St. Christopher Parish November 30, 2014

St. Christopher Parish
November 30, 2014
St. Christopher Church
Fr. Richard Kelley, Pastor
62 Manchester St.
Nashua, New Hampshire 03064
(603) 882-0632
(603)881-8728 fax
St. Christopher School
Mrs. Cindy Clarke, Principal
Grades PreK - 6
20 Cushing Ave.
Nashua, New Hampshire 03064
(603) 882-7442
(603)594-9253 fax
Worship Schedule
Morning Prayer
Daily Mass
Saturday Vigil
Sunday Mass
Vietnamese Mass
7:00 AM Weekdays
7:15 AM Weekdays
4:00 PM
8:00 & 10:00 AM
1:00 PM Sunday
3:00-3:30 PM Saturday
7:00 PM Tuesday
Eucharistic Adoration
1:00-4:00 PM
1st Friday of the Month
September - June
In Advent, we celebrate our hope that the Lord might
come more fully into our lives. The first reading from
Isaiah voices the hope of sinners for a redeemer. As
sinners, we too hope for forgiveness. Unlike Isaiah, we
know that God has come to bring us back, when the
Father sent his Son, Jesus, to save us. And God’s power
was manifest in the raising of Christ from the dead.
Our faith in Jesus leads us to a new way of looking at
the world. We can see what God is doing as well as
remembering what God has done.
The Gospel reminds us to look constantly for signs of God’s work. Jesus says simply,
“Watch!” Like the gatekeepers in Jesus’ short parable, we need to keep our eyes open for
him. Just as we expect people driving cars to turn off their cell phones and keep their eyes
on the road, so we can stop looking for whatever makes us comfortable and watch for ways
to love others as God loves us.
When we only look out for ourselves, we may miss the signs of God’s presence around
us. Instead of looking at the difficulties of life as obstacles, we can watch for them as
opportunities to stretch our faith, to rely on God, or to show God’s love to a friend. The
recent re-translation of the prayers of the Mass can be an opportunity to stretch our faith
and our understanding of the Eucharist.
The Corinthians were also watching for the Lord to come. Paul encourages them (and
us) by his reminder that we “are not lacking in any spiritual gift” (1 Corinthians 1:7). The
Holy Spirit gives us all we need to help each other prepare for the Lord’s coming. They were
thinking of Jesus as coming in glory. Though we don’t see the full glory of the Lord, part of
that glory is his presence in the sacraments. In them we celebrate not just the coming of the
Lord, but his working in the world. He shares his life with us in baptism, gives us his Spirit in
confirmation and himself in the Eucharist, heals us in reconciliation and the anointing of the
sick, and calls us to make him present to others in holy orders and matrimony. You could
almost say his second coming is taking place now. Watch for it.
Our Parish Prayer
Heavenly Father, we pray for all of the people and programs of St. Christopher Parish. Unite us as a
community of believers and grant us the wisdom, grace, and strength to do your will. We ask this
through Christ Our Lord. AMEN.
Our Mission
We are a Roman Catholic parish whose members live and proclaim the saving message of Jesus Christ.
Our Vision
Welcome New Parishioners! If you
would like to register or you have
changed your address, please fill out
the form on page 5. Those moving
from the parish are also asked to
contact the rectory. Thank you!
St. Christopher Church serves as a spiritual home where all are welcome to share in its ongoing
commitment to providing opportunities for
• Worship
through the celebration of the Sacraments,
• Service through active and compassionate participation in the community,
• Education
in God’s Word and the Catholic faith, and
• Fellowship
through parish events that nurture and support family life.
November 30, 2014
Mass Intentions
Saturday, November 29
4:00 PM Christina Eaves
by Sr. Kathryn
Sunday, November 30
8:00 AM Owen C. Kimball
by Michael & Andrea
10:00 AM Marilyn Murphy
by Michael & Andrea
1:00 PM Vietnamese Mass
Monday, December 1
7:15 AM Guy Beleu
by Mike & Ann Feenan
Tuesday, December 2
7:15 AM Robert J. Joben
by Tim Gibbons
Wednesday, December 3
7:15 AM Mayor Thomas Menino
by Family & Friends
Thursday, December 4
7:15 AM Roberta Chesebrough
by Michael & Andrea
REFLECTIONS - I hope that you had a
happy and blessed Thanksgiving. Before
we realize it, Christmas will be upon us.
However, in the meantime we celebrate the
holy season of Advent which is a time of
preparation leading up to Christmas.
