भारत सरकार अ तिरक्ष िवभाग सतीश धवन अंतिरक्ष के द्र शार ीहिरकोटा डा.घ.524124 आं.प्र. भारत टे िलफोन:+91 8623 225023 फेक्स: +91 8623 225170 Government of India Department of Space Satish Dhawan Space Centre SHAR SRIHARIKOTA P.O. 524124, AP, INDIA Telephone: +91 8623 225023 Fax: +91 8623 225170 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA :: DEPARTMENT OF SPACE SATISH DHAWAN SPACE CENTER SHAR :: SRIHARIKOTA – 524 124 SRI POTTI SREERAMULU.NELLORE DISTRICT (A.P) TENDER NOTICE NO. SDSC SHAR/HPS/PT/12/2014-15 On behalf of President of India, Head Purchase and Stores, SDSC SHAR, SRIHARIKOTA invites sealed quotations for the following: Ref. No. Sl No 01 SHRO 2014 00 1495 [TWO part basis] Description Mail Server Hardware and Software Last Date for issue of tender documents Due Date for receipt of tender Tender Opening Date Qty. Tender Fee 1 No. `.230/- : 22.12.2014 at 16:00 Hours : 24.12.2014 at 12:00 Hours : 24.12.2014 at 14:00 Hours Instructions to Tenderers: For full details/ scope of work and terms and conditions etc., please see the enclosed annexures. 1. Tender documents can be had from Sr. P & SO, Purchase, SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota –524 124, SPSR Nellore Dist. A.P. 2. Tender Fee shall be paid in form of CROSSED Demand Draft only. The Demand Draft should be in favour of Accounts Officer, SDSC-SHAR drawn on State Bank of India, Sriharikota. The Tender Fee is NON-REFUNDABLE. Your request letter along with Tender Fee may be addressed to the Sr. Purchase & Stores Officer as indicated above. 3. Interested tenderers may, at their option, download the tender documents from the ISRO website & and submit the offer along with the prescribed tender fee as per details given in the tender notification. 4. While requesting for Tender Documents, please superscribe on the cover as “Request for Tender document against Tender Notice No. SDSC SHAR/HPS/PT/12/2014-15 5. Quotations received after the due date/time will not be considered. 6. While sending sealed quotation/offer, superscribe respective Tender Number and Due Date on the envelope. 7. SDSC-SHAR, Sriharikota is not responsible for any postal delays/loss of documents in transit. 8. Head, Purchase and Stores, SDSC-SHAR, Sriharikota reserves the right to accept or reject any/or all the quotations in part or full. DT: 19.11.2014 HEAD, PURCHASE AND STORES 1 TENDERFORM TENDER NO. SHRO 2014 00 1495 FORM NO.P.004 :DUE ON 24.12.2014, at 1200 Hours TENDERER’S REF: DATE: To HEAD, PURCHASE & STORES SATISH DHAWAN SPACE CENTRE SHAR, SRIHARIKOTA – 524 124 NELLORE DIST. (A.P) Dear Sir, I/We hereby offer to Mail Server Hardware and Software detailed below at the price hereunder quoted and agree to hold this offer open till I/We shall be bound to Mail Server Hardware and Software mentioned date. You are at liberty to accept any quantity of the Mail Server Hardware and Software tendered for or any portion of any one or more of Mail Server Hardware and Software I/We not withstanding that the offer in this tender has not been accepted in whole, shall be bound to supply to you such portion or portions of the Mail Server Hardware and Software as may be specified in the said Purchase Order communicating the acceptance. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sl. No. Description Qty. 01. Mail Server Hardware and Software 1 Unit Rate Rs. Delivery Period No. Note: Tenderers are requested to submit their offer on TWO part basis. A) LAST DATE FOR ISSUE OF TENDER FORMS : 22.12.2014 at 1600 Hours B) DUE DATE FOR RECEIPT OF TENDER : 24.12.2014 at 1200 Hours C) DUE DATE FOR TENDER OPENING : 24.12.2014 at 1400 Hours Place at which delivery is required: SDSC SHAR, SRIHARIKOTA Date by which the supplies are required: As per agreed delivery schedule. I/We have understood the terms of the tender annexed to the invitation to tender and have thoroughly examined the specification(s) drawing and/or pattern quoted or referred to herein and are fully aware of the, Mail Server Hardware and Software required and my/our offer is to Mail Server Hardware and Software strictly in accordance with the requirements subject to the terms and conditions contained in the Purchase Order communicating the acceptance of this tender either in whole or in part. SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER DATE: (SEAL) 2 INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS FOR SUBMITTING TWO PART TENDERS File No. : SHRO 2014 00 1495 ITEM : Mail Server Hardware and Software Please note the following instructions and submit your offer accordingly. (a) PART-I : TECHNO - COMMERCIAL This part shall contain only the technical details and specifications together with technical catalogues. All commercial conditions shall also be indicated in this part. Deviations, if any, to our specifications shall be brought out very clearly. Tenderers shall mention point-wise confirmation with regard to Technical Specifications given in our Enquiry. Price details should not be shown in this part. The TECHNO-COMMERCIAL Part (Part-I) shall be submitted in a sealed cover duly superscribing as follows:PART –I : TECHNO-COMMERCIAL FILE NO. : SHRO 2014 00 1495 DUE DATE : 24.12.2014 at 1200 Hours (b) PART-II : PRICE This part shall contain only the Price. The PRICE PART (Part-II) shall be submitted in a sealed cover duly superscribing as follows:PART-II FILE NO. DUE DATE : PRICE : SHRO 2014 00 1495 : 24.12.2014 at 1200 Hours Both Part-I and Part II covers shall be kept in a separate cover duly superscribing as follows and sent to the following address:FILE NO. : SHRO 2014 00 1495 DUE DATE : 24.12.2014 at 1200 Hours Part-I and Part-II covers individually sealed and kept in this cover. To Sr. Purchase & Stores Officer Tender Section – SCF Purchase Satish Dhawan Space Centre SHAR SRIHARIKOTA – 524 124 SPSR NELLORE District, A.P. In view of Two Part Tender, fax offers will not be accepted. The Offers submitted contrary to above instructions will be liable for rejection. Please take note of the above instructions and submit your offer before the Due Date i.e., 24.12.2014 at 1200 Hours 3 Request For Proposal for SDSC-SHAR Email Software 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Presently SCOF/RO is providing Email services to about 900+ using open web mail Freeware (Linux based Sendmail and web based GUI software). This Request for Proposal (RFP) is floated to get the suitable offers from Indian experienced vendors for the procurement and installation of enhanced (state-of-art) Email solution. 2.0 Existing setup 2.1 Number of Users: 900+ 2.2 Hardware Configuration. : Dual Xeon server 4 GB RAM RAID Controller 4X300GB SAS HDD in RAID-5 2X1Gbps NIC, 4 Gbps SAN HBA 2.3 Software Configuration: RedHat Enterprise 4.0 Linux 32bit, Sendmail 8.13.1-3, web based open webmail 2.51 software. 2.4 Present email transmit / receive scheme The mail service is provided in the Intranet network and it can be viewed only in our network (cannot be viewed from elsewhere).The mail server is dual homed system. One network card is connected to Intranet and another network card is connected in the demilitarized zone (DMZ) which is NATed with public IP address for mail transmission. All SDSC email users are allowed to transmit / receive mail through web only. The present mail server uses underlying sendmail utility of Linux for mail transmission and reception. The sendmail utility of Linux is enabled with mail track option and all the mail activities are logged in mail server. Mail Reception: When mail is transmitted to from external world, the firewall accepts only SMTP connection from external server and passes the message to Inter scan message security suite (IMSS-External) for virus checking and spam checking. After the security check, the mail is forwarded to mail server and stored in appropriate mail box. When a mail is received, a copy of the incoming mail is taken to postbox. Mail Transmission: When any mail users transmits a email to external world, the mail server sends the received mail to Inter scan message security suite (IMSS-Internal) for virus checking and spam checking. After the security check, the mail 1 server establishes the SMTP connection (firewall allows only SMTP connection) to the destination mail server and transmits the mail. The existing mail server transmit / receive scheme is shown in the following diagram. 2.5 Service Configuration: Each of the about 900 SDSC Email users is currently alloted 2 GB mailbox size and allowed upto15 MB attachment size. 2.5.1 All SDSC email users are allowed to transmit / receive email. 3.0 Proposed configuration The proposed mail server will run in virtualization platform. The message transfer agent (MTA) is responsible for email transaction, mailbox store (MBS) is responsible for storing the mails in appropriate mailbox, mail archive server will archive the mails in encrypted mode, LDAP server is for user authentication. The proposed mail server setup is shown in the following diagram. 2 Message transfer agent (MTA): The following are the functions of MTA. Message transfer agent is responsible for email transmission and reception for intranet / internet users. MTA server will be a dual homed system. One network card gets connected to Intranet and another network card is connected in the demilitarized zone (DMZ) which is NATed with public IP address for mail transmission. It authenticates the email user with LDAP server on LDAP port. It allows on port “SMTP” for external mail server for mail transmit and receive. It sends the outgoing mail to Inter scan message security suite – Internal (IMSS-I) on SMTP port for virus and spam check. It receives the incoming mail from Inter scan message security suite – External (IMSS-E) on SMTP port after virus and spam check and send to MBS for storing. It allows on port “http or https” for intranet users for mail transactions. 