “Loved and remembered always”. Love from all the family. 12 in loving memory of my partner, Denzil John Bloomfield, who passed away 12th November 2012. 12 in loving memory of Thomas Henry Manning. 12 remembering our Dad, Trevor Borley, on his Birthday. Also our Mother, Fay Borley, who passed away on this day in 2012, which was also their Wedding Anniversary. 12 remembering Dad, Trevor Borley, on his Birthday; and Mum, Fay Borley, who passed away 2 years ago. 13 in loving memory of Natasha Smith on her Birthday. 13 in loving memory of Betty Hart on her Birthday. “Always in our thoughts”. From all the family. 15 in loving memory of my father, Wally Fraser. 20 in loving memory of my dear Husband, Hector William Francis, who died 20th November 1988. From his loving wife Ruth, and all the family. 23 in memory of Patrick Miles on his Birthday. 26 in loving memory of a dear Mum, MARGERY ROSE CAMMELL. From all the family. 28 in memory of Evelyn Clark. All bookings and payments please to :Trevor Sadler, Abbots Warren, Church Road, Elmswell (Tel: 01359 240908) One night’s floodlighting costs £5. 09.30am St John’s Church In this year in which we commemorate the start of the Great War in 1914, following the Remembrance Day Service on 9 November, from 1pm there will be a Poppy Festival of Remembrance “Lest we Forget” in the Church. 22 The Friends of St John’s Church Our ‘Poems and Puddings’ evening was successful, with poems by John Betjeman and Pam Ayres being amongst those read. The Puddings were as advertised ‘super’ – provided by the Committee and members of the Friends. 9 Remembrance Sunday. 4 “Happy Birthday Mum”. x. 5 in loving memory of Vic. “God Bless”. Gwen and son Jamie. NOVEMBER 2014 SPONSORSHIPS 1 in memory of Jim Baker (1933-2009), on the anniversary of his death. 2 in loving memory of John Philip Parsk, a dearly loved Husband, Dad and Grandad. 6 in loving memory of Dorothy May Nunn. 6 in loving memory of Derek Bloomfield. 6 in memory of Mrs Ivy Ella Rand (19102013) on her Birthday. CATHOLIC PARISH OF OUR LADY, STOWMARKET Parish Priest: Father David Finegan, The Presbytery, 29 Lockington Road, Stowmarket IP14 1BQ Tel: 01449-612946 E-mail: ourlady.stowmarket@btinternet.com MASS TIMES: Saturdays (First Mass of Sunday) St Mary’s C of E Church, Woolpit IP30 9QP 6.00 pm Sundays Our Lady’s, Stricklands Road, Stowmarket IP14 1AW - 8.30 am & 10.15 am Holy Days Our Lady’s, Stricklands Road, Stowmarket - 8.00 am, 10.00 am and 7.30 pm Weekday services in the Parish are advertised at the front of Our Lady’s Church, in the weekly Newsletter and on the Parish Website www.ourladys-stowmarket.co.uk NOVEMBER IN OUR PARISH We invite you to visit our Church’s Autumn Bazaar, which is being held on Saturday 8th November from 9.30 am to 1.30 pm in the Hall of the United Reformed Church, Ipswich Street, Stowmarket. There’ll be all the usual attractions on the stalls: cakes, books, toys and games, bottles, gifts, bric a brac, CDs/DVDs, as well as fun with competitions and a super raffle. While we’re open, refreshments will be available from the kitchen including hot drinks, bacon rolls and delicious light lunches. We do hope to see you again this year. Each November those who have died and especially the War Dead are in our thoughts and prayers. This year, we will be observing All Saints’ Day on Sunday, 2nd November, and All Souls’ Day on Monday, 3rd November. Those who have been bereaved will be especially welcome at the two Masses on All Souls Day, at 10.00 am and 7.30 pm. Those who have died or have been bereaved in the past year will have a special place in our prayers. On Remembrance Sunday, 9th November we will be offering a Requiem Mass at 10.15 am in Our Lady’s Church for all the War Dead as we mark the centenary the First World War and will remember them in all our Masses that day. Father David Finegan to Margaret and Dorothy for providing it and thanks to Tony for organising the whole event, despite having fewer teams than in the past the evening produced a profit for the work of Christian Aid. Thursday 13th November Food & Friends lunch takes place from midday, last month 29 people enjoyed lunch with us so contact Jackie on 01359245918 if you’ve not been before and would like to join us. The Ladies Friendship Group met to hear a talk given by Val Moore about the work of Marie Curie Nurses. Our services for November will be led by:- Our CU @ CU Club held their Annual Light Party where they played games by nothing more than torchlight and had a great time in the process. Our activities continue as usual in November with:- November 2nd Stephen Spurgeon (inc. Communion) November 9th Stephen Spurgeon (All Age Service) November 16th Hazel Hunting November 23rd Paul Kemp November 30th Stephen Spurgeon Monday 3rd November7.45pm Ladies Friendship Group meet to hear about the work of The First Responders. Contact Margaret on 01359241541 if you would like to join the Ladies. As ever we offer a warm welcome to anyone wishing to join us for any of our services and activities. Each Tuesday in term time CU @ CU club meet at 6.00pm-7.30pm for fun games and bible