COMMUNITY NEWS ACROSS THE TIARO DISTRICT NOVEMBER 2014 What’s Inside?2 Gundiah & RVs Diggers & Memories 3 Health & the Hulk 4-5 Politics, Police & Business 6-7 Tennis & Local Fun 8-9 Bullriding Rememberance 10 Calendar & Carols 11-14 Are you Senior? Are you befuddled by BROADBAND? Training and help is available for free. It’s at the Tiaro Community Centre, Monday to Friday 9-12 noon, ring Pat on 4193 9239 for more information. Santa comes early to Lion’s Annual Christmas Party The Lions Club of Tiaro and District will be holding their annual Children’s Christmas Party and district get-together on Saturday 29th Nov 2014. See p 9. Gundy Bridge at Gutchy Creek Phil Truscott: Recently I had an enquiry about the new 10 tonne load limit on the Gundiah bridge on Netherby Road, as truckies have had to drive extra klms to get to their destination because of this new limit. The bridge has major issues with regards to capacity and the 10 tonne Load Limit is in force to protect the structure until a decision is made as to the type of repairs required. Council has responded to the information provided by a structural engineering consultant, with the result being the 10 tonne Load Limit. Recycling Week Open House Council’s Material Recovery Facility (MRF) in Dundowran will open its doors to the public on Saturday, 8 November (10am -11.30am). FCRC FCO + 3 Councillors A motion to increase the size of the Fraser Coast Opportunities board to include up to three Councillors will be discussed at its AGM later this month. Above: After MONTHS of Red Tape for the Bopple Surgery, Dr Reka Juhasz has arrived and is taking patients from the local area, relieving the burden on Dr Suzy Baudeouf.. new doctor at Tiaro Bopple Surgery has been looking for an additional doctor since 2011, when they first opened their practice in Main Street, Bauple and patients were being booked 2 to 3 weeks out. Dr Suzy’s practice was very popular and rural positions are traditionally hard to fill. The surgery moved to Tiaro Medical Centre in January this year, promising a new doctor soon. Medical practitioners are sought from all over the world to fill the shortage of Australian doctors. The Australian Government ensure a strict process to accept these doctors. Paperwork. After a long process of paperwork and excessive bureaucracy, Dr Reka Juhasz, arrived from Ireland in August with her family, only to find it took until October for the Federal Government to issue her provider number. However, Bopple Surgery are now pleased to announce that Dr Reka is of- ficially seeing patients at Tiaro. Dr Reka Juhasz. Born, raised and educated in Hungary, Dr Reka received her medical qualifications in 2003 and specialised in General Practice in 2007. She moved to Ireland to practice medicine and lived in County Donegal for 7 years. Her special interest is in family planning, antenatal care and Gynaecology. She is happy to see all patients, adults and children with acute and chronic diseases as well. Family. Dr Reka, is happily married and a proud mum of two little boys. All are excited to be in the area and have already been exploring the Fraser Coast. New Patients.“Dr Reka is lovely and fits well into our Practice,”said Dr Suzy. “I am pleased that our patients can now have a shorter wait for care.” New patients can contact the surgery for registration and appointment. Telephone 4193 9171. Editor STOP PRESS: NEW TRADING HOURS! TIARO FOODWORKS Now open till 6.30pm, 7 days a week! From 1st November: 6am-6.30pm Monday to Saturday and 7am-6.30pm Sunday Ph: 4129 2138 The Power Of The Grey Dollar: The Economic Effect Of Grey Nomads On Regional Economies GUNDIAH COMMUNITY CHRONICLE Edition Number 57 G’day readers, I will not start off about the weather as I thought that maybe the weather is controlled by others who have the opposite belief to mine. (I’m sure you know what I’m referring to.) I think that if I form a team of rain dancers it will have just as much legitimate influence on the weather... maybe more!! Unfortunately our rain-dance team leader has problems getting up in the mornings so rain-dance tryouts are confined to Sunday afternoon during the croquet game at 3pm. Come along and play with the balls whilst the team leader decides if you are rain dancing material. Memories for the Gazette and Museum. In the Gazette this month is Part 2 of Joy Edmund’s stories told by her dad. (p3) If any readers have stories to tell of their own childhood or family stories of the past, give me a call. I can record the story and put it to print, or you can write your own. All stories will be stored in the museum family history files for future generations. The Trees are Dying. We reported to you last month that trees are dying at a fair rate. More readers are commenting that trees of any old age are falling victim. You might notice on Bauple Drive, adjacent to Wood’s property, 10 pine trees in the row are dead and more will go the same way. Col Bowman, our resident tree guy, tells me the Council and the DPI have referred the matter to the Forest industries and we await their report. However, please keep your eye on trees dying close to your house. With the wet season approaching it may not take a lot to have them fall. No True Story. Well folks, sorry no True Story this month. I know Mrs Groundwater will be sorely disappointed. Trevor Keightley 0411 102 802 NOVEMBER 2014 Grey nomads, or people aged over 55, who spend some or all of the year travelling around Australia, have become a vital part of regional tourism. Let’s consider the figures. Between 1995 to 2005, there was a 257% increase in caravan registrations. In 2009, people travelling domestically and staying in caravans or camping spent a massive 85% of their nights in regional Australia. On average, grey nomads travel for 163 days, or more than five months, in an average year, cover 14,000km and stop for about three days in a given location. Regional economies. The Campervan and Motorhome Club of Australia (CMCA), notes that due to their travelling lifestyle, these travellers tend to be consistent spenders on the road, averaging about $500 a week. Interestingly, some 97% make a purchase when stopping in a town – in general on fuel, vehicle, living and accommodation expenses. Significant Contributions. At a local level, these spends add up. The Central Highlands Regional Council in outback Queensland has estimated that grey nomads contribute almost half of the region’s holiday leisure expenditure with their $16.8 million boost to the region’s economy. This flows on to roughly $10 million in value adding and 136 fulltime jobs, in a region with a population of around 31,000 people. Grey nomad tourism clearly has a positive effect on rural and regional economies, generating employment and stimulating business. Long Term Growth. While these national figures are ten years old, grey nomad tourism has proven to be a resilient market, remaining relatively stable despite the global economic downturn. A key part of the benefit of the grey nomad dollar is their relaxed approach to travel; while the average spend may be a little less per day than a standard tourist, it is the length of time that a grey nomad will stay in an area that makes their