Document 450720

20. Children’s Choirs & Bells
Christmas Program
Sunday, December 7 at 4pm in the Sanctuary
The Christmas message in story and song told by the
Kindergarten-8th grade choirs and bells, including
congregational Christmas carol singing. A cookie reception in
Fellowship Hall follows the program. Childcare available for
children ages 5 and under. No tickets needed. Voluntary
21. October 2014 Financial Report
Net Ministry Surplus/(Deficit)
$ (38,146)
Worship Attendance
YTD vs. Budget
$ 2,925,569
Anchor Group Book Sales
Women’s Christmas Lunch
Holiday Baskets
Christmas Wonderland
Samaritan’s Purse
Alternative Christmas Market
Artwork by John Hayes
Week of November 23, 2014
Operating Accounts
Ministry Income
$ 323,152
Ministry Expenses
Ministry Operating Surplus/(Deficit)
Unrealized Gain/(Loss) Investments
Prime Time TLC (Tuesday Lunch Club), November 25 at 11am
Bill Schertle, “Operation Lifesaver...Railroad Safety”
Adult Sunday School Class Schedule for November 30
Change from Prior Year
- 4.0%
October Ministry Income totaled $323,152 and was up 14.1% compared
to the monthly budget. We praise God and sincerely thank the
congregation who responded so generously this month to the need for
increased giving in an effort to close the looming $200,000+ deficit by
year end. We are pleased to report that YTD expenses remain well
controlled and are currently under budget by $78,969 or -2.4%. YTD
Ministry Income of $2,925,569 was -5.6% below our annual budget.
Should Trinity's giving continue at the same pace through the remainder
of 2014, we project that Trinity's deficit would end the year with a
($200,000+) deficit. This deficit remains a significant concern. Still,
we know that God is in control. He has provided for Trinity since its
founding in 1876 and we have faith that He will do so again this year.
We have witnessed the many blessings provided by the congregation's
faithful giving both on the Trinity campus and around the world, including
the provision of funds to help our mission partners, the Haspels, defray
up to $10,000 in medical expenses resulting from the attack on their lives
in Ethiopia. Please join Session and Staff in prayer that our faithful
and cheerful giving increases so we can continue to fully fund our
ministry and mission commitments and end 2014 with a balanced
Kings Class (Munzing Hall)
Rev. Greg Asimakouplos, “Gratitude”
Listening to God (Prayer Rm.) Praying the Scriptures
Fellowship, Praise and Prayer (1st Sunday of the month)
10:40am: Encouragers (Rm. 501)
Prayer Covenant Anchor Group
New Horizons Bible Study (Rm. 502)
Trusting God: Even When Life Hurts, by Jerry Bridges
Men of the Book (Rm. 504)
A Sunday School Class for men with teens. Isaiah 40
Bring your family to our annual worship service
filled with praise and testimony.
Wednesday, November 26
Childcare available
for ages 5 and under
Scan this QR code with your smart phone to
visit our web site.
Pick up a copy of the Explore brochure for more events and
Visit Doug’s blog::
Follow us on Facebook:
Give generously to him and do so without a grudging heart; then because
of this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in everything
you put your hand to.” Deuteronomy 15:10
1. Home for the Holidays Family Retreat at
Forest Home
November 29-30
It’s not too late to register for Family Camp at Forest
Home! Bring your family for a special time of renewal,
recreation and building community with other Trinity families.
Contact Stephanie for more information at
or 714.505.6254 x110.
2. Trinity Kids-Early Childhood & Elementary—
For more details contact Caroline Elias
714.505.6254 x111 or
Family Advent Workshop– Today at 10:30am-noon. Join us for
a delicious breakfast, fun and meaningful crafts, an opportunity to
meet other families and time together as a family creating
traditions that put Christ at the center of Christmas.
3. Jr. High-
For more details contact Chris Watkins
714.505.6254 x117 or
Sunday School–meet in the WELL Room at 9am
EPIC- Jr High Turkey Bowl-Tuesday, Nov 25, 6:30-8:30pm,
Our Special Thanksgiving event that combines service with an allcity food scavenger hunt. We will collect food while solving puzzles
and clues. Join us! No Cost. Meet at Trinity in the WELL room. For
those in 7th and 8th grades.
“3P” Pancakes, Prayer & Praise-Wednesday, December 3 at
Jeff Wagner’s home. Call for directions.