3 It allows on port “pop3” for intranet users to download the mail to their system. It allows on port “http or https or IMAP” for internet users for mail transactions. It allows on port “pop3” for internet users to download the mail to their system. It stores the mails in the appropriate mail box through mail box store (MBS) server. Mail box store (MBS): The following are the functions of MBS. Mail box store (MBS) allows all email users to access their mail boxes for all kinds of actions through MTA. MBS server will be dual homed system. One network card gets connected to Intranet and another network card is connected in the demilitarized zone (DMZ) which will not be NATed with public IP address. It accepts connection only from MTA server for user mail box access. Design criteria The following features are considered while designing the new mail server. One physical machine will be configured with two virtual machines for the applications of MTA and LDAP master. This physical machine will have 6 ethernet ports and two FC (SAN) ports. Both virtual machines get connected to Intranet network and also get connected in DMZ network. Both virtual machines get connected to SAN array for virtual machine booting. Some resources will be kept free to host mail archive virtual machine in case of mail archive system failure in the other system. One more physical machine will be configured with three virtual machines for the applications of Mail archive, IMSS-I and IMSS-E. This physical machine will have 6 ethernet ports and two FC (SAN) ports. IMSS-I and mail archive virtual machines get connected with Intranet and IMSS-E gets connected in DMZ network. All the three virtual machines get connected to SAN array for virtual machine booting. Some resources will be kept free to host MBS and MTA virtual machines in case of MBS / MTA failures in other two machines. The third physical machine will be configured with two virtual machines for LDAP slave and MBS. This physical machine will have 6 ethernet ports and two FC (SAN) ports. This machine has SAN connectivity 4 with SAN array to load virtual machines. . Both virtual machines get connected to Intranet network and also get connected in DMZ network Some resources will be kept free to host IMSS- I and IMSS-E virtual machines in case of IMSS- I and IMSS-E failures in other two machines. A web application firewall (reverse proxy server) is positioned next to firewall to protect our web based applications and internet facing data from attack and data loss. It should provide bidirectional protection against malicious sources, application layer DoS attacks and sophisticated threats like SQL injection and cross-site scripting. SDSC-SHAR is in need of SMS gateway for two factor authentication. SDSC users can use “http or https” for mail transactions. SDSC users can use computer system or mobile for browsing the mail. SDSCSHAR will provide SMS gateway through NIC (it will be a URL based SMS gateway). When the user access mail from internet, it has to ask for username and password and it should be verified with LDAP server. After user authentication, the system has to send one time password (OTP) to the registered mobile. After user enters the OTP, it has to be validated by the system. After OTP verification, the authenticated username and password should be send to mail server for browsing the mail. The supplier has to provide solution for integrating two factor authentication as per SDSC-SHAR requirements. A separate system should be planned for this purpose. Note:- Vendors can quote better configuration describing the advantages and explaining the disadvantages of this configuration. 4.0 Requirement Specifications 4.1 Compatibility with existing Solution 4.1.1 It is mandatory for the offered solution to provide all features which are currently available from Sendmail and open web mail. 4.1.2 Current data including Email, configuration, contact, etc should be migrated from existing set up to new set up. 4.2 Scalability and Integrations 4.2.1 Proposed solution should be expandable and scalable. Following may be the scenario: In future, number of users may be increased to say double over a period of 5 years. Mailbox size may be increased to 10 GB. Attachment size may increase to 100 MB. Attachment size should be customizable Proposed solution should be seamlessly installed on hardware provided by SDSC-SHAR without interfering operational Email services. 5 It should support all 2500+ users . Proposed solution should be capable to integrate with Microsoft AD server or LDAP server. 4.3 General features 4.3.1 Messaging Server edition should run any flavour of Linux (RHEL / Suse/ Ubuntu) 4.3.2 The vendor should provide a desktop client for offline access that should run on Linux and windows. 4.3.3 Solution should be based on open standards & should allow open APIs 4.3.4 Should support advanced search and the indexing for large inboxes. 4.3.5 Ability to use custom logos in the web interface. 4.3.6 Should support e-mail, Address Book, Calendar, Task & File Sharing. 4.3.7 Should support real-time backup and restore of Mail Boxes. 4.3.8 Users should be able to restore a mail deleted from the Trash folder. 4.3.9 Ability to access the Mail server via IMAP clients, with the option to connect over SSL/TLS 4.3.10 Ability to access the Mail server via POP clients, with the option to connect via SSL/TLS. 4.3.11 Comprehensive suite of standards based web services APIs enabling seamless integration with other application. 4.3.12 Ability to utilize Active Directory or LDAP for user authentication and/or Global Address List 4.3.13 Administrator can configure an initial password in the migration wizard and import wizards for newly provisioned accounts 4.3.14 Should support multi-tenancy 4.3.15 Should support e-mail Archiving and Discovery for the set of power users 4.3.16 Should have rich, interactive, web-based interface for end user functions (access via HTTP or HTTPS) 4.3.17 Ability to customize the colours and appearance of the web interface 4.3.18 Option to check and correct spelling in a mail message, calendar appointment, or web Document 4.3.19 Ability to share Address Books, Calendars, and Documents with internal users and groups (read or write access) 4.3.20 Ability to share Address Books, Calendars, and Documents with external users via a custom password (read access) 4.3.21 Ability to quickly categorize message, contacts, and/or documents by attaching “Tags” with user-define names and colours 4.3.22 Option to quickly view attachments in HTML format 4.3.23 Should support conversations span folders 4.3.24 Ability to create personal folders and folder hierarchies 4.3.25 Ability to print a message and see a print preview 4.3.26 Ability to sort messages based on subject, date, or sender 4.3.27 Ability to flag/unflag messages/ conversations for follow up 4.3.28 Ability to define filter rules and priorities for incoming messages 4.3.29 Ability to enable/disable a custom away message 4.3.30 Ability to add a custom signature to a message 6 4.3.31 Administrator can configure the maximum number of characters used in a signature 4.3.32 Option to popup a separate tab when composing a message 4.3.33 Ability to save in-progress message to a Draft folder 4.3.34 Ability for a user to set an automatic forwarding address. Administrator should have facility to disable this feature for all users. 4.3.35 Option to reply or Reply-All while retaining the attachments from the original message 4.3.36 Right-clicking a message on the desktop and the web-client should display a menu of actions to take on that message (e.g. Mark Read, Reply, Delete) 4.3.37 Ability to toggle between Reply and Reply-All while composing a reply 4.3.38 Users can set their default preference for viewing messages in the reading pane 4.3.39 Users can set the default font family, font size and font colour to use when composing email messages and Documents pages 4.3.40 Users can share their mailbox folders can set the permission levels to manage or to view only. 4.3.41 Administrator can define disable policy for individual mailbox folders 4.3.42 Users will receive an email message warning of quota usage based on a threshold defined by administrator 4.3.43 Users can attach a URL to an email message 4.3.44 Users can double-click on a message in message view to expand the view pane to full view 4.3.45 Users can define multiple emails signatures to use 4.3.46 Users can check multiple emails in the list view to mark as read/unread/tag, delete, or to move to a different folder 4.3.47 When sending a message, the priority is normal, but it can be set to high or low as well 4.3.48 Users can set notification of new mail 4.3.49 Multiple messages can be selected and forwarded in one email 4.3.50 The software should be able to allow you to configure storage volumes for older messages Out of Box with no additional use of any third party application. To manage your email storage resources i.e. Messages and attachments are moved from a primary volume to the current secondary volume based on the age of the message. The messages are still accessible 4.3.51 Message De-duping: The System should not duplicate the message, thus it should provide single instance storage 4.3.52 Users can right click on a folder to see the number of messages and the total size of items in folder 4.4 Address book 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 4.4.4 4.4.5 Business card view of Contacts List view of Contacts with preview pane Ability to import/export Contacts in .csv format Ability to import/export Contacts in vCard (.vcf) format Ability to print a single Contact or list of Contacts and see a print preview 7 4.4.6 Right-clicking a Contact displays a menu of actions to take on the Contact (e.g. compose message, search for messages) 4.4.7 Ability to drag a Contact to a mini-calendar date to create an appointment with that Contact 4.4.8 Ability to create multiple Address Books in a single mailbox 4.4.9 Ability to move/copy contacts from one Address Book to another (based on access privileges) 4.4.10 Ability to create group contact lists in their user Address Books 4.4.11 Address book displays individual contact information in tabbed view 4.4.12 Photos and images can be uploaded to contacts in Address Books 4.5 Calendar 4.5.1 4.5.2 4.5.3 4.5.4 4.5.5 Ability to schedule personal appointments Ability to schedule meeting and view attendees’ free/busy information Ability to create recurring meeting and exceptions to recurring meetings Ability to book resources (locations, equipment, etc.) for a meeting Ability to configure a resource to auto-respond to scheduling requests based on availability 4.5.6 Option to enable an alert popup for upcoming appointments 4.5.7 Appointments/Schedules are automatically displayed in the users current time zone 4.5.8 Ability to send an explicit time zone for an appointment 4.5.9 Ability to view calendars in Day, Week, Work Week, or Month views 4.5.10 User setting for the first day of the week, value chosen impacts the week calendar view 4.5.11 Ability to create an appointment and/or drag an appointment’s boundaries inline in calendar views 4.5.12 Ability to quickly mark Accept/Tentative/Decline from calendar views 4.5.13 Declined appointments display faded so that the user remains aware of their occurrence 4.5.14 Ability to print calendars in day, week, work week, or month views and see a print preview 4.5.15 Hovering over an appointment in calendar view displays additional appointment details 4.5.16 Option to display a miniature calendar at all times 4.5.17 Hovering over a date in the mini-cal displays calendar information for that date 4.5.18 Right-clicking on the mini-cal displays a menu of actions to take on the associate date (e.g. add