WAYSIDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 600 Stony Battery Road, Landisville, PA 17538 Telephone: 898-1551 FAX: 898-9701 Web page: www.waysidepc.org ***CALENDAR OF WAYSIDE HAPPENINGS*** TODAY Sunday, April 5 Easter 6:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:35 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Sunrise Service (front porch) Traditional service 10:35 a.m. Community Easter Egg Hunt (atrium & outside) Contemporary service Monday, April 6 1:45 p.m. DCF / Pastor Meeting 4:00 p.m. String Lessons (S) 7:00 p.m. Human Resources (CR) Tuesday, April 7 6:30 a.m. Men’s Bible Study (CR) 5:30 p.m. String Lessons (S) 6:30 p.m. Brownie Troop (Art Room) 7:00 p.m. Building & Grounds (K) 7:00 p.m. Christian Formation (CR) 7:00 p.m. Membership Committee (A) Wednesday, April 8 Pastor Steve’s Study Day 6:00 p.m. LOGOS Appreciation Dinner (A) 6:00 p.m. Praise Planning (K) 6:30 p.m. Praise Band Rehearsal (S) 6:30 p.m. Worship Theme Planning (Pastor’s office) 6:45 p.m. Chimes (CR) 7:45 p.m. Choir Rehearsal (S) Thursday, April 9 7:00 p.m. Thursday Night Bible Study (CR) 7:00 p.m. Boy Scouts (A) WHO WE ARE Ministers: The Congregation Pastor: Rev. Dr. Stephen P. Fritz - pastor@waysidepc.org Cell: 682-7413 Admin Secretary/Bookkeeper: Gr etchen Lichty - wayside@waysidepc.org Director of Christian Formation: J ill L. Reichert - youth@waysidepc.org Choir Director: Dr. Cathleen Ardrey - Cathleen.Ardrey@millersville.edu Band Director: J anelle Pabon - janelle.pabon@gmail.com Accompanist: vacant Nursery Supervisor: Sonja Eckert - snoners@gmail.com Parish Associate: Rev. Dr. Howard W. Fritz - c/o of pastor@waysidepc.org Parish Associate: Rev. Harry Robinson - rosaharry5@gmail.com Parish Associate: Rev. Lar ry Moir - larry.moir@gmail.com Pastoral Assistant: Doug Paglia - dpag@embarqmail.com Sexton: Tim Kauffman - timlkauffman@gmail.com Webmaster: Brian Kocsi - bjk222@embarqmail.com RULING ELDERS (SESSION) BOARD OF DEACONS Class of 2015 George Armold (Christian Formation) Fred Carbaugh (Worship & Music) Daniel Nimmon (Christian Formation) Frank Richards (Technology) Class of 2015 Cindy Dussinger Sarah Johnson Louise Plakans Bailee Armold (Youth Rep) Class of 2016 Beth Beals (Mission) Brian Kocsi (Finance) Thomas Martin (Human Resources) Michael Weed (Membership) Class of 2016 Marilyn Aurand Narayan Dhimal Lori Beth Nimmon (moderator) Class of 2017 Travis Dailey (Building & Grounds) Debra Kereczman (Outreach) Robert McCreary (Nominating) Judith Yarwood (Clerk of Session) Class of 2017 Linda Anspach Bill Frick (treasurer) Nina Good Friday, April 10 OFFICE CLOSED Saturday, April 11 Compassion Project Door Hangers distribution Next Sunday, April 12 9:30 a.m. Traditional Worship / KidZone (CR) 10:30 a.m. Fellowship 10:00 a.m. Questor’s Adult Bible Study (CR) 11:00 a.m. Praise Worship / KidZone (A) 12:15 p.m. Seeker’s Class (CR) 1:00 p.m. Confirmation Class Physical Address: Communion Sundays 2015: February 15 600 Stony Battery Road April 2 (Maundy Thursday) Landisville, PA 17538 April 12 Web Site: www.waysidepc.org May 24 (Pentecost) Office E-Mail: wayside@waysidepc.org July 5 August 16 Telephone: (717) 898-1551 October 4 (World Communion) FAX: (717) 898-9701 November 15 December 27 Life & Witness of Our Church April 5, 2015 Please sign our Guest Book and our Fellowship Pad with any comments. Join us again soon! Our Purpose Wayside is a vibrant community of Christian warmth and joy, committed to Christ and to making Him known...where God is glorified through Growth of our Congregation, Care of the Souls entrusted to us, and Service to our neighbors. Our Core Values in a WORD: Word of God above all Outreach to our Community Relationships with all ages and stages of faith Development of devoted disciples. Twins Verna and Viola Mueller will be our guests on Wednesday, April 8. They will share with us their avocation entitled God’s Hidden Treasures. Verna and Viola will tell us about their flower business; they sell dried flower arrangements and fresh flowers in season. We will meet at 12 noon in the Atrium with the program to start about 12:30 pm. Bring your bag lunches (we provide the beverages) and join us to welcome our guest and enjoy