4. High School—
Sunday School–meet in the WELL Room at 10:40am
WELL-Wednesdays, 7:30-9pm, WELL Room
For more details contact Joe Barsha—
714.505.6254 x141 or
5. College-
For more details contact Chris Watkins
714.505.6254 x114 or
Sundays–attend Fellowship Hall service at 9am
Breakfast Club-Sundays at 10am in the Lounge.
Bible Study-Thursdays, 7:30-10pm in the Lounge at Trinity
College Thanksgiving Eve Service After Party-Wednesday,
November 26, 9pm. Call Derek for location.
6. Young Adult “The Leftovers”
7. Anchor Groups
Next series starts November 30 (5 weeks)
During Advent, we are taking a closer look at the life of
Jesus, through the Gospel of Matthew. Our small groups
will be going through a series called “When Helping
Hurts.” It is a book and video study that facilitates deep
conversations on how Jesus viewed poverty, so that we can be
better equipped to serve others. If you are not in a small group
already, please stop by the Gathering Place to find a group. Books
($15) and leader guides ($10) are available on the patio today.
There will also be 5 weeks of video curriculum on our website for
those that would like to use that instead. Contact Kelsi at
8. Women’s Christmas Lunch
Saturday, December 6 at 11am
Come enjoy lunch as we celebrate Jesus’ birth and experience Christmas
around the world. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear Heavenly Treasures
founder, Kathy Gaulton, tell an amazing story of a transformed life. Then
transform the life of someone else as you shop at the Fair Trade boutique of
handicrafts from 13 different countries. Tickets are $25 and available on the
patio Sundays or online at Childcare is available with
reservation at Contact Kelsi at
9. Support Groups this week—
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness)
Tonight at 6pm
For more details about support groups contact Nancy
at or 714.505.6254 x123.
10. Community Pantry Ministry
The Holiday Basket ministry needs help loading the baskets with
food TODAY!. If you are able to help, please come to the SCC after
second service.
11. NAMI Support Group Special Speaker
Tonight at 6pm in Fellowship Hall
Dr. Andrew Kami is a military veteran, therapist, a Director
at the John Henry Foundation and a teacher at Pacific Oaks College.
He will be speaking on depression and medication. Contact Joanne
Coakley 714.974.7287
12. Tips for Caregivers
Saturday, November 29 at 6:30-10pm
Young Adults will meet at Kelsi & Brian Walker's home on the Saturday
after Thanksgiving. No cost. Bring a side dish to share. We will provide the
main course.
Monday, December 8 at 5:30pm in Room 505
Kathy Lockridge, M.Div, licensed marriage and family therapist, with
31 years of private practice has much to offer: great ideas on
managing your self-care in the midst of caregiving and
tips on conversation skills. For more info contact Nancy Amo at
714.505.6245 x123 or
13. John Hayes Art-Today
John Hayes, our Mission Partner with InnerCHANGE in
London, is a gifted artist and has given Trinity one of
his beautiful sketches. This interesting piece is
displayed on the patio today-stop by and be inspired
by the art which reflects bringing Christ to the poor. Thank you to
Ernest Saadeh who framed the artwork.
14. Alternative Christmas Market
Sunday, November 30, 9am-12:30pm
Shop with a mission! Purchase beautiful treasures hand-crafted by
artisans in 17 countries who rely on their art to sustain their
families. Fight poverty and human trafficking while you Christmas
shop. Products will be available for purchase all morning.
15. Operation Christmas Child
Be a part of changing lives through a simple gift. Purchase a
shoebox at the table on the patio today, pack it with small gifts
for a child and bring it back to Trinity by November 30. We also
accept donations of Beanie Baby-sized stuffed animals in like-new
condition to be used by OCC to supplement the shoeboxes.
16. Southwest Center Serve
Saturday, December 13 at 6:50-9:15am
Our next opportunity to serve at Southwest Center is coming up!
We meet at Southwest Center to prepare and serve breakfast for
those in need. Eight people are needed. Please contact Steve
Woesner at if you would like to attend. 17. Thanksgiving Holiday-Offices Closed
Thursday & Friday, November 27 & 28
18. Trinity News Articles for the January 2015
issue are due Monday, December 1.
Send articles to Chrissy at
19. Christmas Wonderland!
Saturday, December 13 at 4pm
Trinity is putting together its first ever Christmas Wonderland. We
have many different opportunities for you to help, so please stop
by the patio today to learn how you can be involved in this
exciting event! Join us as we celebrate the Reason for the Season
with SNOW, sledding, live music, crafts, food and much more.
Please contact Chris at 714.505.6254 x117 or