appointment, search for messages) 4.5.19 Ability for user to create multiple calendars within a single account 4.5.20 Ability for a user to designate which calendars will be included in the user’s free/busy calculations 4.5.21 Ability to subscribe to an external calendar in icalendar (.ics) format 4.5.22 Ability to publish/export a calendar in icalendar (.ics) format 4.5.23 Ability for a user to view multiple calendars overlaid in the same view, which each calendar optionally represented by a different colour 4.5.24 When viewing multiple calendars, option to view that indicates the degree of conflict at each potential time slot 4.5.25 Users can import calendar icalendars (.ics) 8 4.5.26 Appointments can be marked as private or public 4.5.27 Administrators can configure the Calendar feature to be able to create only personal appointments 4.5.28 Users can search for appointments within their calendars 4.5.29 Public calendars display in HTML read-only format 4.6 Document sharing 4.6.1 The mail server should support features for sharing documents with version control/access control out of the box with no additional software / application 4.6.2 The users can upload documents in the repository which can be then shared with the other users within the organization and outside as well 4.6.3 The Document sharing module should also allow to view the uploaded document in a pre-view mode without downloading the attachment 4.6.4 The Documents uploaded in the repository should be de-duplicated to save the storage 4.6.5 The Document sharing component should be accessible through the Native Desktop client 4.7 Tasks 4.7.1 Add tasks and set the start and due date, set the priority and keep track of the progress and percentage complete 4.7.2 Share task lists with internal and external users and set permission levels to manage or to view-only 4.7.3 Users can sort tasks by Status or Due Date 4.7.4 Users can set the priority of tasks to high, normal or low 4.7.5 Individuals tasks can be tagged 4.7.6 Files can be attached to a tasks 4.8 Search 4.8.1 Server-side indexing of mailbox content, enabling fast and efficient search from the web interface 4.8.2 Ability for search to include any number of conditions combined via Boolean-like expressions (AND, OR, NOT, etc.) 4.8.3 Advanced interface for building searches 4.8.4 Ability to search for a specific item type (Mail, Contacts, Documents, etc.) or across item types 4.8.5 Ability to search using a prefix plus a wildcard 4.8.6 When using Search Builder, the search result set updates continuously as search conditions are changed 4.8.7 Ability to save searches for subsequent one-click re-execution 4.8.8 Ability to search for items that contain specific keywords 4.8.9 Ability to search for items with a specific date or within a specific date range 4.8.10 Ability to search for items that contain an attachment 4.8.11 Ability to search for items that contain an attachment of a certain type(s) 9 4.8.12 Ability to search for items that have a specific flagged/unflagged status 4.8.13 Ability to search for items that are in a specific folder 4.8.14 Ability to search for items based on storage size 4.8.15 Ability to search for items based on read/unread status 4.8.16 Ability to search for items with specific recipients in the To/Cc fields 4.8.17 Ability to search for items from a specific sender 4.8.18 Ability to search for items based on subject 4.8.19 Ability to search for items that include a specific Tag(s) 4.8.20 Ability to search for items that were sent to or receive from a specific domain 4.8.21 Ability to search for Contacts in a Shared Address Book 4.8.22 Ability to search for content inside attachments 4.9 Domain level management 4.9.1 Ability to create and manage multiple mail domains within a single instance of Messaging Solution 4.9.2 Ability to use different Global Address Lists for each domain 4.9.3 Ability to use different authentication stores for each domain 4.9.4 Ability to delegated domain-level administrators to manage users and other settings specific to a domain 4.9.5 Ability to create a domain-specific custom branding of the web interface 4.9.6 Ability to enable a domain admin to update account quotas up to a maximum set value 4.9.7 Ability to search across mailboxes from the administration console 4.10 Security and system Health 4.10.1 Only authorized and authenticated users should be allowed email services or to communicate. Authentication should be carried out through local server or LDAP or Microsoft AD. 4.10.2 Solution should address SMTP open relay issue. Even authenticated user should not be allowed to send Email on behalf of any other user (that is sender and from address should not be different). A set of users who need such facility should be explicitly supported. 4.10.3 Provision to disable Auto forward eMails to other accounts for all users by administrator. 4.10.4 Each user login and logout details should be logged. 4.10.5 User should be able to change his password. 4.10.6 User should be able to apply personal spam filters. 4.10.7 The proposed messaging solution may have an ability to have native anti-virus and anti-spam mechanism 4.10.8 Administrator interface setting to specify spam quarantine and kill thresholds 4.10.9 Ability to enforce client authentication to the SMTP server before relaying mail (with option to require authentication over TLS) 4.10.10 Graphical display of system activity including disk usage, message volume, and AS/AV results 4.10.11 Ability to monitor the status of all core system servers/services in a single view 10 4.10.12 Ability to block attachments based on criteria such as attachment type or size 4.10.13 Ability to view that attachments be viewed as HTML, enabling risk-free attachment viewing without requiring attachment-native applications on the viewer’s machine 4.11 User Quota Management 4.11.1 It should allow creation of different user groups on the server with varying privileges in terms of mailbox quota. 4.11.2 Currently 2 GB mailbox size quota is given to all users. It may be increased to 5GB and10 GB for different user groups or users. 4.11.3 Quota restriction should be imposable and customizable. 4.11.4 User should be able to view disk space utilization of his mailbox. Warning message should be sent as soon as it consumes 70% of the allotted disk space. 4.11.5 User must be enforced to reduce his quota as soon as it reaches 100% and solution may restrict the email services for that user either By blocking the send mail and receive mail with notification to sender. 4.12 Performance and Optimization 4.12.1 Instant Email access on internal as well as extranet mail server should be provided compared to industry standard mail service. 4.13 Mail Storage 4.13.1 In order to optimize disk storage, message de-duplication feature should be incorporated that is, only a single copy of email message, addressed to multiple recipients on the server, should be preserved. On deletion of the Email from user end, mail should be deleted from that particular user mail box only. If all recipients delete the mail, it should be deleted from the server. 4.13.2 View of mailboxes sort able by quota, total mailbox size, or percentage of quota consumed 4.13.3 The proposed messaging solution should have an ability to define retention policies for all messages, trashed messages, and/or junk messages 4.13.4 The proposed messaging solution should have an ability to move a mailbox or mailboxes from one server to another without requiring system downtime or affecting other mailboxes 4.13.5 The proposed messaging solution should have an ability to run a regularly scheduled process that moves older messages to a secondary storage volume 4.14 Backup and restore 4.14.1 The solution should have an integrated backup / restore mechanism 4.14.2 The solution should be flexible and configurable to adapt to Organization’s backup policy 11 4.14.3 An automated scheduling of the backup should happen. The Backup can be configured as Incremental or full backup. 4.14.4 The solution should offer a feature where a users could also restore a deleted mail by himself within a set of specified day 4.15 Archival 4.15.1 Each Email received or sent should be archived to archival solution in order to comply with legal compliance and ISRO guidelines. 4.15.2 Archived mails should be preserved on disk till disk space limit is exhausted. There should be provision to archive the data on external media like tape. 4.15.3 Archival solution should preserve Index of complete metadata (From, Sender, To, Cc, Bcc, Subject, Dates, Message body, Attachment, etc) on disk even for Email copied on external media. 4.15.4 Archival solution should have de-duplication capability. 4.16 eMail Clients 4.16.1 Searching of Email based on metadata such as To, Cc, Bcc, Subject, body, Date, content in body, content in attachment, etc. is required. 4.16.2 It should provide global address book in online and personal address book in offline (desktop client). 4.16.3 Proposed Solution should provide easy-to-use User interface. 4.16.4 Proposed Solution should support auto-response, and configuration should be manageable by user. 4.16.5 Proposed Solution should support composition of email message in plain and HTML mode in both the clients. 4.16.6 Email can be accessed using browser based web client as well as POP3 client. 4.16.7 Two types of client support are required as Web based GUI and Desktop client similar to Microsoft Outlook. Web Client Web based Email access should be secured using SSL, TLS or better. Web based GUI should support all popular browsers such as IE, Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari and opera. Support for Rule based message filtering. Desktop Client Desktop client should access Email server using IMAP client with SSL/TLS or better. Desktop Client mostly similar to that of Outlook. The proposed messaging solution should have desktop client which is fully supported by the OEM. Interoperability between Desktop and Web Client export of vital information like address book, among POP3 and their own Import and web client, 12 desktop client, and Microsoft Outlook/Outlook express should be easy. 4.17 Tag messages 4.17.1 The solution should be able to generate the following reports Message count Message volume Non-active users for last 15 days / 30 days etc. configurable by administrator Mobile sync statistics Server statistics Locked accounts Mailbox quota 4.17.2 Quickly search your mailbox for pictures, documents or text-even with attachments 4.17.3 Use advanced search to easily search by folder, date, person, subject or attachment 4.17.4 Store all your contacts in one place for all your accounts 4.17.5 Create groups and tags to organize them 4.17.6 Add photos to contacts 4.17.7 Auto complete email addresses when composing email 4.17.8 Easily import new contacts from other applications as .csv files or export contacts as .csv for backup 4.17.9 View calendars in Day, Week, Month or List view 4.17.10 Drag and drop’ events to new days or to change times 4.17.11 Edit documents including add images, tables and spreadsheets 4.17.12 Save attachments in Briefcase rather than as message attachments 4.17.13 Email, contacts, calendar, documents, tasks synchronize to the Mail server 4.17.14 Access to shared data from peers (email, contacts, calendars, etc.) 4.18 Email administration should be role based with following mandatory roles 4.18.1 Web based support for administration of the server and user management. 