600 Stony Battery Road, Landisville, PA 17538
Telephone: 898-1551 FAX: 898-9701
Web page: www.waysidepc.org
Sunday, Sunday, October 19 Bible Presentation
9:30 a.m. Traditional Worship / KidZone (CR)
10:30 a.m. Fellowship
11:00 a.m. Praise Worship / KidZone (A)
11:00 a.m. Questor’s Adult Bible Study (CR)
1:00 p.m. G-Beez Corn Maze Extravaganza (Oregon Dairy)
Monday, October 20
11:30 a.m. Alpha (CR)
1:45 p.m. DCF / Pastor Meeting
6:00 p.m. Experiencing God book study (K)
7:00 p.m. Finance Committee (CR)
Tuesday, October 21
6:30 a.m. Men’s Bible Study (CR)
7:00 p.m. Membership Committee (CR)
7:00 p.m. PW Circle 2 (Laurie Martin’s house)
Wednesday, October 22
5:25 p.m. LOGOS (Red Door Night)
6:00 p.m. Praise Planning (CR)
6:30 p.m. Praise Band Rehearsal (S)
6:45 p.m. Chimes (CR)
7:45 p.m. Choir (S)
Thursday, October 23
9:30 a.m. COM Meeting
7:00 p.m. Thursday Night Bible Study (CR)
7:00 p.m. Boy Scouts (A + Art Room)
Saturday, October 25
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Alpha Retreat (Zerbe’s Rock Run Retreat)
Next Sunday, October 26 Reformation Sunday
9:30 a.m. Traditional Worship / KidZone (CR)
10:30 a.m. Fellowship
11:00 a.m. Praise Worship / KidZone (A)
11:00 a.m. Questor’s Adult Bible Study (CR)
6:00 p.m. Congregational Meeting (S)
Have you signed up to join in and bring something to the
congregational meeting yet?? There’s still time!
Ministers: The Congregation
Pastor: Rev. Dr. Stephen P. Fritz - pastor@waysidepc.org Cell: 682-7413
Admin Secretary/Bookkeeper: Gr etchen Lichty - wayside@waysidepc.org
Director of Christian Formation: J ill L. Reichert - youth@waysidepc.org
Choir Director: Dr. Cathleen Ardrey - Cathleen.Ardrey@millersville.edu
Accompanist: Becky Caplan - bckcaplan@gmail.com
Nursery Supervisor: Sonja Eckert - snoners@gmail.com
Parish Associate: Rev. Dr. Howard W. Fritz - c/o of pastor@waysidepc.org
Parish Associate: Rev. Harry Robinson - rosaharry5@gmail.com
Parish Associate: Rev. Lar ry Moir - larry.moir@gmail.com
Pastoral Assistant: Doug Paglia - dpag@embarqmail.com
Sexton: Tim Kauffman - timlkauffman@gmail.com
Webmaster: Brian Kocsi - bjk222@embarqmail.com
THE FOUR WAYS WE SERVE / Ministry Areas of Session
Moderator: Pastor Steve Fritz
Clerk of Session: Judi Yarwood: DadsDuchess@comcast.net
Buildings & Grounds (Peg Rohrer: pegr23@verizon.net)
Membership (Mike Weed/Barb Sager, acting chairs)
Worship & Music (Fred Carbaugh: russ1044@comcast.net)
Christian Formation (Dan Nimmon: dnimmon@embarqmail.com
and George Armold: pgarmold123@aol.com)
Finance (Brian Kocsi: bjk222@embarqmail.com)
Nominating (Karen Frick: wfrick3@verizon.net)
Human Resources (Tom Martin: martin7375@comcast.net)
Missions (Beth Beals: bethbeals@comcast.net)
Outreach (Deb Kereczman: DZKereczman@Armstrong.com)
Technology (Frank Richards: frichards@richardsenergy.com)
Class of 2014
Class of 2015
Linda Anspach (secretary) Cindy Dussinger
Bill Frick (treasurer)
Sarah Johnson
David Kneier
Louise Plakans
Dylan Wagner (Youth Rep)
Physical Address:
600 Stony Battery Road
Landisville, PA 17538
Web Site: www.waysidepc.org
Office E-Mail: wayside@waysidepc.org
Telephone: (717) 898-1551
FAX: (717) 898-9701
Class of 2016
Marilyn Aurand
Narayan Dhimal
Lori Beth Nimmon
Communion Sundays 2014:
February 9
March 30
April 17 (Maundy Thursday)
May 11
June 22
August 10
October 5
November 23
December 28
Life & Witness of Our Church
October 19, 2014
Please sign our Guest Book and our Fellowship Pad with
any comments. Join us again soon!
