Welcome to Wayside

Welcome to Wayside
Sunday Mornings
Welcome ... We are glad you are here and hope you will be encouraged from
your time with us. We invite our guests to stop by the Welcome Center in
the foyer following the service. We would like to meet you and answer any
questions you may have.
Get Connected ... If this is your first time at Wayside or if you want to know
more about getting connected, please complete a Connection Card in the pew
and place it in the offering plate or bring it to the Welcome Center.
Families ... Special needs rooms (one for families & one for nursing moms)
are located at the rear of the sanctuary and are equipped with speakers. Our
KidZONE staff is prepared to care for your child during the service in a safe &
secure environment. Ushers can direct you to the KidZONE Check-in.
Children Nursery – 5th grade
9:15 am - 12:15 pm | Education Building
If this is your first visit please register
at the KidZONE Check-in.
Middle School 6th – 8th grade
9:15 am | Room 203
High School 9th – 12th grade
9:15 am | Room 205
Singles 20s & 30s
9:15 am | 115 Ivywood
ABFs—Adult Bible Fellowships
8:00, 9:15 & 11:00
Various locations
A complete list of ABFs and
locations is available in the foyer.
9:15 am - Traditional Blended Service
11:00 am - Contemporary Service
College Bible Study
12:30 pm | 115 Ivywood
Free Wi-Fi Network: Wayside-Guest
Pastoral Team
Messages Online, CDs & Transcripts
Scan the QR Code below or go to WaysideChapel.org/Messages to listen
online, view video, download message slides, or order a free CD or transcript.
CDs of the previous week’s message (in limited quantities) are
available in the foyer by the Giving Kiosk.
Order cards for free CDs or transcripts are available in the
foyer. You may also contact Discipleship Tape Ministries at
(210) 226-0000 or email dtm@dtm.org to request material.
Materials will be mailed to you.
Ways to Give
SecureGive Mobile Giving App
Scan the QR Code to the right on your mobile
phone or tablet, OR search your app store/
marketplace and download the free Secure
Give app. Open SecureGive app, search by
location or city and select “Wayside Chapel.”
Tap “Set Home Organization” button. Follow the prompted
steps to give.
Parking Lot Expansion
Construction continues on our parking
lot expansion project. We encourage
everyone who can to use our satellite
parking at Castle Hills Elementary School
on Sundays in order to free spaces on
campus for guests and seniors. Buses
run every 5 minutes.
Thanksgiving Office Closings
The Wayside Chapel offices will be
closed on Thursday, November 27, and
Friday, November 28, in observance
of Thanksgiving. “Enter his gates with
thanksgiving and his courts with praise;
give thanks to him and praise his name.”
Psalm 100:4
Roger Poupart
Lynn Hamilton
Rick Lowe
Senior Pastor
Director of Agape
& 55 Plus Ministries
Pastor of Outreach & Missions
Stephen Lay
Pastor of Student Ministries,
High School
John Gordon
Executive Pastor
Susan Cottingham
Director of Communications
Will Davis
Pastor of Connect & Adult
Ryan Fonseca
Director of Worship & Arts
Pastor of Men & Leadership
Ronald Long
Pastor of Student Ministries,
Middle School
Michael Loudermilk
Director of College & Singles
Tim Nowell
John Stark
Director of Media Ministries
Belva Stringer
Director of Children’s
Marsha Walenta
Director of Women’s Ministries
Elder Board
Arlie Francis
Tim McBroom
Roger Poupart
John Gordon
Bill Mitchell, Chairman
Pete Velasquez
Jim Kuster
Gary B. Paul
Chuck Whittom
Wayside Chapel
Evangelical Free Church
1705 NW Loop 410
San Antonio, Texas 78213
ph: 210.344.1203 fx: 210.344.9095
Office hours: 8 am - 4 pm, Monday through Friday
Special Business Meeting
NEXT SUNDAY | November 30 | 10:30 am
Meeting to vote on special facility expenditure and re-election of Chuck Whittom
to the Board of Elders. Members, pick
up ballots in the foyer, 8:45-10:30 am,
on Nov 30. Early voting available in Main
Office, Mon-Wed, Nov 24-26, 8 am - 4 pm.
Celebrating the
Heart of Christmas
Donate: Heart of Christmas
Women’s Ministry Christmas Outreach
Donations will be used to offset the cost
of the event and to bless each guest
with an HEB gift card. (Donations that
exceed cost of event will be used for
General Fund operations.) Give online or
designate checks: “Heart of Christmas”
Men’s Summit 2015
January 23 - 25 | Camp Eagle
Everyone has a story…. Our speaker,
Doug Mazza, has lived an incredible
story of failure and triumph through
God’s grace, and understands the
struggles of living as a man of integrity.
Register early & save!
Thank you, Wayside!
Thank You, Wayside!
Thank you for donating canned food
for the Thanksgiving Cans Drive!
Your overwhelming generosity will
allow for families in need to receive a
Thanksgiving food basket overflowing
with the makings of a full Thanksgiving
REVERB Student Small Groups - Thanksgiving Break
Reverb small groups will not meet this Wednesday, November 26, due to
Thanksgiving. We will resume meeting on Wednesday, December 3.