4.18.2 Operator: He should be able to carry out daily jobs like view logs, take backup, solve user problems, etc. 4.18.3 User: Use and Manage his/her individual Email account. 4.18.4 Email administrator should be able to send Email to all users or group of users. 4.19 Mass Mailing 4.19.1 There should be provision to create various hierarchical mass mailing groups. 4.19.2 Mass mailing group will either be public, restricted or private 13 4.19.3 All users may be able to send mass mail to public groups. 4.19.4 Allowed users will be able to send mass mail to his restricted group(s). 4.19.5 Email administrator should be able to send Email to all users or group of users. 4.20 Interface 4.20.1 Email solution should interface with different products of existing antivirus/anti-spam solution for providing security against Virus, Spam, etc. This requirement is mandatory even-if the offered solution has other builtin support for security. If built-in support for security is available, upgrading of signatures and maintenance of the same should also be part of the total solution. The offered security solution should be other than existing TrendMicro solution. 4.21 Email solution should provide industry standard fast search mechanism based on Metadata, content in subject, content in body and content in attachment from server’s local storage, archived mails and backed up mails. 4.22 Mail Communication Failure Notification 4.22.1 Incase SDSC user mail is not relayed due to any reason, a proper notification should be sent back to user. 4.23 Two factor authentication 4.23.1 The solution should offer two factor authentication-using OTP through SMS when mail is accessed from Internet. 4.23.2 The solution should provide provision to define registered mobile numbers for each user. 4.23.3 When user is accessing mail from internet, the system should prompt for user authentication. 4.23.4 After user authentication by LDAP, the system should send OTP to the registered mobile number. 4.23.5 The OTP password must be enabled based on the auto generated code. 4.23.6 Auto generated code must have expiration. 4.23.7 SDSC-SHAR will provide SMS gateway through NIC (it will be a URL based SMS gateway) 4.23.8 After OTP validation, the validated user name and password should be sent to mail server for browsing the mail (the mail server should not ask for one more time user name and password). 4.23.9 User authentication, OTP generation and OTP validation should be carried out on different system (two factor authentication system). The required software should be provided by the supplier. 4.23.10 The integration of this two factor authentication system with mail server is the scope of the supplier. 14 5.0 Installation and Commissioning 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 Vendor is responsible for installing the software on all email servers wherever is required. Vendor is also responsible for migrating existing data from operational server to the proposed servers. Vendor is also responsible for carrying out interface with existing infrastructure like TrendMicro solution, Fortinet / Junipher UTM, Archival, Backup, Storage Media, etc. Vendor has to provide industry standard acceptable operational performance on the hardware. Installation and commissioning should be carried out within 2 month from date of purchase order. After installation and data migration, first phase of Acceptance Test should be completed within 15 days. After successful completion of first phase beta release will offered to all SDSC end user for 15 days during which performance will be tested in real environment. Feedback from users will be gathered for user related quality parameters like ease of use, user interaction performance, etc. Vender will need to carry out tuning on performance test and user feedback results. Final acceptance decision will be taken based on the final performance test. Upgradation to new version released during Warranty and AMC. New version should be operationalized at SDSC preferably within 10 days and maximum of 30 days from a operationally stable release. Notification about the new released versions (Alpha, Beta and final) should be specified to SDSC within 2 day from release date. 6.0 Operational Requirements 6.1 6.2 6.3 Solution should function in an unmanned environment. Operational issue should be resolved within twenty four hours from the time of reporting. Its mechanism should be clearly defined in technical offer. Remote access to install, upgrade or resolve any issue will not be permitted. To address the same, qualified person should visit SDSC campus for required deployment. 7.0 Technical Terms and Conditions 7.1 7.2 7.3 Any dependency of the offered solution such as OS, OS Features, Software, service, etc. should be clearly mentioned in technical and commercial bid as separate line items. SDSC will provide the hardware. Any anticipated problems or prerequisites (like: procurement of any component hardware or software) should be clearly mentioned in the technical/commercial bids. It will be the vendor’s responsibility to find out solution for any problem arises during or after installation of proposed solution. 8.0 Training and Documents 8.1 Exhaustive training should be provided to administrator, IT Security officer and operators. 15 8.2 8.3 8.4 A common training seminar (approximately 2 hours) should be conducted for end users. It will be required to be repeated for 5 times due to large number of users. Offline softcopy of user Manual should be available to Administrator, IT Security officer and operator. Online user manual should be available for end users. 9.0 Specification for Four CPU server 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 Scope includes supply & installation at SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota Give compliance statement for the above specifications System driver CDs should be supplied Vendor should attach the technical literature of the proposed model. All the parts should be make of HP/DELL/Fujitsu/IBM Warranty starts after installation. Item Make Processor Memory Drive Bays Drive controller Hard drives RAID Controller Optical Drive Expansion slots Graphics Network SAN HBA I/O ports & Connectors Input device Power supply Power Software Form factor Warranty 10.0 Specification HP/DELL/Fujitsu/IBM 4 X Intel eight core Xeon processor 128 GB ECC DDR3 memory 6 or more X 3.5” for SATA / SAS hot pluggable drive bays. Integrated or add-on SATA / SAS controller 2 X 2 TB SATA / SAS HDD for RAID 1 configuration. Onboard or add-on RAID controller to configure the above RAID. DVD-RW 4 slots or more after configuring the requirements. Integrated Graphics controller 6 X 100/1000 ethernet (not considering management Ethernet port) Dual port 8 Gbps SAN host bus adapter. 4 USB USB or PS/2 keyboard and mouse 2 X hot plug power supply (230V @50Hz) unit. 230 V @ 50Hz, Indian power cords to be supplied System management software to monitor the system health at local console and over network. Rack mountable 3-3-3 years Specification for Web application firewall appliance 10.1 Vendor should provide technical brochure of proposed Web application firewall with highlighting the indented specifications. 10.2 Vendor should attach compliance statement for all the specifications listed below. An offer without compliance statement will not be considered. 10.3 Warranty starts after installation 16 SL. No. Requirement Description 0 Make: Fortinet / F5 1 General Requirements: 1.1 Web application firewall should be appliance based and provide specialized application threat protection. 1.2 Should be ICSA Certified 1.3 Should protect against application-level attacks targeted at web applications. 1.6 Should provide bi-directional protection against sophisticated threats like SQL injection and cross-site scripting, Should provide controls to prevent identity theft, financial fraud and corporate espionage. Appliance should have unlimited application licenses. 1.7 Automatic signature update and install 1.4 15 2 2.1 Performance requirements Device should have Sub Millisecond Latency 2.2 Support for 10,000 transactions per second. 2.3 Should deliver 100 Mbps of throughput 3 Interface and connectivity requirements 3.1 Should support 4 X 100/1000 Interfaces Should support 1 TB of Storage space 3.2 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Feature specifications. The appliance should be able to perform in multiple modes such as Active mode, passive mode, Transparent mode, Reverse proxy mode, Appliance should continuously track the availability of the Servers being protected. Should have a Web Vulnerability Scanner to detect existing vulnerabilities in the protected web applications. Should have Data Leak Prevention module to analyze all outbound traffic alerting/blocking any credit card leakage and information disclosure 4.5 Provide controls to meet PCI compliance requirements for web application servers. 4.6 Should have controls for Anti Web Defacement and provide ability to check the authorized version of the website content. 4.8 Should enforce strict RFC compliance check to prevent attacks such as encoding attacks, buffer overflows and other application specific attacks. Should support automatic signature updates to protect against known and potential application security threats. 4.9 Should support XML firewall capability with schema validation, XML Firewall, IPS and routing capabilities. 4.7 17 4.11 Should Include policies for network denial of service threats Should support XML Application protection 4.12 Should have built in policies 4.13 Should support custom signatures 4.14 Provide ability to allow/deny URL access 4.15 4.16 Ability to define different policies for different applications Ability to create custom attack signatures or events 4.17 Ability to combine detection and prevention 4.18 Should protect certain hidden form fields. 4.19 Must provide ability to allow or deny a specific URL access. 