contribution so important for rural and regional communities. Getting the Most Benefit for the Region. The CMCA notes that the eco- nomic benefits for regional communities are not distributed equally across the country. Like any market segment, grey nomads appreciate responsive and tailored service, and are known for repeat visits. A critical issue for any region wishing to make the most of the grey nomad PAGE 2 market is the active word-of-mouth that operates in this dispersed community. This cuts both ways, with those regions deemed ‘less friendly’ getting a proportionally lower number of visitors than ‘welcoming’ areas. As to how to make the grey nomads feel more welcome? The CMCA suggests making facilities available for longer stopovers and having friendly local attitudes and tailored products. Along the same lines, local infrastructure can be important in capturing the benefits, as well as managing the impacts, of grey nomads. A recent study shows that despite the massive increase in caravan registrations and the growth in the grey nomad market, there has not been a matching increase in caravan park sites. In fact, the study found that the number of caravan sites had fallen 12% over the past 40 years, for a variety of reasons. This suggests that one key way regions could encourage the grey dollar would be to ensure the availability of good caravan sites, as increasing numbers of grey nomads hit the road to experience regional Australia for themselves. Article from . FREE HAM Order 5L or 15L of CYDECTIN POUR ON through to the middle of November to receive a free ham in time for Xmas! CYDECTIN POUR ON $529 See Our Friendly Staff Members For More Details. 5L BUFFALO FLY RELIEF Give Your Animals Relief this Season SELF FEEDING BACK RUBBERS $140 $125 $8195 NON SELF FEEDING BACK RUBBERS 20L BACK RUBBER OIL For all of your Stockfeed and Rural Supplies needs come and see our knowledgeable and friendly staff today! 4129 2107 Mayne St TIARO MON-FRI 8am-5.30pm SAT 8am-12.30pm A COMMUNITY BUILDING PROJECT Down Memory Lane Tiaro’s Sons This month’s salute to the Diggers is to: James Francis Hourihan Private 6426. 26th Battalion, 18th Reinforcement James was born at Thinoomba, Maryborough around 1886, and attended Kilkivan School. He became a teamster and never married. His next of kin was his sister, Mrs Mary Clifford, who lived at Tarong via Nanago. He enlisted as a Private on the 15 August 1916, aged about 30 years. He embarked from Sydney on board HMAT A64 Demosthenes on the 23rd December 1916. He was killed in action on the 15th September 1917 in Polygon Wood, Ypres, Belgium. The place of burial is not known but his tribute is on the Menin Gate Memorial (Panel 23) Ypres Belgium. LEST WE FORGET If any reader has further information about our Diggers please contact Trevor Keightley 41292504, so that we can update the Museum’s Military records. Great War Statistics At the wars end the following Imperial Tonnage of stores shipped to France was: 25,497,351 Tons. This was made up of 12 categories, such as Oats and Hay 5,438,602 Tons; Coal 3,922,391 Tons; Food 3,240,948 Tons...(Note that Horses had more food than the Soldiers) THE GUNDIAH GAZETTE The Waldock Family II Continued from the September 2014 issue. As told by Joy Edmunds of Tiaro. My father (David William Waldock, born in 1889) used to tell me things that happened when he and his 4 brothers and 3 sisters were young. Old Scratch. When they went to school in Tiaro they had a teacher, Mr Baker, who behind his back they called him “Old Scratch”. (I think Dad told me he was father to some of the Bakers who lived in Bauple when I was a girl–Bert and John and I think there was another but I cannot remember his name.)Anyway Mr Baker had a very large beard and when he got angry he used to pull and scratch at it. He was very good with the cane and when it was broken he would go out on the veranda and pull a wooden shingle of the roof and use that instead. Dad said that the play area was divided in half one half for the boys and half for the girls. The Razor Gang. Dad always talked about his Uncle and Aunt who had the shop built which is now the Bush and Bay Cafe. Dad and his young mates (the razor gang) would gather up there on Saturday, pool their money and buy pounds of broken biscuits. Then condensed milk came about so they bought a tin to dip their biscuits in. Dad always said he couldn’t come to that as it was too sweet for him. One time all of these lads decided it PAGE 3 was so hot so they would go down to the river for a swim. They went past the cream factory down to the bridge- it must have been the low one around the bend. None of them had togs with them so in they went in the nuddy. When they heard a cart coming they got under the bridge and started pelting rocks up under the bridge. The poor old horse took off and tipped Mr Roberts out, so he walked back down, picked up the clothes and took them with him. Dad never did say what happened to the Waldock boys when they arrived home. Gun Story. When dad got older, he had a gun, I guess it was his father’s or Grandfather’s, and is now at the Manse belonging to the Presbyterian Church. The church was just on the other side of the fence, so the Minister was always calling for dad to go around Tiaro looking for his horse. Dad said sometimes he had to walk miles. Anyway, one morning he heard the minister calling him urgently and to “Bring your gun”. He went over to find a large snake wrapped around the rafters. Dad shot it alright, but also shot a large hole in the Church roof. I’m sure he had that gun for years... never used again until one day a man, who I did not know, got excited about the gun so Dad gave it to him. I don’t think anybody could use it, it was a two barrel gun and it had lost the timber for the shoulder rest, I wonder what happened to it? Dad died in 1978, aged 89. He is buried in the Tiaro Cemetery next to my Mother and beside my Grandfather and Grandmother (Waldocks). Thankyou Joy, I’m sure you have many more stories to tell. The Gazette and Mt Bauple Museum welcome reader stories about the area. Trevor Keightley NOVEMBER 2014 MT BAUPLE & DISTRICT HISTORICAL MUSEUM Your Museum & You! School Visit On Wednesday 3rd of September, Bauple school students visited the Museum to carry out an assignment. The Museum staff were delighted to passing on information and answer questions about the past history. We hope this is the start of all district schools becoming involved with the museum. For a discussion on how we can fit into current curriculum, please give us a call at the Museum 4193 9341 or President Trevor Keightley 4129 2504. H EA L T H A N D C O M M UNITY WE L L NE SS Mental Health Chill n’ Chat • Would you like to make new friends? • Learn what’s available in your community? • Discuss mental health issues? • Develop better coping skills? Then come along to a weekly informal gathering, held Tuesdays 10am to noon at Creations Café, in the Pyramid Building on Bazaar Street, Maryborough. COFFEE AND CAKE SPECIAL $5. The group will be facilitated by peers from ‘Personal Helpers & Mentors’ from Red Cross and Community Solutions. For more details please call: Sarah (PHaMs Employment) 0401 709 048, or Toni (PHaMs) 0400 992 160 Eating Disorder Support Do you, or someone you care for, identify with an eating disorder? If so we are seeking expressions of interest from people who would like to attend an eating disorder support group. The group will be held in Hervey Bay and be facilitated by Nancy O’brien, BSC Psych, BAHS Counselling, Gads & Maca. Please call Nancy on 0498 965 728. Eating Disorder Prevention Trial Volunteers wanted Volunteers aged 18-25 years who have concerns about their body weight or shape are asked to particpate in research trial. Participants receive a $50 iTunes voucher for their time. See www. YOU’RE NEVER TOO OLD Get your free hearing check at the Tiaro Library Dec 5th. TO BE NEEDED. Good hearing can improve your quality True story: At 75, volunteer friends of mine, Pat & Brian, work at a Community Centre three mornings a week and also run a support group once a month. They have lots of time on weekends and found they were just perfect to be pretend “Grandparents” for children in need of respite. They benefit, the children benefit, the carers benefit and everyone is happy. They did the learning course and were accredited about 4 years ago. So don’t think you’re too “old”, there is someone out there who needs you. If Pat & Brian can do this then you can. The time you can give to a child is precious and children love to have someone ‘just for them’. Pat & Brian are never lonely and there is a life about them. They are already great grandparents and hope their home is a haven on weekends for these precious children. So don’t waste your time, be like Pat & Brian and share your love with special children that need it. If you have an open heart and open arms please think about becoming a Foster Carer. They are so glad they did, and expect to continue Pauline K. for a long while yet. Recognising Our Teachers “The recently held Education Accord in which our local residents participated identified teaching quality as the number one issue for education. And, in recognition of the value of our teachers, the Queensland Government launched the Jack Pizzey Awards for excellence in education leadership”, the Member for Maryborough Mrs Maddern said. Mrs Maddern encouraged local teachers to apply for School, Principal or School Leadership Team of the Year awards and the chance to share in $90,000 of grants. Nominations are open now, and close on 21 November for the Jack Pizzey Awards, and on 8 December for the other programs. For application forms visit of life and eligible pensioners and veterans have access to many free hearing services from Australian Hearing. Australian Hearing will be offering free hearing screenings for eligible pensioners and veterans at the Tiaro Library on the morning of Friday December 5 between 9.30am and 11.30am. As the largest hearing provider in Australia, Australian Hearing services are free or subsidised by the Government for many Australian aged pensioners and veterans. Australian Hearing recommends you get your hearing checked every two years if you are aged over 60. As hearing loss is a gradual process, seniors often do not recognise that they have a hearing loss until it becomes a problem or until it affects their daily activities, such as listening to the radio, answering the telephone or in social situations. Australian Hearing Maryborough, Shop 2/133 Lennox Street, Ph: (07) 4120 8300 for details about our eligibility criteria. Calendar Gootchie QCWA 561 Gootchie Rd, Gootchie. 41293212 3 Gootchie Branch Meeting - 9 30 4 Melbourne Cup Day Function 21Burnett Div Exec Mt. Perry 9 30 am 28Petrie Gardens - 10 am NOTE: We are recommencing Craft Classes on February 10th, 2015 at 12 noon...bring Lunch. Tiaro QCWA 35 Mayne St Tiaro. Ph. Gail 4129 2237 1st Monday Scrapbooking 10am-2pm. Julie Meads 0428797037 $5. BYO lunch. All Tuesdays Craft 9am-3pm. $5. Bring your lunch. Gail Warwick 41292551 2nd Wednesday Hoy 11am 2nd Saturday Meeting 9am Miva QCWA QCWA Hall, Miva. Ph. June 54846282 1st Wednesday Branch Mtg 9.30am. GOOTCHIE EARTHMOVING Servicing Bauple, Curra, Gundiah, Glenwood, Gunalda & Tiaro SAND • PRE-MIX • RUBBLE • TOP SOIL • ROAD GRAVEL DOZERS • EXCAVATOR • TIP TRUCKS • LOW LOADER • SKIDDER 4129 3147 Gootchie Rd, Gootchie. Call Paddy Coyne - Mobile 0428 796 558 NOVEMBER 2014 PAGE 4 A COMMUNITY BUILDING PROJECT E N V I R O N M E N T 2014 MRCCC Annual Report For an update on the activities and actions of the Mary River Catchment Coordinating Committee, please visit the website at and download the 2014 Annual Report. Call the Resource Centre on 5482 4766 or if you would prefer a hard copy mailed out. MRCCC THE TREES ARE DYING by Col Bowman (resident tree guy) An article in last months Gundiah Gazette referred to the 80 year old Pine trees on Trevor’s block (Gootchie). It would appear that trees are dying all through the Fraser Coast region – one explanation could be a root rot known as Phytophtera, a fungus which is active during wet soil conditions and can live for 50 years in an old tree stump – allowing this fungus to survive during dry periods and explode when very wet conditions occur. The Pine tree, when it dies, becomes soft and pulpy and the wood has no strength. Not only do the branches fall, the roots are not able to hold the tree upright. In a storm or strong wind they pose a risk to people, buildings, power lines and roads etc. My recommendation is to remove them as soon as possible using a recognised tree faller, as they can cause severe damage if things go wrong. Some of these trees are 20m and taller and will hit with a great force falling from that height. E N T E R T A I N M E N T SPOOKY HALLOWEEN Harry Potter, the Hulk, Superman and even the Ninja Turtles turned up for the Halloween Disco for families at the spooky Gundiah Hall on 31 October. Over 40 children from the area and some flamboyant parents enjoyed dressing up and ‘getting down’. Ally Willis donates her time and DJ talents to make the event enjoyable each year, and is getting quite a following. The event is organised by Gundiah School P&C. “We all had a terrific night. The children loved dancing and getting dressed up and it was great to see so many smiling faces. Thank you to all of the volunteers and parents who helped to make the night such a great success,” said Josh Seaniger, Gundiah School acting principal, who was masquerading as Shane Warne, Aussie Cricket hero.Gundiah P&C ABOVE: Little Natalie Sal was unmistakable as the great green Hulk when she attended the Gundiah’s Halloween Disco. MANSONG CONCERT A BIG HIT IN GLENWOOD Glenwood and surrounding residents were not disappointed with the return of MANSONG for their second concert this year. Carol Sendall and her band of around 30 merry men sang, played, ‘prosed’ and joked at Glenwood Hall on November 1st. Cr Phil Truscott was instrumental in organising the fundraiser for local organisations. Locally Owned & Operated Pest Control & Termite Company, Living Locally, Now Servicing TIARO•BAUPLE•MIVA•GUNDIAH•GLENWOOD AND SURROUNDING AREAS Call Mike/Jenny for a FREE QUOTE 0429 071 773 / 4129 3132 THE GUNDIAH GAZETTE PAGE 5 NOVEMBER 2014 B auple P ro g ress A ssociation BPA UPDATE Many residents from Bauple, representatives from the school, community