stories. Contact Tony on 01359241541 for more information. Lastly to add to my earlier thoughts please remember in your prayers all those folk working as missionaries, health workers and medics, trying to beat the Ebola epidemic in all the countries effected in Africa. On Thursday 6th November we will restart after a long break our weekly house group meetings for prayer, bible study, and fellowship, contact me on 01359241323 to find out where we are meeting next. Dave Hollings THANK YOU ELMSWELL BAPTIST CHURCH When I started writing this report of our activities my thoughts were drawn to the news that the families of Alan Henning and David Haines, the aid workers murdered by Islamic State militants, are calling for Acts of Unity against Islamic State, I hope and pray that this request brings a positive reaction by all faiths and eventually leads to a peaceful resolution to all the troubles in the Middle East. October saw a busy month for us at the Tin Tabernacle, we held our annual Harvest Thanksgiving Service led by Stephen where we enjoyed a BBQ lunch provided by the Elmswell Scout Group, our grateful thanks to Ben and his team. All the donations of food and produce were given to The Stowmarket Food Bank and Pilgrims Homes in Great Finborough. On the 18th October we hosted a Christian Aid Quiz where five teams took part, the winners were “The Seasiders” closely followed by The Cricket Club, we enjoyed pulled beef rolls for supper (apparently it was a Tom Kerridge recipe) thanks We ran a McMillan Coffee and Cake event on Friday 26th September as part of the ‘Big Coffee Morning’ events taking place all over the country. Ours was held in ‘The Garage’ Elmford School Road. We would like to say thank you to all those who contributed in any way. We raised £850.00 which was amazing. Many thanks, Vicky Mudge 23 ELMSWELL NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN The steering group which has been asked to prepare a neighbourhood Plan meets at least once a month. The 14 members have drawn up a set of questions to guide them in preparing a document which accurately reflects the general view of the community of Elmswell as to how development in our village should be guided and controlled for the next 25 years. At their last meeting, on 16th October, it was agreed that the questions should be tested as widely as possible by taking them to various community groups for comment. There will be a separate questionnaire for young people in the village to be distributed via the schools and a questionnaire for businesses in the village who may have their own specialist concerns and views. CAS also handles the analysis of the answers to identify the issues and concerns which will direct the writing of the Plan. There are 2 stages beyond this. The Plan has to go to a village referendum, conducted by Mid Suffolk on the same basis as an election. If 50% or more of those voting agree that the Plan accurately reflects the community’s wishes regarding future development, then it goes for formal examination by a Planning Inspector who rules whether it has been properly compiled, widely consulted upon and not in breach of certain technical requirements. Once all of the consultation feedback is taken into account and it is agreed that there is a sound basis for a questionnaire, the team at Community Action Suffolk (CAS) who are working with the steering group, will produce a document using their specialist software for printing and distribution via the Elmswell Newsletter. The CAS system makes each questionnaire unique to avoid duplicated returns but ensures total anonymity. Once the Plan has passed these rigorous tests it becomes part of the local Planning structure – its requirements are written into the legally enforceable framework within which all future developers wishing to build in the village must operate. FOR ALL YOUR KITCHEN AND BATHROOM NEEDS... • Fabulous range of kitchen and bathroom suites on display in our extensive showroom • Contemporary to traditional all at competitive prices • From design to installation with the option of a full fitting service available • Contract Kitchens, kitchen doors and facelifts, supply only and to the trade • Easy access and free parking, open 6 days a week Mon - Sat COME AND SEE US AT TOT HILL, OLD A14, STOWMARKET. IP14 3QQ TEL: 01449 616065 Fax: 01449 616638 KITCHENS2BATHROOMS@AOL.CO.UK 24 KITCHENS • Free no obligation surveys 2 K2B BATHROOMS To find out more, or to contact the Group with questions, comments or suggestions, go to the website at www. elmswellneighbourhoodplan.org.uk , email contact@elmswellneighbourhoodplan.org.uk , write via the Parish Clerk’s Office, Station Road, IP30 9HR, telephone 244134, or simply scan the QR codes. WEBSITE FACEBOOK ELMSWELL SPORT ELMSWELL BOWLS CLUB Our final ‘match’ of the season was our annual ‘friendly’, who said ‘friendly’ against our local emergency services, by the end of the match competition was very fierce and we were in danger of being overwhelmed by the ferocity of the competition . The boys and girls of the services certainly came with the intention of winning and