On the three year Liturgical cycle,
we are now in year B. Most of the Gospel
writings for the Liturgical year ahead are
taken from the Gospel of Saint Mark. The
theme of today’s Gospel is that of ‘being
watchful’. Be watchful and alert for the
second coming. If we are actively watching,
we will encounter Christ in the present time.
Jesus is here. Let us be aware that Jesus is
with us at all times.
Friday, December 5
7:15 AM Malvina Agnes Mogan,
In Remembrance
by St. Christopher Parish
The Sanctuary Lamp Burns This Week:
For Parish Intentions
Altar Bread and Wine:
The Altar Bread and Wine, which
will become the Body and Blood of
Our Lord Jesus Christ at all Masses
celebrated during the month
of November 2014, is offered in
memory of Robert Desjarlais, his 21st
Anniversary, and the Desjarlais Family by John and Claire Hebert.
During December, it will be offered
for all Religious worldwide, living and
deceased, by Andrea Tighe.
PARISH COUNCIL – will meet on Thursday
evening, December 4th at 6:30 PM in the
Pennell Center.
Discerning a Vocation?
“Father, we are the work of Your hands.” Is
God’s work in you to be of service to Him as
a priest, deacon or in the consecrated life?
Call Father Jason Jalbert (603) 663-0132, or
Saturday, December 6
4:00 PM Roger Robert Simoneau
by Mike & Cindy Bozek
Sunday, December 7
8:00 AM Anabell C. Loreen
by Steve & Jean Dickson
10:00 AM Ed Desilets
by Barry Silva
1:00 PM Vietnamese Mass
of Acceptance for the RCIA candidates
will take place on Sunday, November
30th at the 10:00 Mass. This is an official
declaration before the community that
they are sincerely interested in pursuing
their faith with the intention of coming
into full membership in the church at the
Easter Vigil. The community accepts their
declaration of faith and they promise to
support them through their prayers. Our
congratulations, prayers, and support go
out to the RCIA candidates and we pledge to
support them. I also thank the RCIA team for
all that they are doing for the candidates.
The Giving Tree
The Giving Tree will be available the
first weekend of Advent, November 30
and December 1st. The ornaments on
the tree have items such as shampoo,
diapers, pillows, toddlers bed sheets,
gift cards, and more. The gifts will be
taken to the Front Door Transitional
Housing for single mothers and their
children. Please return the gifts, unpwrapped, to the tree by December 17.
Girl Scout Troop 10203 will deliver the
“unwrapped” gifts to the Front Door.
Readings for the Week
Monday: Is 2:1-5; Ps 122:1-9; Mt 8:5-11
Tuesday: Is 11:1-10; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17;
Lk 10:21-24
Wednesday: Is 25:6-10a; Ps 23:1-6; Mt 15:2937
Thursday: Is 26:1-6; Ps 118:1, 8-9, 19-21, 2527a; Mt 7:21, 24-27
Friday: Is 29:17-24; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Mt 9:27-31
Saturday: Is 30:19-21, 23-26; Ps 147:1-6;
Mt 9:35 -- 10:1, 5a, 6-8
Sunday: Is 40:1-5, 9-11; Ps 85:9-14; 2 Pt 3:8-14;
Mk 1:1-8
November 30, 2014
Catholic Moral Teaching Class
for Grades 7 & 8
We invite ALL students in grades 7 and 9 to
come and take part in a class on the topics
of Catholic Moral Teaching and Chastity, on
Monday, December 15 from 6:30 to 7:45 PM
in the St. Christopher Parish hall.
Lisa Zolkos, M.A.R.Ed, a teacher at Trinity High School in Manchester, will be our
guest speaker. She has a great teaching
style and the students can benefit from her
presentation. Parents are welcome as well
to sit in on this class.
Please contact Alana Kocsis at 882-0632
to sign up for this class and for more information.
Winter Weather Worries
Winter weather is coming and that means
ice and snow may make it difficult for some
people to get to church. But parish bills
keep growing during the winter, including
increased heating costs and snow removal
expenses. You can make sure your parish
support doesn’t stop just when we need it
the most. Check out our simple, safe and
secure online Faith Direct giving program at Sign in using our parish
code NH10. Currently 42 families are giving
online. Please consider joining that growing
number of dedicated givers! We are most
grateful to all those who make every effort
to give consistently whether electronically
or through the weekly offering basket. It really helps us plan and meet our budget.
First Friday
Eucharistic Adoration!
December 5
12:00 - 4:00 PM
Come enjoy the spirit of the season
in the most special way...spend
time with the Lord during our
Advent Eucharistic Adoration!
Red Cross Blood Drive Thank You
From The Knights Of Columbus
For more than 30 years monthly Red Cross
blood drives were held here at St. Christopher’s. These were coordinated by Lillian
Anderson for about 25 years and for the
past few years by the Knights of Columbus.