Our Purpose
Wayside is a vibrant community of Christian
warmth and joy, where God is glorified through
Growth of our Congregation, Care of the Souls
entrusted to us, and Service to our neighbors.
Our Core Values in a WORD:
Word of God, Outreach, Relationships,
Develop Disciples
The Ruling Elders on Session have called a Special
Congregational Meeting of Wayside Presbyterian Church
per our by-laws for Sunday, October 26 at 6:00pm. The
purpose of the meeting is 3 fold: to receive the Nominating
Committee’s report and elect officers to serve on Session and
the Board of Deacons, to review the adequacy of the pastor’s
compensation, and conduct any other business that should
properly come before the congregation. Desserts and
refreshments will be available; please sign-up to bring
something to share.
Wednesday, October 29
Trunk ‘n Treat is back!! There is a sign-up
sheet on the bulletin board for volunteer
game & activity leaders, as well as for the
food because free hot dogs and drinks are provided. There is also a
sign-up sheet for “decorated car volunteers!” The cars will need to be
in place by 5:30pm in preparation for the early arrivals and to help
limit traffic. If you need car ideas, there are crates in the narthex with
materials to be used for decorating. Feel free to take a crate and return after Trunk ‘n Treat. Due to the ages of the little kids, please
make your cars more fun and less scary. Come & bring friends!!
Saturday, November 1
10:00am - 12:30pm
This event is for Presbyterian Women from all over our Presbytery.
This year’s speaker is Sheila Mastropietro, Director of the
Immigration & Refugee Program for Church World Service (CWS).
She will give an overview of CWS Lancaster and how it’s involved
with the unaccompanied, illegal immigrants coming through our
southern borders. It’s free for all women with a goodwill offering for
CWS and there is a sign-up and more information on the PW bulletin
board. Please talk to Sue Doerfler or Karen Frick with questions.
Please considered coming and bringing a friend to “show off”
Wayside and fellowship with fellow Presbyterian women!
Quarterly statements for the 3rd quarter were mailed out this week. Your
2nd quarter giving information is included on the 3rd quarter statement. If you
have not received yours yet or have questions, please let Gretchen know in
the office.
“Red Door Night”
Wear something red.
(previously known as “Stewardship Sunday”)
Sunday, November 2
A single, combined service @ 10:00am
Committee members are currently helping with the church budget
for the coming year. They're placing their trust in God and believing
in our members and friends to support the church's ministry. Let us
all show our faithfulness with good stewardship through our time,
talents and treasures. Pledge cards will be mailed and also
available on Celebration Sunday; prayerfully consider your pledge
for 2015.
After “Celebration Sunday’s” 10:00am service
on Nov. 2, Wayside will hold its Chili Cook-Off!
The Cook-Off will take place during a luncheon in
the Atrium, hosted by the Membership Committee.
Besides chili cookers, there are many needs for
volunteers for this event. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin
board for those interested in participating. Please see Mike Weed
or Barb Sager if you have any questions.
Wayside is a polling location and voters who enter our building live in
our immediate, surround community. Is anyone interested in outreach /
hospitality to Wayside voters on Tuesday, November 4? Your duties
would include making coffee, tea, and offering a little snack during peak
voting hours, 7:00-9:00am (set up around 6:30am) and 4:00-7:00pm.
Snacks would include pretzels, fruit, lemonade, etc. There will
be a sign-up sheet on the bulletin and please talk to Deb
Kereczman, Kim Crothamel or Maxine Andrews if
you’re interested.
The Hempfield Food Pantry needs for October are:
 10.5 oz. canned chicken noodle soup
 15 oz. canned fruit
 15 oz. canned peas
Please check the kitchen for any dishes, coffee pots, crock pots, or other
items that belong to you. Wayside’s kitchen is collecting things that do not
belong there and we would like them to be returned to their rightful kitchens.
Today’s flowers are from Charmanne and Tom
Davies: “To the Glory of God and to celebrate the
Baptism of their grandson, Alexander Hunter Davies,
this morning in Wilson, NC.”
Wayside Presbyterian Church has a lot of supportive,
active members. Here is a schedule of some of their
upcoming responsibilities:
SERVING this week
9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Greeters: John & Maxine Andrews
Judi Yarwood
Ushers: Richard and Sarah Johnson
Nursery: Linda Anspach
Meg Fritz
KidZone: Laurie Martin
Jill Reichert
Liturgist: Alan Beavers
Fellowship: Joan Garner
Pam Armold
SERVING next Sunday, October 26
9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Judi Yarwood
Ushers: Richard and Sarah Johnson
Nursery: Amy & Travis Dailey
Ellie Martin and
Mary Lou Robinson
KidZone: Lori Nimmon
Laura Chambers
Liturgist: Louise Plakans
Ellie Martin