4.1 4.2 4.21 4.22 5 and application layer WAF should support Normalization methods such as URL Decoding, Null Byte string, termination, Converting back slash to forward slash character etc.. Must support Website anti defacement. A given user must be enforced to follow a sequence of pages while accessing. Auto Learn 5.1 Should have the capability to Auto-Learn Security Profiles required to protect the Infrastructure. 5.2 Should provide a statistical view on collected application traffic 5.3 Policies must be automatically generated from auto learn results 5.4 Auto-learn options should be available to tweak and fine tune rules 5.5 WAF should continue to provide protection even while in learning mode. 6 6.1 Brute Force Attack Should have controls against Brute force attacks 6.2 Should Detect brute force attack (repeated requests for the same resource) against any part of the applications 6.3 Custom brute force attack detection for applications that do not return 401. 6.4 Protection against SYN-flood type of attacks 7 7.1 8 8.1 Cookie Protection Should be able to protect Cookie Poisoning and Cookie Tampering. Strict Protocol Validation 8.2 Must support multiple HTTP versions such as HTTP/0.9, HTTP/1.0, HTTP1.1 Should support restricting the methods used. 8.3 Should support restricting the method exceptions. 8.4 Should validate header length, content length, Body length, Parameter length, body line length etc.. 9 9.1 SSL offload The device must be supported in reverse proxy mode 18 9.2 Appliance should be able to terminate SSL 9.3 Should Passively decrypt SSL 9.4 Client certificates should be supported in passive mode and active mode. 9.5 In termination mode, the backend traffic (i.e. the traffic from the WAF to the web server) can be encrypted via SSL 9.6 All major cipher suites should be supported by the SSL v3 implementation. 9.7 10 Should support for hardware-based SSL acceleration or SSL off loading 10.1 Should support High Availability in active mode, 10.2 WAF appliance should have application-aware load-balancing engine to distribute traffic and route content across multiple web servers. 11 11.1 High Availability and load balancing Vulnerability Scanning. The product must possess a Web Application Vulnerability Scanning capability built in. 11.3 The vulnerability scan should identify vulnerabilities such as XSS, SQL injection, Source code disclosure, HTTP Request Smuggling, Common web server vulnerabilities etc.. Scan must be able to crawl the Web application 11.4 Must be able to scan the authenticated applications. 11.5 Should support schedule scanning. 11.6 Should support exclusions in scanning by the administrator. 11.2 12 Authentication and Administrative access. 12.1 Should support Secure Administrative Access using HTTPS and SSH 12.2 Should support Role Based Access Control for Management 12.3 Separate network interface for SSH/HTTPS access. Logging and Reporting. 13 13.1 Ability to identify and notify system faults and loss of performance 13.2 Should support Log Aggregation 13.3 Should support multiple log formats such as CSV, Syslog, TXT, etc.. 13.4 Should support inbuilt Reporting and sending the report via E-Mail 13.5 Should support report formats in PDF, HTML, WORD, etc.. 13.6 Reports should be customizable. 13.7 13.8 Report Distribution Automatically via email Should generate comprehensive event reports 14 Warranty Three years on-site warranty 19 11.0 Specification for SAN switch 11.1 Vendor should provide technical brochure of proposed SAN switch with highlighting the indented specifications. 11.2 Vendor should attach compliance statement for all the specifications listed below. An offer without compliance statement will not be considered. 11.3 Warranty starts after installation. Fiber channel ports Make Performance Aggregate bandwidth Port types Data traffic types Media type: Interface Ethernet Interface Management Power supply Mounting kit Warranty 12.0 Licensed to use 16 universal (E,F,M, FL ) ports . Qlogic/IBM/Brocade/CISCO/HP Auto sensing 4 and 8 Gb/s speed Optionally programmable to fixed port speed Speed matching between 4, and 8 Gb/s. 4.25 Gbps and 8.5 Gbps line speed – full duplex. 128 Gbps or more FL_Port, F_Port, M-Port and E_Port. Fabric switch supporting unicast, multicast and broadcast Hot pluggable Small form factor (SFP) LC connector with 8 Gbps / 4 Gbps short wave length laser (SWL) and Long wave length laser. USB or any interface for firmware download 10/100 ethernet HTTP, SNMP and Telnet 230 V AC @ 50Hz Rack mounting rail kit. Three years Specification for SAN Array 12.1 Vendor should provide technical brochure of proposed SAN array with highlighting the indented specifications. 12.2 Vendor should attach compliance statement for all the specifications listed below. An offer without compliance statement will not be considered. 12.3 Warranty starts after installation Description Make Type ECC memory Maximum Raw capacity controllers RAID level Specification Netapp / IBM / EMC / HP / DELL /Oracle Unified storage 12 GB or more 36 TB (raw capacity) in a single box Redundant controllers working in active – active mode with automatic fail over to each other. RAID 5 & RAID-6 (RAID-DP) 20 Power supply Minimum number of Internal disk drives Maximum number of expansion disk drives Disk drives Supported operating system Onboard 100/1000 Tx ports 10 Gbps port Onboard SAS port Dual port 8G/4G FC disk adapter Remote management Storage protocols Software features Cooling fans Form factor Warranty 13.0 Redundant power supply 230 V @ 50 Hz.(two power supply) 24 or more 96 or more 12 X 3 TB SATA disks Windows 2003 server, 2008 server, Windows 2012 server, Solaris, Linux, VMware ESX. 6 or more 1 or more 2 or more 2 or more Web, SNMP FCP, iSCSI, NFS, CIFS Snapshot or equivalent, snap mirror or equivalent, snap restore or equivalent, RAID-DP, deduplication, compression and thin provisioning and high availability. Redundant cooling fans Rack mountable Three years Specification for One time password (OTP) generating system 13.1 Vendor should provide technical brochure of proposed OTP generating system with highlighting the indented specifications. 13.2 Vendor should attach compliance statement for all the specifications listed below. An offer without compliance statement will not be considered. 13.3 Warranty starts after installation 13.3.1 General system requirements Item Make Processor Memory Drive Bays Drive controller Hard drives RAID Controller Optical Drive Expansion slots Graphics Network SAN HBA Specification HP/DELL/Fujitsu/IBM 2 X Intel ten core Xeon processor 64 GB ECC DDR3 memory 6 or more X 3.5” for SATA / SAS hot pluggable drive bays. Integrated or add-on SATA / SAS controller 2 X 2 TB SATA / SAS HDD for RAID 1 configuration. Onboard or add-on RAID controller to configure the above RAID. DVD-RW 2 slots or more after configuring the requirements. Integrated Graphics controller 4 X 100/1000 ethernet (not considering management Ethernet port) Dual port 8 Gbps SAN host bus adapter. 21 I/O ports & Connectors Input device Power supply Power Software Form factor Warranty 4 USB USB or PS/2 keyboard and mouse 2 X hot plug power supply (230V @50Hz) unit. 230 V @ 50Hz, Indian power cords to be supplied System management software to monitor the system health at local console and over network. Rack mountable 3-3-3 years 13.3.2 Two factor Authentication system software requirements The software should provide provision to define registered mobile numbers for each user. When user is accessing mail from internet, the software should prompt for user authentication. After user authentication by LDAP, the software should send OTP to the registered mobile number using SMS gateway provided by SDSC-SHAR. The OTP password must be enabled based on the auto generated code. Auto generated code must have expiration. After OTP validation, the validated user name and password should be sent to mail server for browsing the mail (the mail server should not ask for one more time user name and password). User authentication, OTP generation and OTP validation should be carried out on different system (two factor authentication system). The required software should be provided by the supplier. The software should log all the transactions. 14.0 List of Deliverables List of deliverables are given in Annexure-I. If any Item/additional Hardware component is required, it should be absolutely mentioned by the vendor with explanation. It should be mentioned in technical offer. It cost should be included explicitly in commercial offer. VENDOR SHOULD QUOTE ALL THE ITEMS LISTED IN ANNEXURE-1. 15.0 Payment Payment up to 90% will be made only after successful Implementation, Installation, Acceptance Testing, demonstration and operationalization of services at SDSC site. 10% payments will be made after final acceptance. 15.1 Email Solution qualification criteria Following are the qualification criteria which are to be supported by documents. 22 15.2 Email Solution qualification 15.2.1 It should meet all the requirements listed in section 3,4,5,6 of this RFP. 15.2.2 New/upgrade version should be backward compatible. In case any backward compatibility issue arises, it should be resolved by the vendor free of cost. 15.2.3 There should be good track record of vendor’s email solution (as offered) in terms of installations. There should be at least 2000 installations of technically similar solution worldwide. There should be at least 20 installations of similar size (2000+ mailboxes) in India. If the offered solution is a new release, its earlier version should meet these criteria. 15.2.4 At least six months of stable operation for minimum of 20 installations in India. 15.2.5 Vendor/OEM should have support centre in India since last 5 years for offered solution. 15.2.6 The proposed email solution should have a positive rating in the Gartner’s report on “market scope for email systems”. 15.2.7 The proposed solution should be robust, easy to use and stable in order to bug fixing. 15.3 Solution Provider (Vendor) Qualification Criteria Solution provider shall have the following infrastructure / setup to be qualified: 15.3.1 The firm should be registered with Registrar of companies and Sales/Trade tax/Service Tax department. Copies of PAN Number/TAN number/Sales Tax number along with registration certificate /service tax number along with registration certificate and Income-tax clearance certificate/Returns for last 03 years must be attached 15.3.2 Establishment of the firm must be more than 5 years old and the company turn over should be more than 5 crores. 15.3.3 The firm or OEM should be an IS0 certified organization with the scope of work covering system installation and support. The ISO certificate should be one year old. The copy of ISO certificate should be attached. 15.3.4 The solution provider or OEM should have at least five years experience in mail server installation and support. A list of clients where mail servers are installed with more than 2000 mailboxes, the same must be enclosed along with work award contract in the technical bid . 