, Parish Office – Wabasso ...

Light of the
Pregnancy Care Numbers:
Care Net 800-395-4357
Birthline 800-786-0200
Birthright 800-550-4900
Parish Office – Wabasso
Fr. Anthony Hesse - Residence
St. Anne’s School
St. Anne’s Fax
E-mail: stannesschool@wabassostannesschool.com
St. Mary’s Church
St. Mathias Church
Our Lady of Victory
Our Lady of Victory Fax
On Line Bulletin: www.wabasso.org , click on links – Area Churches
MON, NOV 24th: No Mass
TUE, NOV 25th: 6:00 p.m. at St. Mary + Ed & Jeannette Bernardy
7:00 p.m. AFC-Pastoral Conference at St. Mathias
WED, NOV 26th: 8:00 a.m. at Our Lady of Victory + Lenie Macht
10:00 a.m. at Garnette Garden + Larry Guetter
7:00 p.m. Ecumenical Service at St. Matthew’s
THU, NOV 27 : 8:30 a.m. at St. Anne + Thelma Atkins
12 Noon Thanksgiving Dinner at St. Anne’s
FRI, NOV 28th:
8:00 a.m. St. Mathias + deceased Wanda Men Foresters
SAT, NOV 29th:
2:00 p.m. Wedding at St. Anne (Goblirsch/Norstegard)
5:00 p.m. at St. Mathias + Lynden & Erna Larsen
7:00 p.m. at Our Lady of Victory + Gilbert Christensen
SUN, NOV 30 : 8:00 a.m. at St. Mary for the Area Faith Community
10:00 a.m. at St. Anne + Leonard Fischer
Rv 14: 1-3,4b-5/Lk 21:1-4
Rv 14: 14-19/Lk 21:5-11
Rv 15:1-4/Lk 21:12-19
Rv 18:1-2,21-23,19:1-3
Lk 21:20-28
Fri: Rv 20:1-4,11-21:2/Lk 21:29-33
Sat: Rv 22:1-7/Lk 21:34-36
Sun: Is 63:16b-17,19b;64:2-7
1 Cor 1:3-9/Mk 13:33-37
Before daily Mass and at 4:30 p.m. before 5 p.m. Mass on Saturday
Welcome!! We are glad you came to join with us in our worship today. We hope that you have
felt God’s love in a new, refreshing way…
From Fr. Tony:
This past week as I sat in a chair listening to the
readings during the Mass at Heritage House, I marveled a
couple times by the morning sun breaking through the
room and shining on a couple of plants that were near the
window. Not only did it make me feel good, but it was
God’s gentle way of reminding me how good He is, and
how blessed I am to bask in His goodness and love. As
members of our Light of the World AFC, we are blessed
to not only bask in Christ’s goodness through reception of
Holy Communion at Mass, but we are also have
opportunities for adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on
First Fridays (rotating amongst the parishes) and on the 3rd
Wednesday of the month from 9:00am to 9:00pm at Our
Lady of Victory. “The Eucharist is…a glorious ray of the
heavenly Jerusalem which pierces the clouds of our
history and lights up our journey” (Ecclesia de Eucharistia
19). Therefore, not only is Christ given to us to receive
Him and be strengthened by Him in our journey through
Holy Communion, but He is also given to us in adoration.
At our last Worship/Spiritual Life Committee meeting,
it was brought up the desire to have more opportunities for
adoration. Therefore, with their recommendation, we will
have adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from 5-6 pm on
Tuesday evenings at St. Mary’s in Seaforth and on the last
weekend of the month after the weekend Masses for an
hour at each of the churches. Feel free to stick around as
long as you want after the weekend Masses or come back
later for some prayer time. We will be starting the new
times for adoration this coming week and weekend. If
anyone is interested in reposing the Blessed Sacrament
(putting Jesus back in the tabernacle after adoration),
please let me know. By the way, this ministry needs to be
commissioned by the bishop. Like the sun that lights up
our day and our world, my prayer is that we continue to
come and bask in Christ the Son in the Eucharist who
lights up our lives in a beautiful way.
As you know, this is DMA Commitment Sunday.