prisoners were not about to be taken. They look a pretty tough bunch. (The opposition, that is). Elmswell are in the white. Notice the ‘ringer’ on the RHS? (pictured right) However we had a few tricks up our sleeves with the temptation of tea and homemade sandwiches and cakes as an offering at the end of the match. You know there’s nothing that a fireman and police officer can resist is the bribery of homemade cakes. Needless to say that distraction enabled The Bowls Club members to take advantage and storm into an unassailable lead winning by the odd shot. However as bribery was involved we agreed to end the game in a well deserved draw for all concerned. It was as far as we were concerned a perfect end to a good season. (We don’t get homemade cakes at many games) Finally the last picture the fire boss contesting a shot, the cheek of it! (pictured right) Earlier on in the month we had our final club competition ‘Targets’. The idea being to roll your wood into an Archery Type target lying on the ground. Not easy as you think. I don’t think that Robin Hood has much to worry about: At the end of the day we agreed to pay the firemen a ransom towards their charity fund raising to get our chairman back, A few more pennies and they could have kept her. The month of November we will hold our annual Dinner and Trophy presentations at Bury St Edmunds Golf Club and we will also be holding our AGM for the forth coming year. Some of the action from the game verses the services: Michael Moore Thanks to Peter Edmonds for the photographs 25 When it comes to selling... ....we give it some! 01359 234444 www.allhomes.uk.com Encouraging young minds to reach their full potential Flexible childare for children aged 3 months to 8 years including After School and Holiday Club Open 8am to 6pm all year round (various sessions available) We offer 15 hours per week free childcare for all 3 & 4 year olds. Free Childcare available to eligible 2 year olds (please call the nursery for more information) Extra activities offered including Spanish Lessons, Yoga and Educational Visits Station Road Elmswell Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 9HD For further information call: 01359 240592 or email clarestreetfarm@aol.com www.streetfarmdaynursery.co.uk PRINTING FOR PLEASURE for ALL your litho & digital print requirements ON DEMAND COLOUR PRINTING ON OUR NEW XEROX DIGITAL PRESS 01473 652354 01473 652788 Colour Business Cards 100 from £25 jason@kdsprint.co.uk A5 Colour Leaflets 500 from £65 www.kdsprint.co.uk CALL TODAY FOR A QUOTATION - 01473 652354 Computer Help For any PC or Mac problem, including repairs, removal of spyware/viruses, upgrades, one-to-one training, broadband, wireless networking, data recovery, internet security. Independent buying advice from a degree qualified expert. Rapid response for your home or office. Steve Gage Computer Services steve@comphelp.co.uk (01359) 245273 26 Elder House Chattisham Ipswich Suffolk IP8 3QE AROUND & ABOUT OUR BUTCHERS REVEAL ALL...continued from their cover picture... ...and for just £5.99. This buys you a copy of their 2015 charity calendar from their shop on Ashfield Road, from the Mace shop next door or from The Fox. We were asked to squeeze something small into this month’s Newsletter...we leave you to judge. Of course we left the cheeky bits out...for further detail, for a fuller picture, to see the missing links, BUY THE CALENDAR. All of the proceeds will be split between Macmillan Cancer Care and St Nicholas Hospice. D K Appliances Limited DOMESTIC APPLIANCE SERVICES REPAIRS SALES GUARANTEED REPAIRS TO WASHING MACHINES • COOKERS • FRIDGES • TUMBLE DRIERS • DISHWASHERS • ETC WE COVER IPSWICH • STOWMARKET BURY • STANTON • DISS • EYE • DEBENHAM • WOODBRIDGE AREAS AND HAVE BEEN IN THE TRADE FOR OVER 20 YRS. WE ARE MEMBERS OF THE DOMESTIC APPLIANCE SERVICING ASSOCIATION. WE HAVE NEW AND RECONDITIONED APPLIANCES ON DISPLAY INCLUDING AEG • BOSCH • BENDIX • BELLING • CREDA • DYSON • ELECTROLUX • FRIGIDAIRE • HOOVER • HOTPOINT • PHILIPS • SERVICE • ZANUSSI ETC TEL. SHOP (01449) 780398 Visit our showroom at Finbows Furnishers on B1113 at Bacton WE ALSO SELL REFURBISHED APPLIANCES OF A HIGH STANDARD COMPLETE WITH A WRITTEN GUARANTEE YOU MAY ALSO TRADE IN GOOD CLEAN EQUIPMENT • BUILT IN OVENS AND HOBS SUPPLIED • ENQUIRE NOW MONDAY - FRIDAY 9.00 - 5.00 SATURDAY 10.00 - 2.00 SUNDAY & BANK HOLIDAYS CLOSED ELECTROLUX : ZANUSSI : JACKSON : BENDIX Wayne Salmon Electrical For all your electrical requirements – Domestic, commercial and industrial. All work carried out to a high standard. Mobile 07843 302798 Phone: 01359 242145 SERVIS : HOTPOINT : INDESIT : TRICITY : BELLING : HOOVER : CREDA : PHILLIPS ELECTROLUX : ZANUSSI : JACKSON : BENDIX SERVIS : HOTPOINT : INDESIT : TRICITY : BELLING : HOOVER : CREDA : PHILLIPS 227 @KBDecorating Designer Paints & Wallpapers from Little Greene, Designers Guild F&B and more Decorating, Glass & Building Centre Dettingen Way, Bury St Edmunds IP33 3TX 01284 762401 • www.kentblaxill.co.uk Arboricultural and Landscape Solutions All aspects of tree surgery Soft and hard landscaping Maintenance and