15.3.5 The solution provider or OEM must provide customer satisfaction letter from at least one customer while submitting the technical bids. 15.3.6 The Solution provider or OEM should have support center in Chennai / Hyderabad /Bangalore. 15.3.7 The solution provider should attach OEM authorization letter in the technical bid. 15.3.8 Minimum five certified engineer for the offered solution to carry out installation & maintenance. The certified engineers details should be attached (experience, qualification and certificate in mail system installation and support) 23 15.3.9 OEM / solution provider must have carried out at least 10 installations of the offered solution in India. At least one installation should be of 2000+ mailboxes similar (proposed) size. The details of 5 installations which include client name, number of mailboxes, contract value and email address of contract manager should be provided. 15.3.10 A declaration must be furnished by firm that there is no complaint/vigilance inquiry against them in any Govt./Department /PSU and they have not been black listed by any Govt./Department/PSU. 15.3.11 The company evaluation sheet is attached in Annexure -II 16.0 Warranty 16.1 Proposed solution is to be provided warranty of 12 months after the date of successful Implementation, Installation, Acceptance Testing and demonstration of services at SDSC site. 16.2 Warranty will begin from the Acceptance Test clearance date. During the warranty period, vendor is required to provide upgrades, new releases and maintenance support. 16.3 Vendor should quote for additional 24 months AMC (Annual Maintenance Contract) support. SDSC may decide the warranty support while placing the order. 16.4 In case warranty support is not found satisfactory, no explanation will be entertained and penalty will be recovered from the vendor @10% of the total product cost per annum (calculated on pro-rata basis for the remaining warranty period). 17.0 Biding Model 1. Vendor should submit the offer in two parts in the separate sealed covers (1) Technical offer with terms and conditions etc. and (2) Commercial offer. a. Technical offer should cover i. Architecture, deployment, interface with Antivirus solutions, data flow diagram among various mail servers, data communication between SDSC intranet and SDSC Internet LAN, existing data migration, installation & commissioning model, etc for mailing solution as well as archival solution. ii. Supporting documents qualifying OEM and Solution Provider. iii. Compliance table containing all items listed in section 3 to 13. iv. Complete Bill of material without price (un-priced BoM). v. Technical & commercial terms and conditions if any from vendor. b. Commercial Offer should contain only Bill of Material with price. Commercial Bill of Material should be identical to un-priced BoM. Any terms and conditions mentioned in commercial offer will not be considered. 2. Vendor may also give “Multiple Proposals” and each proposal should be given in the separate sealed covers. 24 3. SDSC will first evaluate the technical proposals. Commercial offers of technically compliant and acceptable offers will only be opened for further processing. 4. If required, vendor may be invited for the presentation of proposed solution and demonstration of the proposed solution at SDSC on NCNC (No Cost No commitment) basis. 25 ANNEXURE-1 Bill of Material for Proposed Solution Vendor Solution No./Name : [Vendor to mention Solution No./Name here] Sr No Item Quantities Needed 1 Four CPU server 3 2 6. eMail Solution with Quote for slabs of one year support. 500,1000,1500,2000 and 2500 users. eMail Archival Quote for slabs of solution with one year 500,1000,1500,2000 support. and 2500.users Web application 1 firewall Vmware Vsphere 5.5 12 or latest SAN switch 1 7. SAN Array 8. Warranty support for 1 additional 24 months. OTP generation 1 system Installation and 1 commission charges Additional hardware (if needed by your solution) Any other item 3 4. 5. 9. 10. 11. 12. Unit cost Total 1 Grand Total: Note: Vendors may add New Items as a part of their proposals in this table. 26 Annexure – II COMPANY EVALUATION SHEET The following questionnaire need to be filled and should be signed by a responsible and authorized person of the Company /Agency. Firm should provide only genuine data and any discrepancy found at a later point of time may result in rejection of the bidder from purchase process. Furnishing of data cannot be considered as automatic qualification for participation in the tender. S.No Description Vendor Response 1. Name of the company 2. Type of the Company (Proprietary/ Pvt.Ltd /Public Ltd/Joint Venture/Consortium) 3. Registration number & certificate 4. Name & Address of the Office of the Chief Executive of the Company 5. Contact person for this tender with : name & address, contact number and Email address. 6. Locations of the Branches of Company : (if any) 7. From which year the Company is in operation and year of inception 8. The Profit & Loss Account details for : the last 3 years which is duly audited and Submitted as part of the Annual Report. in Lakhs only : : : 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Total assets (i) Current assets (ii) Total liabilities (iii) Current liabilities (iv) Net Worth (i-iii) Working capital (ii-iv) Turnover ` in lakhs 27 S.No Description Vendor Response Profit/Loss in lakhs 9. The major lines of business: : 10. Technical Manpower details (Specify : only the man power who are working in system installation and support) Description No. of Persons Remarks Engineer Manager and above 11. Major customers : 12. Details of last three years experience in mail server installation and support Full postal address of the Sl.No client with Contact Person Number of mailboxes Value of the Completion PO (Rs. in Time as per Lakhs) PO i) ii) iii) iv) v) Note: In order to consider as valid experience, all the experience has to be supported with the completion certificate OR purchase order and customers feedback form. 13. Acceptance to carry out the mail server installation and support as per the terms and conditions given in Annexure - III. YES/NO 28 14. Acceptance for not to sub-contract the awarded work. YES/NO 15. Acceptance to integrate and migrate the existing mail system data to the new system as per SDSC-SHAR requirements. YES/NO 29 Annexure – III General TERMS & CONDITIONS 1. SDSC-SHAR is in need of mail server hardware, software, SAN array, SAN switch, Web application firewall, OTP generation system and VMware. It also covers installation and migration of existing mail system data as per SDSC-SHAR requirements. 2. The scope of the work involves design, Supply, installation, Testing, Commissioning and migration of data. 3. The vendor should clearly mention the make and model of the proposed mail server hardware, software, SAN array, SAN switch, Web application firewall, OTP generation system and VMware 4. The vendor should attach the technical brochure of all the items which are proposed in their solution. 5. The integration of mail system in SDSC-SHAR network is the scope of the supplier. 6. The migration of existing mail system data to the new server is the scope of the supplier. 7. The vendor should provide compliance statement for all the specifications. An offer without compliance statement will not be considered. 8. The vendor can quote any important accessories which are required for mail server installation (not indented by SDSC-SHAR). Any accessory added by vendor (items which are not demanded by SDSC-SHAR) should have detailed explanation, technical brochure and quantity. 9. Installation and commissioning may take 10 to 15 days. 10. Installation and commissioning charges (if any) should be clearly mentioned in the tender. 11. SDSC-SHAR may not split the order to the possible extent. 30 INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS 1. Tenders should be sent in sealed envelopes super-scribing the relevant tender No. and the due date of opening. Only one tender should be sent in each envelope. 2. Late tenders will not be considered. 3. Sales tax and/or other duties/levies where legally leviable and intended to be claimed should be distinctly shown separately in the tender. 4. As a Government of India Department, this office is exempted from the payment of Octroi and similar local levies. Tenderers shall ensure that necessary exemption certificates are obtained by them from the Purchase & Stores Officer concerned to avoid any payment of such levies. 5. (a) Your quotation should be valid for 60 days from the date of opening of the tender. (b) Prices are required to be quoted according to the units indicated in the annexed tender form. When quotations are given in terms of units other than those specified in the tender form relationship between the two sets must be furnished. 6. Preference will be given to those tenders offering supplies from ready stocks and on the basis of FOR destination/delivery at site. 7. (a) All available technical literature, catalogues and other data in support of the specifications and details of the items should be furnished along with the offer. (b) Samples, if called for, should be submitted free of all charges by the tenderer and the Purchaser shall not be responsible for any loss/damage thereof due to any reason whatsoever. In the event of non acceptance of tender, the tenderer will have to remove the samples at his own expense. (c) Approximate not and gross weight of items offered shall be indicated in your offer. If dimensional details are available the same should also be indicated in your offer. (d) Specifications: Stores offered should strictly conform to our specifications, Deviations, if any should be clearly indicated by the tenderer in their quotation. The tenderer should also indicate the Make/Type, number of the stores offered and provide catalogues, technical literature and samples, wherever necessary along with the quotations. Test Certificates wherever necessary should be forwarded along with supplies. Whenever options are called for in our specifications, the tenderer should address all such options. Wherever specifically mentioned by us the tenderer could suggest changes to specifications with appropriate response for the same. 8. The purchaser shall be under no obligation to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves the right of acceptance of whole or any part of the tender or portion of the quantity offered and tenderers shall supply the same at the rates quoted. 9. Corrections if any, must be attested. All amounts shall be indicated both in words as well as in figures. Where there is difference between amount quoted in words and figures, amount quoted in words shall prevail. 