Please use the envelopes that are in the churches for your
commitment. Remember, anything raised above our
parish goals will come back to our parishes. Our parish
goal for Our Lady of Victory’s is $2,739.87; St. Anne’s is
$8,581.47; St. Mary’s is $3,153.43; St. Mathias is
$3,980.56. In addition to all the ministries the appeal
supports at the diocesan level, all gifts over our goal will
go to support the furnace situation in the social hall at Our
Lady of Victory, the support of our school at St. Anne, the
liturgical environment at St. Mary, and the general
expenses at St. Mathias. Keep in mind that our needs
might change as time goes on, but these were the projects
that the various Administrative Councils decided on right
All are invited to the diocesan Day for Consecrated
Life on Sunday, Dec. 7 in New Ulm! This event is a kickoff to the Year of Consecrated Life declared by Pope
Francis, beginning Nov. 30 and ending Feb. 2, 2016. More
than 50 religious sisters from 10 different communities
plan to attend! The Day for Consecrated Life begins with
11 a.m. Mass at the Cathedral with Bishop John M.
LeVoir, followed by 12 p.m. lunch at Holy Trinity
Convent (next door), 1 p.m. convent tours/open gym, 2
p.m. “Sisters Got Talent,” a talent show featuring the gifts
of religious sisters from many different communities (in
Holy Trinity Auditorium), 3:30 p.m. Holy Hour with
Vespers at the Cathedral. We especially encourage
families and youth to join us for this fun and joy-filled
event! No charge. Free-will offering accepted. Contact Sr.
Anna at aswanson@dnu.org or 507-233-5320 to RSVP,
which is needed for lunch only.
Christ through Mary, Fr. Tony
St. Anne St. Mary OLV
St. Mathias
$ 4,871.00 $ 2,771.99 $ 637.00 $ 1,384.00
Children $
37.80 $
5.00 $ 19.00 $
$ 111.00 $ 12.25 $ 33.00 $
“Most of us are generous when it’s convenient for us.
We are generous when we have the time or the money.
But, generosity is the opposite of that. It means giving of
one’s time, money, compassion, forgiveness, mercy when
it’s not convenient; when it’s not on our schedule, but on
the other person’s schedule.”
Please keep the following dates in mind for some important
event that will be taking place. We encourage you to join us
for these events:
Nov 22 & 23: Confirmation Commitment Weekend
Nov 25: AFC Pastoral Council meeting at St. Mathias
Nov 26: Ecumenical Service at St. Anne
Nov 27: Thanksgiving Day Dinner at noon at St. Anne’s
Dec 1: St. Anne’s COF Court #1176 mtg. at 7 p.m.
Dec 7: Wabasso Legion & Auxiliary Annual Smorgasbord
Dec 7: St. Mary’s CCW Adult Christmas Party
Dec 8: Immaculate Conception (Holy Day of Obligation)
Dec 11: OLV CCW meeting
Dec 11: St. Anne’s CCW Christmas Party
Dec 17: St. Anne’s School Christmas Program 1:45 & 7 p.m.
“The good man is free even if he is a slave. The evil
man is a slave even if he is a king.”
- St. Augustine
“Life – your only chance. Eternity – payback time.”
Banns of Marriage
Britany Norstegard and Brian
Goblirsch will be married on
November 29, 2014 at St. Anne’s,
Next week’s Catholic Campaign for Human
Development collection needs your help. CCHD was
founded to end the cycle of poverty in the US by funding
organizations that help people help themselves. With the
tradition of improving education, housing situations, and
economic development, CCHD continues to make a
positive impact in communities nationwide, and in the
diocese. Your contribution will defend human dignity and
help those living on the margins of our society. Please
give generously.
“Tending the needs of others is a gift of service of God
as well as those in need. Imagine that you chose to serve
God as a deacon, priest, brother or sister. What do you
think/feel about this choice?”
11/24 Fr. Todd Petersen, Troy Timmerman
11/25 Fr. Zachary Peterson, Garrett Ahlers
11/26 Fr. Germain Rademacher, Joshua
11/27 Msgr. John Richter, Andrew Dieter
11/28 Fr. Keith Salisbury, Nathan Hansen
11/29 Fr. George Schmit, John Hayes
11/30 Fr. Phillip Schotzko, Evan Huebl
2014 Diocesan Ministries Appeal
Thank you for your generosity to the 2014 Diocesan
Ministries Appeal. Our gifts to the DMA do make a
difference. We saw in the video last week the impact of
our contribution on real people around the Diocese. By
joining with others around the diocese in support of these
ministries, we offer Catholic Charities counseling to our
neighbors in need and we support programs for youth as
well as adults in the Church who are doing Christ’s work.