lawn care Domestic & Commercial contracts Fully insured NPTC Qualified Green Scene Contact for free quotations and advice 01359 298141 / 07866 866880 info@greenscenetreesurgery.co.uk 28 ELMSWELL SPORT ELMSWELL CRICKET CLUB E 4 years ago on 22nd October 1974 a general 40 meeting was held where it was decided to rem fform Elmswell cricket club after several years w without a team. A holding committee was formed as follows: C Chairman Geoff Gower, Treasurer Tony Green, WORKSHOP DELIVERED TO ELMSWELL YOUTH A TOTAL of 35 parents from Elmswell Youth FC attended a ‘Creating the environment’ workshop delivered by Suffolk FA. The interactive session was held at Blackbourne playing fields in Elmswell (pictured above) on Saturday. SSecretary Norman Sinclair, Fixtures Secretary R Rodney Wilson and John Bennington, u unfortunately all these gentlemen are now d deceased – let us hope we have not let them d down with regard to the future of the club. O Other names on the committee were Tony SSadler, Tony Bennington, Jeremy Fox and Paul K Kent. Colin Plowright was elected as captain ffor the inaugural 1975 season, it was good the ssee Colin again at our 2014 awards dinner at SStowmarket Golf Club where he presented the ffollowing awards to: Elmswell Youth, who run teams from under-7s through to under-18s, have recently partnered with the Elmswell FC adult side C Clubman Nigel Burch P Players’ player Gary Stannard The session was delivered by Suffolk FA football development manager Nathan French who said: “I first designed the workshop three seasons ago, after a couple of clubs showed an interest in having a workshop for coaches and committee members, linked to the FA Youth Review. Y Young player Liam Wright B Batsman Gary Stannard B Bowler Nigel Greathead F Fielder Liam Wright “The workshop has changed a lot over the last three years, with parents now attending and also the content of the workshop evolving. “The workshop is now themed ‘Creating the environment’ and is all about creating a positive place for players within your club, to have the best football experience possible. The workshop is interactive and we try to personalise it each club. Thanks to Wally Cowley for o organising this event and to T Terry Garner for organising tthe raffle. E ELMSWELL AUTUMN FAYRE GOLF DAY G W had 33 players for our annual golf day, big We tthanks to Park Garage for sponsoring the event. IIf you need a service or repair etc call William o on 01359 242479 L Like to thank Stowmarket Golf for hosting the eevent and making our day a special one and ccould not have done more for us thanks. The club still have a few slots for membership so ggive them a call if you are thinking abot joining a Golf club good payment system to help with tthe first year. M Must thank Myrus Youngs for all his help on the p paper work on the day would be in a big muddle w with out him. The winner of the main event was Jon Wilcox w with 44 pts Jordan Youngs also with 44pts but llost on count back so runner up for him. There were many good score from many golfers o on the day one or two will be playing off a much llow handicap next year The morning Texas scramble team winners w were Richard Carter, Alan Crouch and Barry M Marsham with a score of 42.7 off 12 holes The winner who’s ball was the nearest to the flag aafter two Shots was Roger Arbin. Jodan Youngs was the winner of the longest d drive nearest the centre line The AGM of the club will be Thursday 13th November 22014 at 7.30 in the B Bowls Pavilion. JJames Ambrose came out on top for landing his b ball nearest the flag in one Wendy Southgate is p presenting the winner Trophy to Jon Wilcox in tthe photograph. W Wink P Peachey, M Many thanks T Terry Southgate C Committee Member S E RV I C E S maintaining helpful solutions All household + Property Maintenance Flat Pack Furniture Assembly I have lived locally for many years, I am reliable, fully insured and offer quality work at reasonable and affordable rates. If you have a job that needs doing – however small – just give me a call. I love the jobs you hate! Commercial work also undertaken Nothing is a problem, I can offer the solution. Grass cutting, Strimming + Hedging Driving Call Richard on 01359 245101/07926 132717 • T Y R E S • E X H A U S T S • B A T T E R I E S • C L U T C H E S Diagnostic Testing • Car & Light Commercial Service & Repair Specialist • General Servicing, Maintenance and Repairs on All Makes and Models • MOT Preparation and Repairs • Recovery, Collection and Delivery Service FOR A PERSONAL SERVICE AT A COMPETITIVE RATE PLEASE CALL ON Tel: 01359 245 998 Mob: 0780 5604793 Unit 3 The Old Coach Yard - Grove Lane Ind. Est. Elmswell IP30 9HN NO VAT! Mon - Fri 8:30 - 5:30 Sat 8:30 - 1:00 ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED Appointment Not Always Required • CAMBELT • HEAD GASKETS • B R A K E S • W E L D I N G • S U S P E N S I O N • T U N I N G 29 ELMSWELL PARISH COUNCIL T H I S P A G E I S P U B L I S H E D A N D F U N D E D B Y E L M S W E L L P A R I S H C O U N C I L 30 Full Council is scheduled to meet on the 3rd Monday monthly, excepting August and