organisations, the church and businesses enjoyed a BBQ together on Sunday 19th arranged by the BPA. Local politicians were also invited to meet and talk with members from the community. Cr Trsucott was unable to participate, however, Anne Maddern made herself available and Lloyd Maddern assisted in cooking up a storm with steaks from Tiaro Meats. Community Plan Review – We received feedback from the council CEO in response to the review. Details will be discussed at the next meeting in addition to suggestions for the 2014 review as advised earlier this year, by the end of November from Community Groups and individuals. Rates - council is unable to provide a breakdown for rates spent in Bauple, or departments, or councillor Portfolios. Other progress associations are also querying expenditure. Stay tuned.... RV site suggestions – thank you to all those who provided feedback. This was summarised with original documentation presented to Cr Truscott. Disappointingly Cr Truscott advised “nothing will be done at the RV site until the Fraser Coast Camping committee have looked at the entire region’s needs. This could take a while.” Joint Progress Association Meeting – after the first meeting in Bauple, it was decided to meet regularly and work together to ensure residents are being represented. The second meeting was held in Maryborough 21st October. Similar concerns were raised. Detailed update will be provided at the next BPA meeting. We were informed of a meeting for the Maryborough Electorate at Maryborough Town Hall on Nov 19th. Community members are encouraged to attend and hear from state candidates and possibly councillors. Next meeting (GM) is planned for No- vember 5th 7pm at the Bauple Band Hall discussing the community plan review, response from council and suggestions for the next BBQ. Everyone is welcome along and encouraged to get involved. Bauple Community Group Representatives are invited to the next Management Committee Meeting. BPA queensland police - tiaro branch POLICE TALK Scams. Tiaro police are still receiving reports of the odd attempted scam, so it might be a timely reminder to locals to be aware of the more common methods scammers use. Cold calls: this is where someone calls claiming to be from a bank, the tax office, or even Microsoft and will ask you to verify details. They may even already have some of your details but are asking for more. None of these agencies will call you, and if they do, ask for the callers name and call the institution back on a number you locate from the phonebook etc. Never give out personal information over the phone unless you have initiated the call. Emails/phishing: again claiming to be from a bank or financial institution and asking you to click on a link. Never click on a link in an email as this will likely download a virus which steals all your information for later use by the scammer. There have even been some fake facebook pages starting to circulate stealing photos from the original person’s page. Again, before accepting, give that person a call. Scammers do this to try to gain further information for identity theft. English/UK gypsies: these guys pop up in the area from time to time attempting to sell items from the back of a car or offering services ranging from driveway repairs to roofing and painting. These people are notorious scammers. Obtain the vehicle details and contact police. Remember if it sounds too good to be true it probably is. Visit or call 1300 795 995 for more information or to report a scam. S/Constable Michael Coleman The Tiaro Police Division Consultative Committee aims to rep- resent the Community’s interests in matters of safety and security and to promote a good working relationship between the Police and the residents. Next public meeting of the Tiaro Police Division Consultative Committee will be held Wednesday 4th February 2015 at the Community Centre at Tiaro at 7 pm. Supper will be served. For further information please contact Lyn Kelman on (07) 4129 3212 OR Linda Harris on (07) 4193 9256 or iha5442@ LANDHOLDER RECOVERY MODEL - FOCUS GROUPS The Landholder Recovery project was conceived by Red Cross Emergency Services QLD and the Banana, North Burnett, Bundaberg and Fraser Coast Councils following the 2013 floods. If you are.. A landholder and / or family member, Staff member or volunteer from a community organisation, agricultural business or service, local government, response agency, local service provider– And you would like to contribute to stronger ways of working in the future then please consider participating in a focus group. Participation will require 4 hours of your time, and lunch will be provided. Assistance with fuel costs is also available. Focus Groups in the Fraser Coast region will take place in Maryborough on Wednesday 19 Nov (10am-2pm); are specifically looking at the landholder experience, from a psychosocial perspective and acknowledging the associated impacts to the wider community such as to agricultural businesses and suppliers. If you have any queries or if you wish to express your interest in participating please contact the project coordinator: Carolyn Patamisi. cpatamisi@ 0409 697 313. Red Cross Professional Sound System Engineering & Supplies. Peter PATRICK 0409 344 683 NOVEMBER 2014 PAGE 6 and more A COMMUNITY BUILDING PROJECT Fraser Coast Fuel opens at Tiaro. Local Caltex Distributor, Elton Keen, has recently opened a self-serve fuel station between Hauritz Motors and Tiaro Machinery southbound on the Bruce Highway. Open 24hrs/7 days a week, it offers quality fuel for Eftpos (all bank key cards), Visa, Mastercard and CaltexStar or FCF card holders. “We are trying to cater for the rural community whilst also remaining viable as a fuel seller in the future,”said Mr Keen. “It took us some time to set up, but the delays were mainly technical ones.” The general idea is customers pay before they pump and your card is charged the amount you allocate or actually pump, whichever comes first. (If it takes $80 on your card, the authorisation will be reversed instantly, or within a couple of days to reflect SGroundwater the pumped value, depending on your financial institution.) understand that the populous cities pay the lions share of the rates and rightly get Annual Report Snippets 2014. the lions share of the spoils. However, has anyone not noticed the population Ongoing Regional Issues? We must of this country is gravitating to the cities convince the Fraser Coast Council that in droves while the country areas are the word “regional” is part of its name dying? Local government regional areas and a vital part of its responsibility. are no different. Our local decisionWe did not ask to be amalgamated makers must realise that growing the and 6 years later, deamalgamation is regional areas will be a huge benefit never going to happen – we just need for the whole Fraser Coast. Total value to get on with it, and live, work and of agricultural production on the Fraser play as a Fraser Coast Community. We TIARO CHAMBER NEWS For custom-made kitchens to suit your budget, style and homespace, call Gary Lundh 0428-710-326 Coast in 2010/2011 was $65 million. That can only grow as we have not even tapped the fresh food