It is our contribution to the living water of Christ. If you
haven’t made your pledge or given a gift, take time to do
St. Anne’s School Calendar Cash Drawing
winners: Sponsored by Catholic United Financial
Nov 10: Carter Guetter
November 2014
Nov 11: Gary Jensen
Nov 12: Robert Fischer
30 15 15 15 15 15 15
30 15 15 15 15 15 15
Nov 13: Betty Fennern
30 15 15 15 15 15 15
30 15 15 15 15 15 15
Nov 14: Nancy Hanna
Nov 15: Carl Swedzinski
Nov 16: Veronica Stolp
St. Anne’s School will be making fleece blankets for
“Share the Spirit”. If anyone is available to help cut
and/or tie the blankets, call the school. 342-5389.
On behalf of the Fall 40 Days for Life Campaign, I
would like to thank everyone who pledged to pray, fast, or
stand vigil. 726 babies were saved from abortion in the
297 cities that participated, totaling 9699 babies saved
since these campaigns began in 2007. Six more workers
quit their jobs at abortion facilities bringing that total to
107, and two more abortion centers have closed during
this Fall campaign, bringing the total to 59, and most
amazing, the former Planned Parenthood abortion center
in Bryan/College Station, Texas, is about to become the
new Headquarters of 40 Days for Life. This former
abortion facility was the site of the first ever 40 Days for
Life in 2004. In addition, since the beginning of 40 Days
for Life Fall Campaigns in Mankato, the Planned
Parenthood facility is open 18 hours less than when prayer
first started on the site in 2011. Furthermore, Options for
Women/Mankato, a new pregnancy resource center, is
planning to open in January 2015 near the MSU campus.
Please see the job opening listed below for a part-time
executive director position needed at this new resource
center. God is truly at work. 2 Corinthians, 5:17, “So if
anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old
has passed away; see, everything has become new!” This
is the beginning to the end of abortion. Thank you.
Reverence for Life, Melanie Schumacher
Options for Women/Mankato
Options for Women/Mankato is a Pregnancy Resource
Center looking for a part-time Executive Director (20
hours a week). This person will serve as the primary
community ambassador, client advocate and donor
developer. The main duties will include day to day
administrative operations of staff and volunteers and the
execution of services and programs for our clients.
We are looking for a mature individual with a strong
belief in the sanctity of human life, a bachelor’s degree
and/or two years’ experience in a nonprofit organization
and/or two years’ supervisory experience with strong
communication, leadership, administrative and counseling
skills. Get more information and job description at
Please e-mail resume’ to
info@optionsmankato.org by December 5, 2014.
Men from the Diocese of New Ulm who are ages 2250 and open to discerning a vocation to the priesthood are
encouraged to attend the “Come and See” Retreat Day put
on by the Archdiocese of Minneapolis/St. Paul. Fr. Troy
Przybilla, the Vocation Director for the Archdiocese, will
be leading the mini-retreat, which will include Mass, time
for prayer, talks on discernment, and some time meeting
seminarians from the St. Paul Seminary. To register,
please contact Fr. Matthew Wiering via email at
fatherwiering@gmail.com. You can also call the
Archdiocesan Vocation Office directly at 651.962.6890 or
email at patty.mcquillan@stthomas.edu.”
Please remember the military and families
and the sick in your prayers.
Military: Tyler Derickson, Kyle Hillenbrand, Adam
Jenniges, Garett Jenniges, Jeremy Jenniges, Luke Jensen,
Noel (Plaetz) Kubat, Zachery Miller, Cameron Pohlen,
Gabrielle Rohlik, James Ryer, Jeff Salfer, Eric & Jen
Schueller, DeeAnn (Guetter) Stalvey, Cody Stoltenburg,
Christopher M. Valentine, Dana Vollmer, Sierra Wagner.
Guidelines for Praying for the Sick - A) Names are
placed on the prayer list for three weeks. B) Names can be
listed as often as one wishes but the request must be
renewed each time by calling the office 342-5190.
Week 1: Zachary Liebl, Sheryl McKeown, Jonathan Thull,
Rueben Lange
Week 2: Mary Lensing, Robert Fischer, Mary Schwarz
Week 3: Helen Guetter, Ross Rohlik, Diane Warner, Carol
Warner, Mary Warner
The annual Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service will
be held at Our Lady of Victory Church on Monday,
Nov. 24 at 7 p.m. Everyone is welcome. The Food Shelf
needs our help – so we are asking that you bring
something to donate to them – pick up a list of needed
items in the back of church. Come and give thanks for all
your blessings by sharing with others.