Unfortunately, things change, and for
a number of reasons these regular monthly
drives have come to an end.
The Knights want to thank Fr. Kelley for
his support, and all the many volunteers
who made these drives possible. Also, the
parishioners and donors who made the
drives successful.
Like St. Chris Parish on Facebook!
This Week’s Parish Activities
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Confessions @3:00pm
Vigil Mass @4:00pm
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Re.Ed. Pre-K to 6-Class Canceled @7:30am
Sunday Mass @8:00am
Sunday Mass @10:00am
Knights of Columbus Coffee Hour after the 10 am Mass @11:00am
Youth Choir Rehearsal @11:10am
Sacrament of Baptism @2:30pm
Confirmation Class Canceled @7:00pm
Monday, December 1, 2014
7:15 am Morning Mass
Rel. Ed. Grades 7 & 8 @6:30pm
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) @7:00pm
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
:15 am Morning Mass
8am Parish Nurse @8:00am
Rosary @7:00pm
K of C Meeting @7:30pm
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
7:15 am Morning Mass
Senior Yoga @8:00am
Adult Choir Rehearsal @7:00pm
Thursday, December 4, 2014
7:15 am Morning Mass
Boy Scout #773 @7:00pm
Families of Nazareth Sharing @7:00pm
We’re Here for YOU at
St. Christopher Parish!
Rectory Hours:
Monday - Friday
Rectory Phone:882-0632
Parish Email:
Vietnamese Ministry:
Rev. Thien Nguyen
Parish Life Coordinator
Linda Sanborn
Religious Education
Alana Kocsis
Deacon Jim Daly
Jean Dickson
Music Director
Carol Ann Skabo
Parish Council Chair
Elizabeth Cote
Right to Life Coordinator
Dan Hogan
Marta Nissen
Bulletin submissions are due one week
before publication. Thanks!
Visitation of the Sick
Please call the Rectory, 882-0632,
if a loved one is hospitalized, in
the care of a nursing facility, or
confined at home, and would like
to receive the Sacraments.
Overwhelmed by life, by care?
May we help with our prayer?
St. Christopher’s Prayer Line -24/7 from us to Heaven!
Call the Prayer Line
(Coordinator Maureen Brown) at
Go online to
Send email to
November 30, 2014
Faith Formation News
Classes for Faith Formation are underway. There is still time to join us. Register now for
Sunday morning, Junior High or Home Study Program. Forms are available on our parish
website, on the bulletin board in the church hall and by calling the parish office. The schedule for the next few weeks:
The Thanksgiving holiday
prevented us from processing last week’s Offertory
before the bulletin deadline.
Please check back here next
week for two weeks of Offertory results!
Finance Year to Date as of Oct. 2014
UNDER Funded $7,804.34
Coffee Hour
Sponsored by the
Knights of Columbus
Sunday, November 30
Sunday Morning classes meet in the school. Parents and children are to gather in the
parish hall at 8:30 AM November 30 – No Class – Thanksgiving Holiday
December 7 – Regular Class
Junior High meets on Monday evening for Grades 7 and 8 at 6:30 PM in the church hall. December 1 – Regular Class
December 8 – Regular Class and Mass
Sacrament Preparation
Classes for First Penance Preparation are finished. The children will celebrate their First Penance on Saturday, December 6 at 5:30 p.m. in the church. Please pray for the children and
their families as celebrate God’s gifts of mercy and forgiveness. The Good Shepherd Banner
Take a moment to notice the Good Shepherd Banner that is hanging to the left of the Altar. Each sheep on this banner represents a child that is preparing to celebrate First Penance on
December 6th. Please keep the children and their families in your prayers.
Home Study Program
Our parish offers a Home Study Program for families who wish to teach our Catholic Faith to
their children. This option is open to children in Grades Pre-K to 8. Registration is required.
The next meeting for this program is November 30 at 6:00 PM in the church hall.
following 10:00 AM Mass
Have you bought your commemorative brick yet?
Diocesan Catholic Schools
Now is the chance to have your special message engraved on a paver brick that
becomes a permanent part of St. Christopher Parish!
St. Christopher School
Grades Pre-Kindergarten - 6
Infant Jesus School
Grades Pre-Kindergarten - 6
Nashua Catholic Regional
Junior High School
Grades 7 & 8
Each brick costs $50 and is a great way to honor loved ones and celebrate special
occasions like anniversaries, First Communion or Confimation. Bricks will be placed
around the statue of St. Francis in the spring.
Order forms are available in the alcove at the front of the church.