markets locally, let alone fresh food to Brisbane, the southern states or Asian exports. Note that the Hervey Bay Whale Watching Industry brings in about $12 million, but where does Fraser Coast Opportunities choose to spend more of our money? When the new FCO General Manager attended our last agm in his first week on the job, we invited him to allow us to show him the huge potential that exists around regional and rural Fraser Coast. To date, he has obviously been too busy. Fcrc has formed an advancing agriculture committee. We support that, are part of that, and are looking for some urgent action. We need support and vision from our elected representatives. To be continued.... New membership always welcome, call Linda Harris 41 939256. Darryl Stewart Aussie Day Awards The Fraser Coast Australia Day Awards Nominations for 2015 are now open. Award categories include: Citizen of the year Junior citizen of the year Sports person of the year Junior sports person of the year Cultural award of the year Junior cultural person of the year Community event of the year Community group of the year Forms can be found on the council’s website at Freshen up your home today! Free Quotes! Second Generation Cabinet Maker Shop: 5 Winns Rd, Gunalda Q 4750 Servicing South East Queensland Mcelligott Carpentry & Maintenance QBSA 1244909 • Owanyilla • Ask for Jamie • Subcontract Carpenter For New Homes • Renovation Work, Decks, Stairs Etc • All Carpentry Work Big or Small • Free Quotes 0488505899 THE GUNDIAH GAZETTE PAGE 7 NOVEMBER 2014 ROSSENDALE TENNIS CLUB INC. Perfect Weather for Tennis! It’s perfect weather for tennis right now, so if you’ve thought or talked about giving tennis a go, this is the time to put those words into action. Just ring up and book the courts - day or night, or come along to Friday night tennis to see if you’d like to join our weekly club night. It’s a lot of fun! We always welcome new players and we’d like to encourage everyone to stay active as much and long as possible. Very few of us get enough exercise, and with limited opportunities for sport in this area, we want you to take come and try tennis at Rossendale. Remember what they say – “Use it or lose it”. You can prolong your mobility by being active walking, running, bending, stretching, moving, jumping, thinking, laughing, participating. Tennis has it all! You don’t have to be a great player to begin – just have a passion for a challenging game. Try it.You just might love it! Tennis Coaching - Hot Shots Gympie and District Tennis Association Coach Matt Watkins commenced the Hot Shots Coaching program on Friday 17th October. This program will run for a minimum block of 7 weeks so if you missed the start you may still be able to register your child (ages 5 and up) with Matt on 041 7070129. Matt has loan racquets available each week and ADVERTISE HERE PH 0418 797 822 NOVEMBER 2014 Fencing, Post Cutting, Tordoning & Mustering 0428 713 942 or 4129 3168 PAGE 8 W S I N B R I E F Buskers wanted for Street Life Party! Council is calling on buskers of all shapes and sizes, tricks and talents for the launch of a new Street Life Cultural Program. Cr Phil Truscott said the sound of street music will ring out from the Maryborough CBD on Thursday, 27 November and in Hervey Bay on Sunday, 30 November. Places are still available for local performers. “Busking could include acrobatics, animal tricks, balloon twisting, card tricks, caricatures, clowning, comedy, contortions, escapology, dance, singing, fire skills, flea circus, fortune-telling, juggling, magic, mime, living statue, musical performance, puppetry, snake charming, storytelling or reciting poetry or prose, street art such as sketching and painting, street theatre, sword swallowing, and ventriloquism… to name a few! “Basically busking is any entertainment that will encourage an audience to throw some coins into a hat. “So if you have any or perhaps all of these skills, we want to hear from you.” Councillor Truscott said successful submissions will receive their first year’s busking license free of charge. For more information on how to get involved go to coast-street-life Your thoughts? The Gundiah Gazette welcomes readers’ opinion on local issues. Letters to the Editor should be addressed to Gundiah Gazette, 363 Netherby Rd, Gundiah Q 4650, or gundiahgazette@gmail. com. It is preferred they are around 200 words. They must be signed but name can be withheld on request. Letters will be published at the Editor’s discretion. T NURS REE ER T S Plants from $2.50 each. IARO •T REGROWTH CLEARING DAM CONSTRUCTION EROSION CONTROL GENERAL WORK ABN 61 304 852 282 E Y EXCAVATOR DOZER & ROLLER HIRE Kent Doran N N GRE FELL the raquet is an excellent coach. The kids love him! All players who sign up also receive their own Hot Shots Tennis shirt. First session starts 3:30pm to 4:15pm for the Beginners group (ages 5-9) and 4:15pm to 5:00pm for Intermediate group (ages 10 and up). Goodbye Ben. Sadly we will be saying goodbye to a young member of our club this week – Ben Gregg. Ben and his mother are moving to Kingaroy where Ben hopes to continue to play tennis. Ben has come a long way with his tennis in the last couple of years and we are all happy when he outplays us with any of the excellent shots that he’s now learnt by practice, hard work, and by having a passion for tennis. Well done Ben! We will all miss you and we wish you and your mother all the best when you move to the red dirt country. Our Bunnings BBQ on 11th October was very successful. Thanks to all our members who contributed. The Rossendale Tennis Club has two excellent synthetic grass courts, a great roomy clubhouse with table and lots of seating, BBQ facilities, racquets available for use, and off-road parking. The club is located in a rural setting only 5 klms from Bauple township and is central to Gundiah and Glenwood localities. Address is 38 Bauple – Woolooga Road, just off the Bruce Highway opposite the southern Bauple Exit/Entrance. For any enquiries or to hire courts please phone Mary-Anne Walters on 4129 2589; MOB: 04 3837 4091; Bob & Carol Maxwell on 4129 2391; or John & Lyn Kelman on 41 293 212. See you at Rossendale!!!! MWalters IT’S SPRING! Large selection of plants/orders taken • Looking for a gift to buy? IN STOCK NOW: Fruit & citrus trees • Shrubs • Natives • Roses • ground covers • Bouganvillea • Pot of Colour • Seedlings • Rainforest Plants • Flowering Plants And more • GIFT VOUCHERS EFTPOS AVAILABLE. cnr maYnE st & Grenfell St, Tiaro 4193 9160 A COMMUNITY BUILDING PROJECT Santa is Coming! The Lions Club of Tiaro and District will be holding their annual Children’s Christmas Party & district get-together on Saturday 29th November 2014 at Tiaro Rec Grounds, Inman Street 5pm start with Santa at 7pm, and fireworks at 8.30pm. This event is a follow on from a Mardi Gras started by businesses in Tiaro some 46 years ago. Entertainment for the evening includes rides for the children, ham wheels and food, drink and bar services are also available. Santa arrives at 7:00 pm and fireworks commence at 8:30 pm. Entry and the rides are free, although there may be a small charge for some rides as we are trying something new this year. The Children’s Christmas