(anyone wishing to be part of the choir, please come to
practice on Sunday, Nov. 23 at 7 p.m. at OLV. Come one
and all - no tryouts - just a love of singing.)
Wanda Legion Poultry BINGO will be on Monday,
November 24 at 7:00 p.m. at the Wanda Legion Hall.
Catholic United Financial gives scholarships to its
members. When a young person; 2 weeks old up to this
year's 11th graders, own Catholic United Financial life
insurance or annuities, they will receive a scholarship at
graduation. There are no dues or fees. 11th graders need
to be signed up by December 23. Contact Dan Markell at
530-6433 or dmarkell@catholicunited.org for any
questions you might have.
Wabasso Senior Citizens Fundraiser will be on
Monday, November 24 from 4:30-7:30 p.m. at Jackpot
Junction Casino, Morton.
Wabasso American Legion and Auxiliary
Smorgasbord and Raffle will be held on Sunday,
December 7 from 10:30-12:30 p.m. at the Wabasso
Community Center. Cost of the meal is $8 for adults and
$4 for children 5-12. Pre-school are free. Everyone is
welcome to attend.
This weekend was Commitment Weekend for the
juniors. They are now officially candidates for
confirmation. Prayer slips should have been handed out at
each parish with a name of one of the candidates to pray
for. Tape it to your mirror or put it on your fridge to
remind you to pray for them throughout the year. If you
did not receive one and would like one, check in the back
of the churches to pick one up or you may pick one from
the following list or pray for all of them. Cole Andersen,
Morgan Berg, Ethan Derickson, Morgan Frank, Jamie
Goblirsch, Jerry Imker, Tom Imker, Collin Iverson, Caleb
Kemp, Rebecca Klann, Dylan Kramer, Shannen Mahal,
Tracy Rhodes, Jocelyn Rothmeier, Thomas Turbes
accepted until December 1. If you have any questions
feel free to call Wade McKittrick at the school (342-5114).
Thank you for your support.
“SAVE THE DATE” -- Our Lady of Victory Catholic
United Financial is again sponsoring a Dinner Concert by
the Southwest MN Area Men’s Choir, on Tuesday,
December 9 at Our Lady of Victory. The dinner is at 6:00
and the concert begins at 7:00. Tickets are available on
November 15 at First Independent Bank-Lucan, Integrity
Bank in Wabasso, and from Chorus Members.
St. Michaels in Morgan will be hosting an Advent
Reflection on Saturday, December 6th and we are inviting
all that are interested in coming. Last year's event was a
great success and everyone who attended felt it was very
The day will open with 7:45-8:15
Confessions, 8:00 a.m. Rosary, and 8:30 a.m. Mass.
Coffee, juice and muffins following Mass. Msgr. Lozinski
with an Advent reflection and Lectio Divina Scripture
Study Closing at 11 a.m. Please email Kris Anderson at
dandk@wvtvwireless.com or call 507-249-2855 to help us
St. Joseph's Oratory in Clements will be having
Thanksgiving Eve Mass Wednesday, Nov. 26 at 5:30 pm.
We will also be collecting non-perishable items for food
shelf in the entry way of Church. Everyone is welcome!
St. Joseph's Oratory
We Act, a Wabasso High School organization whose
main purpose is helping the community, is starting a local
project. They are accepting store bought turkeys, hams
and other poultry to donate to W.A.F.E.R, the local food
shelf, so families are able to have a Christmas dinner. You
Lucan First Responders Holiday BINGO will be on
can drop off the ham, poultry or cash donations at
Sunday, Nov. 23 at 1:00 p.m. at the Lucan Community
Wabasso Public School. Ham or poultry may also be
Center. This is a free will donation to play. Cookies, juice
purchased and left at Salfer’s Food Center, Wabasso
and coffee provided! Everyone come and play!
Locker or the Vesta Locker. We Act will pick up
donations from those businesses. Donations will be
MINISTERS AT THE ALTAR – Thanksgiving, Nov 27 at 8:30, Sunday, Nov 30 at 10:00 a.m.