avoiding bank holidays. The October meeting took place in the Chamberlayne Hall annexe at Blackbourne on Monday 20th with 10 of the 11 councillors present, along with the Parish Clerk, District Council Ward Member Cllr Mrs Sarah Mansel and 11 members of the public. This report is compiled from that meeting by the Parish Clerk and edited by the Council’s Editorial Board which is made up of the Council Chairman, Cllr David Barker, the Council Vicechairman, Cllr Mrs Marian Abbott and Cllr Mike Friend, elected to do so by his peers. It seeks to cover some of the more interesting or significant items thought to deserve wider public attention. Included, where appropriate, are matters reported to the meeting by external bodies such as the Police and Ward Members or as raised at the meeting by members of the public. Further background and reference to subsequent events are included where relevant. The Minutes of recent Parish Council meetings and Committee meetings, together with the agenda for the next meeting, when published, are available on line at www.elmswell.suffolk.gov.uk, in the Memorial Library and from the Parish Clerk by arrangement. Bound copies of older Minutes are lodged with the Suffolk County Records Office in Bury St. Edmunds. The most recent Minutes, from the September Council meeting, as approved at this meeting, are posted in the community notice board at the Co-op. Towards the beginning of the Meeting, the Chairman read the following statement: Under recent new legislation, there are now increased public rights with regard to the filming and audio recording of the proceedings of meetings such as this. In common with most other councils, Elmswell Parish Council has not yet decided on policy and procedures to ensure that any recording activities are not disruptive and that members of the public who do not wish to be recorded are excluded from any recording. We are very aware of the potential dangers with regard to the unrestricted filming of children and vulnerable adults. The public should, therefore, be aware of the possibility that their presence here, and any contribution which they may make, might be recorded and could be broadcast. If at this point, or at any point during this evening’s proceedings, any member of the public wishes to be excluded from any recording which may be taking place, please let me know. Council’s Standing Order on public interruption of proceedings remains but, pending the adoption of new Standing Orders regarding the recording of meetings, the implicit approval of the Council for activities under the new legislation is hereby noted. County Council In a written report, Cllr Mrs Jane Storey confirmed that the SCC Area Highways Engineer is to move on and that she is to try to arrange for the Clerk and Chairman of all relevant parishes to meet with his replacement, when appointed, to discuss priorities. Cllr Storey reminded landowners that they have a clear duty to maintain ditches and watercourses which run on their land adjacent to the highway and beyond. Recent flooding incidents have highlighted problems in this area. Mid Suffolk District Council Cllr Mrs Sarah Mansel reported that the Council’s new rules governing the public’s new-found right to film certain meetings require that notice must be given of any intention to film or record and that members of the public must give their consent to be included. She confirmed that the use or release of lighted sky lanterns and helium filled balloons is now banned on SCC land and that town & parish councils are to be encouraged to follow suit. It was also reported that 38 new council houses are to be built in the District. Police PCSO Steve Pendergast and PC Neil Brown tabled a report recording 5 reported crimes over the past 4 weeks during which time 34 telephone calls were logged covering public concerns regarding road related offences, animals/wildlife, a missing person, a collapse case, a domestic incident, and highway disruption. They confirmed that 2 priorities had recently been set for the Safer Neighbourhood Team following public consultation, and that these are parking issues and personal safety. BMA The Blackbourne Management Association, which comprises user-groups and representative Councillors, manages the Council owned facilities at the community complex at Blackbourne. The Secretary, Cllr Peter Edmonds, reported on its most recent meeting at which progress with the new extension to provide improved disabled access, more storage and a meeting room / office was noted. The caretaker, has now absorbed the duties of cleaner which has made co-ordination of the two roles easier, a distinct advantage as lettings increase. He has, furthermore, made a very good impression on hirers and Association members alike,. A suggestion from user groups that the halls should provide recycling facilities for the waste produced by hirers is deemed to be impractical given the problems of ensuring that the separated waste streams are not contaminated resulting in noncollection and the need for re-sorting. Youth football The Clerk extended an invitation on behalf of EYFC