Party is for children up to year 7, and includes children from the district of Gunalda to the south, Owanyilla and Mungar to the north, the coast to the east and Thi- noomba and area to the west. Parents and residents also use this event for a get-together. This event will be held at the Tiaro Rec Grounds, Inman Street. Turn at the Royal Hotel and follow the road to the top of the hill and the grounds are on the left. All residents in the area are cordially invited, so come along and have a great night. Guests of residents are also welcome. A J (Tony) Pope 0408 988 081 Cat and Dog Registration Door Knock Council has started knocking on doors of homes across the region to check cat and dog registration information is up to date. The move is part of a push to cut the number of animals being impounded and euthanised. Owners of unregistered pets will be required to register their pets and may be issued a $227 fine for each unregistered animal. There are currently 19,016 dogs and 4,471 cats registered on the Fraser Coast, Community Health, Education and training Portfolio Councillor Robert Garland said. Cutting the number of pets being euthanised is a particular focus for Councillor Garland.“All pet owners can help cut the number of animals ending up in the pound by ensuring their pets are registered and micro-chipped so we can ensure they are returned home as quickly as possible if they stray.”During 2013/14, 1,520 dogs and 588 cats were impounded; 60% of the dogs and 15% of the cats were returned home; 17% of the dogs and 57% of the cats were euthanized with the remainder given to welfare groups to rehome. FCRC Above: The very lovely Leslie Wood at Gympie Camel Races on Melbourne Cup Day. Pensioners Inc and Gundiah Community Place splashed out on a fabulous day at the Races. TKeightley --- Vintage Film Club If you missed ‘Meet Me in St Louis’ starring Judy Garland at Tiaro Library on 28th October, mark your calendars for the 2015 Vintage films: Lady from Shanghai (1947) 27 January Red River (1947) 24 February Summer of the Seventeenth Doll (1959) 24 March. The screenings are free but places are limited. Bookings are required by contacting Tiaro - 4129 2453. New Gazette Delivery Hard Copy: Over 1000 Gazettes are delivered each month to homes, schools and businesses in the Fraser Coast Hinterland. We have expanded our delivery to include Mungar! Email delivery: Sign up on the front page: TV Antennas New installations and upgrades •45KG DOMESTIC CYLINDER EXCHANGE •REFILL 9KG BBQ BOTTLE Customer pick up only. Call Gary Long at PROFILE DYNAMIX 47 BAUPLE DRIVE, BAUPLE 4129 2376 THE GUNDIAH GAZETTE Satellite and terrestrial Mobile Phone Antennas Service calls and advice Local experienced installer Slow Internet? For a solution call Gary Salisbury 5485 7240 Mon to Fri 9am to 5pm PAGE 9 NOVEMBER 2014 Above: Dean Weller competes at Las Vegas Senior Pro Rodeo Championships in September. Photo courtesy ©WTBruce. LOCAL BULLRIDER PLACES FOURTH IN THE WORLD. Dean Weller hails from Gundiah of late, and is by no means ‘small fry’ when it comes to bullriding on the world stage. Dean and fellow team mates competed in Senior Pro Rodeo Association in USA. Over 2 months he competed in 11 rodeo rounds and made the finals in Las Vegas. Dean placed fourth in the world for the 40-50 year category. Not a bad feat for someone who broke his upper arm in the process. How good is your hearing? Do you miss the doorbell or telephone? Do you have noises in your head or ears? AUSTRALIAN HEARING WILL BE PROVIDING FREE HEARING CHECKS at the TIARO LIBRARY ON FRIDAY 5 DECEMBER, 2014 FROM 9.30AM 4129 2453 PLEASE PHONE DEBBIE ON TO BOOK YOUR FREE HEARING CHECK NOW. NOVEMBER 2014 news in brief REMEMBRANCE DAY Federal Member for Wide Bay and Deputy Prime Minister, Warren Truss, is encouraging Wide Bay residents to observe the traditional Remembrance Day one minute’s silence this Tuesday, to honour those who lost their lives while serving Australia in wars, conflicts and peace-keeping operations. “Remembrance Day is held on the anniversary of the signing of the Armistice, which ended World War 1, ninety six years ago,”Mr Truss said. This year, we particularly remember the 30,000 troops who would become the first Anzacs. In November 1914, they departed from Albany, Western Australia on a convoy of ships from the Royal Australian Navy, New Zealand, Britain and Japan, bound for service in the First World War. En-route, the Royal Australian Navy secured its first victory at sea, when HMAS Sydney forced the German raider Emden to ground at North Keeling Island, allowing the convoy safe passage through the Indian Ocean. “All Australians should take a moment to observe the traditional one minute’s silence on Remembrance Day, and reflect upon the sacrifice made by more than 102,000 Australians, who have died for our nation in wartime,”Mr Truss said. “For the family and friends left behind, Remembrance Day is a day of sadness, reflection and remembrance for their loved ones who served our nation and made the ultimate sacrifice. “During the minute’s silence at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, we remember people of all nations who have lost their lives through war, and we honour those who have, and those who continue to serve in the defence of Australia.” The Flanders poppy first became popular in Australia in 1921 to symbolise the end of World War I and the rebuilding of life. It was among the first plants that grew after the devastation on the battle fields in Northern France and Belgium. “I urge all Australians to continue the spirit and tradition of Remembrance Day, by wearing a red Flanders poppy and pausing for one minute’s silence at 11am on Tuesday.” For more information and materials on Remembrance Day, including Centenary of Anzac commemorative posters, visit the Department of Veterans’ Affairs website, at ADVERTISE HERE 07 4129 3215 GLEN WOOD TREE SERVICE FULLY INSURED OVER 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE TREE FELLING & CHIPPING STUMP GRINDING TRENCHING KANGA WITH ALL ATTACHMENTS 5485 7510 PAGE 10 A COMMUNITY BUILDING PROJECT WHAT’S ON IN NovemBER November Events 3 The South Brisbane Federal Band ‘Proms in Concert’, Brolga Theatre: 3pm. Following their 2nd place at the Australia National Band Championships, ‘The Feds’ are looking forward to bringing their love of music to the Wide bay. Adult: $30, Child: $20 (Under 12 years), Concession: $25, Seniors: $25. Brolga Theatre 41226060, - Gundiah Rural Fire Brigade Training (1st Mon), Fire Station: 7pm. Brian Janssen 41293128. 4 Tiaro Library ‘Book Chat’ (1st Tue), Tiaro Library: 9:30am. Deborah McCall 41292453, - Melbourne Cup Luncheon, Brolga Theatre: 11am. Enjoy a glass of champagne, beer or wine while being entertained by talented local musician Jon Vea Vea and Fashions on the Green featuring pre-loved and up-cycled clothing. Lucky door prizes, sweeps and cup day fun with live cross to the race on the big screen. Adult: $50. Brolga Theatre 41226060, 5 Public Meetings of the Tiaro Police Division Consultative Committee (1st Wed, 3 monthly), Gootchie GUNDIAH GAZETTE: Distributed FREE in the Fraser Coast Hinterland on first of each month. A Gundiah Community Place community-building project. 