Server Thank Benjamin & Timothy Nelson, Madison Guetter
Sunday Collin Rohlik, Jaxon Fischer, Alan Ourada
Lector Thank Jim Guetter Extra. Min: Candy Sobocinski, Marv Zollner, Kathy Wall, Randy Zollner, Sherry Plaetz
Sunday Jane Lensing
Audrey Prokosch, Brent & Jane Imker, Jane Lensing, Cheri Dallmann
Organist Thank Mary Franta
Song Leader: Mark Guetter
Sunday Sherry Plaetz
Nicole Deprez
Home Com
Matt & Bernadette Thooft
Money Count Jane & Shirley Money Deposit: Ron & Bruce
Usher Thank Paul Sobocinski & Nick Fischer
Sunday Steve Prokosch, Mike Mahal
Church Care Nov 28: Dan Salfer, Jim Salfer, Steven & Kayla Salfer
Dec 5: Brad & Kelly Salfer, Jean Salfer, Ken & Gladys Salfer
 St. Anne’s Choir Practice for Christmas will be following the 10 a.m. Mass on Dec. 7. All Welcome!
 Fr. Diehl Newsletters are ready to be folded. Please come Monday, Nov. 24 at 8:30 a.m. to the Parish
Office. Thanks for your help!
 Catholic United Financial Christmas party and annual meeting will be held on Monday, Dec. 1 in the
St. Anne's social hall beginning with entertainment at 6 pm followed by supper at 6:30. All members and
their spouses are invited.
 St. Anne’s CCW Christmas Party will be on Thursday, December 11 with a 5:00 p.m. Mass with
supper to follow. Please call Sue at the Parish Office 342-5190 to RSVP
MINISTERS AT THE ALTAR – Sunday, November 30 at 8:00 a.m.
Kyle McKeown, Lance & Luke Wagner
Carrie Bliss Extra. Min: Julie Kramer, Karen Maertens, Doris Petracek, Gary & Monica Rohlik
Joel Irlbeck
Home Com Marv Bernardy
Church Care Nov 29: Monica Rohlik, Deb Rohlik, Sue Rohlik
Catholic United Financial Christmas party and annual meeting will be held on Monday, Dec. 1 in the
St. Anne's social hall beginning with entertainment at 6 pm followed by supper at 6:30. All members and
their spouses are invited.
 Last chance to purchase quilt raffle tickets for quilts displayed in St. Mary’s entry. Drawing Dec. 7.
Proceeds go to San Lucas Mission.
 Seaforth CCW Adult Christmas Party will be Sunday, December 7th starting at 5:00pm and supper will
be served at 5:30pm. There is a sign-up sheet in the back of church. If you wish to attend please sign-up
by November, 30th.
 St. Mary’s Share the Spirit Family consists of 2 parents, girls ages 14, 10, and 2 and boys ages 17 and
8. Label gifts as to which member of the family and bring to the St. Mary’s Adult Christmas party.
 Mission Quilting will begin on Tues, Nov. 25 at 9 a.m. Sack lunch at noon. Come all or part of the day.
 Quilt tops are available for sewing on corner stand in Kumfert Hall
MINISTERS AT THE ALTAR – Saturday, November 29 at 5:00 p.m.
Theo Berg, Cody & Stephanie Dudgeon
Dan O’Callaghan Extra. Min: Lucy Moldan, Bobbi Riley, Art & Dawn Rohlik, Rita Rohlik
Steve & Janell Frank
Greeters/Gift David & Cindy Moldan
Church Care Dan & Melissa Ramsbacher, Bobbi Riley, Rick & Pam Riley
Snow Shoveling Dan O’Callaghan, Dan Ramsbacher, Rick Riley
MINISTERS AT THE ALTAR – Saturday, November 29 at 7:00 p.m.
Tayler Thompson, Emma & Caden Filzen
Robert Plaetz
Extra. Min: PJ Bock, Bob & Rindy Filzen, Lorine Goblirsch, Kathy Plaetz
Jason Norcutt Family
Church Care Chr. Jane Plaetz, Kathy Plaetz, Amy Rasmussen, Francis Swedzinski
 OLV CCW meeting will be on Thursday, December 11. Time will be in the bulletin next week
 The OLV Parish Council would like to remind us to be generous with our Thanksgiving Collection
envelope even though we do not have a Mass at OLV; the envelopes will be passed on to our OLV parish.
The parish relies on these holiday collections as part of our income for the year. Our 2011 collection was
$2,255.00; 2012 $18,715.00 & 2013 $3,417. Thank you for your prayerful decision to your stewardship.