10.The tenderer should supply along with his tender the name of his bankers as well as the latest income tax clearance certificate duly countersigned by the incometax officer of the Circle concerned under the seal of his office, if required by the Purchaser. 11.The Purchase reserves the right to place order on the successful tenderers for additional quantity upto 25% of the quantity offered by them at the rates quoted. 12.The authority of the person signing the tender, if called for, should be produced. 13. The purchaser reserves the option to give price preference to the offers from Public Sector Units and Small Scale Cottage Industries/Units over those from other firms, in accordance with the policies of the Government from time to time. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 1. DEFINITIONS : (a) The term ‘purchaser’ shall mean the president of India or his successors or assignees. (b) The term ‘Cotractor’ shall mean ,the person, firm or company with whom or with which the order for the supply of stores is placed and shall be deemed to include the Contractor’s Successors, representatives, heirs, executors and administrators unless excluded by the contract. (c) The term “Stores Order” shall mean, what Contractor agrees to supply under the contract as specified in the Purchase Order including erection of plants and machinery subsequent testing should such a condition be included in the Purchase Order. (d) The term ‘Purchase Order’ shall mean, the communication signed on behalf of the Purchaser by an officer duly authorised intimating the acceptance on behalf of the Purchaser on the Tender or offer of the Contractor for supply of stores or plant, machinery or equipment or part thereof. 2. PRICES Tenders offering firm prices will be preferred. Where a price variation clause is insisted upon by tenderer, quotations with a reasonable ceiling should be submitted. Such offer should invariably be supported by the base price taken into account at the time of tendering and also the formula for any such variations. 3. SECURITY DEPOSIT On acceptance of tender, the contractor shall, at the option of the Purchaser and within the period specified by him deposit with his in cash or any other form as the Purchaser may determine. Security deposit not exceeding ten percent of the value of the contract as the Purchaser shall specify. If the contractor is called upon by the Purchaser to deposit “Security” and the contractor fails to provide the security within the period specified, such failure shall constitute a breach of the contract and the Purchaser shall be entitled to make other arrangements for the re-purchase of the stores contracted for at the risk of the Contractor damages arising from such cancellation. 4. GURANTEE & REPLACEMENT (a) The contractor shall guarantee that the stores supplied shall comply fully with the specifications laid down, for material, workmanship and performance. (b) For a period of twelve months after the acceptance of the stores, if any defects are discovered therein or any defects therein found to have developed under proper use arising from faulty stores, design or workmanship, contractor shall remedy such defects at his own cost provided he is called upon to do so within a period of 14 months from the date of acceptance thereof by the purchaser who shall state in writing in what respect the stores or part there or are faulty. (c) If in the opinion of the Purchaser , if becomes necessary to replace or renew any defective stores such replacement or renewal shall be made by the contractor of the defects is given by the Purchaser in this regard within the said period 14 months from the date of acceptance thereof. (d) Should the contractor fail to rectify the defects, the Purchaser shall have the right to reject or repair of replace at the cost of the Contractor the whole or any portion of the defective stores. (e) The decision of the Purchaser, notwithstanding any prior approval or acceptance of inspection thereof on behalf of the Purchaser, as to whether or not the stores supplied by the contractor are defective or any defect has developed within the said period of 12 months or as to whether the nature of the defects require renewal or replacement, shall be final, conclusive and binding on the contractor. (f) To fulfil guarantee conditions outlined in Clause 4(a) to (e) above, the contractor shall, at the option of the Purchaser, furnish a Bank Guarantee (as prescribed by the Purchaser) from a Bank approved by the Purchaser for an amount equivalent to 10% of the value of the contract along with first shipment documents. On the performance and completion of the contract in all respects, the Bank Guarantee will be returned to the contractor without any interest. (g) All the replacement stores shall also be guaranteed for a period of 12 months from the date of arrival of stores at Purchaser’s Site. (h) Even while the 12 months guarantee applied to all stores in case where a greater period is called forth by our specifications then such, a specifications shall apply; in such cases the period of 14 months referred to in para 4(b) & (c) shall be the ‘asked for’ guarantee period plus two months. 5. PACKING, FORWARDING & INSURANCE The contractor will be held responsible for the stores being sufficiently and properly packed for transport by rail, road, sea or air, to withstand transit hazards and ensure safe arrival at the destination. The packing and marking of packages shall be done by and at the expenses of the contractor. The Purchaser will not pay separately for transit insurance, all risks in transit being exclusively of the contractor and the Purchaser shall pay only for such stores as are actually received in good condition, in accordance with the contract. 6. DESPATCHES The contractor is responsible for obtaining a clear receipt from the Transport Authorities specifying the goods dispatched. The consignment should be dispatched with clear Railway Receipt/Lorry Receipt. If sent in any other mode it is at the risk of the contractor. Purchaser will take no responsibility for short deliveries or wrong supply of goods when the same are booked on ‘said to contain’ basis. Purchaser shall pay for only such stores as are actually received by them in accordance with the contract. 7. TEST CERTIFICATE Wherever required, test certificates should be sent along with the dispatch documents. 8. ACCEPTANCE OF STORES (a) The stores shall be tendered by the contractor for inspection at such places as many specified by the Purchaser at the contractor’s own risk, expenses. (b) It is expressly agreed that the acceptance of the stores contracted for is subject to final approval by the purchaser, whose decision shall be final. (c) If, in the opinion of the purchaser all or any of the stores that do not meet the performance or quality requirements specified in the purchaser order, they may be either rejection and the prices to be fixed shall be final and binding on the contractor. (d) If the whole or any part of the stores supplied and rejected in accordance with clause No. 8© above, the purchaser shall be at liberty, with or without notice to the contractor, to purchase in the open market at the expenses of the contractor stores meeting the necessary performance and quality contracted for in place of those rejected, provided that either the purchase, or the agreement to purchase, from another supplier is made within six months from the date of rejection of the stores as aforesaid. 9. REJECTED STORES Rejected stores will remain at destination at the contractor’s risk and responsibility if instructions for their disposal are not received from the contractor within a period of 14 days from the date of receipt of the advice of rejection, the purchaser or his representatives has, at his discretion the right to scrap or sell or consign the rejected stores to contractor’s address at the contractor’s entire risk and expenses; freight being payable by the contractor at actuals. 10. DELIVERY (a) The time for and the date of delivery of the stores stipulated in the purchase order shall be deemed to be essence of the contract, and delivery must be completed on or before the specified dates. (b) Should the contractor fails to deliver the stores or any consignment there of within the period prescribed for such delivery, the purchaser shall be entitled at his option either: i) to recover from the contractor as agreed liquidated damages and not by way of penalty, a sum of 10% of the price any stores which the contractor has failed to deliver as aforesaid, for each month or part of a month, during which the delivery of such stores may be in arrears, or ii) to purchase elsewhere without notice to the contractor on the account and at the risk of the contractor, the stores not delivered or others of a similar description (where other exactly complying with the particular are not, in the opinion of the purchaser readily procurable, such opinion being final) without canceling the contract in respect of the consignment(s) not yet due for delivery, or iii) to cancel the contract or a portion thereof, and, if so desired, to purchase or authorise the purchase of stores not so delivered or others of similar description (Where other exactly complying with the particular are not, in the opinion of the purchaser readily procurable, such opinion being final) at the risk and cost of the contractor. In the event of action being taken under sub-clause (II) and (III) of Clause 10 above, the contractor shall be liable for any loss which the Purchaser may sustain on that account, provided that the re-purchase, or, if there is an agreement to re-purchase then such agreement, is made within six months from the date of such failure. But the contractor shall not be entitled to any gain on such re-purchase made against default. The manner and method of such re-purchase shall be at the discretion of Purchase, whose decision shall be final. It shall not be necessary for the purchaser to serve a notice of such re-purchase on the defaulting Contractor. This right shall be without prejudice to the right of the Purchaser to recover damages for breach of Contract by the contractor. 11. EXTENSION OF TIME As soon as it is aperient that contract dates cannot be adhered to, an application shall be sent by the contractor to the purchaser. If failure, on the part of the contractor to deliver the stores in proper time shall have arisen from any cause which the purchaser may admit as reasonable growing for an extension of the time (and his decision shall be final) he may allow such additional time as he considers it to be justified by circumstances of the case without prejudice to the Purchaser’s rights to recover liquidated damages under Clause 10 hereof. 