4129 2504 or 4129 3215 Editor: Sandra Kelly. 363 Netherby Rd, Ph 4129 3215 THE GUNDIAH GAZETTE Branch QCWA Rooms: 7pm. Supper served. Lyn Kelman 41293212 - John Williamson, Brolga Theatre: 8pm. Adult $49, Child (3-11) $33, Concession $47, Group (10+) $47. 41226060, brolga@frasercoast.qld. 6-8 Maryborough Heritage CraftFest, Maryborough City Hall, Kent Street: Thu-Fri: 9am-4pm, Sat: 9am-3pm 8th. Fraser Coast’s premier craft event, showcasing traditional and modern crafts handmade by over 50 local artisans. Entry $3, children under 12 are free if accompanied by adult. Desleigh Baynes 41217040, 8 Tiaro Markets (2nd Sat), Tiaro Community Centre and Memorial Hall, Forgan Tce & Kooringa Rd, Tiaro: 7am-12. Gavan 0419276588. 9 L.A.D. Dance Studio 2014, Brolga Theatre: 2pm. End of year dance concert. Adult $22, Pen/Snr/Stud/$17, Group 10+ $15.00. 41226060, brolga@ - Australian Guitar Duo, Gatakers Artspace, 311 Kent Str, Maryborough: 4.30pm-6.30 pm. Rupert Boyd and Jacob Cordover are exceptional, international classical guitarists. Adult: $25, Members: $22. Janet Revill 41231117, janet@janetsartbooks., 11 MEMORIAL DAY 12Gundiah School P&C Meeting (2nd Wed), Gundiah School: 6pm. - Bauple Rec Ground Meeting (2nd Wed): 7pm. Debbie Brischke 0418771696. 13Under 5 Story Time (2nd & 4th Thu), Tiaro Library: 10:30am. Deborah McCall 41292453, deborah.mccall@ - Tiaro P&C (2nd Thu): 6pm. - Gundiah Hall Committee Mtg. (2rd Thu), 7pm. Sandi 41293215. 14Tiaro Country Crafters (2nd Fri), Uniting Church Tiaro: 9:30am. - Munna Creek Hall Social Night (2nd Fri), 5 Blowers Road, Munna Creek: 6pm. Table tennis & Games, BBQ & kitchen facilities, BYO food drinks., 0434614866. 15Glenwood Community Markets (3rd Sat (except Aug)), 13 Pepper Rd Glenwood: 8am. Community markets with food and drinks available all morning. Suzanne 30363001. 16 TESS Wildlife Park Country Markets (3rd Sun), 79 Mungar Road Maryborough West: 7am-1pm. Ray Reville 0427872236. - Australian Hibiscus Society (3rd Sun): 10am. Chris 54846551 for PAGE 11 location. - Dance Zone, Brolga Theatre: 11am, 5pm. Annual celebration! Adult: $24.95, Child: $18.00 (2-12), Concession: $22.95, Seniors: $22.95, Members: $22.95. Brolga Theatre 41226060, brolga@frasercoast.qld. 17Radio 107.1 General Meeting (3rd Mon), Community Centre Tiaro: 5.30pm. All Welcome. Jeff 41939612. - Tiaro District Community Centre Meeting, Community Centre Tiaro: 6pm. New members welcome. Debbie 41939603. 18Tiaro District Chamber Commerce (3rd Tue), Landcare Rooms, Mayne Street, Tiaro (under the medical centre) 7pm. au, 0427006831, 41939256. - Bauple Historical Museum (3rd Tue), 7pm. All welcome. 41292751. 19Tiaro Landcare Meeting (3rd Wed), Old Medical Centre, Tiaro: 7:30pm. 20FREE Community Legal Services (3rd Thu), Tiaro Community Centre: Royal Hotel THE TIARO • Cold Beer • Air Cond Pokies • Meals 7 days • Regular live music • Walk in Bottleshop • Courtesy bus • Weddings, parties, • Excellent Food 4129 2567 CNR MAIN ST & INMAN ST TIARO HIDEAWAY HOTEL -the perfect get-awaySunday Roasts $11 (choice of two roasts and dessert!) Thursdays: Trivia Night Fridays: Lions Club Raffles Meals: Mon-Sat. Lunches 7 days. Functions: Call us about your function Phone Nia & Col 4129 2153 NOVEMBER 2014 41942663 for apt. - ABM Christmas Craft Stall (Anglican Board of Mission Craft Group), St. Paul’s Memorial Hall: 7am-1pm. Money raised goes to Myanmar to assist in improving their livelihoods and feed their families. Noela Thomson (President) 41214063. 22Hinterland Markets (4th Sat), Bauple Band Hall: 7am. Heather 0428842615. 27Under 5 Story Time (2nd & 4th Thu), Tiaro Library: 10:30am. Deborah McCall 41292453, deborah.mccall@ 28Tiaro Library ‘Book Club’ (4th Fri), Tiaro Library: 10am. Deborah McCall 41292453, deborah.mccall@ - Bauple Kids Hangout’ Night (4th Fri), Bauple Recreation Grounds: 5-9pm. Free entry, food & drinks on sale. Table tennis tables, pool table, darts, air hockey, puzzles, games or just hang-out. Debbie 0418771696. 29Gatakers by Night (last Sat), Gatakers Artspace, Kent Street, Maryborough: 5pm-9pm. Watch artists at work - woodcarver, painters, sculptors - and view the latest exhibitions at Gatakers Gallery. Light refreshments available for purchase. Free admission. Gatakers Artspace 41905723. - Lion’s Children’s Christmas Party. Rec Grounds, Inman Street, Tiaro. 5pm. Santa, Games, Rides,Food. See pg 9 for details. December Events 1 Gundiah Rural Fire Brigade Training (1st Mon), Fire Station: 7pm. Brian Janssen 41293128. 2 Tiaro Library ‘Book Chat’ (1st Tue), Tiaro Library: 9:30am. Deborah McCall 41292453, - Christmas Meet ‘n’ Greet, Theebine Hall: 6pm. BBQ, Christmas raffles and entertainment – see you there. Contact Kathy 54846229 - Bauple Rec Ground Meeting (2nd Wed): 7pm. Debbie Brischke 0418771696. 4 Kamahl - Morning Melodies, Brolga Theatre: 11am. The story of his life, which took him from a child in the cow paddocks of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to being a performer able to count among his friends some of the great and mighty, is one of the most extraordinary adventures in show business. Adult $15, Friend $13. Brolga Theatre 41226060, brolga@frasercoast.qld. 6 Cleone McRoberts Academy of Dance, Brolga Theatre: 2pm, 7pm. Our annual celebration of dance and achievement! Brolga Theatre 41226060, brolga@frasercoast.qld. NOVEMBER 2014 7 2014 Independent Fraser Coast Toy Run, Aussie Hotel, Adelaide St: 7:30am rego, 9am depart. Proceeds will go to several areas on the Fraser Coast: Animal Welfare, Maryborough Animal Refuge, Fraser Coast Family Network and Aged Care. The rider’s route will visit either Howard or Torbanlea, through Hervey Bay and returning to Maryborough, finishing up at the Lamington Hotel at around 12:30pm. Live music will kick off once all riders have returned Jimmy James to entertain the crowd. Cheap meals available to all participants. Gold coin donation. Cliff Leader 0400033423, Michael 0413722584, Lizzie Walker 0409575284, au. 11Under 5 Story Time (2nd & 4th Thu), Tiaro Library: 10:30am. Deborah McCall 41292453, deborah.mccall@ - Mt Kanigan District RFB Group 6.30pm BBQ followed by 7pm Gen Meeting. at Gundiah RFB Station. All Gundiah RFB members welcome to attend. - Gundiah Hall Committee Mtg. (2rd Thu), 7pm. Sandi 41293215. 12Tiaro Country Crafters (2nd Fri), Uniting Church Tiaro: 9:30am. - Munna Creek Hall Social Night (2nd Fri), 5 Blowers Road, Munna Creek: 6pm. Table tennis & Games, BBQ & kitchen facilities, BYO food drinks., 0434614866. - LAST DAY OF SCHOOL YEAR 13Tiaro Markets (2nd Sat), Tiaro Community Centre and Memorial Hall, Forgan Tce & Kooringa Rd, Tiaro: 7am-12. Gavan 0419276588. 13Carols in the Country - Gundiah Oval, School Rd, Gundiah. See ad. 15Radio 107.1 General Meeting (3rd Mon), Community Centre Tiaro: 5.30pm. All Welcome. Jeff 41939612. - Tiaro District Community Centre Meeting, Community Centre Tiaro: 6pm. New members welcome. Debbie 41939603. Weekly Events & Activities Tiaro Broadband for Seniors Kiosk. Tiaro Comm Ctr. M-F 9–12pm. 41939239 Radio 107.1 : 7days. Ph Jeff 41939612. Bauple Men’s (Community) Shed Mon, Tues, Wed & Saturday 9am– 3pm. Ph. Bill 0481 351 583. Mondays Lions Club 2nd & 4th Monday Hideaway Hotel 7pm. Tony Pope 4129 6440 Tai Chi–Bauple Band Hall 6pm Tuesdays. Yoga Q150 Rec Grounds 8.30am. Great for young & old $10 Helen 0410 288 595 Bauple Bubs Social Group: 9am12noon. @Bauple Rec Grounds, next to Scouts building Mandie 0432 481661. PAGE 12 Tai-ChiTiaroCom.Ctr.8.30am.41292490 Child Health Nurse. 