for Councillors to visit one of the Club’s training sessions held at Blackbourne on Saturday mornings. The facilities at Blackbourne have been key to the very successful growth of the Club’s activities and the leaders are keen that Councillors should be aware of the difference that they have helped to make in encouraging community spirit in over 100 youngsters involved. Planning The Meeting agreed to support an application for the erection of bungalow with attached garage on land to the rear of Orchard Cottage on New Road and to make no comment on proposals for work on 3 protected trees at No 1 Grange Meadows. It was noted that Permission has been granted for the erection of a 2 storey side extension at The Cottage, Cross Street, on which application the Parish Council had made no comment. Similarly, no comment had been made on a recent proposal for work on a maple tree at 1, Grange Meadows for which permission was granted. Council had supported an application for a wind turbine at Potash Farm, Wyverstone which, the meeting noted, is now the subject of an appeal against Mid Suffolk’s refusal of permission. BMX track There was discussion regarding a formal proposal to hand over the project to construct and manage a BMX track at Old Schools Court / Pightle Close to the BMX Project Core Team so that they could take their scheme forward as an autonomous body without further direct interest from the Parish Council. It was confirmed that the group could be properly constituted so as to be in a position to take on the Lease which is currently under discussion with Suffolk County Council who own the land. After lengthy discussion, during which it became clear that Councillors were divided on the merits of the Proposal, the Proposal was defeated. The Clerk was asked to liaise with Cllr Mrs Marian Abbott towards refining, in light of legal advice when forthcoming, the draft SCC Lease with a view to the Parish Council agreeing the terms on which the project might proceed. Police service Councillors were circulated with correspondence from the Police and Crime Commissioner and the Chief Constable of Suffolk regarding savings of a further £16.4m required to be made by 2018 under the Government’s 2010 Comprehensive Spending Review. This will result in the Suffolk Police becoming a significantly smaller organisation, including the loss of 83 Police officers, 38 police staff and 3 PCSO posts. Grants In October of every year Council considers grant aiding charitable bodies from outside of the village which have, over the previous year, applied for assistance. Accordingly, it was agreed that £100.00 should go to each of: Mid Suffolk Citizens Advice Bureau, Magpas – the emergency medical charity; Arthrose Appeal – Supporting West Suffolk Hospital’s Trauma & Orthopaedic Department; Each – East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices; Vitalise – essential breaks for disabled people & carers; Suffolk Age UK; British Red Cross Suffolk. It was further agreed that £65.00 should go to the 2014 Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal. Lawn farm Quarry The Clerk, representing Council on the liaison group which holds meetings on site at the quarry site on Old Bury Road adjacent to Warren Lane, reported on recent clear transgressions of the rules governing operations on the site. The operators have, on several occasions which are logged with the County Council Monitoring and Enforcement Officer, exceeded the operating hours set out in the 2009 Planning permission. Furthermore, the operator has stated an intention to apply for an extension to the operating hours which currently do not allow Sunday working and requires Saturday working to finish at 1.00pm. Council agreed that a letter should go to SCC reinforcing the concerns expressed by residents and seeking details of and progress with any enforcement proposals. Telephone box The Clerk detailed a review by BT of certain under-used kiosks in the area, including the one on Wetherden Road from which no calls have been made over a 12 month period since September 2013. Councillors were invited to express an interest in retaining the service, the box or both. Health Centre The Meeting agreed that formal congratulations should go to the Woolpit Health Centre on the practice having been awarded the Royal College of General Practitioners Practice Accreditation status and that congratulations also be extended to Dr Aung on his award as the East Anglian GP of the Year. Cllr David Barker reported that he had, as Chairman, represented Council at a reception when the awards were made by the Minister for Health. Sale of Wesley church and halls The recent decision by the Methodist Church to sell off their property in School Road has prompted widespread concern in the community at the possible loss of this valuable community asset which, as a meeting place, augments the facilities offered at Blackbourne which are heavily booked. A group drawn from the Management Committee of the halls had approached the Amenities Association in the hope of a collaborative approach, through the Community Right to Bid