All bricks must be ordered by March 1.
For more information, contact Helen Blais
at 603-889-1059
November 30, 2014
Diocesan Summer Camps
Accepting Registrations
Camp Fatima for boys and Camp Bernadette for girls are now accepting online
registrations for the 2015 summer season.
The camps, located in the Lakes Region
of NH, offer 2-week overnight sessions for
children, ages 6-15. For more information
or to request a brochure and DVD, contact
Michael Drumm at 603-364-5851 or email You
can also visit the camps on the web at www. Please don’t
wait as sessions do fill up quickly.
Parish Nurse Notes
The “crunch” and “hustle and bustle” of
the holiday season is already upon us and
with this season come “busyness”, tension,
exhaustion, and susceptibility to illness. A
well rested individual can fight off colds,flu
and other illnesses much more effectively.
Along with rest, a well-balanced diet and
adequate fluids (remember the importance of 8 glasses of fluid daily) are valiant
infection foes. As stress and tension build
up, our bodily defenses dwindle –find an effective stress buster and utilize it when you
feel tense and irritated. It can be as simple
as a few deep “belly breaths”, a cup of tea,
a short walk or a few minutes of Scripture
Are you in need of more assistance with
health maintenance or illness prevention?
See the Parish Nurse at the Pennell Center
the FIRST OR THIRD Thursday of the month
between 8:00 and 10:00 AM.
Corpus Christi Brown Bag
Donations to Corpus Christi Food Pantry
during the month of October totaled 572.5
lbs. Thank you so much for your continued
support. One in nine people in New
Hampshire struggle every day to find food
for their next meal.
With your help the Pantry is able to supply groceries for those who are in need in
Nashua. The Pantry is low on the following
items: mac and cheese, chowder, canned
corn, carrots and peas, and toilet paper.
Baskets are located at each of the Church
entrances for your donations.
Yoga for Seniors
Are you looking to improve your overall health and well being? Create a new
healthy habit and join the St. Christopher
Yoga for Seniors class weekly on Wednesday mornings at 8:00 AM in the Church Hall.
Yoga for Seniors is a class that moves the
whole body through a series of seated and
standing yoga poses to increase flexibility
and range of motion, improve balance
and core strength, and help promote stress
reduction and mental clarity. Classes are
provided free of charge to St. Christopher’s seniors. Please take note of our upcoming
class schedule:
December 3 -- Regular Class 8:00 AM
December 10 -- Regular Class 8:00 AM
December 17 -- Regular Class 8:00 AM
December 24 -- NO CLASS
December 31-- NO CLASS
Lord, hold our troops in your loving
Protect them as they protect us.
Bless them and their families,
For the selfless acts they perform,
For us in our time of need.
And give us peace.
We ask this in the name of Jesus, Our
Lord and Savior. Amen.
Please pray for the following service
people from our parish:
Children of William and Yvette
Maj. Joseph Berthelotte (Army);
Maj. Brian Berthelotte (Army);
Maj. Mark Berthelotte (Air Force);
Lt. Brad Berthelotte (Navy)
Families of Nazareth
Son of John and Alana Kocsis:
Pfc. John Kocsis III, (Army)
Keeping Watch
“God desires that you will hand yourself over
to Him in every aspect of your life and await
everything from His merciful love.”
Son of Joseph and Sue Strob:
Maj. Rob Strob
S.C. Biela, Behold, I Stand at the Door and Knock, p. 46
FNM ADVENT REFLECTION SERIES “Awaiting Pure Love” begins this Thursday!
Join us in quiet adoration before the
tabernacle at St. Chris, to pray the Joyful
Mysteries of the Rosary at 7:00 PM. A
time of reflection and optional sharing
follows. All are welcome -- you may
pick up a flyer in the vestibule of the
church ahead of time, if you wish to get
a sneak preview of the content.
Husband/Father of Lynn, Thomas
and Jack:
Sgt. Francis Hyland (Army)
Grandson of Pat and Kaye
Eamonn Garber, Corporal (USMC)
Son of David and Patricia Taylor:
SFC James Taylor (Army)
To add names to our weekly military
prayer list, please call Linda at the
rectory at 882-0632.
St. Christopher Parish welcomes all visitors to our Spiritual Home! If you are interested in
joining the parish, please complete the form below and either drop it in the Offertory Basket or mail it to the Rectory. One of our Parish staff members will be in touch. Registration
forms are also available online at
Name ____________________________
Phone _________________
Address __________________________
Email __________________
November 30, 2014
Prayer to Saint Michael
With so many challenges
confronting us these days, we
need help and strength to meet
them head on. Please join us in
praying daily that through the
intercession of Saint Michael,
we will remain faithful and
strong in the Lord’s service and
in defending the Truth which
resides in the Church!