9-12pm Tiaro Library. 2nd & 4th Tuesday 4122 8733. Tiaro Creative Arts Group. 9.30am Uniting Church, Mungar Rd. 5484 6135 Dance Night Bauple Band Hall 7-9pm (Hall Fundraiser). Children & Adults. Anne 41939254 or Meg 0429783741 Wednesdays. Line Dancing Gunalda Hall. 4129 3126 Simple Living Group 9-11am @Bauple Rec Shed Ph Wendy 4129 2212 Thursdays. Under 5 Story Time 10.30am 2nd & 4th Thursday Tiaro Library 4129 2453 Bauple Scouts 4.30pm. Sandra 4129-2609 Zumba–Bauple Band Hall 5.30pm ph 0403 797 723 followed by Darts/Pool at 7pm ph 0438758771. Fridays. Computer Group Social, literacy and computer help. Jeff Taylor 4129 2650 Emergency Service Cadets 4pm SES Shed Maryborough. Ian 5484 6745 Rossendale Tennis Club 7pm. BaupleWoolooga Road Ph. 4129 2589 Gundiah Community Place Socials on 1st & 3rd Fridays. BBQ 6pm 4129 2504. Alcoholics Anonymous Every Friday @ 7pm in the Glenwood Hall. 5485 7412 Friday Family Fun Night. Bauple Rec Grounds. 1st & 3rd Fridays. Check FB page for menu. Hall open from 6pm. INFO PH Debbie Brischke 0418 771 696 Sundays. Lighthouse Christian Church: Cnr Forestry Rd & Main St Bauple. 10:00am Worship & Communion. 10:30am Children’s Church. 4129 2787 Ps Brian. Catholic Services: Sacred Heart, John St, Tiaro. 10am. Fthr Paul Kelly 4121 3701 St Therese, Balkin St, Gunalda 7.30am Father Patrick Cassidy. 5482 1213 Uniting Church: Tiaro Mungar Rd, 1st & 3rd Sundays 7.30pm. 4121 3204 Bauple 2nd & 4th Sundays 7.30pm Main St, Bauple. G. Slaughter 4121 3204 Theebine Community Christian Church 2nd & 4th Sundays 10am. Old Cleveland Rd. Bevan 54846183 Anglican. Christ Church, Cnr King St & McDowall Street, Gunalda. 10.30am. 3rd Sunday. Ph 5482 2629 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon) Sorensen Rd Gympie 9am. Ph. 5482 2014 Gundiah Croquet - Every Sunday @ Gundiah Community Place 3pm. NOTICES Wanted: Old used offset discs, loose discs. Cash paid. Ben 0417 001 860. Cleaner Wanted: House near Gundiah. 6 hrs p.w. Must have references & A COMMUNITY BUILDING PROJECT like animals. PO Box 216 Tiaro Q 4650 Answers to life’s questions. Free bible studies and materials. Interested? Call Eva & Walter 4129 3295. Gundiah Hall for Hire Available for day and evening functions, weekend hire. Upgraded kitchen facilities. 4129 3215 Bauple Spiritual Centre Meditation Evening (1st & 3rd Mon), The Free Community Play Group 5-6pm Q150 Shed, Bauple & District Recreation Grounds & Every 4th Saturday 7am-12noon Bauple Markets. All Welcome. Groups Churches of Christ, Maryborough Family Day Care invite you to join our Community Playgroup at Tiaro State School. When: 19th Nov, 10th Dec. (Then, last Wednesday of every month except school holidays) Time: 9.00am to 11.00am. Children and adults to wear a hat! Our program based on the Early Years Learning Framework aims to •provide opportunities to build friendships and social support •help children learn through play, •take responsibility and work together •provide a safe and supportive environment for families. For more details call Maryborough Family Day Care Office on 41 224151. Asperger’s Support Group Mtg. (WASPS) 9-12noon, last Wed of month Tiaro Comm. Ctr. Pat Davies 4193-9239 Older Men Unlimited St. Paul’s Church Hall, Mbh. 1st Tues each month 10:30am. Greg Smyth 0438488812. TOM GRADY Hinterland Spiritual Centre Bauple: 6:30pm. 41939290 or Jillian 0418785305. Future Meditation Dates for 2014 20th October – 3rd and 17th of November – 1st and 15th of December Lock the Gate on Coal Mining & CSG Fields NOW every 2nd Sunday SERVICES Electrician Brian Briggs Lic 7417 POBox 84 Tiaro Q 4650 Ph/Fx 4129 2086 Mobile 0412740385 Julez Cleaning Call Julie 0412 902 332 Excavation & Welding - Ryan Long. Servicing all local areas. 0439 939 196. Counsellor. Private and professional. Joanne Jennings Dip. Couns. MACA. Shop 11c, 224 Adelaide St, Maryborough Phone: (07) 4122 2240 Email: EJ Removals Local - Country - Interstate. Free Call 1800 652 569 Master of All Trades - Welding, Plumbing, Painting, Carpentry, Steel Fabricating, Concreting, Gardening, Tenant Exit Cleaning, - NO JOB TOO SMALL, Call Gary 4193 9290 Date Savers At Glenwood Hall 13 December Christmas Carols & Santa Twilight Markets 4pm. Santa arrives 6pm. Carols 7pm. Glenwood Community Awards / Christmas Lights Winners announced. Gundiah Memorial Hall 13December Carols in the Country at Gundiah Oval 5pm. See page 14. Munna Creek Hall Munna Creek Social Night – 2nd Friday of the Month / BYO Food & Drinks. Lighthouse Christian Church Christmas Carols by Candlelight+ Supper - Sunday 21st Dec 2015 at 6:30pm Every Child receives a gift.Contact Chris Allen 4129 2787 Theebine Comm. Christian Church 2 Dec Christmas Meet&Greet,Hall 6pm 21 Dec Christmas Carols on Sunday, at Church 7pm, supper afterwards at hall. All welcome. Contact 54846183. Christmas Eve Party at Gundy. Wednesday 24 Dec. Gundy Pub. Live Music with Glenn Fox, Ray Gage. Call Dan 4129 3182 TOM GRADY-C.R.T.-GYMPIE 2 TOP STORES WITH OVER 4000 PRODUCTS Pour-ons for cattle Available both stores Prydes Horse Feed Available Both Stores Fencing Materials Available both stores Incitec Pivot Fertilizer Available Tozer St Akubra Hats - $130 each Available Nash St Brumby Shirts - $25 each Available Nash St King Gee Work Wear Available Nash Street Blundstone Boots Available Both Stores 219ha (541 acres) on 2 freehold titles with frontage to Gootchie Creek plus dams and lagoons. TOM GRADY - YOUR LOCAL C.R.T. BLOKE IN GYMPIE NASH STREET - PH 5482 1824 • TOZER STREET- PH 5482 1692 THE GUNDIAH GAZETTE PAGE 13 NOVEMBER 2014 ENJOY A NEW CHRISTMAS EXPERIENCE THAT HAS THat ‘good-old’ FEELING: Carols in the Country at gundiah oval A fabulous family event situated in beautiful bushland setting with a professional line up of local and regional talent, including: • Carol Sendall & Mansong, • Amy Ross, • Marcia Tramacchi, • Brad Sorensen, with • multi-school choir, and backed by • Fraser Coast Region Band. Sing along at this lovely, country-style evening focussing on the joys of the Christmas Season. When: Saturday 13 December Time: 5pm - Community Market Stalls, Food, Activities 6.30pm-8.00pm Carols 8.30pm Close Where:Gundiah Oval. School Rd, Gundiah (Wet weather plan, Gundiah Memorial Hall) Bring: Your family, blanket or camp chairs Entry: FREE (donations appreciated) Free entry, donations on entry appreciated. Lucky door prize ticket for each person! Christmas Food, Drinks, Entertainment, Raffles, LED candles, Christmas sample bags, Games & entertainment for children, Market stalls. Market Stalls invited. Great opportunity to offer locally made gift items and Christmas specials. Sonia Kennedy 4129 3241. Questions? Call Sandi 0400 442 118. Organised by Gundiah Memorial Hall Association and sponsored by Fraser Coast Regional Council, Handy Hire and The Gundiah Gazette. Sponsors welcome. Call Phil Truscott 0448 051 462, Leesa Munro or Sandi 0400 442 118
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