mechanism, towards acquiring the site for continued community use. The Association, in turn, has sought the involvement of the Parish Council which can draw upon considerable experience in the sale, acquisition, refurbishment and management of community facilities. The Meeting agreed that the Clerk should offer to engage in a joint initiative and the Chairman of the Wesley Halls Management Committee extended his thanks. Parking at the station The Clerk confirmed that he is pursuing a formal review by SCC of the parking restriction arrangements adjacent to the station outside and opposite The Fox as increased traffic, both road and rail, is causing access problems into the Station Road industrial estate. There have been recent incidents posing a hazard when lorries straddle the railway crossing unable to turn into the industrial estate. Next meeting The next meeting is scheduled for 17thNovember at 7.30 in The Blackbourne. The public are, as ever, welcome and the agenda will offer opportunities for questions and comment. Enquiries on any or all of the above, or on any Council matter, are invited through the Parish Clerk, Peter Dow at the Parish Clerk’s Office, Station Road, Elmswell IP30 9HR. telephone 01359 244134 email clerk@elmswell.suffolk.gov.uk. The office is situated on the Station Road Industrial estate, behind the Fox pub and right next to the railway line above Gobblins factory premises. It is open for business on weekdays from 9.00am – 5.30 pm, excepting Bank Holidays. The answerphone is monitored daily. BEWARE BOGUS POLICE OFFICERS An 81 year old Bury woman was recently contacted by phone. A man claiming to be a Police officer told her that someone had accessed her bank account and that she must draw all her money out for checking. Luckily, despite several further persuasive calls, the lady contacted the real Police and no money was stolen. In another case near Shotley a pensioner lost £4,000 to an identical fraudster. • Don’t give your bank details to anyone over the phone- real banks will never ask. • If you suspect a caller is trying to con you, hang up, wait 5 minutes then call the Police. • Keep an eye out for vulnerable relatives, friends an neighbours FOOTPATH WALK Our next walk starts, as usual, from Crown Mill, on SUNDAY NOVEMBER 16th beginning at 11.00 am Open to all comers & lead by Footpath Officer Dick Burch A couple of hours gentle walking on the footpaths in and around Elmswell Dogs on leads welcome – stout shoes recommended CONTACTING YOUR LOCAL SAFER NEIGHBOURHOOD TEAM (SNT) To speak to an officer from your local SNT, because they may well be out on patrol, the easiest option is to telephone the number 101, which is the new number across England and Wales for local police forces. You will then be told you are being put through to Suffolk Constabulary’s Police HQ, where you can speak to the operator and either ask to be put through to a particular officer, or to Mid Suffolk South Safer Neighbourhood team office. As an alternative you can email them directly through the following link: Email: midsuffsouth.snt@ suffolk.pnn.police.uk T H I S P A G E I S P U B L I S H E D A N D F U N D E D B Y E L M S W E L L P A R I S H C O U N C I L 31 What’s On in Elmswell ? To be included in our events diary make sure you send separate notification of your announcement. For a full year’s calendar of what’s booked at Blackbourne, please go to the Parish Council website at www.elmswell.suffolk.gov.uk - it might help you in planning dates for your events. November 2014 2 3 Earth Angels 2014 Holistic/MBS Fayre at The Blackbourne Free Entry, Free workshops/demos, 11am to 4pm www.angelcreations.co.uk December 2014 1 2 Elmswell Camera Club 7.30pm Blackbourne 4 Elmswell Camera Club 7.30pm Blackbourne 3 5 Elmswell Exchange Afternoon W.I 2.00 p.m. - Wesley Community Centre Peter Hesketh - An entertaining and different look at “Cruising - Container Style” Elmswell Exchange Afternoon W.I 2.00 p.m. - Wesley Community Centre Christmas Celebrations 4 6 Elmswell Over 55,s Club 5 7 St John’s Ladies Lunch Group, Wesley Hall 11.30am 11 Elmswell WI meeting at The Blackbourne 7.30pm. Craft evening 13 Food ‹n› Friends at Elmswell Baptist Church midday 13 Elmswell History Group meeting, Wesley Hall. 7.30pm, Speaker Stephen Govier: “The Hoxne Treasure” 14 “Companions” Friday meetings held at the Wesley Hall 10.15am - 12 noon 15 St John’s Church Christmas Fair at the Blackbourne 2.00pm to 4.00pm. 6 Exchange Club Quiz - Bring & Buy Stall 20 Over 55’s Club Xmas Bingo 21 Over 55’s Trip to Thursford Xmas Spectacular 28 “Companions” Friday meetings held at the Wesley Hall 10.15am - 12 noon 28 Fire Crew Bingo at Blackbourne eyes down 7.30 Elmswell History Group meeting, Wesley Hall. 7.30pm, Speaker: Derek Palgrave: “Interpreting Signs, Symbols & Trademarks” 12 Food ‹n› Friends at Elmswell Baptist Church midday 12 Elmswell History Group meeting, Wesley Hall. 7.30pm, Speaker: Edward Martin: “Henslow of Hitcham - the life, influence and legacy of Darwin’s tutor” Elmswell Over 55’s Club Salvation Army Concert St John’s Ladies Lunch Group, Wesley Hall 11.30am Elmswell Over 55’s Club Christmas Party with JimBob Duo. 12 Food ‹n› Friends at Elmswell Baptist Church midday 12 Elmswell History Group meeting, Wesley Hall. 7.30pm, Speaker: Bob Malster: “Suffolk Millwrights” 21 Elmswell Baby & Toddlers Group Nearly New Sale April 2015 9 Elmswell History Group 15th Anniversary meeting, Wesley Hall. 7.30pm, Report on our WW1 research findings into RAF Elmswell, and social effects of the war onto the Elmswell area and its inhabitants. Elmswell History Group EXHIBITION, Wesley Hall, 11am-4pm – “Elmswell & Memories of the Great War” Elmswell Toddlers Christmas Party 9 Elmswell WI meeting at The Blackbourne 7.30pm. Christmas Party. 