Mark Your Calendar! Middle School Christmas Party
Wednesday | December 10 | 7:00 - 9:00 pm
At the home of the Gardea’s | 25003 N. Saddle Trl, 78255
Games…games & more games! Serving hot dogs & you get to roast your own
Mark Your Calendar! High School Christmas Party
Wednesday | December 10 | 7:00 - 8:45 pm | Fellowship Hall
Join us for “Christmas Cake Chaos”. Bring a snack & a friend.
For more information, contact Becky Sugg, (210) 344-1203, ext. 125 or
Volunteer Opportunities
Meals on Wheels
If you are available to be a substitute driver (Mondays - Fridays), please contact
Kathy at (210) 344-1203 or kathyp@waysidechapel.org
Agape Ministry: Memorial Service Ushers
We are looking for volunteers (men and women) to serve as ushers during memorial
services at Wayside. If you are able to help, please contact Lynn Hamilton at lynnh@
waysidechapel.org or (210) 344-1203, ext. 130.
College Ministry
Sundays | 12:30pm | 115 Ivywood.
Join us for fellowship & Bible study after the 11:00 am service. Lunch provided.
Questions? Contact Michael Loudermilk, Director of College & Singles: (210)
344-1203, ext. 113 or michaell@waysidechapel.org
Sophia ABF - Women of all ages & stages of life: Sundays | 9:15 am | 117 Ivywood
A place to connect and belong for women of all ages. Time is spent in Bible
study, worship, prayer and fellowship. For more info: sophia@waysidechapel.org
Koinonia ABF - Adults of all ages: Sundays | 11:00 am | Room 300
Practical Bible teaching and class discussion pointing to maturity in the daily
Christian walk. For more info: koinonia2@waysidechapel.org
Widows, Et Cetera
Monday | December 1 | 10:00 am | Fellowship Hall
For women who are widowed, single or spousal caregivers. Join us
at 9:45 am for coffee and fellowship. Call Nancy (830) 980-3081 for
lunch reservations. Lunch: $5
Momentum Singles (20s & 30s)
Sundays | 9:15 am | 115 Ivywood
Join us for fellowship & Bible study. Current series: “Reflections on Romans”
Questions? Contact Michael Loudermilk, Director of College & Singles: (210) 3441203, ext. 113 or michaell@waysidechapel.org
GLOCAL Outreach
Do something different with your Spring Break this year! Consider joining the East
Asia Trip happening in March 2015. Visit WaysideChapel.org/Trips or contact lizm@
waysidechapel.org for more information.
Community Outreach: Castle Hills Holiday 5k Run/Walk
Saturday | December 13 | 8:00 am
Come out and support the Castle Hills community. Visit www.fiestacastlehills.org for
more information and to sign up!
HeBrews Café
Agape Ministry: Need 4 Dining Chairs
Please contact Lynn Hamilton at (210) 344-1203, ext. 130.
Open Sundays | 8:00 – 11:00 am | Fellowship Hall Extension (Education Bldg.)
HeBrews Café is open for breakfast on Sunday mornings, 8:00 – 11:00 am, serving tacos, coffee, tea and other beverages. HeBrews is a great place to grab a
drink or quick breakfast, or to take some time to sit and connect with others.
First Impressions: Campus Landscaping
If you have a green thumb, we need your help with planting & maintaining the
campus landscaping. If you want to learn more about this opportunity, contact
Peggy Lipps at 210-725-7322 or peggy.lipps@fmc-na.com.
Looking for a great place to serve & meet new people?
Serve once or twice a month on Sunday mornings. To learn more, come by
Hebrews Café or contact Shelly – foodservice@waysidechapel.org or (210) 3441203, ext. 135.
A community Rooted in the Word
Adult Bible Fellowships (ABFs) are God-centered communities committed to
knowing and applying the Word of God together in caring fellowship. Fourteen
different ABFs meet on Sundays at 8:00, 9:15, & 11:00 am. To find an ABF that
is right for you, pick up a Sunday Morning brochure in the foyer or look online.
Featured ABFs:
Spring 2015 East Asia Trip
Next Baptism: Sunday, December 14
Adult Bible Fellowships
Reaching out to the world
Registration is now open for Men’s Summit 2015: What’s Your Story?
January 23 - 25 | Camp Eagle in Rock Springs, TX
Registration costs include 2-nights, 4-meals, snacks and activity fees
$149 standard registration in dorms
$199 double occupancy (limited availability)
Sign up today in the foyer or online. Don’t delay – sign up today! Prices increase
after December 31st. Gift it ladies!!
55 Plus
55 Plus Singles Bible Study
Fridays | 10:00 – 11:30 am | 117 Ivywood
Join fellow singles as they study the names of God.
Be sure to check out other opportunities for fellowship, spiritual growth, fitness,
singles and more at waysidechapel.org/55plus!
Church-wide “Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire” Time of Prayer
Mondays | 4:00 pm | 117 Ivywood | All are welcome!
For more information contact Bill Bradford at bandsbradford@gmail.com.
Please Verify Your Contact Information
Please log in to your account at MyWayside.org to verify that your mailing
address, email and phone number are correct in our database. If there are any
changes, select “Update Your Profile” to update your information. Please call
210-344-1203 or email lauriem@waysidechapel.org if you have any questions or
need assistance.
Reproducing Christ followers