 The WAFER Food Shelf is in need of donations of food and money; they have been very busy. There is
a list in the back of church with their needs and a BOX labeled WAFER FOOD SHELF in the back of
church. Thank you on behalf of the food shelf.
 Anyone willing to help in some way (set up, meal prep, serving, clean-up) with the Catholic United
Financial fundraiser on December 9, please contact Julie Plaetz at 747-2593.
November 2014
2 Masses
8 a.m. St. Mary
10 a.m. St. Anne
Savings Ends
No Mass
No School
------------16 Masses
8 a.m. St. Mary
10 a.m. St. Anne
No Mass
Team Brunch
23 Masses
8 a.m. St.
10 a.m. St.
30 Masses
8 a.m. St. Mary
10 a.m. St.
No Mass
31 Mass
All Saints
7 p.m. St.
1 All Saints
8:30 a.m. OLV
8 Masses
5 p.m. St. Mathias
7 p.m. OLV
8:30 a.m. St.
Prairie Arts
Concert at
St. Anne
8:30 a.m. St.
18 Mass
6 p.m. St. Mary
10 a.m. Golden
7 p.m. St. Anne
Admin. Mtg.
19 Mass
8 a.m. OLV
10 a.m. Belview
20 Mass
8:30 a.m. St.
School Mass
10 a.m.
6:30 p.m. St.
Admin mtg.
21 Mass
8 a.m. St.
22 Masses
5 p.m. St. Mathias
7 p.m. OLV
COF Bingo
25 Mass
6 p.m. St. Mary
7 p.m. AFC-PC
at St. Mathias
26 Mass
8 a.m. OLV
10 a.m. Garnette
7 p.m.
Service at St.
27 Mass
8:30 a.m. St.
28 Mass
8 a.m. St.
29 Masses
5 p.m. St. Mathias
7 p.m. OLV
2 p.m. Wedding at St.
9 Masses
8 a.m. St. Mary
10 a.m. St. Anne
6 p.m.
Team Mtg.
Weekend Masses
5 p.m. St. Mathias
7 p.m. OLV
-------------15 Masses
5 p.m. St. Mathias
7 p.m. OLV
St. Anne’s School Calendar Cash Drawing
Wabasso, MN 56293
2015 Calendar Cost $20
**$6,380 in Cash Prizes**
50 15 15
30 15 15 15 15 15 15
30 15 15 15 15 15 15
30 15 15 15 15 15 15
30 15 15 15 15 15 15
1515 15 15
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15 15 15 15 15
30 15 15 15 15 15 15
30 15 15 15 15 15 15
30 15 15 15 50 15 15
30 15 15 15
15 15 15 15 15
30 15 15 15 15 15 15
30 15 15 15 15 15 15
30 15 15 15 15 50 15
30 15 15 15 15
51 Sundays - $30 each …………………………………….. $ 1,530
Christmas, Easter, New Years, Thanksgiving - $50 each … $
Exemption number
310 Weekdays - $15 each ……………………………….... $ 4,650
Total Payment Amount ……………………………………. $ 6,380
- You can win more than once, don’t need to be present to win, winnings sent monthly
- Entry must be received at St. Anne’s School by December 13, 2014
Sponsored by St. Anne’s Catholic United Financial
Name _______________________________ Phone _______________
Address ___________________________________________________
City, State, Zip _____________________________________________
Return to St. Anne’s School, Box 239, Wabasso, MN 56293
Sponsored by St. Anne’s Catholic United Financial
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CALENDAR NO: B
Name _______________________________ Phone _______________
Address ___________________________________________________
City, State, Zip _____________________________________________
Return to St. Anne’s School, Box 239, Wabasso, MN 56293
Calendar Cash
St. Anne’s School students are
selling Catholic United Financial
sponsored calendar sheets for
$20. Each calendar enables you
prizes. Weekdays are awarded
$15, Sundays $30 and four
holidays $50. Send you name,
phone, address and $20 per entry
(3 entries printed on the left) to
St. Anne’s School, Box 239,
Wabasso, MN. 56293. We must
receive them by December 13,
2014. If you’d like more than
three entries, send $20 each and
you. Drawing will be December
16, 2014. Winners announced in
newsletter, bulletin and on line at
(www.wabasso.corg, click on link
– St. Anne’s Bulletin).