11 11 Food ‹n› Friends at Elmswell Baptist Church midday May 2015 11 Gardening Club AGM followed by Talk on Hanging Baskets by Lorna Scott 18 8 7 12 18 Food ‹n› Friends at Elmswell Baptist Church midday March 2015 Remembrance Day Service in St John’s Church 10.30am. 9-11 ‘Lest We Forget’ Poppy Festival in St John’s Church. 8 February 2015 Ladies Friendship Group at Elmswell Baptist Church at 7.45pm, Richard on the work of First Responders 9 32 Ladies Friendship Group at Elmswell Baptist Church at 7.45pm, Nosh and Natter with entertainment from the Harvesters. Men welcome as well. January 2015 Elmswell History Group meeting, Wesley Hall. 7.30pm, Speaker Mark Mitchels: “A Christmas Miscellany of seasonal readings, and celebration of all things Christmassy”. Light refreshments will be served.N.B. This is an Advance Ticket only event, none on the door. Tel. 01359-242601 or 244001 for details. “Companions” Friday meetings held at the Wesley Hall 10.15am - 12 noon 14 Elmswell History Group meeting, Wesley Hall. 7.30pm, Speaker: Nick Sign: “John Winthrop of Groton, and the 1630 Expedition to USA’s Boston, Massachusetts” June 2015 11 Elmswell History Group meeting, Wesley Hall. 7pm A.G.M., then Speaker Mark Mower: “Crime on the Home Front – law-breaking in the two World Wars” July 2015 9 Elmswell History Group – Annual Outing: To be arranged September 2015 12 Fire Crew Bingo at Blackbourne - eyes down 7.30 15 Village Carol Service in St John’s Church 6.00pm. 21 Nine Lessons and Carols in St John’s Church 6.30pm 24 ‘I can’t wait for Christmas’ - Children’s Carol Service in St John’s Church 3.30pm 6 Autumn Fayre - enquiries Peter Edmonds 241640 Tell us more - telephone 241841 or email: elmswellamenities@f2s.com For a friendly and 01359 242942 M-F: 9-5 Sat: 9-2 professional approach ✔ practical advice ✔ experienced staff family law ✔ personal service Burnett Barker Solicitors child care employment conveyancing personal injury Not just a pet food shop... ...we also carry a large stock of pet sundries, including wild bird and poultry feeds (01284) 701131 business advice have a well established aquatic department with both freshwater ϐǡ 3 Hatter Street Bury St Edmunds IP33 1LZ leases wills & probate trusts and tax Fax: (01284) 760310 Email: bb@burnettbarker.co.uk licensing and are a local supplier of salt - tablets, granules and blocks for your dishwashers and water softeners. crime housing consumer issues Come and see our range of products today! debt advice Rear of the pharmacy, Station Road, Elmswell IP309HD F. G. BROWN – OPTICIANS BJW PLUMBING & HEATING Denmark House, 41 Bury Street, Stowmarket YOUR RELIABLE LOCAL PLUMBER Tel:- 01449 612812/674030 Boiler Servicing Central Heating Installation Maintenance & Repairs Bathroom Suites, Showers, Tiling Install Washing Machines/Dishwashers Burst/Leaking Pipes Water Softeners General Plumbing Needs As independent opticians we offer a more personalised eyecare service that you can trust for all the family including:Optomap retinal examination Colorimetry A wide range of competitively priced frames and spectacle lenses 200169 Contact lenses Prescription and non-prescription sunglasses GAS Safe registered 200169 BARRY WARD: 01449 616034/07734 872549 Your sight care is our priority Badminton courts available during the day @ £5.00 p.h. and to fit around evening bookings @ £6.00 ...call 244134 to register and book Regular meetings at Blackbourne Monday Wednesday Sunday Guides 6.30 – 8.00, Scouts 5.45 – 9.00 Jujutsu martial arts class 7.00 – 9.00 SOZO CHURCH 9.00 – 12.00 (3rd Sunday monthly) Youth Club 7.00 – 9.00, Zumba 6.00 – 7.00 Thursday Tuesday Beavers 5.15 – 6.30 Slimming World 5.30 & 7.30 WI (2nd Tuesday monthly) 7.00 – 10.30 Gardening club (3rd Tuesday monthly) 7.00 – 10.00 Brownies 5.30 – 8.00 Over 55’s 7.00 – 10.00 (2nd & 4th monthly) Friday Bingo (last Friday monthly) eyes down 7.30 BATS – Badminton & Table Sports – 7.00 – 10.00 FIT4ALL with Jo Butcher 9.30 – 11.00 To make a booking enquiry Call; 244134 Email; clerk@elmswell.suffolk.gov.uk ' New Years Eve Party at Blackbourne Dancing to nostalgic 70’s music 7.30 - late Free bottle of whisky draw with every ticket Free local taxi home Free glass of champagne at midnight Ticket £15.00 each from Alan Wells 01359 244040 Val Burch 07815 049293 Or from Wells Stitched Embroidery ( Taxis at 00.45, 01.00, 01.15, 01.30) Printed by Printing for Pleasure 01473 652354
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