Blessing Of An Advent Wreath
The use of the Advent Wreath is a traditional practice which
has found its place in the Church as well as in the home. The
blessing of an Advent Wreath takes place on the First Sunday
of Advent or on the evening before the First Sunday of
When the blessing of the Advent Wreath is celebrated in the home, it is appropriate that it be blessed by a parent or another member of the family.
All make the sign of the cross as the leader says:
St. Michael the Archangel defend
us in battle; be our protection
against the wickedness and
snares of the devil. May God
rebuke him, we humbly pray; and
do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God,
thrust into hell, Satan and all the
evil spirits who prowl around the
world seeking the ruin of souls.
Our help is in the name of the Lord.
Response (R/.) Who made heaven and
Then the Scripture, Isaiah 9: (lines 1-2 and
5-6) or Isaiah 63 (lines 16-17 & 19) or Isaiah 64
(lines 2-7) is read:
Reader: The Word of the Lord.
R/. Thanks be to God.
With hands joined, the leader says:
Lord our God,
we praise you for your Son, Jesus Christ:
he is Emmanuel, the hope of the peoples,
he is the wisdom that teaches and guides us,
he is the Savior of every nation.
Corpus Christi
Adoration Chapel
Monday, Tuesday & Thursday
12:00 —8:00 PM
43 Franklin Street
Nashua , NH
Volunteers are needed to commit to one hour of adoration
each week. Adoration provides
a wonderful time of grace-filled
peace in the presence of our
Lord. Please contact Sr. Elizabeth Castro, H.M.S.P. at 8820893 or 882-2262 to sign up.
Lord God,
let your blessing come upon us
as we light the candles of this wreath.
May the wreath and its light
be a sign of Christ’s promise
to bring us salvation.
May he come quickly and not delay.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
R/. Amen.
The Advent Calendar
Over time, Advent calendars became
more sophisticated with little doors that
contained candy or a Bible verse. During
World War II, the production of Advent calendars was halted in Germany.
After the war, the custom spread to the
United States. Many families make their
own calendars using pictures, candies or
The origin of the custom is attributed to St. John of the Cross (1542-1591),
who carried statues of Joseph and Mary
through the Carmelite Convent in Spain
seeking a place to stay. Missionary
priests brought the custom to Mexico
using real people instead of statues.
Today’s families can adapt the tradition using the figures from their Nativity
Scene to re-enact Mary and Joseph’s
journey to the stable in Bethlehem. Start
with an empty stable. Place the figures
of Mary and Joseph on the other side of
the room and move them closer to the
créche each day. On Christmas Eve add
Baby Jesus, the angels and the shepherds. Then let the Wise Men begin their
journey to the créche so they arrive on
the feast of the Epiphany.
The blessing may conclude with a verse from
“O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”:
O come, desire of nations, bind
in one the hearts of humankind;
bid ev’ry sad division cease
and be thyself our Prince of peace.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
shall come to thee, O Israel.
—From "Catholic Household Blessings & Prayers"
“There is so much noise in the world!
May we learn to be silent in our hearts
and before God.”
Pope Francis I @ Pontifex
November 18, 2014
November 30, 2014
Family Connection to this Week’s Gospel
n family life, we try to prepare ourselves for many future things: our next vacation, our
children’s education, our retirement. We are careful not to allow ourselves to be caught by
surprise so that we can handle any challenges our family may face. Today’s Gospel reminds us
that we are called to be just as attentive and alert to the coming of the Son of Man so that it
will not catch us unprepared. This means attending to our family’s spiritual life as carefully as
we attend to other important family matters.
As you gather as a family, talk about a time when you received surprise visitors at your house,
perhaps a neighbor who stopped by or a relative who arrived unannounced. Was your household prepared to receive this unannounced guest? What might your family have done differently if you knew ahead of time that this visitor was going to arrive?
Jesus told his disciples that no one knows when the Son of Man will return, except the Father. Read with your family what Jesus
told his disciples in today’s Gospel, Mark 13:33-37.
During Advent, we not only prepare ourselves to celebrate the birth of Jesus, we also check to see if we are doing all the things
that will keep us ready to receive Jesus when he comes again. Talk about how your family can recommit to daily prayer, reading
Scripture, and staying faithful to God’s commandments. Pray together that through this Advent season your family will be more
prepared to receive Jesus when he comes again. Read as a concluding prayer Paul’s words to the Corinthians found in today’s
second reading, 1 Corinthians 1:3-9, or pray the Lord’s Prayer.. Reprinted from