12. ERECTION OF PLANT / MACHINERY Where erection of a plant or machinery is there responsibility of the contractor as per the terms of the contract and in case the contractor fails to carry out the erection as and when called upon to do so within the period specified by the purchaser, the Purchaser shall have the right to get the erection done through any source of his choice. In such an event, the contractor shall be liable to bear any additional expenditure that the purchaser is liable to incur towards erection. The contractor shall, however, not be entitled to any gain due to such an action by the Purchaser. 13. PAYMENT Contractor’s bill will be passed for payment only after the stores have been received, inspected and accepted by the Purchaser. 14. MODE OF PAYMENT Normally payment will be made for the accepted stores within 30 days from the date of receipt of the materials. 15. RECOVERY OF SUMS DUE Whenever any claim for the payment of, Whether liquidated or not, money arises out of or under this contract against the contractor, the purchaser shall be entitled to recover such sum by appropriating in part of whole, the security deposited by the contractor, if a security is taken from the contractor, then the balance or the total sum recoverable, as the case may be or shall be deducted from any sum then due or which at anytime thereafter may become due to the contractor under this or any other contract with the Purchaser. Should this sum be not sufficient to cover the full amount recoverable, the contractor shall pay to the purchaser on demand the remaining balance due. Similarly, if the purchaser has or makes any claim, whether liquidated or not, against the Contractor under any other contract with the purchaser, the payment shall be with-held till such claims of the purchaser are finally adjudicated upon and paid by the contractor. 16. INDEMINTY The contractor shall warrant and be deemed to have warranted that all stores supplied, against this contract are free and clean of infringement of any patent, copy right or trade mark and shall at all times indemnify the purchaser against all claims which may be made in respect of the stores for infringement of any right protected by PATENT. Registration of Trade mark and shall take all risk of accidents of damage which may cause a failure of supply from whatever case arising and the entire responsibility for the sufficiency of all the means used by him for the fulfillment of the contract. 17. ARBITRATION In the event of any question, dispute of difference arising under these conditions or any conditions contained in the Purchase Order or in connection with this contract, (except as to any matters the decision of which is specially provided for by these conditions) the same shall be referred to the sole arbitration of the head of the Purchase Office or some other person appointed by him, it will be no objection that the arbitrator is a Government Servant that he had to deal with matter to which the contract relates or that in the course of his duties as Government Servant he had expressed views on all or any of the matters in disputes or difference. The award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties of this contract. It is Term of this contract: (a) If the arbitrator be the head of the purchase office. i. In the event of his being transferred or vacating his office by resignation or otherwise, it shall be lawful for his successor-in office either to proceed with the reference himself, or to appoint another person as arbitrator, or. ii. In the event of his being unwilling or unable to act for any reason, it shall be lawful for the Head of the Purchase Office to appoint another person as arbitrator: or (b) If the arbitrator be a person appointed by the Head of the Purchase Office in the event of his dying, neglecting or refusing to act, or resigning or being unable to act, for any reason, it shall be lawful for the Head of the Purchase Office either to proceed with the reference himself or to appoint another person as arbitrator in place of the outgoing arbitrator. Subject as aforesaid, the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and the rules there under and any statutory modifications thereof for the time being in force shall be deemed to apply to the arbitration proceedings under this Clause. The arbitrator shall have the power to the extent with the consent of the Purchaser and the Contractor the time making and publishing the award. The venue of arbitration shall be place as the purchaser in his absolute discretion may determine. Work under the Contract shall, if reasonably possible, continue during arbitration Proceedings. (c) In case order is concluded on the public Sector Undertakings, the following Arbitration Clause will be applicable. In the event of any dispute or differences relating to the interpretation and application of the provisions of contracts, such dispute or difference shall be referred by either party to the Arbitration of one of the Arbitrator in the Department of Public Enterprises to be nominated by the Secretary to the Government of India in-charge of the Bureau of Public Enterprises. The Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 shall not be applicable to the Arbitration under this clause. The award of the arbitrator shall be binding upon the parties to the dispute provided, however, any party aggrieved by such award may make a further reference for setting aside or revision of the award to the Law Secretary, Department of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Law & Justice, Government of India. Upon such Additional Secretary when so authorised by the Law Secretary whose decision shall bind the parties finally and conclusively. The parties to the dispute will share equally the cost of arbitration as intimated by the arbitrator. 18. COUNTER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SUPPLIERS Where counter terms and conditions/printed or cyclostyled conditions have been offered by the supplier the same shall not be deemed to have been accepted by the Purchaser, unless specific written acceptance thereof obtained. 19. SECURITY FOR PURCHASER’S MATERIALS Successful tenderer will have to furnish in the form of a bank guarantee or in any other form as called for by the Purchaser towards adequate security for the materials / property provided by the purchaser for the due execution of the contract. ADDITIONAL TENDER TERMS AND CONDITIONS The Tenders received on or before the due date and time including by fax to only the above fax no. will only be considered as valid tenders. Fax offers in case of two-part tenders will not be considered. In case of non-quoting, the supplier shall send a regret letter giving reasons, failing which future enquiries will not be sent. Excise Duty - SDSC-SHAR is eligible for Excise Duty Exemption under Notification No. 64/95 dated 16.03.1995 as amended by Notification No. 15/2007 dated 01.03.2007 and we shall provide necessary Exemption Certificate. No claim for payment of Excise Duty or Cenvat reversal will be allowed later. The suppliers have to consider this into account while submitting quotations. CST - With effect from 01.04.2007, the facility of Inter-State purchases by Government Departments against Form-D has been withdrawn. Now the rate of CST on the Inter-State sale to Government Departments shall be the rate of VAT/State Sales Tax applicable in the State of the seller/ dealer. Accordingly, the suppliers have to clearly indicate the %age of CST applicable against each case in their offers. Customs Duty - SDSC-SHAR is eligible for 100% Customs Duty exemption as per Notification No.21/2002, as amended by Notification No. 20/2007 dated 01.03.2007 and as amended by notification no21/2008. This may be taken into account while quoting for import items. In case tender offering items considering the customs duty exemption, they shall also indicate the price, separately, with customs duty component and terms and conditions thereto. High Sea Sales - Against High Sea Sale transactions Offers shall be on “all inclusive basis” including delivery upto Sriharikota at the risk and cost of the supplier. Customs clearance is the responsibility of the Supplier and at his cost and risk. 100% payment will be made within 30 days after receipt and acceptance of the items at our site. However, in exceptional cases based on merit of the case, 100% payment against delivery and satisfactory inspection at our site may be considered. Sales Tax is not applicable Customs Duty Exemption Certificate and other relevant documents required for Customs clearance will be provided. High Sea Sales Agreement furnished by the Supplier in accordance with the terms and conditions of our purchase order will be signed and issued by SDSCSHAR. The deliver period mentioned in the tender enquiry, if any, is with the stipulation that no credit will be given for earlier deliveries and offers with delivery beyond the period will be treated as un-responsive. The Department will have the option to consider more than one sources of supply and final orders will be given accordingly Bidder shall note that the conditional discounts would not have edge in the evaluation process of tenders. Non-acceptance of any conditions where ever called for related to guarantee or warrantee, performance bank guarantee, liquidate damages are liable for disqualification of bids. Where ever installation and commissioning is involved, the guarantee / warrantee period shall recon only from the installation and commissioning. Advance Payment - Wherever advance payment is Guarantee from any Nationalized Bank shall be furnished. requested Bank Liquidated Damages - In all cases where advance payment is involved and where delivery is critical, L.D. clause will be applicable at 0.5% per week or part thereof subject to a maximum of 10% of total order value. Performance Bank Guarantee - Wherever called for Performance Bank Guarantee for 10% of the order value, shall be furnished covering the warranty period. The following information/documents are to be furnished wherever applicable. Product literature Core banking account number of SBI PAN No. in quotation and invoices Excise Duty, VAT, Service Tax Registration details. SPECIAL CONDITION AGAINST INDIAN QUOTATIONS IN FOREIGN CURRENCY AGENTS SUBMITTING The Tenderer shall submit the following documents/information while quoting Foreign Principal's pro-forma invoice indicating the commission payable to the Indian Agent and nature of “after sales service” to be rendered by the Indian Agent. Copy of Agency agreement with the Foreign Principal, precise relationship between them and their mutual interest in the business. The enlistment of the Indian Agent with Director-General of Supplies & Disposals under the Compulsory Registration Scheme of Ministry of Finance.
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