another interesting presentation. As always, “non-seniors” and “non-Waysiders” are welcome! CF Leader Appreciation Dinner 6:00pm Atrium RSVP by TODAY! Whether you helped with LOGOS, Nursery, VBS, Youth, KidZone, etc. please plan to attend. Whether you led a lesson, watched babies, decorated tables, provided carpooling, ate dinner with the kids, played games with the youth, cooked us meals, or helped us in any other way, you are invited and we want to thank you with a delicious meal and a time of fellowship! For the next 2 weeks, Gretchen will be working in the office Monday - Thursday, 9:00am to 5:00pm. This means the office will be closed on Fridays, April 10 and April 17. This temporary schedule will allow Gretchen to travel to Philadelphia on those two Fridays. Thank you for your understanding and patience. Pastor Steve will be out of the office for continuing education, Thursday, April 16 - Wednesday, April 22. He will return to the office on Thursday, April 23. If you need assistance during this time, you may contact the office for direction, your Deacon Shepherd or Parish Associates, Rev. Larry Moir and Rev. Harry Robinson. Sunday, April 19, Rev. Larry Moir will be our guest preacher! Wayside is participating in a local mission cooperative with two neighboring churches: Reformation Lutheran Church (Salunga) and Landisville Mennonite Church. Wayside will have an expected six projects to manage ourselves for six households within the Landisville/Salunga community. This “Week of Compassion” will be open to families of all ages as appropriate to needs and abilities. Projects will vary from light yard work to light home repairs. Help is needed NOW to distribute printed door hangers this Saturday, April 11. Please see Pastor Steve is you wish to help! Pastor Steve is planning the next Seekers Class for next Sunday, April 12 from 12:15 to 1:45pm as an orientation to the faith and ministry of Wayside Church for those considering partnership with this congregation. Several persons have indicated their intention to join us, and others are encouraged to participate to learn about the meaning and opportunities of membership. A Ruling Elder will join us in the class, and a light lunch will be provided. Please contact the church office or Pastor Steve directly if planning to attend. Thanks! A reminder that the Red Sea Rules class is beginning on Monday, April 13 at 6:30 in the conference room. It is not too late to sign up and there is a sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board. Class members should have the book and study guide for the class; if you need help, please see Bonnie Carbaugh. In preparation for the first class, please read chapter one and review the four questions at the end of the chapter. OK, all you 5th and 6th graders hankering for a Wilderness experience...your time has come! Camp Donegal is offering a week-long wilderness camping experience just for you! Come to Pioneer Camp; spend the week living in the amazing Wilderness cabins and cooking your own food over a campfire (closely supervised, of course!) This may be the most intense bonding experience you’ve ever had with other campers! For more information on these and all of Camp Donegal’s new and exciting programs, see the 2015 summer brochure. Camp brochures are available on the CF information table. If you have any questions, please call the Camp Donegal office at (717) 862-3722 or visit us online at www.CampDonegal.org. Wayside Presbyterian Church has a lot of supportive, active members. Here is a schedule of some of their upcoming responsibilities: SERVING this week 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Greeters: A new sign has been hung up! Ushers: Dick & Joan Hedlund Nursery: Amy Dailey Bailee Armold KidZone: ???? ???? Liturgist: ???? N/A Fellowship: Jim & Peg Rohrer PowerPoint: N/A Joy Ray SERVING next Sunday, April 12 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Greeters: STILL IN NEED Judi Yarwood Ushers: Dick & Joan Hedlund Nursery: Bonnie Carbaugh Ellie Martin KidZone: STILL IN NEED STILL IN NEED! Liturgist: ???? N/A Fellowship: Pam Armold PowerPoint: N/A Dylan Wagner . .
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